Exemplo n.º 1
def makescore(temp,dims):
    score = zeros(dims) + 1
    lonax = greater(dims[1],dims[0])
    londim= dims[lonax]
    sdim = dims[1-lonax]
    ldiag = arange(0,londim,1,int)
    sdiag = array(floor(ldiag * (float(sdim)/londim)),int)
    dvals = [ldiag, sdiag]
    if lonax:dvals = dvals[::-1]
    score[dvals] = 20.*temp ** .5

    if lonax: score = score.T

    #for i in range(len(score)):
    #    score[i][i] = 20.* temp **.5

    if temp > .1:
        g = ss.gaussian((londim/2)*temp**2,(londim/2)*temp**2)[:,newaxis]*\

        g/= sum(g)
        score = ss.convolve2d(score,g,'same','wrap')
    for i in range(1,len(score)):
        score[i,arange(sdiag[i])] *= .25

    if lonax: score = score.T

    return score
Exemplo n.º 2
def vsumsmooth_offset(x, w, center, csum, delta, offset,spacing = 0.01):
	if np.shape(x)==():
		gaussian = signal.gaussian(10*delta/spacing,delta/spacing)/(delta/spacing*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
		gaussian = signal.gaussian(10*delta/(x.values[1]-x[0]),delta/((x.values[1]-x[0])))/(delta/(x.values[1]-x[0])*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
	return signal.fftconvolve(exact,gaussian,mode='same')
Exemplo n.º 3
def vdifsmooth(x, w, center, cdif, delta,spacing=0.01):
	if np.shape(x) == ():
		gaussian = signal.gaussian(10*delta/spacing,delta/spacing)/(delta/spacing*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
		gaussian = signal.gaussian(10*delta/(x.values[1]-x[0]),delta/((x.values[1]-x[0])))/(delta/(x.values[1]-x[0])*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
	return signal.fftconvolve(exact,gaussian,mode='same')
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: hfft.py Projeto: wukm/cakepy
def fftgauss(img,sigma):


    kernel = np.outer(signal.gaussian(img.shape[0], sigma),

    return signal.fftconvolve(img, kernel, mode='same')
def addGaussians(query_fn,cand_list,tree,K):
	songs_list   = getNeighbors(query_fn,cand_list,tree,K)
	M            = 23000
	query_ann    = getAnnotationList(gt_path,[query_fn])
	query_labels = [elem[-1] for elem in query_ann[0]]
	query_ann    = np.floor((np.array(getAnnotation(query_ann))*1000)).astype(int)
	length       = query_ann[-1]
	total        = np.zeros(int(np.ceil(length)))

	neighbors_annotations_rescaled = []
	neighbors_annotations = getAnnotationList(gt_path,songs_list)

	for i, song in enumerate(songs_list):
		gt_list        = getAnnotationList(gt_path,[song])
		ann            = np.floor((np.array(getAnnotation(gt_list))*1000)).astype(int) #convert to miliseconds to mantain res
		neighbor_dur   = ann[-1]
		ann_with_sides = ann
		ann            = ann[1:-1]
		a              = np.zeros(int(np.ceil(length)))
		r              = float(length)/float(neighbor_dur) #rescale according to query duration
		ann            = np.floor(ann*r)
		ann_with_sides = np.floor(ann_with_sides*r) 

		labels = [x[-1] for x in gt_list[0]] # get the labels
		annotation_rescaled = []
		for elem in neighbors_annotations[i]:
			label = elem[-1] #save the label so it doesnt get affected by rescaling
			elem[0] = int(np.floor(float(elem[0])*1000*r)) #rescale the rest
			elem[1] = int(np.floor(float(elem[1])*1000*r))
		for i, loc in enumerate(ann,1):
			section_length = ann_with_sides[i]-ann_with_sides[i-1]
			sigma = 0.1*section_length
			# M=int(np.floor(0.6*section_length))
			g1 = signal.gaussian(M,std=sigma)
			half1 = int(np.floor(len(g1)/2))
			section_length = ann_with_sides[i+1]-ann_with_sides[i]
			sigma = 0.1*section_length
			g2 = signal.gaussian(M,std=sigma)
			half2 = int(np.floor(len(g2)/2))
			g = np.concatenate((g1[:half1],g2[half2:]))			
			if loc < np.floor(M/2):
				a += np.array(np.concatenate((g[int(np.floor(M/2)-loc):],np.zeros(int(length-loc-np.floor(M/2))))))
			elif loc + np.floor(M/2) > length:
				a += np.array(np.concatenate((np.zeros(int(loc-np.floor(M/2))),g[:int(length+np.floor(M/2)-loc)])))
				a += np.array(np.concatenate((np.zeros(int(loc-np.floor(M/2))),g,np.zeros(int(length-loc-np.floor(M/2))))))
		total += a
	total = total/float(max(total))
	peaks = getPeaks(total,neighbors_annotations)
	all_songs_segmented = [segmentLabel(elem) for elem in neighbors_annotations_rescaled]
	res_boundaries = sorted(peaks)
	res_labels = mergeLabels(res_boundaries,all_songs_segmented)
	res_annotations = formatAnnotation(res_boundaries,res_labels)
	return res_annotations
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _gaussian_window(self, width, sigma):
        Generates a gaussian window

        sigma is based on the dat being in a range 0 to 1
        return (ssignal.gaussian(width[0], sigma*width[0]).reshape((-1,1,1)) *
                ssignal.gaussian(width[1], sigma*width[1]).reshape((-1,1)) *
                ssignal.gaussian(width[2], sigma*width[2]))
Exemplo n.º 7
def heat_labels_gauss(click, img_size=IMG_SIZE, k_size=KERNEL_SIZE, label_size=LABEL_SIZE):
    # take list of pixel coordinates and return 70x70 heatmap
    img = np.zeros((img_size, img_size))
    for j in range(click.shape[0]):
        x = img_size-1-click[j,1]
        y = click[j,0]
    kernel = np.outer(signal.gaussian(img_size+1, k_size), signal.gaussian(img_size+1, k_size))
    img = signal.convolve2d(img,kernel, mode='same')
    offset = (img_size-img_size/label_size*(label_size-1))/2
    step = img_size/label_size
    return img[offset:(img_size-offset+step):step, offset:(img_size-offset+step):step]
def chutes_iniciais(n=2, size=1024, mu=None):
    """Retorna os n primeiros polinomios de legendre modulados por uma


    n : int
        o numero de vetores
    size : int
        o tamanho dos vetores
    mu : float
        centro da gaussiana, entre 0 e 1


    Um array com n arrays contendo os polinomios modulados
    sg = np.linspace(-1, 1, size)  # short grid
    g = gaussian(size, std=int(size/100))  # gaussian
    if mu:
        sigma = np.ptp(sg)/100
        g = (1.0/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma**2))*np.exp(-(sg-mu)**2 / (2*sigma**2))
    vls = [g*legendre(i)(sg) for i in range(n)]
    return np.array(vls, dtype=np.complex_)
Exemplo n.º 9
def testGauss(x, y, s, npts):
	#b = gaussian(39, 10)
	b = gaussian(75, 15)
	ga = filters.convolve1d(y, b/b.sum())
	plt.plot(x, ga)
	print "gaerr", ssqe(ga, s, npts)
	return ga
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, audiofile=None, fs=22050, bandwidth=300,freqRange= 5000, dynamicRange=48, noiseFloor =-72, parent = None):
     super(Spec, self).__init__()
     backend = 'pyqt4'
     app = vv.use(backend)
     Figure = app.GetFigureClass()
     self.fig= Figure(self)
     self.fig.enableUserInteraction = True
     self.axes = vv.gca()
     self.audiofilename = audiofile
     self.freqRange = freqRange
     self.fs = fs
     self.NFFT = int(1.2982804/bandwidth*self.fs)
     self.overlap = int(self.NFFT/2)
     self.noiseFloor = noiseFloor
     self.dynamicRange = dynamicRange
     self.timeLength = 60
     layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     self.win = gaussian(self.NFFT,self.NFFT/6)
def gaussFil(signal, sr=1893.9393939393942, freq=50):
    Implements a lowpass Gaussian Filter over the signal with
    cutoff frequency freq. Works...
    Creates a gaussian window of the size of the cutoff frequency
    and convolves the signal to it.


