Exemplo n.º 1
    def gen_control(self):
        """ Generate the control rig.

        eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
        # Get rest slide position
        a = self.pivot_rest * len(self.org_bones)
        i = floor(a)
        a -= i
        if i == len(self.org_bones):
            i -= 1
            a = 1.0

        pivot_rest_pos = eb[self.org_bones[i]].head.copy()
        pivot_rest_pos += eb[self.org_bones[i]].vector * a

        # Create controls

        # Create control bones
        controls = []
        for i in self.control_indices:
            name = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[i],
            controls += [name]

        # Create control parents
        control_parents = []
        for i in self.control_indices[1:-1]:
            name = new_bone(
                make_mechanism_name("par_" + strip_org(self.org_bones[i])))
            control_parents += [name]

        # Create sub-control bones
        subcontrols = []
        for i in self.control_indices:
            name = new_bone(
                make_mechanism_name("sub_" + strip_org(self.org_bones[i])))
            subcontrols += [name]

        # Create main control bone
        main_control = new_bone(self.obj, self.params.spine_main_control_name)

        # Create main control WGT bones
        main_wgt1 = new_bone(
            make_mechanism_name(self.params.spine_main_control_name + ".01"))
        main_wgt2 = new_bone(
            make_mechanism_name(self.params.spine_main_control_name + ".02"))

        eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones

        # Parent the main control
        eb[main_control].use_connect = False
        eb[main_control].parent = eb[self.org_bones[0]].parent

        # Parent the main WGTs
        eb[main_wgt1].use_connect = False
        eb[main_wgt1].parent = eb[main_control]
        eb[main_wgt2].use_connect = False
        eb[main_wgt2].parent = eb[main_wgt1]

        # Parent the controls and sub-controls
        for name, subname in zip(controls, subcontrols):
            eb[name].use_connect = False
            eb[name].parent = eb[main_control]
            eb[subname].use_connect = False
            eb[subname].parent = eb[name]

        # Parent the control parents
        for name, par_name in zip(controls[1:-1], control_parents):
            eb[par_name].use_connect = False
            eb[par_name].parent = eb[main_control]
            eb[name].parent = eb[par_name]

        # Position the main bone
        put_bone(self.obj, main_control, pivot_rest_pos)
        eb[main_control].length = sum([eb[b].length
                                       for b in self.org_bones]) / 2

        # Position the main WGTs
        eb[main_wgt1].tail = (0.0, 0.0,
                              sum([eb[b].length for b in self.org_bones]) / 4)
        eb[main_wgt2].length = sum([eb[b].length for b in self.org_bones]) / 4
        put_bone(self.obj, main_wgt1, pivot_rest_pos)
        put_bone(self.obj, main_wgt2, pivot_rest_pos)

        # Position the controls and sub-controls
        pos = eb[controls[0]].head.copy()
        for name, subname in zip(controls, subcontrols):
            put_bone(self.obj, name, pivot_rest_pos)
            put_bone(self.obj, subname, pivot_rest_pos)
            eb[subname].length = eb[name].length / 3

        # Position the control parents
        for name, par_name in zip(controls[1:-1], control_parents):
            put_bone(self.obj, par_name, pivot_rest_pos)
            eb[par_name].length = eb[name].length / 2

        # Control bone constraints and properties
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones

        # Lock control locations
        for name in controls:
            bone = pb[name]
            bone.lock_location = True, True, True

        # Main control doesn't use local location
        pb[main_control].bone.use_local_location = False

        # Intermediate controls follow hips and spine
        for name, par_name, i in zip(controls[1:-1], control_parents,
            bone = pb[par_name]

            # Custom bend_alpha property
            prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(pb[name], "bend_alpha", create=True)
            pb[name]["bend_alpha"] = i / (len(self.org_bones) - 1
                                          )  # set bend alpha
            prop["min"] = 0.0
            prop["max"] = 1.0
            prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
            prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

            # Custom auto_rotate
            prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(pb[name], "auto_rotate", create=True)
            pb[name]["auto_rotate"] = 1.0
            prop["min"] = 0.0
            prop["max"] = 1.0
            prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
            prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

            # Constraints
            con1 = bone.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con1.name = "copy_transforms"
            con1.target = self.obj
            con1.subtarget = subcontrols[0]

            con2 = bone.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con2.name = "copy_transforms"
            con2.target = self.obj
            con2.subtarget = subcontrols[-1]

            # Drivers
            fcurve = con1.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
            var = driver.variables.new()
            var.name = "auto"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = pb[name].path_from_id(
            ) + '["auto_rotate"]'

            fcurve = con2.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
            driver.expression = "alpha * auto"
            var = driver.variables.new()
            var.name = "alpha"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = pb[name].path_from_id(
            ) + '["bend_alpha"]'
            var = driver.variables.new()
            var.name = "auto"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = pb[name].path_from_id(
            ) + '["auto_rotate"]'

        # Create flex spine chain
        flex_bones = []
        flex_subs = []
        prev_bone = None
        for b in self.org_bones:
            # Create bones
            bone = copy_bone(self.obj, b,
                             make_mechanism_name(strip_org(b) + ".flex"))
            sub = new_bone(self.obj,
                           make_mechanism_name(strip_org(b) + ".flex_s"))
            flex_bones += [bone]
            flex_subs += [sub]

            eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
            bone_e = eb[bone]
            sub_e = eb[sub]

            # Parenting
            bone_e.use_connect = False
            sub_e.use_connect = False
            if prev_bone is None:
                sub_e.parent = eb[controls[0]]
                sub_e.parent = eb[prev_bone]
            bone_e.parent = sub_e

