Exemplo n.º 1
 def _print_Add(self, sum):
     args = list(sum.args)
     pforms = []
     for x in args:
         # Check for negative "things" so that this information can be enforce upon
         # the pretty form so that it can be made of use (such as in a sum).
         if x.is_Mul and x.as_coeff_terms()[0] < 0:
             pform1 = self._print(-x)
             if len(pforms) == 0:
                 if pform1.height() > 1:
                     pform2 = '- '
                     pform2 = '-'
                 pform2 = ' - '
             pform = stringPict.next(pform2, pform1)
             pforms.append(prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.NEG, *pform))
         elif x.is_Number and x < 0:
             pform1 = self._print(-x)
             if len(pforms) == 0:
                 if pform1.height() > 1:
                     pform2 = '- '
                     pform2 = '-'
                 pform = stringPict.next(pform2, pform1)
                 pform = stringPict.next(' - ', pform1)
             pforms.append(prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.NEG, *pform))
     return prettyForm.__add__(*pforms)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _print_catalan(self, e):
     pform = prettyForm("C")
     arg = self._print(e.args[0])
     pform_arg = prettyForm(" "*arg.width())
     pform_arg = prettyForm(*pform_arg.below(arg))
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(pform_arg))
     return pform
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _print_Relational(self, e):
        op = prettyForm(' ' + xsym(e.rel_op) + ' ')

        l = self._print(e.lhs)
        r = self._print(e.rhs)
        pform = prettyForm(*stringPict.next(l, op, r))
        return pform
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _print_Add(self, expr, order=None):
        if self.order == 'none':
            terms = list(expr.args)
            terms = self._as_ordered_terms(expr, order=order)
        pforms, indices = [], []

        def pretty_negative(pform, index):
            """Prepend a minus sign to a pretty form. """
            if index == 0:
                if pform.height() > 1:
                    pform_neg = '- '
                    pform_neg = '-'
                pform_neg = ' - '

            pform = stringPict.next(pform_neg, pform)
            return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.NEG, *pform)

        for i, term in enumerate(terms):
            if term.is_Mul and term.as_coeff_mul()[0] < 0:
                pform = self._print(-term)
                pforms.append(pretty_negative(pform, i))
            elif term.is_Rational and term.q > 1:
            elif term.is_Number and term < 0:
                pform = self._print(-term)
                pforms.append(pretty_negative(pform, i))

        if indices:
            large = True

            for pform in pforms:
                if pform is not None and pform.height() > 1:
                large = False

            for i in indices:
                term, negative = terms[i], False

                if term < 0:
                    term, negative = -term, True

                if large:
                    pform = prettyForm(str(term.p))/prettyForm(str(term.q))
                    pform = self._print(term)

                if negative:
                    pform = pretty_negative(pform, i)

                pforms[i] = pform

        return prettyForm.__add__(*pforms)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def adjust(p1, p2):
     diff = p1.width() - p2.width()
     if diff == 0:
         return p1, p2
     elif diff > 0:
         return p1, prettyForm(*p2.left(' '*diff))
         return prettyForm(*p1.left(' '*-diff)), p2
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _print_factorial(self, e):
     x = e.args[0]
     pform = self._print(x)
     # Add parentheses if needed
     if not ((x.is_Integer and x.is_nonnegative) or x.is_Symbol):
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.right('!'))
     return pform
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _print_gamma(self, e):
     if self._use_unicode:
         pform = self._print(e.args[0])
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.left(greek['gamma'][1]))
         return pform
         return self._print_Function(e)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _print_lowergamma(self, e):
     if self._use_unicode:
         pform = self._print(e.args[0])
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(", ", self._print(e.args[1])))
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.left(greek["gamma"][0]))
         return pform
         return self._print_Function(e)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _print_RootSum(self, expr):
        args = [self._print_Add(expr.expr, order='lex')]

        if expr.fun is not S.IdentityFunction:

        pform = prettyForm(*self._print_seq(args).parens())
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.left('RootSum'))

        return pform
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _print_Derivative(self, deriv):
        # XXX use U('PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL') here ?
        syms = list(reversed(deriv.variables))
        x = None

        for sym, num in group(syms, multiple=False):
            s = self._print(sym)
            ds = prettyForm(*s.left('d'))

