Exemplo n.º 1
def greedy(graph):
    n = graph.get_total_vertex_count()
    s = graph.s
    t = graph.t
    cost = graph.cost
    h_list = heuristic(graph.point_list, graph.point_list[t])

    path = [s]
    p_remain = list(range(1, n))

    while path[-1] != t:
        u = path[-1]
        next_vertices = []

        check = False
        for v in range(n):
            if cost[u][v] < 1e9 and v in p_remain:
                check = True

        if not check:
            return False, []

        u = min(enumerate(next_vertices), key=itemgetter(1))[0]

    return True, path
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, map: OccupancyGridMap, s_start: (int, int, int),
                 s_goal: (int, int, int)):
        :param map: the ground truth map of the environment provided by gui
        :param s_start: start location
        :param s_goal: end location
        ## we need to also update our occupancy grid map
        self.new_edges_and_old_costs = None

        # algorithm start
        self.s_start = s_start  # now takes in an x, y and z
        self.s_goal = s_goal  # now takes in an x, y and z
        self.s_last = s_start  # now takes in an x, y and z
        self.k_m = 0  # accumulation
        self.U = PriorityQueue()
        self.rhs = np.ones((map.x_dim, map.y_dim, map.z_dim)) * np.inf
        self.g = self.rhs.copy()

        self.sensed_map = OccupancyGridMap(x_dim=map.x_dim,

        self.rhs[self.s_goal] = 0
                      Priority(heuristic(self.s_start, self.s_goal), 0))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def calculate_key(self, s: (int, int)):
     :param s: the vertex we want to calculate key
     :return: Priority class of the two keys
     k1 = min(self.g[s], self.rhs[s]) + heuristic(self.s_start, s) + self.k_m
     k2 = min(self.g[s], self.rhs[s])
     return Priority(k1, k2)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def move_and_replan(self, robot_position: (int, int, int)):
        path = [robot_position]
        self.s_start = robot_position
        self.s_last = self.s_start

        while self.s_start != self.s_goal:
            assert (self.rhs[self.s_start] !=
                    float('inf')), "There is no known path!"

            succ = self.sensed_map.succ(self.s_start, avoid_obstacles=False)
            min_s = float('inf')
            arg_min = None
            for s_ in succ:
                temp = self.c(self.s_start, s_) + self.g[s_]
                if temp < min_s:
                    min_s = temp
                    arg_min = s_

            ### algorithm sometimes gets stuck here for some reason !!! FIX
            self.s_start = arg_min
            # scan graph for changed costs
            changed_edges_with_old_cost = self.rescan()
            #print("len path: {}".format(len(path)))
            # if any edge costs changed
            if changed_edges_with_old_cost:
                self.k_m += heuristic(self.s_last, self.s_start)
                self.s_last = self.s_start

                # for all directed edges (u,v) with changed edge costs
                vertices = changed_edges_with_old_cost.vertices
                for vertex in vertices:
                    v = vertex.pos
                    succ_v = vertex.edges_and_c_old
                    for u, c_old in succ_v.items():
                        c_new = self.c(u, v)
                        if c_old > c_new:
                            if u != self.s_goal:
                                self.rhs[u] = min(self.rhs[u],
                                                  self.c(u, v) + self.g[v])
                        elif self.rhs[u] == c_old + self.g[v]:
                            if u != self.s_goal:
                                min_s = float('inf')
                                succ_u = self.sensed_map.succ(vertex=u)
                                for s_ in succ_u:
                                    temp = self.c(u, s_) + self.g[s_]
                                    if min_s > temp:
                                        min_s = temp
                                self.rhs[u] = min_s

        if len(path) > 1:
            return path, self.g, self.rhs

        return None, None, None
Exemplo n.º 5
 def c(self, u: (int, int), v: (int, int)) -> float:
     calcuclate the cost between nodes
     :param u: from vertex
     :param v: to vertex
     :return: euclidean distance to traverse. inf if obstacle in path
     if not self.sensed_map.is_unoccupied(u) or not self.sensed_map.is_unoccupied(v):
         return float('inf')
         return heuristic(u, v)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def move_and_replan(self, robot_position: (int, int)):
        path = [robot_position]
        self.s_start = robot_position
        self.s_last = self.s_start

        while self.s_start != self.s_goal:
            assert (self.rhs[self.s_start] !=
                    float('inf')), "There is no known path!"

