def show_output(self):

        :return: None
        self.depth = get_depth(self.tool_depth_cbb1.get(), self.input_path)
        self.line.get_depth(self.depth)  # 将深度矩阵传入Line类

        plt.imsave('pred.jpg', self.depth)  # 保存深度图片
        self.show_image('pred.jpg', self.work_output_cv)  # 将生成图加载到深度图帆布中
        self.result = True  # 深度图已生成,可以保存
Exemplo n.º 2
def read(humfile, sonpath, cs2cs_args, c, draft, doplot, t, bedpick, flip_lr,
         model, calc_bearing, filt_bearing, chunk):  #cog = 1,
    Read a .DAT and associated set of .SON files recorded by a Humminbird(R)

    Parse the data into a set of memory mapped files that will
    subsequently be used by the other functions of the PyHum module.

    Export time-series data and metadata in other formats.

    Create a kml file for visualising boat track

    [] =, sonpath, cs2cs_args, c, draft, doplot, t, bedpick, flip_lr, chunksize, model, calc_bearing, filt_bearing, chunk)

    humfile : str
       path to the .DAT file
    sonpath : str
       path where the *.SON files are
    cs2cs_args : int, *optional* [Default="epsg:26949"]
       arguments to create coordinates in a projected coordinate system
       this argument gets given to pyproj to turn wgs84 (lat/lon) coordinates
       into any projection supported by the proj.4 libraries
    c : float, *optional* [Default=1450.0]
       speed of sound in water (m/s). Defaults to a value of freshwater
    draft : float, *optional* [Default=0.3]
       draft from water surface to transducer face (m)
    doplot : float, *optional* [Default=1]
       if 1, plots will be made
    t : float, *optional* [Default=0.108]
       length of transducer array (m).
       Default value is that of the 998 series Humminbird(R)
    bedpick : int, *optional* [Default=1]
       if 1, bedpicking with be carried out automatically
       if 0, user will be prompted to pick the bed location on screen
    flip_lr : int, *optional* [Default=0]
       if 1, port and starboard scans will be flipped
       (for situations where the transducer is flipped 180 degrees)
    model: int, *optional* [Default=998]
       A 3 or 4 number code indicating the model number
       Examples: 998, 997, 1198, 1199
    calc_bearing : float, *optional* [Default=0]
       if 1, bearing will be calculated from coordinates
    filt_bearing : float, *optional* [Default=0]
       if 1, bearing will be filtered
    chunk : str, *optional* [Default='d100' (distance, 100 m)]
       letter, followed by a number.
       There are the following letter options:
       'd' - parse chunks based on distance, then number which is distance in m
       'p' - parse chunks based on number of pings, then number which is number of pings
       'h' - parse chunks based on change in heading, then number which is the change in heading in degrees
       '1' - process just 1 chunk

    sonpath+base+'_data_port.dat': memory-mapped file
        contains the raw echogram from the port side
        sidescan sonar (where present)

    sonpath+base+'_data_port.dat': memory-mapped file
        contains the raw echogram from the starboard side
        sidescan sonar (where present)

    sonpath+base+'_data_dwnhi.dat': memory-mapped file
        contains the raw echogram from the high-frequency
        echosounder (where present)

    sonpath+base+'_data_dwnlow.dat': memory-mapped file
        contains the raw echogram from the low-frequency
        echosounder (where present)

    sonpath+base+"trackline.kml": google-earth kml file
        contains the trackline of the vessel during data

    sonpath+base+'rawdat.csv': comma separated value file
        contains time-series data. columns corresponding to
        easting (m)
        northing (m)
        depth to bed (m)
        alongtrack cumulative distance (m)
        vessel heading (deg.)

    sonpath+base+'meta.mat': .mat file
        matlab format file containing a dictionary object
        holding metadata information. Fields are:
        e : ndarray, easting (m)
        n : ndarray, northing (m)
        es : ndarray, low-pass filtered easting (m)
        ns : ndarray, low-pass filtered northing (m)
        lat : ndarray, latitude
        lon : ndarray, longitude
        shape_port : tuple, shape of port scans in memory mapped file
        shape_star : tuple, shape of starboard scans in memory mapped file
        shape_hi : tuple, shape of high-freq. scans in memory mapped file
        shape_low : tuple, shape of low-freq. scans in memory mapped file
        dep_m : ndarray, depth to bed (m)
        dist_m : ndarray, distance along track (m)
        heading : ndarray, heading of vessel (deg. N)
        pix_m: float, size of 1 pixel in across-track dimension (m)
        bed : ndarray, depth to bed (m)
        c : float, speed of sound in water (m/s)
        t : length of sidescan transducer array (m)
        spd : ndarray, vessel speed (m/s)
        time_s : ndarray, time elapsed (s)
        caltime : ndarray, unix epoch time (s)