            if num > 1:
                ds = ds**prettyForm(str(num))

            if x is None:
                x = ds
                x = prettyForm(*x.right(' '))
                x = prettyForm(*x.right(ds))

        f = prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.FUNC, *self._print(deriv.expr).parens())

        pform = prettyForm('d')

        if len(syms) > 1:
            pform = pform**prettyForm(str(len(syms)))

        pform = prettyForm(*pform.below(stringPict.LINE, x))
        pform.baseline = pform.baseline + 1
        pform = prettyForm(*stringPict.next(pform, f))

        return pform
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _print_Not(self, e):
        if self._use_unicode:
            arg = e.args[0]
            pform = self._print(arg)

            if arg.is_Boolean and not arg.is_Not:
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())

            return prettyForm(*pform.left(u"\u00ac "))
            return self._print_Function(e)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _print_KroneckerDelta(self, e):
     pform = self._print(e.args[0])
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.right((prettyForm(','))))
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.right((self._print(e.args[1]))))
     if self._use_unicode:
         a = stringPict(pretty_symbol('delta'))
         a = stringPict('d')
     b = pform
     top = stringPict(*b.left(' '*a.width()))
     bot = stringPict(*a.right(' '*b.width()))
     return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.POW, *bot.below(top))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _print_Piecewise(self, pexpr):

        P = {}
        for n, ec in enumerate(pexpr.args):
            P[n,0] = self._print(ec.expr)
            if ec.cond == True:
                P[n,1] = prettyForm('otherwise')
                P[n,1] = prettyForm(*prettyForm('for ').right(self._print(ec.cond)))
        hsep = 2
        vsep = 1
        len_args = len(pexpr.args)

        # max widths
        maxw = [max([P[i,j].width() for i in xrange(len_args)]) \
                    for j in xrange(2)]

        # FIXME: Refactor this code and matrix into some tabular environment.
        # drawing result
        D = None

        for i in xrange(len_args):
            D_row = None
            for j in xrange(2):
                p = P[i,j]
                assert p.width() <= maxw[j]

                wdelta = maxw[j] - p.width()
                wleft  = wdelta // 2
                wright = wdelta - wleft

                p = prettyForm(*p.right(' '*wright))
                p = prettyForm(*p.left (' '*wleft))

                if D_row is None:
                    D_row = p

                D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(' '*hsep))  # h-spacer
                D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(p))
            if D is None:
                D = D_row       # first row in a picture

            # v-spacer
            for _ in range(vsep):
                D = prettyForm(*D.below(' '))

            D = prettyForm(*D.below(D_row))

        D = prettyForm(*D.parens('{',''))
        return D
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _print_Chi(self, e):
        # This needs a special case since otherwise it comes out as greek
        # letter chi...
        prettyFunc = prettyForm("Chi")
        prettyArgs = prettyForm(*self._print_seq(e.args).parens())

        pform = prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.FUNC, *stringPict.next(prettyFunc, prettyArgs))

        # store pform parts so it can be reassembled e.g. when powered
        pform.prettyFunc = prettyFunc
        pform.prettyArgs = prettyArgs

        return pform
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _print_Pow(self, power):
        from sympy import fraction
        b, e = power.as_base_exp()
        if power.is_commutative:
            if e is S.NegativeOne:
                return prettyForm("1")/self._print(b)
            n, d = fraction(e)
            if n is S.One and d.is_Atom and not e.is_Integer:
                return self._print_nth_root(b, e)
            if e.is_Rational and e < 0:
                return prettyForm("1")/self._print(b)**self._print(-e)

        # None of the above special forms, do a standard power
        return self._print(b)**self._print(e)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def join(self, delimiter, args):
        pform = None

        for arg in args:
            if pform is None:
                pform = arg
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(delimiter))
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(arg))

        if pform is None:
            return prettyForm("")
            return pform
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _print_Derivative(self, deriv):
        # XXX use U('PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL') here ?
        syms = list(deriv.symbols)
        x = None
        for sym in syms:
            s = self._print(sym)
            ds = prettyForm(*s.left('d'))

            if x is None:
                x = ds
                x = prettyForm(*x.right(' '))
                x = prettyForm(*x.right(ds))

        f = prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.FUNC, *self._print(deriv.expr).parens())

