Exemplo n.º 1
    def to3llh(self, datum=Datums.WGS84):
        '''Convert this (geocentric) Cartesian (x/y/z) point to
           (ellipsoidal, geodetic) lat-, longitude and height on
           the given datum.

           Uses B. R. Bowring’s formulation for μm precision in concise
           form: U{'The accuracy of geodetic latitude and height equations'
           Survey Review, Vol 28, 218, Oct 1985.

           See also Ralph M. Toms U{'An Efficient Algorithm for Geocentric to
           Geodetic Coordinate Conversion'<https://www.OSTI.gov/scitech/biblio/110235>},
           Sept 1995 and U{'An Improved Algorithm for Geocentric to Geodetic Coordinate
           Apr 1996, from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

           @keyword datum: Optional datum to use (L{Datum}).

           @return: A L{LatLon3Tuple}C{(lat, lon, height)}.
        E = datum.ellipsoid
        x, y, z = self.to3xyz()

        p = hypot(x, y)  # distance from minor axis
        r = hypot(p, z)  # polar radius

        if min(p, r) > EPS:
            # parametric latitude (Bowring eqn 17, replaced)
            t = (E.b * z) / (E.a * p) * (1 + E.e22 * E.b / r)
            c = 1 / hypot1(t)
            s = t * c

            # geodetic latitude (Bowring eqn 18)
            a = atan2(z + E.e22 * E.b * s**3, p - E.e2 * E.a * c**3)
            b = atan2(y, x)  # ... and longitude

            # height above ellipsoid (Bowring eqn 7)
            sa, ca = sincos2(a)
            #           r = E.a / E.e2s(sa)  # length of normal terminated by minor axis
            #           h = p * ca + z * sa - (E.a * E.a / r)
            h = fsum_(p * ca, z * sa, -E.a * E.e2s(sa))

            a, b = degrees90(a), degrees180(b)

        # see <https://GIS.StackExchange.com/questions/28446>
        elif p > EPS:  # latitude arbitrarily zero
            a, b, h = 0.0, degrees180(atan2(y, x)), p - E.a
        else:  # polar latitude, longitude arbitrarily zero
            a, b, h = copysign(90.0, z), 0.0, abs(z) - E.b
        return self._xnamed(LatLon3Tuple(a, b, h))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def toNvector(self, datum=Datums.WGS84):
        '''Convert this cartesian to an (ellipsoidal) n-vector.

           @keyword datum: Optional datum to use (L{Datum}).

           @return: The ellipsoidal n-vector (L{Nvector}).

           @raise ValueError: The B{C{Cartesian}} at origin.


           >>> from ellipsoidalNvector import LatLon
           >>> c = Cartesian(3980581, 97, 4966825)
           >>> n = c.toNvector()  # (0.62282, 0.000002, 0.78237, +0.24)
        if self._Nv is None or datum != self._Nv.datum:
            E = datum.ellipsoid
            x, y, z = self.to3xyz()

            # Kenneth Gade eqn 23
            p = (x**2 + y**2) * E.a2_
            q = (z**2 * E.e12) * E.a2_
            r = fsum_(p, q, -E.e4) / 6
            s = (p * q * E.e4) / (4 * r**3)
            t = cbrt(fsum_(1, s, sqrt(s * (2 + s))))

            u = r * fsum_(1, t, 1 / t)
            v = sqrt(u**2 + E.e4 * q)
            w = E.e2 * fsum_(u, v, -q) / (2 * v)

            k = sqrt(fsum_(u, v, w**2)) - w
            if abs(k) < EPS:
                raise ValueError('%s: %r' % ('origin', self))
            e = k / (k + E.e2)
            d = e * hypot(x, y)

            t = hypot(d, z)
            if t < EPS:
                raise ValueError('%s: %r' % ('origin', self))
            h = fsum_(k, E.e2, -1) / k * t

            s = e / t
            self._Nv = Nvector(x * s,
                               y * s,
                               z / t,
        return self._Nv
Exemplo n.º 3
def equirectangular(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, radius=R_M, **options):
    '''Compute the distance between two points using
       the U{Equirectangular Approximation / Projection

       @arg lat1: Start latitude (C{degrees}).
       @arg lon1: Start longitude (C{degrees}).
       @arg lat2: End latitude (C{degrees}).
       @arg lon2: End longitude (C{degrees}).
       @kwarg radius: Mean earth radius (C{meter}).
       @kwarg options: Optional keyword arguments for function

       @return: Distance (C{meter}, same units as B{C{radius}}).

