def test2_0_flip(self): """ GpioCtrl >2_0> flip pin2 """ ctrl = GpioCtrl(self.opt) ctrl.read_cfg() ctrl.set_pin('5', 1) self.check_pin(5, 1) ctrl.flip('2') self.check_pin(2, 1) ctrl.flip('2') self.check_pin(2, 0)
def test3_0_check_arrangement(self): """ GpioCtrl >3_0> Pins are not grouped """ ctrl = GpioCtrl(self.opt) ctrl.read_cfg() ctrl.set_pin_cfg('1', {'groups':'grp1'}) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('2', {'groups':'grp2'}) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('3', {'groups':'grp3'}) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('4', {'groups':'grp4'}) pincfg_path = "%s/%s/etc/raspigpioctrl/" % (PREFIX, self.opt['-r']) pin1 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin1.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin1.set_cfg({'groups':'grp1'}) pin2 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin2.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin2.set_cfg({'groups':'grp2'}) pin3 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin3.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin3.set_cfg({'groups':'grp3'}) pin4 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin4.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin4.set_cfg({'groups':'grp4'}) exp_items = { 'gpio_pins': { '1': pin1, '2': pin2, '3': pin3, '4': pin4, } } self.check(ctrl, exp_items)
def test2_2_flip_main_auto(self): """ GpioCtrl >2_2> flip pin1 with main pin set to on (auto) """ ctrl = GpioCtrl(self.opt) ctrl.read_cfg() # set the main-pin to 0 ctrl.set_pin('5', 0) self.check_pin(5, 0) ctrl.set_pin('1', 0) self.check_pin(1, 0) main_cfg = { 'groups': 'garden', } ctrl.set_pin_cfg('5', main_cfg) pin5 = ctrl.get_pin(5) pin5.change_mode('off') pprint(pin5.get_json())
def main(): """ main function """ # Parameter options = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1') if options['--cron']: print "## Run cronjob check and exit..." gctrl = GpioCtrl(options) gctrl.run_cron() else: tree_cfg = { '/': {} } global_cfg = { 'server.socket_port': int(options['-p']) , 'server.socket_host': '', } cherrypy.tree.mount(Web(options), "/", tree_cfg) cherrypy.config.update(global_cfg) cherrypy.engine.start() cherrypy.engine.block()
def __init__(self, opt): self.opt = opt self.gctrl = GpioCtrl(opt) if self.opt['--test'] != "None": self.gctrl.run_scenario() elif not self.opt['--no-read']: self.gctrl.read_cfg() self.gpio_pins = self.gctrl.gpio_pins for pin in self.gpio_pins.values(): print "PIN:%s CRYPT:%s" % (pin.pin_nr, pin.crypt) self.form = {} self.html = []
def test1_0_read_cfg_dir(self): """ GpioCtrl >1_0> Read default config dir """ ctrl = GpioCtrl(self.opt) ctrl.read_cfg(True) pincfg_path = "%s/%s/etc/raspigpioctrl/" % (PREFIX, self.opt['-r']) pin1 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin1.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin2 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin2.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin3 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin3.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin4 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin4.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin5 = MainPin(self.opt, "%s/main5.cfg" % pincfg_path) exp_items = { 'gpio_pins': { '1': pin1, '2': pin2, '3': pin3, '4': pin4, '5': pin5, } } self.check(ctrl, exp_items)
