def draw_station(geom1, geom2, station, filename, length_factor=100., angle_factor=100., colors=dt_colors, dropafew=False):
    if station == 4: station_template = load_svg("station4_template.svg")
    else: station_template = load_svg("station_template.svg")

    if station == 1: x_scale_factor = 1/6.
    if station == 2: x_scale_factor = 1/7.
    if station == 3: x_scale_factor = 1/8.5
    if station == 4: x_scale_factor = 1/10.
    y_scale_factor = 1/7.

    # make a new group to put the moved chambers into
    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    # loop over the SVG tree, looking for our chambers (by id)
    for treeindex, svgitem in station_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "MB_":
            m = re.match("MB_([0-9mpz]+)_([0-9]+)", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            wheel =
            if wheel == "m2": wheel = -2
            elif wheel == "m1": wheel = -1
            elif wheel == "z": wheel = 0
            elif wheel == "p1": wheel = 1
            elif wheel == "p2": wheel = 2
            sector = int(

            xdiff = x_scale_factor * length_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].x - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].x) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][0]
            ydiff = -y_scale_factor * length_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].y - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].y) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][1]
            phizdiff = -angle_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].phiz - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].phiz) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][2]

            sx = float(svgitem["x"]) + float(svgitem["width"])/2.
            sy = float(svgitem["y"]) + float(svgitem["height"])/2.

            svgitem["transform"] = "translate(%g,%g)" % (sx, sy)
            svgitem["x"] = -float(svgitem["width"])/2.
            svgitem["y"] = -float(svgitem["height"])/2.

            svgitem["style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"

            newBox = svgitem.clone()
            newBox["transform"] = "translate(%g,%g) rotate(%g) " % (sx + xdiff, sy + ydiff, phizdiff * 180./pi)
            newBox["style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(wheel, station, sector)

            if (not dropafew) or ((wheel, station, sector) not in [(0, 3, 6), (0, 4, 3), (0, 1, 8), (0, 2, 8), (0, 2, 9), (-1, 4, 6), (-2, 1, 8), (2, 4, 8), (2, 3, 6), (2, 1, 5), (-2, 2, 10), (-2, 3, 10), (-2, 11, 4), (1, 7, 4), (2, 2, 4), (2, 4, 4), (2, 8, 4), (2, 11, 4)]):
                svgitem["style"] = "fill:none;stroke:none"
    for treeindex, svgitem in station_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "stationx":
            svgitem[0] = "Station %d" % station
            svgitem[0] += " (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (length_factor, angle_factor)
def draw_sector(geom1, geom2, sector, filename, length_factor=100., angle_factor=100., colors=dt_colors):
    if sector < 13: 
    	sector_template = load_svg("sector_template.svg")
    	sector_template = load_svg("sector_template_station4.svg")

    # make a new group to put the moved chambers into
    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    # loop over the SVG tree, looking for our chambers (by id)
    for treeindex, svgitem in sector_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "MB_":
            m = re.match("MB_([0-9])_([0-9])", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            wheel, station = int(, int(

            m ="translate\(([0-9\.\-\+eE]+),([0-9\.\-\+eE]+)\)",svgitem["transform"])

            tx = float(
            ty = float(

            ydiff =    -length_factor * (geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].y   - geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].y)    * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][1]
            zdiff =    -length_factor * (geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].z   - geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].z)    * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][2]
            phixdiff = angle_factor * (geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].phix - geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].phix) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][0]

            newBox = svgitem.clone()

            svgitem["style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:5.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"
            newBox["style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:5.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(wheel, station, sector)
            newBox["id"] = newBox["id"] + "_moved"

            newBox["transform"] = "translate(%g,%g) rotate(%g)" % (tx + ydiff, ty - zdiff, phixdiff*180./pi) 


    for treeindex, svgitem in sector_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "title":
            svgitem[0] = "Sector %d (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (sector,length_factor, angle_factor)
def draw_wheel(geom1, geom2, wheel, filename, length_factor=100., angle_factor=100., colors=dt_colors, dropafew=False):
    wheel_template = load_svg("wheel_template.svg")

