Exemplo n.º 1
def _retrieve_log_flat(queue, settings):
    Writes the given *log_filename* to *queue* in a flat format equivalent to::

        ./logviewer.py --flat log_filename

    *settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors_css*, and
    *theme_css* to use when generating the HTML output.
    out_dict = {
        'result': "",
        'log': "",
        'metadata': {},
    # Local variables
    out = []
    spanstrip = re.compile(r'\s+\<\/span\>$')
    user = settings['user']
    users_dir = settings['users_dir']
    log_filename = settings['log_filename']
    logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
    log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
    if os.path.exists(log_path):
        out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
        out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
        out_dict['result'] = "Success"
        from io import BytesIO
        # Use the terminal emulator to create nice HTML-formatted output
        from terminal import Terminal
        term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300, em_dimensions=0)
        io_obj = BytesIO()
        flatten_log(log_path, io_obj)
        # Needed to emulate an actual term
        flattened_log = io_obj.read().replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
        # NOTE: Using chunking below to emulate how a stream might actually be
        # written to the terminal emulator.  This is to prevent the emulator
        # from thinking that any embedded files (like PDFs) are never going to
        # end.
        def chunker(s, n):
            """Produce `n`-character chunks from `s`."""
            for start in range(0, len(s), n):
                yield s[start:start+n]
        for chunk in chunker(flattened_log, 499):
        scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
        # Join them together
        log_lines = scrollback + screen
        # rstrip the lines
        log_lines = [a.rstrip() for a in log_lines]
        # Fix things like "<span>whatever [lots of whitespace]    </span>"
        for i, line in enumerate(log_lines):
            out.append(spanstrip.sub("</span>", line))
        out_dict['log'] = out
        term.clear_screen() # Ensure the function below works...
        term.close_captured_fds() # Force clean up open file descriptors
        out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
    message = {'terminal:logging_log_flat': out_dict}
Exemplo n.º 2
def _retrieve_log_flat(queue, settings):
    Writes the given *log_filename* to *queue* in a flat format equivalent to::

        ./logviewer.py --flat log_filename

    *settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors_css*, and
    *theme_css* to use when generating the HTML output.
    out_dict = {
        'result': "",
        'log': "",
        'metadata': {},
    # Local variables
    out = []
    spanstrip = re.compile(r'\s+\<\/span\>$')
    user = settings['user']
    users_dir = settings['users_dir']
    log_filename = settings['log_filename']
    logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
    log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
    if os.path.exists(log_path):
        out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
        out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
        out_dict['result'] = "Success"
        from io import BytesIO
        # Use the terminal emulator to create nice HTML-formatted output
        from terminal import Terminal
        term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300, em_dimensions=0)
        io_obj = BytesIO()
        flatten_log(log_path, io_obj)
        # Needed to emulate an actual term
        flattened_log = io_obj.read().replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
        # NOTE: Using chunking below to emulate how a stream might actually be
        # written to the terminal emulator.  This is to prevent the emulator
        # from thinking that any embedded files (like PDFs) are never going to
        # end.
        def chunker(s, n):
            """Produce `n`-character chunks from `s`."""
            for start in range(0, len(s), n):
                yield s[start:start+n]
        for chunk in chunker(flattened_log, 499):
        scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
        # Join them together
        log_lines = scrollback + screen
        # rstrip the lines
        log_lines = [a.rstrip() for a in log_lines]
        # Fix things like "<span>whatever [lots of whitespace]    </span>"
        for i, line in enumerate(log_lines):
            out.append(spanstrip.sub("</span>", line))
        out_dict['log'] = out
        term.clear_screen() # Ensure the function below works...
        term.close_captured_fds() # Force clean up open file descriptors
        out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
    message = {'terminal:logging_log_flat': out_dict}
Exemplo n.º 3
def flatten_log(log_path, file_like, preserve_renditions=True, show_esc=False):
    Given a log file at *log_path*, write a string of log lines contained
    within to *file_like*.  Where *file_like* is expected to be any file-like
    object with write() and flush() methods.

    If *preserve_renditions* is True, CSI escape sequences for renditions will
    be preserved as-is (e.g. font color, background, etc).  This is to make the
    output appear as close to how it was originally displayed as possible.
    Besides that, it looks really nice =)

    If *show_esc* is True, escape sequences and control characters will be
    visible in the output.  Trailing whitespace and escape sequences will not be


