Exemplo n.º 1
def my_dbscan(dots, epsilon, minSamples):
    # v0.1版本,未考虑核心点和边界点的区别
    visit_points = []  # 将已访问的点的下标保存起来
    unvisit_points = [i for i in range(0, len(dots))]  # 将未访问的点的下标保存起来
    tag = default_tag = -1  # 默认全为噪声点
    tags = [default_tag] * len(dots)
    # 建立一个KD树,这种树采用类似平衡二叉树的算法,对多维数组建立二叉树,搜索时间复杂度为o(logn)
    kt = KDTree(dots)
    while unvisit_points.__len__() > 0:
        p_idx = unvisit_points[0]
        neigh_idx = kt.query_ball_point(dots[p_idx], epsilon)
        if len(neigh_idx) > minSamples + 1:
            tag += 1
            tags[p_idx] = tag
            while neigh_idx.__len__() > 0:
                n_idx = neigh_idx[0]
                if n_idx not in unvisit_points:
                next_neigh_idx = kt.query_ball_point(dots[n_idx], epsilon)
                if len(next_neigh_idx) > minSamples + 1:
                    neigh_idx = list(
                        | set(next_neigh_idx) & set(unvisit_points))
                tags[n_idx] = tag
            tags[p_idx] = -1
    return tags
Exemplo n.º 2
 def jiggle_points(self):
     max_y, min_y = self.y + self.max_height / 2, self.y - self.max_height / 2
     more_to_do = (len(self.points) > 0)
     while more_to_do:
         for i in range(len(self.points)):
             current = self.points.pop(0)
             points_array = numpy.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in self.points])
             kdtree = KDTree(points_array)
             ids = kdtree.query_ball_point([current.x, current.y],
             # If there are any neighbours too near
             counter = 0
             while not ids == []:
                 rand = random.uniform(-self.min_dist, self.min_dist)
                 current.y = min(max_y, max(min_y, current.y + rand))
                 ids = kdtree.query_ball_point([current.x, current.y],
                 counter += 1
                 if counter > 100: break
         for i in range(len(self.points)):
             current = self.points.pop(0)
             points_array = numpy.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in self.points])
             kdtree = KDTree(points_array)
             ids = kdtree.query_ball_point([current.x, current.y],
             more_to_do = (not ids == [])
             if more_to_do: break
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getProteinAtomsAroundHotspot(self, hotspot, pdb, fromCentroid=True, radius=6, includeH=True, returnmask=False):
        Get pdb indices for the atoms neighbouring the hotspot around a given distance. Distance will be calculated from the hotspot centroid or considering all points insed depending on fromCentroid value.
        Also it is optional to include the hydrogens (default) or remove them from the returned list.
            hotspot     (HotSpot or HotSpotSet)     Fetch atoms around this hotspots
            pdb         (PDBModel or string)        What PDB to return atoms from. Should be a Biskit.PDBModel or a string pointing to a correct pdb file to read.
            fromCentroid    (bool)                  Calculate from centroid point or considering all points in the hotspot?
            radius          (float)                 Radius around we consider an atom as neighbour
            includeH        (bool)                  Include hydrogens in returen indices?
            returnMask      (bool)                  Return as mask instead of list of indices?
            indicesList     (list of ints)          Indices in the pdb corresponding to neighbouring atoms
            indicesMask     (npy.ndarray of bools)  Mask for the PDBModel
        import Biskit as bi
        import scipy
        if scipy.__version__ > "0.11.0":
            from scipy.spatial import KDTree as KDTree
            from scipy.spatial import KDTree
        # Load PDB if string
        # and get Hydrogens mask
        if isinstance(pdb, str): pdb = bi.PDBModel(pdb)
        hids = npy.where(pdb.maskH())[0]
        # First construct a KDTree with protein coordinates.
        tree = KDTree(pdb.xyz) # 3dims, 1 atom per bucket
        # Find neighbours
        # check first if hotspot has multiple coords or just one
        if hotspot.coordList.ndim == 1:
            dims = 1
            dims = 2

        if fromCentroid or dims == 1:
            # Calculate n'bours to one point
            rawids = tree.query_ball_point(hotspot.coord, radius)
            if not includeH:
                ids = [ri for ri in rawids if ri not in hids]   # check index is not a hydrogen atom 
                ids = rawids
            # Do a search for each point and get a unique set of n'bours
            rawids = tree.query_ball_point(hotspot.coordList, radius)
            if not includeH:
                ids = [ri for ri in rawids if ri not in hids]   # check index is not a hydrogen atom
                ids = rawids
        if returnmask:
            m = [i in ids for i in range(len(pdb.xyz))]
            return  m
            return ids
Exemplo n.º 4
 def jiggle_points(self):
     max_y, min_y = self.y + self.max_height/2, self.y - self.max_height/2
     more_to_do = (len(self.points) > 0)
     while more_to_do:
         for i in range(len(self.points)):
             current = self.points.pop(0)
             points_array = numpy.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in self.points])
             kdtree = KDTree(points_array)
             ids = kdtree.query_ball_point([current.x, current.y], self.min_dist)
             # If there are any neighbours too near
             counter = 0
             while not ids == []:
                 rand = random.uniform(-self.min_dist, self.min_dist)
                 current.y = min(max_y, max(min_y, current.y + rand))
                 ids = kdtree.query_ball_point([current.x, current.y], self.min_dist)
                 counter += 1
                 if counter > 100: break
         for i in range(len(self.points)):
             current = self.points.pop(0)
             points_array = numpy.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in self.points])
             kdtree = KDTree(points_array)
             ids = kdtree.query_ball_point([current.x, current.y], self.min_dist)
             more_to_do = (not ids == [])
             if more_to_do: break
def extraCredit(tripLocations, startPolygon, endPolygon):
    #indices is a list that should contain the indices of the trips in the tripLocations list
    #which start in the startPolygon region and end in the endPolygon region
    indices = []

    #TODO: insert your code here. You should build the kdtree and use it to query the closest
    #      intersection for each trip
    startpoint = []
    endpoint = []
    for item in tripLocations:
    #print start
    startTime = time.time()

    rs = ((startRectangle[0][0] - startRectangle[0][1])**2 + (startRectangle[1][0] - startRectangle[1][1])**2)**0.5/float(2)
    re = ((endRectangle[0][0] - endRectangle[0][1])**2 + (endRectangle[1][0] - endRectangle[1][1])**2)**0.5/float(2)
    os = [(startRectangle[0][0] + startRectangle[0][1])/2,(startRectangle[1][0] + startRectangle[1][1])/2]
    oe = [(endRectangle[0][0] + endRectangle[0][1])/2,(endRectangle[1][0] + endRectangle[1][1])/2]

    Stree = KDTree(startpoint)
    Etree = KDTree(endpoint)
    startpoint = set(Stree.query_ball_point(os, rs))
    endpoint = set(Etree.query_ball_point(oe, re))
    s_e = list(startpoint.intersection(endpoint))
    for point in s_e:
        if point_inside_polygon(tripLocations[point][0],tripLocations[point][1],startPolygon) and point_inside_polygon(tripLocations[point][2],tripLocations[point][3],endPolygon):
    return indices    
Exemplo n.º 6
 def optics(self, eps=0.1, min_pts=5):
     self.eps = eps
     self.reach_dist = [inf for i in range(self.n)]  # 可达距离
     self.core_dist = [inf for i in range(self.n)]  # 核心距离
     kd = KDTree(self.dataset)
     while (self.unvisited):
         # 随机选取一个点
         i = random.choice(self.unvisited)
         # 获取i的邻域
         neighbors_i = kd.query_ball_point(self.dataset[i], eps)
         # 如果i是核心点
         if len(neighbors_i) >= min_pts:
             # 计算核心距离
             self.core_dist[i] = self.cal_core_dist(i, neighbors_i, min_pts)
             seed_list = list()
             self.insert_list(i, neighbors_i, seed_list)
             while (seed_list):
                 seed_list.sort(key=lambda x: self.reach_dist[x])
                 j = seed_list.pop(0)
                 neighbors_j = kd.query_ball_point(self.dataset[j], eps)
                 if len(neighbors_j) >= min_pts:
                     self.core_dist[j] = self.cal_core_dist(
                         j, neighbors_j, min_pts)
                     self.insert_list(j, neighbors_j, seed_list)
     return self.order_list, self.reach_dist
Exemplo n.º 7
def blue_noise_sample_elimination(point_list, mesh_surface_area, sample_count):
	# Parameters
	alpha = 8
	rmax = numpy.sqrt(mesh_surface_area / ((2 * sample_count) * numpy.sqrt(3.))) 

