Exemplo n.º 1
 def checkname(self, name):
     t_in = pyrtl.WireVector(name=name, bitwidth=3)
     t_out = pyrtl.WireVector(name='t_out', bitwidth=3)
     t_out <<= t_in + 1
     with io.StringIO() as testbuffer:
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_romblock_does_not_throw_error(self):
     a = pyrtl.Input(bitwidth=3, name='a')
     b = pyrtl.Input(bitwidth=3, name='b')
     o = pyrtl.Output(bitwidth=3, name='o')
     sum, co = generate_full_adder(a, b)
     rdat = {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 5, 5: 0}
     mixtable = pyrtl.RomBlock(addrwidth=3, bitwidth=3, romdata=rdat)
     o <<= mixtable[sum]
     with io.StringIO() as testbuffer:
 def test_romblock_does_not_throw_error(self):
     from pyrtl.corecircuits import _basic_add
     a = pyrtl.Input(bitwidth=3, name='a')
     b = pyrtl.Input(bitwidth=3, name='b')
     o = pyrtl.Output(bitwidth=3, name='o')
     res = _basic_add(a,b)
     rdat = {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 5, 5: 0}
     mixtable = pyrtl.RomBlock(addrwidth=3, bitwidth=3, romdata=rdat)
     o <<= mixtable[res[:-1]]
     with io.StringIO() as testbuffer:
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_romblock_does_not_throw_error(self):
     from pyrtl.corecircuits import _basic_add
     a = pyrtl.Input(bitwidth=3, name='a')
     b = pyrtl.Input(bitwidth=3, name='b')
     o = pyrtl.Output(bitwidth=3, name='o')
     res = _basic_add(a,b)
     rdat = {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 5, 5: 0}
     mixtable = pyrtl.RomBlock(addrwidth=3, bitwidth=3, pad_with_zeros=True, romdata=rdat)
     o <<= mixtable[res[:-1]]
     with io.StringIO() as testbuffer:
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_textual_consistency(self):
        from pyrtl.wire import _reset_wire_indexers
        from pyrtl.memory import _reset_memory_indexer

        # To compare textual consistency, need to make
        # sure we're starting at the same index for all
        # automatically created names.

        # The following is a non-sensical program created to test
        # that the Verilog that is created is deterministic
        # in the order in which it presents the wire, register,
        # and memory declarations and the combinational and
        # sequential logic. Hence it creates many memories, and
        # makes sure at least two lines of code are created in
        # the always @ blocks associated with them (so we have
        # many different wire names to deal with and test against).
        a = pyrtl.Input(4, 'a')
        r = pyrtl.Register(4)
        s = pyrtl.Register(4)
        # This will have mem id 0, so prints first despite actual name
        mt = pyrtl.MemBlock(4, 2, name='z')
        m = [pyrtl.MemBlock(4, 2, max_write_ports=2) for _ in range(12)]
        for mem in m:
            mem[0] <<= a
            mem[1] <<= (r + 1).truncate(4)
        b = a + r
        r.next <<= b + 1 - s
        s.next <<= a - 1
        mt[0] <<= 9
        o = pyrtl.Output(6, 'o')
        o <<= b + m[0][0] + m[1][0]

        buffer = io.StringIO()

        self.assertEqual(buffer.getvalue(), verilog_output)
Exemplo n.º 6
counter_output <<= counter

# The counter gets 0 in the next cycle if the "zero" signal goes high, otherwise just
# counter + 1.  Note that both "0" and "1" are bit extended to the proper length and
# here we are making use of that native add operation.  Let's dump this bad boy out
# to a Verilog file and see what is looks like (here we are using StringIO just to
# print it to a string for demo purposes; most likely you will want to pass a normal
# open file).

print("--- PyRTL Representation ---")

print("--- Verilog for the Counter ---")
with io.StringIO() as vfile:

print("--- Simulation Results ---")
sim_trace = pyrtl.SimulationTrace([counter_output, zero])
sim = pyrtl.Simulation(tracer=sim_trace)
for cycle in range(15):
    sim.step({'zero': random.choice([0, 0, 0, 1])})

# We already did the "hard" work of generating a test input for this simulation, so
# we might want to reuse that work when we take this design through a Verilog toolchain.
# The class OutputVerilogTestbench grabs the inputs used in the simulation trace
# and sets them up in a standard verilog testbench.

print("--- Verilog for the TestBench ---")
Exemplo n.º 7
counter_output <<= counter

# The counter gets 0 in the next cycle if the "zero" signal goes high, otherwise just
# counter + 1.  Note that both "0" and "1" are bit extended to the proper length and
# here we are making use of that native add operation.  Let's dump this bad boy out
# to a verilog file and see what is looks like (here we are using StringIO just to
# print it to a string for demo purposes, most likely you will want to pass a normal
# open file).

print("--- PyRTL Representation ---")

print("--- Verilog for the Counter ---")
with io.StringIO() as vfile:

print("--- Simulation Results ---")
sim_trace = pyrtl.SimulationTrace([counter_output, zero])
sim = pyrtl.Simulation(tracer=sim_trace)
for cycle in range(15):
    sim.step({zero: random.choice([0, 0, 0, 1])})

# We already did the "hard" work of generating a test input for this simulation so
# we might want to reuse that work when we take this design through a verilog toolchain.
# The function output_verilog_testbench grabs the inputs used in the simulation trace
# and sets them up in a standar verilog testbench.

print("--- Verilog for the TestBench ---")