            succ = self.sensed_map.succ(self.s_start, avoid_obstacles=False)
            min_s = float('inf')
            arg_min = None
            for s_ in succ:
                temp = self.c(self.s_start, s_) + self.g[s_]
                if temp < min_s:
                    min_s = temp
                    arg_min = s_

            self.s_start = arg_min
            changed_edges_with_old_cost = self.rescan()
            if changed_edges_with_old_cost:
                self.k_m += heuristic(self.s_last, self.s_start)
                self.s_last = self.s_start

                vertices = changed_edges_with_old_cost.vertices
                for vertex in vertices:
                    v = vertex.pos
                    succ_v = vertex.edges_and_c_old
                    for u, c_old in succ_v.items():
                        c_new = self.c(u, v)
                        if c_old > c_new:
                            if u != self.s_goal:
                                self.rhs[u] = min(self.rhs[u],
                                                  self.c(u, v) + self.g[v])
                        elif self.rhs[u] == c_old + self.g[v]:
                            if u != self.s_goal:
                                min_s = float('inf')
                                succ_u = self.sensed_map.succ(vertex=u)
                                for s_ in succ_u:
                                    temp = self.c(u, s_) + self.g[s_]
                                    if min_s > temp:
                                        min_s = temp
                                self.rhs[u] = min_s
        print("path found!")
        return path, self.g, self.rhs
def ida_star(graph, start_id, end_id):

    start_node = [
        node for node in list(graph.graph.keys()) if node.vertex_id == start_id
    end_node = [
        node for node in list(graph.graph.keys()) if node.vertex_id == end_id

    #Variaveis de estatisticas
    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    expanded = [0]
    cost = 0
    visited = []
    sum_visited = 0
    branching_factor = []

    success = False
    fail = False
    solution = []

    limit = utils.heuristic(start_node, end_node)

    while not success or not fail:
        distance = ida_star_aux(graph, start_node, end_node, 0, visited, limit,
                                solution, expanded, branching_factor)

        if distance == float("inf"):
            fail = True
        elif distance < 0:
            success = True
            limit = distance
            solution = []
            sum_visited += len(visited)
            visited = []

    end_time = timeit.default_timer()
    cost = -1 * distance
    depth = len(solution) - 1
    exec_time = end_time - start_time
    average_branching_factor = sum(branching_factor) / len(branching_factor)

    return [node.vertex_id for node in solution], depth, cost, expanded[
        0], sum_visited, average_branching_factor, exec_time, "success" if success else "fail"
Exemplo n.º 8
def a_star(graph):
    n = graph.get_total_vertex_count()
    s = graph.s
    t = graph.t
    cost = graph.cost

    pq = []
    f = [1e9] * n
    g = [1e9] * n
    h = heuristic(graph.point_list, graph.point_list[t])
    p = [-1] * n
    closed = [False] * n

    g[s] = 0
    f[s] = g[s] + h[s]
    p[s] = -2
    heappush(pq, (f[s], s))

    while len(pq) > 0 and f[t] >= pq[0][0]:
        f_u, u = heappop(pq)
        if f_u > f[u]:
        closed[u] = True
        for v in range(n):
            if closed[v]:
            g[v] = min(g[v], g[u] + cost[u][v])
            if f[v] > g[v] + h[v]:
                f[v] = g[v] + h[v]
                p[v] = u
                heappush(pq, (f[v], v))

    if p[t] == -1:
        return False, []

    path = []
    v = t
    while v != -2:
        v = p[v]

    return True, path
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, map: OccupancyGridMap, s_start: (int, int),
                 s_goal: (int, int)):
        self.new_edges_and_old_costs = None

