Exemplo n.º 1
    def ppf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])
        elif isMatrix(x):
            x = DataMatrix(x)

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        opInvRosen = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.dist)
        opInvRosen.doTransformation(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def computeMoments(self, ts=None):
        names = ['time',
        # parameters
        ts = self.__samples.keys()
        nrows = len(ts)
        ncols = len(names)
        data = DataMatrix(nrows, ncols)
        v = DataVector(ncols)

        row = 0
        for t in ts:
            v[0] = t
            v[1] = 0
            v[2] = len(self.__samples[t].values())
            v[3], v[4] = self.mean(ts=[t])
            v[5], v[6] = self.var(ts=[t])

            # write results to matrix
            data.setRow(row, v)
            row += 1

        return {'data': data,
                'names': names}
Exemplo n.º 3
    def ppf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])
        elif isMatrix(x):
            x = DataMatrix(x)

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        self.dist.ppf(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()
Exemplo n.º 4
def checkPositivity(grid, alpha):
    # define a full grid of maxlevel of the grid
    gs = grid.getStorage()
    fullGrid = Grid.createLinearGrid(gs.dim())
    fullHashGridStorage = fullGrid.getStorage()
    A = DataMatrix(fullHashGridStorage.size(), fullHashGridStorage.dim())
    p = DataVector(gs.dim())
    for i in xrange(fullHashGridStorage.size()):
        A.setRow(i, p)

    res = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, A)
    ymin, ymax, cnt = 0, -1e10, 0
    for i, yi in enumerate(res.array()):
        if yi < 0. and abs(yi) > 1e-13:
            cnt += 1
            ymin = min(ymin, yi)
            ymax = max(ymax, yi)
            A.getRow(i, p)
            print "  %s = %g" % (p, yi)
    if cnt > 0:
        print "warning: function is not positive"
        print "%i/%i: [%g, %g]" % (cnt, fullHashGridStorage.size(), ymin, ymax)
    return cnt == 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def checkPositivity(grid, alpha):
    # define a full grid of maxlevel of the grid
    gs = grid.getStorage()
    fullGrid = Grid.createLinearGrid(gs.dim())
    fullHashGridStorage = fullGrid.getStorage()
    A = DataMatrix(fullHashGridStorage.size(), fullHashGridStorage.dim())
    p = DataVector(gs.dim())
    for i in xrange(fullHashGridStorage.size()):
        A.setRow(i, p)

    res = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, A)
    ymin, ymax, cnt = 0, -1e10, 0
    for i, yi in enumerate(res.array()):
        if yi < 0. and abs(yi) > 1e-13:
            cnt += 1
            ymin = min(ymin, yi)
            ymax = max(ymax, yi)
            A.getRow(i, p)
            print "  %s = %g" % (p, yi)
    if cnt > 0:
        print "warning: function is not positive"
        print "%i/%i: [%g, %g]" % (cnt, fullHashGridStorage.size(), ymin, ymax)
    return cnt == 0
Exemplo n.º 6
    def computeStats(self, dtype):
        names = [
            'time', 'iteration', 'level', 'grid_size', 'trainMSE',
            'trainL2Error', 'testMSE', 'testL2Error', 'L2ErrorSurpluses'

        ts = self.__learner.getTimeStepsOfInterest()
        iterations = self.__learner.iteration + 1
        nrows = len(ts) * iterations
        ncols = len(names)
        data = DataMatrix(nrows, ncols)
        v = DataVector(ncols)
        row = 0
        for t in ts:
            for iteration in xrange(iterations):
                v[0] = t
                v[1] = iteration
                v[2] = self.__learner.level[dtype][iteration]
                v[3] = self.__learner.numberPoints[dtype][iteration]
                v[4] = self.__learner.trainAccuracy[dtype][t][iteration]
                n = self.__learner.trainCount[dtype][t][iteration]
                v[5] = float(np.sqrt(v[4] * n))  # == L2 error
                if len(self.__learner.testAccuracy[dtype][t]) == \
                    v[6] = self.__learner.testAccuracy[dtype][t][iteration]
                    n = self.__learner.testCount[dtype][t][iteration]
                    v[7] = float(np.sqrt(v[6] * n))  # == L2 error
                v[8] = self.computeL2ErrorSurpluses(self._qoi, t, dtype,
                # write results to matrix
                data.setRow(row, v)
                row += 1
        return {'data': data, 'names': names}
Exemplo n.º 7
    def computeMoments(self, iterations=None, ts=None):
        names = [
            'time', 'iteration', 'grid_size', 'mean',
            'meanDiscretizationError', 'var', 'varDiscretizationError'
        # parameters
        if ts is None:
            ts = self.__knowledge.getAvailableTimeSteps()
        if iterations is None:
            iterations = self.__knowledge.getAvailableIterations()
        nrows = len(ts) * len(iterations)
        ncols = len(names)
        data = DataMatrix(nrows, ncols)
        v = DataVector(ncols)

        row = 0
        for t in ts:
            for iteration in iterations:
                size = self.__knowledge.getGrid(qoi=self._qoi,
                v[0] = t
                v[1] = iteration
                v[2] = size
                v[3], v[4] = self.mean(ts=[t], iterations=[iteration])
                v[5], v[6] = self.var(ts=[t], iterations=[iteration])

                # write results to matrix
                data.setRow(row, v)
                row += 1

        return {'data': data, 'names': names}
Exemplo n.º 8
 def merge(cls, containerList):
     if len(containerList) == 0:
         return None
     # determine the total number of entries
     size = 0
     for container in containerList:
         size += len(container.getValues())
     dim = container.getPoints().getNcols()
     # Copy data to the new DataVector's entry by entry
     allPoints = DataMatrix(size, dim)
     allValues = DataVector(size) 
     tmpVector = DataVector(dim)
     i = 0
     for container in containerList:
         points = container.getPoints()
         values = container.getValues()
         for j in xrange(len(values)):
             points.getRow(j, tmpVector)
             allPoints.setRow(i, tmpVector)
             allValues[i] = values[j]
             i += 1
     # return new DataContainer
     return DataContainer(points=allPoints, values=allValues)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def computeMoments(self, ts=None):
        names = [
            'time', 'iteration', 'grid_size', 'mean', 'mean_err',
            'meanConfidenceIntervalBootstrapping_upper', 'var', 'var_err',
        # parameters
        ts = list(self.__samples.keys())
        nrows = len(ts)
        ncols = len(names)
        data = DataMatrix(nrows, ncols)
        v = DataVector(ncols)

        row = 0
        for t in np.sort(ts):
            mean = self.mean(ts=[t], iterations=[0])
            var = self.var(ts=[t], iterations=[0])
            numSamples = len(list(self.__samples[t].values()))

            v[0] = t
            v[1] = 0
            v[2] = numSamples
            v[3], v[4] = mean["value"], mean["err"]
            v[5], v[6] = mean["confidence_interval"]
            v[7], v[8] = var["value"], var["err"]
            v[8], v[9] = var["confidence_interval"]

