Exemplo n.º 1
def fixedWigIterator(fd, verbose=False, sortedby=None, scoreType=int):
  fh = openFD(fd)
  if verbose:
      pind = ProgressIndicator(totalToDo=os.path.getsize(fh.name),
                               messageSuffix="of processing " + fh.name)
    except AttributeError:
      sys.stderr.write("WigIterator -- warning: "
                       + "unable to show progress for stream")
      verbose = False

  chromsSeen = set()
  prev = None

  # NUMBERS = set(['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','.'])
  currentChrom, at, step = None, None, None
  for line in fh:
    line = line.strip()
    if line == "":

    if line[0] == 't' or line[0] == 'f':
      parts = line.split()
      if parts[0] == "track":
      elif parts[0] == "fixedStep":
        currentChrom = parts[1].split("=")[1]
        at = int(parts[2].split("=")[1])
        step = int(parts[3].split("=")[1])
      val = float(line)
      e = GenomicInterval(currentChrom, at, at + step, None,
                          val, scoreType=scoreType)

      # on same chrom as the prev item, make sure order is right
      if prev is not None and sortedby is not None and e.chrom == prev.chrom:
        if sortedby == ITERATOR_SORTED_START and prev.start > e.start:
          raise WigIteratorError("Wig file " + fd.name
                                 + " not sorted by start index - saw item "
                                 + str(prev) + " before " + str(e))

      # starting a new chrom.. make sure we haven't already seen it
      if prev is not None and prev.chrom != e.chrom:
        if (sortedby == ITERATOR_SORTED_START) and\
           (e.chrom in chromsSeen or prev.chrom > e.chrom):
          raise WigIteratorError("Wig file " + fd.name
                                 + " not sorted by chrom")

      # all good..
      yield e
      prev = e
      at += step
      if verbose :
        pind.done = fh.tell()
Exemplo n.º 2
def regularWigIterator(fd, verbose=False, sortedby=None, scoreType=int):
    @param sortedBy: if not None, should be one of ITERATOR_SORTED_BY_START
                     indicating an order that the input stream must be
                     sorted in
    @raise WigIteratorError: if sortedBy is set and stream is not sorted
    if verbose:
            totalLines = linesInFile(fd)
            pind = ProgressIndicator(totalToDo=totalLines,
                                     messageSuffix="of processing " +
        except AttributeError:
            sys.stderr.write("WigIterator -- warning: " +
                             "unable to show progress for stream")
            verbose = False

    chromsSeen = set()
    prev = None

    fh = openFD(fd)
    for line in fh:
        if verbose:
            pind.done += 1

        line = line.strip()
        if line == "":
        e = parseWigString(line, scoreType=scoreType)

        # on same chrom as the prev item, make sure order is right
        if prev is not None and sortedby is not None and e.chrom == prev.chrom:
            if sortedby == ITERATOR_SORTED_START and prev.start > e.start:
                raise WigIteratorError(
                    "bed file " + fd.name +
                    " not sorted by start index - saw item " + str(prev) +
                    " before " + str(e))

        # starting a new chrom.. make sure we haven't already seen it
        if prev is not None and prev.chrom != e.chrom:
            if (sortedby == ITERATOR_SORTED_START) and\
               (e.chrom in chromsSeen or prev.chrom > e.chrom):
                raise WigIteratorError("BED file " + fd.name +
                                       " not sorted by chrom")

        # all good..
        yield e
        prev = e
Exemplo n.º 3
def regularWigIterator(fd, verbose=False, sortedby=None, scoreType=int):
    @param sortedBy: if not None, should be one of ITERATOR_SORTED_BY_START
                     indicating an order that the input stream must be
                     sorted in
    @raise WigIteratorError: if sortedBy is set and stream is not sorted
  if verbose:
      totalLines = linesInFile(fd)
      pind = ProgressIndicator(totalToDo=totalLines,
                               messageSuffix="of processing " + getFDName(fd))
    except AttributeError:
      sys.stderr.write("WigIterator -- warning: "
                       + "unable to show progress for stream")
      verbose = False

  chromsSeen = set()
  prev = None

  fh = openFD(fd)
  for line in fh:
    if verbose:
      pind.done += 1

    line = line.strip()
    if line == "":
    e = parseWigString(line, scoreType=scoreType)

