Exemplo n.º 1
    def ppf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        assert A.getNcols() == B.getNcols() == self.trainData.getNcols()
        op = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.trainData)
        op.doTransformation(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def ppf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        assert A.getNcols() == B.getNcols() == self.trainData.getNcols()
        op = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.trainData)
        op.doTransformation(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def ppf(self, x, shuffle=False):
        x = self._convertEvalPoint(x)
        x_matrix = DataMatrix(x)
        res_matrix = DataMatrix(x_matrix.getNrows(), x_matrix.getNcols())

        # do the transformation
        opRosen = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.dist)
        if shuffle:
            opRosen.doShuffledTransformation(x_matrix, res_matrix)
            opRosen.doTransformation(x_matrix, res_matrix)

        # transform the outcome
        res = res_matrix.array()
        if res.shape[0] == 1 and res.shape[1] == 1:
            return res[0, 0]
            return res
Exemplo n.º 4
class LibAGFDist(Dist):
    The Sparse Grid Density Estimation (SGDE) distribution
    def __init__(self,
        super(LibAGFDist, self).__init__()

        self.trainData = DataMatrix(trainData)
        self.testData = testData
        self.bounds = [[0, 1] for _ in xrange(trainData.shape[1])]
        if len(self.bounds) == 1:
            self.bounds = self.bounds[0]

        if transformation is not None:
            self.bounds = [
                for trans in transformation.getTransformations()
        self.dim = trainData.shape[1]
        self.samples = samples
        self.transformation = transformation
        self.bandwidths = None
        if bandwidths is not None:
            self.bandwidths = bandwidths
            op = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE(
            self.bandwidths = DataVector(self.dim)
        self.surfaceFile = surfaceFile

    def byConfig(cls, config):
        if config is not None and os.path.exists(config):
            # init density function
            traindatafile, samplefile, testFile, testOutFile, bandwidthFile, surfaceFile = \
            return cls.byFiles(traindatafile, samplefile, testFile,
                               testOutFile, bandwidthFile, surfaceFile)

    def byFiles(cls,
        # load training file
        if os.path.exists(trainDataFile):
            trainData = np.loadtxt(trainDataFile)
            if len(trainData.shape) == 1:
                trainData = np.array([trainData]).transpose()
            raise Exception('The training data file "%s" does not exist' %

        # load samples for quadrature
        samples = None
        if samplesFile is not None:
            if os.path.exists(samplesFile):
                samples = np.loadtxt(samplesFile)
                # if the data is just one dimensional -> transform to
                # matrix with one column
                if len(samples.shape) == 1:
                    samples = np.array([samples]).transpose()

        # load test file for evaluating pdf values
        testData = None
        if testFile is not None:
            if os.path.exists(testFile):
                testData = np.loadtxt(testFile)
                # if the data is just one dimensional -> transform to
                # matrix with one column
                if len(testData.shape) == 1:
                    testData = np.array([testData]).transpose()

        # load bandwidths file for evaluating pdf values
        bandwidths = None
        if bandwidthFile is not None:
            if os.path.exists(bandwidthFile):
                bandwidths = np.loadtxt(bandwidthFile)

        # load pdf values for testSamples if available
        if testOutFile is not None:
            if os.path.exists(testOutFile):
                testLikelihood = np.loadtxt(testOutFile)
                # store the results in a hash map
                if testData is not None:
                    testDataEval = {}
                    for i, sample in enumerate(testData):
                        testDataEval[tuple(sample)] = testLikelihood[i]

        if surfaceFile is not None and not os.path.exists(surfaceFile):
            surfaceFile = None

        return cls(trainData,

    def computeDensity(
        if not os.path.exists(config):
            raise Exception('the config file "%s" does not exist' % config)

        os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = pathsgpp
        # ret = subprocess.Popen([clustc, "-c %s" % config], shell=True, env=os.environ)
        # ret = subprocess.call([clustc, "-c %s" % config], shell=True)
        ret = os.system("%s -c %s > out_libagf.log" % (cluster, config))
        if ret != 0:
            raise Exception('The density estimation exited unexpectedly')