        pform = prettyForm('d')
        if len(syms) > 1:
            pform = pform ** prettyForm(str(len(deriv.symbols)))

        pform = prettyForm(*pform.below(stringPict.LINE, x))
        pform.baseline = pform.baseline + 1
        pform = prettyForm(*stringPict.next(pform, f))
        return pform
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _hprint_vec(self, v):
        D = None

        for a in v:
            p = a
            if D is None:
                D = p
                D = prettyForm(*D.right(', '))
                D = prettyForm(*D.right(p))
        if D is None:
            D = stringPict(' ')

        return D
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _print_Pow(self, power):
        # square roots, other roots or n-th roots
        # test for fraction 1/n or power x**-1
        if power.is_commutative:
            if (isinstance(power.exp, C.Rational) and power.exp.p == 1 and power.exp.q != 1) or (
                isinstance(power.exp, C.Pow)
                and isinstance(power.exp.args[0], C.Symbol)
                and power.exp.args[1] == S.NegativeOne
                bpretty = self._print(power.base)

                # construct root sign, start with the \/ shape
                _zZ = xobj("/", 1)
                rootsign = xobj("\\", 1) + _zZ
                # make exponent number to put above it
                if isinstance(power.exp, C.Rational):
                    exp = str(power.exp.q)
                    if exp == "2":
                        exp = ""
                    exp = str(power.exp.args[0])
                exp = exp.ljust(2)
                if len(exp) > 2:
                    rootsign = " " * (len(exp) - 2) + rootsign
                # stack the exponent
                rootsign = stringPict(exp + "\n" + rootsign)
                rootsign.baseline = 0
                # diagonal: length is one less than height of base
                linelength = bpretty.height() - 1
                diagonal = stringPict("\n".join(" " * (linelength - i - 1) + _zZ + " " * i for i in range(linelength)))
                # put baseline just below lowest line: next to exp
                diagonal.baseline = linelength - 1
                # make the root symbol
                rootsign = prettyForm(*rootsign.right(diagonal))
                # set the baseline to match contents to fix the height
                # but if the height of bpretty is one, the rootsign must be one higher
                rootsign.baseline = max(1, bpretty.baseline)
                # build result
                s = prettyForm(hobj("_", 2 + bpretty.width()))
                s = prettyForm(*bpretty.above(s))
                s = prettyForm(*s.left(rootsign))
                return s
            elif power.exp.is_Rational and power.exp.is_negative:
                # Things like 1/x
                return prettyForm("1") / self._print(C.Pow(power.base, -power.exp))

        # None of the above special forms, do a standard power
        b, e = power.as_base_exp()
        return self._print(b) ** self._print(e)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _print_Limit(self, l):
        # XXX we do not print dir ...
        e, z, z0, dir = l.args

        E = self._print(e)
        Lim = prettyForm("lim")

        LimArg = self._print(z)
        LimArg = prettyForm(*LimArg.right("->"))
        LimArg = prettyForm(*LimArg.right(self._print(z0)))

        Lim = prettyForm(*Lim.below(LimArg))
        Lim = prettyForm(*Lim.right(E))

        return Lim
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _print_binomial(self, e):
        n, k = e.args

        n_pform = self._print(n)
        k_pform = self._print(k)

        bar = ' '*max(n_pform.width(), k_pform.width())

        pform = prettyForm(*k_pform.above(bar))
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.above(n_pform))
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens('(', ')'))

        pform.baseline = (pform.baseline + 1)//2

        return pform
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _print_RandomDomain(self, d):
            pform = self._print('Domain: ')
            pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(self._print(d.as_boolean())))
            return pform

                pform = self._print('Domain: ')
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(self._print(d.symbols)))
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(self._print(' in ')))
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(self._print(d.set)))
                return pform
                return self._print(None)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _print_hyper(self, e):
        # FIXME refactor Matrix, Piecewise, and this into a tabular environment
        ap = [self._print(a) for a in e.ap]
        bq = [self._print(b) for b in e.bq]

        P = self._print(e.argument)
        P.baseline = P.height()//2

        # Drawing result - first create the ap, bq vectors
        D = None
        for v in [ap, bq]:
            D_row = self._hprint_vec(v)
            if D is None:
                D = D_row       # first row in a picture
                D = prettyForm(*D.below(' '))
                D = prettyForm(*D.below(D_row))

