Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_value_set_r1_rit(self):
        """Test of the pipe_control.value.set() function."""

        # Set the current data pipe to 'mf'.

        # Set variables.
        exp_type = 'R1rho'
        frq = 800.1 * 1E6

        # Set an experiment type to the pipe.
        set_exp_type(spectrum_id='test', exp_type=exp_type)

        # Set a frequency to loop through.
        spectrometer.set_frequency(id='test', frq=frq, units='Hz')

        # Generate dic key.
        r20_key = generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

        # Set first similar to r2.
        value.set(val=None, param='r2')
        self.assertEqual(cdp.mol[0].res[0].spin[0].r2[r20_key], 10.0)

        # Then set for r1.
        value.set(val=None, param='r1')
        self.assertEqual(cdp.mol[0].res[0].spin[0].r1[r20_key], 2.0)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_value_set_r1_rit(self):
        """Test of the pipe_control.value.set() function."""

        # Set the current data pipe to 'mf'.

        # Set variables.
        exp_type = 'R1rho'
        frq = 800.1 * 1E6

        # Set an experiment type to the pipe.
        set_exp_type(spectrum_id='test', exp_type=exp_type)

        # Set a frequency to loop through.
        spectrometer.set_frequency(id='test', frq=frq, units='Hz')

        # Generate dic key.
        r20_key = generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

        # Set first similar to r2.
        value.set(val=None, param='r2')
        self.assertEqual(cdp.mol[0].res[0].spin[0].r2[r20_key], 10.0)

        # Then set for r1.
        value.set(val=None, param='r1')
        self.assertEqual(cdp.mol[0].res[0].spin[0].r1[r20_key], 2.0)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def calc_point_par_chi2(self):
        """Function for chi2 value for the points."""

        # Print out.
        print("\nCalculate chi2 value for the point parameters.")

        # Define nested listed, which holds parameter values and chi2 value.
        par_chi2_vals = []

        # Loop over the points.
        for i in range(self.num_points):
            i_point = self.point[i]

            # Set the parameter values.
            if self.spin_id:
                value.set(val=i_point, param=self.params, force=True)

            # Calculate the function values.
            if self.spin_id:
                self.api.calculate(spin_id=self.spin_id, verbosity=0)

            # Get the minimisation statistics for the model.
            if self.spin_id:
                k, n, chi2 = self.api.model_statistics(spin_id=self.spin_id)
                k, n, chi2 = self.api.model_statistics(model_info=0)

            # Assign value to nested list.
            par_chi2_vals.append([i, i_point[0], i_point[1], i_point[2], chi2])

        # Return list
        return par_chi2_vals
Exemplo n.º 4
    def calc_point_par_chi2(self):
        """Function for chi2 value for the points."""

        # Print out.
        print("\nCalculate chi2 value for the point parameters.")

        # Define nested listed, which holds parameter values and chi2 value.
        par_chi2_vals = []

        # Loop over the points.
        for i in range(self.num_points):
            i_point = self.point[i]

            # Set the parameter values.
            if self.spin_id:
                value.set(val=i_point, param=self.params, spin_id=self.spin_id, force=True)
                value.set(val=i_point, param=self.params, force=True)

            # Calculate the function values.
            if self.spin_id:
                self.api.calculate(spin_id=self.spin_id, verbosity=0)

            # Get the minimisation statistics for the model.
            if self.spin_id:
                k, n, chi2 = self.api.model_statistics(spin_id=self.spin_id)
                k, n, chi2 = self.api.model_statistics(model_info=0)

            # Assign value to nested list.
            par_chi2_vals.append([i, i_point[0], i_point[1], i_point[2], chi2])

        # Return list
        return par_chi2_vals
Exemplo n.º 5
    def map_3D_text(self, map_file):
        """Function for creating the text of a 3D map."""

        # Initialise.
        values = zeros(3, float64)
        percent = 0.0
        percent_inc = 100.0 / (self.inc + 1.0)**(self.n - 1.0)
        print("%-10s%8.3f%-1s" % ("Progress:", percent, "%"))

        # Collect all chi2, to help finding a reasobale chi level for the Innermost, Inner, Middle and Outer Isosurface.
        all_chi = []

        # Fix the diffusion tensor.
        unfix = False
        if hasattr(cdp, 'diff_tensor') and not cdp.diff_tensor.fixed:
            cdp.diff_tensor.fixed = True
            unfix = True

        # Initial value of the first parameter.
        values[0] = self.bounds[0, 0]

        # Define counter
        counter = 0

        # Loop over the first parameter.
        for i in range((self.inc + 1)):
            # Initial value of the second parameter.
            values[1] = self.bounds[1, 0]

