Exemplo n.º 1
def controller_Stanley():
    Steering control is similar to that used by Stanford's Stanley (DARPA Grand Challenge winner)
    global path, newPath, Ballbot_steering, Ballbot_speed, pub_velcmd
    k = 2.0
    Ballbot_speed = 0.0
    Ballbot_steering = 0.0
    currentindex_inPath = 0  # path index that the car is closest to
    targetindex_inPath = 0  # path index that is 50 cm ahead of the car
    r = rospy.Rate(10)
    average_error_position = 0
    ctr_error_position = 0
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if newPath == False:
        while (currentindex_inPath <
               len(path) - 1) and not (rospy.is_shutdown()):
            Ballbot_speed = 1.0  # set speed
            if (newPath == True):
                # if there is a new path, restart driving along this path
                newPath = False
                currentindex_inPath = 0
                targetindex_inPath = 0
                average_error_position = 0
                ctr_error_position = 0
                currentindex_inPath = nearestNeighbor_inPath(
                    (Ballbot_X, Ballbot_Y, Ballbot_TH), currentindex_inPath)
                targetindex_inPath = min(
                    len(path) - 1,
                    currentindex_inPath + int(targetlookahead / 5.0))
                path_element = path[currentindex_inPath]

                # calculate cross-track error, x_t
                x_t = util.distance_Euclidean(Ballbot_X, Ballbot_Y,

                average_error_position += x_t
                ctr_error_position += 1
                heading = (
                    math.atan2(path[targetindex_inPath].pose.y - Ballbot_Y,
                               path[targetindex_inPath].pose.x - Ballbot_X) %
                    (2 * math.pi))
                error = Ballbot_TH - heading
                correct roll-over problems with error:
                if abs(error) is greater than 180, then we'd rather turn the other way!
                if abs(error) > math.pi:
                    error = (2 * math.pi - abs(error)) * (-1 * cmp(error, 0))
                if error < 0:
                    x_t = -1 * x_t
                # calculate heading error, psi_t
                psi_t = Ballbot_TH - path_element.pose.theta
                correct roll-over problems with error:
                if abs(error) is greater than 180, then we'd rather turn the other way!
                if abs(psi_t) > math.pi:
                    psi_t = (2 * math.pi - abs(psi_t)) * (-1 * cmp(psi_t, 0))
                # Set steering
                Ballbot_steering = psi_t + math.atan(k * x_t / Ballbot_speed)
                if (Ballbot_steering > math.radians(30)):
                    Ballbot_steering = math.radians(30)
                elif (Ballbot_steering < -math.radians(30)):
                    Ballbot_steering = -math.radians(30)
                # Speed control
                cur_dir = path_element.direction
                lookahead_dir = path[targetindex_inPath].direction
                cur_type = path_element.type
                lookahead_type = path[targetindex_inPath].type
                near_obstacle = path_element.near_obstacle
                Ballbot_speed = 1.0  # 2.0
                if (cur_type == 't') or (lookahead_type == 't'):
                    Ballbot_speed = 1.0
                if (near_obstacle == "t"):  # if near obstacle, slow down
                    Ballbot_speed = 1.0
                if (cur_dir !=
                        lookahead_dir):  # if a reverse is coming up, slow down
                    Ballbot_speed = 0.5
                if (currentindex_inPath >=
                    (len(path) - 20)):  # if within 1 m of goal, slow down
                    Ballbot_speed = 1.0
                if (cur_dir == 'b'):  # flip sign to reverse
                    Ballbot_speed = -1 * abs(Ballbot_speed)
                elif (cur_dir == 'f'):
                    Ballbot_speed = abs(Ballbot_speed)
                    Ballbot_speed = 0.0

