Exemplo n.º 1
def run_scan(scan, run_conf=None):
    run_manager = RunManager(_configuration_folder)
    run_manager.run_run(scan, run_conf=run_conf)
    error_msg = ''
        error_msg = str(run_manager.current_run.err_queue.get(timeout=1)[1])
    except Empty:
    return run_manager.current_run._run_status == 'FINISHED', error_msg, run_manager.current_run.output_filename, run_manager.current_run._default_run_conf, run_manager.current_run.__class__.__name__
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_scan(scan, run_conf=None):
    run_manager = RunManager(_configuration_folder)
    run_manager.run_run(scan, run_conf=run_conf)
    error_msg = ''
        error_msg = str(run_manager._current_run.err_queue.get(timeout=1)[1])
    except Empty:
    return run_manager._current_run._run_status == 'FINISHED', error_msg, run_manager._current_run.output_filename, run_manager._current_run._default_run_conf, run_manager._current_run.__class__.__name__
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_global_register(self, mock_send_commands, mock_configure_pixel):
     run_manager = RunManager('test_interface/configuration.yaml')
     run_manager.run_run(RegisterTest, run_conf={'test_pixel': False})
     error_msg = 'Global register test failed. '
         error_msg += str(run_manager.current_run.err_queue.get(timeout=1)[1])
     except Empty:
     ok = (run_manager.current_run._run_status == 'FINISHED')
     self.assertTrue(ok, msg=error_msg)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_global_register(self, mock_configure_pixel, mock_send_commands):
     run_manager = RunManager('test_interface/configuration.yaml')
     run_manager.run_run(RegisterTest, run_conf={'test_pixel': False})
     error_msg = 'Global register test failed. '
         error_msg += str(
     except Empty:
     ok = (run_manager._current_run._run_status == 'FINISHED')
     self.assertTrue(ok, msg=error_msg)
Exemplo n.º 5
     #                 run_conf[item] = pp.GetConfigParameter(item)
     #             except:
     #                 pass
     rmngr = RunManager(
         '../configuration.yaml')  # TODO: get conf from EUDAQ
     pp.Configuring = True
 # check for start of run cmd from RunControl
 while not pp.StartingRun and not pp.Terminating:
     if pp.Configuring:
 # check if we are starting:
 if pp.StartingRun:
     print "Starting run..."
     #             join = rmngr.run_run(EudaqExtTriggerScan, run_conf=run_conf, use_thread=True)
     join = rmngr.run_run(EudaqExtTriggerScan, use_thread=True)
     pp.StartingRun = True  # set status and send BORE
     # starting to run
     while join(timeout=1) is None:
         if pp.Error or pp.Terminating:
         if pp.StoppingRun:
     status = join()
     # abort conditions
     if status is not run_status.finished or pp.Error or pp.Terminating:
         pp.StoppingRun = False  # set status and send EORE
     # check if the run is stopping regularly
     if pp.StoppingRun:
         pp.StoppingRun = True  # set status and send EORE
Exemplo n.º 6
from pybar.run_manager import RunManager  # importing run manager
from pybar.scans.scan_analog import AnalogScan
from pybar.scans.scan_ext_trigger_gdac import ExtTriggerGdacScan
from pybar.run_manager import run_status

if __name__ == "__main__":
    runmngr = RunManager('../../pybar/configuration.yaml')  # loading configuration file, specifying hardware configuration and module configuration.
    # Running primlist:
    runmngr.run_primlist('example_run_manager.plst', skip_remaining=True)  # executing primlist.plst file, specific scan parameters are set inside the primlist file, skip remaining scans on error
    # Each scan has a default configuration, which is defined inside the corresponding scan file in /host/pybar/scans/. It is not necessary to define scan parameters inside primlist file.
    # Running single scan and changing scan parameters:
    join = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf={"scan_parameters": [('PlsrDAC', 500)], "n_injections": 1000}, use_thread=True)  # run_run returns a function object when use_thread is True
    status = join()
    print 'Status:', status  # will wait for scan to be finished and returns run status
    # Or use a run configuration file:
    status = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf="run_configuration.txt")  # using no thread
    print 'Status:', status
    # Example for a loop:
    for gdac in range(50, 200, 10):
        join = runmngr.run_run(ExtTriggerGdacScan, run_conf={'scan_parameters': {'GDAC': gdac}}, use_thread=True)  # use thread
        print 'Status:', join(timeout=5)  # join has a timeout, return None if run has not yet finished
        runmngr.abort_current_run()  # stopping/aborting run from outside
        if join() != run_status.finished:  # status OK?
            print 'ERROR!'
            break  # jump out
    # After finishing the primlist/run: you will find the module data relative to the configuration.yaml file.
Exemplo n.º 7
                    charge_calibration[column, row, :, 1])) and np.all(
                        np.isfinite(charge_calibration[column, row, :, 3])):
                mean_signal_to_noise += (
                    charge_calibration[column, row, :, 1] /
                    charge_calibration[column, row, :, 3])
        mean_signal_to_noise /= valid_pixel[0].shape[0]

