Exemplo n.º 1
 def testDeclarationSet2(self):
     '''Just tries to parse and sees that everything was parsed, doesn't predict the result'''
     parser = SPGenerator.buildParser("declarationset")
     result = TextTools.tag(declaration, parser)
     assert result[-1] == len(
     ), '''Didn't complete parse of the simpleparse declaration, only got %s chars, should have %s''' % (
         result[-1], len(declaration))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def doBasicTest(
     parser = SPGenerator.buildParser(parserName)
     result = TextTools.tag(testValue, parser)
     assert result == expected, '''\nexpected:%s\n     got:%s\n''' % (
         pprint.pformat(expected), pprint.pformat(result))
declaration = r'''testparser := (a,b)*
a := 'a'
b := 'b'
testdata = 'aba'
expectedResult = (1, [('a', 0, 1, []), ('b', 1, 2, [])], 2)

from simpleparse.simpleparsegrammar import Parser
from simpleparse.stt.TextTools import TextTools
import pprint

parser = Parser(declaration).generator.buildParser('testparser')
result = TextTools.tag(testdata, parser)
if result != expectedResult:
    print 'backup-on-subtable-test failed'
    print '\texpected', pprint.pprint(expectedResult)
    print '\tgot', pprint.pprint(result)
Exemplo n.º 4
a := 'a'
testdata = 'aaaa'
expectedResult = (1, [
	('as', 0, 4, [
		('a', 0, 1, NullResult),
		('as', 1, 4, [
			('a', 1, 2, NullResult),
			('as', 2, 4, [
				('a', 2, 3, NullResult),
				('as', 3, 4, [
					('a', 3, 4, NullResult)
], 4)

parser = Parser( declaration ).generator.buildParser( 'testparser' )
print "About to attempt the deep-nesting test"
print "If python goes into an infinite loop, then the test failed ;) "
result = TextTools.tag( testdata, parser )
if result != expectedResult:
	print 'test-deep-nesting failed'
	print '\texpected', expectedResult
	print '\tgot', result 
	print "test-deep-nesting succeeded!\nYou're probably using the non-recursive mx.TextTools rewrite"
Exemplo n.º 5
 def testDeclarationSet2( self ):
     '''Just tries to parse and sees that everything was parsed, doesn't predict the result'''
     parser = SPGenerator.buildParser( "declarationset" )
     result = TextTools.tag( declaration, parser )
     assert result[-1] == len(declaration), '''Didn't complete parse of the simpleparse declaration, only got %s chars, should have %s'''%(result[-1], len(declaration))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def doBasicTest(self, parserName, testValue, expected, ):
     parser = SPGenerator.buildParser( parserName )
     result = TextTools.tag( testValue, parser )
     assert result == expected, '''\nexpected:%s\n     got:%s\n'''%( pprint.pformat(expected), pprint.pformat(result))
Exemplo n.º 7
		print (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer
	def word( self, (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer ):
		print (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer
	def markup( self, (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer ):
		print (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer

parser = Parser(grammar)
for test in tests:
    success, children, nextcharacter = parser.parse( test, production="para", processor=Processor())
    #print success, children, nextcharacter
    assert success and nextcharacter==len(test)

from simpleparse import generator
from simpleparse.stt.TextTools import TextTools

input = tests[0]
parser = generator.buildParser(grammar).parserbyname("para")
taglist = TextTools.tag(input, parser)
for tag, beg, end, parts in taglist[1]:
    if tag == 'plain':
    elif tag == 'markup':
        markup = parts[0]
        mtag, mbeg, mend = markup[:3]
        start, stop = codes.get(mtag, ('<!-- unknown -->','<!-- / -->'))
        stdout.write(start + input[mbeg+1:mend-1] + stop)
stderr.write('parsed %s chars of %s\n' %  (taglist[-1], len(input)))