       @see: Function L{equirectangular_} for more details, the
             available B{C{options}}, errors, restrictions and other,
             approximate or accurate distance functions.
    _, dy, dx, _ = equirectangular_(Lat(lat1, name='lat1'),
                                    Lon(lon1, name='lon1'),
                                    Lat(lat2, name='lat2'),
                                    Lon(lon2, name='lon2'),
                                    **options)  # PYCHOK Distance4Tuple
    return degrees2m(hypot(dx, dy), radius=radius)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _r3(a, f):
    '''(INTERNAL) Reduced cos, sin, tan.
    t = (1 - f) * tan(radians(a))
    c = 1 / hypot(1, t)
    s = t * c
    return c, s, t
Exemplo n.º 5
def vincentys_(phi2, phi1, lam21):
    '''Compute the I{angular} distance between two (spherical) points using
       spherical formula.

       @arg phi2: End latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg phi1: Start latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg lam21: Longitudinal delta, M{end-start} (C{radians}).

       @return: Angular distance (C{radians}).

       @see: Functions L{vincentys}, L{cosineLaw_}, L{equirectangular_},
             L{euclidean_}, L{flatLocal_}, L{flatPolar_} and L{haversine_}.

       @note: Functions L{vincentys_}, L{haversine_} and L{cosineLaw_}
              produce equivalent results, but L{vincentys_} is suitable
              for antipodal points but slightly more expensive (M{3 cos,
              3 sin, 1 hypot, 1 atan2, 6 mul, 2 add}) than L{haversine_}
              (M{2 cos, 2 sin, 2 sqrt, 1 atan2, 5 mul, 1 add}) and
              L{cosineLaw_} (M{3 cos, 3 sin, 1 acos, 3 mul, 1 add}).
    sa1, ca1, sa2, ca2, sb21, cb21 = sincos2(phi1, phi2, lam21)

    c = ca2 * cb21
    x = sa1 * sa2 + ca1 * c
    y = ca1 * sa2 - sa1 * c
    return atan2(hypot(ca2 * sb21, y), x)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def to3lld(self, datum=None):
        '''Convert this L{Lcc} to a geodetic lat- and longitude.

           @keyword datum: Optional datum to use, otherwise use this
                           B{C{Lcc}}'s conic.datum (C{Datum}).

           @return: A L{LatLonDatum3Tuple}C{(lat, lon, datum)}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{datum}} is not ellipsoidal.
        c = self.conic
        if datum:
            c = c.toDatum(datum)

        e =         self.easting  - c._E0
        n = c._r0 - self.northing + c._N0

        r_ = copysign(hypot(e, n), c._n)
        t_ = pow(r_ / c._aF, c._n_)

        x = c._xdef(t_)  # XXX c._lon0
        while True:
            p, x = x, c._xdef(t_ * c._pdef(x))
            if abs(x - p) < 1e-9:  # XXX EPS too small?
        # x, y == lon, lat
        a = degrees90(x)
        b = degrees180((atan(e / n) + c._opt3) * c._n_ + c._lon0)

        return LatLonDatum3Tuple(a, b, c.datum)
Exemplo n.º 7
def flatLocal_(phi2, phi1, lam21, datum=Datums.WGS84):
    '''Compute the distance between two (ellipsoidal) points using
       the U{ellipsoidal Earth to plane projection

       @arg phi2: End latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg phi1: Start latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg lam21: Longitudinal delta, M{end-start} (C{radians}).
       @kwarg datum: Optional, (ellipsoidal) datum to use (L{Datum}).

       @return: Distance (C{meter}, same units as the B{C{datum}}'s
                ellipsoid axes).

       @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{datum}}.

       @note: The meridional and prime_vertical radii of curvature
              are taken and scaled at the mean latitude.