	# Compute a KD-tree of the input point list
	kdtree = KDTree(point_list)

	# Compute the weight for each sample
	D = numpy.minimum(squareform(pdist(point_list)), 2 * rmax)
	D = (1. - (D / (2 * rmax))) ** alpha

	W = numpy.zeros(point_list.shape[0])
	for i in range(point_list.shape[0]):
		W[i] = sum(D[i, j] for j in kdtree.query_ball_point(point_list[i], 2 * rmax) if i != j)

	# Pick the samples we need
	heap = sorted((w, i) for i, w in enumerate(W))

	id_set = set(range(point_list.shape[0]))
	while len(id_set) > sample_count:
		# Pick the sample with the highest weight
		w, i = heap.pop()

		neighbor_set = set(kdtree.query_ball_point(point_list[i], 2 * rmax))
		heap = [(w - D[i, j], j) if j in neighbor_set else (w, j) for w, j in heap]				

	# Job done
	return point_list[sorted(id_set)]
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: dbscan.py Projeto: zls3201/ml
def dbscan(dataSet, eps, minPts):
    @brief      基于kd-tree的DBScan算法
    @param      dataSet  输入数据集,numpy格式
    @param      eps      最短距离
    @param      minPts   最小簇点数
    @return     分类标签
    nPoints = dataSet.shape[0]
    vPoints = visitlist(count=nPoints)
    # 初始化簇标记列表C,簇标记为 k
    k = -1
    C = [-1 for i in range(nPoints)]
    # 构建KD-Tree,并生成所有距离<=eps的点集合
    kd = KDTree(dataSet)
    while (vPoints.unvisitednum > 0):
        p = random.choice(vPoints.unvisitedlist)
        N = kd.query_ball_point(dataSet[p], eps)
        if len(N) >= minPts:
            k += 1
            C[p] = k
            for p1 in N:
                if p1 in vPoints.unvisitedlist:
                    M = kd.query_ball_point(dataSet[p1], eps)
                    if len(M) >= minPts:
                        for i in M:
                            if i not in N:
                    if C[p1] == -1:
                        C[p1] = k
            C[p] = -1
    return C
Exemplo n.º 9
def dbscan(data, eps, min_pts):
    m = data.shape[0]
    points = VisitRecord(m)
    group_index = -1
    group = np.zeros((m, 1))-1
    kd_tree = KDTree(data)
    while points.unvisited_num > 0:
        current_visit = choice(points.unvisited)
        print("unvisited", points.unvisited_num)
        round_points = kd_tree.query_ball_point(data[current_visit], eps)
        if len(round_points) >= min_pts:
            group_index += 1
            group[current_visit] = group_index
            for p_index in round_points:
                print("unvisited", points.unvisited_num, group_index)
                if p_index in points.unvisited:
                    round_points_next = kd_tree.query_ball_point(data[p_index], eps)
                    if len(round_points_next) >= min_pts:
                        for i_index in round_points_next:
                            if i_index not in round_points:
                    if group[p_index] == -1:
                        group[p_index] = group_index
            group[current_visit] = -1
    return group, group_index
Exemplo n.º 10
 def infect_opt(self, q):
     When there are many infectious individuals, the tree query by I becomes time consuming
     We want to optimize this fuction in such cases.
     We can query by susceptible individuals instead, whose population size is smaller
     If a susceptible person's neighbors include any I, then he becomes infected.
     X = np.vstack((self.s_info,self.i_info))
     if X.size == 0:
         # print('all individuals are recovered')
     tree = KDTree(X[:,1:]) # pos of S, I
     if len(self.s_info) > len(self.i_info): # query by I is more efficient
         contact_lists = tree.query_ball_point(self.i_info[:,1:], q) # a list of lists of indices
         contact_tree_inds = sum(contact_lists, []) # flatten a list of lists
         contact_inds = X[:,0][contact_tree_inds]
         s_contact_slice = np.isin(self.s_info[:,0], contact_inds)
         new_i_info = self.s_info[s_contact_slice]
         self.s_info = self.s_info[~s_contact_slice]
     else: # query by S is more efficient
         # print('optimizing')
         contact_lists = tree.query_ball_point(self.s_info[:,1:], q) # a list of lists of indices
         i_tree_inds = range(len(self.s_info), len(X))
         new_i_tree_inds = []
         for s_ind, contact_list in enumerate(contact_lists): # for each S
             if np.any(np.isin(i_tree_inds, contact_list)): # if any I is in an S's neighbor
                 new_i_tree_inds.append(s_ind) # then this S becomes infected
         new_i_inds = X[:,0][new_i_tree_inds]
         s_contact_slice = np.isin(self.s_info[:,0], new_i_inds, True)
         new_i_info = self.s_info[s_contact_slice]
         self.s_info = self.s_info[~s_contact_slice]
     self.i_info = np.concatenate((self.i_info, new_i_info))
Exemplo n.º 11
def DBSCAN(X: np.ndarray, r: float, minPts: int):
    pointnum = X.shape[0]
    v = visitlist(pointnum)
    clustersSet = list()
    noise = cluster(-1)
    tree = KDTree(X)
    k = 0

    while v.unvisitednum > 0:
        randid = random.choice(v.unvisitedlist)
        N = tree.query_ball_point(X[randid], r)
        if len(N) < minPts:
            clus = cluster(k)
            while len(N) > 0:
                p = N.pop()
                if p in v.unvisitedlist:
                    pN = tree.query_ball_point(X[p], r)
                    if len(pN) >= minPts:
                        N = N + pN

    return clustersSet
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: dbscan.py Projeto: zls3201/ml
    def sub_dbscan(dataSet, eps, minPts):
        nPoints = dataSet.shape[0]
        vPoints = visitlist(count=nPoints)
        # 初始化簇标记列表C,簇标记为 k
        k = -1
        C = [-1 for i in range(nPoints)]
        # 构建KD-Tree,并生成所有距离<=eps的点集合
        kd = KDTree(dataSet)
        while (vPoints.unvisitednum > 0):
            p = random.choice(vPoints.unvisitedlist)
            N = kd.query_ball_point(dataSet[p], eps)
            if len(N) >= minPts:
                k += 1
                C[p] = k
                for p1 in N:
                    if p1 in vPoints.unvisitedlist:
                        M = kd.query_ball_point(dataSet[p1], eps)
                        new_C = C.copy()
                        if len(M) >= minPts:
                            for i in M:
                                if i not in N:
                        if C[p1] == -1:
                            C[p1] = k

                C[p] = -1
        return C_list
Exemplo n.º 13
def dbscan(dataSet, eps, minPts):
    nPoints = dataSet.shape[0]
    vPoints = visitlist(count=nPoints)
    k = -1
    C = [-1 for i in range(nPoints)]
    kd = KDTree(dataSet)  #corrcet X->dataSet
    while (vPoints.unvisitednum > 0):
        p = random.choice(vPoints.unvisitedlist)
        N = kd.query_ball_point(dataSet[p], eps)
        if len(N) >= minPts:
            k += 1
            C[p] = k
            for p1 in N:
                if p1 in vPoints.unvisitedlist:
                    M = kd.query_ball_point(dataSet[p1], eps)
                    if len(M) >= minPts:
                        for i in M:
                            if i not in N:
                    if C[p1] == -1:
                        C[p1] = k
            C[p] = -1  #corrcet p1->p
    return C
Exemplo n.º 14
	def get_current_tote_content_cloud(self, cur_camera_R, cur_camera_t, scene_cloud=None, threshold=0.02, fit=False):
		subtract tote model from current point cloud of tote (with object in it)
		if fit is True, transform the model to align with the scene first. it will take some time
		return the point cloud of the remaining scene in global frame
		if scene_cloud is None:
			_, scene_cloud, _, _ = self.read_once(unit='meter', Nx3_cloud=True, clean=True)
		model_cloud = self.load_model_tote_cloud(downsample=True)
		assert model_cloud is not None, 'Error loading tote model'
		model_xform_R, model_xform_t = self.load_R_t(self.get_tote_viewing_camera_xform_path(), nparray=True)
		model_cloud = model_cloud.dot(model_xform_R) + model_xform_t

		scene_cloud = scene_cloud[::downsample_rate, :]
		cur_camera_R = np.array(cur_camera_R).reshape(3,3).T
		cur_camera_t = np.array(cur_camera_t)
		scene_cloud = scene_cloud.dot(cur_camera_R.T) + cur_camera_t # transform scene cloud
		print "Making scene cloud with %i points"%scene_cloud.shape[0]
		scene_tree = KDTree(scene_cloud)
		print "Done"
		if fit:
			R, t = icp.match(model_cloud, scene_tree)
			model_cloud = model_cloud.dot(R.T) + t

		keep_idxs = self.subtract_model(model_cloud, scene_tree=scene_tree, threshold=threshold)
		content_cloud = scene_cloud[keep_idxs, :]