    signal : 1d array
        Signal to filter

    sr : float
        Sampling rate of the siganl

    freq : float
        Frequency cutoff for the filter


    res : 1d array
        Filtered signal
    M = sr/freq
    std = M/2
    ker = gaussian(M, std)
    res = np.convolve(signal, ker, mode='same')
    return res
def moving_average(series,sigma = 3,window_time = 39):
    #### Moving weighted gaussian average with window = 39
    b = gaussian(window_time,sigma)
    average = filters.convolve1d(series,b/b.sum())
    var = filters.convolve1d(np.power(series-average,2),b/b.sum())
    return average,var
Exemplo n.º 13
def lpc_formants(signal, sr, num_formants, max_freq, time_step,
                 win_len, window_shape='gaussian'):
    output = {}
    new_sr = 2 * max_freq
    alpha = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 50 * (1 / new_sr))
    proc = lfilter([1., -alpha], 1, signal)
    if sr > new_sr:
        proc = librosa.resample(proc, sr, new_sr)
    nperseg = int(win_len * new_sr)
    nperstep = int(time_step * new_sr)
    if window_shape == 'gaussian':
        window = gaussian(nperseg + 2, 0.45 * (nperseg - 1) / 2)[1:nperseg + 1]
        window = np.hanning(nperseg + 2)[1:nperseg + 1]
    indices = np.arange(int(nperseg / 2), proc.shape[0] - int(nperseg / 2) + 1, nperstep)
    num_frames = len(indices)
    for i in range(num_frames):
        if nperseg % 2 != 0:
            X = proc[indices[i] - int(nperseg / 2):indices[i] + int(nperseg / 2) + 1]
            X = proc[indices[i] - int(nperseg / 2):indices[i] + int(nperseg / 2)]
        frqs, bw = process_frame(X, window, num_formants, new_sr)
        formants = []
        for j, f in enumerate(frqs):
            if f < 50:
            if f > max_freq - 50:
            formants.append((np.asscalar(f), np.asscalar(bw[j])))
        missing = num_formants - len(formants)
        if missing:
            formants += [(None, None)] * missing
        output[indices[i] / new_sr] = formants
    return output
Exemplo n.º 14
def smooth_pdf(a, sd=None):
    """Get a smoothed pdf of an array of data for visualization
    Keyword arguments:
    sd -- S.D. of the gaussian kernel used to perform the smoothing (default is
        1/20 of the data range)
    Return 2-row (x, pdf(x)) smoothed probability density estimate.
    from scipy.signal import gaussian, convolve
    from numpy import array, arange, cumsum, trapz, histogram, diff, r_, c_
    if sd is None:
        sd = 0.05 * a.ptp()
    data = a.copy().flatten() # get 1D copy of array data
    nbins = len(data) > 1000 and len(data) or 1000 # num bins >~ O(len(data))
    f, l = histogram(data, bins=nbins, normed=True) # fine pdf
    sd_bins = sd * (float(nbins) / a.ptp()) # convert sd to bin units
    kern_size = int(10*sd_bins) # sufficient convolution kernel size
    g = gaussian(kern_size, sd_bins) # generate smoothing kernel
    c = cumsum(f, dtype='d') # raw fine-grained cdf
    cext = r_[array((0,)*(2*kern_size), 'd'), c, 
        array((c[-1],)*(2*kern_size), 'd')] # wrap data to kill boundary effect
    cs = convolve(cext, g, mode='same') # smooth the extended cdf
    ps = diff(cs) # differentiate smooth cdf to get smooth pdf
    dl = l[1]-l[0] # get bin delta
    l = r_[arange(l[0]-kern_size*dl, l[0], dl), l, 
        arange(l[-1]+dl, l[-1]+kern_size*dl, dl)] # pad index to match bounds
    ps = ps[kern_size:kern_size+len(l)] # crop pdf to same length as index
    ps /= trapz(ps, x=l) # normalize pdf integral to unity
    return c_[l, ps].T # return 2-row concatenation of x and pdf(x)
Exemplo n.º 15
def gbm(R,sigma):
    # gaussian_blur_matrix
    #   R   为模糊半径
    # sigma 为标准差
    temp2=np.sum(temp1)  #用于归一化,使2R+1矩阵的和为1
    return temp1/temp2
Exemplo n.º 16
def make_gaussian(k, std):
  '''Create a gaussian kernel.


  k - the radius of the kernel.

  std - the standard deviation of the kernel.


  output - a numpy array of shape (2k+1, 2k+1) and dtype float.

  If gaussian_1d is a gaussian filter of length 2k+1 in one dimension,
  kernel[i,j] should be filled with the product of gaussian_1d[i] and

  Once all the points are filled, the kernel should be scaled so that the sum
  of all cells is equal to one.'''
  kernel = None
  # Insert your code here.----------------------------------------------------
  size = 2 * k + 1
  gaussian1d = signal.gaussian(size, std)
  gaussian2d = np.ndarray((size, 1), buffer=gaussian1d) * np.ndarray((1, size), buffer=gaussian1d)
  kernel = gaussian2d / np.sum(gaussian2d)
  return kernel
Exemplo n.º 17
def make_gaussian(k, std):
  '''Create a gaussian kernel.

  k - the radius of the kernel.
  std - the standard deviation of the kernel.

  output - a numpy array of shape (2k+1, 2k+1) and dtype float.
  If gaussian_1d is a gaussian filter of length 2k+1 in one dimension, 
  kernel[i,j] should be filled with the product of gaussian_1d[i] and 
  Once all the points are filled, the kernel should be scaled so that the sum
  of all cells is equal to one.'''
  kernel = np.zeros((2*k+1, 2*k+1), dtype = float)
  gaussian1d = signal.gaussian(2*k+1, std)
  for i in range(0,kernel.shape[0]):
    for j in range(0,kernel.shape[1]):
       kernel[i,j] = gaussian1d[i]*gaussian1d[j]
  kernel = kernel/kernel.sum()

  # Insert your code here.----------------------------------------------------

  return kernel
def smooth_color_prior(size=64, sigma=5, do_plot=False):

    prior_prob = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, "CelebA_%s_prior_prob.npy" % size))
    # add an epsilon to prior prob to avoid 0 vakues and possible NaN
    prior_prob += 1E-3 * np.min(prior_prob)
    # renormalize
    prior_prob = prior_prob / (1.0 * np.sum(prior_prob))

    # Smooth with gaussian
    f = interp1d(np.arange(prior_prob.shape[0]),prior_prob)
    xx = np.linspace(0,prior_prob.shape[0] - 1, 1000)
    yy = f(xx)
    window = gaussian(2000, sigma)  # 2000 pts in the window, sigma=5
    smoothed = convolve(yy, window / window.sum(), mode='same')
    fout = interp1d(xx,smoothed)
    prior_prob_smoothed = np.array([fout(i) for i in range(prior_prob.shape[0])])
    prior_prob_smoothed = prior_prob_smoothed / np.sum(prior_prob_smoothed)

    # Save
    file_name = os.path.join(data_dir, "CelebA_%s_prior_prob_smoothed.npy" % size)
    np.save(file_name, prior_prob_smoothed)

    if do_plot:
        plt.plot(prior_prob_smoothed, "g--")
        plt.plot(xx, smoothed, "r-")
Exemplo n.º 19
 def simulSpectra(self,fileSpectra, nBin, continuumLevel, sigma, linePositionChan, lineWidth, lineIntensity, startFreq = 0., resFreq =1.):
     """ Save in fileSpectra of nBin channels with the linePosition, lineWidth and lineIntensity list 
     starFreq and resFreq are optional"""
     freq = np.arange(nBin)
     spectra = np.random.normal(continuumLevel, sigma, nBin)
     index = 0
     for pos in linePositionChan:
         nChan = 4 * int(lineWidth[index] / resFreq)    
         spec = lineIntensity[index] * signal.gaussian(nChan,lineWidth[index])
         startPos = pos - nChan / 4
         spectra[pos:pos+nChan] = spectra[pos:pos+nChan] + spec
         index += 1
     f = open(fileSpectra,"w")
     index = 0
     for frequency  in freq :
         strOut = "%f   %f \n"%(frequency, spectra[index])
         index += 1
def process_dir(sDir, iResample=None, iSmooth = 50, iSigmaSecs=0.01):
    take input dir and output smoothed, correlated array
    iSigmaSecs:  standard deviation of gaussian in seconds
    iSmooth = smoothing window size for linear smoother
    from scipy import signal
    import numpy as np
    iSampleRate, aTime, aOrigAudio = audio2array(sDir, iResample)
    #only positive
    aAudio = [abs(i) for i in aOrigAudio]
    #audio files must be right format
    aOrigAudio = np.asarray(aOrigAudio, dtype=np.int16)
    if not iSmooth == None:
        aAudio = smooth(aAudio, iSmooth)
    #standard deviation for gaussian function
    iSigma = float(iSigmaSecs * iSampleRate)
    aGaussian = signal.gaussian(10*iSigma, iSigma)
    #gaussian correlated with audio signal
    aCorr = np.correlate(aAudio, aGaussian, 'same')
    return iSampleRate, aTime, aAudio, aCorr, aOrigAudio
Exemplo n.º 21
def instr_model(teff, logg, z, lam_0, lam_1, res, observed_spectrum):
    kernel = gaussian(int(5*res), res)

    # Apply wavelength correction just to red wavelengths:
    corrected_wavelengths = observed_spectrum.wavelength.copy()
    corrected_wavelengths[corrected_wavelengths > 5000*u.Angstrom] -= lam_0 * u.Angstrom
    corrected_wavelengths[corrected_wavelengths <= 5000*u.Angstrom] -= lam_1 * u.Angstrom

    combined_spectrum = model_grid.spectrum(teff, logg, z,

    A = np.vstack([combined_spectrum.flux, corrected_wavelengths.value]).T

    combined_scaled = combined_spectrum.flux.copy()
    residuals = 0
    for i_min, i_max in observed_spectrum.wavelength_splits:

        c, residuals_i = np.linalg.lstsq(A[i_min:i_max, :],
                                         observed_spectrum.flux[i_min:i_max, np.newaxis])[0:2]

        residuals += residuals_i
        combined_scaled[i_min:i_max] = (c[0] * combined_spectrum.flux[i_min:i_max] +
                                        c[1] * corrected_wavelengths[i_min:i_max].value)

    return combined_scaled, residuals
Exemplo n.º 22
 def smooth(self, stddev=100, tol=0.01):
     Smoothes each spectrum by applying a Gaussian filter.
     Note that stddev is given in terms of buckets, even though the mz_axis has a log scale.
     Smoothed values above tol are kept.
     from scipy import signal, stats
     mz_len = len(self.mz_axis)
     # apply monkeypatch to speed up fftconvolve()
     import pyfftw
     signal.signaltools.fftn = pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fftpack.fftn
     signal.signaltools.ifftn = pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fftpack.ifftn
     # truncate kernel at 4 sigma
     kernel = signal.gaussian(8 * stddev, stddev)
     def smooth_one(spectrum):
         x, y, t, ions = spectrum
         values = np.zeros((mz_len,))
         for bucket, mz, intensity in ions:
             values[bucket] = intensity
         values = signal.fftconvolve(values, kernel, mode='same')
         assert (values >= -1e-4).all()
         def make_ions():
             for bucket in np.flatnonzero(values >= tol):
                 yield (bucket, self.mz_axis[bucket], values[bucket])
         return (x, y, t, list(make_ions()))
     smoothed_spectra = self.spectra.map(smooth_one)
     return MSIDataset(self.mz_range, smoothed_spectra, self._shape, self.mask)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, sigma, texture, resolution=None):
        sigma = float(sigma)
        if resolution is None:
            resolution = sigma / 10.0

        max_length = 100
        texture = instantiate_spec(texture)

        num_cells = max_length / resolution

        cell_coord = np.linspace(0, max_length, num_cells)
        unsmoothed = texture(cell_coord)

        kernel_size = int(2 * (sigma * 3) / resolution)

        #print('resol: %s' % resolution)
        #print('sigma: %s' % sigma)
        #print('kernel_size: %s' % kernel_size)
        #print kernel

        kernel = gaussian(kernel_size, sigma / resolution)
        kernel = kernel / kernel.sum()

        assert kernel.size == kernel_size
        assert_allclose(kernel.sum(), 1)

        smoothed = convolve(unsmoothed, kernel, 'same')

        assert smoothed.size == cell_coord.size

        SampledTexture.__init__(self, smoothed, resolution)
Exemplo n.º 24
def gaussSmooth(vals, num):
	b = gaussian(num, 1)
	smoothVals = filters.convolve1d(vals, b/b.sum())
	return smoothVals

# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     singleRunPlot("writefile.txt", 70, 80, 75)   
Exemplo n.º 25
def testGauss(x, y, s, npts):
	b = gaussian(39, 10)
	#ga = filtfilt(b/b.sum(), [1.0], y)
	ga = filters.convolve1d(y, b/b.sum())
	plt.plot(x, ga)
	print "gaerr", ssqe(ga, s, npts)
	return ga
Exemplo n.º 26
def spectrogram_scores(pattern_chunk, chan_sound, candidates):
    s_f = chan_sound.s_f
    n_window = 256
    n_overlap = 192
    sigma = 1. / 1000. * s_f

    spectrogram_kwargs = {'nperseg': n_window,
                          'noverlap': n_overlap,
                          'window': sg.gaussian(n_window, sigma),
                          'scaling': 'spectrum'}

    pattern_spectrogram = spectrogram(pattern_chunk.data[:, 0], s_f, **spectrogram_kwargs)

    logger.info('Getting spectrogram difference score for {} candidates'.format(len(candidates.index)))
    for (i, start) in enumerate(candidates['start'][:]):
        logger.debug('Start {0}: {1}'.format(i, start))
        motif_start = start
        series = chan_sound.get_chunk(motif_start, motif_start + pattern_chunk.samples)
        # f, t, sxx = spectrogram(bandpass_filter(series[:, 0], s_f), s_f, **spectrogram_kwargs)

        candidates.set_value(i, 'spectral_diff',
                             spectrogram_diff(series[:, 0],
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: util.py Projeto: alexbw/ida
def smooth(signal, std=2):
    "Smooths a 1D signal"
    from scipy.signal import gaussian
    smoothingKernel = gaussian(std*5,std)
    smoothingKernel /= np.sum(smoothingKernel)
    signal = np.convolve(signal, smoothingKernel, 'same')
    return signal
Exemplo n.º 28
def make_gaussian(k, std):
  '''Create a gaussian kernel.

  k - the radius of the kernel.
  std - the standard deviation of the kernel.

  output - a numpy array of shape (2k+1, 2k+1) and dtype float.
  If gaussian_1d is a gaussian filter of length 2k+1 in one dimension, 
  kernel[i,j] should be filled with the product of gaussian_1d[i] and 
  Once all the points are filled, the kernel should be scaled so that the sum
  of all cells is equal to one.'''
  kernel = None
  # Insert your code here.----------------------------------------------------
  l = 2 * k + 1
  kernel = np.zeros(l * l)
  kernel.shape = (l, l)
  from scipy import signal
  gaussian1d = signal.gaussian(l, std)
  for i in xrange(l):
    for j in xrange(l):
      kernel[i, j] = gaussian1d[i] * gaussian1d[j]
  s = np.sum(kernel)
  kernel = np.divide(kernel, s)
  return kernel
Exemplo n.º 29
def compute_gaussian_krnl(M):
    """Creates a gaussian kernel following Foote's paper."""
    g = signal.gaussian(M, M / 3., sym=True)
    G = np.dot(g.reshape(-1, 1), g.reshape(1, -1))
    G[M / 2:, :M / 2] = -G[M / 2:, :M / 2]
    G[:M / 2, M / 2:] = -G[:M / 2, M / 2:]
    return G
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, brain):
        """A convergence-divergence zone.
        1. correlates temporally near packets and store the correlations allowing for quick and efficient lookups.
        2. Allows for generating of 2nd modality output given first modality.
        self.brain = brain
        self.LEARNING_RATE = config.CE_LEARNING_RATE

        # The maximum number of timesteps we look back.
        # IE. The point where we trim the tails of the Gaussian
        # This is for computational efficiency
        gaussian = signal.gaussian(config.CE_CORRELATION_WINDOW_MAX * 2, std=config.CE_CORRELATION_WINDOW_STD, sym=True)
        self.GAUSSIAN = np.split(gaussian, 2)[0][::-1]  # split the array into two and then reverse it
        assert len(self.GAUSSIAN) == config.CE_CORRELATION_WINDOW_MAX

        if config.CE_IGNORE_GAUSSIAN:
            self.GAUSSIAN *= 0
            self.GAUSSIAN[0] = 1

        # The number of packets to keep in the queue
        # The number of packets used for learning from the packet_queue depends on the
        self.PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH = len(self.GAUSSIAN) + 1
        # ================== END CONFIG ==================================

        # A queue to store the most recent packets, old packets are automatically pushed out of the queue.
        self.packet_queue = deque(maxlen=self.PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH)

        # A dict to store the connections/correlations between the different modalities
        self.correlations = {}
Exemplo n.º 31
def neural_response(to_samples, response_std_ms: float = 0.33, response_duration_ms: float = 1.):
    response = ss.gaussian(int(response_duration_ms * to_samples), response_std_ms * to_samples)
    return response
Exemplo n.º 32
def sim_osc_cycle(n_seconds, fs, cycle_type, **cycle_params):
    """Make one cycle of an oscillation.

    n_seconds : float
        Length of cycle window in seconds.
        Note that this is NOT the period of the cycle, but the length of the returned array
        that contains the cycle, which can be (and usually is) much shorter.
    fs : float
        Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation.
    cycle_type : {'sine', 'asine', 'sawtooth', 'gaussian', 'exp', '2exp'}
        What type of cycle to simulate. Options:

        * sine: a sine wave cycle
        * asine: an asymmetric sine wave
        * sawtooth: a sawtooth wave
        * gaussian: a gaussian cycle
        * exp: a cycle with exponential decay
        * 2exp: a cycle with exponential rise and decay

        Keyword arguments for parameters of the oscillation cycle, all as float:

        * sine: None
        * asine: 'rdsym', rise-decay symmetry, from 0-1
        * sawtooth: 'width', width of the rising ramp as a proportion of the total cycle
        * gaussian: 'std', standard deviation of the gaussian kernel, in seconds
        * exp: 'tau_d', decay time, in seconds
        * 2exp: 'tau_r' & 'tau_d' rise time, and decay time, in seconds

    cycle: 1d array
        Simulated oscillation cycle.

    if cycle_type not in [
            'sine', 'asine', 'sawtooth', 'gaussian', 'exp', '2exp'
        raise ValueError('Did not recognize cycle type.')

    if cycle_type == 'sine':
        cycle = np.sin(create_cycle_time(n_seconds, fs))

    elif cycle_type == 'asine':
        cycle = sim_asine_cycle(n_seconds, fs, cycle_params['rdsym'])

    elif cycle_type == 'sawtooth':
        cycle = sawtooth(create_cycle_time(n_seconds, fs),

    elif cycle_type == 'gaussian':
        cycle = gaussian(n_seconds * fs, cycle_params['std'] * fs)

    elif cycle_type == 'exp':
        cycle = sim_synaptic_kernel(n_seconds, fs, 0, cycle_params['tau_d'])

    elif cycle_type == '2exp':
        cycle = sim_synaptic_kernel(n_seconds, fs, cycle_params['tau_r'],

    return cycle
Exemplo n.º 33
def generate_one_day_one_component_time_series(pc_wave_start_date,

    date_time = pd.to_datetime(pc_wave_start_date + ' ' + pc_wave_start_time)
    total_timesteps = int(np.timedelta64(1, 'D') / np.timedelta64(1, 'm'))
    full_day_timeseries = np.zeros(total_timesteps)
    data_source = ['' for i in range(total_timesteps)]

    # first generate the wavepacket - a sine wave combined with a Gaussian window
    gaussian_window = signal.gaussian(wavepacket_duration + 1,
                                      std=(wavepacket_duration + 1) / 6)
    sine_wave = np.zeros(wavepacket_duration + 1)

    for minute in range(wavepacket_duration + 1):
        sine_wave[minute] = np.sin(
            (minute - phase_shift * wavepacket_duration / number_of_waves) *
            (2 * np.pi) * number_of_waves / wavepacket_duration)

    wavepacket_start_index = int(
        (date_time - pd.to_datetime(pc_wave_start_date)) /
        np.timedelta64(1, 'm'))
    for i in range(wavepacket_duration + 1):
        full_day_timeseries[wavepacket_start_index +
                            i] = gaussian_window[i] * sine_wave[i] * 100
        data_source[wavepacket_start_index + i] = 'wavepacket'

    # next generate some random behaviour before and after the wavepacket
    # use an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (rewritten as a Langevin equation) to generate the other noisy data

    # first define the parameters
    # adjust sigma and tau to change the shape of the wavepacket
    sigma = 38  # Standard deviation. From (a single) empirical observation
    mu = 0.  # Mean.
    dt = 1.  # Time step.
    tau = 50. * dt  # Time constant. This choice seems to yield reasonable-looking results
    T = 1440.  # Total time.
    n = int(T / dt)  # Number of time steps.
    t = np.linspace(0., T, n)  # Vector of times.