        return mean_signal_to_noise

if __name__ == "__main__":
    plsr_dacs = [40, 50, 60, 80, 130, 180, 230, 280, 340, 440, 540, 640,
                 740]  # PlsrDAC setting for hit OR calibration scan

    runmngr = RunManager(r'../../pybar/configuration.yaml')
    runmngr.run_run(run=FastThresholdScan)  # initial threshold check
    actual_vthin_alt_fine = runmngr.current_run.register.get_global_register_value(
    sns = []  # SN values

    # Take data
    for dis_vbn in [
    ]:  # analog discriminator bias loop
        for vthin_alt_fine in range(actual_vthin_alt_fine, 256,
                                    100):  # threshold loop
            for prmp_vbpf in range(0, 256, 32):  # feedback current loop
                    "PrmpVbpf", prmp_vbpf)
                    "Vthin_AltFine", vthin_alt_fine)
Exemplo n.º 8
 # (from configuration.yaml)
 # fe_configuration: 1
 # ...
 # This will retain the configuration for the following scans.
 # Please note: no configuration file exists at this stage because no run was executed so far.
 # Executing runs defined by a primlist:
 runmngr.run_primlist('example_run_manager.plst', skip_remaining=True)  # executing primlist.plst file, specific run configuration are set inside the primlist file, skip remaining scans on error
 # press Ctrl-C to abort the run at any time
 # Each scan has a default run configuration, which is defined inside the corresponding scan file in /host/pybar/scans/.
 # It is not necessary to add run parameters to the primlist file. If not given they are taken from the default run configuration (_default_run_conf).
 # Running a single scan and changing default run configuration (_default_run_conf):
 join = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf={"scan_parameters": [('PlsrDAC', 500)], "n_injections": 1000}, use_thread=True)  # run_run returns a function object when use_thread is True
 status = join()  # waiting here for finishing the run, press Ctrl-C to abort the run at any time
 print 'Status:', status  # will wait for run to be finished and returns run status
 # Or use a run configuration file:
 status = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf="example_run_manager_run_config.txt")  # using no thread
 print 'Status:', status
 # Example for a loop of runs, which is failing:
 for delay in range(14, 50, 16):
     join = runmngr.run_run(ExtTriggerScan, run_conf={"trigger_delay": delay, "no_data_timeout": 60}, use_thread=True)  # use thread
     print 'Status:', join(timeout=5)  # join has a timeout, return None if run has not yet finished
     runmngr.abort_current_run("Calling abort_current_run(). This scan was aborted by intention")  # stopping/aborting run from outside (same effect has Ctrl-C)
     if join() != run_status.finished:  # status OK?
         print 'ERROR! This error was made by intention!'
         break  # jump out
Exemplo n.º 9
from pybar.scans.scan_digital import DigitalScan
from pybar.scans.scan_analog import AnalogScan
from pybar.scans.scan_threshold import ThresholdScan
from pybar.scans.tune_fei4 import Fei4Tuning
from pybar.scans.tune_stuck_pixel import StuckPixelScan
from pybar.scans.tune_noise_occupancy import NoiseOccupancyScan
from pybar.scans.tune_merged_pixels import MergedPixelsTuning

# additional run configuration (optinal)
run_conf = None  # use path to YAML file, or dict

if __name__ == "__main__":
    runmngr = RunManager('../../pybar/configuration.yaml')  # configuration YAML file, open it for more details, it may contain run configuration