    # prompt user to supply file if no input file given
    if not humfile:
        print('An input file is required!!!!!!')
        )  # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing
        humfile = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("DAT files", "*.DAT")])

    # prompt user to supply directory if no input sonpath is given
    if not sonpath:
        print('A *.SON directory is required!!!!!!')
        )  # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing
        sonpath = askdirectory()

    # print given arguments to screen and convert data type where necessary
    if humfile:
        print('Input file is %s' % (humfile))

    if sonpath:
        print('Son files are in %s' % (sonpath))

    if cs2cs_args:
        print('cs2cs arguments are %s' % (cs2cs_args))

    if draft:
        draft = float(draft)
        print('Draft: %s' % (str(draft)))

    if c:
        c = float(c)
        print('Celerity of sound: %s m/s' % (str(c)))

    if doplot:
        doplot = int(doplot)
        if doplot == 0:
            print("Plots will not be made")

    if flip_lr:
        flip_lr = int(flip_lr)
        if flip_lr == 1:
            print("Port and starboard will be flipped")

    if t:
        t = np.asarray(t, float)
        print('Transducer length is %s m' % (str(t)))

    if bedpick:
        bedpick = np.asarray(bedpick, int)
        if bedpick == 1:
            print('Bed picking is auto')
        elif bedpick == 0:
            print('Bed picking is manual')
            print('User will be prompted per chunk about bed picking method')

    if chunk:
        chunk = str(chunk)
        if chunk[0] == 'd':
            chunkmode = 1
            chunkval = int(chunk[1:])
            print('Chunks based on distance of %s m' % (str(chunkval)))
        elif chunk[0] == 'p':
            chunkmode = 2
            chunkval = int(chunk[1:])
            print('Chunks based on %s pings' % (str(chunkval)))
        elif chunk[0] == 'h':
            chunkmode = 3
            chunkval = int(chunk[1:])
            print('Chunks based on heading devation of %s degrees' %
        elif chunk[0] == '1':
            chunkmode = 4
            chunkval = 1
            print('Only 1 chunk will be produced')
                "Chunk mode not understood - should be 'd', 'p', or 'h' - using defaults"
            chunkmode = 1
            chunkval = 100
            print('Chunks based on distance of %s m' % (str(chunkval)))

    if model:
            model = int(model)
            print("Data is from the %s series" % (str(model)))
            if model == 'onix':
                model = 0
                print("Data is from the ONIX series")
            elif model == 'helix':
                model = 1
                print("Data is from the HELIX series")
            elif model == 'mega':
                model = 2
                print("Data is from the MEGA series")
#    if cog:
#       cog = int(cog)
#       if cog==1:
#          print "Heading based on course-over-ground"

    if calc_bearing:
        calc_bearing = int(calc_bearing)
        if calc_bearing == 1:
            print("Bearing will be calculated from coordinates")

    if filt_bearing:
        filt_bearing = int(filt_bearing)
        if filt_bearing == 1:
            print("Bearing will be filtered")

    ## for debugging
    #humfile = r"test.DAT"; sonpath = "test_data"
    #cs2cs_args = "epsg:26949"; doplot = 1; draft = 0
    #c=1450; bedpick=1; fliplr=1; chunk = 'd100'
    #model=998; cog=1; calc_bearing=0; filt_bearing=0

    #if model==2:
    #   f = 1000
    f = 455

            "Checking the epsg code you have chosen for compatibility with Basemap ... "
        from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
        m = Basemap(projection='merc',
        del m
        print("... epsg code compatible")
    except (ValueError):
            "Error: the epsg code you have chosen is not compatible with Basemap"
            "please choose a different epsg code ("
        print("program will now close")

    # start timer
    if == 'posix':  # true if linux/mac or cygwin on windows
        start = time.time()
    else:  # windows
        start = time.clock()