    # make a new group to put the moved chambers into
    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    # loop over the SVG tree, looking for our chambers (by id)
    for treeindex, svgitem in wheel_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "MB_":
            m = re.match("MB_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            station, sector = int(, int(
            xdiff = -length_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].x - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].x) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][0]
            zdiff = length_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].z - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].z) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][2]
            phiydiff = -angle_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].phiy - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].phiy) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][1]

	    m ="translate\(([0-9\.\-\+eE]+),\s([0-9\.\-\+eE]+)\)\srotate\(([0-9\.\-\+eE]+)\)",svgitem["transform"])

	    tx = float(
	    ty = float(
	    tr = float(

            newBox = svgitem.clone()

	    svgitem["style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:5.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"
            newBox["style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:5.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(wheel, station, sector)
            newBox["id"] = newBox["id"] + "_moved"

            newBox["transform"] = "translate(%g,%g) rotate(%g)" % (tx - xdiff*cos(tr*pi/180.) + zdiff*sin(tr*pi/180.), ty - xdiff*sin(tr*pi/180.) - zdiff*cos(tr*pi/180.), tr - phiydiff*180./pi) 

            if (not dropafew) or ((wheel, station, sector) not in [(0, 3, 6), (0, 4, 3), (0, 1, 8), (0, 2, 8), (0, 2, 9), (-1, 4, 6), (-2, 1, 8), (2, 4, 8), (2, 3, 6), (2, 1, 5), (-2, 2, 10), (-2, 3, 10), (-2, 11, 4), (1, 7, 4), (2, 2, 4), (2, 4, 4), (2, 8, 4), (2, 11, 4)]):
                svgitem["style"] = "fill:none;stroke:none"

    for treeindex, svgitem in wheel_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "wheelx":
            if wheel == 0: svgitem[0] = "Wheel 0"
            else: svgitem[0] = "Wheel %+d" % wheel
            svgitem[0] += " (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (length_factor, angle_factor)
def draw_wheel(geom1, geom2, wheel, filename, length_factor=100., angle_factor=100., colors=dt_colors, template_dir='./'):
    wheel_template = load_svg(template_dir + "wheel_template.svg")

    # make a new group to put the moved chambers into
    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    # loop over the SVG tree, looking for our chambers (by id)
    for treeindex, svgitem in wheel_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "MB_":
            m = re.match("MB_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            station, sector = int(, int(
            xdiff = -length_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].x - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].x) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][0]
            zdiff = length_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].z - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].z) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][2]
            phiydiff = -angle_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].phiy - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].phiy) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][1]

            m ="translate\(([0-9\.\-\+eE]+),\s([0-9\.\-\+eE]+)\)\srotate\(([0-9\.\-\+eE]+)\)",svgitem["transform"])

            tx = float(
            ty = float(
            tr = float(

            newBox = svgitem.clone()

            svgitem["style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:5.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"
            newBox["style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:5.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(wheel, station, sector)
            newBox["id"] = newBox["id"] + "_moved"

            newBox["transform"] = "translate(%g,%g) rotate(%g)" % (tx - xdiff*cos(tr*pi/180.) + zdiff*sin(tr*pi/180.), ty - xdiff*sin(tr*pi/180.) - zdiff*cos(tr*pi/180.), tr - phiydiff*180./pi) 


    for treeindex, svgitem in wheel_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "wheelx":
            if wheel == 0: svgitem[0] = "Wheel 0"
            else: svgitem[0] = "Wheel %+d" % wheel
            svgitem[0] += " (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (length_factor, angle_factor)
Exemplo n.º 5
def draw_disk(geom1,
    if station == 1: disk_template = load_svg("disk1_template.svg")
    if station in (2, 3): disk_template = load_svg("disk23_template.svg")
    if endcap == 1 and station == 4:
        disk_template = load_svg("diskp4_template.svg")
    if endcap == 2 and station == 4:
        disk_template = load_svg("diskm4_template.svg")

    scale_factor = 0.233

    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(
                svgitem, SVG
        ) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "fakecenter":
            fakecenter = pathtoPath(pathtoPath(svgitem).SVG())
            sumx = 0.
            sumy = 0.
            sum1 = 0.
            for i, di in enumerate(fakecenter.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    sumx += di[1]
                    sumy += di[2]
                    sum1 += 1.
            originx = sumx / sum1
            originy = sumy / sum1

    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(
                SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "ME_":
            m = re.match("ME_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            ring, chamber = int(, int(
            xdiff = scale_factor * length_factor * (
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].x -
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].x
            ) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][0]
            ydiff = -scale_factor * length_factor * (
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].y -
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].y
            ) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][1]
            phizdiff = -angle_factor * (
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].phiz -
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].phiz
            ) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][2]

                "style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"

            newBox = pathtoPath(svgitem)

            # Inkscape outputs wrong SVG: paths are filled with movetos, rather than linetos; this fixes that
            first = True
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if not first and di[0] == "m":
                    di = list(di)
                    di[0] = "l"
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)
                first = False

