def opt_sk(model, selflabels_in, epoch): if args.hc == 1: PS = np.zeros((len(trainloader.dataset), args.ncl)) else: PS_pre = np.zeros((len(trainloader.dataset), knn_dim)) for batch_idx, (data, _, _selected) in enumerate(trainloader): data = data.cuda() if args.hc == 1: p = nn.functional.softmax(model(data), 1) PS[_selected, :] = p.detach().cpu().numpy() else: p = model(data) PS_pre[_selected, :] = p.detach().cpu().numpy() if args.hc == 1: selflabels = optimize_L_sk(PS) else: _nmis = np.zeros(args.hc) nh = epoch % args.hc # np.random.randint(args.hc)"computing head {}".format(nh)) tl = getattr(model, "top_layer{}".format(nh)) # do the forward pass: PS = (PS_pre @ tl.weight.cpu().numpy().T + tl.bias.cpu().numpy()) PS = py_softmax(PS, 1) selflabels_ = optimize_L_sk(PS) selflabels_in[nh] = selflabels_ selflabels = selflabels_in return selflabels
def opt_sk(model, selflabels_in, epoch): if args.hc == 1: PS = np.zeros((len(trainloader.dataset), args.ncl)) else: PS_pre = np.zeros((len(trainloader.dataset), knn_dim)) for batch_idx, (data, _, _selected) in enumerate(trainloader): data = data.cuda() if args.hc == 1: p = nn.functional.softmax(model(data), 1) PS[_selected, :] = p.detach().cpu().numpy() else: p = model(data) PS_pre[_selected, :] = p.detach().cpu().numpy() if args.hc == 1: cost, selflabels = optimize_L_sk(PS) _costs = [cost] else: _nmis = np.zeros(args.hc) _costs = np.zeros(args.hc) nh = epoch % args.hc # np.random.randint(args.hc) print("computing head %s " % nh, end="\r", flush=True) tl = getattr(model, "top_layer%d" % nh) # do the forward pass: PS = (PS_pre @ tl.weight.cpu().numpy().T + tl.bias.cpu().numpy()) PS = py_softmax(PS, 1) c, selflabels_ = optimize_L_sk(PS) _costs[nh] = c selflabels_in[nh] = selflabels_ selflabels = selflabels_in return selflabels
def cpu_sk(self): """ Sinkhorn Knopp optimization on CPU * stores activations to RAM * does matrix-vector multiplies on CPU * slower than GPU """ # 1. aggregate inputs: N = len(self.pseudo_loader.dataset) if self.num_heads == 1: self.PS = np.zeros((N, self.num_clusters_per_head), dtype=self.dtype) else: self.PS_pre = np.zeros((N, self.presize), dtype=self.dtype) now = time.time() l_dl = len(self.pseudo_loader) time.time() batch_time = MovingAverage(intertia=0.9) self.model.headcount = 1 for batch_idx, (data, _, _selected) in enumerate(self.pseudo_loader): data = mass = data.size(0) if self.num_heads == 1: p = nn.functional.softmax(self.model(data), 1) self.PS[_selected, :] = p.detach().cpu().numpy().astype(self.dtype) else: p = self.model(data) self.PS_pre[_selected, :] = p.detach().cpu().numpy().astype(self.dtype) batch_time.update(time.time() - now) now = time.time() if batch_idx % 50 == 0: print(f"Aggregating batch {batch_idx:03}/{l_dl}, speed: {mass / batch_time.avg:04.1f}Hz", end='\r', flush=True) self.model.headcount = self.num_heads print("Aggreg of outputs took {0:.2f} min".format((time.time() - now) / 60.), flush=True) # 2. solve label assignment via sinkhorn-knopp: if self.num_heads == 1: optimize_L_sk(self, nh=0) else: for nh in range(self.num_heads): print(f"computing head {nh} ", end="\r", flush=True) tl = getattr(self.model, f"top_layer{nh:d}") time_mat = time.time() # clear memory try: del self.PS except: pass # apply last FC layer (a matmul and adding of bias) self.PS = (self.PS_pre @ tl.weight.cpu().numpy().T.astype(self.dtype) + tl.bias.cpu().numpy().astype(self.dtype)) print(f"matmul took {(time.time() - time_mat) / 60:.2f}min", flush=True) self.PS = py_softmax(self.PS, 1) optimize_L_sk(self, nh=nh) return