    # if son path name supplied has no separator at end, put one on
    if sonpath[-1] != os.sep:
        sonpath = sonpath + os.sep

    # get the SON files from this directory
    sonfiles = glob.glob(sonpath + '*.SON')
    if not sonfiles:
        sonfiles = glob.glob(os.getcwd() + os.sep + sonpath + '*.SON')

    base = humfile.split('.DAT')  # get base of file name for output
    base = base[0].split(os.sep)[-1]

    # remove underscores, negatives and spaces from basename
    base = humutils.strip_base(base)

    print("WARNING: Because files have to be read in byte by byte,")
    print("this could take a very long time ...")

    #reading each sonfile in parallel should be faster ...
        o = Parallel(n_jobs=np.min([len(sonfiles), cpu_count()]), verbose=0)(
            delayed(getscans)(sonfiles[k], humfile, c, model, cs2cs_args)
            for k in range(len(sonfiles)))
        X, Y, A, B = zip(*o)

        for k in range(len(Y)):
            if Y[k] == 'sidescan_port':
                dat = A[k]  #data.gethumdat()
                metadat = B[k]  #data.getmetadata()
                if flip_lr == 0:
                    data_port = X[k].astype('int16')
                    data_star = X[k].astype('int16')

            elif Y[k] == 'sidescan_starboard':
                if flip_lr == 0:
                    data_star = X[k].astype('int16')
                    data_port = X[k].astype('int16')

            elif Y[k] == 'down_lowfreq':
                data_dwnlow = X[k].astype('int16')

            elif Y[k] == 'down_highfreq':
                data_dwnhi = X[k].astype('int16')

            elif Y[k] == 'down_vhighfreq':  #hopefully this only applies to mega systems
                data_dwnhi = X[k].astype('int16')

        del X, Y, A, B, o
        old_pyread = 0

        if 'data_port' not in locals():
            data_port = ''
            print("portside scan not available")

        if 'data_star' not in locals():
            data_star = ''
            print("starboardside scan not available")

        if 'data_dwnhi' not in locals():
            data_dwnlow = ''
            print("high-frq. downward scan not available")

        if 'data_dwnlow' not in locals():
            data_dwnlow = ''
            print("low-frq. downward scan not available")

    except:  # revert back to older version if paralleleised version fails

            "something went wrong with the parallelised version of pyread ...")

            import pyread
            from . import pyread

        data = pyread.pyread(sonfiles, humfile, c, model, cs2cs_args)

        dat = data.gethumdat()

        metadat = data.getmetadata()

        old_pyread = 1

    nrec = len(metadat['n'])

    metadat['instr_heading'] = metadat['heading'][:nrec]

    #metadat['heading'] = humutils.get_bearing(calc_bearing, filt_bearing, cog, metadat['lat'], metadat['lon'], metadat['instr_heading'])

        es = humutils.runningMeanFast(metadat['e'][:nrec],
                                      len(metadat['e'][:nrec]) / 100)
        ns = humutils.runningMeanFast(metadat['n'][:nrec],
                                      len(metadat['n'][:nrec]) / 100)
        es = metadat['e'][:nrec]
        ns = metadat['n'][:nrec]

    metadat['es'] = es
    metadat['ns'] = ns

        trans = pyproj.Proj(init=cs2cs_args)
        trans = pyproj.Proj(cs2cs_args.lstrip(), inverse=True)

    lon, lat = trans(es, ns, inverse=True)
    metadat['lon'] = lon
    metadat['lat'] = lat

    metadat['heading'] = humutils.get_bearing(calc_bearing, filt_bearing,
                                              metadat['lat'], metadat['lon'],
                                              metadat['instr_heading'])  #cog

    dist_m = humutils.get_dist(lat, lon)
    metadat['dist_m'] = dist_m

    if calc_bearing == 1:  # recalculate speed, m/s
        ds = np.gradient(np.squeeze(metadat['time_s']))
        dx = np.gradient(np.squeeze(metadat['dist_m']))
        metadat['spd'] = dx[:nrec] / ds[:nrec]

    # theta at 3dB in the horizontal
    theta3dB = np.arcsin(c / (t * (f * 1000)))
    #resolution of 1 sidescan pixel to nadir
    ft = (np.pi / 2) * (1 / theta3dB)  #/ (f/455)

    dep_m = humutils.get_depth(metadat['dep_m'][:nrec])