            # convert to absolute coordinates
            newBox = pathtoPath(newBox.SVG())

            # find the center of the object
            sumx = 0.
            sumy = 0.
            sum1 = 0.
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] == "L":
                    sumx += di[1]
                    sumy += di[2]
                    sum1 += 1.
            centerx = sumx / sum1
            centery = sumy / sum1

            phipos = atan2(centery - originy, centerx - originx) - pi / 2.
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    di = list(di)
                    di[1] += cos(phipos) * xdiff - sin(phipos) * ydiff
                    di[2] += sin(phipos) * xdiff + cos(phipos) * ydiff
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)

            centerx += cos(phipos) * xdiff - sin(phipos) * ydiff
            centery += sin(phipos) * xdiff + cos(phipos) * ydiff

            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    di = list(di)
                    dispx = cos(phizdiff) * (
                        di[1] - centerx) - sin(phizdiff) * (di[2] - centery)
                    dispy = sin(phizdiff) * (
                        di[1] - centerx) + cos(phizdiff) * (di[2] - centery)
                    di[1] = dispx + centerx
                    di[2] = dispy + centery
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)

            newBox = newBox.SVG()
                "style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(
                    endcap, station, ring, chamber)
            newBox["id"] = newBox["id"] + "_moved"


    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(
                SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem[
                    "id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(
                SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "diskx":
            if endcap == 1: svgitem[0] = "Disk %+d" % station
            else: svgitem[0] = "Disk %+d" % (-station)
            svgitem[0] += " (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (length_factor,
def draw_disk(geom1, geom2, endcap, station, filename, length_factor=1., angle_factor=100., colors=csc_colors, template_dir='./'):
    if station == 1: 
        disk_template = load_svg(template_dir + "disk1_template.svg")
    if station in (2, 3): 
        disk_template = load_svg(template_dir + "disk23_template.svg")
    if endcap == 1 and station == 4: 
        disk_template = load_svg(template_dir + "diskp4_template.svg")
    if endcap == 2 and station == 4: 
        disk_template = load_svg(template_dir + "diskm4_template.svg")

    scale_factor = 0.233

    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "fakecenter":
            fakecenter = pathtoPath(pathtoPath(svgitem).SVG())
            sumx = 0.
            sumy = 0.
            sum1 = 0.
            for i, di in enumerate(fakecenter.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    sumx += di[1]
                    sumy += di[2]
                    sum1 += 1.
            originx = sumx/sum1
            originy = sumy/sum1

    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "ME_":
            m = re.match("ME_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            ring, chamber = int(, int(
            xdiff = scale_factor * length_factor * ([endcap, station, ring, chamber].x -[endcap, station, ring, chamber].x) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][0]
            ydiff = -scale_factor * length_factor * ([endcap, station, ring, chamber].y -[endcap, station, ring, chamber].y) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][1]
            phizdiff = -angle_factor * ([endcap, station, ring, chamber].phiz -[endcap, station, ring, chamber].phiz) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][2]

            svgitem["style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"

            newBox = pathtoPath(svgitem)

            # Inkscape outputs wrong SVG: paths are filled with movetos, rather than linetos; this fixes that
            first = True
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if not first and di[0] == "m":
                    di = list(di)
                    di[0] = "l"
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)
                first = False

            # convert to absolute coordinates
            newBox = pathtoPath(newBox.SVG())

            # find the center of the object
            sumx = 0.
            sumy = 0.
            sum1 = 0.
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] == "L":
                    sumx += di[1]
                    sumy += di[2]
                    sum1 += 1.
            centerx = sumx/sum1
            centery = sumy/sum1

            phipos = atan2(centery - originy, centerx - originx) - pi/2.
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    di = list(di)
                    di[1] += cos(phipos)*xdiff - sin(phipos)*ydiff
                    di[2] += sin(phipos)*xdiff + cos(phipos)*ydiff
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)

            centerx += cos(phipos)*xdiff - sin(phipos)*ydiff
            centery += sin(phipos)*xdiff + cos(phipos)*ydiff

            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    di = list(di)
                    dispx = cos(phizdiff) * (di[1] - centerx) - sin(phizdiff) * (di[2] - centery)
                    dispy = sin(phizdiff) * (di[1] - centerx) + cos(phizdiff) * (di[2] - centery)
                    di[1] = dispx + centerx
                    di[2] = dispy + centery
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)

            newBox = newBox.SVG()
            newBox["style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(endcap, station, ring, chamber)
            newBox["id"] = newBox["id"] + "_moved"


