def simulate_increasing(data_size, margin=0.3, max_iter=100, learning_rate=0.1, steps=5, start=None, end=None): """Simulate learning an increasing training data set. Generates an unseperable data set, and trains on an increasing training set, then tests and plots. start: Initial (first step) training data set size. end: Final (last step) training data set size. """ data = generate_sphere_data(data_size, margin=margin) train_data, test_data = split_list(data, 0.75) # Initialize start/end sizes if not given. start = len(train_data)/steps if start is None else start end = len(train_data) if end is None else end w_colors = ['b', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] # w vector (line) graph color. w_gs = [] # w plot graphs. sizes = [] # Training data set sizes. success = [] # Success rates according to training data set sizes. for i in xrange(steps): # Increase training data size according to iteration. size = start + i*end/steps current_train_data = train_data[:size] w = train(current_train_data, max_iter=max_iter, r=learning_rate) error = test(test_data, w) status(current_train_data, test_data, error) print # Record size-success statistics. sizes.append(size) success.append(100 - error) # Plot decision boundary. w_color = w_colors[i] if i < len(w_colors) else w_colors[-1] figure(0) g, = plot_w(current_train_data, w, color=w_color) w_gs.append(g) figure(0).suptitle('Test data size: %d\nMaximum iterations: %d' % (len(test_data), max_iter)) plot_w_legend(w_gs, sizes) plot_data(data) figure(1).suptitle('Success rate according to training set size.') plot_success_per_size(sizes, success) show()
def plot_gsea_heatmap_(gsea_results, sel_genesets, factor, out): print(gsea_results) if gsea_results.endswith(""): abs = True else: abs = False gsea = xr.open_dataset(gsea_results).load() gsea['gene_set'] = (xr.apply_ufunc(np.char.decode, gsea['gene_set']).astype('object')) gsea['mri_feature'] = np.arange(1, gsea['mri_feature'].shape[0] + 1, dtype='i2') geneset_annot = (pd.read_table( sel_genesets, sep='\t', quotechar='"', comment='#').set_index('gene_set').to_xarray()) factor_idx = factor - 1 with plot.figure(figsize=(7.0, 3.5)) as fig: plot_gsea_heatmap(gsea, geneset_annot, factor_idx, fig, abs) fig.savefig(out, format="svg")
Umax = 0.25 r = np.linspace(-20.0, 20.0, 1000) cs = 1.0 U = -cs / abs(r) U[U < Umin] = np.NaN laser = -r / 30.0 Ubent = U + laser lr = r[-1] - r[0] lU = Umax - Umin r0 = abs(cs / Xe_Z0_Ip) fig = plot.figure() ax1, ax1b = plot.get_axis_two_scales(fig, scale_y=cst.Eh_to_eV, ax2_ylabel="Energy [eV]") # Ip ax1.plot([-r0, r0], [-Xe_Z0_Ip, -Xe_Z0_Ip], "-m") # Threshold ax1.axhline(0.0, color="k", ls="-", alpha=0.5) # U(r) ax1.plot(r, U, "--k", alpha=0.5, label="Unperturbed ion") # Laser ax1.plot(r, laser, "-r", label="Laser")
V_v_new.append(s['V_v']) #error Vapour errorV2= s['P'] - (p['R']*s['T'])/(s['V_v']-s['b']) + s['a']/s['V_v']**2 #print errorV #error Liquid errorL2= s['P'] - (p['R']*s['T'])/(s['V_l']-s['b']) + s['a']/s['V_l']**2 errorVnew.append(errorV2) errorLnew.append(errorL2) # Plot Volume root results on data plot.figure(1) plot.plot(V_l_old, p['P'], 'b*', label='Old liquid root') plot.plot(V_v_old, p['P'], 'r*', label='Old vapour root') plot.plot(V_l_new, p['P'], 'bx', label='New liquid root') plot.plot(V_v_new, p['P'], 'rx', label='New vapour root') plot.ylabel("Pressure / Pa") plot.title("Volume root differences on data P, " "T for {}".format(p['name'][0])) plot.legend() # plot.figure(2) plot.plot(range(len(V_l_old)), numpy.array(V_l_old) - numpy.array(V_l_new), 'b*', label='$\Delta V_l$') plot.plot(range(len(V_v_old)),
r = np.linspace(-20.0, 20.0, 1000) lr = r[-1] - r[0] r01 = 0.0 r02 = -8.2 r03 = 0.0 r04 = +8.2 cs = 1.0 U1 = -cs/abs(r-r01) U2 = -cs/abs(r-r02) - cs/abs(r-r03) - cs/abs(r-r04) U1[U1<Umin] = np.NaN U2[U2<Umin] = np.NaN r0 = abs(cs/Xe_Z0_Ip) fig = plot.figure(figsize = (10.0, 7.0)) ax1, ax1b = plot.get_axis_two_scales(fig, scale_y = cst.Eh_to_eV, ax2_ylabel = 'Energy [eV]', subplot = 121) ax2, ax2b = plot.get_axis_two_scales(fig, scale_y = cst.Eh_to_eV, ax2_ylabel = 'Energy [eV]', sharex = ax1, sharey = ax1, subplot = 122) ax1b.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax2.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # ****************************************************** ax1.plot(r, U1)