    # pre tuning
    status = runmngr.run_run(run=DigitalScan, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status

    status = runmngr.run_run(run=ThresholdScan, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status

    status = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status

    # tuning
    status = runmngr.run_run(run=Fei4Tuning, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status

    # post tuning
    status = runmngr.run_run(run=ThresholdScan, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status
Exemplo n.º 10
     #             try:
     #                 run_conf[item] = pp.GetConfigParameter(item)
     #             except:
     #                 pass
     rmngr = RunManager("../configuration.yaml")  # TODO: get conf from EUDAQ
     pp.Configuring = True
 # check for start of run cmd from RunControl
 while not pp.StartingRun and not pp.Terminating:
     if pp.Configuring:
 # check if we are starting:
 if pp.StartingRun:
     print "Starting run..."
     #             join = rmngr.run_run(EudaqExtTriggerScan, run_conf=run_conf, use_thread=True)
     join = rmngr.run_run(EudaqExtTriggerScan, use_thread=True)
     pp.StartingRun = True  # set status and send BORE
     # starting to run
     while join(timeout=1) is None:
         if pp.Error or pp.Terminating:
         if pp.StoppingRun:
     status = join()
     # abort conditions
     if status is not run_status.finished or pp.Error or pp.Terminating:
         pp.StoppingRun = False  # set status and send EORE
     # check if the run is stopping regularly
     if pp.StoppingRun:
         pp.StoppingRun = True  # set status and send EORE
Exemplo n.º 11
            #                 except Exception:
            #                     pass
            if runmngr:
                runmngr = None
            runmngr = RunManager(
                'configuration.yaml')  # TODO: get conf from EUDAQ
            pp.Configuring = True

        # check if we are starting:
        if pp.StartingRun:
            run_number = pp.GetRunNumber()
            logging.info("Starting run EUDAQ run %d..." % run_number)
            #             join = runmngr.run_run(EudaqExtTriggerScan, run_conf=run_conf, use_thread=True)
            join = runmngr.run_run(
                run_conf={"comment": "EUDAQ run %d" % run_number})
            #             sleep(5)
            #             pp.StartingRun = True  # set status and send BORE
            # starting run
            while join(timeout=1) == run_status.running:
                if pp.Error or pp.Terminating:
                    logging.error("EUDAQ run %d forcibly stopped" % run_number)
                    runmngr.cancel_current_run(msg="Run stopped by RunControl")
            status = join()
            logging.info("Run status: %s" % status)
            # abort conditions
            if pp.StoppingRun:
                pp.StoppingRun = True  # set status and send EORE
    if runmngr is not None:
Exemplo n.º 12
    #   Tuning
    cref = 12
    target_threshold = 34
    target_charge = 300
    target_tot = 9

    #   TDC measurements
    plsr_dacs = [target_threshold, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800]  # PlsrDAC range for TDC calibration, should start at threshold
    col_span = [55, 75]#[50, 78]  # pixel column range to use in TDC scans
    row_span = [125, 225]#[20, 315]  # pixel row range to use in TDC scans
    tdc_pixel = make_box_pixel_mask_from_col_row(column=[col_span[0], col_span[1]], row=[row_span[0], row_span[1]])  # edge pixel are not used in analysis

    runmngr = RunManager('configuration.yaml')

    # IV scan
    runmngr.run_run(run=IVScan, run_conf={"voltages": np.arange(-1, max_iv_voltage - 1, -1), "max_voltage": max_iv_voltage, "bias_voltage": bias_voltage, "minimum_delay": 0.5})

    # FE check and complete tuning
    runmngr.run_run(run=DigitalScan)  # digital scan with std. settings

    if runmngr.current_run.register.flavor == 'fei4a':  # FEI4 A related config changes, Deactivate noisy edge columns if FE-I4A
        runmngr.current_run.register.set_global_register_value("DisableColumnCnfg", 549755813891)  # Disable noisy columns
        runmngr.current_run.register.set_global_register_value("Cref", cref)  # Set correct cref
        runmngr.run_run(run=DigitalScan)  # repeat digital scan with specific settings

    runmngr.run_run(run=Fei4Tuning, run_conf={'target_threshold': target_threshold, 'target_tot': target_tot, 'target_charge': target_charge}, catch_exception=False)
    runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf={'scan_parameters': [('PlsrDAC', target_charge)]})
Exemplo n.º 13
 # This will retain the configuration for the following scans.
 # Please note: no configuration file exists at this stage because no run was executed so far.
 # Executing runs defined by a primlist:
     'example_run_manager.plst', skip_remaining=True
 )  # executing primlist.plst file, specific run configuration are set inside the primlist file, skip remaining scans on error
 # press Ctrl-C to abort the run at any time
 # Each scan has a default run configuration, which is defined inside the corresponding scan file in /host/pybar/scans/.
 # It is not necessary to add run parameters to the primlist file. If not given they are taken from the default run configuration (_default_run_conf).
 # Running a single scan and changing default run configuration (_default_run_conf):
 join = runmngr.run_run(
         "scan_parameters": [('PlsrDAC', 500)],
         "n_injections": 1000
 )  # run_run returns a function object when use_thread is True
 status = join(
 )  # waiting here for finishing the run, press Ctrl-C to abort the run at any time
 print 'Status:', status  # will wait for run to be finished and returns run status
 # Or use a run configuration file:
 status = runmngr.run_run(
     run_conf="example_run_manager_run_config.txt")  # using no thread
 print 'Status:', status
 # Example for a loop of runs, which is failing:
 for delay in range(14, 50, 16):
Exemplo n.º 14
        target_threshold, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350,
        400, 500, 600, 700, 800
    ]  # PlsrDAC range for TDC calibration, should start at threshold
    col_span = [55, 75]  # [50, 78]  # pixel column range to use in TDC scans
    row_span = [125, 225]  # [20, 315]  # pixel row range to use in TDC scans
    tdc_pixel = make_box_pixel_mask_from_col_row(
        column=[col_span[0], col_span[1]],
        row=[row_span[0], row_span[1]])  # edge pixel are not used in analysis

