Exemplo n.º 1
def fitMassMC(tzero,period,oc,epoch,weight):
    z = numpy.polyfit(epoch, oc, 2)   # the traditional chi-square fit
    print "The chi-square result: ",  z
    sig = pymc.Uniform("sig", 0.0, 100.0, value=1.)
    a = pymc.Uniform("a", -10.0, 10.0, value= 0.0)
    b = pymc.Uniform("b", -10.0, 10.0, value= 0.0)
    c = pymc.Uniform("c", -10.0, 10.0, value= 0.0)

    def mod_quadratic(x=epoch, a=a, b=b, c=c):
          return a*x**2 + b*x + c
    quad_y = pymc.Normal("y", mu=mod_quadratic, tau=1.0/sig**2, value=oc, observed=True)
    quad_model = pymc.Model([quad_y, a, b, c])
    quadratic_mcmc = pymc.MCMC(quad_model)
    quadratic_mcmc.sample(1000000, 200)
    a = quadratic_mcmc.trace('a')[:]
    b = quadratic_mcmc.trace('b')[:]
    c = quadratic_mcmc.trace('c')[:]
    print('Last value of a: {}, and the median value is {}'.format(a[-1], numpy.median(a)))
    print('Last value of b: {}, and the median value is {}'.format(b[-1], numpy.median(b)))
    print('Last value of c: {}, and the median value is {}'.format(c[-1], numpy.median(c)))
    print quadratic_mcmc.stats()
    xmin = min(epoch)
    xmax = max(epoch)
    xlen = len(epoch)
    fitx = numpy.linspace(xmin,xmax,xlen)
    fity = model(a[-1],b[-1],c[-1],fitx)
    fitPlot(epoch, oc, minType, method,fitx, fity)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def fitLiteLM(self, userA, ecc, w, tzero, per, npoc, npepoch, weight, limitations):

        l = Lite()


        l["a"] = userA
        l["ecc"] = ecc
        l["w"] = w
        l["t0"] = tzero
        l["per"] = per
        freedomPars = []

        if limitations[0] == False:
        if limitations[1] == False:
        if limitations[2] == False:
        if limitations[3] == False:
        if limitations[4] == False:

        print freedomPars
        l.thaw(freedomPars)  # free parameters
        print l.thaw
        l.fit(npepoch, npoc, yerr=weight)


        model = l.evaluate(npepoch)

        sepoch, fity = zip(*sorted(zip(npepoch, model)))

        fitPlot(npepoch, npoc, minType, method, sepoch, fity)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def fitLiteLM(self,userA,ecc,w,tzero,per,npoc,npepoch,weight,limitations):
        l = Lite()

        l["a"] = userA
        l["ecc"] = ecc
        freedomPars = []
        if limitations[0] == False:
        if limitations[1] == False:
        if limitations[2] == False:
        if limitations[3] == False:
        if limitations[4] == False:

################## FIT MCMC #####################################
#        l.thaw(freedomPars) #free parameters
#        l.fit(npepoch,npoc,yerr=weight)
#        X0 = {"a":l["a"],"ecc":l["ecc"],"w":l["w"], "t0":l["t0"], "per":l["per"]}
#        Lims = {"a":[-10.,10.],"ecc":[-1.,1], "w":[-360.,360.], "t0":[0.,50000.], "per":[0.,100000.]} 
#        steps = {"a":0.01, "ecc":0.01,"w":0.1, "t0":200, "per":500}
#        l.fitMCMC(npepoch, npoc, X0, Lims, steps, yerr=weight, \
#            iter=2500, burn=0, thin=1, \
#            dbfile="mcmcExample.tmp")
        # specific limits for MCMC paramters
#        ppa = {}
#        ppa["a"] = pymc.Uniform("a", value=l["a"], lower=-1., \
#                        upper=1.0, doc="Amplitude")
#        ppa["ecc"] = pymc.Uniform("ecc", value=l["ecc"], lower=0., \
#                        upper=1.0, doc="Eccentricity")      
        # Use this for ppa
#        l.fitMCMC(npepoch, npoc, X0, Lims, steps, yerr=weight, \
#            pymcPars=ppa,iter=2500, burn=0, thin=1, \
#            dbfile="mcmcExample.tmp")

######## AUTO FIT is WORKING #####################################                 
#        ranges = {"a":[-10.,10.],"ecc":[0.,1], "w":[0.,360.], "t0":[0.,50000.], "per":[0.,50000.]}             
#        l.autoFitMCMC(npepoch, npoc, ranges, yerr=weight, iter=1000, picky=False)
######## emcee ################################################### 
        l.thaw(freedomPars) #free parameters
        sampleArgs = {"iters":1000, "burn":200}
        priors = {"a":fuf.FuFPrior("limuniform", lower=-10.0, upper=10.), \
                  "ecc":fuf.FuFPrior("limuniform", lower=-1.0, upper=1.), \
                  "w":fuf.FuFPrior("limuniform", lower=-360.0, upper=360.), \
                  "t0":fuf.FuFPrior("limuniform", lower=0.0, upper=50000.), \
                  "per":fuf.FuFPrior("limuniform", lower=0.0, upper=50000.)}

