Exemplo n.º 1
def _sha3_secp256k1_deploy_data(current_height,
    sender = get_sender(privatekey, False)
    if privatekey is None:
        temp = private_key()
        privkey = PrivateKey(hex2bytes(temp))
        privkey = PrivateKey(hex2bytes(privatekey))

    nonce = get_nonce()
    logger.debug("nonce is {}".format(nonce))

    tx = Transaction()
    tx.valid_until_block = current_height + 88
    tx.nonce = nonce
    tx.version = version
    if version == 0:
        chainid = get_chainid()
        logger.info("version-{}, chainid-{}".format(version, chainid))
        tx.chain_id = chainid
    elif version < 3:
        chainid = get_chainid_v1()
        logger.info("version-{}, chainid_v1-{}".format(version, chainid))
        tx.chain_id_v1 = chainid.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
        logger.error("unexpected version {}".format(version))
    if receiver is not None:
        if version == 0:
            tx.to = receiver
        elif version < 3:
            tx.to_v1 = hex2bytes(receiver)
            logger.error("unexpected version {}".format(version))
    tx.data = hex2bytes(bytecode)
    tx.value = value.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
    tx.quota = quota

    message = sha3(tx.SerializeToString())

    logger.debug("hash message: {}")
    sign_recover = privkey.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(message, raw=True)
    sig = privkey.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sign_recover)

    signature = binascii.hexlify(sig[0]) + binascii.hexlify(

    unverify_tx = UnverifiedTransaction()
    unverify_tx.signature = hex2bytes(signature)
    unverify_tx.crypto = Crypto.Value('DEFAULT')

    logger.info("unverify_tx is {}".format(
    return binascii.hexlify(unverify_tx.SerializeToString())
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_deploy_data(bytecode, privatekey, receiver=None):
    privkey = PrivateKey(hex2bytes(privatekey))
    sender = get_sender()
    nonce = get_nonce(sender)
    print("nonce is {}".format(nonce))

    tx = Transaction()
    tx.valid_until_block = 4294967296
    tx.nonce = nonce
    if receiver is not None:
        tx.to = receiver
    tx.data = hex2bytes(bytecode)

    message = sha3(tx.SerializeToString())
    sign_recover = privkey.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(message, raw=True)
    sig = privkey.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sign_recover)
    signature = binascii.hexlify(
        sig[0]) + binascii.hexlify(bytes(bytearray([sig[1]])))

    unverify_tx = UnverifiedTransaction()
    unverify_tx.signature = hex2bytes(signature)
    unverify_tx.crypto = Crypto.Value('SECP')

    signed_transaction = SignedTransaction()
    signed_transaction.tx_hash = sha3(unverify_tx.SerializeToString())
    pub = recover_pub(hex2bytes(privatekey))
    signed_transaction.signer = pub

    return binascii.hexlify(signed_transaction.SerializeToString())
Exemplo n.º 3
def ecdsa_sign(msghash, privkey):
    assert len(msghash) == 32
    pk = PrivateKey(privkey, raw=True, ctx=ctx)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msghash, raw=True))
    new = signature[0] + chr(signature[1])
    return new
Exemplo n.º 4
def sign(data: bytes, private_key_seed_ascii: str):
    priv = private_key_seed_ascii
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(data, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    return signature, eth_privtoaddr(priv)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_ecrecover():
    s = tester.state()
    c = s.abi_contract(ecrecover_code)

    priv = utils.sha3('some big long brainwallet password')
    pub = bitcoin.privtopub(priv)

    msghash = utils.sha3('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog')

    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msghash, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    V = utils.safe_ord(signature[64]) + 27
    R = big_endian_to_int(signature[0:32])
    S = big_endian_to_int(signature[32:64])

    assert bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_verify(msghash, (V, R, S), pub)

    addr = utils.big_endian_to_int(
        utils.sha3(bitcoin.encode_pubkey(pub, 'bin')[1:])[12:])
    assert utils.big_endian_to_int(utils.privtoaddr(priv)) == addr

    result = c.test_ecrecover(utils.big_endian_to_int(msghash), V, R, S)
    assert result == addr
Exemplo n.º 6
    def sign(self, privkey):
        """Sign this with a private key"""
        if self.v:
            raise InvalidSignature("already signed")

        if privkey in (0, '', '\x00' * 32):
            raise InvalidSignature("Zero privkey cannot sign")
        rawhash = sha3(
            rlp.encode(self, self.__class__.exclude(['v', 'r', 's'])))

        if len(privkey) == 64:
            privkey = encode_privkey(privkey, 'bin')

        pk = PrivateKey(privkey, raw=True)
        signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
            pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True))

        signature = signature[0] + chr(signature[1])

        self.v = ord(signature[64]) + 27
        self.r = big_endian_to_int(signature[0:32])
        self.s = big_endian_to_int(signature[32:64])

        self._sender = None
        return self
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_ecrecover():
    s = tester.state()
    c = s.abi_contract(ecrecover_code)

    priv = utils.sha3('some big long brainwallet password')
    pub = bitcoin.privtopub(priv)

    msghash = utils.sha3('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog')

