Exemplo n.º 1
    def query(self, x, k=1, eps=0, p=2, distance_upper_bound=inf):
        See scipy.spatial.KDTree.query

        x : array-like, last dimension self.m
            query points are lng/lat.
        p: ignored, kept to maintain compatibility with scipy.spatial.KDTree

        >>> pts = [(0,90), (0,0), (180,0), (0,-90)]
        >>> kd = Arc_KDTree(pts, radius = sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_KM)
        >>> d,i = kd.query((90,0), k=4)
        >>> d
        array([ 10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801])
        >>> circumference = 2*math.pi*sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_KM
        >>> round(d[0],5) == round(circumference/4.0,5)
        >>> d,i = kd.query(kd.data, k=3)
        >>> d2,i2 = kd.query(pts, k=3)
        >>> (d == d2).all()
        >>> (i == i2).all()
        eps = sphere.arcdist2linear(eps, self.radius)
        if distance_upper_bound != inf:
            distance_upper_bound = sphere.arcdist2linear(
                distance_upper_bound, self.radius)
        d, i = temp_KDTree.query(self,
        if isinstance(d, float):
            dims = 0
            dims = len(d.shape)

        r = self.radius
        if dims == 0:
            return sphere.linear2arcdist(d, r), i
        if dims == 1:
            #TODO: implement linear2arcdist on numpy arrays
            d1 = [sphere.linear2arcdist(dx, r) for dx in d]
        elif dims == 2:
            d1 = [[sphere.linear2arcdist(dx, r) for dx in row] for row in d]
        d = numpy.array(d1)
        dinf = d == numpy.inf
        if dinf.sum() > 0:
            i = i.astype(float)
            i[dinf] = numpy.nan

        return d, i
Exemplo n.º 2
    def query(self, x, k=1, eps=0, p=2, distance_upper_bound=inf):
        See scipy.spatial.KDTree.query

        x : array-like, last dimension self.m
            query points are lng/lat.
        p: ignored, kept to maintain compatibility with scipy.spatial.KDTree

        >>> pts = [(0,90), (0,0), (180,0), (0,-90)]
        >>> kd = Arc_KDTree(pts, radius = sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_KM)
        >>> d,i = kd.query((90,0), k=4)
        >>> d
        array([ 10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801])
        >>> circumference = 2*math.pi*sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_KM
        >>> round(d[0],5) == round(circumference/4.0,5)
        >>> d,i = kd.query(kd.data, k=3)
        >>> d2,i2 = kd.query(pts, k=3)
        >>> (d == d2).all()
        >>> (i == i2).all()
        eps = sphere.arcdist2linear(eps, self.radius)
        if distance_upper_bound != inf:
            distance_upper_bound = sphere.arcdist2linear(
                distance_upper_bound, self.radius)
        d, i = temp_KDTree.query(self, self._toXYZ(x), k,
                                          eps=eps, distance_upper_bound=distance_upper_bound)
        if isinstance(d, float):
           dims = 0
           dims = len(d.shape)
        r = self.radius
        if dims == 0:
            return sphere.linear2arcdist(d, r), i
        if dims == 1:
            #TODO: implement linear2arcdist on numpy arrays
            d1 = [sphere.linear2arcdist(dx, r) for dx in d]
        elif dims == 2:
            d1 = [[sphere.linear2arcdist(dx, r) for dx in row] for row in d]
        d = numpy.array(d1)
        dinf = d == numpy.inf
        if dinf.sum() > 0:
            i = i.astype(float)
            i[dinf] = numpy.nan

        return d, i
Exemplo n.º 3
    def sparse_distance_matrix(self, other, max_distance, p=2):
        See scipy.spatial.KDTree.sparse_distance_matrix

        p: ignored, kept to maintain compatibility with scipy.spatial.KDTree

        >>> pts = [(0,90), (0,0), (180,0), (0,-90)]
        >>> kd = Arc_KDTree(pts, radius = sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_KM)
        >>> kd.sparse_distance_matrix(kd, kd.circumference/4.).todense()
        matrix([[     0.        ,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,      0.        ],
                [ 10007.54339801,      0.        ,      0.        ,  10007.54339801],
                [ 10007.54339801,      0.        ,      0.        ,  10007.54339801],
                [     0.        ,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,      0.        ]])
        >>> kd.sparse_distance_matrix(kd, kd.circumference/2.).todense()
        matrix([[     0.        ,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,  20015.08679602],
                [ 10007.54339801,      0.        ,  20015.08679602,  10007.54339801],
                [ 10007.54339801,  20015.08679602,      0.        ,  10007.54339801],
                [ 20015.08679602,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,      0.        ]])
        if self.radius != other.radius:
            raise ValueError("Both trees must have the same radius.")
        if max_distance > 0.5 * self.circumference:
            raise ValueError(
                "max_distance, must not exceed 1/2 circumference of the sphere (%f)."
                % self.circumference * 0.5)
        max_distance = sphere.arcdist2linear(max_distance,
                                             self.radius) + FLOAT_EPS * 3
        D = scipy.spatial.KDTree.sparse_distance_matrix(
            self, other, max_distance)
        D = D.tocoo()
        #print D.data
        a2l = lambda x: sphere.linear2arcdist(x, self.radius)
        #print map(a2l,D.data)
        return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((map(a2l,
                                            D.data), (D.row, D.col))).todok()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def sparse_distance_matrix(self, other, max_distance, p=2):
        See scipy.spatial.KDTree.sparse_distance_matrix

        p: ignored, kept to maintain compatibility with scipy.spatial.KDTree

        >>> pts = [(0,90), (0,0), (180,0), (0,-90)]
        >>> kd = Arc_KDTree(pts, radius = sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_KM)
        >>> kd.sparse_distance_matrix(kd, kd.circumference/4.).todense()
        matrix([[     0.        ,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,      0.        ],
                [ 10007.54339801,      0.        ,      0.        ,  10007.54339801],
                [ 10007.54339801,      0.        ,      0.        ,  10007.54339801],
                [     0.        ,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,      0.        ]])
        >>> kd.sparse_distance_matrix(kd, kd.circumference/2.).todense()
        matrix([[     0.        ,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,  20015.08679602],
                [ 10007.54339801,      0.        ,  20015.08679602,  10007.54339801],
                [ 10007.54339801,  20015.08679602,      0.        ,  10007.54339801],
                [ 20015.08679602,  10007.54339801,  10007.54339801,      0.        ]])
        if self.radius != other.radius:
            raise ValueError("Both trees must have the same radius.")
        if max_distance > 0.5 * self.circumference:
            raise ValueError("max_distance, must not exceed 1/2 circumference of the sphere (%f)." % self.circumference * 0.5)
        max_distance = sphere.arcdist2linear(
            max_distance, self.radius) + FLOAT_EPS * 3
        D = scipy.spatial.KDTree.sparse_distance_matrix(
            self, other, max_distance)
        D = D.tocoo()
        #print D.data
        a2l = lambda x: sphere.linear2arcdist(x, self.radius)
        #print map(a2l,D.data)
        return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((map(a2l, D.data), (D.row, D.col))).todok()