Exemplo n.º 1
def printmissed(connection, simulation_table, recovery_table, map_label, livetime_program,
    param_name = None, param_ranges = None, exclude_coincs = None, include_only_coincs = None, sim_tag = 'ALLINJ',
    limit = None, daily_ihope_pages_location = 'https://ldas-jobs.ligo.caltech.edu/~cbc/ihope_daily', verbose = False):
    from pylal import ligolw_sqlutils as sqlutils
    from pylal import ligolw_cbc_compute_durations as compute_dur
    from glue import segments
    from glue.ligolw import dbtables

    # Get simulation/recovery tables
    simulation_table = sqlutils.validate_option(simulation_table)
    recovery_table = sqlutils.validate_option(recovery_table)
    # create the get_sim_tag function
    sim_map = sqlutils.sim_tag_proc_id_mapper( connection )
    connection.create_function( 'get_sim_tag', 1, sim_map.get_sim_tag )

    #   Create and prepare the CloseMissedTable to store summary information
    # Get simulation table column names from database
    simulation_table_columns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, simulation_table )
    column_names = simulation_table_columns + \
        ['rank', 'decisive_distance', 'gps_time', 'gps_time_ns', 'injection_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_', 'elogs', 'instruments_on', 'veto_def_name', 'mini_followup','omega_scan', 'sim_tag']
    # define needed tables
    class CloseMissedTable(table.Table):
        tableName = "close_missed_injections:table"
        validcolumns = {}
        for col_name in column_names:
            if 'rank' in col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4u"
            elif 'instruments_on' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = lsctables.ExperimentTable.validcolumns['instruments']
            elif 'veto_def_name' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = lsctables.ExperimentSummaryTable.validcolumns['veto_def_name']
            elif 'decisive_distance' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(simulation_table, 'eff_dist_h')
            elif 'gps_time' == col_name or 'gps_time_ns' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4s"
            elif 'sim_tag' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "lstring"
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(simulation_table, col_name, default = 'lstring')
    class CloseMissed(object):
        __slots__ = CloseMissedTable.validcolumns.keys()
        def get_pyvalue(self):
            return generic_get_pyvalue(self)
    # connect the rows to the tables
    CloseMissedTable.RowType = CloseMissed
    # create the table
    cmtable = lsctables.New(CloseMissedTable)

    # set up sim_rec_map table
    sqlutils.create_sim_rec_map_table(connection, simulation_table, recovery_table, map_label, None)
    #   Set table filters
    # we force the include/exclude filters to None; will check for excluded/included ifo time
    # when cycling through the ifo times
    filter = """
            simulation_id NOT IN (
                    sim_rec_map )"""
    af = create_filter( connection, simulation_table, param_name = param_name, param_ranges = param_ranges,
            exclude_coincs = None, include_only_coincs = None, sim_tag = sim_tag, verbose = verbose)
    af = re.sub(r'experiment_summary[.]sim_proc_id', 'process_id', af)
    if af != '':
        filter = '\n'.join([ filter, """
            AND""", af])
    # get desired instrument times
    if include_only_coincs is not None:
        include_times = [on_instruments for on_instruments, type in
            sqlutils.parse_coinc_options( include_only_coincs, verbose = verbose ).get_coinc_types().items()
            if 'ALL' in type]
    if exclude_coincs is not None:
        exclude_times = [on_instruments for on_instruments, type in
            sqlutils.parse_coinc_options( exclude_coincs, verbose = verbose ).get_coinc_types().items()
            if 'ALL' in type]

    # get the usertags of inspiral jobs in this database
    sqlquery = """
        SELECT value
        FROM process_params
        WHERE param == "-userTag"
        GROUP BY value
    usertags = set(usertag[0] for usertag in connection.cursor().execute(sqlquery) )
    # Get the single-ifo science segments after CAT-1 vetoes
        if "FULL_DATA" in usertags:
            tag = "FULL_DATA"
            tag = list(usertags)[0]
    except IndexError:
        # This is hacky anyway, so let's just take a guess
        tag = "FULL_DATA"
    ifo_segments = compute_dur.get_single_ifo_segments(connection, program_name = livetime_program, usertag = tag)
    if ifo_segments == {}:
        raise ValueError, "Cannot find any analysis segments using %s as a livetime program; cannot get missed injections." % livetime_program
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Getting all veto category names from the experiment_summary table..."

    xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection)
    # get veto_segments
    veto_segments = compute_dur.get_veto_segments(xmldoc, verbose)

    # make a dictionary of zerolag "shifts" needed for the get_coinc_segments function
    zerolag_dict = {}
    for ifo in ifo_segments:
        zerolag_dict[ifo] = 0.0

    # Cycle over available veto categories
    for veto_def_name, veto_seg_dict in veto_segments.items():
        post_vetoes_ifosegs = ifo_segments - veto_seg_dict
        # make a dictionary of coincident segments by exclusive on-ifos
        coinc_segs = compute_dur.get_coinc_segments(post_vetoes_ifosegs, zerolag_dict)
        #   Get all the on_instrument times and cycle over them
        sqlquery = """
            SELECT DISTINCT experiment.instruments
            FROM experiment
                JOIN experiment_summary ON (
                    experiment.experiment_id == experiment_summary.experiment_id )
            WHERE experiment_summary.veto_def_name == :1
        for on_instruments in connection.cursor().execute(sqlquery, (veto_def_name,)).fetchall():
            on_instruments = lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(on_instruments[0])
            # check if this on_instruments is desired; if not, skip
            if include_only_coincs is not None and frozenset(on_instruments) not in include_times:
            if exclude_coincs is not None and frozenset(on_instruments) in exclude_times:
            on_times = coinc_segs[','.join(sorted(on_instruments))]
            def is_in_on_time(gps_time, gps_time_ns):
                return gps_time + (1e-9 * gps_time_ns) in on_times
            connection.create_function('is_in_on_time', 2, is_in_on_time)
            # add the check for on time to the filter
            in_this_filter = filter
            # figure out if simulation_table has end_times or start_times
            end_or_start = any('end_time' in c for c in simulation_table_columns) and '_end_time' or '_start_time'
            for instrument in on_instruments:
                inst_time = instrument.lower()[0] + end_or_start
                inst_time_ns = inst_time + '_ns' 
                in_this_filter = ''.join([ in_this_filter,
                    '\n\tAND is_in_on_time(', inst_time, ',', inst_time_ns, ')' ])
            #   Set up decisive distance argument
            def get_decisive_distance( *args ):
               return sorted(args)[1]
            connection.create_function('get_decisive_distance', len(on_instruments), get_decisive_distance)
            decisive_distance = ''.join(['get_decisive_distance(', ','.join(['eff_dist_'+inst.lower()[0] for inst in on_instruments]), ')' ])
            #   Initialize ranking. Statistics for ranking are based on decisive distance
            if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Getting statistics for ranking..."
            ranker = sqlutils.rank_stats(simulation_table, decisive_distance, 'ASC')
            # add requirement that stats not be found in the sim_rec_table to in_this_filter
            ranker.populate_stats_list(connection, limit = limit, filter = in_this_filter)
            connection.create_function( 'rank', 1, ranker.get_rank )
            #   Get the Data
            sqlquery = ''.join(["""
                    """, decisive_distance, """,
                    rank(""", decisive_distance, """)
                    """, simulation_table, """
                """, in_this_filter, """
                    %s""" % (limit is not None and ''.join(['AND rank(', decisive_distance, ') <= ', str(limit)]) or ''), """
                ORDER BY
                    rank(""", decisive_distance, """) ASC
            if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Getting injections..."
                print >> sys.stderr, "SQLite query used is:"
                print >> sys.stderr, sqlquery
            for values in connection.cursor().execute( sqlquery ).fetchall():
                cmrow = CloseMissed()
                [ setattr(cmrow, column, values[ii]) for ii, column in enumerate(simulation_table_columns) ]
                cmrow.decisive_distance = values[-2]
                cmrow.rank = values[-1]
                cmrow.instruments_on = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(on_instruments)
                cmrow.veto_def_name = veto_def_name
                cmrow.sim_tag = values[-3]
                cmrow.mini_followup = None
                cmrow.omega_scan = None
                cmrow.gps_time = getattr(cmrow, sorted(on_instruments)[0][0].lower() + end_or_start)
                cmrow.gps_time_ns = getattr(cmrow, sorted(on_instruments)[0][0].lower() + end_or_start + '_ns')
                # set  elog page
                elog_pages = [(ifo, get_elog_page(ifo, cmrow.gps_time)) for ifo in on_instruments]
                cmrow.elogs = ','.join([ create_hyperlink(elog[1], elog[0]) for elog in sorted(elog_pages) ])
                # set daily_ihope page
                injection_time_utc = format_end_time_in_utc( cmrow.gps_time ) 
                daily_ihope_address = get_daily_ihope_page(cmrow.gps_time, pages_location = daily_ihope_pages_location)
                cmrow.injection_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_ = create_hyperlink( daily_ihope_address, injection_time_utc ) 
                # add the row