    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msghash, raw=True)
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    V = utils.safe_ord(signature[64]) + 27
    R = big_endian_to_int(signature[0:32])
    S = big_endian_to_int(signature[32:64])

    assert bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_verify(msghash, (V, R, S), pub)

    addr = utils.big_endian_to_int(utils.sha3(bitcoin.encode_pubkey(pub, 'bin')[1:])[12:])
    assert utils.big_endian_to_int(utils.privtoaddr(priv)) == addr

    result = c.test_ecrecover(utils.big_endian_to_int(msghash), V, R, S)
    assert result == addr
Exemplo n.º 8
class Account:
    priv_key_hex = None
    priv_key = None

    def __init__(self, priv_key):
        self.priv_key_hex = priv_key
        self.priv_key = PrivateKey(bytes(bytearray.fromhex(priv_key)))

    def sign(self, tx):
        tx['v'] = 1
        tx['r'] = 0
        tx['s'] = 0

        unsigned_transaction = w3.eth.account.unsigned_transaction(tx)
        sig = self.priv_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(unsigned_transaction.hash(),
        serialized, v = self.priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig)
        r = int.from_bytes(serialized[:32], byteorder='big')
        s = int.from_bytes(serialized[32:], byteorder='big')
        raw = w3.eth.account.encode_signed_transaction(unsigned_transaction,
                                                       vrs=(v + 37, r, s))
        return raw, keccak(raw)

    def address(self):
        return blocksmith.EthereumWallet.generate_address(self.priv_key_hex)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def sign(self, key):
        """Sign this transaction with a private key.

        A potentially already existing signature would be overridden.
        if not is_bitcoin_available() or not is_secp256k1_available():
            raise ImportError(
                "In order to sign transactions the "
                "`bitcoin` and `secp256k1` packages must be installed."
        from bitcoin import privtopub
        from secp256k1 import PrivateKey

        if key in (0, b'', b'\x00' * 32, b'0' * 64):
            raise ValueError("Zero privkey cannot sign")

        rawhash = decode_hex(sha3(rlp.encode(self, UnsignedTransaction)))

        if len(key) in {64, 66}:
            # we need a binary key
            key = decode_hex(key)

        pk = PrivateKey(key, raw=True)
        sig_bytes, rec_id = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
            pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True)
        signature = sig_bytes + force_bytes(chr(rec_id))
        self.v = (ord(signature[64]) if is_string(signature[64]) else signature[64]) + 27
        self.r = decode_big_endian_int(signature[0:32])
        self.s = decode_big_endian_int(signature[32:64])

        self.sender = to_address(sha3(privtopub(key)[1:])[-40:])
        return self
Exemplo n.º 10
class Secp256k1_compact(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.priv_key = PrivateKey()
        self.pub_key = PublicKey(pubkey=None, raw=False, flags=secp256k1.ALL_FLAGS)

    def ecdsa_compact_sign(self, msg32, privkey):
        if type(privkey) == unicode:
            privkey = privkey.encode('utf-8')
        sig = self.priv_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msg32, raw=True)
        return self.priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig)

    def ecdsa_compact_recover(self, msg32, sign):
        if not len(sign) == 2:
            sign = (sign[:64], ord(sign[64]))
        assert len(sign) == 2
        deserialized_sig = self.pub_key.ecdsa_recoverable_deserialize(sign[0], sign[1])
        self.pub_key.public_key = self.pub_key.ecdsa_recover(msg32, deserialized_sig, raw=True)
        return self.pub_key.serialize(compressed=False)

    def ecdsa_compact_verify(self, msg32, sign, pub):
        # Check if pubkey has been bin_electrum encoded.
        # If so, append \04 to the front of the key, to make sure the length is 65
        if len(pub) == 64:
            pub = '\04'+pub
        pub_k = PublicKey().deserialize(pub)
        pub_key = PublicKey(pub_k, raw=False, flags=secp256k1.ALL_FLAGS)
        der_sig = pub_key.ecdsa_recoverable_deserialize(sign[0], sign[1])
        raw_sig = pub_key.ecdsa_recoverable_convert(der_sig)
        return pub_key.ecdsa_verify(msg32, raw_sig, raw=True)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def sign(self, key):
        """Sign this transaction with a private key.

        A potentially already existing signature would be overridden.
        if not is_bitcoin_available() or not is_secp256k1_available():
            raise ImportError(
                "In order to sign transactions the "
                "`bitcoin` and `secp256k1` packages must be installed.")
        from bitcoin import privtopub
        from secp256k1 import PrivateKey

        if key in (0, b'', b'\x00' * 32, b'0' * 64):
            raise ValueError("Zero privkey cannot sign")

        rawhash = decode_hex(sha3(rlp.encode(self, UnsignedTransaction)))

        if len(key) in {64, 66}:
            # we need a binary key
            key = decode_hex(key)

        pk = PrivateKey(key, raw=True)
        sig_bytes, rec_id = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
            pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True))
        signature = sig_bytes + force_bytes(chr(rec_id))
        self.v = (ord(signature[64])
                  if is_string(signature[64]) else signature[64]) + 27
        self.r = decode_big_endian_int(signature[0:32])
        self.s = decode_big_endian_int(signature[32:64])

        self.sender = to_address(sha3(privtopub(key)[1:])[-40:])
        return self
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_eth_sign(web3, skip_if_testrpc):

    private_key_hex = '0x5e95384d8050109aab08c1922d3c230739bc16976553c317e5d0b87b59371f2a'
    private_key = decode_hex(private_key_hex)

    # This imports the private key into the running geth instance and unlocks
    # the account so that it can sign things.
    # `0xa5df35f30ba0ce878b1061ae086289adff3ba1e0`
    address = web3.personal.importRawKey(private_key, "password")
    web3.personal.unlockAccount(address, "password")

    assert add_0x_prefix(encode_hex(privtoaddr(private_key))) == add_0x_prefix(address)
    assert address == '0xa5df35f30ba0ce878b1061ae086289adff3ba1e0'

