Exemplo n.º 1
class DBTools:
  Class: DBTools
  Handles requests to a particular database (as specified in the CONFIG file).
    def __init__(self, user, database):
        # The database connection parameters are specified in the CONFIG.py file.
        # Contains the reference to the database object.
        self.db = None

        # The database cursor.
        self.cursor = None

        # The current connection timeout limit.
        self.timeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT

        # The savepoints.
        self.savepoints = []

        # The user to connect with. If no user is specified, picks the first user
        # in the dictionary.
        self.user = user if user is not None else LOGIN.keys()[0]

        # The name of the database to connect to. If none is specified, use
        # <user>_db as the default database.
        self.database = database if database is not None else "%s_db" % self.user

        # Separate database connection used to terminate queries. If the terminator
        # cannot start, the grading cannot occur.
            self.terminator = Terminator(self.user, self.database)
        except mysql.connector.errors.Error:
            err("Could not start up terminator connection! Any unruly queries "
                + "must be manually killed!")

    # --------------------------- Database Utilities --------------------------- #

    def close_db_connection(self):
    Function: close_db_connection
    Close the database connection (only if it is already open) and any running
        if self.db:
            # Consume remaining output.
            for _ in self.cursor:

            # Kill any remaining queries and close the database connection.
            # Can't do anything if there is a database error.
            except mysql.connector.errors.Error:

    def commit(self):
    Function: commit
    Commits the current transaction. Destroys any savepoints.
        except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
            raise DatabaseError(e)
        self.savepoints = []

    def get_cursor(self):
    Function: get_cursor
    Gets the cursor. Assumes the database has already been connected.
        return self.cursor

    def get_db_connection(self, timeout=None, close=True):
    Function: get_db_connection
    Get a new database connection with a specified timeout (defaults to
    CONNECTION_TIMEOUT specified in the CONFIG file). Closes the old connection
    if there was one.

    timeout: The connection timeout.
    close: Whether or not to close the old database connection beforehand.
           Should set to False if a timeout occurred just before the call to
           this function.
    returns: A database connection object.
        if self.db and self.db.is_connected():
            # If timeout isn't specified, check if we're already at the default.
            if timeout is None and self.timeout == CONNECTION_TIMEOUT:
                return self.db
            # If the timeout is the same as before, then don't change anything.
            if timeout is not None and timeout == self.timeout:
                return self.db

        # Close any old connections and make another one with the new setting.
        if close:
        self.timeout = timeout or CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
        log("New timeout: %d" % self.timeout)
            self.db = mysql.connector.connect(user=self.user,
            self.cursor = self.db.cursor(buffered=True)
        except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
            raise DatabaseError(e)
        return self

    def get_state(self):
    Function: get_state
    Gets the current state of the database, which includes the tables, foreign,
    keys, views, functions, procedures, and triggers.

    returns: A DatabaseState object which contains the current state.
        state = DatabaseState()

            # Get tables and their foreign keys.
            state.tables = self.execute_sql(
                "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables "
                "WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE'").results
            state.foreign_keys = self.execute_sql(
                "SELECT DISTINCT table_name, constraint_name FROM "
                "information_schema.table_constraints WHERE constraint_type='FOREIGN KEY'"

            # Get views, functions, procedures, and triggers.
            state.views = self.execute_sql(
                "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.views").results
            state.functions = self.execute_sql(
                "SELECT routine_name FROM information_schema.routines "
                "WHERE routine_type='FUNCTION'").results
            state.procedures = self.execute_sql(
                "SELECT routine_name FROM information_schema.routines "
                "WHERE routine_type='PROCEDURE'").results
            state.triggers = self.execute_sql(
                "SELECT trigger_name FROM information_schema.triggers").results
        except (mysql.connector.errors.Error, DatabaseError, TimeoutError):

        return state

    def kill_query(self):
    Function: kill_query
    Kills the running query by terminating the connection.
        if not self.db or not self.db.is_connected():

        thread_id = self.db.connection_id
        except mysql.connector.errors.Error:
            err("Unable to kill %d (was probably already killed)." % thread_id)
        # If the terminator doesn't even exist, then this is a problem.
        except AttributeError:
            err("Terminator doesn't exist to kill queries!", True)
        self.savepoints = []

    def purge_db(self):
    Function: purge_db
    Remove everything from the database.
        state = self.get_state()
        self.reset_state(DatabaseState(), state)

    def release(self, savepoint):
    Function: release
    Releases the named savepoint.