            # Position
            put_bone(self.obj, sub, bone_e.head)
            sub_e.length = bone_e.length / 4
            if prev_bone is not None:
                sub_e.use_connect = True

            prev_bone = bone

        # Create reverse spine chain

        # Create bones/parenting/positioning
        rev_bones = []
        prev_bone = None
        for b in zip(flex_bones, self.org_bones):
            # Create bones
            bone = copy_bone(self.obj, b[1],
                             make_mechanism_name(strip_org(b[1]) + ".reverse"))
            rev_bones += [bone]
            eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
            bone_e = eb[bone]

            # Parenting
            bone_e.use_connect = False
            bone_e.parent = eb[b[0]]

            # Position
            flip_bone(self.obj, bone)
            bone_e.tail = Vector(eb[b[0]].head)
            #bone_e.head = Vector(eb[b[0]].tail)
            if prev_bone is None:
                put_bone(self.obj, bone, pivot_rest_pos)
                put_bone(self.obj, bone, eb[prev_bone].tail)

            prev_bone = bone

        # Constraints
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        prev_bone = None
        for bone in rev_bones:
            bone_p = pb[bone]

            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "copy_location"
            con.target = self.obj
            if prev_bone is None:
                con.subtarget = main_control
                con.subtarget = prev_bone
                con.head_tail = 1.0
            prev_bone = bone

        # Constrain original bones to flex spine
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones

        for obone, fbone in zip(self.org_bones, flex_bones):
            con = pb[obone].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con.name = "copy_transforms"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = fbone

        # Create pivot slide system
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        bone_p = pb[self.org_bones[0]]
        main_control_p = pb[main_control]

        # Custom pivot_slide property
        prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(main_control_p,
        main_control_p["pivot_slide"] = self.pivot_rest
        prop["min"] = 0.0
        prop["max"] = 1.0
        prop["soft_min"] = 1.0 / len(self.org_bones)
        prop["soft_max"] = 1.0 - (1.0 / len(self.org_bones))

        # Anchor constraints
        con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
        con.name = "copy_location"
        con.target = self.obj
        con.subtarget = rev_bones[0]

        con = pb[main_wgt1].constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
        con.name = "copy_rotation"
        con.target = self.obj
        con.subtarget = rev_bones[0]

        # Slide constraints
        i = 1
        tot = len(rev_bones)
        for rb in rev_bones:
            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "slide." + str(i)
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = rb
            con.head_tail = 1.0

            # Driver
            fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            var = driver.variables.new()
            driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
            var.name = "slide"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = main_control_p.path_from_id(
            ) + '["pivot_slide"]'
            mod = fcurve.modifiers[0]
            mod.poly_order = 1
            mod.coefficients[0] = 1 - i
            mod.coefficients[1] = tot

            # Main WGT
            con = pb[main_wgt1].constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
            con.name = "slide." + str(i)
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = rb

            # Driver
            fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            var = driver.variables.new()
            driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
            var.name = "slide"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = main_control_p.path_from_id(
            ) + '["pivot_slide"]'
            mod = fcurve.modifiers[0]
            mod.poly_order = 1
            mod.coefficients[0] = 1.5 - i
            mod.coefficients[1] = tot

            i += 1

        # Constrain flex spine to controls
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones

        # Constrain the bones that correspond exactly to the controls
        for i, name in zip(self.control_indices, subcontrols):
            con = pb[flex_subs[i]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con.name = "copy_transforms"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = name

        # Constrain the bones in-between the controls
        for i, j, name1, name2 in zip(self.control_indices,
                                      self.control_indices[1:], subcontrols,
            if (i + 1) < j:
                for n in range(i + 1, j):
                    bone = pb[flex_subs[n]]
                    # Custom bend_alpha property
                    prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(bone,
                    bone["bend_alpha"] = (n - i) / (j - i)  # set bend alpha
                    prop["min"] = 0.0
                    prop["max"] = 1.0
                    prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
                    prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

                    con = bone.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
                    con.name = "copy_transforms"
                    con.target = self.obj
                    con.subtarget = name1

                    con = bone.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
                    con.name = "copy_transforms"
                    con.target = self.obj
                    con.subtarget = name2

                    # Driver
                    fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
                    driver = fcurve.driver
                    var = driver.variables.new()
                    driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
                    var.name = "alpha"
                    var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
                    var.targets[0].id = self.obj
                    var.targets[0].data_path = bone.path_from_id(
                    ) + '["bend_alpha"]'

        # Final stuff
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones

        # Control appearance
        # Main
        pb[main_control].custom_shape_transform = pb[main_wgt2]
        w = create_compass_widget(self.obj, main_control)
        if w != None:
            obj_to_bone(w, self.obj, main_wgt2)

        # Spines
        for name, i in zip(controls[1:-1], self.control_indices[1:-1]):
            pb[name].custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[i]]
            # Create control widgets
            w = create_circle_widget(self.obj,
            if w != None:
                obj_to_bone(w, self.obj, self.org_bones[i])
        # Hips
        pb[controls[0]].custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[0]]
        # Create control widgets
        w = create_circle_widget(self.obj,
        if w != None:
            obj_to_bone(w, self.obj, self.org_bones[0])

        # Ribs
        pb[controls[-1]].custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[-1]]
        # Create control widgets
        w = create_circle_widget(self.obj,
        if w != None:
            obj_to_bone(w, self.obj, self.org_bones[-1])

        # Layers
        pb[main_control].bone.layers = pb[self.org_bones[0]].bone.layers

        return [main_control] + controls
    def gen_control(self):
        """ Generate the control rig.