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version

        # port scan
            if flip_lr == 0:
                data_port = data.getportscans().astype('int16')
                data_port = data.getstarscans().astype('int16')
            data_port = ''
            print("portside scan not available")

    if data_port != '':

        Zt, ind_port = makechunks_scan(chunkmode, chunkval, metadat, data_port,
        del data_port

        ## create memory mapped file for Z
        shape_port = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_port.dat', 'int16',

        ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
        port_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_port.dat', 'int16',

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version
        # starboard scan
            if flip_lr == 0:
                data_star = data.getstarscans().astype('int16')
                data_star = data.getportscans().astype('int16')
            data_star = ''
            print("starboardside scan not available")

    if data_star != '':

        Zt, ind_star = makechunks_scan(chunkmode, chunkval, metadat, data_star,
        del data_star

        # create memory mapped file for Z
        shape_star = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_star.dat', 'int16',

        star_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_star.dat', 'int16',

    if 'star_fp' in locals() and 'port_fp' in locals():
        # check that port and starboard are same size
        # and trim if not
        if np.shape(star_fp) != np.shape(port_fp):
                "port and starboard scans are different sizes ... rectifying")
            if np.shape(port_fp[0])[1] > np.shape(star_fp[0])[1]:
                tmp = port_fp.copy()
                tmp2 = np.empty_like(star_fp)
                for k in range(len(tmp)):
                    tmp2[k] = tmp[k][:, :np.shape(star_fp[k])[1]]
                del tmp

                # create memory mapped file for Z
                shape_port = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_port2.dat',
                                              'int16', tmp2)
                #shape_star = shape_port.copy()
                shape_star = tuple(np.asarray(shape_port).copy())

                ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
                port_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_port2.dat',
                                           'int16', shape_port)

                ind_port = list(ind_port)
                ind_port[-1] = np.shape(star_fp[0])[1]
                ind_port = tuple(ind_port)

            elif np.shape(port_fp[0])[1] < np.shape(star_fp[0])[1]:
                tmp = star_fp.copy()
                tmp2 = np.empty_like(port_fp)
                for k in range(len(tmp)):
                    tmp2[k] = tmp[k][:, :np.shape(port_fp[k])[1]]
                del tmp

                # create memory mapped file for Z
                shape_port = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_star2.dat',
                                              'int16', tmp2)
                #shape_star = shape_port.copy()
                shape_star = tuple(np.asarray(shape_port).copy())

                #we are only going to access the portion of memory required
                star_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_star2.dat',
                                           'int16', shape_star)

                ind_star = list(ind_star)
                ind_star[-1] = np.shape(port_fp[0])[1]
                ind_star = tuple(ind_star)

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version
        # low-freq. sonar
            data_dwnlow = data.getlowscans().astype('int16')
            data_dwnlow = ''
            print("low-freq. scan not available")

    if data_dwnlow != '':

        Zt, ind_low = makechunks_scan(chunkmode, chunkval, metadat,
                                      data_dwnlow, 2)
        del data_dwnlow

        # create memory mapped file for Z
        shape_low = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnlow.dat',
                                     'int16', Zt)

        ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
        dwnlow_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnlow.dat',
                                     'int16', shape_low)

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version
        # hi-freq. sonar
            data_dwnhi = data.gethiscans().astype('int16')
            data_dwnhi = ''
            print("high-freq. scan not available")

    if data_dwnhi != '':

        Zt, ind_hi = makechunks_scan(chunkmode, chunkval, metadat, data_dwnhi,
        del data_dwnhi

        # create memory mapped file for Z
        shape_hi = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnhi.dat', 'int16',

        dwnhi_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnhi.dat', 'int16',

    if 'dwnhi_fp' in locals() and 'dwnlow_fp' in locals():
        # check that low and high are same size
        # and trim if not
        if (np.shape(dwnhi_fp) != np.shape(dwnlow_fp)) and (chunkmode != 4):
            print("dwnhi and dwnlow are different sizes ... rectifying")
            if np.shape(dwnhi_fp[0])[1] > np.shape(dwnlow_fp[0])[1]:
                tmp = dwnhi_fp.copy()
                tmp2 = np.empty_like(dwnlow_fp)
                for k in range(len(tmp)):
                    tmp2[k] = tmp[k][:, :np.shape(dwnlow_fp[k])[1]]
                del tmp