    # things that are used in the formulae
    sigma_bis = sigma * np.sqrt(2. / tau)
    sqrtdt = np.sqrt(dt)

    # first complete the time series by populating the timesteps before the wavepacket
    # note that we use the time-reversibility property of the O-U process
    start_index_start = 0
    end_index_start = wavepacket_start_index

    # add 1 so that there is an overlap (of 1 timestep) between the OU process and the wavepacket
    # the first datapoint of the wavepacket will be used as the first datapoint of the O-U process
    first_part = np.zeros(end_index_start - start_index_start + 1)
    first_part[0] = full_day_timeseries[wavepacket_start_index]

    # populate the first part of the O-U process (before the wavepacket)
    for i in range(len(first_part) - 1):
        first_part[i + 1] = first_part[i] + dt * (
            -(first_part[i] - mu) /
            tau) + sigma_bis * sqrtdt * np.random.randn()

    for i in range(len(first_part)):
        index = end_index_start - i
        full_day_timeseries[index] = first_part[i]
        if data_source[
                index] == 'wavepacket' and index != wavepacket_start_index:
        elif data_source[
                index] == 'wavepacket' and index == wavepacket_start_index:
            data_source[index] = 'overlap'
            data_source[index] = 'OU_first_part'

    # now populate the last part of the O-U process (after the wavepacket)
    # note start_index_start, end_index_start, start_index_last and end_index_last are all array indices, hence the -1 in end_index_last
    start_index_last = wavepacket_start_index + wavepacket_duration
    end_index_last = int(np.timedelta64(1, 'D') / np.timedelta64(1, 'm')) - 1

    last_part = np.zeros(end_index_last - start_index_last + 1)
    last_part[0] = full_day_timeseries[start_index_last]

    # populate the last part of the O-U process (after the wavepacket)
    for i in range(len(last_part) - 1):
        last_part[i + 1] = last_part[i] + dt * (-(
            last_part[i] - mu) / tau) + sigma_bis * sqrtdt * np.random.randn()

    for i in range(len(last_part)):
        index = start_index_last + i
        full_day_timeseries[index] = last_part[i]
        if (data_source[index] == 'wavepacket' or data_source[index]
                == 'OU_first_part') and index != start_index_last:
        elif data_source[index] == 'wavepacket' and index == start_index_last:
            data_source[index] = 'overlap'
            data_source[index] = 'OU_last_part'

    return full_day_timeseries
Exemplo n.º 34
phases, sig_powerlaw = make_random_power(nzones,

plt.hist(sig_powerlaw, histtype='step')


sig_gauss = Norm_Signal * signal.gaussian(nzones, width_signal)
sig = sig_powerlaw.real + sig_gauss
fit_sig = gauss_fit(signal_x, sig)

fig, (ax_orig, ax_win, ax_filt) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)

ax_orig.plot(sig_gauss, c='g')  #, marker='*')
ax_orig.plot(sig_powerlaw.real, c='b')  #, marker='*')
             gauss_me(signal_x, fit_sig['fit_norm'], fit_sig['fit_center'],
ax_orig.plot(sig, c='k')
ax_orig.set_title('Gauss width %0.2f Combined Fit %0.2f' %
                  (width_signal, fit_sig['fit_width']))
ax_orig.margins(0, 0.1)
Exemplo n.º 35
def group_lasso_dataset_generator(n_samples=100,
        Generates synthetic data for group lasso tests.

        This function generates a matrix generated from 7 basic atoms, grouped
        as [0, 1, 3], [2, 4, 5], linearly combined with random weights.
        A certain level of gaussian noise is added to the signal.

         n_samples: int, optional
        Number of samples for the output matrix.

        n_features: int, optional
            Number of features the output matrix must have.

        gaussian_noise: float, optional
            The level of noise to add to the synthetic data.

        random_state: RandomState or int, optional
            RandomState or seed used to generate RandomState for the
            reproducibility of data. If None each time RandomState is randomly

        array_like, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
            Generated matrix of data

        array_like, shape=(n_samples, 7)

        array_like, shape=(7, n_features)
    rnd = check_random_state(random_state)
    number_of_atoms = 6

    atoms = np.empty([n_features, number_of_atoms])
    t = np.linspace(0, 1, n_features)
    atoms[:, 0] = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * 5 * t)
    atoms[:, 1] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t)
    atoms[:, 2] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t - 15)
    atoms[:, 3] = signal.gaussian(n_features, 5)
    atoms[:, 4] = signal.square(2 * np.pi * 5 * t)
    atoms[:, 5] = np.abs(np.sin(2 * np.pi * t))

    groups = [[0, 1, 3], [2, 4, 5]]

    signals = np.empty((n_samples, n_features))
    coefficients = np.zeros((n_samples, number_of_atoms))
    for i in range(n_samples // 2):
        coeffs = rnd.random_sample(len(groups[0])) * 10
        coefficients[i, groups[0]] = coeffs

    for i in range(n_samples // 2, n_samples):
        coeffs = rnd.random_sample(len(groups[1])) * 10
        coefficients[i, groups[1]] = coeffs

    signals = coefficients.dot(atoms.T)

    return signals, coefficients, atoms.T
Exemplo n.º 36
    io.imshow(imagen_filt) #Se muestra la imagen con el filtro ya aplicado.

    io.imshow(imagen) #Se muestra la imagen original para futuras comparaciones.


#Se carga una imagen de prueba del directorio con dimensiones pequeñas
filename = os.path.join('repoEQ3/','prueba.jpg') 
#Se lee la carpeta que contiene la imagen prueba
imagen = io.imread(filename)

#Filtro de Enfoque

#Filtro de Desenfoque o Filtro de Media
tam = 5
k = np.ones((tam,tam))/(tam**2)

#Suavizado Gaussiano
tam = 5
k = signal.gaussian(tam, 1).reshape(-1, 1)@signal.gaussian(tam, 1).reshape(1, -1)
k = k / np.sum(k)
show_convolve2d(imagen, k)

Exemplo n.º 37
def generate_geo(
    Generate geo features (shapefile, DEM, data limits)
    if (os.path.isfile(fileNameGeo) == True):
        geo = joblib.load(fileNameGeo)
        print(fileNameGeo, 'loaded.')
        geo = Data_Structure()

        # Limits small domain for statistical analysis
        geo.binSpacingKM = 8
        geo.xlimsKM = [400, 840]
        geo.ylimsKM = [20, 330]

        # Limits large domain for plotting
        geo.xlimsKM_large = [310, 910]
        geo.ylimsKM_large = [-100, 440]

        geo.extent_smalldomain = [
            geo.xlimsKM[0] * 1000, geo.xlimsKM[1] * 1000,
            geo.ylimsKM[0] * 1000, geo.ylimsKM[1] * 1000
        geo.extent_largedomain = [
            geo.xlimsKM_large[0] * 1000, geo.xlimsKM_large[1] * 1000,
            geo.ylimsKM_large[0] * 1000, geo.ylimsKM_large[1] * 1000

        #################### GET DEM ##################################################
        print('Preparing DEM and shapefile...')
        # Read SRTM DEM
        geo.fileNameDEM_SRTM = '/store/mch/msrad/radar/precip_attractor/gis_data/dem_proc/dem_merged_projected_clip1000CCS4.tif'
        x_dem, y_dem, geo.demImg, = gis.gdal_read_raster(geo.fileNameDEM_SRTM)
        x_dem_min = min(x_dem)
        y_dem_min = min(y_dem)
        x_dem_max = max(x_dem)
        y_dem_max = max(y_dem)
        geo.demImg = geo.demImg.astype(float)
        geo.demImg[geo.demImg < -1000] = np.nan

        # Smoothed DEM for countour levels
        from scipy import signal
        kernel_size = 5
        conv_kernel = np.outer(signal.gaussian(kernel_size, kernel_size / 4),
                               signal.gaussian(kernel_size, kernel_size / 4))
        conv_kernel = conv_kernel / np.sum(conv_kernel)
        geo.demImg_smooth = signal.convolve2d(geo.demImg,

        # Limits of CCS4 domain (from extent)
        Xmin = 255000
        Xmax = 965000
        Ymin = -160000
        Ymax = 480000
        geo.extent_CCS4 = [Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax]

        #################### GET SHAPEFILE ##################################################
        # Shapefile name and projections
        geo.fileNameShapefile = '/store/mch/msrad/radar/precip_attractor/gis_data/shapefiles_proc/CCS4_merged_proj_clip_G05_countries/CCS4_merged_proj_clip_G05_countries.shp'

        geo.proj4stringWGS84 = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84"
        geo.proj4stringCH = "+proj=somerc +lat_0=46.95240555555556 +lon_0=7.439583333333333 \
        +k_0=1 +x_0=600000 +y_0=200000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=674.374,15.056,405.346,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"

        #################### GET RADAR MASK ##################################################
        print('Getting radar mask...')
        # Get one sample radar file for the composite mask
        radar_object = io.read_gif_image('200901010000', product='AQC', minR = 0.1, fftDomainSize = 600, \
            resKm = 1, timeAccumMin = 5, inBaseDir = '/scratch/lforesti/data/', noData = -999.0, cmaptype = 'MeteoSwiss', domain = 'CCS4')

        geo.radarMask = radar_object.mask
        geo.radarExtent = radar_object.extent

        # Write out geo file
        joblib.dump(geo, fileNameGeo)
        print(fileNameGeo, 'written.')

    return (geo)
Exemplo n.º 38
    def __init__(self, threshold=10.0, use_cuda=True):
        super(CannyFilter, self).__init__()

        self.threshold = threshold
        self.use_cuda = use_cuda

        filter_size = 5
        generated_filters = gaussian(filter_size,
                                     std=1.0).reshape([1, filter_size])

        self.gaussian_filter_horizontal = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1,
                                                             filter_size // 2))
        self.gaussian_filter_vertical = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1,
                                                  kernel_size=(filter_size, 1),
                                                  padding=(filter_size // 2,

        sobel_filter = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]])

        self.sobel_filter_horizontal = nn.Conv2d(
            padding=sobel_filter.shape[0] // 2)
        self.sobel_filter_vertical = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1,
                                               padding=sobel_filter.shape[0] //

        # filters were flipped manually
        filter_0 = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, -1], [0, 0, 0]])

        filter_45 = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

        filter_90 = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0]])

        filter_135 = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]])

        filter_180 = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]])

        filter_225 = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]])

        filter_270 = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]])

        filter_315 = np.array([[0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]])

        all_filters = np.stack([
            filter_0, filter_45, filter_90, filter_135, filter_180, filter_225,
            filter_270, filter_315

        self.directional_filter = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1,
                                            padding=filter_0.shape[-1] // 2)
            torch.from_numpy(all_filters[:, None, ...]))
            torch.from_numpy(np.zeros(shape=(all_filters.shape[0], ))))
Exemplo n.º 39
def gaussSmooth(vals, num):
    b = gaussian(num, 1)
    smoothVals = filters.convolve1d(vals, b / b.sum())
    return smoothVals
Exemplo n.º 40
ax1 = subplot(111)
#ax1.scatter (x/81.0,f_tsvd,marker='o',label='TSVD Regularization',color='black')
ax1.scatter(x, s, marker=(3, 1), label=r"${\sigma _i}$", color='black')
ax1.scatter(x, abs(utb), marker='*', label='$ {u_i^TP}$', color='red')
            label='${u_i^TP}/{\sigma _i}$',
ccx = np.arange(0, 2300)
#ax1.plot(ccx/2300.0,cc,label='Exact profiles',color='red',linewidth=3.0)

f2 = interp1d(x, f_tsvd)
xx = np.linspace(0, 80, 100)
yy = f2(xx)
# make a gaussian window
window = signal.gaussian(10, 20)
smoothed = signal.convolve(yy, window / window.sum(), mode='same')
#plt.plot(xx/80,smoothed,linewidth=3.0,label='Gaussian smooth')
ax1.set_xlabel('Index for SVD', fontsize=15)
ax1.set_ylabel('Value (dimensionless)', fontsize=15)
legend = ax1.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, prop={'size': 15})
Exemplo n.º 41
def SmoothGauss(x, y):
    b = gaussian(19, 20)
    return filters.convolve1d(y, b / b.sum())
Exemplo n.º 42
 def CreatePulse(self, i):
     sig_wave = sig_amp * math.sin(2 * math.pi * sig_freq * i * dt)
     sig = sig_wave * signal.gaussian(sig_duration, std=sigma)[i]
     return sig
Exemplo n.º 43
def synthetic_data_non_negative(gaussian_noise=1, random_state=None):
    Generates synthetic non-negative data for dictionary learning tests.

    This function generates a matrix generated from 7 basic atoms linearly
    combined with random weights sparse over the atoms. A certain level of
    gaussian noise is added to the signal.

    gaussian_noise: float, optional
        The level of noise to add to the synthetic data.

    random_state: RandomState or int, optional
        RandomState or seed used to generate RandomState for the
        reproducibility of data. If None each time RandomState is randomly

    array_like, shape=(80, 96)
        Generated matrix of data

    array_like, shape=(80, 7)

    array_like, shape=(7, 96)

    number_of_features = 96
    number_of_samples = 80
    number_of_atoms = 7
    rnd = check_random_state(random_state)

    atoms = np.empty([number_of_features, number_of_atoms])
    atoms[:, 0] = np.transpose(
        np.concatenate((np.ones([30, 1]), np.zeros([66, 1]))))
    atoms[:, 1] = np.transpose(
        np.concatenate((np.zeros([60, 1]), np.ones([36, 1]))))
    atoms[:, 2] = np.transpose(
        np.concatenate((np.zeros([24, 1]), np.ones([30, 1]), np.zeros([42,
    atoms[:, 3] = signal.gaussian(96, 5)
    atoms[:, 4] = np.transpose(
        np.concatenate((np.zeros([17, 1]), np.ones([15, 1]), np.zeros([30, 1]),
                        np.ones([24, 1]), np.zeros([10, 1]))))
    atoms[:, 5] = np.roll(signal.gaussian(96, 5), 30)
    atoms[:, 6] = signal.gaussian(96, 8)
    atoms[0:50, 6] = 0

    sums = np.sum(atoms, axis=0)
    atoms = atoms / sums

    # create sparse coefficients
    coefficients = np.zeros([number_of_atoms, number_of_samples])
    for i in range(0, number_of_samples):
        number_of_nonzero_elements = rnd.randint(2, 4)
        indices = rnd.choice(range(0, 7),
        coeffs = rnd.random_sample(number_of_nonzero_elements) * 100
        coefficients[indices, i] = coeffs

    # create matrix
    v = np.dot(atoms, coefficients)

    # add noise
    v_tilde = v + np.random.normal(0, gaussian_noise,
                                   (number_of_features, number_of_samples))
    v_tilde[np.where(v_tilde < 0)] = 0

    return v_tilde.T, coefficients.T, atoms.T
Exemplo n.º 44
class TimeAlignment(unittest.TestCase):
    make_plots_blocking = False
    n_samples = 100.
    q1_initial = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)
    q1_final = Quaternion(np.sqrt(2.) / 2., 0, 0, np.sqrt(2.) / 2.)
    ts = np.linspace(0, (n_samples + 1) / n_samples, n_samples)
    t1s = ts

    q2_initial = Quaternion(np.sqrt(2.) / 2., 0, 0, np.sqrt(2.) / 2.)
    q2_final = Quaternion(1., 0, 0, 0.)
    t2s = ts + 1.5 + signal.gaussian(len(ts), 0.1)

    # To generate varying angular velocities, we assign new random times
    # between the different quaternions.
    quat_interpolate_times = np.random.rand(n_samples)
    quat_interpolate_times2 = (
        quat_interpolate_times *
        (quat_interpolate_times[-1] - quat_interpolate_times[0]) + t2s[0])
    q1s = quaternions_interpolate(q1_initial, t1s[0], q1_final, t1s[-1],
    q2s = quaternions_interpolate(q2_initial, t2s[0], q2_final, t2s[-1],

    # ts_betwenn_quaternions = ts
    angular_velocity1_norms = []
    for i in range(len(q1s) - 1):
        angular_velocity = angular_velocity_between_quaternions(
            q1s[i], q1s[i + 1], t1s[i + 1] - t1s[i])
    angular_velocity2_norms = []
    for i in range(len(q2s) - 1):
        angular_velocity = angular_velocity_between_quaternions(
            q2s[i], q2s[i + 1], t2s[i + 1] - t2s[i])
    angular_velocity1_norms += signal.gaussian(len(angular_velocity1_norms), 1)

    dx = np.mean(np.diff(t1s))

    def test_time_alignment(self):
        time_offset = calculate_time_offset_from_signals(
        # TODO(ff): Finish this test.

    def test_time_alignment_from_sample_csv_poses(self):
        # TODO(ff): Read stamped poses from csv files.
        # Then call calculate_time_offset.

    def test_introduce_data_drops(self):
        test_size = 1000
        test = [
            math.sin(float(x)) for x in np.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, test_size)

        test_before = copy.deepcopy(test)

        config = DataDropConfig()
        config.max_percentage_for_single_drop = 5.0
        config.overall_drop_percentage = 20.0

        print("test size before dropping: {}".format(len(test)))
        set_to_none = True
        introduce_data_drops(test, config, set_to_none)
        print("test size after dropping: {}".format(len(test)))

        expected_test_size = float(test_size) - \
            ((config.overall_drop_percentage / 100.0) * float(test_size))

        print("expected_test_size: {}".format(expected_test_size))
        # assert abs(len(test) - expected_test_size) < 1e-8
        plot_alignment(test_before, test, blocking=self.make_plots_blocking)

        def test_introduce_data_drops_with_time_alignment(self):

            angular_velocity1_norms_before = copy.deepcopy(
            angular_velocity2_norms_before = copy.deepcopy(

            time_offset = calculate_time_offset_from_signals(

            config = DataDropConfig()
            config.max_percentage_for_single_drop = 5.0
            config.overall_drop_percentage = 20.0

            set_to_none = False
            introduce_data_drops(test, config, set_to_none)

            expected_test_size = float(test_size) - \
                ((config.overall_drop_percentage / 100.0) * float(test_size))

            print("expected_test_size: {}".format(expected_test_size))

            # assert abs(len(test) - expected_test_size) < 1e-8

datay1 = datay1[250000:350000]
datay2 = datay2[260000:340000]

count1 = len(datay1)
count2 = len(datay2)

fftnum = 500  #64#512#1024#8192
std = 125  #16#128#256#1500

axis_xf = range(3, 21)
freq = np.array([fs * i / fftnum for i in axis_xf])

win = signal.gaussian(fftnum, std)

basis = []
for k in range(3, 21):
        complex(cos(2 * pi / fftnum * k * n), sin(2 * pi / fftnum * k * n))
        for n in range(fftnum)

basis = np.transpose(basis)

index = 0
interval = 5
magnitude1 = []
magnitude2 = []
while True:
Exemplo n.º 46
 def gaussian_coeffs(self):
     res = signal.gaussian(9, 1)
     res = res / res.sum()
     return res.reshape(3, 3)
Exemplo n.º 47
import requests
from pattern import web
import scipy.signal as spsig
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


dw_count=sum([html.count(dw) for dw in disaster_words])

#base = datetime.datetime.today()
base=datetime.datetime.strptime('2018-12-31', '%Y-%m-%d')
days_series = [base - datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, 365)]
for i in range(0,len(simul_dw_series)):
    if simul_dw_series[i]<0.0:


Exemplo n.º 48
def create_gaussian_kernel(kernel_size, std=1):
    gkern1d = signal.gaussian(kernel_size, std=std).reshape(kernel_size, 1)
    gkern2d = np.outer(gkern1d, gkern1d)
    return gkern2d / gkern2d.sum()
Exemplo n.º 49
    def do_gaussian_fit(self, axis, data):
        """ Perform a gaussian fit.

        @param axis:
        @param data:

        model, params = self._fit_logic.make_gaussian_model()
        if len(axis) < len(params):
            self.log.warning('Fit could not be performed because number of '
                    'parameters is smaller than data points.')
            return self.do_no_fit()


            parameters_to_substitute = dict()

            #TODO: move this to "gated counter" estimator in fitlogic
            #      make the filter an extra function shared and usable for other
            #      functions
            gauss = gaussian(10, 10)
            data_smooth = filters.convolve1d(data, gauss/gauss.sum(), mode='mirror')

            # integral of data corresponds to sqrt(2) * Amplitude * Sigma
            function = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(axis, data_smooth, k=1)
            Integral = function.integral(axis[0], axis[-1])
            amp = data_smooth.max()
            sigma = Integral / amp / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
            amplitude = amp * sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)

            update_dict['offset']    = {'min': 0,          'max': data.max(), 'value': 0, 'vary': False}
            update_dict['center']    = {'min': axis.min(), 'max': axis.max(), 'value': axis[np.argmax(data)]}
            update_dict['sigma']     = {'min': -np.inf,    'max': np.inf,     'value': sigma}
            update_dict['amplitude'] = {'min': 0,          'max': np.inf,     'value': amplitude}

            result = self._fit_logic.make_gaussian_fit(x_axis=axis,
                                                       units=None,  # TODO
            # 1000 points in x axis for smooth fit data
            hist_fit_x = np.linspace(axis[0], axis[-1], 1000)
            hist_fit_y = model.eval(x=hist_fit_x, params=result.params)

            param_dict = OrderedDict()