        # make sure that the argument `z' is centred vertically
        D.baseline = D.height()//2

        # insert horizontal separator
        P = prettyForm(*P.left(' '))
        D = prettyForm(*D.right(' '))

        # insert separating `|`
        D = self._hprint_vseparator(D, P)

        # add parens
        D = prettyForm(*D.parens('(', ')'))

        # create the F symbol
        above = D.height()//2 - 1
        below = D.height() - above - 1

        if self._use_unicode:
            pic = (2, 0, 2, u'\u250c\u2500\n\u251c\u2500\n\u2575')
            pic = ((3, 0, 3, ' _\n|_\n|\n'))

        add = 0
        sz, t, b, img = pic
        F = prettyForm('\n' * (above - t) + img + '\n' * (below - b),
                       baseline = above + sz)
        add = (sz+1)//2

        F = prettyForm(*F.left(self._print(len(e.ap))))
        F = prettyForm(*F.right(self._print(len(e.bq))))
        F.baseline = above + add

        D = prettyForm(*F.right(' ', D))

        return D
Exemplo n.º 24
    def _print_FiniteField(self, expr):
        if self._use_unicode:
            form = u'\u2124_%d'
            form = 'GF(%d)'

        return prettyForm(pretty_symbol(form % expr.mod))
Exemplo n.º 25
 def _print_floor(self, e):
     if self._use_unicode:
         pform = self._print(e.args[0])
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens('lfloor', 'rfloor'))
         return pform
         return self._print_Function(e)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _print_Subs(self, e):
        pform = self._print(e.expr)
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())

        h = pform.height() if pform.height() > 1 else 2
        rvert = stringPict(vobj('|', h), baseline=pform.baseline)
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(rvert))

        b = pform.baseline
        pform.baseline = pform.height() - 1
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(self._print_seq([
            self._print_seq((self._print(v[0]), xsym('=='), self._print(v[1])),
                delimiter='') for v in zip(e.variables, e.point) ])))

        pform.baseline = b
        return pform
Exemplo n.º 27
    def __print_set(self, set_):
        items = list(set_)
        items.sort( key=cmp_to_key(Basic.compare_pretty) )

        s = self._print_seq(items, '(', ')')
        s = prettyForm(*stringPict.next(type(set_).__name__, s))
        return s
Exemplo n.º 28
 def _print_Float(self, e):
     # we will use StrPrinter's Float printer, but we need to handle the
     # full_prec ourselves, according to the self._print_level
     full_prec = self._settings["full_prec"]
     if  full_prec == "auto":
         full_prec = self._print_level == 1
     return prettyForm(sstr(e, full_prec=full_prec))
Exemplo n.º 29
 def _print_ceiling(self, e):
     if self._use_unicode:
         pform = self._print(e.args[0])
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens('lceil', 'rceil'))
         return pform
         return self._print_Function(e)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def _print_PDF(self, pdf):
        lim = self._print(pdf.pdf.args[0])
        lim = prettyForm(*lim.right(', '))
        lim = prettyForm(*lim.right(self._print(pdf.domain[0])))
        lim = prettyForm(*lim.right(', '))
        lim = prettyForm(*lim.right(self._print(pdf.domain[1])))
        lim = prettyForm(*lim.parens())

        f = self._print(pdf.pdf.args[1])
        f = prettyForm(*f.right(', '))
        f = prettyForm(*f.right(lim))
        f = prettyForm(*f.parens())

        pform = prettyForm('PDF')
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(f))
        return pform
Exemplo n.º 31
 def _print_Transpose(self, T):
     pform = self._print(T.arg)
     if (T.arg.is_Add or T.arg.is_Mul or T.arg.is_Pow):
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.right("'"))
     return pform
Exemplo n.º 32
 def _print_RootOf(self, expr):
     args = [self._print_Add(expr.expr, order='lex'), expr.index]
     pform = prettyForm(*self._print_seq(args).parens())
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.left('RootOf'))
     return pform
Exemplo n.º 33
 def _print_IntegerRing(self, expr):
     if self._use_unicode:
         return prettyForm(u'\u2124')
         return prettyForm('ZZ')
Exemplo n.º 34
 def _print_exp(self, e):
     base = prettyForm(pretty_atom('Exp1', 'e'))
     return base**self._print(e.args[0])
Exemplo n.º 35
    def _print_Matrix(self, e):
        M = e  # matrix
        S = {}  # i,j -> pretty(M[i,j])
        for i in range(M.lines):
            for j in range(M.cols):
                S[i, j] = self._print(M[i, j])