            # write results to matrix
            data.setRow(row, v)
            row += 1

        return {'data': data, 'names': names}
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __prepareDataContainer(self, data, name):
        Prepare data for learning
        @param data: dictionary loaded from UQSetting
        @return dictionary {dtype: {t: <DataContainer>}}
        ans = {}
        U = self.getParameters()\
        for dtype in self.getKnowledgeTypes():
            ans[dtype] = {}
            dim = self.grid.getStorage().dim()

            # prepare data container depending on the given knowledge type
            tmp = KnowledgeTypes.transformData(data, U, dtype)

            # load data for all time steps
            for t, values in tmp.items():
                size = len(values)
                mydata = DataMatrix(size, dim)
                sol = DataVector(size)
                for i, (sample, res) in enumerate(values.items()):
                    p = DataVector(sample.getActiveUnit())
                    mydata.setRow(i, p)
                    sol[i] = float(res)
                ans[dtype][t] = DataContainer(points=mydata, values=sol, name=name)
        return ans
Exemplo n.º 11
    def merge(cls, containerList):
        if len(containerList) == 0:
            return None

        # determine the total number of entries
        size = 0
        for container in containerList:
            size += len(container.getValues())

        dim = container.getPoints().getNcols()

        # Copy data to the new DataVector's entry by entry
        allPoints = DataMatrix(size, dim)
        allValues = DataVector(size)
        tmpVector = DataVector(dim)
        i = 0
        for container in containerList:
            points = container.getPoints()
            values = container.getValues()
            for j in range(len(values)):
                points.getRow(j, tmpVector)
                allPoints.setRow(i, tmpVector)
                allValues[i] = values[j]
                i += 1

        # return new DataContainer
        return DataContainer(points=allPoints, values=allValues)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __prepareDataContainer(self, data, name):
        Prepare data for learning
        @param data: dictionary loaded from UQSetting
        @return dictionary {dtype: {t: <DataContainer>}}
        ans = {}
        U = self.getParameters()\
        for dtype in self.getKnowledgeTypes():
            ans[dtype] = {}
            dim = self.grid.getStorage().getDimension()

            # prepare data container depending on the given knowledge type
            tmp = KnowledgeTypes.transformData(data, U, dtype)

            # load data for all time steps
            for t, values in list(tmp.items()):
                size = len(values)
                mydata = DataMatrix(size, dim)
                sol = DataVector(size)
                for i, (sample, res) in enumerate(values.items()):
                    p = DataVector(sample.getActiveUnit())
                    mydata.setRow(i, p)
                    sol[i] = float(res)
                ans[dtype][t] = DataContainer(points=mydata,
        return ans
Exemplo n.º 13
    def cdf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])
        elif isMatrix(x):
            x = DataMatrix(x)

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        self.dist.cdf(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()
Exemplo n.º 14
    def ppf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

        # do the transformation
        assert A.getNcols() == B.getNcols() == self.trainData.getNcols()
        op = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE(self.trainData)
        op.doTransformation(A, B)

        # transform the outcome
        if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
            return B.get(0, 0)
        elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            return B.array()
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __getSamples(self, W, T, n):
        if self.samples is None:
            # draw n ans
            ans = W.rvs(n)

            # transform them to the unit hypercube
            ans = DataMatrix(n, W.getDim())
            for i, sample in enumerate(ans):
                p = T.probabilisticToUnit(sample)
                ans.setRow(i, DataVector(p))

            return ans
            if self.samples.shape[0] == n:
                dataSamples = self.samples
                ixs = np.random.randint(0, len(self.samples), n)
                dataSamples = self.samples[ixs, :]

            # check if there are just samples for a subset of the random
            # variables. If so, add the missing ones
            if self.__ixs is not None:
                ans = W.rvs(n)

                # transform them to the unit hypercube
                for i, sample in enumerate(dataSamples):
                    ans[i, :] = T.probabilisticToUnit(ans[i, :])
                    ans[i, self.__ixs] = sample
                ans = dataSamples

            return DataMatrix(ans)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __getSamples(self, W, T, n):
        if self.samples is None:
            # draw n ans
            ans = W.rvs(n)

            # transform them to the unit hypercube
            ans = DataMatrix(n, W.getDim())
            for i, sample in enumerate(ans):
                p = T.probabilisticToUnit(sample)
                ans.setRow(i, DataVector(p))

            return ans
            if self.samples.shape[0] == n:
                dataSamples = self.samples
                ixs = np.random.randint(0, len(self.samples), n)
                dataSamples = self.samples[ixs, :]

            # check if there are just samples for a subset of the random
            # variables. If so, add the missing ones
            if self.__ixs is not None:
                ans = W.rvs(n)

                # transform them to the unit hypercube
                for i, sample in enumerate(dataSamples):
                    ans[i, :] = T.probabilisticToUnit(ans[i, :])
                    ans[i, self.__ixs] = sample
                ans = dataSamples

            return DataMatrix(ans)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def loadData(self, qoi='_', name="train", dtype=KnowledgeTypes.SIMPLE):
        Reads data set from file
        @param qoi: string quatity of interest
        @param name: String for category of data set (train or test),
        default "train"
        @param dtype: knowledge type
        @return dictionary {dtype: {t: <DataContainer>}}

        WARNING: dtype parameter not supported
        data = self.uqSetting.getTimeDependentResults(qoi)