        # extract grid and alpha from config
        s = cp.ConfigParser()
        s.optionxform = str

        traindatafile = s.get('files', 'inFileTrain')
        samplesfile = None
        if 'samplesNumberSamples' in s.options('denest') and \
                s.get('denest', 'samplesNumberSamples') > 0 and \
                'samplesOutput' in s.options('denest'):
            samplesfile = s.get('denest', 'samplesOutput')

        testFile = None
        if 'inFileTest' in s.options('files'):
            testFile = s.get('files', 'inFileTest')

        testOutFile = None
        if 'outFileTest' in s.options('files') and \
                'inFileTest' in s.options('files'):
            testOutFile = s.get('files', 'outFileTest')

        bandwidthsfile = None
        if 'printBandwidthsFile' in s.options('denest'):
            bandwidthsfile = s.get('denest', 'printBandwidthsFile')

        surfacefile = None
        if 'printSurfaceFile' in s.options('denest'):
            surfacefile = s.get('denest', 'printSurfaceFile')

        return traindatafile, samplesfile, testFile, testOutFile, bandwidthsfile, surfacefile

    def pdf_libagf(self, x):
        if isNumerical(x):
            x = [x]
        x = tuple(x)

        if x in self.testData:
            return self.testData[x]
            raise AttributeError("No pdf value for '%s' available" % (x, ))

    def pdf(self, x):
        n = self.trainData.getNrows()
        sigma = self.bandwidths.array()
        # normalization coefficient
        norm = 1. / (sigma * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi))

        trainData = self.trainData.array()

        # normalize it
        trainData = (x - trainData) / sigma
        trainData = norm * np.exp(-trainData**2 / 2.)

        # scale the result by the number of samples
        return np.sum(np.prod(trainData, axis=1)) / n

    def cdf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        op = createOperationRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.trainData)
        op.doTransformation(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()

    def ppf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        assert A.getNcols() == B.getNcols() == self.trainData.getNcols()
        op = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.trainData)
        op.doTransformation(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()

    def rvs(self, n=1):
        ixs = np.random.randint(0, len(self.samples), n)
        return self.samples[ixs, :]

    def mean(self, n=1e4):
        moment = 0.
        for sample, _ in self.testData.items():
            moment += np.prod(sample)
        return moment / len(self.testData)

    def var(self):
        mean = self.mean()
        moment = 0.
        for sample, _ in self.testData.items():
            moment += (np.prod(sample) - mean)**2

        return moment / (len(self.testData) - 1)

    def getBounds(self):
        return self.bounds

    def getDim(self):
        return self.dim

    def getDistributions(self):
        return [self]

    def gnuplot(self, jpegFile, gnuplotConfig=None):
        if self.surfaceFile is not None and os.path.exists(self.surfaceFile):
            gnuplot = """
            set terminal jpeg
            set output "%s"

            set view map
            set size ratio .9

            set object 1 rect from graph 0, graph 0 to graph 1, graph 1 back
            set object 1 rect fc rgb "black" fillstyle solid 1.0

            splot '%s' using 1:2:3 with points pointtype 5 pointsize 1 palette linewidth 0
            if gnuplotConfig is None:
                gnuplotConfig = 'gnuplot.config'

            fd = open(gnuplotConfig, "w")
            fd.write(gnuplot % (jpegFile, self.surfaceFile))
            os.system("gnuplot %s" % gnuplotConfig)
            # -----------------------------------------------------------
            raise Exception(
                'surface file not found. specify "printSurfaceFile" in [denest] section of config'

    def __str__(self):
        return "libAGF"
    def var(self, grid, alpha, U, T, mean):
        Extraction of the expectation the given sparse grid function
        interpolating the product of function value and pdf.