                # create memory mapped file for Z
                shape_low = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnhi2.dat',
                                             'int16', tmp2)
                #shape_hi = shape_low.copy()
                shape_hi = tuple(np.asarray(shape_low).copy())

                ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
                dwnhi_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnhi2.dat',
                                            'int16', shape_hi)

                ind_hi = list(ind_hi)
                ind_hi[-1] = np.shape(dwnlow_fp[0])[1]
                ind_hi = tuple(ind_hi)

            elif np.shape(dwnhi_fp[0])[1] < np.shape(dwnlow_fp[0])[1]:
                tmp = dwnlow_fp.copy()
                tmp2 = np.empty_like(dwnhi_fp)
                for k in range(len(tmp)):
                    tmp2[k] = tmp[k][:, :np.shape(dwnhi_fp[k])[1]]
                del tmp

                # create memory mapped file for Z
                shape_low = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base,
                                             '_data_dwnlow2.dat', 'int16',
                #shape_hi = shape_low.copy()
                shape_hi = tuple(np.asarray(shape_low).copy())

                ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
                dwnlow_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base,
                                             '_data_dwnlow2.dat', 'int16',

                ind_low = list(ind_low)
                ind_low[-1] = np.shape(dwnhi_fp[0])[1]
                ind_low = tuple(ind_low)

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version
        del data

    if ('shape_port' in locals()) and (chunkmode != 4):
        metadat['shape_port'] = shape_port
        nrec = metadat['shape_port'][0] * metadat['shape_port'][2]
    elif ('shape_port' in locals()) and (chunkmode == 4):
        metadat['shape_port'] = shape_port
        nrec = metadat['shape_port'][1]
        metadat['shape_port'] = ''

    if ('shape_star' in locals()) and (chunkmode != 4):
        metadat['shape_star'] = shape_star
        nrec = metadat['shape_star'][0] * metadat['shape_star'][2]
    elif ('shape_star' in locals()) and (chunkmode == 4):
        metadat['shape_star'] = shape_star
        nrec = metadat['shape_star'][1]
        metadat['shape_star'] = ''

    if ('shape_hi' in locals()) and (chunkmode != 4):
        metadat['shape_hi'] = shape_hi
        #nrec = metadat['shape_hi'][0] * metadat['shape_hi'][2] * 2
    elif ('shape_hi' in locals()) and (chunkmode == 4):
        metadat['shape_hi'] = shape_hi
        metadat['shape_hi'] = ''

    if ('shape_low' in locals()) and (chunkmode != 4):
        metadat['shape_low'] = shape_low
        #nrec = metadat['shape_low'][0] * metadat['shape_low'][2] * 2
    elif ('shape_low' in locals()) and (chunkmode == 4):
        metadat['shape_low'] = shape_low
        metadat['shape_low'] = ''

    #make kml boat trackline
    humutils.make_trackline(lon, lat, sonpath, base)

    if 'port_fp' in locals() and 'star_fp' in locals():

        #if not os.path.isfile(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sonpath,base+'meta.mat'))):
        if 2 > 1:
            if bedpick == 1:  # auto

                x, bed = humutils.auto_bedpick(ft, dep_m, chunkmode, port_fp,

                if len(dist_m) < len(bed):
                    dist_m = np.append(
                        dist_m, dist_m[-1] * np.ones(len(bed) - len(dist_m)))

                if doplot == 1:
                    if chunkmode != 4:
                        for k in range(len(star_fp)):
                                port_fp[k], star_fp[k],
                                bed[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)],
                                dist_m[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] *
                                       (k + 1)],
                                x[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)], ft,
                                shape_port, sonpath, k, chunkmode)
                        plot_2bedpicks(port_fp, star_fp, bed, dist_m, x, ft,
                                       shape_port, sonpath, 0, chunkmode)

                # 'real' bed is estimated to be the minimum of the two
                bed = np.min(np.vstack((bed[:nrec], np.squeeze(x[:nrec]))),
                bed = humutils.runningMeanFast(bed, 3)

            elif bedpick > 1:  # user prompt

                x, bed = humutils.auto_bedpick(ft, dep_m, chunkmode, port_fp,

                if len(dist_m) < len(bed):
                    dist_m = np.append(
                        dist_m, dist_m[-1] * np.ones(len(bed) - len(dist_m)))