       @see: Functions L{flatLocal}, L{cosineLaw_}, L{flatPolar_},
             L{equirectangular_}, L{euclidean_}, L{haversine_} and
             L{vincentys_} and U{local, flat earth approximation
    _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
    m, n = datum.ellipsoid.roc2_((phi2 + phi1) * 0.5, scaled=True)
    return hypot(m * (phi2 - phi1), n * lam21)
Exemplo n.º 8
def flatLocal_(phi2, phi1, lam21, datum=Datums.WGS84):
    '''Compute the I{angular} distance between two (ellipsoidal) points using
       the U{ellipsoidal Earth to plane projection<https://WikiPedia.org/
       aka U{Hubeny<https://www.OVG.AT/de/vgi/files/pdf/3781/>} formula.

       @arg phi2: End latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg phi1: Start latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg lam21: Longitudinal delta, M{end-start} (C{radians}).
       @kwarg datum: Ellipsoidal datum to use (L{Datum}).

       @return: Angular distance (C{radians}).

       @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{datum}}.

       @note: The meridional and prime_vertical radii of curvature
              are taken and scaled I{at the mean latitude}.

       @see: Functions L{flatLocal}/L{hubeny}, L{cosineAndoyerLambert_},
             L{cosineForsytheAndoyerLambert_}, L{cosineLaw_},
             L{flatPolar_}, L{equirectangular_}, L{euclidean_},
             L{haversine_}, L{thomas_} and L{vincentys_} and U{local, flat
             earth approximation <https://www.EdWilliams.org/avform.htm#flat>}.
    _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
    m, n = datum.ellipsoid.roc2_((phi2 + phi1) * 0.5, scaled=True)
    return hypot(m * (phi2 - phi1), n * lam21)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _direct(self, distance, bearing, llr, height=None):
        '''(INTERNAL) Direct Vincenty method.

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{other}} point is not L{LatLon}.

           @raise ValueError: If this and the B{C{other}} point's L{Datum}
                              ellipsoids are not compatible.

           @raise VincentyError: Vincenty fails to converge for the current
                                 L{LatLon.epsilon} and L{LatLon.iterations}
        E = self.ellipsoid()

        c1, s1, t1 = _r3(self.lat, E.f)

        i = radians(bearing)  # initial bearing (forward azimuth)
        si, ci = sincos2(i)
        s12 = atan2(t1, ci) * 2

        sa = c1 * si
        c2a = 1 - sa**2
        if c2a < EPS:
            c2a = 0
            A, B = 1, 0
        else:  # e22 == (a / b)**2 - 1
            A, B = _p2(c2a * E.e22)

        s = d = distance / (E.b * A)
        for self._iteration in range(1, self._iterations + 1):
            ss, cs = sincos2(s)
            c2sm = cos(s12 + s)
            s_, s = s, d + _ds(B, cs, ss, c2sm)
            if abs(s - s_) < self._epsilon:
            raise VincentyError(_no_(_convergence_),
                                txt=repr(self))  # self.toRepr()

        t = s1 * ss - c1 * cs * ci
        # final bearing (reverse azimuth +/- 180)
        r = atan2b(sa, -t)

        if llr:
            # destination latitude in [-90, 90)
            a = degrees90(
                atan2(s1 * cs + c1 * ss * ci, (1 - E.f) * hypot(sa, t)))
            # destination longitude in [-180, 180)
            b = degrees180(
                atan2(ss * si, c1 * cs - s1 * ss * ci) -
                _dl(E.f, c2a, sa, s, cs, ss, c2sm) + radians(self.lon))
            h = self.height if height is None else height
            d = self.classof(a, b, height=h, datum=self.datum)
            d = None
        return Destination2Tuple(d, r)
Exemplo n.º 10
def n_xyz2philam(x, y, z):
    '''Convert C{n-vector} components to lat- and longitude in C{radians}.

       @arg x: X component (C{scalar}).
       @arg y: Y component (C{scalar}).
       @arg z: Z component (C{scalar}).

       @return: A L{PhiLam2Tuple}C{(phi, lam)}.

       @see: Function L{n_xyz2latlon}.
    return PhiLam2Tuple(atan2(z, hypot(x, y)), atan2(y, x))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def to2ab(self):
        '''Convert this vector to (geodetic) lat- and longitude in C{radians}.