    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "diskx":
            if endcap == 1: svgitem[0] = "Disk %+d" % station
            else: svgitem[0] = "Disk %+d" % (-station)
            svgitem[0] += " (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (length_factor, angle_factor)
def draw_sector(geom1,
    if sector < 13:
        sector_template = load_svg("sector_template.svg")
        sector_template = load_svg("sector_template_station4.svg")

    # make a new group to put the moved chambers into
    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    # loop over the SVG tree, looking for our chambers (by id)
    for treeindex, svgitem in sector_template:
        if isinstance(
                SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "MB_":
            m = re.match("MB_([0-9])_([0-9])", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            wheel, station = int( - 2, int(

            m ="translate\(([0-9\.\-\+eE]+),([0-9\.\-\+eE]+)\)",

            tx = float(
            ty = float(

            ydiff = -length_factor * (geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].y -
                                      geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].y
                                      ) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station,
            zdiff = -length_factor * (geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].z -
                                      geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].z
                                      ) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station,
            phixdiff = angle_factor * (geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].phix -
                                       geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].phix
                                       ) * signConventions["DT", wheel,
                                                           station, sector][0]

            newBox = svgitem.clone()

                "style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:5.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"
                "style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:5.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(
                    wheel, station, sector)
            newBox["id"] = newBox["id"] + "_moved"

            newBox["transform"] = "translate(%g,%g) rotate(%g)" % (
                tx + ydiff, ty - zdiff, phixdiff * 180. / pi)


    for treeindex, svgitem in sector_template:
        if isinstance(
                SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem[
                    "id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(
                SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "title":
            svgitem[0] = "Sector %d (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (
                sector, length_factor, angle_factor)
def draw_disk(geom1,
    if station == 1: disk_template = load_svg("disk1_template.svg")
    if station in (2, 3, 4): disk_template = load_svg("disk234_template.svg")

    scale_factor = 0.233

    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    # center of the template
    originx = 339.74905
    originy = 513.50318

    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(
                SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "ME_":
            m = re.match("ME_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            ring, chamber = int(, int(

            xdiff = scale_factor * length_factor * (
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].x -
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].x
            ) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][0]
            ydiff = scale_factor * length_factor * (
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].y -
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].y
            ) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][1]
            phizdiff = -angle_factor * (
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].phiz -
      [endcap, station, ring, chamber].phiz
            ) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][2]

                "style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"

            # copy chamber
            newBox = pathtoPath(svgitem)

            # find the center of the chamber
            sumx = 0.
            sumy = 0.
            sum1 = 0.
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] == "L":
                    sumx += di[1]
                    sumy += di[2]
                    sum1 += 1.
            centerx = sumx / sum1
            centery = sumy / sum1

            # global phi of the chamber
            phipos = atan2(originy - centery, centerx - originx)

            # global shifts of the chamber calculated from local shifts
            dx = -sin(phipos) * xdiff - cos(phipos) * ydiff
            dy = -cos(phipos) * xdiff + sin(phipos) * ydiff

            # shift the chamber along global X and Y
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    di = list(di)
                    di[1] += dx
                    di[2] += dy
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)

            # shift the center of the chamber along global X and Y
            centerx += dx
            centery += dy

            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    di = list(di)
                    # global shifts of the chamber calculated from local rotation
                    dispx = cos(phizdiff) * (
                        di[1] - centerx) - sin(phizdiff) * (di[2] - centery)
                    dispy = sin(phizdiff) * (
                        di[1] - centerx) + cos(phizdiff) * (di[2] - centery)
                    # shift the chamber along global X and Y
                    di[1] = dispx + centerx
                    di[2] = dispy + centery
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)

            newBox = newBox.SVG()
                "style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(
                    endcap, station, ring, chamber)
            newBox["id"] = newBox["id"] + "_moved"


    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(
                SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem[
                    "id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(
                SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "diskx":
            if endcap == 1: svgitem[0] = "Disk %+d" % station
            else: svgitem[0] = "Disk %+d" % (-station)
            svgitem[0] += " (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (length_factor,
def draw_disk(geom1, geom2, endcap, station, filename, length_factor=1., angle_factor=100., colors=csc_colors):
    if station == 1: disk_template = load_svg("disk1_template.svg")
    if station in (2, 3, 4): disk_template = load_svg("disk234_template.svg")

    scale_factor = 0.233
    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    # center of the template
    originx = 339.74905
    originy = 513.50318

    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "ME_":
            m = re.match("ME_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            ring, chamber = int(, int(

            xdiff = scale_factor * length_factor * ([endcap, station, ring, chamber].x -[endcap, station, ring, chamber].x) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][0]
            ydiff = scale_factor * length_factor * ([endcap, station, ring, chamber].y -[endcap, station, ring, chamber].y) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][1]
            phizdiff = -angle_factor * ([endcap, station, ring, chamber].phiz -[endcap, station, ring, chamber].phiz) * signConventions["CSC", endcap, station, ring, chamber][2]

            svgitem["style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"