                # 'real' bed is estimated to be the minimum of the two
                bed = np.min(np.vstack((bed[:nrec], np.squeeze(x[:nrec]))),
                bed = humutils.runningMeanFast(bed, 3)

                # manually intervene
                fig = plt.figure()
                ax = plt.gca()
                if chunkmode != 4:
                    im = ax.imshow(np.hstack(port_fp),
                    im = ax.imshow(port_fp, cmap='gray', origin='upper')
                plt.plot(bed, 'r')

                pts1 = plt.ginput(
                    timeout=30)  # it will wait for 200 clicks or 60 seconds
                x1 = map(lambda x: x[0],
                         pts1)  # map applies the function passed as
                y1 = map(lambda x: x[1],
                         pts1)  # first parameter to each element of pts
                del fig

                if x1 != []:  # if x1 is not empty
                    tree = KDTree(zip(np.arange(1, len(bed)), bed))
                        dist, inds = tree.query(zip(x1, y1),
                        dist, inds = tree.query(zip(x1, y1), k=100, eps=5)

                    b = np.interp(inds, x1, y1)
                    bed2 = bed.copy()
                    bed2[inds] = b
                    bed = bed2

                if doplot == 1:
                    if chunkmode != 4:
                        for k in range(len(star_fp)):
                                port_fp[k], star_fp[k],
                                bed[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)],
                                dist_m[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] *
                                       (k + 1)],
                                x[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)], ft,
                                shape_port, sonpath, k, chunkmode)
                        plot_2bedpicks(port_fp, star_fp, bed, dist_m, x, ft,
                                       shape_port, sonpath, 0, chunkmode)

            else:  #manual

                beds = []

                if chunkmode != 4:
                    for k in range(len(port_fp)):
                            "Bed picking " + str(k + 1) + " of " +
                            str(len(port_fp)) +
                            ", are you ready? 30 seconds. Press Enter to continue..."
                        bed = {}
                        fig = plt.figure()
                        ax = plt.gca()
                        im = ax.imshow(port_fp[k], cmap='gray', origin='upper')
                        pts1 = plt.ginput(
                            n=300, timeout=30
                        )  # it will wait for 200 clicks or 60 seconds
                        x1 = map(lambda x: x[0],
                                 pts1)  # map applies the function passed as
                        y1 = map(
                            lambda x: x[1],
                            pts1)  # first parameter to each element of pts
                        bed = np.interp(np.r_[:ind_port[-1]], x1, y1)
                        del fig
                        extent = np.shape(port_fp[k])[0]
                    bed = np.asarray(np.hstack(beds), 'float')
                        "Bed picking - are you ready? 30 seconds. Press Enter to continue..."
                    bed = {}
                    fig = plt.figure()
                    ax = plt.gca()
                    im = ax.imshow(port_fp, cmap='gray', origin='upper')
                    pts1 = plt.ginput(
                        n=300, timeout=30
                    )  # it will wait for 200 clicks or 60 seconds
                    x1 = map(lambda x: x[0],
                             pts1)  # map applies the function passed as
                    y1 = map(lambda x: x[1],
                             pts1)  # first parameter to each element of pts
                    bed = np.interp(np.r_[:ind_port[-1]], x1, y1)
                    del fig
                    extent = np.shape(port_fp)[1]
                    bed = np.asarray(np.hstack(beds), 'float')

            # now revise the depth in metres
            dep_m = (1 / ft) * bed

            if doplot == 1:
                if chunkmode != 4:
                    for k in range(len(star_fp)):
                            port_fp[k], star_fp[k], (1 / ft) *
                            bed[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)],
                            dist_m[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)],
                            ft, shape_port, sonpath, k, chunkmode)
                    plot_bedpick(port_fp, star_fp, (1 / ft) * bed, dist_m, ft,
                                 shape_port, sonpath, 0, chunkmode)

            metadat['bed'] = bed[:nrec]

        metadat['bed'] = dep_m[:nrec] * ft

    metadat['heading'] = metadat['heading'][:nrec]
    metadat['lon'] = lon[:nrec]
    metadat['lat'] = lat[:nrec]
    metadat['dist_m'] = dist_m[:nrec]
    metadat['dep_m'] = dep_m[:nrec]
    metadat['pix_m'] = 1 / ft
    metadat['bed'] = metadat['bed'][:nrec]
    metadat['c'] = c
    metadat['t'] = t
    if model == 2:
        metadat['f'] = f * 2
        metadat['f'] = f