        # load result in a dictionary
        ans = {}
        ans[dtype] = {}
        numDims = self.uqSetting.getDim()
        numberOfTimesteps = len(next(iter(data.values())))
        # load data for all time steps
        for t, values in list(data.items()):
            mydata = DataMatrix(numberOfTimesteps, numDims)
            sol = DataVector(size)
            for i, (sample, res) in enumerate(values.items()):
                p = DataVector(sample.getActiveUnit())
                mydata.setRow(i, p)
                sol[i] = res

            ans[dtype][t] = DataContainer(mydata, sol, name)

        return ans
Exemplo n.º 18
    def loadData(self, qoi='_', name="train", dtype=KnowledgeTypes.SIMPLE):
        Reads data set from file
        @param qoi: string quatity of interest
        @param name: String for category of data set (train or test),
        default "train"
        @param dtype: knowledge type
        @return dictionary {dtype: {t: <DataContainer>}}

        WARNING: dtype parameter not supported
        # read from file
        s = UQSettingFormatter().deserializeFromFile(self.__filename)
        testSetting = UQSetting.fromJson(s)
        testData = testSetting.getTimeDependentResults(qoi)

        # load result in a dictionary
        ans = {}
        ans[dtype] = {}
        size = len(testData.itervalues().next())
        # load data for all time steps
        for t, values in testData.items():
            mydata = DataMatrix(size, self._dim)
            sol = DataVector(size)
            for i, (sample, res) in enumerate(values.items()):
                p = DataVector(sample.getActiveUnit())
                mydata.setRow(i, p)
                sol[i] = res

            ans[dtype][t] = DataContainer(mydata, sol, name)

        return ans
Exemplo n.º 19
    def computeMoments(self, ts=None):
        names = [
            'time', 'iteration', 'grid_size', 'mean',
            'meanDiscretizationError', 'var', 'varDiscretizationError'
        # parameters
        ts = self.__samples.keys()
        nrows = len(ts)
        ncols = len(names)
        data = DataMatrix(nrows, ncols)
        v = DataVector(ncols)

        row = 0
        for t in ts:
            v[0] = t
            v[1] = 0
            v[2] = len(self.__samples[t].values())
            v[3], v[4] = self.mean(ts=[t])
            v[5], v[6] = self.var(ts=[t])

            # write results to matrix
            data.setRow(row, v)
            row += 1

        return {'data': data, 'names': names}
Exemplo n.º 20
def to_data_matrix(arr):
    (size_x, size_y) = arr.shape
    matrix = DataMatrix(size_x, size_y)
    cur_row = 0
    for x in arr:
        x_vec = DataVector(x.tolist())
        matrix.setRow(cur_row, x_vec)
        cur_row += 1
    return matrix
Exemplo n.º 21
    def general_test(self, d, l, bb, xs):

        test_desc = "dim=%d, level=%d, len(x)=%s" % (d, l, len(xs))


        self.grid = Grid.createLinearGrid(d)
        self.grid_gen = self.grid.getGenerator()

        alpha = DataVector(
            [self.get_random_alpha() for i in range(self.grid.getSize())])

        bb_ = BoundingBox(d)

        for d_k in range(d):
            dimbb = BoundingBox1D()
            dimbb.leftBoundary = bb[d_k][0]
            dimbb.rightBoundary = bb[d_k][1]
            bb_.setBoundary(d_k, dimbb)

        # Calculate the expected value without the bounding box

        expected_normal = [
            self.calc_exp_value_normal(x, d, bb, alpha) for x in xs
        #expected_transposed = [self.calc_exp_value_transposed(x, d, bb, alpha) for x in xs]

        # Now set the bounding box


        dm = DataMatrix(len(xs), d)
        for k, x in enumerate(xs):
            dv = DataVector(x)
            dm.setRow(k, dv)

        multEval = createOperationMultipleEval(self.grid, dm)

        actual_normal = DataVector(len(xs))
        #actual_transposed = DataVector(len(xs))

        multEval.mult(alpha, actual_normal)
        #multEval.mult(alpha, actual_transposed)

        actual_normal_list = []
        for k in range(len(xs)):

        #actual_transposed_list = []
        #for k in xrange(len(xs)):
        #    actual_transposed_list.append(actual_transposed.__getitem__(k))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_normal_list, expected_normal)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_tranposed_list, expected_tranposed)

        del self.grid
Exemplo n.º 22
def dehierarchizeOnNewGrid(gridResult, grid, alpha):
    # dehierarchization
    gs = gridResult.getStorage()
    ps = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.dim())
    p = DataVector(gs.dim())
    for i in xrange(gs.size()):
        ps.setRow(i, p)
    nodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, ps)
    return nodalValues
Exemplo n.º 23
def dehierarchizeOnNewGrid(gridResult, grid, alpha):
    # dehierarchization
    gsResult = gridResult.getStorage()
    ps = DataMatrix(gsResult.size(), gsResult.dim())
    p = DataVector(gsResult.dim())
    for i in xrange(gsResult.size()):
        ps.setRow(i, p)
    nodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, ps)
    return nodalValues
    def general_test(self, d, l, bb, xs):

        test_desc = "dim=%d, level=%d, len(x)=%s" % (d, l, len(xs))

        print test_desc

        self.grid = Grid.createLinearGrid(d)
        self.grid_gen = self.grid.createGridGenerator()

        alpha = DataVector([self.get_random_alpha() for i in xrange(self.grid.getSize())])

        bb_ = BoundingBox(d)

        for d_k in xrange(d):
            dimbb = DimensionBoundary()
            dimbb.leftBoundary = bb[d_k][0]
            dimbb.rightBoundary = bb[d_k][1]
            bb_.setBoundary(d_k, dimbb)

        # Calculate the expected value without the bounding box

        expected_normal = [self.calc_exp_value_normal(x, d, bb, alpha) for x in xs]
        #expected_transposed = [self.calc_exp_value_transposed(x, d, bb, alpha) for x in xs]

        # Now set the bounding box


        dm = DataMatrix(len(xs), d)
        for k, x in enumerate(xs):
            dv = DataVector(x)
            dm.setRow(k, dv)

        multEval = createOperationMultipleEval(self.grid, dm)

        actual_normal = DataVector(len(xs))
        #actual_transposed = DataVector(len(xs))

        multEval.mult(alpha, actual_normal)
        #multEval.mult(alpha, actual_transposed)

        actual_normal_list = []
        for k in xrange(len(xs)):

