Exemplo n.º 1
def _calcMatrixTrans(calc, tS, tT, lS, lT):
	See `calcMatrixTrans()` for the main documentation.
	This is the lower-level function which is wrapped through `persistent_cache`.
	This makes the cache more flexible about different parameters
	`R` to `calcMatrixTrans()`.

		ms = calc.calcMatrixTrans(tS, tT, lS, lT)
	except Exception:
		print (calc.params, calc.curlS, tS, tT, lS, lT)

	# Each matrix is for a zeta**i factor, where zeta is the n-th root of unity.
	# And n = calc.matrixCountTrans.
	assert len(ms) == calc.matrixCountTrans
	order = len(ms)

	K = CyclotomicField(order)
	zeta = K.gen()
	Kcoords = zeta.coordinates_in_terms_of_powers()

	assert len(K.power_basis()) == K.degree()
	new_ms = [matrix(QQ, ms[0].nrows(), ms[0].ncols()) for i in range(K.degree())]
	for l in range(order):
		coords = Kcoords(zeta**l)
		for i,m in enumerate(coords):
			new_ms[i] += ms[l] * m
	ms = new_ms

	denom = calc.matrixRowDenomTrans
	denom, ms = reduceNRow(denom=denom, mats=ms)

	return denom, order, ms
Exemplo n.º 2
def toCyclPowerBase(M, order):

		K = CyclotomicField(order).


	- `M` -- A matrix over the cyclomotic field `K`.

	- `order` -- The order of `K`, the cyclomotic field.


	- A list of matrices `ms` in power base where every matrix
	  is a factor to `zeta**i` where `zeta = K.gen()`
	  and `len(ms) == K.degree()`.


	K = CyclotomicField(order)
	zeta = K.gen()
	Kcoords = zeta.coordinates_in_terms_of_powers()

	assert len(K.power_basis()) == K.degree()
	ms = [matrix(QQ,M.nrows(),M.ncols()) for i in range(K.degree())]
	for y in range(M.nrows()):
		for x in range(M.ncols()):
				v_ = M[y,x]
				v = K(v_)
				coords = Kcoords(v)
			except TypeError:
				print "type of {1} ({2}) is not valid in Cyclomotic field of order {0}".format(order, M[y,x], type(M[y,x]))
			assert len(coords) == K.degree()
			for i in range(K.degree()):
				ms[i][y,x] = coords[i]
	return ms