    runmngr = RunManager('configuration.yaml')

    # IV scan
                        "voltages": np.arange(-1, max_iv_voltage - 1, -1),
                        "max_voltage": max_iv_voltage,
                        "bias_voltage": bias_voltage,
                        "minimum_delay": 0.5

    # FE check and complete tuning
    runmngr.run_run(run=DigitalScan)  # digital scan with std. settings

    if runmngr.current_run.register.flavor == 'fei4a':  # FEI4 A related config changes, Deactivate noisy edge columns if FE-I4A
            "DisableColumnCnfg", 549755813891)  # Disable noisy columns
            "Cref", cref)  # Set correct cref
Exemplo n.º 15
        charge_calibration = in_file_h5.root.HitOrCalibration[:]
        plsr_dacs = in_file_h5.root.HitOrCalibration._v_attrs.scan_parameter_values
        valid_pixel = np.where(charge_calibration.sum(axis=(2, 3)) > 0)  # valid pixel have data and a calibration (that is any charge(TDC) calibration != 0)

        mean_signal_to_noise = np.zeros(len(plsr_dacs))
        for (column, row) in np.column_stack(valid_pixel):
            if np.all(np.isfinite(charge_calibration[column, row, :, 1])) and np.all(np.isfinite(charge_calibration[column, row, :, 3])):
                mean_signal_to_noise += (charge_calibration[column, row, :, 1] / charge_calibration[column, row, :, 3])
        mean_signal_to_noise /= valid_pixel[0].shape[0]

        return mean_signal_to_noise

if __name__ == "__main__":
    plsr_dacs = [40, 50, 60, 80, 130, 180, 230, 280, 340, 440, 540, 640, 740]
    runmngr = RunManager(r'../../pybar/configuration.yaml')

    sns = []

    actual_vthin_alt_fine = runmngr.current_run.register.get_global_register_value("Vthin_AltFine")

    for dis_vbn in [40, ]:
        for vthin_alt_fine in range(actual_vthin_alt_fine, 256, 100):
            for prmp_vbpf in range(0, 256, 32):
                runmngr.current_run.register.set_global_register_value("PrmpVbpf", prmp_vbpf)
                runmngr.current_run.register.set_global_register_value("Vthin_AltFine", vthin_alt_fine)
                runmngr.current_run.register.set_global_register_value("DisVbn", dis_vbn)
                runmngr.run_run(run=HitOrCalibration, run_conf={
                    'reset_rx_on_error': True,
                    "pixels": ((10, 10), (30, 100), (50, 200), (70, 300)),
                    "scan_parameters": [('column', None),
Exemplo n.º 16
from pybar.scans.scan_threshold import ThresholdScan
from pybar.scans.tune_fei4 import Fei4Tuning
from pybar.scans.tune_stuck_pixel import StuckPixelScan
from pybar.scans.tune_noise_occupancy import NoiseOccupancyScan
from pybar.scans.tune_merged_pixels import MergedPixelsTuning

# additional run configuration (optinal)
run_conf = None  # use path to YAML file, or dict

if __name__ == "__main__":
    runmngr = RunManager(
    )  # configuration YAML file, open it for more details, it may contain run configuration

    # pre tuning
    status = runmngr.run_run(run=DigitalScan, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status

    status = runmngr.run_run(run=ThresholdScan, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status

    status = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status

    # tuning
    status = runmngr.run_run(run=Fei4Tuning, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status

    # post tuning
    status = runmngr.run_run(run=ThresholdScan, run_conf=run_conf)
    print 'Status:', status