    # the data to be signed
    data = b'1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    # the hash of the data `0x089c33d56ed10bd8b571a0f493cedb28db1ae0f40c6cd266243001528c06eab3`
    data_hash = web3.sha3(data, encoding=None)
    data_hash_bytes = decode_hex(data_hash)

    assert force_bytes(data_hash) == sha3(data)

    priv_key = PrivateKey(flags=ALL_FLAGS)

    # sanit check the extract_ecdsa_signer function works as expected.
    vector_sig = priv_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(data_hash_bytes, raw=True, digest=sha3_256)
    vector_sig_bytes, rec_id = priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(vector_sig)
    vector_sig_bytes_full = vector_sig_bytes + force_bytes(chr(rec_id))
    vector_address = force_text(extract_ecdsa_signer(data_hash_bytes, vector_sig_bytes_full))

    assert vector_address == address

    # Now have geth sign some data.
    signature_hex = web3.eth.sign(address, data)
    signature_bytes = decode_hex(signature_hex)

    actual_signer = extract_ecdsa_signer(data_hash_bytes, signature_bytes)

    assert actual_signer == address

    # Verify the signature against the public key derived from the
    # original private key.  It fails.
    rec_id = signature_bytes[64]
    if is_string(rec_id):
        rec_id = ord(rec_id)
    recoverable_signature = priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_deserialize(
    signature = priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_convert(recoverable_signature)
    is_valid = priv_key.pubkey.ecdsa_verify(

    assert is_valid
def sign(data: str, private_key_seed_ascii: str):
    data = eth_message_hex(data)
    print("--eth_message_hex hash", data)
    priv = private_key_seed_ascii
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(data, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    return signature, eth_privtoaddr(priv)
Exemplo n.º 14
def sign(private_key: PrivateKey, random_bytes):
    raw_sig = private_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msg=random_bytes,
    serialized_sig, recover_id = private_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(raw_sig)
    signature = serialized_sig + bytes((recover_id,))
    signature_base64str = base64.b64encode(signature).decode('utf-8')
    return signature_base64str
Exemplo n.º 15
def sign_message(pri_key, message):
    privkey = PrivateKey(
        pri_key, raw=True
    )  # we expect to have a private key as bytes. unhexlify it before passing.

    sig_check = privkey.ecdsa_sign(MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(message))
    sig_ser, recid = privkey.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig_check)

    return (sig_ser, recid)
Exemplo n.º 16
def sign(data: bytes,
         private_key_seed_ascii: str,
    """Sign data using Ethereum private key.

    :param private_key_seed_ascii: Private key seed as ASCII string

    msghash = hash_function(data)

    priv = utils.sha3(private_key_seed_ascii)
    pub = bitcoin.privtopub(priv)

    # Based on ethereum/tesrt_contracts.py test_ecrecover
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)

    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msghash, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])

    # Enforce non-tightly-packed arguments for signing
    # (0x00 left pad)
    # https://github.com/ethereum/web3.py/issues/466
    v = utils.safe_ord(signature[64]) + 27
    r_bytes = signature[0:32]
    r_bytes = pad_left(r_bytes, 32, b"\0")
    r = big_endian_to_int(r_bytes)
    s_bytes = signature[32:64]
    s_bytes = pad_left(s_bytes, 32, b"\0")
    s = big_endian_to_int(s_bytes)

    # Make sure we use bytes data and zero padding stays
    # good across different systems
    r_hex = binascii.hexlify(r_bytes).decode("ascii")
    s_hex = binascii.hexlify(s_bytes).decode("ascii")

    # Convert to Etheruem address format
    addr = utils.big_endian_to_int(
        utils.sha3(bitcoin.encode_pubkey(pub, 'bin')[1:])[12:])

    # Return various bits about signing so it's easier to debug
    return {
        "signature": signature,
        "v": v,
        "r": r,
        "s": s,
        "r_bytes": r_bytes,
        "s_bytes": s_bytes,
        "r_hex": "0x" + r_hex,
        "s_hex": "0x" + s_hex,
        "address_bitcoin": addr,
        "address_ethereum": get_ethereum_address_from_private_key(priv),
        "public_key": pub,
        "hash": msghash,
        binascii.hexlify(bytes([v] + list(r_bytes) + list(s_bytes, )))
Exemplo n.º 17
def sign_eth(rawhash, priv):
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    v = utils.safe_ord(signature[64]) + 27
    r = utils.big_endian_to_int(signature[0:32])
    s = utils.big_endian_to_int(signature[32:64])
    return (v, r, s)
def sign_eth(rawhash, priv):
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True)
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    v = utils.safe_ord(signature[64]) + 27
    r = utils.big_endian_to_int(signature[0:32])
    s = utils.big_endian_to_int(signature[32:64])
    return (v, r, s)
Exemplo n.º 19
def sign_payload(private_key, payload):

    if isinstance(private_key, str):
        private_key = data_decoder(private_key)

    rawhash = sha3(payload)

    pk = PrivateKey(private_key, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])

    return data_encoder(signature)
Exemplo n.º 20
def sign(data: bytes, private_key: bytes) -> bytes:
    Generates on the ECDSA-SHA256 signature in bytes from data.
    It refers to a document on https://github.com/ludbb/secp256k1-py.