            # create the proper param_dict with the values:
            param_dict['sigma_0'] = {'value': result.params['sigma'].value,
                                     'error': result.params['sigma'].stderr,
                                     'unit' : 'Occurrences'}

            param_dict['FWHM'] = {'value': result.params['fwhm'].value,
                                  'error': result.params['fwhm'].stderr,
                                  'unit' : 'Counts/s'}

            param_dict['Center'] = {'value': result.params['center'].value,
                                    'error': result.params['center'].stderr,
                                    'unit' : 'Counts/s'}

            param_dict['Amplitude'] = {'value': result.params['amplitude'].value,
                                       'error': result.params['amplitude'].stderr,
                                       'unit' : 'Occurrences'}

            param_dict['chi_sqr'] = {'value': result.chisqr, 'unit': ''}

            return hist_fit_x, hist_fit_y, param_dict, result
Exemplo n.º 50
def load_data(dataset,

    if type(dataset[0]) == str:
        img_name, folder_name, img_size = get_maximum_img_size_and_names(
            dataset, sample_rate)
        img_name, folder_name, img_size = dataset

    if rand:
        rand_idx = np.arange(len(img_name))
        img_name = img_name[rand_idx]
        folder_name = folder_name[rand_idx]

    if batch_size > 1 and use_multiprocessing == True:
        p = Pool(batch_size)

    p_sub_load_data = partial(sub_load_data, img_size=img_size, aug=aug)

    for i in xrange(0, len(img_name), batch_size):
        have_alignment = np.ones([batch_size, 1, 1, 1])
        image = np.zeros((batch_size, img_size[0], img_size[1], 1))
        segment = np.zeros((batch_size, img_size[0], img_size[1], 1))
        alignment = np.zeros((batch_size, img_size[0], img_size[1], 1))

        minutiae_w = np.zeros(
            (batch_size, img_size[0] / 8, img_size[1] / 8, 1)) - 1
        minutiae_h = np.zeros(
            (batch_size, img_size[0] / 8, img_size[1] / 8, 1)) - 1
        minutiae_o = np.zeros(
            (batch_size, img_size[0] / 8, img_size[1] / 8, 1)) - 1

        batch_name = [
            img_name[(i + j) % len(img_name)] for j in xrange(batch_size)
        batch_f_name = [
            folder_name[(i + j) % len(img_name)] for j in xrange(batch_size)

        if batch_size > 1 and use_multiprocessing == True:
            results = p.map(p_sub_load_data, zip(batch_name, batch_f_name))
            results = map(p_sub_load_data, zip(batch_name, batch_f_name))

        for j in xrange(batch_size):
            img, seg, ali, mnt = results[j]
            if np.sum(ali) == 0:
                have_alignment[j, 0, 0, 0] = 0
            image[j, :, :, 0] = img / 255.0
            segment[j, :, :, 0] = seg / 255.0
            alignment[j, :, :, 0] = ali / 255.0
            minutiae_w[j, (mnt[:, 1] / 8).astype(int),
                       (mnt[:, 0] / 8).astype(int), 0] = mnt[:, 0] % 8
            minutiae_h[j, (mnt[:, 1] / 8).astype(int),
                       (mnt[:, 0] / 8).astype(int), 0] = mnt[:, 1] % 8
            minutiae_o[j, (mnt[:, 1] / 8).astype(int),
                       (mnt[:, 0] / 8).astype(int), 0] = mnt[:, 2]

        # get seg
        label_seg = segment[:, ::8, ::8, :]
        label_seg[label_seg > 0] = 1
        label_seg[label_seg <= 0] = 0
        minutiae_seg = (minutiae_o != -1).astype(float)

        # get ori & mnt
        orientation = tra_ori_model.predict(alignment)
        orientation = orientation / np.pi * 180 + 90
        orientation[orientation >= 180.0] = 0.0  # orientation [0, 180)
        minutiae_o = minutiae_o / np.pi * 180 + 90  # [90, 450)
        minutiae_o[minutiae_o > 360] = minutiae_o[
            minutiae_o > 360] - 360  # to current coordinate system [0, 360)
        minutiae_ori_o = np.copy(minutiae_o)  # copy one
        minutiae_ori_o[minutiae_ori_o >= 180] = minutiae_ori_o[
            minutiae_ori_o >= 180] - 180  # for strong ori label [0,180)

        # ori 2 gaussian
        gaussian_pdf = signal.gaussian(361, 3)
        y = np.reshape(np.arange(1, 180, 2), [1, 1, 1, -1])
        delta = np.array(np.abs(orientation - y), dtype=int)
        delta = np.minimum(delta, 180 - delta) + 180
        label_ori = gaussian_pdf[delta]

        # ori_o 2 gaussian
        delta = np.array(np.abs(minutiae_ori_o - y), dtype=int)
        delta = np.minimum(delta, 180 - delta) + 180
        label_ori_o = gaussian_pdf[delta]

        # mnt_o 2 gaussian
        y = np.reshape(np.arange(1, 360, 2), [1, 1, 1, -1])
        delta = np.array(np.abs(minutiae_o - y), dtype=int)
        delta = np.minimum(delta, 360 - delta) + 180
        label_mnt_o = gaussian_pdf[delta]

        # w 2 gaussian
        gaussian_pdf = signal.gaussian(17, 2)
        y = np.reshape(np.arange(0, 8), [1, 1, 1, -1])
        delta = (minutiae_w - y + 8).astype(int)
        label_mnt_w = gaussian_pdf[delta]

        # h 2 gaussian
        delta = (minutiae_h - y + 8).astype(int)
        label_mnt_h = gaussian_pdf[delta]

        # mnt cls label -1:neg, 0:no care, 1:pos
        label_mnt_s = np.copy(minutiae_seg)
        label_mnt_s[label_mnt_s == 0] = -1  # neg to -1
        label_mnt_s = (label_mnt_s + ndimage.maximum_filter(
            label_mnt_s, size=(1, 3, 3, 1))) / 2  # around 3*3 pos -> 0

        # apply segmentation
        label_ori = label_ori * label_seg * have_alignment
        label_ori_o = label_ori_o * minutiae_seg
        label_mnt_o = label_mnt_o * minutiae_seg
        label_mnt_w = label_mnt_w * minutiae_seg
        label_mnt_h = label_mnt_h * minutiae_seg
        yield image, label_ori, label_ori_o, label_seg, label_mnt_w, label_mnt_h, label_mnt_o, label_mnt_s, batch_name

    if batch_size > 1 and use_multiprocessing == True:
Exemplo n.º 51
def run(args=None, config=None):
    parser = AnalysisParser('config')
    args = parser.parse_analysis_args(args)
    config = args.config

    eeg_path = '/media/sf_shared/graddata/ica_denoised_raw.fif'
    fmri_path = '/media/sf_shared/CoRe_011/rfMRI/d2/11-BOLD_Sleep_BOLD_Sleep_20150824220820_11.nii'
    vmrk_path = '/media/sf_shared/CoRe_011/eeg/CoRe_011_Day2_Night_01.vmrk'
    event_ids, event_lats = helpers.read_vmrk(vmrk_path)

    event_lats = np.array(event_lats)
    grad_inds = [
        index for index, value in enumerate(event_ids) if value == 'R1'
    grad_inds = np.array(grad_inds)
    grad_lats = event_lats[grad_inds]
    grad_lats = grad_lats / 20  # resample from 5000Hz to 250Hz
    start_ind = int(grad_lats[0])
    end_ind = int(grad_lats[-1])

    canica = CanICA(n_components=40,

    fmri = nib.load(fmri_path)
    # get TR, n_slices, and n_TRs
    fmri_info = helpers.fmri_info(fmri_path)
    cimg = canica.components_img_.get_data()
    TR = fmri_info[0]
    tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
    hrf = get_hrf(tr_times)

    # plot components
    for i in np.arange(0, 40):
        plt.subplot(4, 10, i + 1)
        plt.imshow(np.max(cimg[:, :, :, i], axis=2))

    # get the EEG
    raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(eeg_path, preload=True)
    raw_data = raw.get_data()

    # get power spectrum for different sleep stages (BOLD)
    comps = canica.transform([fmri])[0].transpose()
    bold_srate = 1 / fmri_info[0]
    bold_epochl = int(7500 / (250 / bold_srate))

    #bold_pxx,bold_f = pxx_bold_component_epoch(comps, bold_srate, 250, bold_epochl, sleep_stages)
    #eeg_pxx,eeg_f = pxx_eeg_epochs(raw_data, sleep_stages, 7500)

    # concatenate the epochs, then compute the psd
    # 1) get triggers, 2) concatenate data, 3) compute psd

    def get_trigger_inds(trigger_name, event_ids):
        trig_inds = [
            index for index, value in enumerate(event_ids)
            if value == trigger_names[trig]
        return trig_inds

    def epoch_triggers(raw_data, lats, pre_samples, post_samples):
        epochs = np.zeros(
            (raw_data.shape[0], lats.shape[0], pre_samples + post_samples))
        for lat in np.arange(0, lats.shape[0]):
            epochs[:, lat, :] = raw_data[:, lats[lat] - pre_samples:lats[lat] +

        return epochs

    trigger_names = ['wake', 'NREM1', 'NREM2', 'NREM3']
    epoch BOLD and get power for different trigger types 
    what you actually want is single trial EEG and BOLD psd

    first get all the indices that are contained within the BOLD timeseries
    then, get the EEG power spectrum values within those same indices 
    eeg_srate = 250
    bold_pre_samples = 15
    bold_post_samples = 25
    eeg_pre_samples = int(bold_pre_samples * fmri_info[0] * eeg_srate)
    eeg_post_samples = int(bold_post_samples * fmri_info[0] * eeg_srate)
    bold_conversion = eeg_srate / (1 / fmri_info[0])

    all_bold_epochs = []
    all_eeg_epochs = []
    for trig in np.arange(0, len(trigger_names)):
        trig_inds = get_trigger_inds(trigger_names[trig], event_ids)
        trig_lats = event_lats[trig_inds]
        bold_lats = ((trig_lats - start_ind) / bold_conversion).astype(int)
        bads = np.where((bold_lats - bold_pre_samples < 0)
                        | (bold_lats + bold_post_samples >= comps.shape[1]))

        bold_lats = np.delete(bold_lats, bads, axis=0)
        eeg_lats = np.delete(trig_lats, bads, axis=0)

        bold_epochs = epoch_triggers(comps, bold_lats, bold_pre_samples,
        eeg_epochs = epoch_triggers(raw_data, eeg_lats, eeg_pre_samples,