                #Ballbot_speed = 0.0;  # UNCOMMENT TO SET DRIVE SPEED to 0
                pub_velcmd.publish(Ballbot_speed, Ballbot_steering)
        # goal reached!
        Ballbot_speed = 0
        Ballbot_steering = 0
        currentindex_inPath = 0
        targetindex_inPath = 0
        pub_velcmd.publish(Ballbot_speed, Ballbot_steering)
Exemplo n.º 2
pub_status = rospy.Publisher('status', String)

def nearestNeighbor_inPath((x, y, th), currentindex_inPath):
    Given x,y,th, find the point closest to the robot in the path
    global path
    d_min = float('inf')
    index_min = 0
    index = currentindex_inPath
    for path_element in path[currentindex_inPath:currentindex_inPath + 10]:
        Search only from the currentindex to currentindex+10
        d = util.distance_Euclidean(path_element.pose.x, path_element.pose.y,
                                    x, y)
        if (d < d_min):
            d_min = d
            index_min = index
        elif (d < 0.05
              ):  # if error is less than 5 cm, take this as the nearest point
            d_min = d
            index_min = index
        index += 1
    return index_min

def controller_PD():
    Implements controller
Exemplo n.º 3
def controller_Stanley():
    Steering control is similar to that used by Stanford's Stanley (DARPA Grand Challenge winner)
    global path,newPath,Ballbot_steering,Ballbot_speed,pub_velcmd
    k = 2.0
    Ballbot_speed = 0.0
    Ballbot_steering = 0.0
    currentindex_inPath = 0 # path index that the car is closest to
    targetindex_inPath = 0  # path index that is 50 cm ahead of the car
    r = rospy.Rate(10)    
    average_error_position = 0
    ctr_error_position = 0
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if newPath == False:
        while(currentindex_inPath < len(path)-1) and not (rospy.is_shutdown()):
            Ballbot_speed = 1.0 # set speed                   
            if(newPath == True):
                # if there is a new path, restart driving along this path
                newPath = False
                currentindex_inPath = 0                               
                targetindex_inPath = 0
                average_error_position = 0
                ctr_error_position = 0
                currentindex_inPath = nearestNeighbor_inPath((Ballbot_X,Ballbot_Y,Ballbot_TH),currentindex_inPath)
                targetindex_inPath = min(len(path)-1,currentindex_inPath + int(targetlookahead/5.0))
                path_element = path[currentindex_inPath]

                # calculate cross-track error, x_t
                x_t = util.distance_Euclidean(Ballbot_X,Ballbot_Y,path_element.pose.x,path_element.pose.y)

                average_error_position += x_t
                ctr_error_position +=1
                heading = (math.atan2(path[targetindex_inPath].pose.y-Ballbot_Y, path[targetindex_inPath].pose.x-Ballbot_X)%(2*math.pi))
                error = Ballbot_TH - heading
                correct roll-over problems with error:
                if abs(error) is greater than 180, then we'd rather turn the other way!
                if abs(error) > math.pi:
                    error = (2*math.pi - abs(error))*(-1*cmp(error,0))
                if error < 0:
                    x_t = -1*x_t                
                # calculate heading error, psi_t
                psi_t = Ballbot_TH - path_element.pose.theta               
                correct roll-over problems with error:
                if abs(error) is greater than 180, then we'd rather turn the other way!
                if abs(psi_t) > math.pi:
                    psi_t = (2*math.pi - abs(psi_t))*(-1*cmp(psi_t,0))                    
                # Set steering
                Ballbot_steering = psi_t + math.atan(k*x_t/Ballbot_speed)
                if(Ballbot_steering > math.radians(30)):
                    Ballbot_steering = math.radians(30)
                elif(Ballbot_steering < -math.radians(30)):
                    Ballbot_steering = -math.radians(30)
                # Speed control
                cur_dir = path_element.direction
                lookahead_dir = path[targetindex_inPath].direction
                cur_type = path_element.type
                lookahead_type = path[targetindex_inPath].type
                near_obstacle = path_element.near_obstacle            
                Ballbot_speed = 1.0 # 2.0 
                if(cur_type=='t') or (lookahead_type=='t'):
                    Ballbot_speed = 1.0                
                if(near_obstacle == "t"):                    # if near obstacle, slow down
                    Ballbot_speed = 1.0
                if(cur_dir != lookahead_dir):                # if a reverse is coming up, slow down
                    Ballbot_speed = 0.5                
                if(currentindex_inPath >= (len(path) - 20)): # if within 1 m of goal, slow down
                    Ballbot_speed = 1.0
                if(cur_dir == 'b'):                          # flip sign to reverse
                    Ballbot_speed = -1*abs(Ballbot_speed)
                elif(cur_dir == 'f'):
                    Ballbot_speed = abs(Ballbot_speed)
                    Ballbot_speed = 0.0
                #Ballbot_speed = 0.0;  # UNCOMMENT TO SET DRIVE SPEED to 0
        # goal reached!
        Ballbot_speed = 0
        Ballbot_steering = 0
        currentindex_inPath = 0
        targetindex_inPath = 0
Exemplo n.º 4
pub_velcmd = rospy.Publisher('vel_cmd', DriveCmd)
pub_status = rospy.Publisher('status', String)