        # h- and v- spacers
        hsep = 2
        vsep = 1

        # max width for columns
        maxw = [-1] * M.cols

        for j in range(M.cols):
            maxw[j] = max([S[i, j].width() for i in range(M.lines)])

        # drawing result
        D = None

        for i in range(M.lines):

            D_row = None
            for j in range(M.cols):
                s = S[i, j]

                # reshape s to maxw
                # XXX this should be generalized, and go to stringPict.reshape ?
                assert s.width() <= maxw[j]

                # hcenter it, +0.5 to the right                        2
                # ( it's better to align formula starts for say 0 and r )
                # XXX this is not good in all cases -- maybe introduce vbaseline?
                wdelta = maxw[j] - s.width()
                wleft = wdelta // 2
                wright = wdelta - wleft

                s = prettyForm(*s.right(' ' * wright))
                s = prettyForm(*s.left(' ' * wleft))

                # we don't need vcenter cells -- this is automatically done in
                # a pretty way because when their baselines are taking into
                # account in .right()

                if D_row is None:
                    D_row = s  # first box in a row

                D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(' ' * hsep))  # h-spacer
                D_row = prettyForm(*D_row.right(s))

            if D is None:
                D = D_row  # first row in a picture

            # v-spacer
            for _ in range(vsep):
                D = prettyForm(*D.below(' '))

            D = prettyForm(*D.below(D_row))

        D = prettyForm(*D.parens('[', ']'))
        return D
Exemplo n.º 36
    def _print_Sum(self, expr):
        ascii_mode = not self._use_unicode

        def asum(hrequired, lower, upper, use_ascii):
            def adjust(s, wid=None, how='<^>'):
                if not wid or len(s) > wid:
                    return s
                need = wid - len(s)
                if how == '<^>' or how == "<" or how not in list('<^>'):
                    return s + ' ' * need
                half = need // 2
                lead = ' ' * half
                if how == ">":
                    return " " * need + s
                return lead + s + ' ' * (need - len(lead))

            h = max(hrequired, 2)
            d = h // 2
            wrequired = max(lower, upper)
            w = d + 1
            more = hrequired % 2

            lines = []
            if use_ascii:
                lines.append("_" * (w) + ' ')
                lines.append("\%s`" % (' ' * (w - 1)))
                for i in range(1, d):
                    lines.append('%s\\%s' % (' ' * i, ' ' * (w - i)))
                if more:
                    lines.append('%s)%s' % (' ' * (d), ' ' * (w - d)))
                for i in reversed(range(1, d)):
                    lines.append('%s/%s' % (' ' * i, ' ' * (w - i)))
                lines.append("/" + "_" * (w - 1) + ',')
                return d, h + more, lines, 0
                w = w + more
                d = d + more
                vsum = vobj('sum', 4)
                lines.append("_" * (w))
                for i in range(0, d):
                    lines.append('%s%s%s' % (' ' * i, vsum[2], ' ' *
                                             (w - i - 1)))
                for i in reversed(range(0, d)):
                    lines.append('%s%s%s' % (' ' * i, vsum[4], ' ' *
                                             (w - i - 1)))
                lines.append(vsum[8] * (w))
                return d, h + 2 * more, lines, more

        f = expr.function

        prettyF = self._print(f)

        if f.is_Add:  # add parens
            prettyF = prettyForm(*prettyF.parens())

        H = prettyF.height() + 2

        # \sum \sum \sum ...
        first = True
        max_upper = 0
        sign_height = 0

        for lim in expr.limits:
            if len(lim) == 3:
                prettyUpper = self._print(lim[2])
                prettyLower = self._print(C.Equality(lim[0], lim[1]))
            elif len(lim) == 2:
                prettyUpper = self._print("")
                prettyLower = self._print(C.Equality(lim[0], lim[1]))
            elif len(lim) == 1:
                prettyUpper = self._print("")
                prettyLower = self._print(lim[0])

            max_upper = max(max_upper, prettyUpper.height())