    savepoint: The savepoint to release.
        if savepoint not in self.savepoints:

            self.execute_sql("RELEASE SAVEPOINT %s" % savepoint)
        except mysql.connector.errors.Error:

    def reset_state(self, old, new):
    Function: reset_state
    Resets the state of the database from 'new' back to 'old'. This involves
    removing all functions, views, functions, procedures, and triggers that
    have been newly created.

    old: The old state of the database to be reverted back to.
    new: The new (current) state of the database.

            # Drop all functions procedures, and triggers first.
            # if VERBOSE:
            #   print("-" * 78)
            #   print("Resetting state.")

            for trig in new.triggers:
                sql = "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS %s" % trig
                # if VERBOSE:
                #   print(sql)


            for proc in new.procedures:
                sql = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS %s" % proc
                # if VERBOSE:
                #   print(sql)


            for func in new.functions:
                sql = "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %s" % func

                # if VERBOSE:
                #   print(sql)


            # Drop views.
            for view in new.views:
                sql = "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS %s" % view

                # if VERBOSE:
                #   print(sql)


            # Drop tables. First must drop foreign keys on the tables in order to be
            # able to drop the tables without any errors.
            for (table, fk) in new.foreign_keys:
                self.execute_sql("ALTER TABLE %s DROP FOREIGN KEY %s" %
                                 (table, fk))
            for table in new.tables:
                self.execute_sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" % table)
        except (mysql.connector.errors.Error, DatabaseError, TimeoutError):
            err("Could not reset database state. Possible errors in future grading."

        # Remove all savepoints.
        self.savepoints = []

    def rollback(self, savepoint=None):
    Function: rollback
    Rolls back a database transaction, if currently in one. If a savepoint is
    named, rolls back to the named savepoint, otherwise, does a normal rollback
    which will remove all savepoints.

    savepoint: The savepoint to rollback to, if specified.
        if self.db.in_transaction:
            # Roll back to the named savepoint. All savepoints created after this
            # savepoint are deleted.
            if savepoint and savepoint in self.savepoints:
                # If rolling back a savepoint failed, then a commit must have occurred
                # at some point. Rollback as far as we can just to be safe.
                    self.execute_sql("ROLLBACK TO %s" % savepoint)
                self.savepoints = self.savepoints[0:self.savepoints.
                                                  index(savepoint) + 1]
                except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
                    raise DatabaseError(e)
                self.savepoints = []

    def savepoint(self, savepoint):
    Function: savepoint
    Creates a savepoint with the specified name.

    savepoint: The name of the savepoint.
            self.execute_sql("SAVEPOINT %s" % savepoint)
        except mysql.connector.errors.Error:
            err("Could not create savepoint %s!" % savepoint)

        # If this savepoint name already exists, add and remove it.
        if savepoint in self.savepoints:

    def start_transaction(self):
    Function: start_transaction
    Starts a database transaction, if not already in one.
        if not self.db.in_transaction:
            except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
                raise DatabaseError(e)

    # ----------------------------- Query Utilities ---------------------------- #

    def clear_cursor(self):
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) == 'No result set to fetch from.':

    def execute_sql(self, sql, setup=None, teardown=None, cached=False):
    Function: execute_sql
    Runs one or more queries as well as the setup and teardown necessary for
    that query (if provided).

    sql: The SQL query to run.
    setup: The setup query to run before executing the actual query.
    teardown: The teardown query to run after executing the actual query.
    cached: Whether or not the result should be pulled from the cache. True if
            so, False otherwise.

    returns: A Result object containing the result.
        # Run the query setup.
        result = Result()
        if setup is not None:

            # if VERBOSE:
            #   print("-" * 78)
            #   print("Running SQL statement:\n%s\n(use cached result = %s)" % (sql, str(cached)))

            result = self.run_multi(sql, cached)