    # comput power
    for i in np.arange(0, len(all_eeg_epochs)):
        eeg_epochs = all_eeg_epochs[i]
        bold_epochs = all_bold_epochs[i]
        bold_f, bold_pxx = signal.welch(bold_epochs)
        eeg_f, eeg_pxx = signal.welch(eeg_epochs)

    gauss = signal.gaussian(eeg_srate, 20)
    gauss = gauss / np.sum(gauss)

    freqs = np.zeros((5, 2))
    freqs[0, 0] = 1
    freqs[0, 1] = 3
    freqs[1, 0] = 4
    freqs[1, 1] = 7
    freqs[2, 0] = 8
    freqs[2, 1] = 15
    freqs[3, 0] = 17
    freqs[3, 1] = 30
    freqs[4, 0] = 30
    freqs[4, 1] = 80

    chan_freqs = filter_and_downsample(raw_data, comps, freqs, start_ind,
    conved = convolve_chanfreqs(np.log(chan_freqs), hrf)

    # epoch all the hrf-convolved filtered EEG power
    all_conved_epochs = []
    for trig in np.arange(0, len(trigger_names)):
        trig_inds = get_trigger_inds(trigger_names[trig], event_ids)
        trig_lats = event_lats[trig_inds]
        bold_lats = ((trig_lats - start_ind) / bold_conversion).astype(int)
        bads = np.where((bold_lats - bold_pre_samples < 0)
                        | (bold_lats + bold_post_samples >= comps.shape[1]))
        bold_lats = np.delete(bold_lats, bads, axis=0)

        conved_epochs = np.zeros(
            (conved.shape[0], conved.shape[1], bold_lats.shape[0],
             bold_pre_samples + bold_post_samples))
        for i in np.arange(0, conved.shape[1]):
            conved_epochs[:, i, :] = epoch_triggers(conved[:, i, :], bold_lats,


    sig1 = chan_freqs[3, 2, :]
    sig2 = comps[0, :]
    sig2 = butter_bandpass_filter(sig2, 0.005, 0.1, 1 / fmri_info[0])
    nlags = 50

    def xcorr(sig1, sig2, nlags):
        vec_l = sig1.shape[0] - nlags
        xcorrs = np.zeros(nlags)
        vec1 = sig1[int(sig1.shape[0] / 2 - vec_l / 2):int(sig1.shape[0] / 2 +
                                                           vec_l / 2)]
        start_p = 0
        for i in np.arange(0, nlags):
            vec2 = sig2[(start_p + i):(start_p + vec_l + i)]
            xcorrs[i] = np.corrcoef(vec1, vec2)[0, 1]

        return xcorrs

    all_xcorrs = []
    for i in np.arange(0, len(all_conved_epochs)):

        xc_i = np.zeros(
            (1, all_conved_epochs[i].shape[1], all_conved_epochs[i].shape[2],
             all_bold_epochs[i].shape[0], 20))

        for j in np.arange(0, 1):
            for k in np.arange(0, all_conved_epochs[i].shape[1]):
                for el in np.arange(0, all_conved_epochs[i].shape[2]):
                    for m in np.arange(0, all_bold_epochs[i].shape[0]):
                        xc_i[j, k, el,
                             m, :] = xcorr(all_conved_epochs[i][5, k, el, :],
                                           all_bold_epochs[i][m, el, :], 20)


    plt.plot(np.mean(all_xcorrs[1][0, 1, :, 0, :], axis=0))
    plt.plot(np.mean(all_xcorrs[2][0, 1, :, 0, :], axis=0))
    plt.plot(np.mean(all_xcorrs[3][0, 1, :, 0, :], axis=0))

    # correlate power across different epochs
Exemplo n.º 52
    def calculate_threshold(self, hist_data=None, distr='poissonian'):
        """ Calculate the threshold by minimizing its overlap with the poissonian fits.

        @param np.array hist_data: 2D array whitch represent the x and y values
                                   of a histogram of a trace.
               string distr: tells the function on what distribution it should calculate
                             the threshold ( Added because it might happen that one normalizes data
                             between (-1,1) and then a poissonian distribution won't work anymore.

        @return tuple(float, float):
                    threshold: the calculated threshold between two overlapping
                               poissonian distributed peaks.
                    fidelity: the measure how good the two peaks are resolved
                              according to the calculated threshold

        The calculation of the threshold relies on fitting two poissonian
        distributions to the count histogram and minimize a threshold with
        respect to the overlap area:

        # in any case calculate the hist data
        x_axis = hist_data[0][:-1] + (hist_data[0][1] - hist_data[0][0]) / 2.
        y_data = hist_data[1]
        if distr == 'poissonian':
            # perform the fit

            hist_fit_x, hist_fit_y, param_dict = self.do_doublepossonian_fit(x_axis, y_data)

            if param_dict.get('lambda_0') is None:
                self.log.error('The double poissonian fit does not work! Take at '
                            'least a dummy value, in order not to break the '
                amp0 = 1
                amp1 = 1

                param_dict['Amplitude_0'] = {'value': amp0, 'unit': 'occurences'}
                param_dict['Amplitude_1'] = {'value': amp0, 'unit': 'occurences'}

                # make them a bit different so that fit works.
                mu0 = hist_data[0][:].mean()-0.1
                mu1 = hist_data[0][:].mean()+0.1

                param_dict['lambda_0'] = {'value': mu0, 'unit': 'counts'}
                param_dict['lambda_1'] = {'value': mu1, 'unit': 'counts'}


                mu0 = param_dict['lambda_0']['value']
                mu1 = param_dict['lambda_1']['value']

                amp0 = param_dict['Amplitude_0']['value']
                amp1 = param_dict['Amplitude_1']['value']

            if mu0 < mu1:
                first_dist = self.get_poissonian(x_val=hist_data[0], mu=mu0, amplitude=amp0)
                sec_dist = self.get_poissonian(x_val=hist_data[0], mu=mu1, amplitude=amp1)
                first_dist = self.get_poissonian(x_val=hist_data[0], mu=mu1, amplitude=amp1)
                sec_dist = self.get_poissonian(x_val=hist_data[0], mu=mu0, amplitude=amp0)

            # create a two poissonian array, where the second poissonian
            # distribution is add as negative values. Now the transition from
            # positive to negative values will get the threshold:
            difference_poissonian = first_dist - sec_dist

            trans_index = 0
            for i in range(len(difference_poissonian)-1):
                # go through the combined histogram array and the point which
                # changes the sign. The transition from positive to negative values
                # will get the threshold:
                if difference_poissonian[i] < 0 and difference_poissonian[i+1] >= 0:
                    trans_index = i
                elif difference_poissonian[i] > 0 and difference_poissonian[i+1] <= 0:
                    trans_index = i

            threshold_fit = hist_data[0][trans_index]

            # Calculate also the readout fidelity, i.e. sum the area under the
            # first peak before the threshold of the first and second distribution
            # and take the ratio of that area. Do the same thing after the threshold
            # (of course with a reversed choice of the distribution). If the overlap
            # in both cases is very small, then the fidelity is good, if the overlap
            # is identical, then fidelity indicates a poor separation of the peaks.

            if mu0 < mu1:
                area0_low = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][0:trans_index], mu0, 1).sum()
                area0_high = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][trans_index:], mu0, 1).sum()
                area1_low = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][0:trans_index], mu1, 1).sum()
                area1_high = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][trans_index:], mu1, 1).sum()

                area0_low_amp = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][0:trans_index], mu0, amp0).sum()
                area0_high_amp = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][trans_index:], mu0, amp0).sum()
                area1_low_amp = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][0:trans_index], mu1, amp1).sum()
                area1_high_amp = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][trans_index:], mu1, amp1).sum()

                area1_low = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][0:trans_index], mu0, 1).sum()
                area1_high = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][trans_index:], mu0, 1).sum()
                area0_low = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][0:trans_index], mu1, 1).sum()
                area0_high = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][trans_index:], mu1, 1).sum()

                area1_low_amp = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][0:trans_index], mu0, amp0).sum()
                area1_high_amp = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][trans_index:], mu0, amp0).sum()
                area0_low_amp = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][0:trans_index], mu1, amp1).sum()
                area0_high_amp = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][trans_index:], mu1, amp1).sum()

            # Now calculate how big is the overlap relative to the sum of the other
            # part of the area, that will give the normalized fidelity:
            fidelity = 1 - (area1_low / area0_low + area0_high / area1_high) / 2

            area0 = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][:], mu0, amp0).sum()
            area1 = self.get_poissonian(hist_data[0][:], mu1, amp1).sum()

            # try this new measure for the fidelity
            fidelity2 = 1 - ((area1_low_amp/area1) / (area0_low_amp/area0) + (area0_high_amp/area0) / (area1_high_amp/area1) ) / 2

            param_dict['normalized_fidelity'] = fidelity2

            return threshold_fit, fidelity, param_dict

        # this works if your data is normalized to the interval (-1,1)
        if distr == 'gaussian_normalized':
            # first some helper functions
            def two_gaussian_intersect(m1, m2, std1, std2, amp1, amp2):
                function to calculate intersection of two gaussians
                a = 1 / (2 * std1 ** 2) - 1 / (2 * std2 ** 2)
                b = m2 / (std2 ** 2) - m1 / (std1 ** 2)
                c = m1 ** 2 / (2 * std1 ** 2) - m2 ** 2 / (2 * std2 ** 2) - np.log(amp2 / amp1)
                return np.roots([a, b, c])

            def gaussian(counts, amp, stdv, mean):
                return amp * np.exp(-(counts - mean) ** 2 / (2 * stdv ** 2)) / (stdv * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

                result = self._fit_logic.make_twogausspeakoffset_fit(x_axis, y_data)
                # calculating the threshold
                # NOTE the threshold is taken as the intersection of the two gaussians, while this should give
                # a good approximation I doubt it is mathematical exact.

                mu0 = result.params['g0_center'].value
                mu1 = result.params['g1_center'].value
                sigma0 = result.params['g0_sigma'].value
                sigma1 = result.params['g1_sigma'].value
                amp0 = result.params['g0_amplitude'].value / (sigma0 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
                amp1 = result.params['g1_amplitude'].value / (sigma1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
                candidates = two_gaussian_intersect(mu0, mu1, sigma0, sigma1, amp0, amp1)

                # we want to get the intersection that lies between the two peaks
                if mu0 < mu1:
                    threshold = [i for i in filter(lambda x: (x > mu0) & (x < mu1), candidates)]
                    threshold = [i for i in filter(lambda x: (x < mu0) & (x > mu1), candidates)]

                threshold = threshold[0]