class Web(object): """ Webside modeled as an cherrypy class """ def __init__(self, opt): self.opt = opt self.gctrl = GpioCtrl(opt) if self.opt['--test'] != "None": self.gctrl.run_scenario() elif not self.opt['--no-read']: self.gctrl.read_cfg() self.gpio_pins = self.gctrl.gpio_pins for pin in self.gpio_pins.values(): print "PIN:%s CRYPT:%s" % (pin.pin_nr, pin.crypt) self.form = {} self.html = [] def add_pin(self, pin): """ Add pin to GpioCtrl """ self.gctrl.add_pin(pin) def create_row(self, gpio): """ Global function to create row for pin """ pin = self.gpio_pins[gpio] if isinstance(pin, MainPin): self.create_row_main(gpio) else: self.create_row_slave(gpio) def create_row_main(self, gpio): """ create row for normal rain switch """ pin_json = self.gpio_pins[gpio].get_json() pin_json['pinid'] = gpio self.html.extend([ "<tr>", '<form method="POST" action="update_main">', "<td><b>%(pin_nr)s</b></td>" % pin_json, "<td><b>%(name)s</b></td>" % pin_json, ]) html_line = "<td><input type='text' name='groups' " html_line += "value='%(groups)s' size='10'></td>" % pin_json self.html.append(html_line) self.html.append("<input type='hidden' name='gpio' value='%s'>" % gpio) if pin_json['state'] == "0": state_col = 'red' else: state_col = 'green' self.html.append("<td style='background-color:%s'>" % state_col) self.html.append("<input name='send' type='submit' value='flip'></td>") if pin_json['mode'] == "off": state_col = 'red' else: state_col = 'green' self.html.append("<td style='background-color:%s'>" % state_col) html_line = "<input name='send' type='submit' value='OFF'>" html_line += "<input name='send' type='submit' value='AUTO'></td>" self.html.extend([ html_line, '<td></td>', #prio '<td></td>', # on '<td></td>', # dow '<td></td>', # duration '<td></td>', # sun ]) html_line = "<td><input name='send' type='submit' value='change'></td>" self.html.extend([ html_line, "</form>", "</tr>", ]) def create_row_slave(self, gpio): """ create row for normal rain switch """ pin_json = self.gpio_pins[gpio].get_json() pin_json['pinid'] = gpio self.html.extend(["<tr>", '<form method="POST" action="update_slave">', "<td><b>%(pin_nr)s</b></td>" % pin_json, "<td><b>%(name)s</b></td>" % pin_json, ]) html_line = "<td><input type='text' name='groups' " html_line += "value='%(groups)s' size='10'></td>" % pin_json self.html.append(html_line) self.html.append("<input type='hidden' name='gpio' value='%s'>" % gpio) if pin_json['state'] == "0": state_col = 'red' else: state_col = 'green' self.html.append("<td style='background-color:%s'>" % state_col) self.html.append("<input name='send' type='submit' value='flip'></td>") self.html.append("<td>") for mode in ['time', 'sun', 'man']: if pin_json['mode'] == mode: checked = " checked" else: checked = "" arg = (mode, checked, mode) self.html.append("<input type='radio' name='mode' value='%s'%s>%s" % arg) self.html.append("<td><select name='prio'>") for prio in range(0,5): html = "<option value='%s'" % prio if pin_json['prio'] == str(prio): html += "selected" html += ">%s</option>" % prio self.html.append(html) self.html.append("</select></td>") self.html.append("</td>") html_line = "<td><input type='text' name='start' " html_line += "value='%(start)s' size='5'>(24h)</td>" % pin_json self.html.extend([ html_line, "<td>", ]) for dow in ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']: checked = "" if 'dow' in pin_json.keys() and \ re.match(".*%s.*" % dow, pin_json['dow'], re.I): checked = " checked" html_line = "<input type='checkbox' name='dow_" html_line += "%s' value='%s'%s>%s" % (dow, dow, checked, dow) self.html.append(html_line) self.html.append("</td>") html_line = "<td><input type='text' name='duration' " html_line += "value='%(duration)s' size='5'>min</td>" % pin_json self.html.append(html_line) html_line = "<td><input type='text' name='sun_delay' " html_line += "value='%(sun_delay)s' size='5'>min</td>" % pin_json self.html.append(html_line) html_line = "<td><input name='send' type='submit' value='change'></td>" self.html.extend([ html_line, "</form>", "</tr>", ]) def create_tab(self): """ Creates table to show the different gpiopins """ for gpio in self.gpio_pins.keys(): self.create_row(gpio) def flip_main(self, gpio): """ flips main """ pin = self.gctrl.get_pin(gpio) pre = pin.state if pin.ismode('auto'): pin.change_mode('off') if pin.isstate(1): self.gctrl.shutdown_slaves() else: self.gctrl.trigger_pins() pin.flip() assert pre != pin.state def change_main(self, gpio, send, groups): """ change main pin """ pin = self.gctrl.get_pin(gpio) if