Exemplo n.º 1
class Map:
    Represents the map for the game.
    Example usage:
    import map
    default_map = map.Map(MAP_FOLDER + 'sky.tcm')
    def __init__(self, file_name):
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.tileset = Tileset()
        self.layers = []

        # Reading from file
        lines = None
        file = open(file_name, 'r')
        lines = file.read()
        lines = lines.splitlines()

        current_layer = Layer()
        in_a_layer = False
        in_a_tile = False
        is_tile_set_loaded = False

        # Parse file line by line
        for line in lines:
            if not line or line.isspace():

            # Load tileset
            if not is_tile_set_loaded and line.split(
                    '=')[0].strip() == 'tileset_file':
                self.tileset.load(TILESET_FOLDER + line.split('=')[1].strip())
                is_tile_set_loaded = True

            if line.strip() == '{':
                in_a_layer = True
            elif line.strip() == '}':
                current_layer = Layer()
                in_a_layer = False

            if not in_a_layer:

            if line.strip() == '[':
                in_a_tile = True
            elif line.strip() == ']':
                in_a_tile = False

            if not in_a_tile:
                # We are not in a tile but in a layer,
                # so let's parse in the properties of the layer
                parts = line.strip().split('=')

                if len(parts) != 2:

                current_layer.set_property(parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip())

            # Parse in a tilerow
            tile_row = [
                int(val.strip()) for val in line.strip().split(',') if val

    def draw(self, screen, player, from_layer_index=0, to_layer_index=5):
        Draw the tiles what the user can see.
        for layer in self.layers[from_layer_index:to_layer_index]:
            layer_offset_x = player.camera_x * layer.x_speed + layer.x_offset
            layer_offset_y = player.camera_y * layer.y_speed + layer.y_offset
            layer_width = len(layer.tiles[0])
            layer_height = len(layer.tiles)

            start_x = layer_offset_x / 32 - 2
            if start_x < 0:
                start_x = 0

            start_y = layer_offset_y / 32 - 2
            if start_y < 0:
                start_y = 0

            end_x = (CONFIG.WINDOW_WIDTH + layer_offset_x) / 32
            if end_x < layer_width - 1:
                end_x = layer_width - 1

            end_y = (CONFIG.WINDOW_HEIGHT + layer_offset_y) / 32
            if end_y < layer_height - 1:
                end_y = layer_height - 1

            for y, tiles in enumerate(layer.tiles):
                if y < start_y:
                elif y > end_y:

                for x, tile in enumerate(tiles):
                    if tile == 0 or x < start_x:
                    elif x > end_x:

                    screen.blit(self.tileset.tiles[tile], (
                        x * 32 - layer_offset_x,
                        y * 32 - layer_offset_y,

    def get_tile(map, layer, x_tile, y_tile):
        :returns int: the tileid of the tile at x_tile and y_tile
        x_tile, y_tile = int(x_tile), int(y_tile)

        if x_tile >= 0 and x_tile < (len(map.layers[layer].tiles[0]) -
                                     1) and y_tile >= 0 and y_tile < (
                                         len(map.layers[layer].tiles) - 1):
            return map.layers[layer].tiles[y_tile][x_tile]
        return 0

    def is_masked_pixel(map, layer, x_pos, y_pos):
        :returns bool: true if a pixel in map is masked in layer at (x_pos, yPos)
        x_pos, y_pos = int(x_pos), int(y_pos)

        if x_pos >= 0 and x_pos < (len(map.layers[layer].tiles[0]) -
                                   1) * 32 and y_pos >= 0 and y_pos < (
                                       len(map.layers[layer].tiles) - 1) * 32:
            tile_at_coords = Map.get_tile(map, layer, x_pos / 32, y_pos / 32)
            x_tile = tile_at_coords % 10
            y_tile = int(tile_at_coords / 10)
            return bool(map.tileset.mask[y_tile * 32 +
                                         y_pos % 32][x_tile * 32 + x_pos % 32])
        return None  # In case the x_pos or y_pos tries to go outside the map

    def is_masked_h_line(map, layer, x_pos, y_pos, length):
        :returns bool: true if any pixel in map is masked in layer from (x_pos, y_pos) to (x_pos + length, y_pos)
        x_pos, y_pos, length = int(x_pos), int(y_pos), int(length)

        if length >= 0:
            for i in range(x_pos, x_pos + length):
                if Map.is_masked_pixel(map, layer, i, y_pos):
                    return True
            for i in range(x_pos - length, x_pos, -1):
                if Map.is_masked_pixel(map, layer, i, y_pos):
                    return True
        return False

    def masked_top_v_line(map, layer, x_pos, y_pos, length):
        :returns int: the index of the topmost masked pixel in inMap in layer from (x_pos, y_pos) to (x_pos, y_pos + length)
        x_pos, y_pos, length = int(x_pos), int(y_pos), int(length)

        for i in range(length):
            if Map.is_masked_pixel(map, layer, x_pos, y_pos + i):
                return i
        return length

    def masked_top_v_area(map, layer, x_pos, y_pos, h_length, v_length):
        :returns int: the index of the topmost horizontal line it finds a masked pixel in
        x_pos, y_pos, h_length, v_length = int(x_pos), int(y_pos), int(
            h_length), int(v_length)

        if v_length >= 0:
            for i in range(v_length):
                if Map.is_masked_h_line(map, layer, x_pos, y_pos + i,
                    return i
            for i in range(v_length, 0, -1):
                if Map.is_masked_h_line(map, layer, x_pos, y_pos + i,
                    return i
        return v_length

    def masked_first_h_area(map, layer, x_pos, y_pos, h_length, v_length):
        :returns int: the index of the first vertical line it finds a masked pixel in
        x_pos, y_pos, h_length, v_length = int(x_pos), int(y_pos), int(
            h_length), int(v_length)

        if h_length >= 0:
            for i in range(h_length):
                if Map.masked_top_v_line(map, layer, x_pos + i, y_pos,
                    return i
            for i in range(h_length, 0, -1):
                if Map.masked_top_v_line(map, layer, x_pos + i, y_pos,
                    return i

        return h_length