           @return: A L{PhiLam2Tuple}C{(phi, lam)}.


           >>> v = Vector3d(0.500, 0.500, 0.707)
           >>> a, b = v.to2ab()  # 0.785323, 0.785398
        a = atan2(self.z, hypot(self.x, self.y))
        b = atan2(self.y, self.x)
        return self._xnamed(PhiLam2Tuple(a, b))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _sigmaInv0(self, xi, eta):
        '''Starting point for C{sigmaInv}.

           @return: 3-Tuple C{(u, v, trip)}.

           @see: C{bool TMExact::sigmainv0(real xi, real eta,
                                           real &u, real &v)}.
        trip = False
        if eta > self._Ev_KE_5_4 or xi < min(- self._Eu_E_1_4,
                                         eta - self._Ev_KE):
            # sigma as a simple pole at
            #  w = w0 = Eu.K() + i * Ev.K()
            # and sigma is approximated by
            #  sigma = (Eu.E() + i * Ev.KE()) + 1/(w - w0)
            x = xi  - self._Eu_E
            y = eta - self._Ev_KE
            d = x**2 + y**2
            u = self._Eu_K + x / d
            v = self._Ev_K - y / d

        elif eta > self._Ev_KE or (eta > self._Ev_KE_3_4 and
                                    xi < self._Eu_E_1_4):
            # At w = w0 = i * Ev.K(), we have
            #  sigma  = sigma0  = i * Ev.KE()
            #  sigma' = sigma'' = 0
            # including the next term in the Taylor series gives:
            #  sigma = sigma0 - _mv / 3 * (w - w0)^3
            # When inverting this, we map arg(w - w0) = [-pi/2, -pi/6]
            # to arg(sigma - sigma0) = [-pi/2, pi/2]
            # mapping arg = [-pi/2, -pi/6] to [-pi/2, pi/2]

            d = eta - self._Ev_KE
            r = hypot(xi, d)
            # Error using this guess is about 0.068 * rad^(5/3)
            trip = r < _TAYTOL2
            # Map the range [-90, 180] in sigma space to [-90, 0] in
            # w space.  See discussion in zetainv0 on the cut for ang.
            r = cbrt(r * self._3_mv)
            a = atan2(d - xi, xi + d) / 3.0 - PI_4
            s, c = sincos2(a)
            u = r * c
            v = r * s + self._Ev_K

        else:  # use w = sigma * Eu.K/Eu.E (correct in the limit _e -> 0)
            r = self._Eu_K / self._Eu_E
            u = xi  * r
            v = eta * r
        return u, v, trip
Exemplo n.º 13
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=None, unfalse=True, **LatLon_kwds):
        '''Convert this UPS coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.

           @kwarg LatLon: Optional, ellipsoidal class to return the
                          geodetic point (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.
           @kwarg unfalse: Unfalse B{C{easting}} and B{C{northing}}
                           if falsed (C{bool}).
           @kwarg LatLon_kwds: Optional, additional B{C{LatLon}} keyword
                               arguments, ignored if B{C{LatLon=None}}.

           @return: This UPS coordinate (B{C{LatLon}}) or if B{C{LatLon}}
                    is C{None}, a L{LatLonDatum5Tuple}C{(lat, lon, datum,
                    convergence, scale)}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} is not ellipsoidal.

           @raise UPSError: Invalid meridional radius or H-value.
        if self._latlon and self._latlon_args == unfalse:
            return self._latlon5(LatLon)

        E = self.datum.ellipsoid  # XXX vs LatLon.datum.ellipsoid

        x, y = self.to2en(falsed=not unfalse)

        r = hypot(x, y)
        t = (r / (2 * self.scale0 * E.a / E.es_c)) if r > 0 else EPS**2
        t = E.es_tauf((1 / t - t) * 0.5)
        if self._pole == _N_:
            a, b, c = atan(t), atan2(x, -y), 1
            a, b, c = -atan(t), atan2(x, y), -1

        a, b = degrees90(a), degrees180(b)
        if not self._band:
            self._band = _Band(a, b)
        if not self._hemisphere:
            self._hemisphere = _hemi(a)

        ll = _LLEB(a, b, datum=self._datum, name=self.name)
        ll._convergence = b * c  # gamma
        ll._scale = _scale(E, r, t) if r > 0 else self.scale0

        self._latlon_to(ll, unfalse)
        return self._latlon5(LatLon, **LatLon_kwds)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=None, eps=EPS, unfalse=True, **LatLon_kwds):
        '''Convert this UTM coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.