        self.s_start = s_start
        self.s_goal = s_goal
        self.s_last = s_start
        self.k_m = 0
        self.U = PriorityQueue()
        self.rhs = np.ones((map.x_dim, map.y_dim)) * np.inf
        self.g = self.rhs.copy()

        self.sensed_map = OccupancyGridMap(x_dim=map.x_dim,

        self.rhs[self.s_goal] = 0
                      Priority(heuristic(self.s_start, self.s_goal), 0))
def ida_star_aux(graph, node, end_node, distance, visited, limit, path,
                 expanded, branching_factor):


    if node == end_node:
        return -distance

    estimate = distance + utils.heuristic(node, end_node)
    if estimate > limit:
        return estimate

    n_limit = float("inf")
    edges = list(graph[node].keys())
    edges.sort(key=lambda edge: edge.vertex_id)

    n = 0
    expanded[0] += 1

    for edge in edges:
        if edge not in visited:
            n += 1
            edge_dist = ida_star_aux(graph, edge, end_node,
                                     distance + graph[node][edge].weight,
                                     visited, limit, path, expanded,

            if edge_dist < 0:
                return edge_dist
            elif edge_dist < n_limit:
                n_limit = edge_dist


    if len(path) > 0:
    return n_limit
Exemplo n.º 11
def AStar(start: str, end: str, trasbordos: bool):
    G = getAtenas()  # Get the Godamm MAP

    visitedList = []  # Nodes we alredy looked into
    toVisit = PriorityQueue(
    )  # The Nodes to visit: get will return de min of all (f(n),count,node)

    final = None
    found = False
    count = 0
    currentLine = 0
    lessChanges = False  # Opcion para decir si queremos menos trasbordos posibles, google maps implementa algo similar

    toVisit.put((0, 0, nodeState(start, None,
                                 0)))  # Obvious but add the start to toVisit

    while (not toVisit.empty() and (not found)):  # We have nodes to visit
        lowest = toVisit.get()  # Lowest value of f(n) from priority Queue
        lowestVertex = lowest[
            2]  # Get the node with f(n) lowest nodeState(node,parent)

            lowestVertex.node)  # We visit the node, add it to the list

        if (lowestVertex.node == end):
            found = True  # Yeay we have found it, lets stop
            final = lowestVertex  # Save the node for backtracking
            Miramos si hemos cambiado de linea, de ese modo podremos calcular el coste real de pasar a la siguiente parada
            if (lessChanges and currentLine
                    not in G.nodes[lowestVertex.node]["lineas"]):
                currentLine = G.nodes[lowestVertex.node]["lineas"][0]

            children = [i for i in G.neighbors(lowestVertex.node)
                        ]  # All the children of the LowestVertex
            for child in children:  # Iterate through all children
                count += 1
                    g(n): Distance between Parent & Child --> Stored in the Edge of the graph ++ Change of trains
                    h(n): How far are we from the end Node --> Need a function to calculate
                g = lowestVertex.distance + G.edges[(lowestVertex.node,

                change = False
                if (lessChanges and currentLine not in G.nodes[child]["lineas"]
                    ):  #Change of metro line
                    g += 6.666  # Se aumenta G ya que el coste para pasar por esa arista es mayor al haber trasbordo
                    change = True  # Si hemos cambiado de linea guardarlo para luego buscar en numero de trasbordos

                f = g + heuristic(G, child, end)  #Calculate f(n)=g(n)+h(n)

                toInsert = nodeState(
                    child, lowestVertex, g, change
                )  # Create the tuple (Node,Parent,cost2getHere,changeOfTrain)

                if (toInsert.node not in visitedList
                    ):  # Check if we have alredy been there (NO endless Loops)
                        (f, count, toInsert
                         ))  # We will need further examination of the node
    if (found):  # Congrats we have found something
        path, cost, changes = backTracking(final)
    else:  # Something smells like a Bug in the Code..... Or the really Intelligent USER
        print("No path could be found. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ")
def greedy(graph, start_id, end_id):