send == "change": pin.set_cfg({'groups': groups}) elif send == "AUTO": pin.change_mode('auto') elif send == "OFF": pin.change_mode('off') pin.write_cfg() @cherrypy.expose def update_main(self, gpio=None, groups=None, send=None, mode=None): """ Creates the list of gpio pins and handles changes """ if send == "flip": self.flip_main(gpio) else: self.change_main(gpio,send, groups) return self.create_index() @cherrypy.expose def update_slave(self, gpio=None, start=None, dow_Wed=None, dow_Sun=None, prio=None, dow_Sat=None, dow_Tue=None, sun_delay=None, dow_Mon=None, groups=None, send=None, duration=None, dow_Thu=None, dow_Fri=None, mode=None): """ update slave pin """ self.form = { 'gpio': gpio, 'start': start, 'prio': prio, 'groups': groups, 'dow': { 'mon': dow_Mon, 'tue': dow_Tue, 'wed': dow_Wed, 'thu': dow_Thu, 'fri': dow_Fri, 'sat': dow_Sat, 'sun': dow_Sun, }, 'sun_delay': sun_delay, 'send': send, 'duration': duration, 'mode': mode, } self.change() return self.create_index() def flip_slave(self, gpio): """ checks if slave could be fliped """ pin = self.gctrl.get_pin(gpio) if pin.isstate(1): # switch off is possible at all times pin.flip() self.gctrl.shutdown_main() else: main_check = self.gctrl.check_main(pin.get_groups()) grp_check = self.gctrl.check_slaves(pin.get_groups()) if main_check and grp_check: self.gctrl.fire_main(pin.get_groups()) pin.flip() @cherrypy.expose def index(self): """ creates table """ return self.create_index() def create_index(self): """ create table """ self.html = [] self.html.extend([ "<html><head>", "<title></title>" '</head><body><table border="1">', '<tr align="center">', '<td>PinID</td>', '<td>Name</td>', '<td>Groups</td>', '<td>Status</td>', '<td>Modus</td>', '<td>Prio</td>', '<td>An um</td>', '<td>Wochentage</td>', '<td>Dauer</td>', '<td>Sonnenverzoegerung</td>', '</tr>', ]) self.create_tab() self.html.append("</table>") self.html.append("</body></html>") return "\n".join(self.html) def change(self): """ Triggered if Web-GUI wants to change a pin """ if self.form['send'] == "flip": self.flip_slave(self.form['gpio']) elif self.form['send'] == "change": if self.form['mode'] == "sun": self.gctrl.gpio_pins[self.form['gpio']].change_mode('sun') elif self.form['mode'] == "time": self.gctrl.gpio_pins[self.form['gpio']].change_mode('time') dow = [] for key,val in self.form['dow'].items(): if val is not None: dow.append(key) pin_cfg = {'groups': self.form['groups'], 'start': self.form['start'], 'prio': self.form['prio'], 'duration': self.form['duration'], 'dow': ",".join(dow), } self.gctrl.set_pin_cfg(self.form['gpio'], pin_cfg) self.gctrl. arrange_pins() self.gctrl.gpio_pins[self.form['gpio']].write_cfg() elif self.form['mode'] == "man": self.gctrl.gpio_pins[self.form['gpio']].change_mode('man') self.gctrl.gpio_pins[self.form['gpio']].write_cfg()
def test5_0_iter_pins(self): """ GpioCtrl >5_0> read cfg and iterate a couple of times over the pins """ ctrl = GpioCtrl(self.opt) ctrl.read_cfg() cfg = { 'groups':'a', 'prio':'0', 'duration':'10', } ctrl.set_pin_cfg('1', cfg) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('2', cfg) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('3', cfg) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('1', {'start':'00:05'}) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('2', {'start':'00:10'}) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('3', {'start':'00:15'}) print "### Before arrange" for key, item in ctrl.gpio_pins.items(): if isinstance(item, MainPin): print "MainPin: ", key else: print "SlavePin: ", key, item.get_dt_on(), item.get_dt_off() ctrl.arrange_pins(True) print "### After arrange" for key, item in ctrl.gpio_pins.items(): if not isinstance(item, MainPin): print "SlavePin: ", key, item.get_dt_on(), item.get_dt_off() # t0 dt = self.create_dt(5, 0) ctrl.trigger_pins(dt) mask = {'1': '1', '2': '0', '3': '0'} self.check_pins(ctrl, mask) # t1 dt = self.create_dt(16, 0) ctrl.trigger_pins(dt) mask = {'1': '0', '2': '1', '3': '0'} self.check_pins(ctrl, mask) # t2 dt = self.create_dt(25, 0) ctrl.trigger_pins(dt) mask = {'1': '0', '2': '0', '3': '1'} self.check_pins(ctrl, mask)