            # Loop over the second parameter.
            for j in range((self.inc + 1)):
                # Initial value of the third parameter.
                values[2] = self.bounds[2, 0]

                # Loop over the third parameter.
                for k in range((self.inc + 1)):
                    # Set the parameter values.
                    if self.spin_id:

                    # Calculate the function values.
                    if self.spin_id:
                        self.api.calculate(spin_id=self.spin_id, verbosity=0)

                    # Get the minimisation statistics for the model.
                    if self.spin_id:
                        k, n, chi2 = self.api.model_statistics(
                        k, n, chi2 = self.api.model_statistics(model_info=0)

                    # Set maximum value to 1e20 to stop the OpenDX server connection from breaking.
                    if chi2 > 1e20:
                        map_file.write("%30f\n" % 1e20)
                        map_file.write("%30f\n" % chi2)

                        # Save all values of chi2. To help find reasonale level for the Innermost, Inner, Middle and Outer Isosurface.

                    # Assign value to nested list.
                        [counter, values[0], values[1], values[2], chi2])

                    # Add to counter.
                    counter += 1

                    # Increment the value of the third parameter.
                    values[2] = values[2] + self.step_size[2]

                # Progress incrementation and printout.
                percent = percent + percent_inc
                print("%-10s%8.3f%-8s%-8g" %
                      ("Progress:", percent,
                       "%,  " + repr(values) + ",  f(x): ", chi2))

                # Increment the value of the second parameter.
                values[1] = values[1] + self.step_size[1]

            # Increment the value of the first parameter.
            values[0] = values[0] + self.step_size[0]

        # Unfix the diffusion tensor.
        if unfix:
            cdp.diff_tensor.fixed = False

        # Save all chi2 values.
        self.all_chi = all_chi
Exemplo n.º 6
    def map_3D_text(self, map_file):
        """Function for creating the text of a 3D map."""

        # Initialise.
        values = zeros(3, float64)
        percent = 0.0
        percent_inc = 100.0 / (self.inc + 1.0)**(self.n - 1.0)
        print("%-10s%8.3f%-1s" % ("Progress:", percent, "%"))

        # Collect all chi2, to help finding a reasobale chi level for the Innermost, Inner, Middle and Outer Isosurface.
        all_chi = []

        # Fix the diffusion tensor.
        unfix = False
        if hasattr(cdp, 'diff_tensor') and not cdp.diff_tensor.fixed:
            cdp.diff_tensor.fixed = True
            unfix = True

        # Initial value of the first parameter.
        values[0] = self.bounds[0, 0]

        # Define counter
        counter = 0

        # Loop over the first parameter.
        for i in range((self.inc + 1)):
            # Initial value of the second parameter.
            values[1] = self.bounds[1, 0]

            # Loop over the second parameter.
            for j in range((self.inc + 1)):
                # Initial value of the third parameter.
                values[2] = self.bounds[2, 0]

                # Loop over the third parameter.
                for k in range((self.inc + 1)):
                    # Set the parameter values.
                    if self.spin_id:
                        value.set(val=values, param=self.params, spin_id=self.spin_id, verbosity=0, force=True)
                        value.set(val=values, param=self.params, verbosity=0, force=True)

                    # Calculate the function values.
                    if self.spin_id:
                        self.api.calculate(spin_id=self.spin_id, verbosity=0)

                    # Get the minimisation statistics for the model.
                    if self.spin_id:
                        k, n, chi2 = self.api.model_statistics(spin_id=self.spin_id)
                        k, n, chi2 = self.api.model_statistics(model_info=0)

                    # Set maximum value to 1e20 to stop the OpenDX server connection from breaking.
                    if chi2 > 1e20:
                        map_file.write("%30f\n" % 1e20)
                        map_file.write("%30f\n" % chi2)

                        # Save all values of chi2. To help find reasonale level for the Innermost, Inner, Middle and Outer Isosurface.

                    # Assign value to nested list.
                    self.par_chi2_vals.append([counter, values[0], values[1], values[2], chi2])

                    # Add to counter.
                    counter += 1

                    # Increment the value of the third parameter.
                    values[2] = values[2] + self.step_size[2]

                # Progress incrementation and printout.
                percent = percent + percent_inc
                print("%-10s%8.3f%-8s%-8g" % ("Progress:", percent, "%,  " + repr(values) + ",  f(x): ", chi2))