            # Create sum sign based on the height of the argument
            d, h, slines, adjustment = asum(H, prettyLower.width(),
                                            prettyUpper.width(), ascii_mode)
            prettySign = stringPict('')
            prettySign = prettyForm(*prettySign.stack(*slines))

            if first:
                sign_height = prettySign.height()

            prettySign = prettyForm(*prettySign.above(prettyUpper))
            prettySign = prettyForm(*prettySign.below(prettyLower))

            if first:
                # change F baseline so it centers on the sign
                prettyF.baseline -= d - (prettyF.height() // 2 -
                                         prettyF.baseline) - adjustment
                first = False

            # put padding to the right
            pad = stringPict('')
            pad = prettyForm(*pad.stack(*[' '] * h))
            prettySign = prettyForm(*prettySign.right(pad))
            # put the present prettyF to the right
            prettyF = prettyForm(*prettySign.right(prettyF))

        prettyF.baseline = max_upper + sign_height // 2
        return prettyF
Exemplo n.º 37
 def _print_RealDomain(self, expr):
     if self._use_unicode:
         return prettyForm(u'\u211D')
         return prettyForm('RR')
Exemplo n.º 38
    def _print_PolynomialRing(self, expr):
        pform = self._print_seq(expr.gens, '[', ']')
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.left(self._print(expr.dom)))

        return pform
Exemplo n.º 39
 def _print_Order(self, e):
     pform = self._print(e.expr)
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.left('O'))
     return pform
Exemplo n.º 40
 def _print_set(self, s):
     items = sorted(s, key=default_sort_key)
     pretty = self._print_seq(items, '(', ')')
     pretty = prettyForm(*stringPict.next(type(s).__name__, pretty))
     return pretty
Exemplo n.º 41
 def _print_conjugate(self, e):
     pform = self._print(e.args[0])
     return prettyForm( *pform.above( hobj('_',pform.width())) )
Exemplo n.º 42
def emptyPrinter(x):
    """ Default empty printer.
    return prettyForm(xstr(x))
Exemplo n.º 43
 def _print_atan2(self, e):
     pform = prettyForm(*self._print_seq(e.args).parens())
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.left('atan2'))
     return pform
Exemplo n.º 44
 def _print_tuple(self, t):
     if len(t) == 1:
         ptuple = prettyForm(*stringPict.next(self._print(t[0]), ','))
         return prettyForm(*ptuple.parens('(', ')', ifascii_nougly=True))
         return self._print_seq(t, '(', ')')
Exemplo n.º 45
 def _print_basestring(self, e):
     return prettyForm(repr(e))
Exemplo n.º 46
 def _print_ExpBase(self, e):
     # TODO should exp_polar be printed differently?
     #      what about exp_polar(0), exp_polar(1)?
     base = prettyForm(pretty_atom('Exp1', 'e'))
     return base**self._print(e.args[0])
Exemplo n.º 47
 def _print_Atom(self, e):
         # print atoms like Exp1 or Pi
         return prettyForm(pretty_atom(e.__class__.__name__))
     except KeyError:
         return self.emptyPrinter(e)
Exemplo n.º 48
    def _print_meijerg(self, e):
        # FIXME refactor Matrix, Piecewise, and this into a tabular environment

        v = {}
        v[(0, 0)] = [self._print(a) for a in e.an]
        v[(0, 1)] = [self._print(a) for a in e.aother]
        v[(1, 0)] = [self._print(b) for b in e.bm]
        v[(1, 1)] = [self._print(b) for b in e.bother]

        P = self._print(e.argument)
        P.baseline = P.height() // 2

        vp = {}
        for idx in v:
            vp[idx] = self._hprint_vec(v[idx])

        for i in range(2):
            maxw = max(vp[(0, i)].width(), vp[(1, i)].width())
            for j in range(2):
                s = vp[(j, i)]
                left = (maxw - s.width()) // 2
                right = maxw - left - s.width()
                s = prettyForm(*s.left(' ' * left))
                s = prettyForm(*s.right(' ' * right))
                vp[(j, i)] = s