           @kwarg LatLon: Optional, ellipsoidal class to return the
                          geodetic point (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.
           @kwarg eps: Optional convergence limit, L{EPS} or above
           @kwarg unfalse: Unfalse B{C{easting}} and B{C{northing}}
                           if falsed (C{bool}).
           @kwarg LatLon_kwds: Optional, additional B{C{LatLon}} keyword
                               arguments, ignored if B{C{LatLon=None}}.

           @return: This UTM coordinate (B{C{LatLon}}) or if B{C{LatLon}}
                    is C{None}, a L{LatLonDatum5Tuple}C{(lat, lon, datum,
                    convergence, scale)}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} is not ellipsoidal.

           @raise UTMError: Invalid meridional radius or H-value.


           >>> u = Utm(31, 'N', 448251.795, 5411932.678)
           >>> from pygeodesy import ellipsoidalVincenty as eV
           >>> ll = u.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)  # 48°51′29.52″N, 002°17′40.20″E
        if eps < EPS:
            eps = EPS  # less doesn't converge

        if self._latlon and self._latlon_args == (eps, unfalse):
            return self._latlon5(LatLon)

        E = self.datum.ellipsoid  # XXX vs LatLon.datum.ellipsoid

        x, y = self.to2en(falsed=not unfalse)

        # from Karney 2011 Eq 15-22, 36
        A0 = self.scale0 * E.A
        if A0 < EPS:
            raise self._Error(meridional=A0)
        x /= A0  # η eta
        y /= A0  # ξ ksi

        K = _Kseries(E.BetaKs, x, y)  # Krüger series
        y = -K.ys(-y)  # ξ'
        x = -K.xs(-x)  # η'

        shx = sinh(x)
        sy, cy = sincos2(y)

        H = hypot(shx, cy)
        if H < EPS:
            raise self._Error(H=H)

        T = t0 = sy / H  # τʹ
        S = Fsum(T)
        q = 1.0 / E.e12
        P = 7  # -/+ toggle trips
        d = 1.0 + eps
        while abs(d) > eps and P > 0:
            p = -d  # previous d, toggled
            h = hypot1(T)
            s = sinh(E.e * atanh(E.e * T / h))
            t = T * hypot1(s) - s * h
            d = (t0 - t) / hypot1(t) * ((q + T**2) / h)
            T, d = S.fsum2_(d)  # τi, (τi - τi-1)
            if d == p:  # catch -/+ toggling of d
                P -= 1
            # else:
            #   P = 0

        a = atan(T)  # lat
        b = atan2(shx, cy)
        if unfalse and self.falsed:
            b += radians(_cmlon(self.zone))
        ll = _LLEB(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), datum=self.datum, name=self.name)

        # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 26, 27
        p = -K.ps(-1)
        q =  K.qs(0)
        ll._convergence = degrees(atan(tan(y) * tanh(x)) + atan2(q, p))

        # scale: Karney 2011 Eq 28
        ll._scale = E.e2s(sin(a)) * hypot1(T) * H * (A0 / E.a / hypot(p, q))

        self._latlon_to(ll, eps, unfalse)
        return self._latlon5(LatLon, **LatLon_kwds)
Exemplo n.º 15
def toUtm8(latlon, lon=None, datum=None, Utm=Utm, falsed=True, name=NN,
                                         zone=None, **cmoff):
    '''Convert a lat-/longitude point to a UTM coordinate.

