Exemplo n.º 1
    def show(self, name, contract=None, start=None, end=None, account=None,
            management=None, support_level="", support_type="",
            virt_only=None, products=[], highlight=None):
        Show subscription details.

        Start and end should be formatted strings, not actual date objects.
        Products is a list of tuples in the format (name, id)
        # set a new buffer to clear out all the old tag information
        self._set(self.subscription_text, name)
        buf = self.subscription_text.get_buffer()
        tag = buf.create_tag("highlight-tag", weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)

        for index in utils.find_text(name, highlight):
            buf.apply_tag(tag, buf.get_iter_at_offset(index),
                    buf.get_iter_at_offset(index + len(highlight)))

        self._set(self.support_level_text, support_level)
        self._set(self.support_type_text, support_type)

        if self.show_contract:
            self._set(self.contract_number_text, contract)
            self._set(self.start_end_date_text, "%s - %s" % (
                      managerlib.formatDate(start), managerlib.formatDate(end)))
            self._set(self.account_text, account)
            self._set(self.provides_management_text, management)
            self._set(self.virt_only_text, virt_only)

        for product in products:
                highlight), product[1])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def show(self, name, contract=None, start=None, end=None, account=None,
            management=None, support_level="", support_type="",
            virt_only=None, products=[], highlight=None, sku=None):
        Show subscription details.

        Start and end should be datetime objects.
        Products is a list of tuples in the format (name, id)
        # set a new buffer to clear out all the old tag information
        self._set(self.subscription_text, name)
        buf = self.subscription_text.get_buffer()
        tag = buf.create_tag("highlight-tag", weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)

        for index in utils.find_text(name, highlight):
            buf.apply_tag(tag, buf.get_iter_at_offset(index),
                    buf.get_iter_at_offset(index + len(highlight)))

        self._set(self.sku_text, sku)

        display_level = support_level
        if support_level == "":
            display_level = _("Not Set")
        self._set(self.support_level_and_type_text, ", ".join([display_level, support_type]))

        self._show_other_details(name, contract, start, end, account,
                                 management, support_level, support_type,
                                 virt_only, products, highlight, sku)

        for product in products:
                highlight), product[1])