    :param data: data to be signed
    :param private_key: private key
    :return signature: signature made from input data
    private_key_object = PrivateKey(private_key, raw=True)
    recoverable_sign = private_key_object.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(data, raw=True)
    sign_bytes, sign_recovery = private_key_object.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(recoverable_sign)
    return sign_bytes + sign_recovery.to_bytes(1, 'big')
Exemplo n.º 21
def personal_sign(private_key, message):

    if isinstance(private_key, str):
        private_key = data_decoder(private_key)

    rawhash = sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n{}{}".format(
        len(message), message))

    pk = PrivateKey(private_key, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1] + 27])

    return data_encoder(signature)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def make_raw_tx(self, private_key: bytes, receiver: bytes, bytecode: bytes, valid_until_block: int, value: int, quota: int) -> bytes:

        :param private_key: 私钥.
        :param receiver: 接收方地址. 如果是合约部署, 则为b''.
        :param bytecode: 字节码.
        :param valid_until_block: 交易的最后期限. 默认为当前区块高度+88
        :param value: 金额.
        :param quota: 调用配额.
        :return: 签名后的bytes.
        _, _, sender = self.generate_account(private_key)
        pri_key = PrivateKey(private_key)

        tx = Transaction()
        tx.valid_until_block = valid_until_block
        tx.nonce = get_nonce()
        tx.version = self.version

        if self.version == 0:
            tx.chain_id = self.chain_id
            tx.chain_id_v1 = self.chain_id.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')

        if receiver:
            if self.version == 0:
                tx.to = receiver
                tx.to_v1 = receiver
        tx.data = bytecode
        tx.value = value.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
        tx.quota = quota

        keccak = sha3.keccak_256()
        message = keccak.digest()

        sign_recover = pri_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(message, raw=True)
        sig = pri_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sign_recover)

        signature = param_to_str(sig[0] + bytes(bytearray([sig[1]])))

        unverify_tx = UnverifiedTransaction()
        unverify_tx.signature = param_to_bytes(signature)
        unverify_tx.crypto = Crypto.Value('DEFAULT')

        return unverify_tx.SerializeToString()
Exemplo n.º 23
def make_deploycode(tx, message, privkey):
    Generate Hexadecimal representation of the binary signature transactions
    privkey = PrivateKey(hex2bytes(privkey))
    sign_recover = privkey.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(message, raw=True)
    sig = privkey.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sign_recover)

    signature = binascii.hexlify(sig[0]) + binascii.hexlify(

    unverify_tx = proto.UnverifiedTransaction()
    unverify_tx.signature = hex2bytes(signature)
    unverify_tx.crypto = proto.Crypto.Value('SECP')
    return binascii.hexlify(unverify_tx.SerializeToString())
Exemplo n.º 24
def sign(messagedata, private_key):
    if not isinstance(private_key, bytes) or len(private_key) != 32:
        raise ValueError('invalid private_key')

    key = PrivateKey(private_key, raw=True)

    message_hash = sha3(messagedata)
    secp_signature = key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(message_hash, raw=True)
    signature_data = key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(secp_signature)
    signature = signature_data[0] + chr(signature_data[1])

    if len(signature) != 65:
        raise ValueError('invalid signature')

    publickey = key.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False)

    return signature, publickey
Exemplo n.º 25
def sign(messagedata, private_key):
    if not isinstance(private_key, bytes) or len(private_key) != 32:
        raise ValueError('invalid private_key')

    key = PrivateKey(private_key, raw=True)

    message_hash = sha3(messagedata)
    secp_signature = key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(message_hash, raw=True)
    signature_data = key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(secp_signature)
    signature = signature_data[0] + chr(signature_data[1])

    if len(signature) != 65:
        raise ValueError('invalid signature')

    publickey = key.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False)

    return signature, publickey
Exemplo n.º 26
    def sign(self, key):
        '''Sign this transaction with a private key.

        A potentially already existing signature would be overridden.
        if key in (0, "", b"\x00" * 32, "0" * 64):
            raise Exception("Zero privkey cannot sign")

        if len(key) == 64:
            key = encode_privkey(key, "bin")  # we need a binary key

        h = blake2b(digest_size=32)
        h.update(rlp.encode(self, ThorTransaction.exclude(["Signature"])))
        rawhash = h.digest()

        pk = PrivateKey(key, raw=True)
        signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
            pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True))
        self.Signature = signature[0] + bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
Exemplo n.º 27
def sign(data: bytes,
         private_key_seed_ascii: str,
    """Sign data using Ethereum private key.

    :param private_key_seed_ascii: Private key seed as ASCII string

    msghash = hash_function(data)

    priv = utils.sha3(private_key_seed_ascii)
    pub = bitcoin.privtopub(priv)

    # Based on ethereum/tesrt_contracts.py test_ecrecover
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)

    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msghash, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])

    v = utils.safe_ord(signature[64]) + 27
    r_bytes = signature[0:32]
    r = big_endian_to_int(r_bytes)
    s_bytes = signature[32:64]
    s = big_endian_to_int(s_bytes)

    #: XXX Ethereum wants its address in different format
    addr = utils.big_endian_to_int(
        utils.sha3(bitcoin.encode_pubkey(pub, 'bin')[1:])[12:])

    return {
        "signature": signature,
        "v": v,
        "r": r,
        "s": s,
        "r_bytes": r_bytes,
        "s_bytes": s_bytes,
        "address_bitcoin": addr,
        "address_ethereum": eth_privtoaddr(priv),
        "public_key": pub,
        "hash": msghash,
        "payload": bytes([v] + list(r_bytes) + list(s_bytes, ))
Exemplo n.º 28
def eth_sign_with_keyfile(message: bytes, raw: bool, keyfile: str, password: str):
    assert(isinstance(message, bytes))
    assert(isinstance(raw, bool))
    assert(isinstance(keyfile, str))
    assert(isinstance(password, str))

    if not raw:
        message = hexstring_to_bytes(Eth._recoveryMessageHash(data=message))

    key = eth_keyfile.decode_keyfile_json(eth_keyfile.load_keyfile(keyfile), bytes(password, 'utf-8'))
    pk = PrivateKey(key, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
        pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(message, raw=True)