       @arg latlon: Latitude (C{degrees}) or an (ellipsoidal)
                    geodetic C{LatLon} point.
       @kwarg lon: Optional longitude (C{degrees}) or C{None}.
       @kwarg datum: Optional datum for this UTM coordinate,
                     overriding B{C{latlon}}'s datum (L{Datum},
                     L{Ellipsoid}, L{Ellipsoid2} or L{a_f2Tuple}).
       @kwarg Utm: Optional class to return the UTM coordinate
                   (L{Utm}) or C{None}.
       @kwarg falsed: False both easting and northing (C{bool}).
       @kwarg name: Optional B{C{Utm}} name (C{str}).
       @kwarg zone: Optional UTM zone to enforce (C{int} or C{str}).
       @kwarg cmoff: DEPRECATED, use B{C{falsed}}.  Offset longitude
                     from the zone's central meridian (C{bool}).

       @return: The UTM coordinate (B{C{Utm}}) or if B{C{Utm}} is
                C{None} or not B{C{falsed}}, a L{UtmUps8Tuple}C{(zone,
                hemipole, easting, northing, band, datum, convergence,
                scale)}.  The C{hemipole} is the C{'N'|'S'} hemisphere.

       @raise RangeError: If B{C{lat}} outside the valid UTM bands or
                          if B{C{lat}} or B{C{lon}} outside the valid
                          range and L{rangerrors} set to C{True}.

       @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{datum}} or B{C{latlon}} not ellipsoidal.

       @raise UTMError: Invalid B{C{zone}}.

       @raise ValueError: If B{C{lon}} value is missing or if
                          B{C{latlon}} is invalid.

       @note: Implements Karney’s method, using 8-th order Krüger series,
              giving results accurate to 5 nm (or better) for distances
              up to 3900 km from the central meridian.


       >>> p = LatLon(48.8582, 2.2945)  # 31 N 448251.8 5411932.7
       >>> u = toUtm(p)  # 31 N 448252 5411933
       >>> p = LatLon(13.4125, 103.8667) # 48 N 377302.4 1483034.8
       >>> u = toUtm(p)  # 48 N 377302 1483035
    z, B, lat, lon, d, f, name = _to7zBlldfn(latlon, lon, datum,
                                             falsed, name, zone,
                                             UTMError, **cmoff)
    d = _ellipsoidal_datum(d, name=name)
    E = d.ellipsoid

    a, b = radians(lat), radians(lon)
    # easting, northing: Karney 2011 Eq 7-14, 29, 35
    sb, cb = sincos2(b)

    T = tan(a)
    T12 = hypot1(T)
    S = sinh(E.e * atanh(E.e * T / T12))

    T_ = T * hypot1(S) - S * T12
    H = hypot(T_, cb)

    y = atan2(T_, cb)  # ξ' ksi
    x = asinh(sb / H)  # η' eta

    A0 = E.A * getattr(Utm, '_scale0', _K0)  # Utm is class or None

    K = _Kseries(E.AlphaKs, x, y)  # Krüger series
    y = K.ys(y) * A0  # ξ
    x = K.xs(x) * A0  # η

    # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 23, 24
    p_ = K.ps(1)
    q_ = K.qs(0)
    c = degrees(atan(T_ / hypot1(T_) * tan(b)) + atan2(q_, p_))

    # scale: Karney 2011 Eq 25
    k = E.e2s(sin(a)) * T12 / H * (A0 / E.a * hypot(p_, q_))

    return _toXtm8(Utm, z, lat, x, y,
                        B, d, c, k, f, name, latlon, EPS)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _zetaInv0(self, psi, lam):
        '''Starting point for C{zetaInv}.

           @return: 3-Tuple C{(u, v, trip)}.

           @see: C{bool TMExact::zetainv0(real psi, real lam,  # radians
                                          real &u, real &v)}.
        trip = False
        if (psi < -self._e_PI_4 and lam > self._1_e2_PI_2
                                and psi < lam - self._1_e_PI_2):
            # N.B. this branch is normally not taken because psi < 0
            # is converted psi > 0 by Forward.
            # There's a log singularity at w = w0 = Eu.K() + i * Ev.K(),
            # corresponding to the south pole, where we have, approximately
            #  psi = _e + i * pi/2 - _e * atanh(cos(i * (w - w0)/(1 + _mu/2)))
            # Inverting this gives:
            h = sinh(1 - psi / self._e)
            a = (PI_2 - lam) / self._e
            s, c = sincos2(a)
            u = self._Eu_K - asinh(s / hypot(c, h)) * self._mu_2_1
            v = self._Ev_K - atan2(c, h) * self._mu_2_1

