Exemplo n.º 1
def test_ternary(op, args):
    inst = op.inst
    d0 = args[0]
    d1 = args[1]
    b0 = args[2]
    res, _, _ = pe(inst, d0, d1, b0)
    assert res == op.func(d0, d1, b0)
    rtl_tester(inst, d0, d1, b0, res=res)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_uint_to_float(args):
    inst = asm.fcnvuint2f()
    in0 = UIntVector[16](args[0])
    in1 = args[1]
    correct = BFloat16(float(args[0])).reinterpret_as_bv()
    res, _, _ = pe(inst, in0, in1)
    assert correct == res
    rtl_tester(inst, in0, in1, res=correct)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_get_mant(args):
    #output = input.mantissa (7 bit)
    fp0 = args[0]
    in0 = BFloat(fp0)
    in1 = args[1]
    inst = asm.fgetmant()
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, in0, in1)
    assert res == Data(fp0.frac)
    rtl_tester(inst, in0, in1, res=Data(fp0.frac))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_add_exp_imm_targeted():
    inst = asm.faddiexp()
    data0 = Data(0x7F8A)
    data1 = Data(0x0005)
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, data0, data1)
    # 7F8A => Sign=0; Exp=0xFF; Mant=0x0A
    # Add 5 to exp => Sign=0; Exp=0x04; Mant=0x0A i.e. float  = 0x020A
    assert res == 0x020A
    rtl_tester(inst, data0, data1, res=0x020A)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_sub_exp_targeted():
    inst = asm.fsubexp()
    data0 = Data(0x7F8A)
    data1 = Data(0x4005)
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, data0, data1)
    # 7F8A => Sign=0; Exp=0xFF; Mant=0x0A
    # 4005 => Sign=0; Exp=0x80; Mant=0x05 (0100 0000 0000 0101)
    # res: 7F0A => Sign=0; Exp=0xFE; Mant=0x0A (0111 1111 0000 1010)
    assert res==0x7F0A
    rtl_tester(inst, data0, data1, res=0x7F0A)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_stall(args):
    data0, data1 = args
    inst = asm.add(ra_mode=Mode_t.BYPASS, rb_mode=Mode_t.DELAY)
    data1_delay_values = [UIntVector.random(DATAWIDTH)]
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_reg_delay(args):
    data0, data1 = args
    inst = asm.add(ra_mode=Mode_t.DELAY, rb_mode=Mode_t.DELAY)
    data1_delay_values = [UIntVector.random(DATAWIDTH)]
               res=data0 + data1,
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_fp_mul():
    # Regression test for https://github.com/StanfordAHA/lassen/issues/111
    inst = asm.fp_mul()
    data0 = Data(0x4040)
    data1 = Data(0x4049)
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, data0, data1)
    if CAD_ENV:
        rtl_tester(inst, data0, data1, res=res)
        pytest.skip("Skipping since DW not available")
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_get_float_frac_targeted():
    inst = asm.fgetffrac()
    data0 = Data(0x4020)
    data1 = Data(0x0000)
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, data0, data1)
    #2.5 = 10.1 
    #float is 0100 0000 0010 0000 i.e. 4020
    # res: frac(2.5) = 0.5D = 0.1B i.e. 100 0000
    assert res==0x40
    rtl_tester(inst, data0, data1, res=res)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_fp_cmp(xy, op):
    in0, in1 = xy
    out = op.func(in0, in1)
    data0 = BFloat16.reinterpret_as_bv(in0)
    data1 = BFloat16.reinterpret_as_bv(in1)
    _, res_p, _ = pe(op.inst, data0, data1)
    assert res_p == out
    if CAD_ENV:
        rtl_tester(op, data0, data1, res_p=out)
        pytest.skip("Skipping since DW not available")
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_get_float_int_targeted():
    inst = asm.fgetfint()
    data0 = Data(0x4020)
    data1 = Data(0x0000)
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, data0, data1)
    #2.5 = 10.1 i.e. exp = 1 with 1.01 # biased exp = 128 i.e 80
    #float is 0100 0000 0010 0000 i.e. 4020
    # res: int(2.5) =  2
    assert res==0x2
    assert res_p==0
    rtl_tester(inst, data0, data1, res=0x2)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_add_exp_imm(args):
    if is_nan_or_inf(args[0]):
        pytest.skip("skipping nan")
    #input[0].exponent += input[1] (SIGNED)
    fp0 = args[0]
    sint1 = args[1]
    in0 = Data(BFloat(fp0))
    in1 = Data(sint1)
    out = BFloat(fpdata(fp0.sign, fp0.exp + sint1, fp0.frac))
    inst = asm.faddiexp()
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, in0, in1)
    assert res == out
    rtl_tester(inst, in0, in1, res=out)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_fp_binary_op(op, args):
    inst = op.inst
    in0 = args[0]
    in1 = args[1]
    out = op.func(in0, in1)
    data0 = BFloat16.reinterpret_as_bv(in0)
    data1 = BFloat16.reinterpret_as_bv(in1)
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, data0, data1)
    assert res == BFloat16.reinterpret_as_bv(out)
    if CAD_ENV:
        rtl_tester(op, data0, data1, res=res)
        pytest.skip("Skipping since DW not available")
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_sub_exp(args):