    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    signature_hex = signature.hex()[0:128] + int_to_bytes(ord(bytes.fromhex(signature.hex()[128:130]))+27).hex()

    return '0x' + signature_hex
Exemplo n.º 29
def _sha3_secp256k1_deploy_data(current_height,
    sender = get_sender(privatekey, False)
    if privatekey is None:
        temp = private_key()
        privkey = PrivateKey(hex2bytes(temp))
        privkey = PrivateKey(hex2bytes(privatekey))

    nonce = get_nonce(sender)
    print("nonce is {}".format(nonce))

    tx = Transaction()
    tx.valid_until_block = current_height + 88
    tx.nonce = nonce
    tx.quota = 9999999
    if receiver is not None:
        tx.to = receiver
    tx.data = hex2bytes(bytecode)

    message = sha3(tx.SerializeToString())

    print("message: {}".format(message))
    sign_recover = privkey.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(message, raw=True)
    sig = privkey.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sign_recover)

    signature = binascii.hexlify(sig[0]) + binascii.hexlify(

    unverify_tx = UnverifiedTransaction()
    unverify_tx.signature = hex2bytes(signature)
    unverify_tx.crypto = Crypto.Value('SECP')

    print("unverify_tx is {}".format(
    return binascii.hexlify(unverify_tx.SerializeToString())
Exemplo n.º 30
class PingServer(object):
    def __init__(self, my_endpoint: EndPoint):
        self.endpoint = my_endpoint

        # get private key
        with open('priv_key', 'r') as priv_key_file:
            priv_key_serialized = priv_key_file.read()
        self.priv_key = PrivateKey()  # type: PrivateKey

        # init socket
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        self.sock.bind(('', self.endpoint.udpPort))

    def wrap_packet(self, packet):
        payload = packet.packet_type + rlp.encode(packet.pack())
        sig = self.priv_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(keccak256(payload),
        sig_serialized = self.priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig)
        payload = b''.join(
             str.encode(chr(sig_serialized[1])), payload])

        payload_hash = keccak256(payload)
        return payload_hash + payload

    def udp_listen(self):
        def receive_ping():
            data, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(1024)
            print("received message[", addr, "]")

        return threading.Thread(target=receive_ping)

    def ping(self, endpoint: EndPoint):
        ping = PingNode(self.endpoint, endpoint)
        message = self.wrap_packet(ping)
        print("sending ping...")
                         (endpoint.address.exploded, endpoint.udpPort))
Exemplo n.º 31
def sign(data: bytes, private_key_seed_ascii: str, hash_function=bitcoin.bin_sha256):
    """Sign data using Ethereum private key.

    :param private_key_seed_ascii: Private key seed as ASCII string

    msghash = hash_function(data)

    priv = utils.sha3(private_key_seed_ascii)
    pub = bitcoin.privtopub(priv)

    # Based on ethereum/tesrt_contracts.py test_ecrecover
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)

    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msghash, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])

    v = utils.safe_ord(signature[64]) + 27
    r_bytes = signature[0:32]
    r = big_endian_to_int(r_bytes)
    s_bytes = signature[32:64]
    s = big_endian_to_int(s_bytes)

    #: XXX Ethereum wants its address in different format
    addr = utils.big_endian_to_int(utils.sha3(bitcoin.encode_pubkey(pub, 'bin')[1:])[12:])

    return {
        "signature": signature,
        "v": v,
        "r": r,
        "s": s,
        "r_bytes": r_bytes,
        "s_bytes": s_bytes,
        "address_bitcoin": addr,
        "address_ethereum": eth_privtoaddr(priv),
        "public_key": pub,
        "hash": msghash,
        "payload": bytes([v] + list(r_bytes)+ list(s_bytes,))
Exemplo n.º 32
def eth_sign(message: bytes, web3: Web3):
    assert(isinstance(message, bytes))
    assert(isinstance(web3, Web3))

    # as `EthereumTesterProvider` does not support `eth_sign`, we implement it ourselves
    if str(web3.providers[0]) == 'EthereumTesterProvider':
        key = k0
        msg = hexstring_to_bytes(Eth._recoveryMessageHash(data=message))

        pk = PrivateKey(key, raw=True)
        signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
            pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msg, raw=True)

        signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
        signature_hex = signature.hex()[0:128] + int_to_bytes(ord(bytes.fromhex(signature.hex()[128:130]))+27).hex()

        return '0x' + signature_hex

    return web3.manager.request_blocking(
        "eth_sign", [web3.eth.defaultAccount, encode_hex(message)],
Exemplo n.º 33
    def sign(self, key):
        """Sign this transaction with a private key.

        A potentially already existing signature would be overridden.
        if key in (0, '', b'\x00' * 32, '0' * 64):
            raise InvalidTransaction("Zero privkey cannot sign")
        rawhash = utils.sha3(rlp.encode(self, UnsignedTransaction))

        if len(key) == 64:
            # we need a binary key
            key = encode_privkey(key, 'bin')

        pk = PrivateKey(key, raw=True)
        signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
            pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True))
        signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
        self.v = utils.safe_ord(signature[64]) + 27
        self.r = big_endian_to_int(signature[0:32])
        self.s = big_endian_to_int(signature[32:64])

        self.sender = utils.privtoaddr(key)
        return self
    def _inner_sign(account, data_to_sign):
        signature_hash_hex = web3.sha3(encode_hex(data_to_sign))
        signature_hash_bytes = decode_hex(signature_hash_hex)

        private_key = tester.keys[tester.accounts.index(decode_hex(account))]
        priv_key = PrivateKey(flags=ALL_FLAGS)

        signature_raw = priv_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(
        signature_bytes, rec_id = priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(signature_raw)
        signature = signature_bytes + force_bytes(chr(rec_id))

        # Sanity check that the signature is valid.
        signer_address = force_text(extract_ecdsa_signer(

        assert signer_address == account
        return signature
Exemplo n.º 35
    def sign(self, key):
        """Sign this transaction with a private key.

