Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_bibtex(args, wanted):
    if wanted != None:
        bibs = BibliographyData(wanted_entries=wanted)
    else:# Because Ubuntu/Debian doesn't have a new enough pybtex for wanted_entries
        bibs = BibliographyData()
    parser = Parser()
    for filename in input_bibtex_filenames(args):
        filebibs = parser.parse_file(filename)
    # Sort the entries to ensure a consistent ordering of the output so that adding
    # one new citation doesn't alter the whole file
    bibs.entries = OrderedDict(sorted(bibs.entries.items(),key=lambda x : x[0]))
    return bibs
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse_bibtex(args, wanted):
    if wanted != None:
        bibs = BibliographyData(wanted_entries=wanted)
    else:# Because Ubuntu/Debian doesn't have a new enough pybtex for wanted_entries
        bibs = BibliographyData()
    parser = Parser()
    for filename in input_bibtex_filenames(args):
        filebibs = parser.parse_file(filename)
    # Sort the entries to ensure a consistent ordering of the output so that adding
    # one new citation doesn't alter the whole file
    bibs.entries = OrderedDict(sorted(bibs.entries.items(),key=lambda x : x[0]))
    return bibs
Exemplo n.º 3
class MooseBibtex(MooseCommonExtension, Preprocessor):
  Creates per-page bibliographies using latex syntax.

  RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY = r'(?<!`)\\bibliography\{(.*?)\}'
  RE_STYLE = r'(?<!`)\\bibliographystyle\{(.*?)\}'
  RE_CITE = r'(?<!`)\\(?P<cmd>cite|citet|citep)\{(?P<key>.*?)\}'

  def __init__(self, markdown_instance=None, **kwargs):
    MooseCommonExtension.__init__(self, **kwargs),
    Preprocessor.__init__(self, markdown_instance)

  def run(self, lines):
    Create a bibliography from cite commands.

    # Join the content to enable regex searches throughout entire text
    content = '\n'.join(lines)

    # Build the database of bibtex data
    self._citations = []              # member b/c it is used in substitution function
    self._bibtex = BibliographyData() # ""
    bibfiles = []
    match = re.search(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY, content)
    if match:
      bib_string = match.group(0)
      for bfile in match.group(1).split(','):
          bibfiles.append(os.path.join(self._docs_dir, bfile.strip()))
          data = parse_file(bibfiles[-1])
        except Exception as e:
          log.error('Failed to parse bibtex file: {}'.format(bfile.strip()))
          return lines
      return lines

    # Determine the style
    match = re.search(self.RE_STYLE, content)
    if match:
      content = content.replace(match.group(0), '')
        style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', match.group(1))
        log.error('Unknown bibliography style "{}"'.format(match.group(1)))
        return lines

      style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', 'plain')

    # Replace citations with author date, as an anchor
    content = re.sub(self.RE_CITE, self.authors, content)

    # Create html bibliography
    if self._citations:

      # Generate formatted html using pybtex
      formatted_bibliography = style().format_bibliography(self._bibtex, self._citations)
      backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'html')
      stream = io.StringIO()
      backend().write_to_stream(formatted_bibliography, stream)

      # Strip the bib items from the formatted html
      html = re.findall(r'\<dd\>(.*?)\</dd\>', stream.getvalue(), flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)

      # Produces an ordered list with anchors to the citations
      output = u'<ol class="moose-bibliography" data-moose-bibfiles="{}">\n'.format(str(bibfiles))
      for i, item in enumerate(html):
        output += u'<li name="{}">{}</li>\n'.format(self._citations[i], item)
      output += u'</ol>\n'
      content = re.sub(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY, self.markdown.htmlStash.store(output, safe=True), content)

    return content.split('\n')

  def authors(self, match):
    Return the author(s) citation for text, linked to bibliography.
    cmd = match.group('cmd')
    key = match.group('key')
    tex = '\\%s{%s}' % (cmd, key)

    if key in self._bibtex.entries:
      entry = self._bibtex.entries[key]
      a = entry.persons['author']
      n = len(a)
      if n > 2:
        author = '{} et al.'.format(' '.join(a[0].last_names))
      elif n == 2:
        a0 = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)
        a1 = ' '.join(a[1].last_names)
        author = '{} and {}'.format(a0, a1)
        author = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)

      if cmd == 'citep':
        a = '<a href="#{}" data-moose-cite="{}">{}, {}</a>'.format(key, tex, author, entry.fields['year'])
        return '({})'.format(self.markdown.htmlStash.store(a, safe=True))
        a = '<a href="#{}" data-moose-cite="{}">{} ({})</a>'.format(key, tex, author, entry.fields['year'])
        return self.markdown.htmlStash.store(a, safe=True)
Exemplo n.º 4
class BibtexPreprocessor(MooseMarkdownCommon, Preprocessor):
    Creates per-page bibliographies using latex syntax.

    RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY = r'(?<!`)\\bibliography\{(.*?)\}'
    RE_STYLE = r'(?<!`)\\bibliographystyle\{(.*?)\}'
    RE_CITE = r'(?<!`)\\(?P<cmd>cite|citet|citep)\{(?P<keys>.*?)\}'

    def defaultSettings():
        """BibtexPreprocessor configure options."""
        return dict()  # this extension doesn't have settings

    def __init__(self, markdown_instance=None, **kwargs):
        MooseMarkdownCommon.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        Preprocessor.__init__(self, markdown_instance)
        self._macro_files = kwargs.pop('macro_files', None)
        self._bibtex = None
        self._citations = []

    def parseBibtexFile(self, bibfile):
        Returns parsed bibtex file.  If "macro_files" are supplied in the configuration
        file, then a temporary file will be made that contains the supplied macros
        above the original bib file.  This temporary combined file can then be
        parsed by pybtex.
        if self._macro_files:
            t_bib_path = os.path.join(MooseDocs.ROOT_DIR, "tBib.bib")
            with open(t_bib_path, "wb") as t_bib:
                for t_file in self._macro_files:
                    with open(os.path.join(MooseDocs.ROOT_DIR, t_file.strip()),
                              "rb") as in_file:
                        shutil.copyfileobj(in_file, t_bib)
                with open(bibfile, "rb") as in_file:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(in_file, t_bib)
            data = parse_file(t_bib_path)
            if os.path.isfile(t_bib_path):
            data = parse_file(bibfile)

        return data

    def run(self, lines):
        Create a bibliography from cite commands.

        # Join the content to enable regex searches throughout entire text
        content = '\n'.join(lines)

        # Build the database of bibtex data
        self._citations = []  # member b/c it is used in substitution function
        self._bibtex = BibliographyData()  # ""
        bibfiles = []
        match = re.search(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY, content)
        if match:
            for bfile in match.group(1).split(','):
                    filename, _ = self.getFilename(bfile.strip())
                    data = self.parseBibtexFile(bibfiles[-1])
                except UndefinedMacro:
                    LOG.error('Undefined macro in bibtex file: %s, specify macro_files arguments ' \
                              'in configuration file (e.g. website.yml)', bfile.strip())
                except TypeError:
                    LOG.error('Unable to locate bibtex file in %s',
            return lines

        # Determine the style
        match = re.search(self.RE_STYLE, content)
        if match:
            content = content.replace(match.group(0), '')
                style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', match.group(1))
            except PluginNotFound:
                LOG.error('Unknown bibliography style "%s"', match.group(1))
                return lines

            style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', 'plain')

        # Replace citations with author date, as an anchor
        content = re.sub(self.RE_CITE, self.authors, content)

        # Create html bibliography
        if self._citations:

            # Generate formatted html using pybtex
            formatted_bibliography = style().format_bibliography(
                self._bibtex, self._citations)
            backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'html')
            stream = io.StringIO()
            backend().write_to_stream(formatted_bibliography, stream)

            # Strip the bib items from the formatted html
            html = re.findall(r'\<dd\>(.*?)\</dd\>',
                              flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)

            # Produces an ordered list with anchors to the citations
            output = u'<ol class="moose-bibliography" data-moose-bibfiles="{}">\n'
            output = output.format(str(bibfiles))
            for i, item in enumerate(html):
                output += u'<li name="{}">{}</li>\n'.format(
                    self._citations[i], item)
            output += u'</ol>\n'
            content = re.sub(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY,
                             self.markdown.htmlStash.store(output, safe=True),

        return content.split('\n')

    def authors(self, match):
        Return the author(s) citation for text, linked to bibliography.
        cmd = match.group('cmd')
        keys = match.group('keys')
        tex = '\\%s{%s}' % (cmd, keys)

        cite_list = []

        # Loop over all keys in the cite command
        for key in [k.strip() for k in keys.split(',')]:

            # Error if the key is not found and move on
            if key not in self._bibtex.entries:
                LOG.error('Unknown bibtext key: %s', key)

            # Build the author list
            entry = self._bibtex.entries[key]
            author_found = True
            if not 'author' in entry.persons.keys(
            ) and not 'Author' in entry.persons.keys():
                author_found = False
                entities = ['institution', 'organization']
                for entity in entities:
                    if entity in entry.fields.keys():
                        author_found = True
                        name = ''
                        for word in entry.fields[entity]:
                            if word[0].isupper():
                                name += word[0]
                        entry.persons['author'] = [Person(name)]

            if not author_found:
                LOG.error('No author, institution, or organization for %s',

            a = entry.persons['author']
            n = len(a)
            if n > 2:
                author = '{} et al.'.format(' '.join(a[0].last_names))
            elif n == 2:
                a0 = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)
                a1 = ' '.join(a[1].last_names)
                author = '{} and {}'.format(a0, a1)
                author = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)

            if cmd == 'citep':
                a = '<a href="#{}">{}, {}</a>'.format(key, author,
                a = '<a href="#{}">{} ({})</a>'.format(key, author,


        # Create the correct text for list of keys in the cite command
        if len(cite_list) == 2:
            cite_list = [' and '.join(cite_list)]
        elif len(cite_list) > 2:
            cite_list[-1] = 'and ' + cite_list[-1]

        # Write the html
        if cmd == 'citep':
            html = '(<span data-moose-cite="{}">{}</span>)'.format(
                tex, '; '.join(cite_list))
            html = '<span data-moose-cite="{}">{}</span>'.format(
                tex, ', '.join(cite_list))

        # substitute Umlauts
        umlaut_re = re.compile(r"\{\\\"([aouAOU])\}")
        html = umlaut_re.sub('&\\1uml;', html)

        # substitute acutes
        acute_re = re.compile(r"\{\\\'([aeiouyAEIOUY])\}")
        html = acute_re.sub('&\\1acute;', html)

        # substitute graves
        grave_re = re.compile(r"\{\\\`([aeiouAEIOU])\}")
        html = grave_re.sub('&\\1grave;', html)

        return self.markdown.htmlStash.store(html, safe=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
class BibtexPreprocessor(MooseMarkdownCommon, Preprocessor):
    Creates per-page bibliographies using latex syntax.

    RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY = r'(?<!`)\\bibliography\{(.*?)\}'
    RE_STYLE = r'(?<!`)\\bibliographystyle\{(.*?)\}'
    RE_CITE = r'(?<!`)\\(?P<cmd>cite|citet|citep)\{(?P<keys>.*?)\}'

    def defaultSettings():
        """BibtexPreprocessor configure options."""
        return dict() # this extension doesn't have settings

    def __init__(self, markdown_instance=None, **kwargs):
        MooseMarkdownCommon.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        Preprocessor.__init__(self, markdown_instance)
        self._macro_files = kwargs.pop('macro_files', None)
        self._bibtex = None
        self._citations = []

    def parseBibtexFile(self, bibfile):
        Returns parsed bibtex file.  If "macro_files" are supplied in the configuration
        file, then a temporary file will be made that contains the supplied macros
        above the original bib file.  This temporary combined file can then be
        parsed by pybtex.

        if self._macro_files:
            t_bib_path = MooseDocs.abspath("tBib.bib")
            with open(t_bib_path, "wb") as t_bib:
                for t_file in self._macro_files:
                    with open(MooseDocs.abspath(t_file.strip()), "rb") as in_file:
                        shutil.copyfileobj(in_file, t_bib)
                with open(bibfile, "rb") as in_file:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(in_file, t_bib)
            data = parse_file(t_bib_path)
            if os.path.isfile(t_bib_path):
            data = parse_file(bibfile)

        return data

    def run(self, lines):
        Create a bibliography from cite commands.

        # Join the content to enable regex searches throughout entire text
        content = '\n'.join(lines)

        # Build the database of bibtex data
        self._citations = []              # member b/c it is used in substitution function
        self._bibtex = BibliographyData() # ""
        bibfiles = []
        match = re.search(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY, content)
        if match:
            for bfile in match.group(1).split(','):
                    data = self.parseBibtexFile(bibfiles[-1])
                except UndefinedMacro:
                    LOG.error('Undefined macro in bibtex file: %s, specify macro_files arguments ' \
                              'in configuration file (e.g. website.yml)', bfile.strip())
            return lines

        # Determine the style
        match = re.search(self.RE_STYLE, content)
        if match:
            content = content.replace(match.group(0), '')
                style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', match.group(1))
            except PluginNotFound:
                LOG.error('Unknown bibliography style "%s"', match.group(1))
                return lines

            style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', 'plain')

        # Replace citations with author date, as an anchor
        content = re.sub(self.RE_CITE, self.authors, content)

        # Create html bibliography
        if self._citations:

            # Generate formatted html using pybtex
            formatted_bibliography = style().format_bibliography(self._bibtex, self._citations)
            backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'html')
            stream = io.StringIO()
            backend().write_to_stream(formatted_bibliography, stream)

            # Strip the bib items from the formatted html
            html = re.findall(r'\<dd\>(.*?)\</dd\>', stream.getvalue(),

            # Produces an ordered list with anchors to the citations
            output = u'<ol class="moose-bibliography" data-moose-bibfiles="{}">\n'
            output = output.format(str(bibfiles))
            for i, item in enumerate(html):
                output += u'<li name="{}">{}</li>\n'.format(self._citations[i], item)
            output += u'</ol>\n'
            content = re.sub(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY,
                             self.markdown.htmlStash.store(output, safe=True),

        return content.split('\n')

    def authors(self, match):
        Return the author(s) citation for text, linked to bibliography.
        cmd = match.group('cmd')
        keys = match.group('keys')
        tex = '\\%s{%s}' % (cmd, keys)

        cite_list = []

        # Loop over all keys in the cite command
        for key in [k.strip() for k in keys.split(',')]:

            # Error if the key is not found and move on
            if key not in self._bibtex.entries:
                LOG.error('Unknown bibtext key: %s', key)

            # Build the author list
            entry = self._bibtex.entries[key]
            a = entry.persons['author']
            n = len(a)
            if n > 2:
                author = '{} et al.'.format(' '.join(a[0].last_names))
            elif n == 2:
                a0 = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)
                a1 = ' '.join(a[1].last_names)
                author = '{} and {}'.format(a0, a1)
                author = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)

            if cmd == 'citep':
                a = '<a href="#{}">{}, {}</a>'.format(key, author, entry.fields['year'])
                a = '<a href="#{}">{} ({})</a>'.format(key, author, entry.fields['year'])


        # Create the correct text for list of keys in the cite command
        if len(cite_list) == 2:
            cite_list = [' and '.join(cite_list)]
        elif len(cite_list) > 2:
            cite_list[-1] = 'and ' + cite_list[-1]

        # Write the html
        if cmd == 'citep':
            html = '(<span data-moose-cite="{}">{}</span>)'.format(tex, '; '.join(cite_list))
            html = '<span data-moose-cite="{}">{}</span>'.format(tex, ', '.join(cite_list))

        # substitute Umlauts
        umlaut_re = re.compile(r"\{\\\"([aouAOU])\}")
        html = umlaut_re.sub('&\\1uml;', html)

        return self.markdown.htmlStash.store(html, safe=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
class MooseBibtex(MooseCommonExtension, Preprocessor):
    Creates per-page bibliographies using latex syntax.

    RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY = r'(?<!`)\\bibliography\{(.*?)\}'
    RE_STYLE = r'(?<!`)\\bibliographystyle\{(.*?)\}'
    RE_CITE = r'(?<!`)\\(?P<cmd>cite|citet|citep)\{(?P<keys>.*?)\}'

    def __init__(self, markdown_instance=None, **kwargs):
        MooseCommonExtension.__init__(self, **kwargs),
        Preprocessor.__init__(self, markdown_instance)
        self._macro_files = kwargs.pop('macro_files', None)

    def parseBibtexFile(self, bibfile):
        Returns parsed bibtex file.  If "macro_files" are supplied in the configuration
        file, then a temporary file will be made that contains the supplied macros
        above the original bib file.  This temporary combined file can then be
        parsed by pybtex.

        if self._macro_files:
            tBib_path = MooseDocs.abspath("tBib.bib")
            with open(tBib_path, "wb") as tBib:
                for tFile in self._macro_files:
                    with open(MooseDocs.abspath(tFile.strip()), "rb") as inFile:
                        shutil.copyfileobj(inFile, tBib)
                with open(bibfile, "rb") as inFile:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(inFile, tBib)
            data = parse_file(tBib_path)
            if os.path.isfile(tBib_path):
            data = parse_file(bibfile)

        return data

    def run(self, lines):
        Create a bibliography from cite commands.

        # Join the content to enable regex searches throughout entire text
        content = '\n'.join(lines)

        # Build the database of bibtex data
        self._citations = []              # member b/c it is used in substitution function
        self._bibtex = BibliographyData() # ""
        bibfiles = []
        match = re.search(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY, content)
        if match:
            bib_string = match.group(0)
            for bfile in match.group(1).split(','):
                    data = self.parseBibtexFile(bibfiles[-1])
                except Exception as e:
                    if isinstance(e,undefined_macro_exception):
                        log.error('Undefined macro in bibtex file: {}, '\
                          'specify macro_files arguments in configuration file (e.g. moosedocs.yml)'\
                        log.error('Failed to parse bibtex file: {}'.format(bfile.strip()))
                    return lines
            return lines

        # Determine the style
        match = re.search(self.RE_STYLE, content)
        if match:
            content = content.replace(match.group(0), '')
                style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', match.group(1))
                log.error('Unknown bibliography style "{}"'.format(match.group(1)))
                return lines

            style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', 'plain')

        # Replace citations with author date, as an anchor
        content = re.sub(self.RE_CITE, self.authors, content)

        # Create html bibliography
        if self._citations:

            # Generate formatted html using pybtex
            formatted_bibliography = style().format_bibliography(self._bibtex, self._citations)
            backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'html')
            stream = io.StringIO()
            backend().write_to_stream(formatted_bibliography, stream)

            # Strip the bib items from the formatted html
            html = re.findall(r'\<dd\>(.*?)\</dd\>', stream.getvalue(), flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)

            # Produces an ordered list with anchors to the citations
            output = u'<ol class="moose-bibliography" data-moose-bibfiles="{}">\n'.format(str(bibfiles))
            for i, item in enumerate(html):
                output += u'<li name="{}">{}</li>\n'.format(self._citations[i], item)
            output += u'</ol>\n'
            content = re.sub(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY, self.markdown.htmlStash.store(output, safe=True), content)

        return content.split('\n')

    def authors(self, match):
        Return the author(s) citation for text, linked to bibliography.
        cmd = match.group('cmd')
        keys = match.group('keys')
        tex = '\\%s{%s}' % (cmd, keys)

        cite_list = []

        # Loop over all keys in the cite command
        for key in [k.strip() for k in keys.split(',')]:

            # Error if the key is not found and move on
            if key not in self._bibtex.entries:
                log.error('Unknown bibtext key: {}'.format(key))

            # Build the author list
            entry = self._bibtex.entries[key]
            a = entry.persons['author']
            n = len(a)
            if n > 2:
                author = '{} et al.'.format(' '.join(a[0].last_names))
            elif n == 2:
                a0 = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)
                a1 = ' '.join(a[1].last_names)
                author = '{} and {}'.format(a0, a1)
                author = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)

            if cmd == 'citep':
                a = '<a href="#{}">{}, {}</a>'.format(key, author, entry.fields['year'])
                a = '<a href="#{}">{} ({})</a>'.format(key, author, entry.fields['year'])


        # Create the correct text for list of keys in the cite command
        if len(cite_list) == 2:
            cite_list = [' and '.join(cite_list)]
        elif len(cite_list) > 2:
            cite_list[-1] = 'and ' + cite_list[-1]

        # Write the html
        if cmd == 'citep':
            html = '(<span data-moose-cite="{}">{}</span>)'.format(tex, '; '.join(cite_list))
            html = '<span data-moose-cite="{}">{}</span>'.format(tex, ', '.join(cite_list))
        return self.markdown.htmlStash.store(html, safe=True)
Exemplo n.º 7
class MooseBibtex(MooseCommonExtension, Preprocessor):
  Creates per-page bibliographies using latex syntax.

    RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY = r'(?<!`)\\bibliography\{(.*?)\}'
    RE_STYLE = r'(?<!`)\\bibliographystyle\{(.*?)\}'
    RE_CITE = r'(?<!`)\\(?P<cmd>cite|citet|citep)\{(?P<key>.*?)\}'

    def __init__(self, markdown_instance=None, **kwargs):
        MooseCommonExtension.__init__(self, **kwargs),
        Preprocessor.__init__(self, markdown_instance)

    def run(self, lines):
    Create a bibliography from cite commands.

        # Join the content to enable regex searches throughout entire text
        content = '\n'.join(lines)

        # Build the database of bibtex data
        self._citations = []  # member b/c it is used in substitution function
        self._bibtex = BibliographyData()  # ""
        bibfiles = []
        match = re.search(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY, content)
        if match:
            bib_string = match.group(0)
            for bfile in match.group(1).split(','):
                    data = parse_file(bibfiles[-1])
                except Exception as e:
                    log.error('Failed to parse bibtex file: {}'.format(
                    return lines
            return lines

        # Determine the style
        match = re.search(self.RE_STYLE, content)
        if match:
            content = content.replace(match.group(0), '')
                style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', match.group(1))
                log.error('Unknown bibliography style "{}"'.format(
                return lines

            style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', 'plain')

        # Replace citations with author date, as an anchor
        content = re.sub(self.RE_CITE, self.authors, content)

        # Create html bibliography
        if self._citations:

            # Generate formatted html using pybtex
            formatted_bibliography = style().format_bibliography(
                self._bibtex, self._citations)
            backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'html')
            stream = io.StringIO()
            backend().write_to_stream(formatted_bibliography, stream)

            # Strip the bib items from the formatted html
            html = re.findall(r'\<dd\>(.*?)\</dd\>',
                              flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)

            # Produces an ordered list with anchors to the citations
            output = u'<ol class="moose-bibliography" data-moose-bibfiles="{}">\n'.format(
            for i, item in enumerate(html):
                output += u'<li name="{}">{}</li>\n'.format(
                    self._citations[i], item)
            output += u'</ol>\n'
            content = re.sub(self.RE_BIBLIOGRAPHY,
                             self.markdown.htmlStash.store(output, safe=True),

        return content.split('\n')

    def authors(self, match):
    Return the author(s) citation for text, linked to bibliography.
        cmd = match.group('cmd')
        key = match.group('key')
        tex = '\\%s{%s}' % (cmd, key)

        if key in self._bibtex.entries:
            entry = self._bibtex.entries[key]
            a = entry.persons['author']
            n = len(a)
            if n > 2:
                author = '{} et al.'.format(' '.join(a[0].last_names))
            elif n == 2:
                a0 = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)
                a1 = ' '.join(a[1].last_names)
                author = '{} and {}'.format(a0, a1)
                author = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)

            if cmd == 'citep':
                a = '<a href="#{}" data-moose-cite="{}">{}, {}</a>'.format(
                    key, tex, author, entry.fields['year'])
                return '({})'.format(
                    self.markdown.htmlStash.store(a, safe=True))
                a = '<a href="#{}" data-moose-cite="{}">{} ({})</a>'.format(
                    key, tex, author, entry.fields['year'])
                return self.markdown.htmlStash.store(a, safe=True)