Exemplo n.º 1
def render_log_frames(golog_path, rows, cols, limit=None):
    Returns the frames of *golog_path* as a list of HTML-encoded strings that
    can be used with the playback_log.html template.  It accomplishes this task
    by running the frames through the terminal emulator and capturing the HTML
    output from the `Terminal.dump_html` method.

    If *limit* is given, only return that number of frames (e.g. for preview)
    out_frames = []
    from terminal import Terminal
    term = Terminal(
        # 14/7 for the em_height should be OK for most browsers to ensure that
        # images don't always wind up at the bottom of the screen.
        rows=rows, cols=cols, em_dimensions={'height':14, 'width':7})
    for i, frame in enumerate(get_frames(golog_path)):
        if limit and i == limit:
        if len(frame) > 14:
            if i == 0 and frame[14:15] == b'{':
                # This is just the metadata frame.  Skip it
            frame_time = int(float(frame[:13]))
            frame_screen = frame[14:] # Skips the colon
            # Emulate how a real shell would output newlines:
            frame_screen = frame_screen.replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
            # Ensure we're not in the middle of capturing a file.  Otherwise
            # it might get cut off and result in no image being shown.
            if term.capture:
            scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
            out_frames.append({'screen': screen, 'time': frame_time})
    del term # Ensures any file capture file descriptors are cleaned up
    return out_frames # Skip the first frame which is the metadata
Exemplo n.º 2
def _retrieve_log_flat(queue, settings):
    Writes the given *log_filename* to *queue* in a flat format equivalent to::

        ./logviewer.py --flat log_filename

    *settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors_css*, and
    *theme_css* to use when generating the HTML output.
    out_dict = {
        'result': "",
        'log': "",
        'metadata': {},
    # Local variables
    out = []
    spanstrip = re.compile(r'\s+\<\/span\>$')
    user = settings['user']
    users_dir = settings['users_dir']
    log_filename = settings['log_filename']
    logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
    log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
    if os.path.exists(log_path):
        out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
        out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
        out_dict['result'] = "Success"
        from io import BytesIO
        # Use the terminal emulator to create nice HTML-formatted output
        from terminal import Terminal
        term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300, em_dimensions=0)
        io_obj = BytesIO()
        flatten_log(log_path, io_obj)
        # Needed to emulate an actual term
        flattened_log = io_obj.read().replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
        # NOTE: Using chunking below to emulate how a stream might actually be
        # written to the terminal emulator.  This is to prevent the emulator
        # from thinking that any embedded files (like PDFs) are never going to
        # end.
        def chunker(s, n):
            """Produce `n`-character chunks from `s`."""
            for start in range(0, len(s), n):
                yield s[start:start+n]
        for chunk in chunker(flattened_log, 499):
        scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
        # Join them together
        log_lines = scrollback + screen
        # rstrip the lines
        log_lines = [a.rstrip() for a in log_lines]
        # Fix things like "<span>whatever [lots of whitespace]    </span>"
        for i, line in enumerate(log_lines):
            out.append(spanstrip.sub("</span>", line))
        out_dict['log'] = out
        term.clear_screen() # Ensure the function below works...
        term.close_captured_fds() # Force clean up open file descriptors
        out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
    message = {'terminal:logging_log_flat': out_dict}
Exemplo n.º 3
def render_log_frames(golog_path, rows, cols, limit=None):
    Returns the frames of *golog_path* as a list of HTML-encoded strings that
    can be used with the playback_log.html template.  It accomplishes this task
    by running the frames through the terminal emulator and capturing the HTML
    output from the `Terminal.dump_html` method.

    If *limit* is given, only return that number of frames (e.g. for preview)
    out_frames = []
    from terminal import Terminal
    term = Terminal(
        # 14/7 for the em_height should be OK for most browsers to ensure that
        # images don't always wind up at the bottom of the screen.
        rows=rows, cols=cols, em_dimensions={'height':14, 'width':7})
    for i, frame in enumerate(get_frames(golog_path)):
        if limit and i == limit:
        if len(frame) > 14:
            if i == 0 and frame[14:15] == b'{':
                # This is just the metadata frame.  Skip it
            frame_time = int(float(frame[:13]))
            frame_screen = frame[14:] # Skips the colon
            # Emulate how a real shell would output newlines:
            frame_screen = frame_screen.replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
            # Ensure we're not in the middle of capturing a file.  Otherwise
            # it might get cut off and result in no image being shown.
            if term.capture:
            scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
            out_frames.append({'screen': screen, 'time': frame_time})
    del term # Ensures any file capture file descriptors are cleaned up
    return out_frames # Skip the first frame which is the metadata
Exemplo n.º 4
def _retrieve_log_flat(queue, settings):
    Writes the given *log_filename* to *queue* in a flat format equivalent to::