		# print 'Dirty content cloud has %i points'%content_cloud.shape[0]

		num_content_cloud_pts = content_cloud.shape[0]
		print "Making content cloud with %i points"%content_cloud.shape[0]
		content_tree = KDTree(content_cloud)
		print "Done. Querying neighbors within 0.03 m"
		idxs = content_tree.query_ball_point(content_cloud, 0.03)
		unisolated_flag = map(lambda x: len(x)>=3, idxs)
		content_cloud = content_cloud[np.where(unisolated_flag)[0], :]
		print "Clean cloud has %i points"%content_cloud.shape[0]

		print "Making content cloud with %i points"%content_cloud.shape[0]
		content_tree = KDTree(content_cloud)
		print "Done. Querying neighbors within 0.03 m"
		idxs = content_tree.query_ball_point(content_cloud, 0.03)
		unisolated_flag = map(lambda x: len(x)>=4, idxs)
		content_cloud = content_cloud[np.where(unisolated_flag)[0], :]
		print "Clean cloud has %i points"%content_cloud.shape[0]

		print "Making content cloud with %i points"%content_cloud.shape[0]
		content_tree = KDTree(content_cloud)
		print "Done. Querying neighbors within 0.03 m"
		idxs = content_tree.query_ball_point(content_cloud, 0.03)
		unisolated_flag = map(lambda x: len(x)>=5, idxs)
		content_cloud = content_cloud[np.where(unisolated_flag)[0], :]
		print "Clean cloud has %i points"%content_cloud.shape[0]
		return content_cloud
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_ball_point_ints():
    """Regression test for #1373."""
    x, y = np.mgrid[0:4, 0:4]
    points = zip(x.ravel(), y.ravel())
    tree = KDTree(points)
    assert_equal([4, 8, 9, 12], tree.query_ball_point((2, 0), 1))
    points = np.asarray(points, dtype=np.float)
    tree = KDTree(points)
    assert_equal([4, 8, 9, 12], tree.query_ball_point((2, 0), 1))
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_ball_point_ints():
    """Regression test for #1373."""
    x, y = np.mgrid[0:4, 0:4]
    points = zip(x.ravel(), y.ravel())
    tree = KDTree(points)
    assert_equal([4, 8, 9, 12], tree.query_ball_point((2, 0), 1))
    points = np.asarray(points, dtype=np.float)
    tree = KDTree(points)
    assert_equal([4, 8, 9, 12], tree.query_ball_point((2, 0), 1))
Exemplo n.º 17
class SearchRoutes(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.stations = pd.read_csv(FN, index_col=0)
        self.stations['horizontal'] = self.stations.longitude * 52.32
        self.stations['vertical'] = self.stations.latitude * 69.135
        self.tree = KDTree(self.stations[['vertical', 'horizontal']])
        print('Finished Initializing.')

    def __get_routes__(self):
        self.routes = pd.read_csv(ROUTES_FN, sep='\t')
        self.routes.dock_id1 = self.routes.dock_id1.astype(int)
        self.routes.dock_id2 = self.routes.dock_id2.astype(int)
        self.routes.set_index(['dock_id1', 'dock_id2'], inplace=True)
    def start_to_end(self, start, end):
        Produce a graph of time duration then find the path which minimizes
        the total duration.
        start: [latitude, longitude]
        end: [latitude, longitude]
        # Find stations within walking distance from start and finish.
        start_miles = [start[0]*69.135, start[1]*52.32]
        end_miles = [end[0]*69.135, end[1]*52.32]
        inds = self.tree.query_ball_point(start_miles, 0.5)
        start_stations = self.stations.iloc[inds]
        inds = self.tree.query_ball_point(end_miles, 0.5)
        end_stations = self.stations.iloc[inds]

        # Add walking duration from start to each of those stations.
        nodes = {}
        for _, start_row in start_stations.iterrows():
            r = get_directions(start[::-1], start_row[['longitude', 'latitude']], 'foot')
        graph = {'start': nodes}

        for _, end_row in end_stations.iterrows():
            r = get_directions(end[::-1], end_row[['longitude', 'latitude']], 'foot')

        # Add cycling directions from each "start" citibike to each "end" citibike.
        for _, start_row in start_stations.iterrows():
            nodes = {}
            for _, end_row in end_stations.iterrows():
                nodes.update({end_row.id : self.routes.loc[start_row.id, end_row.id]['duration']})

        return get_shortest_path(graph, 'start', 'end')
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_ball_point_ints():
    # Regression test for #1373.
    x, y = np.mgrid[0:4, 0:4]
    points = list(zip(x.ravel(), y.ravel()))
    tree = KDTree(points)
    assert_equal(sorted([4, 8, 9, 12]), sorted(tree.query_ball_point((2, 0),
    points = np.asarray(points, dtype=float)
    tree = KDTree(points)
    assert_equal(sorted([4, 8, 9, 12]), sorted(tree.query_ball_point((2, 0),
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_ball_point_ints():
    # Regression test for #1373.
    x, y = np.mgrid[0:4, 0:4]
    points = list(zip(x.ravel(), y.ravel()))
    tree = KDTree(points)
    assert_equal(sorted([4, 8, 9, 12]),
                 sorted(tree.query_ball_point((2, 0), 1)))
    points = np.asarray(points, dtype=float)
    tree = KDTree(points)
    assert_equal(sorted([4, 8, 9, 12]),
                 sorted(tree.query_ball_point((2, 0), 1)))
Exemplo n.º 20
    def fit(self, X):
        n_samples = len(X)

        kd_tree = KDTree(X)  # 构造KD树

        density_arr = np.array([len(kd_tree.query_ball_point(x, self.eps)) for x in X])  # 密度数组

        visited_arr = [False for _ in range(n_samples)]  # 访问标记数组

        k = -1  # 初始类别
        self.labels_ = np.array([-1 for _ in range(n_samples)])

        for sample_idx in range(n_samples):
            if visited_arr[sample_idx]:  # 跳过已访问样本

            visited_arr[sample_idx] = True

            # 跳过噪声样本与边界样本
            if density_arr[sample_idx] == 1 or density_arr[sample_idx] < self.min_samples:

            # 核心对象
                # 找出邻域中的所有核心对象,包括自身
                cores = [idx for idx in kd_tree.query_ball_point(X[sample_idx], self.eps) if
                         density_arr[idx] >= self.min_samples]
                k += 1
                self.labels_[sample_idx] = k

                while cores:
                    cur_core = cores.pop(0)
                    if not visited_arr[cur_core]:
                        visited_arr[cur_core] = True
                        self.labels_[cur_core] = k

                        neighbors = kd_tree.query_ball_point(X[cur_core], self.eps)
                        neighbor_cores = [idx for idx in neighbors if
                                          idx not in cores and density_arr[idx] >= self.min_samples]
                        neighbor_boards = [idx for idx in neighbors if density_arr[idx] < self.min_samples]


                        for idx in neighbor_boards:
                            if self.labels_[idx] == -1:
                                self.labels_[idx] = k

        # 更新类属性
        self.core_sample_indices_ = np.sort(np.array(self.core_sample_indices_))
        self.components_ = X[self.core_sample_indices_]
Exemplo n.º 21
    def predict(self):
        @brief      基于kd-tree的DBScan算法
        @param      data_set  输入数据集
        @param      eps      最短距离
        @param      minPts   最小簇点数
        @return     分类标签
        # 输入数据点的个数
        nPoints = len(self.data_set)
        # (1) 标记所有对象为unvisited
        vPoints = visitlist(count=nPoints)
        # (2) 初始化簇标记列表C,簇标记为 k
        k = -1
        C = [-1 for i in range(nPoints)]
        # 构建KD-Tree,并生成所有距离<=eps的点集合
        kd = KDTree(self.data_set)

        while (vPoints.unvisitednum > 0):
            # (3) 随机选择一个unvisited对象p
            p = random.choice(vPoints.unvisitedlist)
            # (4) 标t己p为visited
            # (5) 如果 p 的邻域至少有MinPts个对象
            N = kd.query_ball_point(self.data_set[p], self.eps)  # 邻域
            if len(N) >= self.minPts:
                # (6) 创建个一个新簇C,并把p添加到C
                k += 1
                C[p] = k
                # (7) 令N为p的邻域中的对象的集合
                # (8) for N中的每个点p'
                for p1 in N:
                    # (9) if p'是unvisited
                    if p1 in vPoints.unvisitedlist:
                        # (10) 标记p'为visited
                        # (11) if p'的$\varepsilon$-邻域至少有MinPts个点,把这些点添加到N
                        # 找出p'的邻域点,并将这些点去重新添加到N
                        M = kd.query_ball_point(self.data_set[p1], self.eps)
                        if len(M) >= self.minPts:
                            for i in M:
                                if i not in N:
                        # (12) if p'还不是任何簇的成员,把p'添加到c
                        if C[p1] == -1:
                            C[p1] = k
            # (13) else标记p为噪声
                C[p1] = -1

