Exemplo n.º 1
def write_hdf(results,name):
    Iterate over the <results> list, mimicking the hierarchical structure of 
    each entry.  Name the resulting file <name>.
    from simfMRI.io import _walk
    f = h5py.File(name,'w')
    for ii,r in enumerate(results):
        # Create a top level group for each r
        # in results.  Then recursively walk r.
        # Anything that is not a dict is 
        # assumed to be data.        
        fg_ii = f.create_group(str(ii))
Exemplo n.º 2
def _walk(d,hdf):
    Recursively walk the provided dict <d> creating groups or saving data 
    in <hdf>, as appropriate.
    for k,v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            # print('\n-----\n\n{0}: dict, creating a group'.format(k))
            hdfnext = hdf.create_group(k)
                ## gettin' all recursive and shit, yo.
            if v is None: v = 0
                ## h5py does not know 
                ## what to do with None.
            data = np.array(v)
            # print('{0}: data'.format(k))
            hdfd = hdf.create_dataset(k,data=data)