        ./logviewer.py --flat log_filename

    *settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors_css*, and
    *theme_css* to use when generating the HTML output.
    out_dict = {
        'result': "",
        'log': "",
        'metadata': {},
    # Local variables
    out = []
    spanstrip = re.compile(r'\s+\<\/span\>$')
    user = settings['user']
    users_dir = settings['users_dir']
    log_filename = settings['log_filename']
    logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
    log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
    if os.path.exists(log_path):
        out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
        out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
        out_dict['result'] = "Success"
        from io import BytesIO
        # Use the terminal emulator to create nice HTML-formatted output
        from terminal import Terminal
        term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300, em_dimensions=0)
        io_obj = BytesIO()
        flatten_log(log_path, io_obj)
        # Needed to emulate an actual term
        flattened_log = io_obj.read().replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
        # NOTE: Using chunking below to emulate how a stream might actually be
        # written to the terminal emulator.  This is to prevent the emulator
        # from thinking that any embedded files (like PDFs) are never going to
        # end.
        def chunker(s, n):
            """Produce `n`-character chunks from `s`."""
            for start in range(0, len(s), n):
                yield s[start:start+n]
        for chunk in chunker(flattened_log, 499):
        scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
        # Join them together
        log_lines = scrollback + screen
        # rstrip the lines
        log_lines = [a.rstrip() for a in log_lines]
        # Fix things like "<span>whatever [lots of whitespace]    </span>"
        for i, line in enumerate(log_lines):
            out.append(spanstrip.sub("</span>", line))
        out_dict['log'] = out
        term.clear_screen() # Ensure the function below works...
        term.close_captured_fds() # Force clean up open file descriptors
        out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
    message = {'terminal:logging_log_flat': out_dict}
Exemplo n.º 5
def _retrieve_log_flat(queue, settings):
    Writes the given *log_filename* to *queue* in a flat format equivalent to::

        ./logviewer.py --flat log_filename

    *settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors*, and *theme* to
    use when generating the HTML output.
    out_dict = {
        'result': "",
        'log': "",
        'metadata': {},
    # Local variables
    out = []
    spanstrip = re.compile(r'\s+\<\/span\>$')
    gateone_dir = settings['gateone_dir']
    user = settings['user']
    users_dir = settings['users_dir']
    container = settings['container']
    prefix = settings['prefix']
    log_filename = settings['log_filename']
    theme = "%s.css" % settings['theme']
    colors = "%s.css" % settings['colors']
    logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
    log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
    if os.path.exists(log_path):
        out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
        out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
        out_dict['result'] = "Success"
        import StringIO
        # Use the terminal emulator to create nice HTML-formatted output
        from terminal import Terminal
        term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300)
        io_obj = StringIO.StringIO()
        flatten_log(log_path, io_obj)
        # Needed to emulate an actual term
        flattened_log = io_obj.read().replace('\n', '\r\n')
        scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
        # Join them together
        log_lines = scrollback + screen
        # rstrip the lines
        log_lines = [a.rstrip() for a in log_lines]
        # Fix things like "<span>whatever [lots of whitespace]    </span>"
        for i, line in enumerate(log_lines):
            out.append(spanstrip.sub("</span>", line))
        out_dict['log'] = out
        out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
    message = {'logging_log_flat': out_dict}
Exemplo n.º 6
def _retrieve_log_flat(queue, settings):
    Writes the given *log_filename* to *queue* in a flat format equivalent to::

        ./logviewer.py --flat log_filename

    *settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors*, and *theme* to
    use when generating the HTML output.
    out_dict = {
        'result': "",
        'log': "",
        'metadata': {},
    # Local variables
    out = []
    spanstrip = re.compile(r'\s+\<\/span\>$')
    gateone_dir = settings['gateone_dir']
    user = settings['user']
    users_dir = settings['users_dir']
    container = settings['container']
    prefix = settings['prefix']
    log_filename = settings['log_filename']
    theme = "%s.css" % settings['theme']
    colors = "%s.css" % settings['colors']
    logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
    log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
    if os.path.exists(log_path):
        out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
        out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
        out_dict['result'] = "Success"
        import StringIO
        # Use the terminal emulator to create nice HTML-formatted output
        from terminal import Terminal
        term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300)
        io_obj = StringIO.StringIO()
        flatten_log(log_path, io_obj)
        # Needed to emulate an actual term
        flattened_log = io_obj.read().replace('\n', '\r\n')
        scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
        # Join them together
        log_lines = scrollback + screen
        # rstrip the lines
        log_lines = [a.rstrip() for a in log_lines]
        # Fix things like "<span>whatever [lots of whitespace]    </span>"
        for i, line in enumerate(log_lines):
            out.append(spanstrip.sub("</span>", line))
        out_dict['log'] = out
        out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
    message = {'logging_log_flat': out_dict}