        # (14) until没有标记为unvisited的对象
        return C
Exemplo n.º 22
def dbscan_kd(dataSet, eps, minPts, X):
    # numpy.ndarray的 shape属性表示矩阵的行数与列数
    # 行数即表小所有点的个数
    nPoints = dataSet.shape[0]
    # (1) 标记所有对象为unvisited
    # 在这里用一个类vPoints进行实现
    vPoints = vs.visitlist(count=nPoints)
    # 初始化簇标记列表C,簇标记为 k
    k = -1
    C = [-1 for i in range(nPoints)]
    # 构建KD-Tree,并生成所有距离<=eps的点集合
    kd = KDTree(X)
    while (vPoints.unvisitednum > 0):
        # (3) 随机选择一个unvisited对象p
        p = random.choice(vPoints.unvisitedlist)
        # (4) 标t己p为visited
        # (5) if p 的$\varepsilon$-邻域至少有MinPts个对象
        # N是p的$\varepsilon$-邻域点列表
        N = kd.query_ball_point(dataSet[p], eps)
        if len(N) >= minPts:
            # (6) 创建个一个新簇C,并把p添加到C
            # 这里的C是一个标记列表,直接对第p个结点进行赋值
            k += 1
            C[p] = k
            # (7) 令N为p的$\varepsilon$-邻域中的对象的集合
            # N是p的$\varepsilon$-邻域点集合
            # (8) for N中的每个点p'
            for p1 in N:
                # (9) if p'是unvisited
                if p1 in vPoints.unvisitedlist:
                    # (10) 标记p'为visited
                    # (11) if p'的$\varepsilon$-邻域至少有MinPts个点,把这些点添加到N
                    # 找出p'的$\varepsilon$-邻域点,并将这些点去重新添加到N
                    M = kd.query_ball_point(dataSet[p1], eps)
                    if len(M) >= minPts:
                        for i in M:
                            if i not in N:
                    # (12) if p'还不是任何簇的成员,把p'添加到c
                    # C是标记列表,直接把p'分到对应的簇里即可
                    if C[p1] == -1:
                        C[p1] = k
        # (15) else标记p为噪声
            C[p1] = -1

    # (16) until没有标记为unvisited的对象
    return C
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_kdtree_complex_data():
    # Test that KDTree rejects complex input points (gh-9108)
    points = np.random.rand(10, 2).view(complex)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="complex data"):
        t = KDTree(points)

    t = KDTree(points.real)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="complex data"):

    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="complex data"):
        t.query_ball_point(points, r=1)
Exemplo n.º 24
def features_by_centers(base, features):
        from scipy.spatial import KDTree
    except ImportError:
        from PathScripts.kdtree import KDTree

    features = sorted(features,
                      key=lambda feature: getattr(base.Shape, feature).Surface.Radius,

    coordinates = [(cylinder.Surface.Center.x, cylinder.Surface.Center.y) for cylinder in
                   [getattr(base.Shape, feature) for feature in features]]

    tree = KDTree(coordinates)
    seen = {}

    by_centers = {}
    for n, feature in enumerate(features):
        if n in seen:
        seen[n] = True

        cylinder = getattr(base.Shape, feature)
        xc, yc, _ = cylinder.Surface.Center
        by_centers[xc, yc] = {cylinder.Surface.Radius: feature}

        for coord in tree.query_ball_point((xc, yc), cylinder.Surface.Radius):
            seen[coord] = True
            cylinder = getattr(base.Shape, features[coord])
            by_centers[xc, yc][cylinder.Surface.Radius] = features[coord]

    return by_centers
Exemplo n.º 25
class SupervoxelTree(object):

    def __init__(self, env, fname, transparency=0., dx=0.24, dz=1.38,

        dx -- X translation of the camera frame
        dz -- Z translation of the camera frame
        pitch -- pitch rotation of the camera frame

        self.boxes = self.read_centers(fname, dx, dz, pitch)
        self.tree = KDTree([box.p[:2] for box in self.boxes])

    def read_centers(self, fname, dx, dz, pitch):
        boxes = []
        with open(fname, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                v = map(float, line.split(','))
                with env:
                    name = 'sv%d' % len(env.GetBodies())
                    x = -cos(pitch) * v[1] + sin(pitch) * v[2] + dx
                    y = v[0]
                    z = -sin(pitch) * v[1] - cos(pitch) * v[2] + dz
                    boxes.append(Box(env, name, dims=[0.05, 0.05, 0.05],
                                     pose=[1., 0., 0., 0., x, y, z],
        return boxes

    def query(self, p, radius):
        indexes = self.tree.query_ball_point(p[0:2], radius)
        return [self.boxes[i] for i in indexes]
Exemplo n.º 26
    def parallelPoints(self, photos, eps=0.005, d=300):
        parallel = []
        if len(photos) > 0:
            tree = KDTree([p.center for p in photos])
            for point in self.excluded:
                index = self.tree.query(point)[1]
                if index > 0:
                    m1 = Duct._lineEquation(point, self.points[index - 1])[0]
                if index < len(self.points) - 1:
                    m2 = Duct._lineEquation(point, self.points[index + 1])[0]
                if 'm1' in locals() and 'm2' in locals():
                    # Pendiente de recta perpendicular en el punto
                    m = -2 / (m1 + m2)
                elif 'm1' in locals():
                    m = -1 / m1
                elif 'm2' in locals():
                    m = -1 / m2
                n = point[0] - m * point[1]

                indexes = tree.query_ball_point(point, eps)
                fewPhotos = [photos[i] for i in indexes]

                for photo in fewPhotos:
                    if (Duct.intersects((m, n), photo.corners)
                            and Duct.distance(point, photo.center) < d):
        self.parallel = parallel
Exemplo n.º 27
	def get_picking_position_for_single_item_bin(self, bin_letter, cur_camera_R, cur_camera_t, limb, 
		colorful=True, fit=False, threshold=0.01, crop=False, bin_bound=None, perturb_xform=None, 
		return_bin_content_cloud=False, return_normal=False):
		physical pre-condition: place the camera to the hard-coded tote-viewing position. 

		return (x,y,z) coordinate in global frame of position that has something to suck. 
		bin_content_cloud = self.get_current_bin_content_cloud(bin_letter, cur_camera_R, cur_camera_t, limb, 
			colorful=colorful, fit=fit, threshold=threshold, crop=crop, bin_bound=bin_bound, perturb_xform=perturb_xform)
		pos = self.find_max_density_3d(bin_content_cloud)
		bin_content_tree = KDTree(bin_content_cloud[:,0:3])
		neighbor_idxs = bin_content_tree.query_ball_point(pos, r=0.002)
		print 'neighbor_idxs is of type', neighbor_idxs.__class__
		if len(neighbor_idxs)==0:
			print 'no neighbors!'
			normal = [-1,0,0]
			pts = bin_content_tree[neighbor_idxs,0:3]
			normal = get_normal(pts)
		return_list = [pos]
		if return_bin_content_cloud:
			return_list += [bin_content_cloud]
		if return_normal:
			return_list += [normal]
		if len(return_list)==1:
			return return_list[0]
			return return_list
Exemplo n.º 28
    def addCommercialLabelToObjectStructure(self, confidenceImage, return_sum=False):
        if not self.objectStructure.empty:
            objAreas = self.objectStructure['area']
            isCommercialSize = objAreas >= self.commercialAreaThreshold

            neighborhoodFilter = np.ones([2 * self.commercialNeighborhoodRadius + 1] * 2)
            dummyImage = np.zeros(confidenceImage.shape)
            pixelList = np.vstack(np.array(self.objectStructure['pixelList'])).transpose()
            dummyImage[pixelList[0], pixelList[1]] = 1