        #actual_transposed_list = []
        #for k in xrange(len(xs)):
        #    actual_transposed_list.append(actual_transposed.__getitem__(k))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_normal_list, expected_normal)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_tranposed_list, expected_tranposed)

        del self.grid
Exemplo n.º 25
    def sampleGrids(self, filename):
        ts = self.__learner.getTimeStepsOfInterest()

        names = self.__params.getNames()

        for t in ts:
            grid, surplus = self.__knowledge.getSparseGridFunction(
                self._qoi, t)

            # init
            gs = grid.getStorage()
            dim = gs.dim()

            # -----------------------------------------
            # do full grid sampling of sparse grid function
            # -----------------------------------------
            data = eval_fullGrid(4, dim)
            res = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, surplus, data)

            data.setRow(data.getNrows() - 1, res)

            # write results
                'filename': "%s.t%f.samples.arff" % (filename, t),
                'data': data,
                'names': names

            # -----------------------------------------
            # write sparse grid points to file
            # -----------------------------------------
            data = DataMatrix(gs.size(), dim)

            for i in xrange(gs.size()):
                gp = gs.get(i)
                v = np.array([gp.getCoord(j) for j in xrange(dim)])
                data.setRow(i, DataVector(v))

            # write results
                'filename': "%s.t%f.gridpoints.arff" % (filename, t),
                'data': data,
                'names': names

            # -----------------------------------------
            # write alpha
            # -----------------------------------------
            writeAlphaARFF("%s.t%f.alpha.arff" % (filename, t), surplus)
Exemplo n.º 26
def dehierarchize(grid, alpha):
    # dehierarchization
    gs = grid.getStorage()
    p = DataVector(gs.dim())
    nodalValues = DataVector(gs.size())
    A = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.dim())
    for i in xrange(gs.size()):
        A.setRow(i, p)
    opEval = createOperationMultipleEval(grid, A)
    opEval.mult(alpha, nodalValues)
    return nodalValues
Exemplo n.º 27
    def loadData(self, name="train"):
        fin = self.__gzOpen(self.filename, "r")
        data = []
        classes = []
        hasclass = False

        # get the different section of ARFF-File
        for line in fin:
            sline = line.strip().lower()
            if sline.startswith(b"%") or len(sline) == 0:

            if sline.startswith(b"@data"):

            if sline.startswith(b"@attribute"):
                value = sline.split()
                if value[1].startswith(b"class"):
                    hasclass = True

        #read in the data stored in the ARFF file
        for line in fin:
            sline = line.strip()
            if sline.startswith(b"%") or len(sline) == 0:

            values = sline.split(b",")
            if hasclass:
                values = values[:-1]
            for i in range(len(values)):

        # cleaning up and return

        dim = len(data)
        size = len(data[0])
        dataMatrix = DataMatrix(size, dim)
        tempVector = DataVector(dim)
        valuesVector = DataVector(size)
        for rowIndex in range(size):
            for colIndex in range(dim):
                tempVector[colIndex] = data[colIndex][rowIndex]
            dataMatrix.setRow(rowIndex, tempVector)
            valuesVector[rowIndex] = classes[rowIndex]

        return DataContainer(points=dataMatrix,
Exemplo n.º 28
def dehierarchize(grid, alpha):
    # dehierarchization
    gs = grid.getStorage()
    p = DataVector(gs.dim())
    nodalValues = DataVector(gs.size())
    A = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.dim())
    for i in xrange(gs.size()):
        A.setRow(i, p)
    opEval = createOperationMultipleEval(grid, A)
    opEval.mult(alpha, nodalValues)
    return nodalValues
Exemplo n.º 29
    def writeSensitivityValues(self, filename):
        def keymap(key):
            names = self.__uqManager.getParameters().activeParams().getNames()
            ans = [names[i] for i in key]
            return ",".join(ans)

        # parameters
        ts = self.__knowledge.getAvailableTimeSteps()
        gs = self.__knowledge.getGrid(self._qoi).getStorage()

        n = len(ts)
        n1 = gs.getDimension()
        n2 = 2**n1 - 1
        data = DataMatrix(n, n1 + n2 + 1)
        names = ['time'] + [None] * (n1 + n2)

        for k, t in enumerate(ts):
            # estimated anova decomposition
            anova = self.getAnovaDecomposition(t=t)
            me = anova.getSobolIndices()

            if len(me) != n2:
                import ipdb
            n2 = len(me)
            te = anova.getTotalEffects()
            n1 = len(te)

            v = DataVector(n1 + n2 + 1)
            v[0] = t

            for i, key in enumerate(
                v[i + 1] = te[key]
                if k == 0:
                    names[i + 1] = '"$T_{' + keymap(key) + '}$"'

            for i, key in enumerate(
                v[n1 + i + 1] = me[key]

                if k == 0:
                    names[n1 + 1 + i] = '"$S_{' + keymap(key) + '}$"'

            data.setRow(k, v)

            'filename': filename + ".sa.stats.arff",
            'data': data,
            'names': names
Exemplo n.º 30
    def testSave(self):
        filename = pathlocal + '/datasets/saving.arff.gz'
        testPoints = [[0.307143, 0.130137, 0.050000],
                      [0.365584, 0.105479, 0.050000],
                      [0.178571, 0.201027, 0.050000],
                      [0.272078, 0.145548, 0.050000],
                      [0.318831, 0.065411, 0.050000],
                      [0.190260, 0.086986, 0.050000],
                      [0.190260, 0.062329, 0.072500],
                      [0.120130, 0.068493, 0.072500],
                      [0.225325, 0.056164, 0.072500],
                      [0.213636, 0.050000, 0.072500]]
        testValues = [
            -1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000,
            -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000
        attributes = {
            "x0": "NUMERIC",
            "x1": "NUMERIC",
            "x2": "NUMERIC",
            "class": "NUMERIC",
        size = len(testPoints)
        dim = len(testPoints[0])
        point = DataVector(dim)
        points = DataMatrix(size, dim)

        for row in xrange(size):
            for col in xrange(dim):
                point[col] = testPoints[row][col]
            points.setRow(row, point)

        adapter = ARFFAdapter(filename)
        adapter.save(points, testValues, attributes)