        # Create the hip and rib controls

        # Copy org bones
        hip_control = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0],
        rib_control = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[-1],
        rib_mch = copy_bone(
            self.obj, self.org_bones[-1],
            make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[-1] + ".follow")))
        hinge = copy_bone(
            self.obj, self.org_bones[0],
            make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[-1]) + ".hinge"))

        eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones

        hip_control_e = eb[hip_control]
        rib_control_e = eb[rib_control]
        rib_mch_e = eb[rib_mch]
        hinge_e = eb[hinge]

        # Parenting
        hip_control_e.use_connect = False
        rib_control_e.use_connect = False
        rib_mch_e.use_connect = False
        hinge_e.use_connect = False

        hinge_e.parent = None
        rib_control_e.parent = hinge_e
        rib_mch_e.parent = rib_control_e

        # Position
        flip_bone(self.obj, hip_control)
        flip_bone(self.obj, hinge)

        hinge_e.length /= 2
        rib_mch_e.length /= 2

        put_bone(self.obj, rib_control, hip_control_e.head)
        put_bone(self.obj, rib_mch, hip_control_e.head)

        eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones

        # Switch to object mode
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        hip_control_p = pb[hip_control]
        rib_control_p = pb[rib_control]
        hinge_p = pb[hinge]

        # No translation on rib control
        rib_control_p.lock_location = [True, True, True]

        # Hip does not use local location
        hip_control_p.bone.use_local_location = False

        # Custom hinge property
        prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(rib_control_p, "isolate", create=True)
        rib_control_p["isolate"] = 1.0
        prop["soft_min"] = prop["min"] = 0.0
        prop["soft_max"] = prop["max"] = 1.0

        # Constraints
        con = hinge_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
        con.name = "copy_location"
        con.target = self.obj
        con.subtarget = hip_control

        con1 = hinge_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
        con1.name = "isolate_off.01"
        con1.target = self.obj
        con1.subtarget = hip_control

        con2 = rib_control_p.constraints.new('COPY_SCALE')
        con2.name = "isolate_off.02"
        con2.target = self.obj
        con2.subtarget = hip_control
        con2.use_offset = True
        con2.target_space = 'LOCAL'
        con2.owner_space = 'LOCAL'

        # Drivers for "isolate_off"
        fcurve = con1.driver_add("influence")
        driver = fcurve.driver
        var = driver.variables.new()
        driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
        var.name = "var"
        var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
        var.targets[0].id = self.obj
        var.targets[0].data_path = rib_control_p.path_from_id() + '["isolate"]'
        mod = fcurve.modifiers[0]
        mod.poly_order = 1
        mod.coefficients[0] = 1.0
        mod.coefficients[1] = -1.0

        fcurve = con2.driver_add("influence")
        driver = fcurve.driver
        var = driver.variables.new()
        driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
        var.name = "var"
        var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
        var.targets[0].id = self.obj
        var.targets[0].data_path = rib_control_p.path_from_id() + '["isolate"]'
        mod = fcurve.modifiers[0]
        mod.poly_order = 1
        mod.coefficients[0] = 1.0
        mod.coefficients[1] = -1.0

        # Appearence
        hip_control_p.custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[0]]
        rib_control_p.custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[-1]]

        # Create flex spine chain

        # Create bones/parenting/positiong
        flex_bones = []
        flex_helpers = []
        prev_bone = None
        for b in self.org_bones:
            # Create bones
            bone = copy_bone(self.obj, b,
                             make_mechanism_name(strip_org(b) + ".flex"))
            helper = copy_bone(self.obj, rib_mch,
                               make_mechanism_name(strip_org(b) + ".flex_h"))
            flex_bones += [bone]
            flex_helpers += [helper]

            eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
            bone_e = eb[bone]
            helper_e = eb[helper]

            # Parenting
            bone_e.use_connect = False
            helper_e.use_connect = False
            if prev_bone == None:
                helper_e.parent = eb[hip_control]
            bone_e.parent = helper_e

            # Position
            put_bone(self.obj, helper, bone_e.head)
            helper_e.length /= 4

            prev_bone = bone

        # Constraints
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        rib_control_p = pb[rib_control]
        rib_mch_p = pb[rib_mch]

        inc = 1.0 / (len(flex_helpers) - 1)
        inf = 1.0 / (len(flex_helpers) - 1)
        for b in zip(flex_helpers[1:], flex_bones[:-1], self.org_bones[1:]):
            bone_p = pb[b[0]]

            # Scale constraints
            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_SCALE')
            con.name = "copy_scale1"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = flex_helpers[0]
            con.influence = 1.0

            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_SCALE')
            con.name = "copy_scale2"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = rib_mch
            con.influence = inf

            # Bend constraints
            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
            con.name = "bend1"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = flex_helpers[0]
            con.influence = 1.0

            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
            con.name = "bend2"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = rib_mch
            con.influence = inf

            # If not the rib control
            if b[0] != flex_helpers[-1]:
                # Custom bend property
                prop_name = "bend_" + strip_org(b[2])
                prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(rib_control_p,
                rib_control_p[prop_name] = inf
                prop["min"] = 0.0
                prop["max"] = 1.0
                prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
                prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

                # Bend driver
                fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
                driver = fcurve.driver
                var = driver.variables.new()
                driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
                var.name = prop_name
                var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
                var.targets[0].id = self.obj
                var.targets[0].data_path = rib_control_p.path_from_id(
                ) + '["' + prop_name + '"]'

            # Location constraint
            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "copy_location"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = b[1]
            con.head_tail = 1.0

            inf += inc

        # Create reverse spine chain

        # Create bones/parenting/positioning
        rev_bones = []
        prev_bone = None
        for b in zip(flex_bones, self.org_bones):
            # Create bones
            bone = copy_bone(self.obj, b[1],
                             make_mechanism_name(strip_org(b[1]) + ".reverse"))
            rev_bones += [bone]
            eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
            bone_e = eb[bone]