            panelNeighborhoodCount = np.real(
                np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.fft2(dummyImage) * np.fft.fft2(neighborhoodFilter, dummyImage.shape)))  # imfilt
            countThreshold = int(self.commercialPanelDensityThreshold * np.prod(neighborhoodFilter.shape))
            commercialPanelMap = panelNeighborhoodCount > countThreshold
            commercialCenters = np.vstack(np.nonzero(commercialPanelMap)).transpose()

            if commercialCenters.any():
                panelCenters = np.vstack(
                    (self.objectStructure['iLocation'], self.objectStructure['jLocation'])).transpose()
                Mdl = KDTree(commercialCenters)
                # Search for panels with neighborhood radius of a commercial center
                out = Mdl.query_ball_point(panelCenters, self.commercialNeighborhoodRadius)
                isCommercialDensity = [bool(i) for i in out]
                isCommercialDensity = np.zeros(objAreas.shape, dtype=bool)

            self.objectStructure.isCommercial = isCommercialSize & isCommercialDensity

            if return_sum:
                non_commercial = self.objectStructure.loc[self.objectStructure['isCommercial'] is False]
Exemplo n.º 29
def filter_obj_info(OBJ_INFO):
    #OBJ_info.append( [ X1[i], Y1[i],
    #                   cRA10[i], cDEC10[i],
    #                   MAG1[i],
    #                   X2[j], Y2[j],
    #                   cRA20[j], cDEC20[j],
    #                   MAG2[j], SN1, SN2, NAME ] )

    ### filter on X1, X2, sn
    orig_obj = OBJ_INFO[:]
    OBJ_INFO = numpy.asarray(numpy.asarray(OBJ_INFO).T[0:-1], dtype='float')

    print OBJ_INFO[10]
    print OBJ_INFO[11]

    snv = OBJ_INFO[10]**2 + OBJ_INFO[11]**2

    X = OBJ_INFO[0]
    Y = OBJ_INFO[1]
    tree = KDTree(numpy.asarray([X, Y]).T)
    keep = []
    for i in range(0, len(X)):
        match_inds = tree.query_ball_point([X[i], Y[i]], 3.0)
        if numpy.all(snv[i] >= snv[match_inds]):

    print ' Original length: %d' % (len(orig_obj))
    print 'Collapsed length: %d' % (len(keep))

    return keep
Exemplo n.º 30
class StarCollection:
    def __init__(self, list):
        self._list = list
        self._tree_array = [[star.coords.x, star.coords.y, star.coords.z]
                            for star in list]
        self._tree = KDTree(self._tree_array)

    def get_by_id(self, id):
        return [x for x in self._list if x.id == id][0]

    def get_neighbors(self, current, min_dist, max_dist, goal):
        # return [x for x in self._list if min_dist**2 < current.coords.dist_squared(x.coords) < max_dist**2 and x is not current]
        indexes = self._tree.query_ball_point(
            [current.coords.x, current.coords.y, current.coords.z], max_dist)
        stars = [self._list[i] for i in indexes]

        dist_current_to_goal = current.coords.dist(goal.coords)

        results = []
        for star in stars:
            dist_goal_to_star = goal.coords.dist(star.coords)
            dist_current_to_star = current.coords.dist(star.coords)

            if dist_current_to_star < min_dist:
            if dist_current_to_goal < dist_goal_to_star:


        return results
Exemplo n.º 31
def filter_obj_info( OBJ_INFO ):
    #OBJ_info.append( [ X1[i], Y1[i],
    #                   cRA10[i], cDEC10[i],
    #                   MAG1[i],
    #                   X2[j], Y2[j],
    #                   cRA20[j], cDEC20[j],
    #                   MAG2[j], SN1, SN2, NAME ] )

    ### filter on X1, X2, sn
    orig_obj = OBJ_INFO[:]
    OBJ_INFO = numpy.asarray( numpy.asarray( OBJ_INFO ).T[0:-1], dtype='float')

    print OBJ_INFO[10]
    print OBJ_INFO[11]
    snv = OBJ_INFO[10]**2 + OBJ_INFO[11]**2

    X = OBJ_INFO[0]
    Y = OBJ_INFO[1]
    tree = KDTree( numpy.asarray( [X,Y] ).T )
    keep = []
    for i in range(0, len(X)):
        match_inds = tree.query_ball_point( [X[i],Y[i]], 3.0 )
        if numpy.all( snv[i] >= snv[ match_inds ] ):
            keep.append( orig_obj[i] )

    print ' Original length: %d'%( len(orig_obj) )
    print 'Collapsed length: %d'%( len(keep) )
    return keep
Exemplo n.º 32
        def compare_image(the_image):
            """Return the fraction of sources found in the original image"""
            # pixel comparison is not good, doesn't work. Compare catalogs.
            if isinstance(the_image, np.ma.MaskedArray):
                full_algn = the_image.filled(fill_value=np.median(the_image))\
                full_algn = the_image.astype('float32')
            full_algn[the_image == 0] = np.median(the_image)
            import sep
            bkg = sep.Background(full_algn)
            thresh = 3.0 * bkg.globalrms
            allobjs = sep.extract(full_algn - bkg.back(), thresh)
            allxy = np.array([[obj['x'], obj['y']] for obj in allobjs])

            from scipy.spatial import KDTree
            ref_coordtree = KDTree(self.star_new_pos)

            # Compare here srcs list with self.star_ref_pos
            num_sources = 0
            for asrc in allxy:
                found_source = ref_coordtree.query_ball_point(asrc, 3)
                if found_source:
                    num_sources += 1
            fraction_found = float(num_sources) / float(len(allxy))
            return fraction_found
    def PRM(self):
        if self.num_points is 0:
            print("\nNo points sampled\n")
        # set up KD tree
        from scipy.spatial import KDTree
        T = KDTree(self.points)
        # calculate edges
        for pt1 in self.points:
            # idx := list of points in ball around pt1
            idx = T.query_ball_point(pt1, r=self.r)
            for indx2 in idx:
                print("Debug", indx2, pt1)
                self.edges[pt1][self.points[indx2]] = True
            # print("In neighborhood of ", pt, ": ", idx)

        # go through edges
        for pt1, list2 in d.items():
            for pt2, true in list2.items():
                # TO DO check edge
                if self.connect_two_points(pt1, pt2) is True:
                    # TO DO add to plot
                    self.lines.append([pt1, pt2])
                    # TO DO remove itself
                    del self.edges[pt1][pt2]
                    print("Error A1")
                    # TO DO remove identical one
                    del self.edges[pt2][pt1]
                    print("Error A2, not symmetric???1!?")
Exemplo n.º 34
def features_by_centers(base, features):
        from scipy.spatial import KDTree
    except ImportError:
        from PathScripts.kdtree import KDTree

    features = sorted(features,
                      key=lambda feature: getattr(base.Shape, feature).Surface.Radius,

    coordinates = [(cylinder.Surface.Center.x, cylinder.Surface.Center.y) for cylinder in
                   [getattr(base.Shape, feature) for feature in features]]

    tree = KDTree(coordinates)
    seen = {}

    by_centers = {}
    for n, feature in enumerate(features):
        if n in seen:
        seen[n] = True

        cylinder = getattr(base.Shape, feature)
        xc, yc, _ = cylinder.Surface.Center
        by_centers[xc, yc] = {cylinder.Surface.Radius: feature}

        for coord in tree.query_ball_point((xc, yc), cylinder.Surface.Radius):
            seen[coord] = True
            cylinder = getattr(base.Shape, features[coord])
            by_centers[xc, yc][cylinder.Surface.Radius] = features[coord]

    return by_centers
Exemplo n.º 35
def explore_neighbours(train_df, test_df):
    r = 0.001
    df = train_df[[LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, TARGET]]
    df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=[TARGET])
    tree = KDTree(df[[LATITUDE, LONGITUDE]].values)
    t = test_df[[LATITUDE, LONGITUDE]]
    t['res'] = tree.query_ball_point(t.values, r=r)
def purge_zoverlap(df, z_dist=2):
    zidxes = df.z.unique()
    for z_i in range(len(zidxes) - 1):
        subdf = df[(df.z == zidxes[z_i]) | (df.z == zidxes[z_i + 1])]
        yx = subdf.centroid.values
        yx = np.stack(yx, axis=0)
        tree = KDTree(yx)
        dclust = DBSCAN(eps=2, min_samples=2)
        skip_list = set(np.where(dclust.labels_ == -1)[0])
        nomatches = []
        drop_list = []
        for idx, i in enumerate(yx):
            if idx % 10000 == 0:
            if idx in skip_list:
            m = tree.query_ball_point(i, 2)
            m = [j for j in m if j != idx]

            row_query = subdf.iloc[idx]
            for j in m:
                row_match = subdf.iloc[j]
                if row_match.cword_idx != row_query.cword_idx:

                if row_match.npixels >= row_query.npixels:
                    drop_list.append((idx, j))
                    drop_list.append((j, idx))
        if len(drop_list) > 0:
            droppers, keepers = zip(*drop_list)
            df.drop(index=subdf.iloc[list(droppers)].index, inplace=True)
    return df
Exemplo n.º 37
def compute_matches_parallel(blocks, features, begin_idx, end_idx,
    kd_tree = KDTree(features)
    matches_indices = list()

    previous_percentage = -1

    pos = begin_idx
    while pos < end_idx:
        found_matches = kd_tree.query_ball_point(features[pos],