        # Run the query teardown.
            if teardown is not None:
                # if VERBOSE:
                #   print("-" * 78)
                #   print("Running teardown:\n%s" % teardown)

        return result

    def get_column_names(self):
    Function: get_column_names
    Gets the column names of the result.
        if self.cursor.description is None:
            return []
        return [col[0] for col in self.cursor.description]

    def get_column_types(self):
    Function: get_column_types
    Gets the column types of the result.
        if self.cursor.description is None:
            return []
        return [
          (float if col[1] in FLOAT_FIELD_TYPES else str) \
          for col in self.cursor.description

    def get_results(self):
    Function: results
    Get the results of a query.
        result = Result()

        # Get the query results and schema.
        rows = [row for row in self.cursor]
        if len(rows) > 0:
            result.results = rows
            result.schema = self.get_schema()
            result.col_names = self.get_column_names()
            result.col_types = self.get_column_types()

            # Pretty-printed output.
            result.output = prettyprint(result.results,

        return result

    def get_schema(self):
    Function: get_schema
    Gets the schema of the result. Returns a list of tuples, where each tuple is
    of the form (column_name, type, None, None, None, None, null_ok, flags).
        return self.cursor.description

    def run_multi(self, queries, cached=False):
    Function: run_multi
    Runs multiple SQL statements at once.
        # Consume old results if needed.
        [row for row in self.cursor]
        sql_list = split(queries)

        # Consume any additional result-sets that might have been left
        # on the connection.
        # try:
        #     while self.cursor.nextset():
        #         pass
        # except Error:
        #     pass

        result = Result()
        for sql in sql_list:
            sql = sql.rstrip().rstrip(";")
            if len(sql) == 0:

            query_results = Cache.get(sql)

            # Results are not to be cached or are not in the cache and needs to
            # be cached. Run the query.
            if not query_results or not cached:

                # except DatabaseError as e:
                #     if 'already exists' in str(e):
                #         print("[warning: %s]" % str(e))
                #     else:
                #         # Reraise the exception
                #         raise e

                # If the query times out.
                except mysql.connector.errors.OperationalError as e:
                    raise TimeoutError(e)

                # If something is wrong with their query.
                except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError as e:
                    if 'already exists' in str(e):
                        log("[warning: %s]" % str(e))
                        raise DatabaseError(e)

                # If the query can't be run as a single query, attempt to do it with a
                # multi-line query.
                except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
                    print("ERROR while executing SQL:  %s" % sql)
                    raise DatabaseError(e)

                query_results = self.get_results()
                if cached:
                    Cache.put(sql, query_results)

            result = query_results

        # If no longer in a transaction, remove all savepoints.
        if not self.db.in_transaction:
            self.savepoints = []

        return result

    # ----------------------------- File Utilities ----------------------------- #

    def import_file(self, assignment, f):
    Function: import_files
    Imports raw data files into the database. This uses the "mysqlimport"
    command on the terminal. We will have to invoke the command via Python.

    assignment: The assignment name, which is prepended to all the files.
    f: The file to import.
        log("\nImporting file " + f + "...\n")
        filename = ASSIGNMENT_DIR + assignment + "/" + f

        # Make sure the file exists.
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            err("File to import %s does not exist!" % filename, True)
            subprocess.call("mysqlimport -h " + HOST + " -P " + PORT + " -u " +
                            self.user + " -p" + LOGIN[self.user] +
                            " --delete --local " + self.database + " " +
        except OSError:
                "Could not import file %s! The 'mysqlimport' utility does not exist!"
                % filename, True)

    def source_file(self, assignment, f):
    Function: source_file
    Sources a file into the database. Since the "source" command is for the
    MySQL command-line interface, we have to parse the source file and run
    each command one at a time.

    assignment: The assignment name, which is prepended to all the files.
    f: The source file to source.
            fname = ASSIGNMENT_DIR + assignment + "/" + f
            f = codecs.open(fname, "r", "utf-8")
        except IOError:
            err("Could not find or open sourced file %s!" % fname, True)

        sql_list = split(preprocess_sql(f))
        for sql in sql_list:
            # Skip this line if there is nothing in it.
            if len(sql.strip()) == 0:
            # Otherwise execute each line. Output must be consumed for the query
            # to actually be executed.
            sql = sql.rstrip()
            # if VERBOSE:
            #   print("-" * 78)
            #   print("source_file(%s):  Running SQL command:\n%s" % (fname, sql))
            for _ in self.cursor.execute(sql, multi=True):
Exemplo n.º 2
class DBTools:
  Class: DBTools
  Handles requests to a particular database (as specified in the CONFIG file).