        \int\limits_{[0, 1]^d} (f(x) - E(f))^2 * pdf(x) dx
        # extract correct pdf for moment estimation
        vol, W = self._extractPDFforMomentEstimation(U, T)
        D = T.getTransformations()

        # copy the grid, and add a trapezoidal boundary
#         ngrid = GridDescriptor().fromGrid(grid)\
#                                 .withBorder(BorderTypes.TRAPEZOIDBOUNDARY)\
#                                 .createGrid()
        # compute nodalValues
#         ngs = ngrid.getStorage()
#         nodalValues = DataVector(ngs.size())
#         p = DataVector(ngs.dim())
#         for i in xrange(ngs.size()):
#             ngs.get(i).getCoords(p)
#             nodalValues[i] = evalSGFunction(grid, alpha, p) - mean
#         # hierarchize the new function
#         nalpha = hierarchize(ngrid, nodalValues)

        ngs = grid.getStorage()
        ngrid, nalpha = grid, alpha

        # compute the integral of the product times the pdf
        acc = DataMatrix(ngs.size(), ngs.size())
        err = 0
        for i, dims in enumerate(W.getTupleIndices()):
            dist = W[i]
            trans = D[i]
            # get the objects needed for integrating
            # the current dimensions
            gpsi, basisi = project(ngrid, dims)

            if isinstance(dist, SGDEdist):
                # project distribution on desired dimensions
                # get the objects needed for integrating
                # the current dimensions
                gpsk, basisk = project(dist.grid, range(len(dims)))
                # compute the bilinear form
                tf = TrilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy([dist], trans)
                A, erri = tf.computeTrilinearFormByList(gpsk, basisk, dist.alpha,
                                                        gpsi, basisi,
                                                        gpsi, basisi)
                # we compute the bilinear form of the grids
                # compute the bilinear form
                if len(dims) == 1:
                    dist = [dist]
                    trans = [trans]

                bf = BilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy(dist, trans)
                A, erri = bf.computeBilinearFormByList(gpsi, basisi,
                                                       gpsi, basisi)
            # accumulate the results

            # accumulate the error
            err += acc.sum() / (acc.getNrows() * acc.getNcols()) * erri

        # compute the variance
        tmp = DataVector(acc.getNrows())
        self.mult(acc, nalpha, tmp)
        moment = vol * nalpha.dotProduct(tmp)

        moment = moment - mean ** 2

        return moment, err
Exemplo n.º 6
class LibAGFDist(Dist):
    The Sparse Grid Density Estimation (SGDE) distribution

    def __init__(self,
        super(LibAGFDist, self).__init__()

        self.trainData = DataMatrix(trainData)
        self.testData = testData
        self.bounds = [[0, 1] for _ in xrange(trainData.shape[1])]
        if len(self.bounds) == 1:
            self.bounds = self.bounds[0]

        if transformation is not None:
            self.bounds = [trans.getBounds()
                           for trans in transformation.getTransformations()]
        self.dim = trainData.shape[1]
        self.samples = samples
        self.transformation = transformation
        self.bandwidths = None
        if bandwidths is not None:
            self.bandwidths = bandwidths
            op = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.trainData)
            self.bandwidths = DataVector(self.dim)
        self.surfaceFile = surfaceFile

    def byConfig(cls, config):
        if config is not None and os.path.exists(config):
            # init density function
            traindatafile, samplefile, testFile, testOutFile, bandwidthFile, surfaceFile = \
            return cls.byFiles(traindatafile, samplefile,
                               testFile, testOutFile,
                               bandwidthFile, surfaceFile)

    def byFiles(cls, trainDataFile,
        # load training file
        if os.path.exists(trainDataFile):
            trainData = np.loadtxt(trainDataFile)
            if len(trainData.shape) == 1:
                trainData = np.array([trainData]).transpose()
            raise Exception('The training data file "%s" does not exist' % trainDataFile)