    # on same chrom as the prev item, make sure order is right
    if prev is not None and sortedby is not None and e.chrom == prev.chrom:
      if sortedby == ITERATOR_SORTED_START and prev.start > e.start:
        raise WigIteratorError("bed file " + fd.name
                               + " not sorted by start index - saw item "
                               + str(prev) + " before " + str(e))

    # starting a new chrom.. make sure we haven't already seen it
    if prev is not None and prev.chrom != e.chrom:
      if (sortedby == ITERATOR_SORTED_START) and\
         (e.chrom in chromsSeen or prev.chrom > e.chrom):
        raise WigIteratorError("BED file " + fd.name
                               + " not sorted by chrom")

    # all good..
    yield e
    prev = e
Exemplo n.º 4
def wigIterator(fd, verbose=False, sortedby=None, scoreType=int):
  # peak at the first line to see if it's a regular wig, or
  # fixed-step wig
  fh = openFD(fd)
  at = fh.tell()
  line = None
  while(line is None):
    l = fh.readline()
    if l.strip() != "":
      line = l

  if line.split()[0] == "fixedStep":
    return fixedWigIterator(fd, verbose, sortedby)
    return regularWigIterator(fd, verbose, sortedby, scoreType=scoreType)
Exemplo n.º 5
def wigIterator(fd, verbose=False, sortedby=None, scoreType=int):
    # peak at the first line to see if it's a regular wig, or
    # fixed-step wig
    fh = openFD(fd)
    at = fh.tell()
    line = None
    while (line is None):
        l = fh.readline()
        if l.strip() != "":
            line = l

    if line.split()[0] == "fixedStep":
        return fixedWigIterator(fd, verbose, sortedby)
        return regularWigIterator(fd, verbose, sortedby, scoreType=scoreType)
Exemplo n.º 6
def fixedWigIterator(fd, verbose=False, sortedby=None, scoreType=int):
    fh = openFD(fd)
    if verbose:
            pind = ProgressIndicator(totalToDo=os.path.getsize(fh.name),
                                     messageSuffix="of processing " + fh.name)
        except AttributeError:
            sys.stderr.write("WigIterator -- warning: " +
                             "unable to show progress for stream")
            verbose = False

    chromsSeen = set()
    prev = None

    # NUMBERS = set(['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','.'])
    currentChrom, at, step = None, None, None
    for line in fh:
        line = line.strip()
        if line == "":

        if line[0] == 't' or line[0] == 'f':
            parts = line.split()
            if parts[0] == "track":
            elif parts[0] == "fixedStep":
                currentChrom = parts[1].split("=")[1]
                at = int(parts[2].split("=")[1])
                step = int(parts[3].split("=")[1])
            val = float(line)
            e = GenomicInterval(currentChrom,
                                at + step,

            # on same chrom as the prev item, make sure order is right
            if prev is not None and sortedby is not None and e.chrom == prev.chrom:
                if sortedby == ITERATOR_SORTED_START and prev.start > e.start:
                    raise WigIteratorError(
                        "Wig file " + fd.name +
                        " not sorted by start index - saw item " + str(prev) +
                        " before " + str(e))

            # starting a new chrom.. make sure we haven't already seen it
            if prev is not None and prev.chrom != e.chrom:
                if (sortedby == ITERATOR_SORTED_START) and\
                   (e.chrom in chromsSeen or prev.chrom > e.chrom):
                    raise WigIteratorError("Wig file " + fd.name +
                                           " not sorted by chrom")

            # all good..
            yield e
            prev = e
            at += step
            if verbose:
                pind.done = fh.tell()