  def __init__(self, user, database):
    # The database connection parameters are specified in the CONFIG.py file.
    # Contains the reference to the database object.
    self.db = None

    # The database cursor.
    self.cursor = None

    # The current connection timeout limit.
    self.timeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT

    # The savepoints.
    self.savepoints = []

    # The user to connect with. If no user is specified, picks the first user
    # in the dictionary.
    self.user = user if user is not None else LOGIN.keys()[0]

    # The name of the database to connect to. If none is specified, use
    # <user>_db as the default database.
    self.database = database if database is not None else "%s_db" % self.user

    # Separate database connection used to terminate queries. If the terminator
    # cannot start, the grading cannot occur.
      self.terminator = Terminator(self.user, self.database)
    except mysql.connector.errors.Error:
      err("Could not start up terminator connection! Any unruly queries " +
          "must be manually killed!")

  # --------------------------- Database Utilities --------------------------- #

  def close_db_connection(self):
    Function: close_db_connection
    Close the database connection (only if it is already open) and any running
    if self.db:
      # Consume remaining output.
      for _ in self.cursor:

      # Kill any remaining queries and close the database connection.
      # Can't do anything if there is a database error.
      except mysql.connector.errors.Error:

  def commit(self):
    Function: commit
    Commits the current transaction. Destroys any savepoints.
    except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
      raise DatabaseError(e)
    self.savepoints = []

  def get_cursor(self):
    Function: get_cursor
    Gets the cursor. Assumes the database has already been connected.
    return self.cursor

  def get_db_connection(self, timeout=None, close=True):
    Function: get_db_connection
    Get a new database connection with a specified timeout (defaults to
    CONNECTION_TIMEOUT specified in the CONFIG file). Closes the old connection
    if there was one.

    timeout: The connection timeout.
    close: Whether or not to close the old database connection beforehand.
           Should set to False if a timeout occurred just before the call to
           this function.
    returns: A database connection object.
    if self.db and self.db.is_connected():
      # If timeout isn't specified, check if we're already at the default.
      if timeout is None and self.timeout == CONNECTION_TIMEOUT:
        return self.db
      # If the timeout is the same as before, then don't change anything.
      if timeout is not None and timeout == self.timeout:
        return self.db

    # Close any old connections and make another one with the new setting.
    if close:
    self.timeout = timeout or CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
    log("New timeout: %d" % self.timeout)
      self.db = mysql.connector.connect(user=self.user,
      self.cursor = self.db.cursor(buffered=True)
    except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
      raise DatabaseError(e)
    return self

  def get_state(self):
    Function: get_state
    Gets the current state of the database, which includes the tables, foreign,
    keys, views, functions, procedures, and triggers.

    returns: A DatabaseState object which contains the current state.
    state = DatabaseState()

      # Get tables and their foreign keys.
      state.tables = self.execute_sql(
        "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables "
        "WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE'"
      state.foreign_keys = self.execute_sql(
        "SELECT DISTINCT table_name, constraint_name FROM "
        "information_schema.table_constraints WHERE constraint_type='FOREIGN KEY'"
      # Get views, functions, procedures, and triggers.
      state.views = self.execute_sql(
        "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.views"
      state.functions = self.execute_sql(
        "SELECT routine_name FROM information_schema.routines "
        "WHERE routine_type='FUNCTION'"
      state.procedures = self.execute_sql(
        "SELECT routine_name FROM information_schema.routines "
        "WHERE routine_type='PROCEDURE'"
      state.triggers = self.execute_sql(
        "SELECT trigger_name FROM information_schema.triggers"
    except (mysql.connector.errors.Error, DatabaseError, TimeoutError):

    return state

  def kill_query(self):
    Function: kill_query
    Kills the running query by terminating the connection.
    if not self.db or not self.db.is_connected():

    thread_id = self.db.connection_id
    except mysql.connector.errors.Error:
      err("Unable to kill %d (was probably already killed)." % thread_id)
    # If the terminator doesn't even exist, then this is a problem.
    except AttributeError:
      err("Terminator doesn't exist to kill queries!", True)
    self.savepoints = []

  def purge_db(self):
    Function: purge_db
    Remove everything from the database.
    state = self.get_state()
    self.reset_state(DatabaseState(), state)

  def release(self, savepoint):
    Function: release
    Releases the named savepoint.

    savepoint: The savepoint to release.
    if savepoint not in self.savepoints:

      self.execute_sql("RELEASE SAVEPOINT %s" % savepoint)
    except mysql.connector.errors.Error:

  def reset_state(self, old, new):
    Function: reset_state
    Resets the state of the database from 'new' back to 'old'. This involves
    removing all functions, views, functions, procedures, and triggers that
    have been newly created.

    old: The old state of the database to be reverted back to.
    new: The new (current) state of the database.