        A potentially already existing signature would be overridden.
        if key in (0, '', b'\x00' * 32, '0' * 64):
            raise InvalidTransaction("Zero privkey cannot sign")
        rawhash = utils.sha3(rlp.encode(self, UnsignedTransaction))

        if len(key) == 64:
            # we need a binary key
            key = encode_privkey(key, 'bin')

        pk = PrivateKey(key, raw=True)
        signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(
            pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(rawhash, raw=True)
        signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
        self.v = utils.safe_ord(signature[64]) + 27
        self.r = big_endian_to_int(signature[0:32])
        self.s = big_endian_to_int(signature[32:64])

        self.sender = utils.privtoaddr(key)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 36
class Server(object):
    def __init__(self, my_endpoint):
        self.endpoint = my_endpoint

        # 获取私钥
        priv_key_file = open('priv_key', 'r')
        priv_key_serialized = priv_key_file.read()
        self.priv_key = PrivateKey()

        # 初始化套接字
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        self.sock.bind(('', self.endpoint.udpPort))
        # set socket non-blocking mode

    def wrap_packet(self, packet):
        payload = packet.packet_type + rlp.encode(packet.pack())
        sig = self.priv_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(keccak256(payload),
        sig_serialized = self.priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig)
        payload = sig_serialized[0] + chr(sig_serialized[1]) + payload

        payload_hash = keccak256(payload)
        return payload_hash + payload

    def listen(self):
        print "listening..."
        while True:
            ready = select.select([self.sock], [], [], 1.0)
            if ready[0]:
                data, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(2048)
                print "received message[", addr, "]:"

    def listen_thread(self):
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.listen)
        thread.daemon = True
        return thread

    def receive(self, data):
        # verify hash
        msg_hash = data[:32]
        if msg_hash != keccak256(data[32:]):
            print " First 32 bytes are not keccak256 hash of the rest."
            print " Verified message hash."

        # verify signature
        signature = data[32:97]
        signed_data = data[97:]
        deserialized_sig = self.priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_deserialize(
            signature[:64], ord(signature[64]))

        remote_pubkey = self.priv_key.ecdsa_recover(keccak256(signed_data),

        pub = PublicKey()
        pub.public_key = remote_pubkey

        verified = pub.ecdsa_verify(

        if not verified:
            print " Signature invalid"
            print " Verified signature."

        response_types = {
            PingNode.packet_type: self.receive_ping,
            Pong.packet_type: self.receive_pong,
            FindNeighbors.packet_type: self.receive_find_neighbors,
            Neighbors.packet_type: self.receive_neighbors

            packet_type = data[97]
            dispatch = response_types[packet_type]
        except KeyError:
            print " Unknown message type: " + data[97]

        payload = data[98:]
        dispatch(payload, msg_hash)

    def receive_pong(self, payload, msg_hash):
        print " received Pong"
        print "", Pong.unpack(rlp.decode(payload))

    def receive_ping(self, payload, msg_hash):
        print " received Ping"
        ping = PingNode.unpack(rlp.decode(payload))
        pong = Pong(ping.endpoint_from, msg_hash, time.time() + 60)
        print "  sending Pong response: " + str(pong)
        self.send(pong, pong.to)

    def receive_find_neighbors(self, payload, msg_hash):
        print " received FindNeighbors"
        print "", FindNeighbors.unpack(rlp.decode(payload))

    def receive_neighbors(self, payload, msg_hash):
        print " received Neighbors"
        print "", Neighbors.unpack(rlp.decode(payload))

    def ping(self, endpoint):
        ping = PingNode(self.endpoint, endpoint, time.time() + 60)
        message = self.wrap_packet(ping)
        print "sending " + str(ping)
                         (endpoint.address.exploded, endpoint.udpPort))

    def send(self, packet, endpoint):
        message = self.wrap_packet(packet)
        print "sending " + str(packet)
                         (endpoint.address.exploded, endpoint.udpPort))
Exemplo n.º 37
class PingServer(object):
    def __init__(self, my_endpoint):
        self.endpoint = my_endpoint

        # get private key
        priv_key_file = open('priv_key', 'r')
        priv_key_serialized = priv_key_file.read()
        self.priv_key = PrivateKey()

        # init socket
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        self.sock.bind(('', self.endpoint.udpPort))

    def wrap_packet(self, packet):
        payload = packet.packet_type + rlp.encode(packet.pack())
        sig = self.priv_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(keccak256(payload),
        sig_serialized = self.priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig)
        payload = sig_serialized[0] + chr(sig_serialized[1]) + payload

        payload_hash = keccak256(payload)
        return payload_hash + payload

    def udp_listen(self):
        return threading.Thread(target=self.receive)

    def receive(self):
        print "listening..."
        data, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(1024)
        print "received message[", addr, "]"

        ## decode packet below

        ## verify hash
        msg_hash = data[:32]
        if msg_hash != keccak256(data[32:]):
            print " First 32 bytes are not keccak256 hash of the rest."
            print " Verified message hash."