            # Parenting
            bone_e.use_connect = False
            bone_e.parent = eb[b[0]]

            # Position
            flip_bone(self.obj, bone)
            bone_e.tail = Vector(eb[b[0]].head)
            #bone_e.head = Vector(eb[b[0]].tail)
            if prev_bone == None:
                pass  # Position base bone wherever you want, for now do nothing (i.e. position at hips)
                put_bone(self.obj, bone, eb[prev_bone].tail)

            prev_bone = bone

        # Constraints
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        prev_bone = None
        for bone in rev_bones:
            bone_p = pb[bone]

            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "copy_location"
            con.target = self.obj
            if prev_bone == None:
                con.subtarget = hip_control  # Position base bone wherever you want, for now hips
                con.subtarget = prev_bone
                con.head_tail = 1.0
            prev_bone = bone

        # Constrain org bones to flex bone's rotation
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        for b in zip(self.org_bones, flex_bones):
            con = pb[b[0]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con.name = "copy_rotation"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = b[1]

        # Create pivot slide system
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        bone_p = pb[self.org_bones[0]]
        rib_control_p = pb[rib_control]

        # Custom pivot_slide property
        prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(rib_control_p,
        rib_control_p["pivot_slide"] = 1.0 / len(self.org_bones)
        prop["min"] = 0.0
        prop["max"] = 1.0
        prop["soft_min"] = 1.0 / len(self.org_bones)
        prop["soft_max"] = 1.0 - (1.0 / len(self.org_bones))

        # Anchor constraint
        con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
        con.name = "copy_location"
        con.target = self.obj
        con.subtarget = rev_bones[0]

        # Slide constraints
        i = 1
        tot = len(rev_bones)
        for rb in rev_bones:
            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "slide." + str(i)
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = rb
            con.head_tail = 1.0

            # Driver
            fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            var = driver.variables.new()
            driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
            var.name = "slide"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = rib_control_p.path_from_id(
            ) + '["pivot_slide"]'
            mod = fcurve.modifiers[0]
            mod.poly_order = 1
            mod.coefficients[0] = 1 - i
            mod.coefficients[1] = tot

            i += 1

        # Create control widgets
        w1 = create_circle_widget(self.obj,
        w2 = create_circle_widget(self.obj,

        if w1 != None:
            obj_to_bone(w1, self.obj, self.org_bones[0])
        if w2 != None:
            obj_to_bone(w2, self.obj, self.org_bones[-1])

        # Return control names
        return hip_control, rib_control
Exemplo n.º 3
    def gen_control(self):
        """ Generate the control rig.

        # Create the neck and head controls

        # Create bones
        neck_ctrl = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], strip_org(self.org_bones[0]))
        neck_follow = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[-1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[0] + ".follow")))
        neck_child = new_bone(self.obj, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[0] + ".child")))

        head_ctrl = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[-1], strip_org(self.org_bones[-1]))
        head_mch = new_bone(self.obj, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[-1])))
        if self.isolate:
            head_socket1 = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[-1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[-1] + ".socket1")))
            head_socket2 = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[-1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[-1] + ".socket2")))

        # Create neck chain bones
        neck = []
        helpers = []
        for name in self.org_bones:
            neck += [copy_bone(self.obj, name, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(name)))]
            helpers += [copy_bone(self.obj, neck_child, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(name + ".02")))]

        # Fetch edit bones
        eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones

        neck_ctrl_e = eb[neck_ctrl]
        neck_follow_e = eb[neck_follow]
        neck_child_e = eb[neck_child]
        head_ctrl_e = eb[head_ctrl]
        head_mch_e = eb[head_mch]
        if self.isolate:
            head_socket1_e = eb[head_socket1]
            head_socket2_e = eb[head_socket2]

        # Parenting
        head_ctrl_e.use_connect = False
        head_ctrl_e.parent = neck_ctrl_e.parent
        head_mch_e.use_connect = False
        head_mch_e.parent = head_ctrl_e

        if self.isolate:
            head_socket1_e.use_connect = False
            head_socket1_e.parent = neck_ctrl_e.parent

            head_socket2_e.use_connect = False
            head_socket2_e.parent = None

            head_ctrl_e.parent = head_socket2_e

        for (name1, name2) in zip(neck, helpers):
            eb[name1].use_connect = False
            eb[name1].parent = eb[name2]
            eb[name2].use_connect = False
            eb[name2].parent = neck_ctrl_e.parent

        neck_follow_e.use_connect = False
        neck_follow_e.parent = neck_ctrl_e.parent
        neck_child_e.use_connect = False
        neck_child_e.parent = neck_ctrl_e
        neck_ctrl_e.parent = neck_follow_e

        # Position
        put_bone(self.obj, neck_follow, neck_ctrl_e.head)
        put_bone(self.obj, neck_child, neck_ctrl_e.head)
        put_bone(self.obj, head_ctrl, neck_ctrl_e.head)
        put_bone(self.obj, head_mch, neck_ctrl_e.head)
        head_mch_e.length = head_ctrl_e.length / 2
        neck_child_e.length = neck_ctrl_e.length / 2

        if self.isolate:
            put_bone(self.obj, head_socket1, neck_ctrl_e.head)
            head_mch_e.length /= 2

            put_bone(self.obj, head_socket2, neck_ctrl_e.head)
            head_mch_e.length /= 3

        for (name1, name2) in zip(neck, helpers):
            put_bone(self.obj, name2, eb[name1].head)
            eb[name2].length = eb[name1].length / 2