def nearestNeighbor_inPath((x,y,th),currentindex_inPath):
    Given x,y,th, find the point closest to the robot in the path
    global path
    d_min = float('inf')
    index_min = 0
    index = currentindex_inPath
    for path_element in path[currentindex_inPath:currentindex_inPath+10]:
        Search only from the currentindex to currentindex+10
        d = util.distance_Euclidean(path_element.pose.x,path_element.pose.y,x,y)
        if(d < d_min):
            d_min = d
            index_min = index
        elif(d < 0.05): # if error is less than 5 cm, take this as the nearest point
            d_min = d
            index_min = index
        index +=1
    return index_min

def controller_PD():
    Implements controller
Exemplo n.º 5
contains hardcoded debug paths to test the controller
specifically, has straightline and figure of eight
import math
import parameters
import util
import lattice_planner

def straightLine((x1, y1, th1, v1), (x2, y2, th2, v2)):
    path = []
    dist = util.distance_Euclidean(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    state = (x1, y1, th1, v1)
    d = 0
    while d <= dist:
        newstate = util.go_Straight(state, 'f', 5)
        path.append((newstate[0] / 100, newstate[1] / 100, newstate[2]))
        d += 5
        state = newstate
        #print "appended",d,"of",dist

    path_to_send = LatticePlannersim.Path()
    for point in path:
        pose = LatticePlannersim.Pose()
        # plan uses center of car, so transform such that path has points to be traversed by rear axle center,                                                      # which is 17.41 cm away from the center
        pose.x = point[0] - 17.41 * math.cos(point[2]) / 100.0
        pose.y = point[1] - 17.41 * math.sin(point[2]) / 100.0
        pose.theta = point[2]

        pathelement = LatticePlannersim.PathElement()
Exemplo n.º 6
contains hardcoded debug paths to test the controller
specifically, has straightline and figure of eight
import math
import parameters
import util
import lattice_planner

def straightLine((x1,y1,th1,v1),(x2,y2,th2,v2)):
    path = []
    dist = util.distance_Euclidean(x1,y1,x2,y2)
    state = (x1,y1,th1,v1)
    d = 0
    while d <= dist:
        newstate = util.go_Straight(state,'f',5)
        d += 5
        state = newstate
            #print "appended",d,"of",dist

    path_to_send = LatticePlannersim.Path()
    for point in path:
        pose = LatticePlannersim.Pose()
        # plan uses center of car, so transform such that path has points to be traversed by rear axle center,                                                      # which is 17.41 cm away from the center                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
        pose.x = point[0] - 17.41*math.cos(point[2])/100.0
        pose.y = point[1] - 17.41*math.sin(point[2])/100.0
        pose.theta = point[2]

        pathelement = LatticePlannersim.PathElement()
        pathelement.pose = pose