        (points, values) = adapter.loadData().getPointsValues()
        size = len(testPoints)
        dim = len(testPoints[0])
        testVector = DataVector(dim)
        for rowIdx in xrange(size):
            points.getRow(rowIdx, testVector)
            for colIdx in xrange(dim):
                if cvar.USING_DOUBLE_PRECISION:
            self.assertEqual(values[rowIdx], testValues[rowIdx])

Exemplo n.º 31
    def sampleGrids(self, filename):
        ts = self.__learner.getTimeStepsOfInterest()

        names = self.__params.getNames()

        for t in ts:
            grid, surplus = self.__knowledge.getSparseGridFunction(self._qoi, t)

            # init
            gs = grid.getStorage()
            dim = gs.dim()

            # -----------------------------------------
            # do full grid sampling of sparse grid function
            # -----------------------------------------
            data = eval_fullGrid(4, dim)
            res = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, surplus, data)

            data.setRow(data.getNrows() - 1, res)

            # write results
            writeDataARFF({'filename': "%s.t%f.samples.arff" % (filename, t),
                           'data': data,
                           'names': names})

            # -----------------------------------------
            # write sparse grid points to file
            # -----------------------------------------
            data = DataMatrix(gs.size(), dim)

            for i in xrange(gs.size()):
                gp = gs.get(i)
                v = np.array([gp.getCoord(j) for j in xrange(dim)])
                data.setRow(i, DataVector(v))

            # write results
            writeDataARFF({'filename': "%s.t%f.gridpoints.arff" % (filename, t),
                           'data': data,
                           'names': names})

            # -----------------------------------------
            # write alpha
            # -----------------------------------------
            writeAlphaARFF("%s.t%f.alpha.arff" % (filename, t),
Exemplo n.º 32
 def loadData(self, name = "train"):
     fin = self.__gzOpen(self.filename, "r")
     data = []
     classes = []
     hasclass = False
     # get the different section of ARFF-File
     for line in fin:
         sline = line.strip().lower()
         if sline.startswith("%") or len(sline) == 0:
         if sline.startswith("@data"):
         if sline.startswith("@attribute"):
             value = sline.split()
             if value[1].startswith("class"):
                 hasclass = True
     #read in the data stored in the ARFF file
     for line in fin:
         sline = line.strip()
         if sline.startswith("%") or len(sline) == 0:
         values = sline.split(",")
         if hasclass:
             values = values[:-1]
         for i in xrange(len(values)):
     # cleaning up and return
     dim = len(data)
     size = len(data[0])
     dataMatrix = DataMatrix(size, dim)
     tempVector = DataVector(dim)
     valuesVector = DataVector(size)
     for rowIndex in xrange(size):
         for colIndex in xrange(dim):
             tempVector[colIndex] = data[colIndex][rowIndex]
         dataMatrix.setRow(rowIndex, tempVector)
         valuesVector[rowIndex] = classes[rowIndex]
     return DataContainer(points=dataMatrix, values=valuesVector, name=name, filename=self.filename)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def getDataSubsetByIndexList(self, indices, name="train"):
     size = len(indices)
     subset_points = DataMatrix(size, self.dim)
     subset_values = DataVector(size)
     row = DataVector(self.dim)
     points = self.getPoints()
     values = self.getValues()
     i = 0
     for index in indices:
         points.getRow(index, row)
         subset_points.setRow(i, row)
         subset_values[i] = values[index]
         i = i + 1
     return DataContainer(points=subset_points, values=subset_values, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def getDataSubsetByIndexList(self, indices, name="train"):
        size = len(indices)
        subset_points = DataMatrix(size, self.dim)
        subset_values = DataVector(size)
        row = DataVector(self.dim)
        points = self.getPoints()
        values = self.getValues()

        i = 0
        for index in indices:
            points.getRow(index, row)
            subset_points.setRow(i, row)
            subset_values[i] = values[index]
            i = i + 1
        return DataContainer(points=subset_points, values=subset_values, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def writeSensitivityValues(self, filename):

        def keymap(key):
            names = self.getLearner().getParameters().activeParams().getNames()
            ans = [names[i] for i in key]
            return ",".join(ans)

        # parameters
        ts = self.__knowledge.getAvailableTimeSteps()
        gs = self.__knowledge.getGrid(self._qoi).getStorage()

        n = len(ts)
        n1 = gs.dim()
        n2 = 2 ** n1 - 1
        data = DataMatrix(n, n1 + n2 + 1)
        names = ['time'] + [None] * (n1 + n2)

        for k, t in enumerate(ts):
            # estimated anova decomposition
            anova = self.getAnovaDecomposition(t=t)
            me = anova.getSobolIndices()

            if len(me) != n2:
                import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
            n2 = len(me)
            te = anova.getTotalEffects()
            n1 = len(te)

            v = DataVector(n1 + n2 + 1)
            v[0] = t

            for i, key in enumerate(anova.getSortedPermutations(te.keys())):
                v[i + 1] = te[key]
                if k == 0:
                    names[i + 1] = '"$T_{' + keymap(key) + '}$"'

            for i, key in enumerate(anova.getSortedPermutations(me.keys())):
                v[n1 + i + 1] = me[key]

                if k == 0:
                    names[n1 + 1 + i] = '"$S_{' + keymap(key) + '}$"'

            data.setRow(k, v)

        writeDataARFF({'filename': filename + ".sa.stats.arff",
                       'data': data,
                       'names': names})
Exemplo n.º 36
    def computeStats(self, dtype):
        names = [
            'time',  # 0
            'iteration',  # 1
            'level',  # 2
            'grid_size',  # 3
            'trainMSE',  # 4
            'trainL2Error',  # 5
            'testMSE',  # 6
            'testL2Error',  # 7
            'testL1Error',  # 8
            'testMaxError',  # 9
        ]  # 10

        knowledge = self.__uqManager.getKnowledge()
        ts = knowledge.getAvailableTimeSteps()
        iterations = knowledge.getAvailableIterations()
        nrows = len(ts) * len(iterations)
        ncols = len(names)
        data = DataMatrix(nrows, ncols)
        v = DataVector(ncols)
        row = 0