        D1 = prettyForm(*vp[(0, 0)].right('  ', vp[(0, 1)]))
        D1 = prettyForm(*D1.below(' '))
        D2 = prettyForm(*vp[(1, 0)].right('  ', vp[(1, 1)]))
        D = prettyForm(*D1.below(D2))

        # make sure that the argument `z' is centred vertically
        D.baseline = D.height() // 2

        # insert horizontal separator
        P = prettyForm(*P.left(' '))
        D = prettyForm(*D.right(' '))

        # insert separating `|`
        D = self._hprint_vseparator(D, P)

        # add parens
        D = prettyForm(*D.parens('(', ')'))

        # create the G symbol
        above = D.height() // 2 - 1
        below = D.height() - above - 1

        sz, t, b, add, img = annotated('G')
        F = prettyForm('\n' * (above - t) + img + '\n' * (below - b),
                       baseline=above + sz)

        pp = self._print(len(e.ap))
        pq = self._print(len(e.bq))
        pm = self._print(len(e.bm))
        pn = self._print(len(e.an))

        def adjust(p1, p2):
            diff = p1.width() - p2.width()
            if diff == 0:
                return p1, p2
            elif diff > 0:
                return p1, prettyForm(*p2.left(' ' * diff))
                return prettyForm(*p1.left(' ' * -diff)), p2

        pp, pm = adjust(pp, pm)
        pq, pn = adjust(pq, pn)
        pu = prettyForm(*pm.right(', ', pn))
        pl = prettyForm(*pp.right(', ', pq))

        ht = F.baseline - above - 2
        if ht > 0:
            pu = prettyForm(*pu.below('\n' * ht))
        p = prettyForm(*pu.below(pl))

        F.baseline = above
        F = prettyForm(*F.right(p))

        F.baseline = above + add

        D = prettyForm(*F.right(' ', D))

        return D
Exemplo n.º 49
 def _hprint_vseparator(self, p1, p2):
     tmp = prettyForm(*p1.right(p2))
     sep = stringPict(vobj('|', tmp.height()), baseline=tmp.baseline)
     return prettyForm(*p1.right(sep, p2))
Exemplo n.º 50
 def __init__(self, settings=None):
     Printer.__init__(self, settings)
     self.emptyPrinter = lambda x: prettyForm(xstr(x))
Exemplo n.º 51
 def _print_Inverse(self, I):
     pform = self._print(I.arg)
     if (I.arg.is_Add or I.arg.is_Mul or I.arg.is_Pow):
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.right("^-1"))
     return pform
Exemplo n.º 52
    def _print_FractionField(self, expr):
        pform = self._print_seq(expr.gens, '(', ')')
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.left(self._print(expr.dom)))

        return pform
Exemplo n.º 53
 def _print_RationalField(self, expr):
     if self._use_unicode:
         return prettyForm(u'\u211A')
         return prettyForm('QQ')
Exemplo n.º 54
 def _print_Abs(self, e):
     pform = self._print(e.args[0])
     pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens('|', '|'))
     return pform
Exemplo n.º 55
 def _print_Symbol(self, e):
     symb = pretty_symbol(e.name)
     return prettyForm(symb)
Exemplo n.º 56
 def _print_set(self, s):
     items = sorted(s, key=default_sort_key)
     pretty = self._print_seq(items, '[', ']')
     pretty = prettyForm(*pretty.parens('(', ')', ifascii_nougly=True))
     pretty = prettyForm(*stringPict.next(type(s).__name__, pretty))
     return pretty
Exemplo n.º 57
    def _print_Integral(self, integral):
        f   = integral.function

        # Add parentheses if arg involves addition of terms and
        # create a pretty form for the argument
        prettyF = self._print(f)
        # XXX generalize parens
        if f.is_Add:
            prettyF = prettyForm(*prettyF.parens())

        # dx dy dz ...
        arg = prettyF
        for x in integral.limits:
            prettyArg = self._print(x[0])
            # XXX qparens   (parens if needs-parens)
            if prettyArg.width() > 1:
                prettyArg = prettyForm(*prettyArg.parens())

            arg = prettyForm(*arg.right(' d', prettyArg))

        # \int \int \int ...
        firstterm = True
        s = None
        for lim in integral.limits:
            x = lim[0]
            # Create bar based on the height of the argument
            h = arg.height()
            H = h+2