                # Increment the value of the second parameter.
                values[1] = values[1] + self.step_size[1]

            # Increment the value of the first parameter.
            values[0] = values[0] + self.step_size[0]

        # Unfix the diffusion tensor.
        if unfix:
            cdp.diff_tensor.fixed = False

        # Save all chi2 values.
        self.all_chi = all_chi
cur_spin_ids = cluster_spin_ids[0]

# Display spins

# Loop over the first parameter.
# Start counter from 1003, so values correspond to line number.
counter = 1003
for i in range((dx_inc + 1)):
    # Initial value of the second parameter.
    values[1] = bounds[1, 0]

    # Loop over the second parameter.
    for j in range((dx_inc + 1)):
        # Set the value.
        value.set(val=values, param=params, spin_id=cur_spin_id, force=True)

        # Calculate the function values.
        api.calculate(spin_id=cur_spin_id, verbosity=0)

        # Now copy the spin
        new_res_name = "%s_%s=%1.1f_%s=%1.1f" % (cur_resn, params[0], values[0], params[1], values[1])
        #spin.create(spin_name=cur_spin_name, spin_num=cur_spin_num, res_name=new_res_name, res_num=counter, mol_name=mol_name)
        residue.create(res_num=counter, res_name=new_res_name, mol_name=mol_name)
        new_spin_id =  ":%i@%s"%(counter, 'N')
        spin.copy(pipe_from=None, spin_from=cur_spin_id, pipe_to=None, spin_to=new_spin_id)

        # Get the minimisation statistics for the model.
        k_stat, n_stat, chi2 = api.model_statistics(spin_id=cur_spin_id)
        #print(k_stat, n_stat, chi2, "point is %s=%3.3f, %s=%3.3f"% (params[0], values[0], params[1], values[1]))
Exemplo n.º 8
def extract(dir):
    """Extract the data from the Dasha results files.

    @param dir:     The optional directory where the results file is located.
    @type dir:      str or None

    # Test if sequence data is loaded.
    if not exists_mol_res_spin_data():
        raise RelaxNoSequenceError

    # The directory.
    if dir == None:
        dir = pipes.cdp_name()
    if not access(dir, F_OK):
        raise RelaxDirError('Dasha', dir)

    # Loop over the parameters.
    for param in ['s2', 's2f', 's2s', 'te', 'tf', 'ts', 'rex']:
        # The file name.
        file_name = dir + sep + param + '.out'

        # Test if the file exists.
        if not access(file_name, F_OK):
            raise RelaxFileError('Dasha', file_name)

        # Scaling.
        if param in ['te', 'tf', 'ts']:
            scaling = 1e-9
        elif param == 'rex':
            scaling = 1.0 / (2.0 * pi * cdp.spectrometer_frq[cdp.ri_ids[0]]) ** 2
            scaling = 1.0

        # Read the values.
        data = read_results(file=file_name, scaling=scaling)

        # Set the values.
        for i in range(len(data)):
            value.set(val=data[i][1], param=param, spin_id=data[i][0])
            value.set(val=data[i][0], param=param, spin_id=data[i][0], error=True)

        # Clean up of non-existent parameters (set the parameter to None!).
        for spin in spin_loop():
            # Skip the spin (don't set the parameter to None) if the parameter exists in the model.
            if param in spin.params:

            # Set the parameter to None.
            setattr(spin, param.lower(), None)

    # Extract the chi-squared values.
    file_name = dir + sep+'chi2.out'

    # Test if the file exists.
    if not access(file_name, F_OK):
        raise RelaxFileError('Dasha', file_name)

    # Read the values.
    data = read_results(file=file_name)

    # Set the values.
    for i in range(len(data)):
        spin = return_spin(data[i][0])
        spin.chi2 = data[i][1]
all_chi = []

# Collect data.
data = []
# Append point as first data.
data.append(["%3.3f" % pcm[0], "%3.3f" % pcm[1], "%3.3f" % pre_chi2])

# Loop over the first parameter.
for i in range((dx_inc + 1)):
    # Initial value of the second parameter.
    values[1] = bounds[1, 0]

    # Loop over the second parameter.
    for j in range((dx_inc + 1)):
        # Set the value.
        value.set(val=values, param=params, spin_id=cur_spin_id, force=True)

        # Calculate the function values.
        api.calculate(spin_id=cur_spin_id, verbosity=0)

        # Get the minimisation statistics for the model.
        k_stat, n_stat, chi2 = api.model_statistics(spin_id=cur_spin_id)
        #print(k_stat, n_stat, chi2, "point is %s=%3.3f, %s=%3.3f"% (params[0], values[0], params[1], values[1]))

        # Progress incrementation and printout.
        percent = percent + percent_inc
            "%-10s%8.3f%-8s%-8g" %
            ("Progress:", percent, "%,  " + repr(values) + ",  f(x): ", chi2))

        # Append to data.
Exemplo n.º 10
    def map_3D_text(self, map_file):
        """Function for creating the text of a 3D map."""

