Exemplo n.º 1
def xform(extent, srcCRS, destCRS):
    if srcCRS == destCRS:
        return extent  # nothing to do

    # cut down the extent so it's not too big

    # clamped to the projection's valid area (usually small)
    projectionClampedExtent = clampToProjectionExtent(extent, srcCRS)

    # clamped to the world (might not work in some projections)
    worldClampedExtent = clampToWorld(extent, srcCRS)

    # xform the two extents to the dest CRS

    transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(srcCRS, destCRS, QgsProject.instance())

    xformed_projectionClamped = QgsRectangle()  # null rect
    if not projectionClampedExtent.isNull():
        xformed_projectionClamped = transform.transformBoundingBox(projectionClampedExtent)

    xformed_worldClamped = QgsRectangle()  # null rect
    if not worldClampedExtent.isNull():
        xformed_worldClamped = transform.transformBoundingBox(worldClampedExtent)

    # make final choice of what to use
    # we WANT to use the world one, but sometimes cannot

    # indicates everything is ok -- likely no projection blowing up
    if xformed_worldClamped.contains(xformed_projectionClamped):
        return xformed_worldClamped  # likely good

    # if one is null, return the other
    if xformed_projectionClamped.isNull():
        return xformed_worldClamped

    if xformed_worldClamped.isNull():
        return xformed_projectionClamped

    # clamp to the destination CRS (last resort to try to get something valid)
    return clampToProjectionExtent(xformed_worldClamped, destCRS)