        # load samples for quadrature
        samples = None
        if samplesFile is not None:
            if os.path.exists(samplesFile):
                samples = np.loadtxt(samplesFile)
                # if the data is just one dimensional -> transform to
                # matrix with one column
                if len(samples.shape) == 1:
                    samples = np.array([samples]).transpose()

        # load test file for evaluating pdf values
        testData = None
        if testFile is not None:
            if os.path.exists(testFile):
                testData = np.loadtxt(testFile)
                # if the data is just one dimensional -> transform to
                # matrix with one column
                if len(testData.shape) == 1:
                    testData = np.array([testData]).transpose()

        # load bandwidths file for evaluating pdf values
        bandwidths = None
        if bandwidthFile is not None:
            if os.path.exists(bandwidthFile):
                bandwidths = np.loadtxt(bandwidthFile)

        # load pdf values for testSamples if available
        if testOutFile is not None:
            if os.path.exists(testOutFile):
                testLikelihood = np.loadtxt(testOutFile)
                # store the results in a hash map
                if testData is not None:
                    testDataEval = {}
                    for i, sample in enumerate(testData):
                        testDataEval[tuple(sample)] = testLikelihood[i]

        if surfaceFile is not None and not os.path.exists(surfaceFile):
            surfaceFile = None

        return cls(trainData,

    def computeDensity(self, config,
        if not os.path.exists(config):
            raise Exception('the config file "%s" does not exist' % config)

        os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = pathsgpp
        # ret = subprocess.Popen([clustc, "-c %s" % config], shell=True, env=os.environ)
        # ret = subprocess.call([clustc, "-c %s" % config], shell=True)
        ret = os.system("%s -c %s > out_libagf.log" % (cluster, config))
        if ret != 0:
            raise Exception('The density estimation exited unexpectedly')

        # extract grid and alpha from config
        s = cp.ConfigParser()
        s.optionxform = str

        traindatafile = s.get('files', 'inFileTrain')
        samplesfile = None
        if 'samplesNumberSamples' in s.options('denest') and \
                s.get('denest', 'samplesNumberSamples') > 0 and \
                'samplesOutput' in s.options('denest'):
            samplesfile = s.get('denest', 'samplesOutput')

        testFile = None
        if 'inFileTest' in s.options('files'):
            testFile = s.get('files', 'inFileTest')

        testOutFile = None
        if 'outFileTest' in s.options('files') and \
                'inFileTest' in s.options('files'):
            testOutFile = s.get('files', 'outFileTest')

        bandwidthsfile = None
        if 'printBandwidthsFile' in s.options('denest'):
            bandwidthsfile = s.get('denest', 'printBandwidthsFile')

        surfacefile = None
        if 'printSurfaceFile' in s.options('denest'):
            surfacefile = s.get('denest', 'printSurfaceFile')

        return traindatafile, samplesfile, testFile, testOutFile, bandwidthsfile, surfacefile

    def pdf_libagf(self, x):
        if isNumerical(x):
            x = [x]
        x = tuple(x)

        if x in self.testData:
            return self.testData[x]
            raise AttributeError("No pdf value for '%s' available" % (x,))

    def pdf(self, x):
        n = self.trainData.getNrows()
        sigma = self.bandwidths.array()
        # normalization coefficient
        norm = 1. / (sigma * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi))

        trainData = self.trainData.array()

        # normalize it
        trainData = (x - trainData) / sigma
        trainData = norm * np.exp(-trainData ** 2 / 2.)

        # scale the result by the number of samples
        return np.sum(np.prod(trainData, axis=1)) / n

    def cdf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        op = createOperationRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.trainData)
        op.doTransformation(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()

    def ppf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        assert A.getNcols() == B.getNcols() == self.trainData.getNcols()
        op = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.trainData)
        op.doTransformation(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()

    def rvs(self, n=1):
        ixs = np.random.randint(0, len(self.samples), n)
        return self.samples[ixs, :]