        # Exclude nearby blocks
        filtered_matches = filter(
            lambda x: euclidean_distance(
                np.array([blocks[x].center_row, blocks[x].center_col]),
                np.array([blocks[pos].center_row, blocks[pos].center_col])) > 2
            * config.block_radius, found_matches)

        if len(filtered_matches) > 0:  #Check if there are matches

        pos += 1

        percentage = int(100 * float(pos - begin_idx) / (end_idx - begin_idx))
        if percentage > previous_percentage:
            previous_percentage = percentage
                str('    Process id: ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' - Percentage: ' +
                    str(percentage) + '%'))

Exemplo n.º 38
def radius_ball_search_o3d_radii(pc,
    # radius-ball search
    keypoints = pc[kpt_indices]
    search = KDTree(pc)
    all_pc = []
    for idx, kpt in enumerate(kpt_indices):
        r = search_radius * 2
        indices = search.query_ball_point(pc[kpt], r)
        if len(indices) == 0:
            i = 1024 if input_num is None else input_num
            all_pc.append(np.zeros([i, 3], dtype=np.float32))
            searched_thresh = search_radius * radii[indices] / 0.025
            candidates = pc[indices]
            dists = np.sqrt(
                np.sum((candidates - keypoints[idx][None])**2, axis=1))
            select = np.argwhere(dists <= searched_thresh).reshape(-1)
            subsampled = smoothing(candidates[select])
    return all_pc
Exemplo n.º 39
def radius_ball_search_o3d(pcd, kpt, search_radius, voxel_size=0.015, return_normals=False, input_num=None, name=None):
    # radius-ball search

    normals_at_kpt = None
    from_o3d = lambda pcd: np.asarray(pcd.points)
    keypoints = from_o3d(pcd)[kpt]
    pcd_down = pcd.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=voxel_size) #0.015
    # pcd_down = pcd
    pc = from_o3d(pcd_down)

    if return_normals:
        if len(pcd.normals) != len(pcd.points):
                raise RuntimeError('[!] The point cloud needs normals.')
        normals_at_kpt = np.asarray(pcd.normals)[kpt]

    search = KDTree(pc)
    results = search.query_ball_point(keypoints, search_radius)
    all_pc = []
    for indices in results:
        # print(len(indices))
        if len(indices) <= 1:
            i = 1024 if input_num is None else input_num
            if input_num is not None:
                resample_indices, patch = pctk.uniform_resample_np(pc[indices], input_num)
                patch = pc[indices]
    if return_normals:
        all_pc = transform_with_normals(all_pc, normals_at_kpt)

    return all_pc, pcd_down, normals_at_kpt
Exemplo n.º 40
        def compare_image(the_image):
            """Return the fraction of sources found in the reference image"""
            # pixel comparison is not good, doesn't work. Compare catalogs.
            if isinstance(the_image, np.ma.MaskedArray):
                full_algn = the_image.filled(fill_value=np.median(the_image))\
                full_algn = the_image.astype('float32')
            # full_algn[the_image == 0] = np.median(the_image)
            import sep
            bkg = sep.Background(full_algn)
            thresh = 3.0 * bkg.globalrms
            allobjs = sep.extract(full_algn - bkg.back(), thresh)
            allxy = np.array([[obj['x'], obj['y']] for obj in allobjs])

            from scipy.spatial import KDTree
            ref_coordtree = KDTree(self.star_ref_pos)

            # Compare here srcs list with self.star_ref_pos
            num_sources = 0
            for asrc in allxy:
                found_source = ref_coordtree.query_ball_point(asrc, 3)
                if found_source:
                    num_sources += 1
            fraction_found = float(num_sources) / float(len(allxy))
            return fraction_found
def kdtreeApproach(tripLocations, startRectangle, endRectangle):
    #indices is a list that should contain the indices of the trips in the tripLocations list
    #which start in the startRectangle region and end in the endRectangle region
    indices = []

    trip1 = []
    trip2 = []
    for i,j,k,l in tripLocations:
    #print trip1
    startTime = time.time()

    srad = sqrt((startRectangle[0][0] - startRectangle[0][1])**2 + (startRectangle[1][0] - startRectangle[1][1])**2)/float(2)
    erad = sqrt((endRectangle[0][0] - endRectangle[0][1])**2 + (endRectangle[1][0] - endRectangle[1][1])**2)/float(2)
    startx = (startRectangle[0][0] + startRectangle[0][1])/2
    starty = (startRectangle[1][0] + startRectangle[1][1])/2
    endx = (endRectangle[0][0] + endRectangle[0][1])/2
    endy = (endRectangle[1][0] + endRectangle[1][1])/2

    tree1 = KDTree(trip1)
    tree2 = KDTree(trip2)
    start = set(tree1.query_ball_point([startx,starty], srad))
    end = set(tree2.query_ball_point([endx, endy], erad))
    in_both = list(start.intersection(end))
    print len(in_both)
    for i in in_both:
        if startRectangle[0][0]<=tripLocations[i][0] and startRectangle[0][1]>=tripLocations[i][0] and startRectangle[1][0]<=tripLocations[i][1] and startRectangle[1][1]>=tripLocations[i][1] and endRectangle[0][0]<=tripLocations[i][2] and endRectangle[0][1]>=tripLocations[i][2] and endRectangle[1][0]<=tripLocations[i][3] and endRectangle[1][1]>=tripLocations[i][3]:
    print indices        
    #print indices

    #TODO: insert your code here. You should build the kdtree and use it to query the closest
    #      intersection for each trip

    endTime = time.time()
    print 'The kdtree computation took', (endTime - startTime), 'seconds'
    return indices
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_random_ball_vectorized():

    n = 20
    m = 5
    T = KDTree(np.random.randn(n,m))

    r = T.query_ball_point(np.random.randn(2,3,m),1)
Exemplo n.º 43
Arquivo: rock.py Projeto: NSCO/NSCO
 def __init__(self,datos,r):
     self._datos = datos
     _arbol =KDTree(datos)
     _vecinos = _arbol.query_ball_point(self._datos,r,2)
     self._datos = datos
     self._links = lil_matrix((datos.shape[0], datos.shape[0]))
     for i in range(0,self._datos.shape[0]):
         N = _vecinos[i]
         for j in range(0,len(N)-1):
             for k in range(j+1,len(N)):
Exemplo n.º 44
def isolated_index(x, y, radius=6.):
    logger.info('Filtering with an isolation radius: %s', radius)
    tree = KDTree(np.vstack([x, y]).T)
    index = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=bool)
    for i in np.arange(x.size):
        within = tree.query_ball_point((x[i], y[i]), radius)
        # There should be only one star (the target) within `radius` pixels
        if len(within) == 1:
            index[i] = True

    return index
Exemplo n.º 45
def is_indexed(q, reflections, tolerance):
    """Check if a q vector is indexed by a set of reflections