def test4_0_trigger_pin(self): """ GpioCtrl >4_0> trigger pins """ now = ctrl = GpioCtrl(self.opt) ctrl.read_cfg() cfg = { 'groups':'a', 'prio':'0', 'duration':'10', } ctrl.set_pin_cfg('1', cfg) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('2', cfg) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('3', cfg) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('4', cfg) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('1', {'start':'00:00'}) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('2', {'start':'00:10'}) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('3', {'start':'00:25'}) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('4', {'start':'00:35'}) # t0 dt = self.create_dt(0, 0) ctrl.trigger_pins(dt) mask = {'1': '1', '2': '0', '3': '0', '4': '0'} self.check_pins(ctrl, mask) # t1 dt = self.create_dt(11, 0) ctrl.trigger_pins(dt) mask = {'1': '0', '2': '1', '3': '0', '4': '0'} self.check_pins(ctrl, mask) # t2 dt = self.create_dt(21, 0) ctrl.trigger_pins(dt) mask = {'1': '0', '2': '0', '3': '0', '4': '0'} self.check_pins(ctrl, mask) # t3 dt = self.create_dt(30, 0) ctrl.trigger_pins(dt) mask = {'1': '0', '2': '0', '3': '1', '4': '0'} self.check_pins(ctrl, mask) # t4 dt = self.create_dt(37, 0) ctrl.trigger_pins(dt) mask = {'1': '0', '2': '0', '3': '0', '4': '1'} self.check_pins(ctrl, mask) # t5 dt = self.create_dt(47, 0) ctrl.trigger_pins(dt) mask = {'1': '0', '2': '0', '3': '0', '4': '0'} self.check_pins(ctrl, mask)
def test3_1_check_arrangement_group_collision(self): """ GpioCtrl >3_1> Pins are grouped, times are equal, rpio differ """ ctrl = GpioCtrl(self.opt) ctrl.read_cfg() ctrl.set_pin_cfg('1', {'groups':'a', 'start':'00:00', 'prio':'0', 'duration':'10', }) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('2', {'groups':'a', 'start':'00:00', 'prio':'1', 'duration':'10', }) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('3', {'groups':'a', 'start':'00:00', 'prio':'2', 'duration':'10', }) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('4', {'groups':'b', 'start':'00:00', 'prio':'0', 'duration':'10', }) ctrl.set_pin_cfg('5', {'groups':'b'}) pincfg_path = "%s/%s/etc/raspigpioctrl/" % (PREFIX, self.opt['-r']) pin1 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin1.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin1.set_cfg({'groups':'a', 'start':'00:00', 'prio':'0', 'duration':'10', }) pin2 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin2.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin2.set_cfg({'groups':'a', 'start':'00:10', 'prio':'1', 'duration':'10', }) pin3 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin3.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin3.set_cfg({'groups':'a', 'start':'00:20', 'prio':'2', 'duration':'10', }) pin4 = SlavePin(self.opt, "%s/pin4.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin4.set_cfg({'groups':'b', 'start':'00:00', 'prio':'0', 'duration':'10', }) pin5 = MainPin(self.opt, "%s/main5.cfg" % pincfg_path) pin5.set_cfg({'groups':'b'}) exp_items = { 'gpio_pins': { '1': pin1, '2': pin2, '3': pin3, '4': pin4, '5': pin5, } } ctrl.arrange_pins() self.check(ctrl, exp_items)
def test2_1_flip_main(self): """ GpioCtrl >2_1> flip pin2 w/ and w/o main pin be set (manually) """ ctrl = GpioCtrl(self.opt) ctrl.read_cfg() # set the main-pin to 0 ctrl.set_pin('5', 0) self.check_pin(5, 0) ctrl.set_pin('1', 0) self.check_pin(1, 0) main_cfg = { 'groups': 'garden', } ctrl.set_pin_cfg('5', main_cfg) pin5 = ctrl.get_pin(5) pin5.change_mode('off') pprint(pin5.get_json()) ctrl.flip('1') # should be still 0, since pin5 as main-pin does not allow a switch self.check_pin(1, 0) ctrl.flip('5') self.check_pin(5, 1) ctrl.flip('1') # should be still 0, since pin5 as main-pin does not allow a switch self.check_pin(1, 1)