        # Switch to object mode
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        neck_ctrl_p = pb[neck_ctrl]
        neck_follow_p = pb[neck_follow]
        # neck_child_p = pb[neck_child]  # UNUSED
        head_ctrl_p = pb[head_ctrl]
        if self.isolate:
            # head_socket1_p = pb[head_socket1]  # UNUSED
            head_socket2_p = pb[head_socket2]

        # Custom bone appearance
        neck_ctrl_p.custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[(len(self.org_bones) - 1) // 2]]
        head_ctrl_p.custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[-1]]

        # Custom properties
        prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(head_ctrl_p, "inf_extent", create=True)
        head_ctrl_p["inf_extent"] = 0.5
        prop["min"] = 0.0
        prop["max"] = 1.0
        prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
        prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

        prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(head_ctrl_p, "neck_follow", create=True)
        head_ctrl_p["neck_follow"] = 1.0
        prop["min"] = 0.0
        prop["max"] = 2.0
        prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
        prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

        if self.isolate:
            prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(head_ctrl_p, "isolate", create=True)
            head_ctrl_p["isolate"] = 0.0
            prop["min"] = 0.0
            prop["max"] = 1.0
            prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
            prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

        # Constraints

        # Neck follow
        con = neck_follow_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
        con.name = "copy_rotation"
        con.target = self.obj
        con.subtarget = head_ctrl

        fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
        driver = fcurve.driver
        var = driver.variables.new()
        driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
        var.name = "follow"
        var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
        var.targets[0].id = self.obj
        var.targets[0].data_path = head_ctrl_p.path_from_id() + '["neck_follow"]'
        driver.expression = "follow / 2"

        # Isolate
        if self.isolate:
            con = head_socket2_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "copy_location"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = head_socket1

            con = head_socket2_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con.name = "copy_transforms"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = head_socket1

            fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            var = driver.variables.new()
            driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
            var.name = "isolate"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = head_ctrl_p.path_from_id() + '["isolate"]'
            driver.expression = "1.0 - isolate"

        # Neck chain
        first = True
        prev = None
        i = 0
        l = len(neck)
        for (name1, name2, org_name) in zip(neck, helpers, self.org_bones):
            con = pb[org_name].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con.name = "copy_transforms"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = name1

            n_con = pb[name2].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            n_con.name = "neck"
            n_con.target = self.obj
            n_con.subtarget = neck_child

            h_con = pb[name2].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            h_con.name = "head"
            h_con.target = self.obj
            h_con.subtarget = head_mch

            con = pb[name2].constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "anchor"
            con.target = self.obj
            if first:
                con.subtarget = neck_ctrl
                con.subtarget = prev
                con.head_tail = 1.0

            # Drivers
            n = (i + 1) / l

            # Neck influence
            fcurve = n_con.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            var = driver.variables.new()
            driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
            var.name = "ext"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = head_ctrl_p.path_from_id() + '["inf_extent"]'
            driver.expression = "1.0 if (%.4f > (1.0-ext) or (1.0-ext) == 0.0) else (%.4f / (1.0-ext))" % (n, n)

            # Head influence
            if (i + 1) == l:
                h_con.influence = 1.0
                fcurve = h_con.driver_add("influence")
                driver = fcurve.driver
                var = driver.variables.new()
                driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
                var.name = "ext"
                var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
                var.targets[0].id = self.obj
                var.targets[0].data_path = head_ctrl_p.path_from_id() + '["inf_extent"]'
                driver.expression = "0.0 if (%.4f <= (1.0-ext)) else ((%.4f - (1.0-ext)) / ext)" % (n, n)

            first = False
            prev = name1
            i += 1

        # Create control widgets
        w1 = create_circle_widget(self.obj, neck_ctrl, radius=1.0, head_tail=0.5)
        w2 = create_circle_widget(self.obj, head_ctrl, radius=1.0, head_tail=0.5)

        if w1 != None:
            obj_to_bone(w1, self.obj, self.org_bones[(len(self.org_bones) - 1) // 2])
        if w2 != None:
            obj_to_bone(w2, self.obj, self.org_bones[-1])

        # Return control bones
        return (head_ctrl, neck_ctrl)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def gen_control(self):
        """ Generate the control rig.

        # Create the neck and head controls

        # Create bones
        neck_ctrl = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], strip_org(self.org_bones[0]))
        neck_follow = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[-1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[0] + ".follow")))
        neck_child = new_bone(self.obj, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[0] + ".child")))

        head_ctrl = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[-1], strip_org(self.org_bones[-1]))
        head_mch = new_bone(self.obj, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[-1])))
        if self.isolate:
            head_socket1 = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[-1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[-1] + ".socket1")))
            head_socket2 = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[-1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[-1] + ".socket2")))

        # Create neck chain bones
        neck = []
        helpers = []
        for name in self.org_bones:
            neck += [copy_bone(self.obj, name, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(name)))]
            helpers += [copy_bone(self.obj, neck_child, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(name + ".02")))]

        # Fetch edit bones
        eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones

        neck_ctrl_e = eb[neck_ctrl]
        neck_follow_e = eb[neck_follow]
        neck_child_e = eb[neck_child]
        head_ctrl_e = eb[head_ctrl]
        head_mch_e = eb[head_mch]
        if self.isolate:
            head_socket1_e = eb[head_socket1]
            head_socket2_e = eb[head_socket2]

