Exemplo n.º 1
def add_post():
    text = env.request.args('text', '').strip()

    tags = env.request.args('tags', '').strip(' \t*,;')
    if isinstance(tags, str):
        tags = tags.decode('utf-8')
    tags = [t.replace(u"\xa0", " ") for t in re.split(r'\s*[,;*]\s*', tags)]

    private = bool(env.request.args('private'))

    m = re.search(r'^\s*(?P<to>(?:@[a-z0-9_-]+[,\s]*)+)', text)
    to = parse_logins(m.group('to')) if m else []

    files = _files([])

    sess = Session()
    sess['clear_post_input'] = True

        id = posts.add_post(text, tags=tags, to=to, private=private, files=files)
    except PostTextError:
        return render('/post-error.html')

    return Response(redirect='%s://%s.%s/%s' % \
                              env.user.login, settings.domain, id))
Exemplo n.º 2
def del_recipients(post_id, to):
    to = parse_logins(to)
        posts.del_recipients(post_id, to)
    except PostNotFound:
        return xmpp_template('post_not_found', post_id=post_id)
    except PostAuthorError:
        return xmpp_template('post_denied', post_id=post_id)
    except UserNotFound, e:
        return xmpp_template('user_not_found', login=e.message)
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_post(text, taglist=None, to=None, private=False):
    taglist = parse_tags(taglist)
    if to:
        text = '%s %s' % (to.strip(), text.strip())
    to = parse_logins(to)
        post_id = posts.add_post(text, tags=taglist, to=to, private=private)
    except PostTextError:
        return xmpp_template('post_inadmissible')
    except UserNotFound, e:
        return xmpp_template('user_not_found', login=e.message)
Exemplo n.º 4
def add_post():
    text = env.request.args('text', '').strip()

    tags = env.request.args('tag', '') or env.request.args('tag[]', '')
    if not tags:
        tags = []
    elif not isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)):
        tags = [tags]

    def _t(tag):
        if isinstance(tag, str):
            tag = tag.decode('utf-8')
        return tag.replace(u"\xa0", " ")

    tags = map(_t, tags)

    private = bool(env.request.args('private'))

    m = re.search(r'^\s*(?P<to>(?:@[a-z0-9_-]+[,\s]*)+)', text)
    to = parse_logins(m.group('to')) if m else []

    id = posts.add_post(text, tags=tags, to=to, private=private)

    return {"id": id}