            # XXX hack!
            ascii_mode = not self._use_unicode
            if ascii_mode:
                H += 2

            vint= vobj('int', H)

            # Construct the pretty form with the integral sign and the argument
            pform = prettyForm(vint)
            #pform.baseline = pform.height()//2  # vcenter
            pform.baseline = arg.baseline + (H-h)//2    # covering the whole argument

            if len(lim) > 1:
                # Create pretty forms for endpoints, if definite integral.
                # Do not print empty endpoints.
                if len(lim) == 2:
                    prettyA = prettyForm("")
                    prettyB = self._print(lim[1])
                if len(lim) == 3:
                    prettyA = self._print(lim[1])
                    prettyB = self._print(lim[2])

                if ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                    # Add spacing so that endpoint can more easily be
                    # identified with the correct integral sign
                    spc = max(1, 3 - prettyB.width())
                    prettyB = prettyForm(*prettyB.left(' ' * spc))

                    spc = max(1, 4 - prettyA.width())
                    prettyA = prettyForm(*prettyA.right(' ' * spc))

                pform = prettyForm(*pform.above(prettyB))
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.below(prettyA))

                #if ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                #    # too much vspace beetween \int and argument
                #    # but I left it as is
                #    pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' '))

            if not ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' '))

            if firstterm:
                s = pform   # first term
                firstterm = False
                s = prettyForm(*s.left(pform))

        pform = prettyForm(*arg.left(s))
        return pform
Exemplo n.º 58
    def _print_meijerg(self, e):
        # FIXME refactor Matrix, Piecewise, and this into a tabular environment

        v = {}
        v[(0, 0)] = [self._print(a) for a in e.an]
        v[(0, 1)] = [self._print(a) for a in e.aother]
        v[(1, 0)] = [self._print(b) for b in e.bm]
        v[(1, 1)] = [self._print(b) for b in e.bother]

        P = self._print(e.argument)

        vp = {}
        for idx in v:
            vp[idx] = self._hprint_vec(v[idx])

        for i in range(2):
            maxw = max(vp[(0, i)].width(), vp[(1, i)].width())
            for j in range(2):
                s = vp[(j, i)]
                left = (maxw - s.width()) // 2
                right = maxw - left - s.width()
                s = prettyForm(*s.left(' ' * left))
                s = prettyForm(*s.right(' ' * right))
                vp[(j, i)] = s

        D1 = prettyForm(*vp[(0, 0)].right('  ', vp[(0, 1)]))
        D1 = prettyForm(*D1.below(' '))
        D2 = prettyForm(*vp[(1, 0)].right('  ', vp[(1, 1)]))
        D = prettyForm(*D1.below(D2))

        # make sure that the argument `z' is centred vertically
        D.baseline = D.height() / 2

        # insert horizontal separator
        P = prettyForm(*P.left(' '))
        D = prettyForm(*D.right(' '))

        # insert separating `|`
        D = self._hprint_vseparator(D, P)

        # add parens
        D = prettyForm(*D.parens('(', ')'))

        # create the G symbol
        above = D.height() / 2 - 1
        below = D.height() - above - 1

        if self._use_unicode:
            pic = (
                3, 0, 3, 1,
            pic = (3, 0, 3, 1, ' __\n/__\n\_|')

        add = 0
        sz, t, b, add, img = pic
        F = prettyForm('\n' * (above - t) + img + '\n' * (below - b),
                       baseline=above + sz)

        pp = self._print(len(e.ap))
        pq = self._print(len(e.bq))
        pm = self._print(len(e.bm))
        pn = self._print(len(e.an))
        pu = prettyForm(*pm.right(', ', pn))
        pl = prettyForm(*pp.right(', ', pq))

        ht = F.baseline - above - 2
        if ht > 0:
            pu = prettyForm(*pu.below('\n' * ht))
        p = prettyForm(*pu.below(pl))

        F.baseline = above
        F = prettyForm(*F.right(p))

        F.baseline = above + add

        D = prettyForm(*F.right(' ', D))

        return D
Exemplo n.º 59
 def _print_ComplexDomain(self, expr):
     if self._use_unicode:
         return prettyForm(u'\u2102')
         return prettyForm('CC')