Exemplo n.º 1
    def handle_exception(s, instr, packet):
        s.CSR[CsrRegisters.mtval] = instr
        s.CSR[CsrRegisters.mcause] = packet.mcause
        s.CSR[CsrRegisters.mepc] = s.PC

        mtvec = s.CSR[CsrRegisters.mtvec]
        mode = mtvec[0:2]
        base = concat(mtvec[2:XLEN], Bits(2, 0))
        if mode == MtvecMode.direct:
            target = base
        elif mode == MtvecMode.vectored:
            target = base + (packet.mcause << 2)
            # this is a bad state. mtvec is curcial to handling
            # exceptions, and there is no way to handle and exception
            # related to mtvec.
            # In a real processor, this would probably just halt or reset
            # the entire processor
            assert False
        s.PC = target
Exemplo n.º 2
 def execute_jal( s, inst ):
   s.R[31] = s.PC + 4
   s.PC = concat( (s.PC+4)[28:32], inst.jtarg, Bits(2,0) )
Exemplo n.º 3
 def execute_j( s, inst ):
   s.PC = concat( (s.PC+4)[28:32], inst.jtarg, Bits(2,0) )
 def u_imm(self):
     return concat(self.bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_u_imm], Bits(12, 0))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def augment_u_imm(s, u_imm):
     return concat(u_imm, Bits(12, 0))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def execute_jal(s, inst):
     s.R[31] = s.PC + 4
     s.PC = concat((s.PC + 4)[28:32], inst.jtarg, Bits(2, 0))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def execute_j(s, inst):
     s.PC = concat((s.PC + 4)[28:32], inst.jtarg, Bits(2, 0))