    def mean(self, n=1e4):
        moment = 0.
        for sample, _ in self.testData.items():
            moment += np.prod(sample)
        return moment / len(self.testData)

    def var(self):
        mean = self.mean()
        moment = 0.
        for sample, _ in self.testData.items():
            moment += (np.prod(sample) - mean) ** 2

        return moment / (len(self.testData) - 1)

    def getBounds(self):
        return self.bounds

    def getDim(self):
        return self.dim

    def getDistributions(self):
        return [self]

    def gnuplot(self, jpegFile, gnuplotConfig=None):
        if self.surfaceFile is not None and os.path.exists(self.surfaceFile):
            gnuplot = """
            set terminal jpeg
            set output "%s"

            set view map
            set size ratio .9

            set object 1 rect from graph 0, graph 0 to graph 1, graph 1 back
            set object 1 rect fc rgb "black" fillstyle solid 1.0

            splot '%s' using 1:2:3 with points pointtype 5 pointsize 1 palette linewidth 0
            if gnuplotConfig is None:
                gnuplotConfig = 'gnuplot.config'

            fd = open(gnuplotConfig, "w")
            fd.write(gnuplot % (jpegFile, self.surfaceFile))
            os.system("gnuplot %s" % gnuplotConfig)
            # -----------------------------------------------------------
            raise Exception('surface file not found. specify "printSurfaceFile" in [denest] section of config')

    def __str__(self):
        return "libAGF"
    def var(self, grid, alpha, U, T, mean):
        Extraction of the expectation the given sparse grid function
        interpolating the product of function value and pdf.

        \int\limits_{[0, 1]^d} (f(x) - E(f))^2 * pdf(x) dx
        # extract correct pdf for moment estimation
        vol, W = self._extractPDFforMomentEstimation(U, T)
        D = T.getTransformations()

        # copy the grid, and add a trapezoidal boundary
        #         ngrid = GridDescriptor().fromGrid(grid)\
        #                                 .withBorder(BorderTypes.TRAPEZOIDBOUNDARY)\
        #                                 .createGrid()
        # compute nodalValues
        #         ngs = ngrid.getStorage()
        #         nodalValues = DataVector(ngs.size())
        #         p = DataVector(ngs.dim())
        #         for i in xrange(ngs.size()):
        #             ngs.get(i).getCoords(p)
        #             nodalValues[i] = evalSGFunction(grid, alpha, p) - mean
        #         # hierarchize the new function
        #         nalpha = hierarchize(ngrid, nodalValues)

        ngs = grid.getStorage()
        ngrid, nalpha = grid, alpha

        # compute the integral of the product times the pdf
        acc = DataMatrix(ngs.size(), ngs.size())
        err = 0
        for i, dims in enumerate(W.getTupleIndices()):
            dist = W[i]
            trans = D[i]
            # get the objects needed for integrating
            # the current dimensions
            gpsi, basisi = project(ngrid, dims)

            if isinstance(dist, SGDEdist):
                # project distribution on desired dimensions
                # get the objects needed for integrating
                # the current dimensions
                gpsk, basisk = project(dist.grid, range(len(dims)))
                # compute the bilinear form
                tf = TrilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy([dist], trans)
                A, erri = tf.computeTrilinearFormByList(
                    gpsk, basisk, dist.alpha, gpsi, basisi, gpsi, basisi)
                # we compute the bilinear form of the grids
                # compute the bilinear form
                if len(dims) == 1:
                    dist = [dist]
                    trans = [trans]

                bf = BilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy(dist, trans)
                A, erri = bf.computeBilinearFormByList(gpsi, basisi, gpsi,
            # accumulate the results

            # accumulate the error
            err += acc.sum() / (acc.getNrows() * acc.getNcols()) * erri

        # compute the variance
        tmp = DataVector(acc.getNrows())
        self.mult(acc, nalpha, tmp)
        moment = vol * nalpha.dotProduct(tmp)

        moment = moment - mean**2

        return moment, err