    fp0 = args[0]
    fp1 = args[1]
    if is_nan_or_inf(fp0) or is_nan_or_inf(fp1):
        pytest.skip("skipping nan")

    in0 = Data(BFloat(fp0))
    in1 = Data(BFloat(fp1))
    #input[0].exponent -= input[1].exponent AND or sign bits
    out = fpdata(fp0.sign|fp1.sign, (fp0.exp - fp1.exp + 127)%256, fp0.frac)
    inst = asm.fsubexp()
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, in0, in1)
    assert res == BFloat(out)
    rtl_tester(inst, in0, in1, res=BFloat(out))
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_cnvt_exp_to_float(args):

    fp0 = args[0]
    if is_nan_or_inf(fp0):
        pytest.skip("skipping nan")

    in0 = BFloat(fp0)
    in1 = args[1]
    #output = (float)(input1.exp) (UNBIASED)
    unbiased_expa = int(fp0.exp) - 127;
    out = int(float2bfbin(unbiased_expa), 2)
    inst = asm.fcnvexp2f()

    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, in0, in1)
    assert res == out
    rtl_tester(inst, in0, in1, res=out)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_get_float_frac(args):

    fp0 = args[0]
    if is_nan_or_inf(fp0):
        pytest.skip("skipping nan")

    in0 = BFloat(fp0)
    in1 = Data(args[1])
    #output = frac(input1) SIGNED
    inst = asm.fgetffrac()
    fstr  = ''.join(["{:01b}".format(int(fp0.sign)),
    frac  = bfbin2float(fstr)-int(bfbin2float(fstr))
    out   = int(frac*(2**7))
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, in0, in1)
    assert res==out
    rtl_tester(inst, in0, in1, res=out)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_get_float_int(args):
    fp0 = args[0]
    if is_nan_or_inf(fp0):
        pytest.skip("skipping nan")

    in0 = BFloat(fp0)
    in1 = Data(args[1])
    #output = int(input1) SIGNED, VALID for input1<256.0
    inst = asm.fgetfint()
    fstr  = ''.join(["{:01b}".format(int(fp0.sign)),
    out  = int(bfbin2float(fstr))
    if (abs(out) < ((2**8)-1)):
       out_overflow = 0
       out_overflow = 1
    res, res_p, _ = pe(inst, in0, in1)
    #assert V==out_overflow
    if (out_overflow==0):
      assert res==out
      rtl_tester(inst, in0, in1, res=out)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_umult(args):
    def mul(x, y):
        mulx, muly = x.zext(DATAWIDTH), y.zext(DATAWIDTH)
        return mulx * muly

    umult0 = asm.umult0()
    umult1 = asm.umult1()
    umult2 = asm.umult2()
    x, y = args
    xy = mul(x, y)
    res, _, _ = pe(umult0, Data(x), Data(y))
    assert res == xy[0:DATAWIDTH]
    rtl_tester(umult0, x, y, res=res)
    res, _, _ = pe(umult1, Data(x), Data(y))
    assert res == xy[DATAWIDTH // 2:DATAWIDTH // 2 + DATAWIDTH]
    rtl_tester(umult1, x, y, res=res)
    res, _, _ = pe(umult2, Data(x), Data(y))
    assert res == xy[DATAWIDTH:]
    rtl_tester(umult2, x, y, res=res)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_unsigned_relation(op, args):
    x, y = args
    _, res_p, _ = pe(op.inst, Data(x), Data(y))
    assert res_p == op.func(x, y)
    rtl_tester(op, x, y, res_p=res_p)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_lut(lut_code):
    inst = asm.lut(lut_code)
    for i in range(0, 8):
        bit0, bit1, bit2 = int2seq(i, 3)
        expected = (lut_code >> i)[0]
        rtl_tester(inst, bit0=bit0, bit1=bit1, bit2=bit2, res_p=expected)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_reg_const(args):
    data0, const1 = args
    data1 = UIntVector.random(DATAWIDTH)
    inst = asm.add(rb_mode=Mode_t.CONST, rb_const=const1)
    rtl_tester(inst, data0, data1, res=data0 + const1)
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_signed_binary(op, args):
    x, y = args
    res, _, _ = pe(op.inst, Data(x), Data(y))
    assert res == op.func(x, y)
    rtl_tester(op, x, y, res=res)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_signed_unary(op, args):
    x = args
    res, _, _ = pe(op.inst, Data(x))
    assert res == op.func(x)
    rtl_tester(op, x, 0, res=res)