    :param q: the q vector to check
    :param reflections: the list of reflections to find if this matches
    :param tolerance: the tolerance on the difference between q and the nearest
    :return: whether this q is indexed by this list of reflections
    kdtree = KDTree(reflections)
    result = kdtree.query_ball_point(q, r=tolerance)
    return len(result) > 0
class Fast_DBSCAN:

    def __init__(self, data, minPts=5, eps=.1):
        self.minPts = minPts
        self.eps = eps
        self.data = data #necessary for KDTree queries
        self.num_points = data.shape[0]
        self.num_features = data.shape[1]
        #self.dist_mat = pairwise_distances(data)
        #self.kd_tree = KDTree(data) #consider changing the default "leafsize" parameter
        self.kd_tree = KDTree(data, self.num_points/8)#self.num_points**.5)
        self.visited = np.zeros(self.num_points)
        self.noise = np.zeros(self.num_points) #what's the point of this?
        self.cluster_assignment = np.zeros(self.num_points) #cluster==0 --> cluster unassigned
        self.current_cluster = 1
    def _region_query(self, this_point):
        # Needs to to be a list vs an array so that I can extend it while looping in "_expand_cluster"
        #return np.where(self.dist_mat[this_point,:] < self.eps)[0].tolist()
        return self.kd_tree.query_ball_point(self.data[this_point,:],self.eps)
    def _expand_cluster(self,base_point,neighbors):
        self.cluster_assignment[base_point] = self.current_cluster #needs it's own case since it was already visited
        for this_point in neighbors:
            if not self.visited[this_point]:
                self.visited[this_point] = 1
                new_neighbors = self._region_query(this_point)
                if len(new_neighbors) >= self.minPts:
                    neighbors += new_neighbors
            if self.cluster_assignment[this_point] == 0:
                self.cluster_assignment[this_point] = self.current_cluster
    def cluster(self):
        for this_point in range(self.num_points):
            if not self.visited[this_point]:
                self.visited[this_point] = 1
                neighbors = self._region_query(this_point)
                if len(neighbors) < self.minPts:
                    self.noise[this_point] = 1
                    self.current_cluster += 1
Exemplo n.º 47
    def test_find_sources(self):
        srcs = astroalign.find_sources(self.image_ref)

        from scipy.spatial import KDTree
        ref_coordtree = KDTree(self.star_ref_pos)

        # Compare here srcs list with self.star_ref_pos
        num_sources = 0
        for asrc in srcs:
            found_source = ref_coordtree.query_ball_point(asrc, 3)
            if found_source:
                num_sources += 1
        fraction_found = float(num_sources) / float(len(srcs))
        self.assertGreater(fraction_found, 0.85)
Exemplo n.º 48
class SupervoxelTree(PointSet):

    def __init__(self, env, fname):
        super(SupervoxelTree, self).__init__(env, fname)
        dims = [0.05] * 3 if 'super' in fname else [0.02] * 3
        self.boxes = []
        for (x, y, z) in self.points:
            name = 'sv%d' % len(self.env.GetBodies())
            self.boxes.append(Box(self.env, name, dims=dims,
                                  pose=[1., 0., 0., 0., x, y, z], color='r'))
        self.tree = KDTree([box.p[:2] for box in self.boxes])

    def query(self, p, radius):
        indexes = self.tree.query_ball_point(p[0:2], radius)
        return [self.boxes[i] for i in indexes]
def kdtreeApproach(tripLocations, startRectangle, endRectangle):
    #indices is a list that should contain the indices of the trips in the tripLocations list
    #which start in the startRectangle region and end in the endRectangle region
    indices = []
    startTime = time.time()

    #TODO: insert your code here. You should build the kdtree and use it to query the closest
    #      intersection for each trip
    startpoint = []
    endpoint = []
    for item in tripLocations:
    #print start
    startTime = time.time()

    rs = ((startRectangle[0][0] - startRectangle[0][1])**2 + (startRectangle[1][0] - startRectangle[1][1])**2)**0.5/float(2)
    re = ((endRectangle[0][0] - endRectangle[0][1])**2 + (endRectangle[1][0] - endRectangle[1][1])**2)**0.5/float(2)
    os = [(startRectangle[0][0] + startRectangle[0][1])/2,(startRectangle[1][0] + startRectangle[1][1])/2]
    oe = [(endRectangle[0][0] + endRectangle[0][1])/2,(endRectangle[1][0] + endRectangle[1][1])/2]

    Stree = KDTree(startpoint)
    Etree = KDTree(endpoint)
    startpoint = set(Stree.query_ball_point(os, rs))
    endpoint = set(Etree.query_ball_point(oe, re))
    s_e = list(startpoint.intersection(endpoint))
    for point in s_e:
        if startRectangle[0][1]>=tripLocations[point][0]>=startRectangle[0][0]and startRectangle[1][1]>=tripLocations[point][1]>=startRectangle[1][0] and startRectangle[0][1]>=tripLocations[point][2]>=startRectangle[0][0]and startRectangle[1][1]>=tripLocations[point][3]>=startRectangle[1][0]:
    endTime = time.time()
    print 'The kdtree computation took', (endTime - startTime), 'seconds'
    return indices
def kdtreeApproach(intersections, tripLocations, distanceThreshold):
    #counts is a dictionary that has as keys the intersection index in the intersections list
    #and as values the number of trips in the tripLocation list which are within a distance of
    #distanceThreshold from the intersection
    counts = {}
    startTime = time.time()
    #TODO: insert your code here. You should build the kdtree and use it to query the closest
    #      intersection for each trip
    tree = KDTree(intersections)
    pointlist = tree.query_ball_point(tripLocations,distanceThreshold)
    for i in xrange(len(pointlist)):
        counts[i] = len(pointlist[i])

    endTime = time.time()
    print 'The kdtree computation took', (endTime - startTime), 'seconds'
    return counts
Exemplo n.º 51
def normal_correction(approachrays,r=0.05):
    T = KDTree(approachrays[:,0:3])
    rays = []
    N = len(approachrays)
    initialTime = t
    for i in range(0,len(approachrays)):
        idx = T.query_ball_point(approachrays[i,0:3],r)
        for ind in idx:
            if dot(approachrays[i,3:6],approachrays[ind,3:6])<0:
        if i%10000==0:
            print str(i)+'/'+str(N)
            print 'elapsed time= '+str(time.time()-t)
    return rays
Exemplo n.º 52
def subtract_model(model_cloud, scene_cloud=None, scene_tree=None, threshold=0.01):
	subtract model from scene. return indices of scene points that should be kept (beyond a threshold of any points in the model)
	assert scene_cloud is not None or scene_tree is not None, 'Either scene_model or scene_tree must be provided'
	model_cloud = np.array(model_cloud)
	if scene_tree is None:
		scene_cloud = np.array(scene_cloud)
		assert scene_cloud.shape[1]==3, 'scene_cloud dimension must be Nx3'
		print "Making KDTree with %d points"%scene_cloud.shape[0]
		scene_tree = KDTree(scene_cloud)
	print "Querying neighbors within %f of %d points"%(threshold, model_cloud.shape[0])
	idxs = scene_tree.query_ball_point(model_cloud, threshold)
	print "Done"
	idxs = [i for group in idxs for i in group] # flattened indices
	discard_idxs = set(idxs)
	all_idxs = set(range(scene_cloud.shape[0]))
	keep_idxs = all_idxs - discard_idxs
	return list(keep_idxs)
Exemplo n.º 53
def find_nearest_hkl(qs, reflections, hkls, tolerance):
    """Find the nearest HKL value that indexes each of the q vectors

    :param qs: the q vectors for satellite peaks to index
    :param reflections: the list of reflections to search
    :param hkls: the list of hkl values mapping to each reflection
    :param tolerance: the tolerance on the difference between a given q and
                      the nearest reflection
    :return: MxN matrix of integers indexing the q vectors. Unindexed vectors
             will be returned as all zeros.
    kdtree = KDTree(reflections)

    final_indexing = []
    for i, q in enumerate(qs):
        result = kdtree.query_ball_point(q, r=tolerance)
        if len(result) > 0:
            smallest = sort_vectors_by_norm(hkls[result])

    return np.vstack(final_indexing)
def kdtreeApproach(intersections, tripLocations, distanceThreshold):
    # counts is a dictionary that has as keys the intersection index in the intersections list
    # and as values the number of trips in the tripLocation list which are within a distance of
    # distanceThreshold from the intersection
    counts = {}
    startTime = time.time()