        # Parenting
        head_ctrl_e.use_connect = False
        head_ctrl_e.parent = neck_ctrl_e.parent
        head_mch_e.use_connect = False
        head_mch_e.parent = head_ctrl_e

        if self.isolate:
            head_socket1_e.use_connect = False
            head_socket1_e.parent = neck_ctrl_e.parent

            head_socket2_e.use_connect = False
            head_socket2_e.parent = None

            head_ctrl_e.parent = head_socket2_e

        for (name1, name2) in zip(neck, helpers):
            eb[name1].use_connect = False
            eb[name1].parent = eb[name2]
            eb[name2].use_connect = False
            eb[name2].parent = neck_ctrl_e.parent

        neck_follow_e.use_connect = False
        neck_follow_e.parent = neck_ctrl_e.parent
        neck_child_e.use_connect = False
        neck_child_e.parent = neck_ctrl_e
        neck_ctrl_e.parent = neck_follow_e

        # Position
        put_bone(self.obj, neck_follow, neck_ctrl_e.head)
        put_bone(self.obj, neck_child, neck_ctrl_e.head)
        put_bone(self.obj, head_ctrl, neck_ctrl_e.head)
        put_bone(self.obj, head_mch, neck_ctrl_e.head)
        head_mch_e.length = head_ctrl_e.length / 2
        neck_child_e.length = neck_ctrl_e.length / 2

        if self.isolate:
            put_bone(self.obj, head_socket1, neck_ctrl_e.head)
            head_mch_e.length /= 2

            put_bone(self.obj, head_socket2, neck_ctrl_e.head)
            head_mch_e.length /= 3

        for (name1, name2) in zip(neck, helpers):
            put_bone(self.obj, name2, eb[name1].head)
            eb[name2].length = eb[name1].length / 2

        # Switch to object mode
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        neck_ctrl_p = pb[neck_ctrl]
        neck_follow_p = pb[neck_follow]
        # neck_child_p = pb[neck_child]  # UNUSED
        head_ctrl_p = pb[head_ctrl]
        if self.isolate:
            # head_socket1_p = pb[head_socket1]  # UNUSED
            head_socket2_p = pb[head_socket2]

        # Custom bone appearance
        neck_ctrl_p.custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[(len(self.org_bones) - 1) // 2]]
        head_ctrl_p.custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[-1]]

        # Custom properties
        prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(head_ctrl_p, "inf_extent", create=True)
        head_ctrl_p["inf_extent"] = 0.5
        prop["min"] = 0.0
        prop["max"] = 1.0
        prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
        prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

        prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(head_ctrl_p, "neck_follow", create=True)
        head_ctrl_p["neck_follow"] = 1.0
        prop["min"] = 0.0
        prop["max"] = 2.0
        prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
        prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

        if self.isolate:
            prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(head_ctrl_p, "isolate", create=True)
            head_ctrl_p["isolate"] = 0.0
            prop["min"] = 0.0
            prop["max"] = 1.0
            prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
            prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

        # Constraints

        # Neck follow
        con = neck_follow_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
        con.name = "copy_rotation"
        con.target = self.obj
        con.subtarget = head_ctrl

        fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
        driver = fcurve.driver
        var = driver.variables.new()
        driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
        var.name = "follow"
        var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
        var.targets[0].id = self.obj
        var.targets[0].data_path = head_ctrl_p.path_from_id() + '["neck_follow"]'
        driver.expression = "follow / 2"

        # Isolate
        if self.isolate:
            con = head_socket2_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "copy_location"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = head_socket1

            con = head_socket2_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con.name = "copy_transforms"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = head_socket1

            fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            var = driver.variables.new()
            driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
            var.name = "isolate"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = head_ctrl_p.path_from_id() + '["isolate"]'
            driver.expression = "1.0 - isolate"

        # Neck chain
        first = True
        prev = None
        i = 0
        l = len(neck)
        for (name1, name2, org_name) in zip(neck, helpers, self.org_bones):
            con = pb[org_name].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con.name = "copy_transforms"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = name1

            n_con = pb[name2].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            n_con.name = "neck"
            n_con.target = self.obj
            n_con.subtarget = neck_child

            h_con = pb[name2].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            h_con.name = "head"
            h_con.target = self.obj
            h_con.subtarget = head_mch

            con = pb[name2].constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "anchor"
            con.target = self.obj
            if first:
                con.subtarget = neck_ctrl
                con.subtarget = prev
                con.head_tail = 1.0

            # Drivers
            n = (i + 1) / l

            # Neck influence
            fcurve = n_con.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            var = driver.variables.new()
            driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
            var.name = "ext"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = head_ctrl_p.path_from_id() + '["inf_extent"]'
            driver.expression = "1.0 if (%.4f > (1.0-ext) or (1.0-ext) == 0.0) else (%.4f / (1.0-ext))" % (n, n)

            # Head influence
            if (i + 1) == l:
                h_con.influence = 1.0
                fcurve = h_con.driver_add("influence")
                driver = fcurve.driver
                var = driver.variables.new()
                driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
                var.name = "ext"
                var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
                var.targets[0].id = self.obj
                var.targets[0].data_path = head_ctrl_p.path_from_id() + '["inf_extent"]'
                driver.expression = "0.0 if (%.4f <= (1.0-ext)) else ((%.4f - (1.0-ext)) / ext)" % (n, n)

            first = False
            prev = name1
            i += 1

        # Create control widgets
        w1 = create_circle_widget(self.obj, neck_ctrl, radius=1.0, head_tail=0.5)
        w2 = create_circle_widget(self.obj, head_ctrl, radius=1.0, head_tail=0.5)

        if w1 != None:
            obj_to_bone(w1, self.obj, self.org_bones[(len(self.org_bones) - 1) // 2])
        if w2 != None:
            obj_to_bone(w2, self.obj, self.org_bones[-1])

        # Return control bones
        return (head_ctrl, neck_ctrl)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def gen_control(self):
        """ Generate the control rig.

        eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
        # Get rest slide position
        a = self.pivot_rest * len(self.org_bones)
        i = floor(a)
        a -= i
        if i == len(self.org_bones):
            i -= 1
            a = 1.0

        pivot_rest_pos = eb[self.org_bones[i]].head.copy()
        pivot_rest_pos += eb[self.org_bones[i]].vector * a

        # Create controls

        # Create control bones
        controls = []
        for i in self.control_indices:
            name = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[i], strip_org(self.org_bones[i]))
            controls += [name]

        # Create control parents
        control_parents = []
        for i in self.control_indices[1:-1]:
            name = new_bone(self.obj, make_mechanism_name("par_" + strip_org(self.org_bones[i])))
            control_parents += [name]

        # Create sub-control bones
        subcontrols = []
        for i in self.control_indices:
            name = new_bone(self.obj, make_mechanism_name("sub_" + strip_org(self.org_bones[i])))
            subcontrols += [name]

        # Create main control bone
        main_control = new_bone(self.obj, self.params.spine_main_control_name)

        # Create main control WGT bones
        main_wgt1 = new_bone(self.obj, make_mechanism_name(self.params.spine_main_control_name + ".01"))
        main_wgt2 = new_bone(self.obj, make_mechanism_name(self.params.spine_main_control_name + ".02"))

        eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones

        # Parent the main control
        eb[main_control].use_connect = False
        eb[main_control].parent = eb[self.org_bones[0]].parent

        # Parent the main WGTs
        eb[main_wgt1].use_connect = False
        eb[main_wgt1].parent = eb[main_control]
        eb[main_wgt2].use_connect = False
        eb[main_wgt2].parent = eb[main_wgt1]

        # Parent the controls and sub-controls
        for name, subname in zip(controls, subcontrols):
            eb[name].use_connect = False
            eb[name].parent = eb[main_control]
            eb[subname].use_connect = False
            eb[subname].parent = eb[name]

        # Parent the control parents
        for name, par_name in zip(controls[1:-1], control_parents):
            eb[par_name].use_connect = False
            eb[par_name].parent = eb[main_control]
            eb[name].parent = eb[par_name]

        # Position the main bone
        put_bone(self.obj, main_control, pivot_rest_pos)
        eb[main_control].length = sum([eb[b].length for b in self.org_bones]) / 2

        # Position the main WGTs
        eb[main_wgt1].tail = (0.0, 0.0, sum([eb[b].length for b in self.org_bones]) / 4)
        eb[main_wgt2].length = sum([eb[b].length for b in self.org_bones]) / 4
        put_bone(self.obj, main_wgt1, pivot_rest_pos)
        put_bone(self.obj, main_wgt2, pivot_rest_pos)

        # Position the controls and sub-controls
        pos = eb[controls[0]].head.copy()
        for name, subname in zip(controls, subcontrols):
            put_bone(self.obj, name, pivot_rest_pos)
            put_bone(self.obj, subname, pivot_rest_pos)
            eb[subname].length = eb[name].length / 3

        # Position the control parents
        for name, par_name in zip(controls[1:-1], control_parents):
            put_bone(self.obj, par_name, pivot_rest_pos)
            eb[par_name].length = eb[name].length / 2

        # Control bone constraints and properties
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones

        # Lock control locations
        for name in controls:
            bone = pb[name]
            bone.lock_location = True, True, True

        # Main control doesn't use local location
        pb[main_control].bone.use_local_location = False

        # Intermediate controls follow hips and spine
        for name, par_name, i in zip(controls[1:-1], control_parents, self.control_indices[1:-1]):
            bone = pb[par_name]

            # Custom bend_alpha property
            prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(pb[name], "bend_alpha", create=True)
            pb[name]["bend_alpha"] = i / (len(self.org_bones) - 1)  # set bend alpha
            prop["min"] = 0.0
            prop["max"] = 1.0
            prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
            prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

            # Custom auto_rotate
            prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(pb[name], "auto_rotate", create=True)
            pb[name]["auto_rotate"] = 1.0
            prop["min"] = 0.0
            prop["max"] = 1.0
            prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
            prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

            # Constraints
            con1 = bone.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con1.name = "copy_transforms"
            con1.target = self.obj
            con1.subtarget = subcontrols[0]

            con2 = bone.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con2.name = "copy_transforms"
            con2.target = self.obj
            con2.subtarget = subcontrols[-1]

            # Drivers
            fcurve = con1.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
            var = driver.variables.new()
            var.name = "auto"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = pb[name].path_from_id() + '["auto_rotate"]'

            fcurve = con2.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
            driver.expression = "alpha * auto"
            var = driver.variables.new()
            var.name = "alpha"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = pb[name].path_from_id() + '["bend_alpha"]'
            var = driver.variables.new()
            var.name = "auto"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = pb[name].path_from_id() + '["auto_rotate"]'

        # Create flex spine chain
        flex_bones = []
        flex_subs = []
        prev_bone = None
        for b in self.org_bones:
            # Create bones
            bone = copy_bone(self.obj, b, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(b) + ".flex"))
            sub = new_bone(self.obj, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(b) + ".flex_s"))
            flex_bones += [bone]
            flex_subs += [sub]

            eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
            bone_e = eb[bone]
            sub_e = eb[sub]

            # Parenting
            bone_e.use_connect = False
            sub_e.use_connect = False
            if prev_bone is None:
                sub_e.parent = eb[controls[0]]
                sub_e.parent = eb[prev_bone]
            bone_e.parent = sub_e

            # Position
            put_bone(self.obj, sub, bone_e.head)
            sub_e.length = bone_e.length / 4
            if prev_bone is not None:
                sub_e.use_connect = True

            prev_bone = bone

        # Create reverse spine chain

        # Create bones/parenting/positioning
        rev_bones = []
        prev_bone = None
        for b in zip(flex_bones, self.org_bones):
            # Create bones
            bone = copy_bone(self.obj, b[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(b[1]) + ".reverse"))
            rev_bones += [bone]
            eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
            bone_e = eb[bone]