                # now we want to get the readout fidelity
                # of the bigger peak ( most likely the two states that aren't driven by the mw pi pulse )
                if mu0 < mu1:
                    gc0 = integrate.quad(lambda counts: gaussian(counts, amp1, sigma1, mu1), -1, 1)
                    gp0 = integrate.quad(lambda counts: gaussian(counts, amp1, sigma1, mu1), -1, threshold)
                    gc0 = integrate.quad(lambda counts: gaussian(counts, amp0, sigma0, mu0), -1, 1)
                    gp0 = integrate.quad(lambda counts: gaussian(counts, amp0, sigma0, mu0), -1, threshold)

                # and then the same for the other peak ]

                if mu0 > mu1:
                    gc1 = integrate.quad(lambda counts: gaussian(counts, amp1, sigma1, mu1), -1, 1)
                    gp1 = integrate.quad(lambda counts: gaussian(counts, amp1, sigma1, mu1), threshold, 1)
                    gc1 = integrate.quad(lambda counts: gaussian(counts, amp0, sigma0, mu0), -1, 1)
                    gp1 = integrate.quad(lambda counts: gaussian(counts, amp0, sigma0, mu0), threshold, 1)

                param_dict = {}
                fidelity = 1 - (gp0[0] / gc0[0] + gp1[0] / gc1[0])/2
                fidelity1 = 1 - (gp0[0] / gc0[0])
                fidelity2 = 1 - gp1[0] / gc1[0]
                threshold_fit = threshold
                # if the fit worked, add also the result to the param_dict, which might be useful for debugging
                param_dict['result'] = result
                self.log.error('could not fit the data')
                error= True
                fidelity = 0
                threshold_fit = 0
                param_dict = {}
                new_dict = {}
                new_dict['value'] = np.inf
                param_dict['chi_sqr'] = new_dict

            return threshold_fit, fidelity, param_dict
Exemplo n.º 53
 def moving_average(y, n=n_gouss, sig=sigma):
     b = signal.gaussian(n, sig)
     average = ndimage.filters.convolve1d(y, b / b.sum())
     var = ndimage.filters.convolve1d(np.power(y - average, 2),
                                      b / b.sum())
     return average, var
Exemplo n.º 54
omega = 2 * np.pi * fs  # angular frequency (rad/s)
xbar = np.mean(epdist)  # Mean epicentral distance of the network
print("Number of frequency samples is: ", len(fs))

# Preliminary processing
# ***** Generate weight function for the stations to attenuate secondary lobes
def gauss(x, mu, sigma):
    return np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma)**2)

wn = gauss(epdist, (epdist[-1] + epdist[0]) / 2, aperture / 4)
wn_uss = ss.gaussian(
    nrec, nrec / 4)  # can be used only in case of uniformly spaced stations
#***** Remove mean
xtdata = ss.detrend(td_data)
#***** Normalize each trace with respect to greatest dynamic range in entire data
xtdata = np.matrix(xtdata)
maxet = np.matrix.max(xtdata, axis=1)
minet = np.matrix.min(xtdata, axis=1)
ret = maxet - minet
divisor = ret * (np.matrix(np.ones((1, nsamp))))
xtdata = xtdata / divisor
#***** Fourier transform with respect to time
xwdata = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(xtdata), axes=1)


Exemplo n.º 55
def compute_prior_prob_smoothed(prior_prob_path,
    Interpolation on prior prob, next using interpolation to smoothness path, and normalize again
    Reference: https://github.com/foamliu/Colorful-Image-Colorization/blob/master/class_rebal.py
        info = dict(
            prior_prob_path = os.path.join(module_dir, "data", "prior_prob_train_div2k.npy"),
            prior_prob_smoothed_path = os.path.join(module_dir, "data", "prior_prob_smoothed_train_div2k.npy"),
            sigma = 5,
            do_plot = True,
            verbose = True,
        prior_prob_smoothed = compute_prior_prob_smoothed(**info)
    # load prior probability

    if verbose == 1: print("\n=== Compute Prior Probability Smoothed === ")
    prior_prob = np.load(prior_prob_path)

    # add an epsilon to prior prob to avoid 0 vakues and possible NaN
    prior_prob += 1E-3 * np.min(prior_prob)
    # renormalize
    prior_prob = prior_prob / (1.0 * np.sum(prior_prob))

    # Smooth with gaussian
    f = interp1d(np.arange(prior_prob.shape[0]), prior_prob)
    xx = np.linspace(0, prior_prob.shape[0] - 1, 1000)
    yy = f(xx)
    window = gaussian(2000, sigma)  # 2000 pts in the window, sigma=5
    smoothed = convolve(yy, window / window.sum(), mode='same')
    fout = interp1d(xx, smoothed)
    prior_prob_smoothed = np.array(
        [fout(i) for i in range(prior_prob.shape[0])])
    prior_prob_smoothed = prior_prob_smoothed / np.sum(prior_prob_smoothed)

    # Save
    if prior_prob_smoothed_path is not None:
        save_dir = os.path.dirname(prior_prob_smoothed_path)
        if save_dir != "" and os.path.exists(save_dir) == False:
        np.save(prior_prob_smoothed_path, prior_prob_smoothed)
    # if

    if do_plot:
        plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
        plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
        plt.plot(prior_prob, label="prior_prob")
        plt.plot(prior_prob_smoothed, "g--", label="prior_prob_smoothed")

        plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
        plt.plot(prior_prob, label="prior_prob")
        plt.plot(xx, smoothed, "r-", label="smoothed")

        plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
        plt.hist(prior_prob, bins=100)
        plt.xlabel("Prior probability")

        plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
        plt.hist(prior_prob_smoothed, bins=100)
        plt.xlabel("Prior probability smoothed")

    # if

    return prior_prob_smoothed
Exemplo n.º 56
    def window(self, fwhm):

        window = gaussian(self.spectrum.N, fwhm2std(fwhm))
        return window / np.sum(window)
Exemplo n.º 57
SEC_IN_HOUR = 3600
SEC_IN_MONTH = 2628000
DAYS_IN_MONTH = np.array([31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31])

RHO = 900.  # ice density
G = 9.81  # gravity
N = 3.  # Glen's law's exponent
A = 2.4e-24  # Glen's default creep's parameter
FS = 5.7e-20  # Default sliding parameter from Oerlemans - OUTDATED
TWO_THIRDS = 2. / 3.
FOUR_THIRDS = 4. / 3.
ONE_FIFTH = 1. / 5.

for ks in [5, 7, 9]:
    kernel = gaussian(ks, 1)
    GAUSSIAN_KERNEL[ks] = kernel / kernel.sum()

_doc = 'A geotiff file containing the DEM (reprojected into the local grid).'
BASENAMES['dem'] = ('dem.tif', _doc)

_doc = 'The glacier outlines in the local projection.'
BASENAMES['outlines'] = ('outlines.shp', _doc)

_doc = 'The glacier intersects in the local projection.'
BASENAMES['intersects'] = ('intersects.shp', _doc)

_doc = 'The flowline catchments in the local projection.'
BASENAMES['flowline_catchments'] = ('flowline_catchments.shp', _doc)

_doc = 'The catchments intersections in the local projection.'
def get_growth_rate(t1, t2, plane="H", beam=1):
    """ Get the growth rate of an instability occuring from t1 to t2"""

    plane_number = 1 if plane == 'H' else 2  # useful for the name of our variable
    variable = 'LHC.BQBBQ.CONTINUOUS_HS.B' + str(beam) + ':EIGEN_AMPL_' + str(

    print("Getting the data...")
    vn = [variable]
    data = db.get(vn, t1, t2)
    if (len(data[variable][0]) == 0):  # if no data (empty array)
        print("No data available for BBQ amplitude in that time period (%s)" %
        print("\033[91m" + "[-] Fail")
    x_v = (data[variable][0] - data[variable][0][0])
    y_v = data[variable][1]
    print("[+] Success")

    # We now try to get the right limit of the exponential (on the x-axis)
    # For that, we look for the maximum of the derivative

    # We first need to apply a filter to remove noise
    print("Applying a gaussian filter...")
    size_window = len(y_v) // 10
    std = size_window // 3
    window = signal.gaussian(size_window, std=std)
    y_conv = np.convolve(y_v, window, 'valid')  # gaussian filter
    print("[+] Success")

    # We then apply a second filter to the derivative, and get its argmax
    print("Getting the right boundary...")
    y_prime_v = np.diff(y_conv, n=1)
    y_prime_conv = np.convolve(y_prime_v, window, 'valid')
    right_bound = np.argmax(
    ) + size_window  # We add size_window to compensate the two convolutions
    print("[+] Success")

    print("Fitting the curve...")
    # Initialization parameters : a naive exponential who pass by the two limit points
    x1, x2 = x_v[0], x_v[right_bound]
    y1, y2 = y_v[0], y_v[right_bound]
    d = (x1 - x2) / (
        np.log(y1) - np.log(y2)
    )  # can be obtained by just writing down the equation system
    x0 = x1 - d * np.log(y1)

    def expo(x, d, c, x0):
        return np.exp((x - x0) / d) + c

    popt, pcov = curve_fit(expo,
                           p0=[d, y_v[0], x0])
    print("[+] Success")

    print("Found growth rate : ", popt[0])
    plt.plot(x_v, y_v, label="Real data")
             expo(x_v[:right_bound], *popt),
             label="Exponential curve fitted")

    return popt[0]
Exemplo n.º 59
w[49][25] = 1.0
image_new = signal.fftconvolve(image, w)

plt.title('Original image')

plt.title('Filtered image')

image = misc.ascent()
w = signal.gaussian(50, 10.0)
image_new = signal.sepfir2d(image, w, w)

plt.title('Original image')

plt.title('Filtered image')
Exemplo n.º 60


def sig_bar(sigs,axis,y,color):
    continuity = np.diff(sigs)
    for i,c in enumerate(continuity):
        beg =axis[sigs[i]]
        end = beg+w

b = gaussian(5,10)
b = ones(5)
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

def smooth_i(i,h):
    p=filters.convolve1d(m, b/b.sum())
    return p

def exact_mc_perm_test2(xs, ys, nmc):
    diff = np.mean(xs -ys)
    for j in range(nmc):
        k += diff < np.mean(xs -ys)