    # TODO: insert your code here. You should build the kdtree and use it to query the closest
    #      intersection for each trip
    intersections = KDTree(intersections)
    idx_start = intersections.query_ball_point(tripLocations, distanceThreshold)

    for item in idx_start:
        for i in item:
            if i in counts:
                counts[i] += 1
                counts[i] = 1
    endTime = time.time()

    print "The kdtree computation took", (endTime - startTime), "seconds"
    return counts
Exemplo n.º 55
def match( xv1, xv2 ):
    ##-- a cross-correlation matcher that assumes
    ##-- that there is no rotation or scale variation
    ##-- between images.
    ilist = ifilter_mag( itertools.product( xv1, xv2 ) )
    dxy = map( lambda x: [ x[0][0] - x[1][0], x[0][1] - x[1][1] ], ilist )
    dxy = numpy.asarray( dxy ).T    
    tree = KDTree( dxy.T )
    tree_xy = KDTree( xv1[:,0:2] )
    #print 'trees built - correlating...'
    N = map( lambda x: len( tree.query_ball_point( x, 5.0 ) ), dxy.T )
    x = numpy.argmax(N)

    xv1ret, xv2ret = [],[]
    for k in xv2[:,0:2]:
        r, i = tree_xy.query(  [ k[0] + dxy.T[x][0], k[1] + dxy.T[x][1] ] )
        if r < 5:
            xv1ret.append( xv1[i][0:2] )
            xv2ret.append( k )
    return numpy.asarray(xv1ret), numpy.asarray(xv2ret)
Exemplo n.º 56
        sums = sums + sum(diff,0)
    return sums    

rR = concatenate((reachableRays,AllreachableRays))
T = KDTree(rR[:,0:3])

iI = concatenate((iksolList,AlliksolList))
initialsols = []
for i in iI:

joints = [3,4]
while True:
    Index = range(0,len(iI))
    while len(Index)>0:
        k = random.choice(Index)
        idxs = T.query_ball_point(reachableRays[k,0:3],r=0.05)[1:]
        possibleSols = iI[k]
        diffs = []
        for sol in possibleSols:
            diff = []
            for idx in idxs:
    sums = stopcriteria(T,initialsols,joints)
Exemplo n.º 57
class Grid(dict):

    def __init__(self, spaxels, *args, **keywords):

        lines = spaxels[:,3].astype(int)
        fibers = spaxels[:,2].astype(int)
        x_pos = spaxels[:,0]
        y_pos = spaxels[:,1]

        neighbours = zip(x_pos.ravel(), y_pos.ravel())
        self.neighbours = KDTree(neighbours)

        diccionario= dict((k, []) for k in np.unique(fibers))

        for fib in np.unique(fibers):
            aux = {}
            aux['real_fiber'] = fib
            aux['trace'] = lines[fibers==fib].tolist()
            aux['x_pos'] = x_pos[fibers==fib].tolist()
            aux['y_pos'] = y_pos[fibers==fib].tolist()

            diccionario[fib] = aux

        super(Grid, self).__init__(diccionario)

        # matriz = self.matrix_generation(spaxels)
        # matriz = self.delete_ceroes(matriz)
        # matriz = np.flipud(matriz)
        # self.default = matriz

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return super(Grid, self).get(key, self.default)

    def matrix_generation(self, spaxels):
        spaxels = spaxels[np.where((spaxels[:,0] >= -20) & (spaxels[:,0] <=20) & (spaxels[:,1] >= -20) & (spaxels[:,1] <=20))]
        ox = np.around(spaxels[:,0], decimals=3)
        oy = np.around(spaxels[:,1], decimals=3)
        fiber_number = spaxels[:,3].astype(int)

        paso_ox = 0.465
        paso_oy = 0.268

        col_x = np.around(ox/paso_ox, decimals=1) + 13
        col_y = np.around(oy/paso_oy, decimals=1) + 21  #20 si usamos LCB_spaxel_centers.dat

        col_x = col_x.astype(int)
        col_y = col_y.astype(int)

        coordenadas = zip(col_x, col_y, fiber_number)

        matriz = np.zeros((42,27))

        for elem in coordenadas:
            matriz[elem[1],elem[0]] = elem[2]

        return matriz

    def delete_ceroes(self, matriz):
        # pintar_matriz(matriz)
        nueva_matriz = np.zeros((22,27))
        for indice, row in enumerate(matriz):
            nueva_fila = row
            if indice not in [matriz.shape[0]-1,0]:
                if indice%2 ==0:
                    nueva_fila = row + matriz[indice-1,:]
                    nueva_matriz[indice/2,:] = nueva_fila
                    nueva_matriz[(indice//2)+1,:] = nueva_fila
            elif indice in [0]:
                nueva_matriz[indice,:] = nueva_fila
                nueva_matriz[-1,:] = nueva_fila
        for cont in xrange(1,27,2):
            nueva_matriz[:,cont] = np.roll(nueva_matriz[:,cont].T, 1, axis=0).T
        # nueva_matriz = np.delete(nueva_matriz, -1, 0)

        return nueva_matriz

    def dump_matriz(self, matriz):
        import pandas
        df = pandas.DataFrame(matriz) # Papel
        # df = pandas.DataFrame(matriz)

    def find(self, item):
        A fast lookup by value implementation
        for pos, value in self.items():
            if item == value or item in value:
                return pos
        return None

    def get_from_trace(self, trace):
        for pos, value in self.items():
            if trace in value['trace']:
                indice = np.where(np.in1d(value['trace'], trace)==True)[0][0]
                bun = value['real_fiber']
                x_pos = value['x_pos'][indice]
                y_pos = value['y_pos'][indice]
                return trace, bun, x_pos, y_pos
        return None

    def get_neighbours(self, points, radius=0.5):
        ind = np.array(self.neighbours.query_ball_point(points, r=radius))+1 # We add +1 because .dat file starts in 1
        return ind

    def get_fiber(self, points):
        ind = np.array(self.neighbours.query(points, k=1))[1]
        return int(ind)
Exemplo n.º 58
Arquivo: b.py Projeto: Neverous/team
i = 0
for x, y, r in list(map(lambda x: tuple(map(lambda x: int(x), x.split())), open(sys.argv[1]).read().split("\n")[1:-1])):
	if not (x, y) in points or points[(x, y)][0] <= r:
		points[(x, y)] = (r, i)

	i += 1

#def dist(a, b):
#	return (a[0] - b[0]) ** 2 + (a[1] - b[1]) ** 2

result = []
tree = KDTree(list(points.keys()))
for x, y in sorted(list(points.keys()), key = lambda x: -points[x][0]):
	if (x, y) in blown:

	result.append(str(points[(x, y)][1]))
	blowing = []
	blowing.append((x, y))
	while len(blowing):
		x, y = blowing.pop()
		if (x, y) in blown:

		blown.add((x, y))
		#blowing.extend(filter(lambda z: not z in blown and dist(z, (x, y)) <= points[(x, y)][0] ** 2, list(points.keys())))
		blowing.extend(map(lambda x: tree.data[x], filter(lambda x: not x in blown, tree.query_ball_point((x, y), points[(x, y)][0]))))

print(' '.join(result))
Exemplo n.º 59
 # features which are created when the community goes
 # down a road away from the main group.
 has_tail = True  # guilty until proven innocent
 while has_tail:
     hull_outline = LineString(shape.exterior)
     characteristic_size = math.sqrt(shape.area)
     outline_pts = hull_outline.coords[:]
     # find the projections along the line lenght for each point
     projections = [hull_outline.project(Point(x)) for x in outline_pts]
     # so we can find neighbors close to each other
     outline_kdtree = KDTree(outline_pts)
     biggest_tail = None
     for idx, point in enumerate(outline_pts):
         proj = projections[idx]
         # find nearest neighbors, within 5% of total size
         neighbors = outline_kdtree.query_ball_point(
             point, r=characteristic_size * args.tail_pinch)
         for neighbor in neighbors:
             neighbor_point = outline_pts[neighbor]
             if neighbor_point == point:
             neighbor_proj = projections[neighbor]
             # Find distance along edge in both directions.
             # Must wrap around at proj = 0.
             # The smaller of the two is the relevant one.
             distance_along_edge = abs(neighbor_proj - proj)
             distance_along_edge = min(
                 hull_outline.length - distance_along_edge
             distance_as_crow_flies = math.hypot(
                 point[0] - neighbor_point[0],
print "KDTree %d lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time()-t)
del w

t = time.time()
w = T2.query(queries)
print "cKDTree %d lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time()-t)
del w

T3 = cKDTree(data,leafsize=n)
t = time.time()
w = T3.query(queries)
print "flat cKDTree %d lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time()-t)
del w

t = time.time()
w1 = T1.query_ball_point(queries, 0.2)
print "KDTree %d ball lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time()-t)

t = time.time()
w2 = T2.query_ball_point(queries, 0.2)
print "cKDTree %d ball lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time()-t)

t = time.time()
w3 = T3.query_ball_point(queries, 0.2)
print "flat cKDTree %d ball lookups:\t%g" % (r, time.time()-t)

all_good = True
for a, b in zip(w1, w2):
    if sorted(a) != sorted(b):
        all_good = False
for a, b in zip(w1, w3):