            # Parenting
            bone_e.use_connect = False
            bone_e.parent = eb[b[0]]

            # Position
            flip_bone(self.obj, bone)
            bone_e.tail = Vector(eb[b[0]].head)
            #bone_e.head = Vector(eb[b[0]].tail)
            if prev_bone is None:
                put_bone(self.obj, bone, pivot_rest_pos)
                put_bone(self.obj, bone, eb[prev_bone].tail)

            prev_bone = bone

        # Constraints
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        prev_bone = None
        for bone in rev_bones:
            bone_p = pb[bone]

            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "copy_location"
            con.target = self.obj
            if prev_bone is None:
                con.subtarget = main_control
                con.subtarget = prev_bone
                con.head_tail = 1.0
            prev_bone = bone

        # Constrain original bones to flex spine
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones

        for obone, fbone in zip(self.org_bones, flex_bones):
            con = pb[obone].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con.name = "copy_transforms"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = fbone

        # Create pivot slide system
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones
        bone_p = pb[self.org_bones[0]]
        main_control_p = pb[main_control]

        # Custom pivot_slide property
        prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(main_control_p, "pivot_slide", create=True)
        main_control_p["pivot_slide"] = self.pivot_rest
        prop["min"] = 0.0
        prop["max"] = 1.0
        prop["soft_min"] = 1.0 / len(self.org_bones)
        prop["soft_max"] = 1.0 - (1.0 / len(self.org_bones))

        # Anchor constraints
        con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
        con.name = "copy_location"
        con.target = self.obj
        con.subtarget = rev_bones[0]

        con = pb[main_wgt1].constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
        con.name = "copy_rotation"
        con.target = self.obj
        con.subtarget = rev_bones[0]

        # Slide constraints
        i = 1
        tot = len(rev_bones)
        for rb in rev_bones:
            con = bone_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
            con.name = "slide." + str(i)
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = rb
            con.head_tail = 1.0

            # Driver
            fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            var = driver.variables.new()
            driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
            var.name = "slide"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = main_control_p.path_from_id() + '["pivot_slide"]'
            mod = fcurve.modifiers[0]
            mod.poly_order = 1
            mod.coefficients[0] = 1 - i
            mod.coefficients[1] = tot

            # Main WGT
            con = pb[main_wgt1].constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
            con.name = "slide." + str(i)
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = rb

            # Driver
            fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
            driver = fcurve.driver
            var = driver.variables.new()
            driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
            var.name = "slide"
            var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
            var.targets[0].id = self.obj
            var.targets[0].data_path = main_control_p.path_from_id() + '["pivot_slide"]'
            mod = fcurve.modifiers[0]
            mod.poly_order = 1
            mod.coefficients[0] = 1.5 - i
            mod.coefficients[1] = tot

            i += 1

        # Constrain flex spine to controls
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones

        # Constrain the bones that correspond exactly to the controls
        for i, name in zip(self.control_indices, subcontrols):
            con = pb[flex_subs[i]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
            con.name = "copy_transforms"
            con.target = self.obj
            con.subtarget = name

        # Constrain the bones in-between the controls
        for i, j, name1, name2 in zip(self.control_indices, self.control_indices[1:], subcontrols, subcontrols[1:]):
            if (i + 1) < j:
                for n in range(i + 1, j):
                    bone = pb[flex_subs[n]]
                    # Custom bend_alpha property
                    prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(bone, "bend_alpha", create=True)
                    bone["bend_alpha"] = (n - i) / (j - i)  # set bend alpha
                    prop["min"] = 0.0
                    prop["max"] = 1.0
                    prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
                    prop["soft_max"] = 1.0

                    con = bone.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
                    con.name = "copy_transforms"
                    con.target = self.obj
                    con.subtarget = name1

                    con = bone.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS')
                    con.name = "copy_transforms"
                    con.target = self.obj
                    con.subtarget = name2

                    # Driver
                    fcurve = con.driver_add("influence")
                    driver = fcurve.driver
                    var = driver.variables.new()
                    driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
                    var.name = "alpha"
                    var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
                    var.targets[0].id = self.obj
                    var.targets[0].data_path = bone.path_from_id() + '["bend_alpha"]'

        # Final stuff
        pb = self.obj.pose.bones

        # Control appearance
        # Main
        pb[main_control].custom_shape_transform = pb[main_wgt2]
        w = create_compass_widget(self.obj, main_control)
        if w != None:
            obj_to_bone(w, self.obj, main_wgt2)

        # Spines
        for name, i in zip(controls[1:-1], self.control_indices[1:-1]):
            pb[name].custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[i]]
            # Create control widgets
            w = create_circle_widget(self.obj, name, radius=1.0, head_tail=0.5, with_line=True)
            if w != None:
                obj_to_bone(w, self.obj, self.org_bones[i])
        # Hips
        pb[controls[0]].custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[0]]
        # Create control widgets
        w = create_circle_widget(self.obj, controls[0], radius=1.0, head_tail=0.5, with_line=True)
        if w != None:
            obj_to_bone(w, self.obj, self.org_bones[0])

        # Ribs
        pb[controls[-1]].custom_shape_transform = pb[self.org_bones[-1]]
        # Create control widgets
        w = create_circle_widget(self.obj, controls[-1], radius=1.0, head_tail=0.5, with_line=True)
        if w != None:
            obj_to_bone(w, self.obj, self.org_bones[-1])

        # Layers
        pb[main_control].bone.layers = pb[self.org_bones[0]].bone.layers

        return [main_control] + controls