      # Drop all functions procedures, and triggers first.
      # if VERBOSE:
      #   print("-" * 78)
      #   print("Resetting state.")
      for trig in new.triggers:
        sql = "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS %s" % trig
        # if VERBOSE:
        #   print(sql)
      for proc in new.procedures:
        sql = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS %s" % proc
        # if VERBOSE:
        #   print(sql)
      for func in new.functions:
        sql = "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %s" % func
        # if VERBOSE:
        #   print(sql)

      # Drop views.
      for view in new.views:
        sql = "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS %s" % view

        # if VERBOSE:
        #   print(sql)

      # Drop tables. First must drop foreign keys on the tables in order to be
      # able to drop the tables without any errors.
      for (table, fk) in new.foreign_keys:
        self.execute_sql("ALTER TABLE %s DROP FOREIGN KEY %s" % (table, fk))
      for table in new.tables:
        self.execute_sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" % table)
    except (mysql.connector.errors.Error, DatabaseError, TimeoutError):
      err("Could not reset database state. Possible errors in future grading.")

    # Remove all savepoints.
    self.savepoints = []

  def rollback(self, savepoint=None):
    Function: rollback
    Rolls back a database transaction, if currently in one. If a savepoint is
    named, rolls back to the named savepoint, otherwise, does a normal rollback
    which will remove all savepoints.

    savepoint: The savepoint to rollback to, if specified.
    if self.db.in_transaction:
      # Roll back to the named savepoint. All savepoints created after this
      # savepoint are deleted.
      if savepoint and savepoint in self.savepoints:
        # If rolling back a savepoint failed, then a commit must have occurred
        # at some point. Rollback as far as we can just to be safe.
          self.execute_sql("ROLLBACK TO %s" % savepoint)
        self.savepoints = self.savepoints[0:self.savepoints.index(savepoint)+1]
        except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
          raise DatabaseError(e)
        self.savepoints = []

  def savepoint(self, savepoint):
    Function: savepoint
    Creates a savepoint with the specified name.

    savepoint: The name of the savepoint.
      self.execute_sql("SAVEPOINT %s" % savepoint)
    except mysql.connector.errors.Error:
      err("Could not create savepoint %s!" % savepoint)

    # If this savepoint name already exists, add and remove it.
    if savepoint in self.savepoints:

  def start_transaction(self):
    Function: start_transaction
    Starts a database transaction, if not already in one.
    if not self.db.in_transaction:
      except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
        raise DatabaseError(e)

  # ----------------------------- Query Utilities ---------------------------- #

  def clear_cursor(self):
    except Exception as e:
      if str(e) == 'No result set to fetch from.':

  def execute_sql(self, sql, setup=None, teardown=None, cached=False):
    Function: execute_sql
    Runs one or more queries as well as the setup and teardown necessary for
    that query (if provided).

    sql: The SQL query to run.
    setup: The setup query to run before executing the actual query.
    teardown: The teardown query to run after executing the actual query.
    cached: Whether or not the result should be pulled from the cache. True if
            so, False otherwise.

    returns: A Result object containing the result.
    # Run the query setup.
    result = Result()
    if setup is not None:

      # if VERBOSE:
      #   print("-" * 78)
      #   print("Running SQL statement:\n%s\n(use cached result = %s)" % (sql, str(cached)))

      result = self.run_multi(sql, cached)