ax.text(0.8*d, 0.6*d, 'z') # Corners g = d / 8.0 # Gap ax.text(-g, 0, '(i,j,k+1)', verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'right') # 0 ax.text(s+g,0, '(i+1,j,k+1)', verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'left') # 1 ax.text(-g, s, '(i,j+1,k+1)', verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'right') # 2 ax.text(s+g,s, '(i+1,j+1,k+1)',verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'left') # 3 ax.text(d-g, d, '(i,j,k)', verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'right') # 4 ax.text(d+s+g,d, '(i+1,j,k+1)', verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'left') # 5 ax.text(d-g, s+d, '(i,j+1,k)', verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'right') # 6 ax.text(s+d+g, s+d, '(i+1,j+1,k)', verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'left') # 7 # ****************************************************************************************** # Yee cell (FDTD) fig_yee = plot.figure() ax = fig_yee.add_subplot(1,1,1, aspect = 'equal', xticks=[], yticks=[], frameon=False) plot_cell(ax) # H arrows x y dx dy ax.add_patch(plt.Arrow((s+d)/2.0, d/2.0, 0.0, d, width = d/2.0, edgecolor='none', facecolor = 'blue')) ax.add_patch(plt.Arrow(d/2.0, (s+d)/2.0, d, 0.0, width = d/2.0, edgecolor='none', facecolor = 'blue')) ax.add_patch(plt.Arrow(d+s/2.0, d+s/2.0, -d/3.0, -d/3.0, width = d/2.0, edgecolor='none', facecolor = 'blue')) # H text ax.text(d/2.0, (s+d)/2.0, '$H_{x(i,j+1/2,k+1/2)}$', color = 'blue', verticalalignment = 'top', horizontalalignment = 'center') ax.text((s+d)/2.0, d/2.0, '$H_{y(i+1/2,j,k+1/2)}$', color = 'blue', verticalalignment = 'top', horizontalalignment = 'center') ax.text(d+s/2.0, d+s/2.0, '$H_{z(i+1/2,j+1/2,k)}$', color = 'blue', verticalalignment = 'bottom', horizontalalignment = 'center') # E arrows x y dx dy ax.add_patch(plt.Arrow(d+s/2.0, d, d, 0.0, width = d/2.0, edgecolor='none', facecolor = 'red'))
# frequency space where the time series show high common power. Torrence and # Compo (1998) state that the percent point function -- PPF (inverse of the # cumulative distribution function) of a chi-square distribution at 95% # confidence and two degrees of freedom is Z2(95%)=3.999. However, calculating # the PPF using chi2.ppf gives Z2(95%)=5.991. To ensure similar significance # intervals as in Grinsted et al. (2004), one has to use confidence of 86.46%. xwt = wavelet.xwt(t1, s1, t2, s2, significance_level=0.8646, normalize=True) # Calculate the wavelet coherence (WTC). The WTC finds regions in time # frequency space where the two time seris co-vary, but do not necessarily have # high power. wct = wavelet.wct(t1, s1, t2, s2, significance_level=0.8646, normalize=True) # Do the plotting! pylab.close('all') fig = wavplot.figure(ap=dict( left=0.07, bottom=0.06, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) fig, ax = wavplot.cwt(t1, s1, cwt1, sig1, fig=fig, ax=ax, extend='both') bx = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=ax) fig, bx = wavplot.cwt(t2, s2, cwt2, sig2, fig=fig, ax=bx, extend='both') ax.set_xlim = ([t2.min(), t1.max()]) if save: fig.savefig('sample_ao-bmi_cwt.png') fig = wavplot.figure(fp=dict()) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) fig, ax = wavplot.xwt(*xwt, fig=fig, ax=ax, extend='both') ax.set_xlim = ([xwt[1].min(), xwt[1].max()]) if save: fig.savefig('sample_ao-bmi_xwt.png')
# frequency space where the time series show high common power. Torrence and # Compo (1998) state that the percent point function -- PPF (inverse of the # cumulative distribution function) of a chi-square distribution at 95% # confidence and two degrees of freedom is Z2(95%)=3.999. However, calculating # the PPF using chi2.ppf gives Z2(95%)=5.991. To ensure similar significance # intervals as in Grinsted et al. (2004), one has to use confidence of 86.46%. xwt = wavelet.xwt(t1, s1, t2, s2, significance_level=0.8646, normalize=True) # Calculate the wavelet coherence (WTC). The WTC finds regions in time # frequency space where the two time seris co-vary, but do not necessarily have # high power. wct = wavelet.wct(t1, s1, t2, s2, significance_level=0.8646, normalize=True) # Do the plotting! pylab.close('all') fig = wavplot.figure(ap=dict(left=0.07, bottom=0.06, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) fig, ax = wavplot.cwt(t1, s1, cwt1, sig1, fig=fig, ax=ax, extend='both') bx = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=ax) fig, bx = wavplot.cwt(t2, s2, cwt2, sig2, fig=fig, ax=bx, extend='both') ax.set_xlim = ([t2.min(), t1.max()]) if save: fig.savefig('sample_ao-bmi_cwt.png') fig = wavplot.figure(fp=dict()) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) fig, ax = wavplot.xwt(*xwt, fig=fig, ax=ax, extend='both') ax.set_xlim = ([xwt[1].min(), xwt[1].max()]) if save: fig.savefig('sample_ao-bmi_xwt.png')
arrow_Vb.Print() arrow_Ub.Print() arrow_ImpE_Kinf1.Print() arrow_ImpE_Kinf2.Print() arrow_ImpE_K_thresh.Print() arrow_ImpE_U_thresh.Print() arrow_DeltaU.Print() # ****************************************************************************** # Plots # ****************************************************************************** if options.twofigures: figs = [] if plot_V: fig1 = plot.figure() figs.append(fig1) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.0) if plot_U: fig2 = plot.figure() figs.append(fig2) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.0) figs_N = 1 fig1_y = 1 fig2_y = 1 else: fig1 = plot.figure() fig2 = fig1 figs = [fig1] figs_N = 2 fig1_y = 1