        elif (psi < self._e_PI_2 and lam > self._1_e2_PI_2):
            # At w = w0 = i * Ev.K(), we have
            #  zeta  = zeta0  = i * (1 - _e) * pi/2
            #  zeta' = zeta'' = 0
            # including the next term in the Taylor series gives:
            #  zeta = zeta0 - (_mv * _e) / 3 * (w - w0)^3
            # When inverting this, we map arg(w - w0) = [-90, 0] to
            # arg(zeta - zeta0) = [-90, 180]

            d = lam - self._1_e_PI_2
            r = hypot(psi, d)
            # Error using this guess is about 0.21 * (rad/e)^(5/3)
            trip = r < self._e_taytol_
            # atan2(dlam-psi, psi+dlam) + 45d gives arg(zeta - zeta0)
            # in range [-135, 225).  Subtracting 180 (since multiplier
            # is negative) makes range [-315, 45).  Multiplying by 1/3
            # (for cube root) gives range [-105, 15).  In particular
            # the range [-90, 180] in zeta space maps to [-90, 0] in
            # w space as required.
            r = cbrt(r * self._3_mv_e)
            a = atan2(d - psi, psi + d) / 3.0 - PI_4
            s, c = sincos2(a)
            u = r * c
            v = r * s + self._Ev_K

            # Use spherical TM, Lee 12.6 -- writing C{atanh(sin(lam) /
            # cosh(psi)) = asinh(sin(lam) / hypot(cos(lam), sinh(psi)))}.
            # This takes care of the log singularity at C{zeta = Eu.K()},
            # corresponding to the north pole.
            s, c = sincos2(lam)
            h, r = sinh(psi), self._Eu_K / PI_2
            # But scale to put 90, 0 on the right place
            u = r * atan2(h, c)
            v = r * asinh(s / hypot(c, h))
        return u, v, trip
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _Lat_s_c3(name, s, c):
     L = Lat_(atan2d(s, c), name=name, Error=AlbersError)
     r = _1_0 / Float_(hypot(s, c), name=name, Error=AlbersError)
     return L, s * r, c * r
Exemplo n.º 18
    def reverse(self, x, y, lon0=0, name=NN, LatLon=None, **LatLon_kwds):
        '''Convert an east- and northing location to geodetic lat- and longitude.

           @arg x: Easting of the location (C{meter}).
           @arg y: Northing of the location (C{meter}).
           @kwarg lon0: Optional central meridian longitude (C{degrees}).
           @kwarg name: Optional name for the location (C{str}).
           @kwarg LatLon: Class to use (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.
           @kwarg LatLon_kwds: Optional, additional B{C{LatLon}} keyword
                               arguments, ignored if C{B{LatLon}=None}.

           @return: The geodetic (C{LatLon}) or if B{C{LatLon}} is C{None} an
                    L{Albers7Tuple}C{(x, y, lat, lon, gamma, scale, datum)}.

           @note: The origin latitude is returned by C{property lat0}.  No
                  false easting or northing is added.  The returned value of
                  C{lon} is in the range C{[-180..180] degrees} and C{lat}
                  is in the range C{[-90..90] degrees}.  If the given
                  B{C{x}} or B{C{y}} point is outside the valid projected
                  space the nearest pole is returned.
        x = Meter(x=x)
        y = Meter(y=y)

        k0 = self._k0
        n0 = self._n0
        k0n0 = self._k0n0
        nrho0 = self._nrho0
        txi0 = self._txi0

        y_ = self._sign * y
        nx = k0n0 * x
        ny = k0n0 * y_
        y1 = nrho0 - ny

        drho = den = nrho0 + hypot(nx,
                                   y1)  # 0 implies origin with polar aspect
        if den:
            drho = fsum_(x * nx, -_2_0 * y_ * nrho0, y_ * ny) * k0 / den
        # dsxia = scxi0 * dsxi
        dsxia = -self._scxi0 * (_2_0 * nrho0 + n0 * drho) * drho / self._qZa2
        t = _1_0 - dsxia * (_2_0 * txi0 + dsxia)
        txi = (txi0 + dsxia) / (sqrt(t) if t > _EPS__4 else _EPS__2)