    # drop the sim_rec_map table
    connection.cursor().execute("DROP TABLE sim_rec_map")
    return cmtable
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_filter( connection, tableName, param_name = None, param_ranges = None, 
    exclude_coincs = None, include_only_coincs = None, sim_tag = 'ALLINJ', verbose = False):
    Strings together param_name, param_ranges, exclude/include_only_coincs, and
    sim_tag options into a filter string that can be stuck in a sqlite WHERE clause.
    from pylal import ligolw_sqlutils as sqlutils

    in_this_filter = ''
    # Get param and param-ranges if specified
    if param_name is not None:
        param_name = sqlutils.validate_option(param_name)
        param_filters = sqlutils.parse_param_ranges( tableName, param_name, 
            param_ranges, verbose = verbose ).get_param_filters()
        # since want triggers that fall within all the parameters, concatenate
        # all param ranges
        param_filters = '\n\t\tOR '.join( param_filters )
        in_this_filter = ''.join([ in_this_filter, '\n\tAND (\n\t\t', param_filters, '\n\t)' ])
    # Get exclude_coincs list if specified
    if exclude_coincs is not None:
        exclude_coinc_filters = sqlutils.parse_coinc_options( exclude_coincs, 
            verbose = verbose ).get_coinc_filters( coinc_instruments_table = tableName )
        # concatenate exclude_coinc_filters
        exclude_coinc_filters = '\n\t\tOR '.join( exclude_coinc_filters )
        # add to in_this_filter
        in_this_filter = ''.join([ in_this_filter, '\n\tAND NOT (\n\t\t', exclude_coinc_filters, '\n\t)' ]) 
    # Get include_only_coincs list if specified
    if include_only_coincs is not None:
        include_coinc_filters = sqlutils.parse_coinc_options( include_only_coincs, 
            verbose = verbose ).get_coinc_filters( coinc_instruments_table = tableName )
        # concatenate include_coinc_filters
        include_coinc_filters = '\n\t\tOR '.join( include_coinc_filters )
        # add to in_this_filter
        in_this_filter = ''.join([ in_this_filter, '\n\tAND (\n\t\t', include_coinc_filters, '\n\t)' ])
    # if sim-tag specified add the sim-tag to the filter
    if sim_tag != 'ALLINJ':
        # create a map between sim_proc_id and sim-tag and a function to parse it
        sim_map = sqlutils.sim_tag_proc_id_mapper( connection )
        connection.create_function( 'get_sim_tag', 1, sim_map.get_sim_tag )
        # parse the sim_tag for multiple sims; then cycle over and add to the filter
        sim_filter = ''
        sim_list = sim_tag.split('+')
        for sim_tag in sim_list:
            # check that sim_tag is in the the map
            sim_tag = sqlutils.validate_option(sim_tag, lower = False).upper()
            if sim_tag not in sim_map.tag_id_map.keys():
                raise ValueError, "sim-tag %s not found in database" % sim_tag
            # create the filter
            sim_filter = '\n\t\tOR '.join([ sim_filter, ''.join(['get_sim_tag(experiment_summary.sim_proc_id) == "', sim_tag, '"' ]) ])

        # strip the leading OR and add to in_this_filter
        sim_filter = re.sub(r'OR ', '', sim_filter, 1)
        in_this_filter = ''.join([ in_this_filter, '\n\tAND (', sim_filter, '\n\t)' ])

    # remove the leading AND
    in_this_filter = re.sub(r'\n\tAND', '', in_this_filter, 1)

    return in_this_filter