        ## verify signature
        signature = data[32:97]
        signed_data = data[97:]
        deserialized_sig = self.priv_key.ecdsa_recoverable_deserialize(
            signature[:64], ord(signature[64]))
        remote_pubkey = self.priv_key.ecdsa_recover(keccak256(signed_data),
        pub = PublicKey()
        pub.public_key = remote_pubkey
        verified = pub.ecdsa_verify(
        if not verified:
            print " Signature invalid"
            print " Verified signature."

        response_types = {
            PingNode.packet_type: self.receive_ping,
            Pong.packet_type: self.receive_pong

            packet_type = data[97]
            dispatch = response_types[packet_type]
        except KeyError:
            print " Unknown message type: " + data[97]

        payload = data[98:]

    def receive_pong(self, payload):
        print " received Pong"
        print "", Pong.unpack(rlp.decode(payload))

    def receive_ping(self, payload):
        print " received Ping"
        print "", PingNode.unpack(rlp.decode(payload))

    def ping(self, endpoint):
        ping = PingNode(self.endpoint, endpoint, time.time() + 60)
        message = self.wrap_packet(ping)
        print "sending " + str(ping)
                         (endpoint.address.exploded, endpoint.udpPort))
Exemplo n.º 38
def sign(data: bytes, private_key_seed_ascii: str):
    priv = private_key_seed_ascii
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(data, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    return signature, eth_privtoaddr(priv)
Exemplo n.º 39
class TestTxValidator(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # create private key and sender_address receive_address
        self.private_key = PrivateKey()
        self.send_address = self.__create_address(self.private_key.pubkey)
        logging.debug(f"create sender address : {self.send_address}")
        self.receive_address = self.__create_address(PrivateKey().pubkey)
        logging.debug(f"create sender address : {self.receive_address}")

        self.hash_generator = get_tx_hash_generator(conf.LOOPCHAIN_DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
        self.tx_validator = TxValidator(conf.LOOPCHAIN_DEFAULT_CHANNEL, conf.SendTxType.icx, self.hash_generator)

    def __create_address(self, public_key: PublicKey) -> str:
        serialized_pub = public_key.serialize(compressed=False)
        hashed_pub = hashlib.sha3_256(serialized_pub[1:]).hexdigest()
        return f'hx{hashed_pub[-40:]}'

    def __create_icx_origin(self):
        icx_origin = dict()
        icx_origin["from"] = self.send_address
        icx_origin["to"] = self.receive_address
        icx_origin["value"] = "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
        icx_origin["fee"] = "0x2386f26fc10000"
        icx_origin["timestamp"] = str(util.get_now_time_stamp())
        icx_origin["nonce"] = "0x3"
        tx_hash = self.__create_hash(icx_origin)
        self.tx_hash = tx_hash
        icx_origin["tx_hash"] = tx_hash
        logging.debug(f"tx_hash : {tx_hash}")
        self.__create_signature_to_origin(icx_origin, tx_hash)

        return icx_origin

    def __create_icx_origin_v3(self):
        icx_origin = dict()
        icx_origin["from"] = self.send_address
        icx_origin["to"] = self.receive_address
        icx_origin["value"] = "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
        icx_origin["fee"] = "0x2386f26fc10000"
        icx_origin["timestamp"] = str(util.get_now_time_stamp())
        icx_origin["nonce"] = "0x3"
        icx_origin["nid"] = NID.testnet.value
        icx_origin["stepLimit"] = "0x12345"
        icx_origin["version"] = "0x3"
        tx_hash = self.__create_hash(icx_origin)
        self.tx_hash = tx_hash
        self.__create_signature_to_origin(icx_origin, tx_hash)

        return icx_origin

    def __create_signature_to_origin(self, icx_origin, tx_hash):
        signature = self.private_key.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(msg=binascii.unhexlify(tx_hash),
        serialized_sig = self.private_key.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(signature)
        logging.debug(f"serialized_sig : {serialized_sig} "
                      f"\n not_recover_msg size : {sys.getsizeof(serialized_sig[0])}")
        sig_message = b''.join([serialized_sig[0], bytes([serialized_sig[1]])])
        logging.debug(f"sig message :{sig_message} "
                      f"\n with_recover_msg size : {sys.getsizeof(sig_message)}")
        icx_origin['signature'] = base64.b64encode(sig_message).decode()

    def __create_hash(self, icx_origin):
        # gen origin
        gen = self.gen_ordered_items(icx_origin)
        origin = ".".join(gen)
        origin = f"icx_sendTransaction.{origin}"
        logging.debug(f"origin data : {origin}")
        logging.debug(f"encode origin : {origin.encode()}")
        # gen hash
        return hashlib.sha3_256(origin.encode()).hexdigest()

    def gen_ordered_items(self, parameter):
        ordered_keys = list(parameter)
        for key in ordered_keys:
            logging.debug(f"item : {key}, {parameter[key]}")
            yield key
            if isinstance(parameter[key], str):
                yield parameter[key]
            elif isinstance(parameter[key], dict):
                yield from self.gen_ordered_items(parameter[key])
                raise TypeError(f"{key} must be dict or str")

    def test_validate_icx_tx(self):
        """ GIVEN icx transaction that type of string, create TxValidator with sent_tx_type to icx
        WHEN restore tx THEN can create correct tx
        WHEN validate tx_object THEN return true

        for i in range(1000):
            icx_origin = self.__create_icx_origin()  # type: Dict[str, str]
            message = json.dumps(icx_origin)
            tx = self.tx_validator.validate_dumped_tx_message(message)
            self.assertEqual(tx.tx_hash, self.tx_hash)
            self.assertEqual(tx.signature, base64.b64decode(icx_origin['signature'].encode()))