    # Run the query teardown.
      if teardown is not None:
        # if VERBOSE:
        #   print("-" * 78)
        #   print("Running teardown:\n%s" % teardown)

    return result

  def get_column_names(self):
    Function: get_column_names
    Gets the column names of the result.
    if self.cursor.description is None:
      return []
    return [col[0] for col in self.cursor.description]

  def get_column_types(self):
    Function: get_column_types
    Gets the column types of the result.
    if self.cursor.description is None:
      return []
    return [
      (float if col[1] in FLOAT_FIELD_TYPES else str) \
      for col in self.cursor.description

  def get_results(self):
    Function: results
    Get the results of a query.
    result = Result()

    # Get the query results and schema.
    rows = [row for row in self.cursor]
    if len(rows) > 0:
      result.results = rows
      result.schema = self.get_schema()
      result.col_names = self.get_column_names()
      result.col_types = self.get_column_types()

      # Pretty-printed output.
      result.output = prettyprint(result.results, self.get_column_names())

    return result

  def get_schema(self):
    Function: get_schema
    Gets the schema of the result. Returns a list of tuples, where each tuple is
    of the form (column_name, type, None, None, None, None, null_ok, flags).
    return self.cursor.description

  def run_multi(self, queries, cached=False):
    Function: run_multi
    Runs multiple SQL statements at once.
    # Consume old results if needed.
    [row for row in self.cursor]
    sql_list = split(queries)

    # Consume any additional result-sets that might have been left
    # on the connection.
    # try:
    #     while self.cursor.nextset():
    #         pass
    # except Error:
    #     pass

    result = Result()
    for sql in sql_list:
      sql = sql.rstrip().rstrip(";")
      if len(sql) == 0:

      query_results = Cache.get(sql)

      # Results are not to be cached or are not in the cache and needs to
      # be cached. Run the query.
      if not query_results or not cached:

        # except DatabaseError as e:
        #     if 'already exists' in str(e):
        #         print("[warning: %s]" % str(e))
        #     else:
        #         # Reraise the exception
        #         raise e

        # If the query times out.
        except mysql.connector.errors.OperationalError as e:
          raise TimeoutError(e)

        # If something is wrong with their query.
        except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError as e:
          if 'already exists' in str(e):
              log("[warning: %s]" % str(e))
              raise DatabaseError(e)

        # If the query can't be run as a single query, attempt to do it with a
        # multi-line query.
        except mysql.connector.errors.Error as e:
          print("ERROR while executing SQL:  %s" % sql)
          raise DatabaseError(e)

        query_results = self.get_results()
        if cached:
          Cache.put(sql, query_results)

      result = query_results

    # If no longer in a transaction, remove all savepoints.
    if not self.db.in_transaction:
      self.savepoints = []

    return result

  # ----------------------------- File Utilities ----------------------------- #

  def import_file(self, assignment, f):
    Function: import_files
    Imports raw data files into the database. This uses the "mysqlimport"
    command on the terminal. We will have to invoke the command via Python.

    assignment: The assignment name, which is prepended to all the files.
    f: The file to import.
    log("\nImporting file " + f + "...\n")
    filename = ASSIGNMENT_DIR + assignment + "/" + f

    # Make sure the file exists.
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
      err("File to import %s does not exist!" % filename, True)
      subprocess.call("mysqlimport -h " + HOST + " -P " + PORT + " -u " +
                      self.user + " -p" + LOGIN[self.user] +
                      " --delete --local " + self.database + " " + filename, shell=True)
    except OSError:
      err("Could not import file %s! The 'mysqlimport' utility does not exist!" % filename,

  def source_file(self, assignment, f):
    Function: source_file
    Sources a file into the database. Since the "source" command is for the
    MySQL command-line interface, we have to parse the source file and run
    each command one at a time.

    assignment: The assignment name, which is prepended to all the files.
    f: The source file to source.
      fname = ASSIGNMENT_DIR + assignment + "/" + f
      f = codecs.open(fname, "r", "utf-8")
    except IOError:
      err("Could not find or open sourced file %s!" % fname, True)

    sql_list = split(preprocess_sql(f))
    for sql in sql_list:
      # Skip this line if there is nothing in it.
      if len(sql.strip()) == 0:
      # Otherwise execute each line. Output must be consumed for the query
      # to actually be executed.
      sql = sql.rstrip()
      # if VERBOSE:
      #   print("-" * 78)
      #   print("source_file(%s):  Running SQL command:\n%s" % (fname, sql))
      for _ in self.cursor.execute(sql, multi=True): self.clear_cursor()