        Converts our standard recording-based log format into something that
        can be used with grep and similar search/filter tools.
    from terminal import Terminal, SPECIAL
    metadata = get_log_metadata(log_path)
    rows = metadata.get('rows', 24)
    cols = metadata.get('columns', None)
    if not cols:
        # Try the old metadata format which used 'cols':
        cols = metadata.get('cols', 80)
    term = Terminal(rows=rows, cols=cols, em_dimensions=0)
    out_line = u""
    cr = False
    # We skip the first frame, [1:] because it holds the recording metadata
    for count, frame in enumerate(get_frames(log_path)):
        if count == 0:
            # Skip the first frame (it's just JSON-encoded metadata)
        # First 13 chars is the timestamp:
        frame_time = float(frame.decode('UTF-8', 'ignore')[:13])
        # Convert to datetime object
        frame_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(frame_time/1000)
        if show_esc:
            frame_time = frame_time.strftime(u'\x1b[0m%b %m %H:%M:%S')
        else: # Renditions preserved == I want pretty.  Make the date bold:
            frame_time = frame_time.strftime(u'\x1b[0;1m%b %m %H:%M:%S\x1b[m')
        if not show_esc:
        if term.capture:
            # Capturing a file...  Keep feeding it frames until complete
        elif term.captured_files:
            for line in term.screen:
                # Find all the characters that come before/after the capture
                for char in line:
                    if ord(char) >= SPECIAL:
                        adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
                        adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % adjusted
                        out_line = u""
                        if char in term.captured_files:
                            captured_file = term.captured_files[char].file_obj
                            del captured_file
                            term.close_captured_fds() # Instant cleanup
                        out_line += char
            if not out_line:
            adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % out_line.strip()
            out_line = u""
        frame = frame.decode('UTF-8', 'ignore')
        for char in frame[14:]:
            if '\x1b[H\x1b[2J' in out_line: # Clear screen sequence
                # Handle the clear screen (usually ctrl-l) by outputting
                # a new log entry line to avoid confusion regarding what
                # happened at this time.
                out_line += u"^L" # Clear screen is a ctrl-l or equivalent
                if show_esc:
                    adjusted = raw(out_line)
                    adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
                adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % adjusted
                out_line = u""
            if char == u'\n':
                if show_esc:
                    adjusted = raw(out_line)
                    adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
                if not adjusted:
                    out_line = u"" # Skip empty lines
                adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % adjusted
                out_line = u""
                cr = False
            elif char == u'\r':
                # Carriage returns need special handling.  Make a note of it
                cr = True
                # \r without \n means that characters were (likely)
                # overwritten.  This usually happens when the user gets to
                # the end of the line (which would create a newline in the
                # terminal but not necessarily the log), erases their
                # current line (e.g. ctrl-u), or an escape sequence modified
                # the line in-place.  To clearly indicate what happened we
                # insert a '^M' and start a new line so as to avoid
                # confusion over these events.
                if cr:
                    out_line += "^M"
                    file_like.write((frame_time + u' ').encode('utf-8'))
                    if show_esc:
                        adjusted = raw(out_line)
                        adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
                    file_like.write((adjusted + u'\n').encode('utf-8'))
                    out_line = u""
                out_line += char
                cr = False
    del term
Exemplo n.º 4
def flatten_log(log_path, file_like, preserve_renditions=True, show_esc=False):
    Given a log file at *log_path*, write a string of log lines contained
    within to *file_like*.  Where *file_like* is expected to be any file-like
    object with write() and flush() methods.

    If *preserve_renditions* is True, CSI escape sequences for renditions will
    be preserved as-is (e.g. font color, background, etc).  This is to make the
    output appear as close to how it was originally displayed as possible.
    Besides that, it looks really nice =)

    If *show_esc* is True, escape sequences and control characters will be
    visible in the output.  Trailing whitespace and escape sequences will not be

    NOTE: Converts our standard recording-based log format into something that
    can be used with grep and similar search/filter tools.
    import gzip
    from terminal import Terminal, SPECIAL
    term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300, em_dimensions=0)
    encoded_separator = SEPARATOR.encode('UTF-8')
    out_line = u""
    cr = False
    # We skip the first frame, [1:] because it holds the recording metadata
    for count, frame in enumerate(get_frames(log_path)):
        if count == 0:
            # Skip the first frame (it's just JSON-encoded metadata)
        # First 13 chars is the timestamp:
        frame_time = float(frame.decode('UTF-8', 'ignore')[:13])
        # Convert to datetime object
        frame_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(frame_time / 1000)
        if show_esc:
            frame_time = frame_time.strftime(u'\x1b[0m%b %m %H:%M:%S')
        else:  # Renditions preserved == I want pretty.  Make the date bold:
            frame_time = frame_time.strftime(u'\x1b[0;1m%b %m %H:%M:%S\x1b[m')
        if not show_esc:
        if term.capture:
            # Capturing a file...  Keep feeding it frames until complete
        elif term.captured_files:
            for line in term.screen:
                # Find all the characters that come before/after the capture
                for char in line:
                    if ord(char) >= SPECIAL:
                        adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
                        adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % adjusted
                        out_line = u""
                        if char in term.captured_files:
                            captured_file = term.captured_files[char].file_obj
                            del captured_file
                            term.close_captured_fds()  # Instant cleanup
                            #term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300, em_dimensions=0)
                        out_line += char
            adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % out_line.strip()
            out_line = u""
        frame = frame.decode('UTF-8', 'ignore')
        for char in frame[14:]:
            if '\x1b[H\x1b[2J' in out_line:  # Clear screen sequence
                # Handle the clear screen (usually ctrl-l) by outputting
                # a new log entry line to avoid confusion regarding what
                # happened at this time.
                out_line += u"^L"  # Clear screen is a ctrl-l or equivalent
                if show_esc:
                    adjusted = raw(out_line)
                    adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
                adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % adjusted
                out_line = u""
            if char == u'\n':
                if show_esc:
                    adjusted = raw(out_line)
                    adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
                adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % adjusted
                out_line = u""
                cr = False
            elif char == u'\r':
                # Carriage returns need special handling.  Make a note of it
                cr = True
                # \r without \n means that characters were (likely)
                # overwritten.  This usually happens when the user gets to
                # the end of the line (which would create a newline in the
                # terminal but not necessarily the log), erases their
                # current line (e.g. ctrl-u), or an escape sequence modified
                # the line in-place.  To clearly indicate what happened we
                # insert a '^M' and start a new line so as to avoid
                # confusion over these events.
                if cr:
                    out_line += "^M"
                    file_like.write((frame_time + u' ').encode('utf-8'))
                    if show_esc:
                        adjusted = raw(out_line)
                        adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
                    file_like.write((adjusted + u'\n').encode('utf-8'))
                    out_line = u""
                out_line += char
                cr = False
    del term