        for t in ts:
            for iteration in iterations:
                v[0] = t
                v[1] = iteration
                v[2] = self.__uqManager.stats.level[dtype][iteration]
                v[3] = self.__uqManager.stats.numberPoints[dtype][iteration]
                v[4] = self.__uqManager.stats.trainMSE[dtype][t][iteration]
                v[5] = self.__uqManager.stats.trainL2Norm[dtype][t][iteration]
                if len(self.__uqManager.stats.testMSE[dtype][t]) == \
                    v[6] = self.__uqManager.stats.testMSE[dtype][t][iteration]
                    v[7] = self.__uqManager.stats.testL2Norm[dtype][t][
                    v[8] = self.__uqManager.stats.testL1Norm[dtype][t][
                    v[9] = self.__uqManager.stats.testMaxError[dtype][t][
                v[10] = self.computeL2ErrorSurpluses(self._qoi, t, dtype,
                # write results to matrix
                data.setRow(row, v)
                row += 1
        return {'data': data, 'names': names}
Exemplo n.º 37
def dehierarchizeList(grid, alpha, gps):
    evaluate sparse grid function at grid points in gps
    @param grid: Grid
    @param alpha: DataVector
    @param gps: list of HashGridIndex
    dim = grid.getStorage().dim()
    p = DataVector(dim)
    nodalValues = DataVector(len(gps))
    A = DataMatrix(len(gps), dim)
    for i, gp in enumerate(gps):
        A.setRow(i, p)
    createOperationMultipleEval(grid, A).mult(alpha, nodalValues)
    return nodalValues
Exemplo n.º 38
def dehierarchizeList(grid, alpha, gps):
    evaluate sparse grid function at grid points in gps
    @param grid: Grid
    @param alpha: DataVector
    @param gps: list of HashGridIndex
    dim = grid.getStorage().dim()
    p = DataVector(dim)
    nodalValues = DataVector(len(gps))
    A = DataMatrix(len(gps), dim)
    for i, gp in enumerate(gps):
        A.setRow(i, p)
    createOperationMultipleEval(grid, A).mult(alpha, nodalValues)
    return nodalValues
Exemplo n.º 39
def eval_fullGrid(level, dim, border=True):
    if border:
        grid = Grid.createLinearBoundaryGrid(dim)
        grid = Grid.createLinearGrid(dim)

    gs = grid.getStorage()
    ans = DataMatrix(gs.size(), dim)
    p = DataVector(dim)

    for i in xrange(gs.size()):
        ans.setRow(i, p)

    return ans
Exemplo n.º 40
def eval_fullGrid(level, dim, border=True):
    if border:
        grid = Grid.createLinearBoundaryGrid(dim)
        grid = Grid.createLinearGrid(dim)

    gs = grid.getStorage()
    ans = DataMatrix(gs.size(), dim)
    p = DataVector(dim)

    for i in xrange(gs.size()):
        ans.setRow(i, p)

    return ans
Exemplo n.º 41
    def testSave(self):
        filename = pathlocal + '/datasets/saving.arff.gz'
        testPoints = [[0.307143,0.130137,0.050000],
        testValues = [-1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000]
        attributes = {
        size = len(testPoints)
        dim = len(testPoints[0])
        point = DataVector(dim)
        points = DataMatrix(size, dim)

        for row in xrange(size):
            for col in xrange(dim):
                point[col] = testPoints[row][col]
            points.setRow(row, point)

        adapter = ARFFAdapter(filename)
        adapter.save(points, testValues, attributes)

        (points, values) = adapter.loadData().getPointsValues()
        size = len(testPoints)
        dim = len(testPoints[0])
        testVector = DataVector(dim)
        for rowIdx in xrange(size):
            points.getRow(rowIdx, testVector)
            for colIdx in xrange(dim):
                if cvar.USING_DOUBLE_PRECISION:
                    self.assertEqual(testVector[colIdx], testPoints[rowIdx][colIdx])
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(testVector[colIdx], testPoints[rowIdx][colIdx])
            self.assertEqual(values[rowIdx], testValues[rowIdx])

Exemplo n.º 42
 def computeBilinearFormByList(self, gpsi, basisi, gpsj, basisj):
     Compute bilinear form for two lists of grid points
     @param gpsi: list of HashGridIndex
     @param basisi: SG++ basis for grid indices gpsi
     @param gpsj: list of HashGridIndex
     @param basisj: SG++ basis for grid indices gpsj
     @return: DataMatrix
     A = DataMatrix(len(gpsi), len(gpsj))
     err = 0.
     # run over all rows
     for i, gpi in enumerate(gpsi):
         b, erri = self.computeBilinearFormByRow(gpi, basisi, gpsj, basisj)
         A.setRow(i, b)
         err += erri
     return A, err
 def computeBilinearFormByList(self, gpsi, basisi, gpsj, basisj):
     Compute bilinear form for two lists of grid points
     @param gpsi: list of HashGridIndex
     @param basisi: SG++ basis for grid indices gpsi
     @param gpsj: list of HashGridIndex
     @param basisj: SG++ basis for grid indices gpsj
     @return: DataMatrix
     A = DataMatrix(len(gpsi), len(gpsj))
     err = 0.
     # run over all rows
     for i, gpi in enumerate(gpsi):
         b, erri = self.computeBilinearFormByRow(gpi, basisi, gpsj, basisj)
         A.setRow(i, b)
         err += erri
     return A, err
Exemplo n.º 44
    def computeMoments(self, iterations=None, ts=None):
        names = [
            'time', 'iteration', 'grid_size', 'mean',
            'meanConfidenceIntervalBootstrapping_upper', 'var',
        # parameters
        if ts is None:
            ts = self.__knowledge.getAvailableTimeSteps()
        if iterations is None:
            iterations = self.__knowledge.getAvailableIterations()
        nrows = len(ts) * len(iterations)
        ncols = len(names)
        data = DataMatrix(nrows, ncols)
        v = DataVector(ncols)

        row = 0
        for t in ts:
            for iteration in iterations:
                size = self.__knowledge.getGrid(qoi=self._qoi,
                mean = self.mean(ts=[t],
                var = self.var(ts=[t],

                v[0] = t
                v[1] = iteration
                v[2] = size
                v[3], v[4] = mean["value"], mean["err"]
                v[5], v[6] = mean["confidence_interval"]
                v[7], v[8] = var["value"], var["err"]
                v[9], v[10] = var["confidence_interval"]