        # Initialise.
        values = zeros(3, float64)
        percent = 0.0
        percent_inc = 100.0 / (self.inc + 1.0)**(self.n - 1.0)
        print("%-10s%8.3f%-1s" % ("Progress:", percent, "%"))

        # Fix the diffusion tensor.
        unfix = False
        if hasattr(cdp, 'diff_tensor') and not cdp.diff_tensor.fixed:
            cdp.diff_tensor.fixed = True
            unfix = True

        # Initial value of the first parameter.
        values[0] = self.bounds[0, 0]

        # The model identifier.

        # Loop over the first parameter.
        for i in range((self.inc + 1)):
            # Initial value of the second parameter.
            values[1] = self.bounds[1, 0]

            # Loop over the second parameter.
            for j in range((self.inc + 1)):
                # Initial value of the third parameter.
                values[2] = self.bounds[2, 0]

                # Loop over the third parameter.
                for k in range((self.inc + 1)):
                    # Set the parameter values.
                    if self.spin_id:
                        value.set(val=values, param=self.params, spin_id=self.spin_id, force=True)
                        value.set(val=values, param=self.params, force=True)

                    # Calculate the function values.
                    if self.spin_id:
                        self.calculate(spin_id=self.spin_id, verbosity=0)

                    # Get the minimisation statistics for the model.
                    if self.spin_id:
                        k, n, chi2 = self.model_stats(spin_id=self.spin_id)
                        k, n, chi2 = self.model_stats(model_info=0)

                    # Set maximum value to 1e20 to stop the OpenDX server connection from breaking.
                    if chi2 > 1e20:
                        map_file.write("%30f\n" % 1e20)
                        map_file.write("%30f\n" % chi2)

                    # Increment the value of the third parameter.
                    values[2] = values[2] + self.step_size[2]

                # Progress incrementation and printout.
                percent = percent + percent_inc
                print("%-10s%8.3f%-8s%-8g" % ("Progress:", percent, "%,  " + repr(values) + ",  f(x): ", chi2))

                # Increment the value of the second parameter.
                values[1] = values[1] + self.step_size[1]

            # Increment the value of the first parameter.
            values[0] = values[0] + self.step_size[0]

        # Unfix the diffusion tensor.
        if unfix:
            cdp.diff_tensor.fixed = False
Exemplo n.º 11
def extract(dir):
    """Extract the data from the Dasha results files.

    @param dir:     The optional directory where the results file is located.
    @type dir:      str or None

    # Test if sequence data is loaded.
    if not exists_mol_res_spin_data():
        raise RelaxNoSequenceError

    # The directory.
    if dir == None:
        dir = pipes.cdp_name()
    if not access(dir, F_OK):
        raise RelaxDirError('Dasha', dir)

    # Loop over the parameters.
    for param in ['s2', 's2f', 's2s', 'te', 'tf', 'ts', 'rex']:
        # The file name.
        file_name = dir + sep + param + '.out'

        # Test if the file exists.
        if not access(file_name, F_OK):
            raise RelaxFileError('Dasha', file_name)

        # Scaling.
        if param in ['te', 'tf', 'ts']:
            scaling = 1e-9
        elif param == 'rex':
            scaling = 1.0 / (2.0 * pi * cdp.spectrometer_frq[cdp.ri_ids[0]])**2
            scaling = 1.0

        # Read the values.
        data = read_results(file=file_name, scaling=scaling)

        # Set the values.
        for i in range(len(data)):
            value.set(val=data[i][1], param=param, spin_id=data[i][0])

        # Clean up of non-existent parameters (set the parameter to None!).
        for spin in spin_loop():
            # Skip the spin (don't set the parameter to None) if the parameter exists in the model.
            if param in spin.params:

            # Set the parameter to None.
            setattr(spin, param.lower(), None)

    # Extract the chi-squared values.
    file_name = dir + sep + 'chi2.out'

    # Test if the file exists.
    if not access(file_name, F_OK):
        raise RelaxFileError('Dasha', file_name)

    # Read the values.
    data = read_results(file=file_name)

    # Set the values.
    for i in range(len(data)):
        spin = return_spin(spin_id=data[i][0])
        spin.chi2 = data[i][1]