            # copy chamber
            newBox = pathtoPath(svgitem)

            # find the center of the chamber
            sumx = 0.
            sumy = 0.
            sum1 = 0.
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] == "L":
                    sumx += di[1]
                    sumy += di[2]
                    sum1 += 1.
            centerx = sumx/sum1
            centery = sumy/sum1

            # global phi of the chamber
            phipos = atan2(originy-centery, centerx - originx)

            # global shifts of the chamber calculated from local shifts
            dx = -sin(phipos)*xdiff - cos(phipos)*ydiff
            dy = -cos(phipos)*xdiff + sin(phipos)*ydiff

            # shift the chamber along global X and Y
            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    di = list(di)
                    di[1] += dx
                    di[2] += dy
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)

            # shift the center of the chamber along global X and Y
            centerx += dx
            centery += dy

            for i, di in enumerate(newBox.d):
                if di[0] in ("M", "L"):
                    di = list(di)
                    # global shifts of the chamber calculated from local rotation
                    dispx = cos(phizdiff) * (di[1] - centerx) - sin(phizdiff) * (di[2] - centery)
                    dispy = sin(phizdiff) * (di[1] - centerx) + cos(phizdiff) * (di[2] - centery)
                    # shift the chamber along global X and Y
                    di[1] = dispx + centerx
                    di[2] = dispy + centery
                    newBox.d[i] = tuple(di)

            newBox = newBox.SVG()
            newBox["style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(endcap, station, ring, chamber)
            newBox["id"] = newBox["id"] + "_moved"


    for treeindex, svgitem in disk_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "diskx":
            if endcap == 1: svgitem[0] = "Disk %+d" % station
            else: svgitem[0] = "Disk %+d" % (-station)
            svgitem[0] += " (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (length_factor, angle_factor)
def draw_station(geom1, geom2, station, filename, length_factor=100., angle_factor=100., colors=dt_colors, template_dir='./'):
    if station == 4: 
        station_template = load_svg(template_dir + "station4_template.svg")
        station_template = load_svg(template_dir + "station_template.svg")

    if station == 1: x_scale_factor = 1/6.
    if station == 2: x_scale_factor = 1/7.
    if station == 3: x_scale_factor = 1/8.5
    if station == 4: x_scale_factor = 1/10.
    y_scale_factor = 1/7.

    # make a new group to put the moved chambers into
    new_boxes = SVG("g")

    # loop over the SVG tree, looking for our chambers (by id)
    for treeindex, svgitem in station_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"][:3] == "MB_":
            m = re.match("MB_([0-9mpz]+)_([0-9]+)", svgitem["id"])
            if m is None: raise Exception

            wheel =
            if wheel == "m2": wheel = -2
            elif wheel == "m1": wheel = -1
            elif wheel == "z": wheel = 0
            elif wheel == "p1": wheel = 1
            elif wheel == "p2": wheel = 2
            sector = int(

            xdiff = x_scale_factor * length_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].x - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].x) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][0]
            ydiff = -y_scale_factor * length_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].y - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].y) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][1]
            phizdiff = -angle_factor * (geom1.dt[wheel, station, sector].phiz - geom2.dt[wheel, station, sector].phiz) * signConventions["DT", wheel, station, sector][2]

            sx = float(svgitem["x"]) + float(svgitem["width"])/2.
            sy = float(svgitem["y"]) + float(svgitem["height"])/2.

            svgitem["transform"] = "translate(%g,%g)" % (sx, sy)
            svgitem["x"] = -float(svgitem["width"])/2.
            svgitem["y"] = -float(svgitem["height"])/2.

            svgitem["style"] = "fill:#e1e1e1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-dasharray:1, 1;stroke-dashoffset:0"

            newBox = svgitem.clone()
            newBox["transform"] = "translate(%g,%g) rotate(%g) " % (sx + xdiff, sy + ydiff, phizdiff * 180./pi)
            newBox["style"] = "fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none" % colors(wheel, station, sector)


    for treeindex, svgitem in station_template:
        if isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and svgitem.t == "g" and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "chambers":

        elif isinstance(svgitem, SVG) and "id" in svgitem.attr and svgitem["id"] == "stationx":
            svgitem[0] = "Station %d" % station
            svgitem[0] += " (length x%g, angle x%g)" % (length_factor, angle_factor)