                # write results to matrix
                data.setRow(row, v)
                row += 1

        return {'data': data, 'names': names}
Exemplo n.º 45
def computeNodalValues(jgrid, grid, alpha):
    Dehierarchization of sparse grid function (grid, alpha) on new grid (jgrid)
    @param jgrid: Grid, new discretization
    @param grid: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha: DataVector, surpluses for grid
    @return: DataVector, nodalValues of jgrid
    jgs = jgrid.getStorage()

    # dehierarchization
    p = DataVector(jgs.getDimension())
    A = DataMatrix(jgs.size(), jgs.getDimension())
    for i in range(jgs.size()):
        jgs.getCoordinates(jgs.getPoint(i), p)
        A.setRow(i, p)

    return evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, A)
Exemplo n.º 46
def computeNodalValues(jgrid, grid, alpha):
    Dehierarchization of sparse grid function (grid, alpha) on new grid (jgrid)
    @param jgrid: Grid, new discretization
    @param grid: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha: DataVector, surpluses for grid
    @return: DataVector, nodalValues of jgrid
    jgs = jgrid.getStorage()

    # dehierarchization
    p = DataVector(jgs.dim())
    A = DataMatrix(jgs.size(), jgs.dim())
    for i in xrange(jgs.size()):
        A.setRow(i, p)

    return evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, A)
Exemplo n.º 47
def dehierarchizeList(grid, alpha, gps):
    evaluate sparse grid function at grid points in gps
    @param grid: Grid
    @param alpha: DataVector
    @param gps: list of HashGridPoint
    dim = grid.getDimension()
    p = DataVector(dim)
    nodalValues = DataVector(len(gps))
    A = DataMatrix(len(gps), dim)
    for i, gp in enumerate(gps):
        gs.getCoordinates(gp, p)
        A.setRow(i, p)
    opEval = createOperationMultipleEval(grid, A)
    opEval.mult(alpha, nodalValues)

    del opEval
    del A

    return nodalValues
Exemplo n.º 48
    def computeStats(self, dtype):
        names = ['time',

        ts = self.__learner.getTimeStepsOfInterest()
        iterations = self.__learner.iteration + 1
        nrows = len(ts) * iterations
        ncols = len(names)
        data = DataMatrix(nrows, ncols)
        v = DataVector(ncols)
        row = 0
        for t in ts:
            for iteration in xrange(iterations):
                v[0] = t
                v[1] = iteration
                v[2] = self.__learner.level[dtype][iteration]
                v[3] = self.__learner.numberPoints[dtype][iteration]
                v[4] = self.__learner.trainAccuracy[dtype][t][iteration]
                n = self.__learner.trainCount[dtype][t][iteration]
                v[5] = float(np.sqrt(v[4] * n))  # == L2 error
                if len(self.__learner.testAccuracy[dtype][t]) == \
                    v[6] = self.__learner.testAccuracy[dtype][t][iteration]
                    n = self.__learner.testCount[dtype][t][iteration]
                    v[7] = float(np.sqrt(v[6] * n))  # == L2 error
                v[8] = self.computeL2ErrorSurpluses(self._qoi, t,
                                                    dtype, iteration)
                # write results to matrix
                data.setRow(row, v)
                row += 1
        return {'data': data, 'names': names}
Exemplo n.º 49
    def pdf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            res = DataVector(A.getNrows())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            res = DataVector(1)

        self.dist.pdf(A, res)

        if len(res) == 1:
            return res[0]
            return res.array()
Exemplo n.º 50
    def pdf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
            res = DataVector(A.getNrows())
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            res = DataVector(1)

        self.dist.pdf(A, res)

        if len(res) == 1:
            return res[0]
            return res.array()
Exemplo n.º 51
    def pdf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            return evalSGFunction(self.grid, self.alpha, DataVector([x]))

        if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
            A = x
        elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
            A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
            A.setRow(0, x)
            raise AttributeError('data type "%s" is not supported in SGDEdist' % type(x))

        # evaluate the sparse grid density
        fx = evalSGFunctionMulti(self.grid, self.alpha, A)

        # if there is just one value given, extract it from the list
        if len(fx) == 1:
            fx = fx[0]

        return fx
Exemplo n.º 52
def computeCoefficients(jgrid, grid, alpha, f):
    Interpolate function f, which depends on some sparse grid function
    (grid, alpha) on jgrid
    @param jgrid: Grid, new discretization
    @param grid: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha: DataVector, surpluses for grid
    @param f: function, to be interpolated
    @return: DataVector, surpluses for jgrid
    jgs = jgrid.getStorage()

    # dehierarchization
    p = DataVector(jgs.dim())
    A = DataMatrix(jgs.size(), jgs.dim())
    for i in xrange(jgs.size()):
        A.setRow(i, p)

    nodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, A)

    # apply f to all grid points
    jnodalValues = DataVector(jgs.size())
    for i in xrange(len(nodalValues)):
        A.getRow(i, p)
        #         print i, p.array(), nodalValues[i], alpha.min(), alpha.max()
        #         if nodalValues[i] < -1e20 or nodalValues[i] > 1e20:
        #             from pysgpp.extensions.datadriven.uq.operations import evalSGFunction, evalSGFunctionMultiVectorized
        #             print alpha.min(), alpha.max()
        #             print evalSGFunction(grid, alpha, p)
        #             print evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, DataMatrix([p.array()]))
        #             print evalSGFunctionMultiVectorized(grid, alpha, DataMatrix([p.array()]))
        #             import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        jnodalValues[i] = f(p.array(), nodalValues[i])

    jalpha = hierarchize(jgrid, jnodalValues)
    return jalpha
Exemplo n.º 53
def computeCoefficients(jgrid, grid, alpha, f):
    Interpolate function f, which depends on some sparse grid function
    (grid, alpha) on jgrid
    @param jgrid: Grid, new discretization
    @param grid: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha: DataVector, surpluses for grid
    @param f: function, to be interpolated
    @return: DataVector, surpluses for jgrid
    jgs = jgrid.getStorage()