        ta = self._tanf(txi)
        lat = atand(ta * self._sign)

        th = atan2(nx, y1)
        lon = degrees(th / self._k02n0 if n0 else x / (y1 * k0))
        if lon0:
            lon += _norm180(lon0)
        lon = _norm180(lon)

        if LatLon is None:
            g = degrees360(self._sign * th)
            if den:
                k0 = self._azik(nrho0 + n0 * drho, ta)
            r = Albers7Tuple(x, y, lat, lon, g, k0, self.datum)
            kwds = _xkwds(LatLon_kwds, datum=self.datum)
            r = LatLon(lat, lon, **kwds)
        return self._xnamed(r, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _inverse(self, other, azis, wrap):
        '''(INTERNAL) Inverse Vincenty method.

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{other}} point is not L{LatLon}.

           @raise ValueError: If this and the B{C{other}} point's L{Datum}
                              ellipsoids are not compatible.

           @raise VincentyError: Vincenty fails to converge for the current
                                 L{LatLon.epsilon} and L{LatLon.iterations}
                                 limit and/or if this and the B{C{other}}
                                 point are coincident or near-antipodal.
        E = self.ellipsoids(other)

        c1, s1, _ = _r3(self.lat, E.f)
        c2, s2, _ = _r3(other.lat, E.f)

        c1c2, s1c2 = c1 * c2, s1 * c2
        c1s2, s1s2 = c1 * s2, s1 * s2

        dl, _ = unroll180(self.lon, other.lon, wrap=wrap)
        ll = dl = radians(dl)
        for self._iteration in range(1, self._iterations + 1):
            ll_ = ll
            sll, cll = sincos2(ll)

            ss = hypot(c2 * sll, c1s2 - s1c2 * cll)
            if ss < EPS:  # coincident or antipodal, ...
                if self.isantipodeTo(other, eps=self._epsilon):
                    t = '%r %sto %r' % (self, _antipodal_, other)
                    raise VincentyError(_ambiguous_, txt=t)
                # return zeros like Karney, but unlike Veness
                return Distance3Tuple(0.0, 0, 0)

            cs = s1s2 + c1c2 * cll
            s = atan2(ss, cs)

            sa = c1c2 * sll / ss
            c2a = 1 - sa**2
            if abs(c2a) < EPS:
                c2a = 0  # equatorial line
                ll = dl + E.f * sa * s
                c2sm = cs - 2 * s1s2 / c2a
                ll = dl + _dl(E.f, c2a, sa, s, cs, ss, c2sm)

            if abs(ll - ll_) < self._epsilon:

#           # omitted and applied only after failure to converge below, see footnote
#           # under Inverse at <https://WikiPedia.org/wiki/Vincenty's_formulae>
#           # <https://GitHub.com/ChrisVeness/geodesy/blob/master/latlon-vincenty.js>
#           elif abs(ll) > PI and self.isantipodeTo(other, eps=self._epsilon):
#              raise VincentyError('%s, %r %sto %r' % ('ambiguous', self,
#                                  _antipodal_, other))
            t = _antipodal_ if self.isantipodeTo(other,
                                                 eps=self._epsilon) else NN
            t = _SPACE_(repr(self), NN(t, _to_), repr(other))
            raise VincentyError(_no_(_convergence_), txt=t)

        if c2a:  # e22 == (a / b)**2 - 1
            A, B = _p2(c2a * E.e22)
            s = A * (s - _ds(B, cs, ss, c2sm))

        b = E.b
        #       if self.height or other.height:
        #           b += self._havg(other)
        d = b * s

        if azis:  # forward and reverse azimuth
            sll, cll = sincos2(ll)
            f = atan2b(c2 * sll, c1s2 - s1c2 * cll)
            r = atan2b(c1 * sll, -s1c2 + c1s2 * cll)
            f = r = 0
        return Distance3Tuple(d, f, r)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def _Lat_s_c3(s, c, name):
     L = _Lat_(atan2d(s, c), name=name)
     r = 1.0 / Float_(hypot(s, c), Error=AlbersError, name=name)
     return L, s * r, c * r