    metadat['spd'] = metadat['spd'][:nrec]
    metadat['time_s'] = metadat['time_s'][:nrec]
    metadat['e'] = metadat['e'][:nrec]
    metadat['n'] = metadat['n'][:nrec]
    metadat['es'] = metadat['es'][:nrec]
    metadat['ns'] = metadat['ns'][:nrec]
        metadat['caltime'] = metadat['caltime'][:nrec]
        metadat['caltime'] = metadat['caltime']

    savemat(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sonpath, base + 'meta.mat')),

    f = open(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sonpath, base + 'rawdat.csv')),
    writer = csv.writer(f)
        ('longitude', 'latitude', 'easting', 'northing', 'depth (m)',
         'distance (m)', 'instr. heading (deg)', 'heading (deg.)'))
    for i in range(0, nrec):
            (float(lon[i]), float(lat[i]), float(es[i]), float(ns[i]),
             float(dep_m[i]), float(dist_m[i]),
             float(metadat['instr_heading'][i]), float(metadat['heading'][i])))

    del lat, lon, dep_m  #, dist_m

    if doplot == 1:

        plot_pos(sonpath, metadat, es, ns)

        if 'dwnlow_fp' in locals():

            plot_dwnlow(dwnlow_fp, chunkmode, sonpath)

        if 'dwnhi_fp' in locals():

            plot_dwnhi(dwnhi_fp, chunkmode, sonpath)

    if == 'posix':  # true if linux/mac
        elapsed = (time.time() - start)
    else:  # windows
        elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
    print("Processing took " + str(elapsed) + "seconds to analyse")

Exemplo n.º 3
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #           |      | 200-epoch | Orig Paper| 200-epoch | Orig Paper| sec/epoch
    # Model     |  n   | ResNet v1 | ResNet v1 | ResNet v2 | ResNet v2 | GTX1080Ti
    #           |v1(v2)| %Accuracy | %Accuracy | %Accuracy | %Accuracy | v1 (v2)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ResNet20  | 3 (2)| 92.16     | 91.25     | -----     | -----     | 35 (---)
    # ResNet32  | 5(NA)| 92.46     | 92.49     | NA        | NA        | 50 ( NA)
    # ResNet44  | 7(NA)| 92.50     | 92.83     | NA        | NA        | 70 ( NA)
    # ResNet56  | 9 (6)| 92.71     | 93.03     | 93.01     | NA        | 90 (100)
    # ResNet110 |18(12)| 92.65     | 93.39+-.16| 93.15     | 93.63     | 165(180)
    # ResNet164 |27(18)| -----     | 94.07     | -----     | 94.54     | ---(---)
    # ResNet1001| (111)| -----     | 92.39     | -----     | 95.08+-.14| ---(---)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Model name, depth and version
    depth = get_depth(version=args.version,
    model_type = 'ResNet%dv%d' % (depth, args.version)

    # Subtracting pixel mean improves accuracy
    subtract_pixel_mean = True
    # Data
    train_data, test_data, input_shape = get_data(subtract_pixel_mean,

    # Score trained model.
    model = get_model(version=args.version,
    train(model, model_type, train_data['x'], train_data['y'], test_data['x'],
          test_data['y'], args.data_augmentation, args.batch_size, args.epochs)
    scores = model.evaluate(test_data['x'], test_data['y'], verbose=1)
Exemplo n.º 4

if __name__ == "__main__":

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(CORPUS_PATH)):

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(CORPUS_PATH, CONCRETE_TERRAIN)):
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(CORPUS_PATH, CONCRETE_TERRAIN))

    while 1:
        # get a frame from RGB camera
        frame = get_video()
        # get a frame from depth sensor
        depth = get_depth()

            os.path.join(CORPUS_PATH, CONCRETE_TERRAIN,
                         "{}.png".format(uuid.uuid4())), frame)

        img = frame
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        # display RGB image
        cv2.imshow('RGB image', frame)
        # display depth image
        cv2.imshow('Depth image', depth)

        # quit program when 'esc' key is pressed
        k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF