Exemplo n.º 1
def _drawline(surface, c_color, start, end):
    # Bresenham algorithm
    x0, y0 = start
    x1, y1 = end

    dx = abs(x1 - x0)
    dy = abs(y1 - y0)
    sx = -1 if x0 > x1 else 1
    sy = -1 if y0 > y1 else 1
    err = dx - dy

    while True:
        surface._set_at(x0, y0, c_color)
        if x0 == x1 and y0 == y1:
        e2 = err * 2
        if e2 > -dy:
            err -= dy
            x0 += sx
        if x0 == x1 and y0 == y1:
            surface._set_at(x0, y0, c_color)
        if e2 < dx:
            err += dx
            y0 += sy
Exemplo n.º 2
def _drawline(surface, c_color, start, end):
    # Bresenham algorithm
    x0, y0 = start
    x1, y1 = end

    dx = abs(x1 - x0)
    dy = abs(y1 - y0)
    sx = -1 if x0 > x1 else 1
    sy = -1 if y0 > y1 else 1
    err = dx - dy

    while True:
        surface._set_at(x0, y0, c_color)
        if x0 == x1 and y0 == y1:
        e2 = err * 2
        if e2 > -dy:
            err -= dy
            x0 += sx
        if x0 == x1 and y0 == y1:
            surface._set_at(x0, y0, c_color)
        if e2 < dx:
            err += dx
            y0 += sy
Exemplo n.º 3
def _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    if radius_x == 0 and radius_y == 0:
        with locked(surface._c_surface):
            surface._set_at(c_x, c_y, c_color)
        return True
    elif radius_x == 0:
        # vertical line
        _drawvertline(surface, c_color, c_y - radius_y, c_y + radius_y, c_x)
        return True
    elif radius_y == 0:
        _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - radius_x, c_x + radius_x, c_y)
        return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 4
def _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    if radius_x == 0 and radius_y == 0:
        with locked(surface._c_surface):
            surface._set_at(c_x, c_y, c_color)
        return True
    elif radius_x == 0:
        # vertical line
        _drawvertline(surface, c_color, c_y - radius_y, c_y + radius_y, c_x)
        return True
    elif radius_y == 0:
        _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - radius_x, c_x + radius_x, c_y)
        return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 5
def _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    if radius_x == 0 and radius_y == 0:
        clip = surface.get_clip()
        # Throw away points outside the clip area
        if c_x < clip.x or c_x >= (clip.x + clip.w):
            return True
        if c_y < clip.y or c_y >= (clip.y + clip.h):
            return True
        with locked(surface._c_surface):
            surface._set_at(c_x, c_y, c_color)
        return True
    elif radius_x == 0:
        # vertical line
        _drawvertline(surface, c_color, c_y - radius_y, c_y + radius_y, c_x)
        return True
    elif radius_y == 0:
        _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - radius_x, c_x + radius_x, c_y)
        return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 6
def _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    if radius_x == 0 and radius_y == 0:
        clip = surface.get_clip()
        # Throw away points outside the clip area
        if c_x < clip.x or c_x > (clip.x + clip.w):
            return True
        if c_y < clip.y or c_y > (clip.y + clip.h):
            return True
        with locked(surface._c_surface):
            surface._set_at(c_x, c_y, c_color)
        return True
    elif radius_x == 0:
        # vertical line
        _drawvertline(surface, c_color, c_y - radius_y, c_y + radius_y, c_x)
        return True
    elif radius_y == 0:
        _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - radius_x, c_x + radius_x, c_y)
        return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 7
def _drawline(surface, c_color, start, end):
    # Bresenham algorithm (more or less as approximated by pygame)
    x0, y0 = start
    x1, y1 = end

    if x0 == x1:
        _drawvertline(surface, c_color, y0, y1, x0)
    if y0 == y1:
        _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, x0, x1, y0)

    # Because of how we approximate pygame's pointer
    # arthimetic, we don't handle the ends of the lines
    # the same way - this fakes it
    surface._set_at(x0, y0, c_color)
    surface._set_at(x1, y1, c_color)
    steep = False
    if abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0):
        steep = True
        x0, y0 = y0, x0
        x1, y1 = y1, x1
    dx = abs(x1 - x0) + 1
    dy = abs(y1 - y0) + 1
    ystep = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1
    xstep = 1 if x0 < x1 else -1
    y = y0
    error = 0
    for x in range(x0, x1, xstep):
        if steep:
            surface._set_at(y, x, c_color)
            surface._set_at(x, y, c_color)
        error = error + dy
        if error >= dx:
            y += ystep
            error -= dx
Exemplo n.º 8
def _drawline(surface, c_color, start, end):
    # Bresenham algorithm (more or less as approximated by pygame)
    x0, y0 = start
    x1, y1 = end

    if x0 == x1:
        _drawvertline(surface, c_color, y0, y1, x0)
    if y0 == y1:
        _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, x0, x1, y0)

    # Because of how we approximate pygame's pointer
    # arthimetic, we don't handle the ends of the lines
    # the same way - this fakes it
    surface._set_at(x0, y0, c_color)
    surface._set_at(x1, y1, c_color)
    steep = False
    if abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0):
        steep = True
        x0, y0 = y0, x0
        x1, y1 = y1, x1
    dx = abs(x1 - x0) + 1
    dy = abs(y1 - y0) + 1
    ystep = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1
    xstep = 1 if x0 < x1 else -1
    y = y0
    error = 0
    for x in range(x0, x1, xstep):
        if steep:
            surface._set_at(y, x, c_color)
            surface._set_at(x, y, c_color)
        error = error + dy
        if error >= dx:
            y += ystep
            error -= dx
Exemplo n.º 9
def _ellipse(surface, pos, radius_x, radius_y, color):
    """Internal helper function

       draw a ellipse with line thickness 1 on surface."""
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    c_x, c_y = pos
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    if _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    # Draw the ellipse
    # Pygame's ellipse drawing algorithm appears to come from allegro, via sge
    # and SDL_gfxPrimitives. It's known to be non-optimal, but we're aiming
    # for pygame compatibility, so we're doing the same thing, much as
    # it grates me to do so.
    # We assume suitable diligence in terms of the licensing, but allegro's
    # zlib'ish license should mean we're OK anyway.

    stop_h = stop_i = stop_j = stop_k = -1
    bounds = surface.get_bounding_rect()

    with locked(c_surf):
        i = 1
        h = 0
        if radius_x > radius_y:
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_x * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 16) // 64
                i = (iy + 16) // 64
                j = (h * radius_y) // radius_x
                k = (i * radius_y) // radius_x

                if (stop_k != k
                        and stop_j != k) or (stop_j != j
                                             and stop_k != k) or (k != j):
                    plus_x = c_x + h - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - h
                    if k > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + k - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - k
                        if h > 0:
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_k = k
                    plus_x = c_x + i - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - i
                    if j > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + j - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - j
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_j = j
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_x)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_x)
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_y * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 32) // 64
                i = (iy + 32) // 64
                j = (h * radius_x) // radius_y
                k = (i * radius_x) // radius_y

                if (stop_i != i
                        and stop_h != i) or (stop_i != h
                                             and stop_h != h) or (h != i):
                    plus_x = c_x + j - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - j
                    if i > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + i - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - i
                        if j > 0:
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_i = i
                    plus_x = c_x + k - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - k
                    if h > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + h - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - h
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_h = h
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_y)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_y)
Exemplo n.º 10
def _ellipse(surface, pos, radius_x, radius_y, color):
    """Internal helper function

       draw a ellipse with line thickness 1 on surface."""
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    c_x, c_y = pos
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    if _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    # Draw the ellipse
    # Pygame's ellipse drawing algorithm appears to come from allegro, via sge
    # and SDL_gfxPrimitives. It's known to be non-optimal, but we're aiming
    # for pygame compatibility, so we're doing the same thing, much as
    # it grates me to do so.
    # We assume suitable diligence in terms of the licensing, but allegro's
    # zlib'ish license should mean we're OK anyway.

    stop_h = stop_i = stop_j = stop_k = -1
    bounds = surface.get_bounding_rect()

    with locked(c_surf):
        i = 1
        h = 0
        if radius_x > radius_y:
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_x * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 16) // 64
                i = (iy + 16) // 64
                j = (h * radius_y) // radius_x
                k = (i * radius_y) // radius_x

                if (stop_k != k and stop_j != k) or (stop_j != j and stop_k != k) or (k != j):
                    plus_x = c_x + h - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - h
                    if k > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + k - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - k
                        if h > 0:
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_k = k
                    plus_x = c_x + i - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - i
                    if j > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + j - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - j
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_j = j
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_x)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_x)
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_y * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 32) // 64
                i = (iy + 32) // 64
                j = (h * radius_x) // radius_y
                k = (i * radius_x) // radius_y

                if (stop_i != i and stop_h != i) or (stop_i != h and stop_h != h) or (h != i):
                    plus_x = c_x + j - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - j
                    if i > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + i - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - i
                        if j > 0:
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_i = i
                    plus_x = c_x + k - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - k
                    if h > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + h - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - h
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_h = h
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_y)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_y)