    def test_validate_nid_v3(self):
        ChannelProperty().nid = NID.testnet.value
        icx_origin = self.__create_icx_origin_v3()  # type: Dict[str, str]
        message = json.dumps(icx_origin)
        tx = self.tx_validator.validate_dumped_tx_message(message)
        self.assertEqual(tx.icx_origin_data_v3["version"], hex(conf.ApiVersion.v3))
        self.assertEqual(tx.icx_origin_data_v3["nid"], ChannelProperty().nid)
        ChannelProperty().nid = None

    def test_validate_repeat(self):
        """ for validate ctx sharing
        for i in range(1000):
            icx_origin = self.__create_icx_origin()  # type: Dict[str, str]
            message = json.dumps(icx_origin)
            tx = self.tx_validator.validate_dumped_tx_message(message)
            self.assertEqual(tx.tx_hash, self.tx_hash)
            self.assertEqual(tx.signature, base64.b64decode(icx_origin['signature'].encode()))

    def test_transaction_invalid_hash_foramt(self):
        wallet = IcxWallet()
        wallet.value = 1

        params = wallet.create_icx_origin()
        params['tx_hash'] = "12312"
        self.__test_wallet_exception(params, TransactionInvalidHashForamtError)

    def test_transaction_invalid_address(self):
        wallet = IcxWallet()
        wallet.value = 1
        wallet._IcxWallet__address = "hx2983"

        params = wallet.create_icx_origin()
        self.__test_wallet_exception(params, TransactionInvalidAddressError)

        params = wallet.create_icx_origin_v3()
        self.__test_wallet_exception(params, TransactionInvalidAddressError)

    def test_transcation_invalid_address_not_match(self):
        wallet = IcxWallet()
        wallet.value = 1

        paramsv2 = wallet.create_icx_origin()
        paramsv3 = wallet.create_icx_origin_v3()

        another_wallet = IcxWallet()

        # sign hash with another wallet's private key
        paramsv2['signature'] = another_wallet.create_signature(self.hash_generator.generate_hash(paramsv2))
        paramsv3['signature'] = another_wallet.create_signature(self.hash_generator.generate_hash(paramsv3))

        logging.info("address: " + wallet.address)
        logging.info("another addres: " + another_wallet.address)

        ChannelProperty().nid = '0x3'

        exception: TransactionInvalidAddressNotMatchError = self.__test_wallet_exception(
            paramsv2, TransactionInvalidAddressNotMatchError)
        self.assertEquals(exception.address, wallet.address)
        self.assertEquals(exception.expected_address, another_wallet.address)

        exception: TransactionInvalidAddressNotMatchError = self.__test_wallet_exception(
            paramsv3, TransactionInvalidAddressNotMatchError)
        self.assertEquals(exception.address, wallet.address)
        self.assertEquals(exception.expected_address, another_wallet.address)

        # These codes below affects hash generation.
        # V3 params does not have `txHash`.
        # So it cannot raise `HashNotMatch` Exception but `AddressNotMatch`
        paramsv3 = wallet.create_icx_origin_v3()
        paramsv3["timestamp"] = hex(utils.get_now_time_stamp())

        exception: TransactionInvalidAddressNotMatchError = self.__test_wallet_exception(
            paramsv3, TransactionInvalidAddressNotMatchError)
        self.assertEquals(exception.address, wallet.address)

    def test_transaction_invalid_hash_not_match(self):
        wallet = IcxWallet()
        wallet.value = 1

        # V3 params does not have `txHash`.
        # So it cannot raise `HashNotMatch` Exception but `AddressNotMatch`
        paramsv2 = wallet.create_icx_origin()

        paramsv2["timestamp"] = str(utils.get_now_time_stamp())

        self.__test_wallet_exception(paramsv2, TransactionInvalidHashNotMatchError)

    def test_transaction_invalid_hash_generation(self):
        wallet = IcxWallet()
        wallet.value = 1

        paramsv2 = wallet.create_icx_origin()

        # make recursion for raising an exception.
        paramsv2['recursion'] = paramsv2

            icon_validator = IconValidateStrategy(self.hash_generator)
            icon_validator._IconValidateStrategy__validate_icx_params(paramsv2, paramsv2['tx_hash'])
        except TransactionInvalidHashGenerationError as e:
            raise RuntimeError(f"{TransactionInvalidHashGenerationError.__name__} did not raise.")

    def test_transacion_invalid_signature(self):
        wallet = IcxWallet()
        wallet.value = 1

        paramsv2 = wallet.create_icx_origin()

            icon_validator = IconValidateStrategy(self.hash_generator)
                paramsv2['tx_hash'], "weds", paramsv2['from'])
        except TransactionInvalidSignatureError as e:
            raise RuntimeError(f"{TransactionInvalidSignatureError.__name__} did not raise.")

    def test_transaction_invalid_wrong_nid(self):
        wallet = IcxWallet()
        wallet.value = 1
        wallet.nid = '0x5'

        ChannelProperty().nid = '0x3'

        param3 = wallet.create_icx_origin_v3()

        exception: TransactionInvalidNoNidError = self.__test_wallet_exception(param3, TransactionInvalidNoNidError)
        self.assertEqual(exception.expected_nid, ChannelProperty().nid)
        self.assertEqual(exception.nid, wallet.nid)

    def __test_wallet_exception(self, wallet_params, error_type):
        dumped_params = json.dumps(wallet_params)

        except error_type as e:

            return e
            raise RuntimeError(f"{error_type.__name__} did not raise.")