    # dehierarchization
    p = DataVector(jgs.dim())
    A = DataMatrix(jgs.size(), jgs.dim())
    for i in xrange(jgs.size()):
        A.setRow(i, p)

    nodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, A)

    # apply f to all grid points
    jnodalValues = DataVector(jgs.size())
    for i in xrange(len(nodalValues)):
        A.getRow(i, p)
#         print i, p.array(), nodalValues[i], alpha.min(), alpha.max()
#         if nodalValues[i] < -1e20 or nodalValues[i] > 1e20:
#             from pysgpp.extensions.datadriven.uq.operations import evalSGFunction, evalSGFunctionMultiVectorized
#             print alpha.min(), alpha.max()
#             print evalSGFunction(grid, alpha, p)
#             print evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, DataMatrix([p.array()]))
#             print evalSGFunctionMultiVectorized(grid, alpha, DataMatrix([p.array()]))
#             import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        jnodalValues[i] = f(p.array(), nodalValues[i])

    jalpha = hierarchize(jgrid, jnodalValues)
    return jalpha
Exemplo n.º 54
    def ppf(self, x):
        # convert the parameter to the right format
        if isList(x):
            x = DataVector(x)
        elif isNumerical(x):
            x = DataVector([x])

        # do the transformation
        if self.grid.getStorage().dim() == 1:
            op = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1D(self.grid)
            ans = np.ndarray(len(x))
            for i, xi in enumerate(x.array()):
                ans[i] = op.doTransformation1D(self.alpha, xi)
            if len(ans) == 1:
                return ans[0]
                return ans
            if isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
                A = x
                B = DataMatrix(A.getNrows(), A.getNcols())
            elif isinstance(x, DataVector):
                A = DataMatrix(1, len(x))
                A.setRow(0, x)
                B = DataMatrix(1, len(x))

            # do the transformation
            op = createOperationInverseRosenblattTransformation(self.grid)
            op.doTransformation(self.alpha, A, B)

            # extract the outcome
            if isNumerical(x) or isinstance(x, DataVector):
                return B.get(0, 0)
            elif isinstance(x, DataMatrix):
                return B.array()
Exemplo n.º 55
    def computeMoments(self, iterations=None, ts=None):
        names = ['time',
        # parameters
        if ts is None:
            ts = self.__knowledge.getAvailableTimeSteps()
        if iterations is None:
            iterations = self.__knowledge.getAvailableIterations()
        nrows = len(ts) * len(iterations)
        ncols = len(names)
        data = DataMatrix(nrows, ncols)
        v = DataVector(ncols)

        row = 0
        for t in ts:
            for iteration in iterations:
                size = self.__knowledge.getGrid(qoi=self._qoi,
                v[0] = t
                v[1] = iteration
                v[2] = size
                v[3], v[4] = self.mean(ts=[t], iterations=[iteration])
                v[5], v[6] = self.var(ts=[t], iterations=[iteration])

                # write results to matrix
                data.setRow(row, v)
                row += 1

        return {'data': data,
                'names': names}
Exemplo n.º 56
 def loadData(self, name = "train", delimiter=',', target_col=-1):
     fin = self.__gzOpen(self.filename, "r")
     reader = csv.reader(fin, delimiter = delimiter)
     data = []
     classes = []
     hasclass = False
     target_col = -1
     first_line = reader.next()
     # training set has to contain targets
     if name == 'train':
         if len(first_line) <= target_col: 
             raise Exception('Target column does not match total column number.')
         for i in xrange(len(first_line)-1):
         hasclass = True
     # test set may contain target values
     if name == 'test':
         if len(first_line) > target_col: 
             for i in xrange(len(first_line)-1):  data.append([])
             hasclass = True
             for i in xrange(len(first_line)):  data.append([])
             hasclass = False
     # skip header if available
     if first_line[0].isalpha():
         line = first_line
         if hasclass:
         for i in xrange(len(line)):
     for line in reader:
         if hasclass:
         for i in xrange(len(line)):
     # cleaning up and return
     dim = len(data)
     size = len(data[0])
     dataMatrix = DataMatrix(size, dim)
     tempVector = DataVector(dim)
     valuesVector = DataVector(size)
     for rowIndex in xrange(size):
         for colIndex in xrange(dim):
             tempVector[colIndex] = data[colIndex][rowIndex]
         dataMatrix.setRow(rowIndex, tempVector)
         valuesVector[rowIndex] = classes[rowIndex]
     return DataContainer(dataMatrix, valuesVector, name, self.filename)
Exemplo n.º 57
def plotSG2d(grid, alpha, addContour=True, n=100):
    gs = grid.getStorage()

    gpxp = []
    gpyp = []

    gpxn = []
    gpyn = []

    for i in xrange(gs.size()):
        if alpha[i] > 0:

    x = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
    y = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    Z = np.ones(n * n).reshape(n, n)

    neg_x = []
    neg_y = []
    neg_z = []

    A = DataMatrix(n * n, 2)
    p = DataVector(2)
    # do vectorized evaluation
    k = 0
    for i in xrange(len(X)):
        for j, (xi, yi) in enumerate(zip(X[i], Y[i])):
            p[0] = xi
            p[1] = 1 - yi
            A.setRow(k, p)
            k += 1

    res = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, A)

    k = 0
    for i in xrange(len(X)):
        for j, (xi, yi) in enumerate(zip(X[i], Y[i])):
            Z[i, j] = res[k]
            if Z[i, j] < 0 and abs(Z[i, j]) > 1e-13:
                neg_y.append(1 - yi)
            k += 1

    plt.imshow(Z, interpolation='bilinear', extent=(0, 1, 0, 1))

    if len(neg_z) > 0:
        plt.plot(neg_x, neg_y, linestyle=' ', marker='o', color='red')
        plt.title("[%g, %g]" % (min(neg_z), max(neg_z)))

    # plot surpluses
    plt.plot(gpxp, gpyp, "^ ", color="white")
    plt.plot(gpxn, gpyn, "v ", color="red")


    if addContour:
        cs = plt.contour(X, 1 - Y, Z, colors='black')
        plt.clabel(cs, inline=1, fontsize=18)

    return res