        # Note that the filename should end in .emcee. Substitute this filename
        # in the following examples.
        l.fitEMCEE(npepoch, npoc, yerr=weight, sampleArgs=sampleArgs, \
                    dbfile="mcmcTA.emcee", priors=priors)
        model = l.evaluate(npepoch)
        sepoch, fity = zip(*sorted(zip(npepoch, model)))
        fitPlot(npepoch, npoc, minType, method, sepoch,fity)
        #print l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, l8, l9, l10,l11, l12
        #return l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, l8, l9, l10,l11, l12, fitx, fity
Exemplo n.º 4
    except Exception, mes:
        print "Something went wrong with fit: ", mes
        raise SystemExit

    # results
    l1 = "Fit status: ", fitobj.message
    l2 = "Best-fit parameters:      ", fitobj.params
    l3 = "Covariance errors:        ", fitobj.xerror
    l4 = "Standard errors           ", fitobj.stderr
    l5 = "Chi^2 min:                ", fitobj.chi2_min
    l6 = "Reduced Chi^2:            ", fitobj.rchi2_min
    l7 = "Iterations:               ", fitobj.niter
    l8 = "Number of function calls: ", fitobj.nfev
    l9 = "Number of free pars.:     ", fitobj.nfree
    l10 = "Degrees of freedom:       ", fitobj.dof
    l11 = "Number of pegged pars.:   ", fitobj.npegged
    l12 = "Covariance matrix:\n", fitobj.covar

    xmin = min(epoch)
    xmax = max(epoch)
    xlen = len(epoch)
    fitx = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, xlen)

    fity = model(fitobj.params, fitx)

    fitPlot(epoch, oc, minType, method, fitx, fity)
    return l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, l8, l9, l10, l11, l12, fitx, fity
Exemplo n.º 5
    def fitMassMC(self,tzero,per,npoc,npepoch,weight):
        l = massTransfer()

#        l["a"] = 0
#        l["b"] = 0
#        l["c"]= 0

################## FIT MCMC #####################################
#        l.thaw(["a","b","c"]) #free parameters
#        l.fit(npepoch,npoc,yerr=weight)
#        X0 = {"a":l["a"],"b":l["b"],"c":l["c"]}
#        Lims = {"a":[-1e-20,1e20],"b":[-1e-20,1e20], "c":[-1e-20,1e20]} 
#        steps = {"a":0.01, "b":0.01,"c":0.1}
#        l.fitMCMC(npepoch, npoc, X0, Lims, steps, yerr=weight, \
#            iter=1000, burn=0, thin=1, \
#            dbfile="mcmcExample.tmp")
        # specific limits for MCMC paramters
#        ppa = {}
#        ppa["a"] = pymc.Uniform("a", value=l["a"], lower=-1., \
#                        upper=1.0, doc="Amplitude")
#        ppa["ecc"] = pymc.Uniform("ecc", value=l["ecc"], lower=0., \
#                        upper=1.0, doc="Eccentricity")      
        # Use this for ppa
#        l.fitMCMC(npepoch, npoc, X0, Lims, steps, yerr=weight, \
#            pymcPars=ppa,iter=2500, burn=0, thin=1, \
#            dbfile="mcmcExample.tmp")

######## AUTO FIT is WORKING #####################################                 
#        ranges = {"a":[-1e-20,1e20],"b":[-1e-20,1e20], "c":[-1e-20,1e20]}            
#        l.autoFitMCMC(npepoch, npoc, ranges, yerr=weight, iter=100000, picky=False)
######## emcee ################################################### 
        l.thaw(["a","b","c"]) #free parameters
        sampleArgs = {"iters":100000, "burn":200}
        priors = {"a":fuf.FuFPrior("limuniform", lower=-1e-20, upper=1e-20), \
                  "b":fuf.FuFPrior("limuniform", lower=-1e-20, upper=1e-20), \
                  "c":fuf.FuFPrior("limuniform", lower=-1e-20, upper=1e-20)}

        # Note that the filename should end in .emcee. Substitute this filename
        # in the following examples.
        l.fitEMCEE(npepoch, npoc, yerr=weight, sampleArgs=sampleArgs, \
                    dbfile="mcmcTA.emcee", priors=priors)
        model = l.evaluate(npepoch)
        sepoch, fity = zip(*sorted(zip(npepoch, model)))
        fitPlot(npepoch, npoc, minType, method, sepoch,fity)