    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    expanded = 0
    branching_factor = []

    start_node = [
        node for node in list(graph.graph.keys()) if node.vertex_id == start_id
    end_node = [
        node for node in list(graph.graph.keys()) if node.vertex_id == end_id

    parentMap = {}
    visited = []
    stack = []
    solution = []
    current = start_node
    success = False

    while stack:
        current = stack[-1]

        if current not in visited:

        if current == end_node:
            success = True
            expanded += 1
            n = 0
            children = {}
            for child in graph[current]:
                if child not in visited:
                    children[child] = utils.heuristic(child, end_node)
                    parentMap[child] = current
                    n += 1

            if children:
                sorted_children = list({
                    k: v
                    for k, v in sorted(children.items(),
                                       key=lambda item: item[1])
                stack += sorted_children

    cost = 0
    if success:
        while current != start_node:
            cost += graph[current][parentMap[current]].weight
            current = parentMap[current]

        end_time = timeit.default_timer()
        depth = len(solution) - 1
        exec_time = end_time - start_time
        average = sum(branching_factor) / len(branching_factor)

        return solution, depth, cost, expanded, len(
            visited), average, exec_time, 'success'
        end_time = timeit.default_timer()
        exec_time = end_time - start_time
        return solution, -1, cost, expanded, len(
            visited), -1, exec_time, 'failure'
    def algorithm(self, algorithm, color):
        if self.start is None or self.goal is None:
            self.curr_grid = self.clean_grid.copy()

        self.reset_world('soft', new_run=True, keep_paths=True)

        # avoid increment when algorithm is applied two times on the same world
        if not self.applied_this_run[algorithm]:
            self.algorithm_runs[algorithm] += 1
        self.applied_this_run[algorithm] = True

        start = self.start
        goal = self.goal
        h = heuristic(self.clean_grid, goal)
        data_algo = {
            'h': h,
            'frontier': {start},
            'inner': set(),
            'g_score': {
                start: 0
            'f_score': {
                start: h[start]
            'come_from': {
                start: None
        steps = 0

        self.curr_grid = self.clean_grid.copy()

        while len(data_algo['frontier']) > 0:

            if self.step_by_step:

                for event in pygame.event.get():
                    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:

                        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

                        if event.key == self.control["R"]:
                            self.paths = []
                            self.curr_grid = self.clean_grid

                        # update only when SPACE is pressed
                        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == self.control[

                            # apply one step of the selected algorithm
                            data_algo, done = self.step(
                                data_algo, algorithm, color)
                            steps += 1

                            if done:
                                self.print_this, self.printed_infos = \
                                    build_print_line(algorithm, steps, self.paths, self.run_num, self.printed_infos)
                                self.caption = self.print_this


                data_algo, done = self.step(data_algo, algorithm, color)
                steps += 1

                if done:
                    self.print_this, self.printed_infos = \
                        build_print_line(algorithm, steps, self.paths, self.run_num, self.printed_infos)
                    self.caption = self.print_this
                    if self.gif:
                        create_gif(self.run_num, algorithm)


            if self.gif:
                pygame.image.save(self.screen, './temp/{}.bmp'.format(steps))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def c(self, u: (int, int), v: (int, int)) -> float:
     if not self.sensed_map.is_unoccupied(
             u) or not self.sensed_map.is_unoccupied(v):
         return float('inf')
         return heuristic(u, v)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def calculate_key(self, s: (int, int)):
     k1 = min(self.g[s], self.rhs[s]) + heuristic(self.s_start,
                                                  s) + self.k_m
     k2 = min(self.g[s], self.rhs[s])
     return Priority(k1, k2)
Exemplo n.º 16
start = [0, 0]
goal1 = [len(map[0]) - 1, len(map) - 1]
goal2 = [4, 2]
goal = goal2
#Define the possible directions the robot can move
dirs = [
    [-1, 0],  # go up
    [0, -1],  # go left
    [1, 0],  # go down
    [0, 1]
]  # go right

dirs_name = ['^', '<', 'v', '>']

#Create heuristic map
heuristic = heuristic(map, goal, method='Manhattan', show=False)
# Output example:
# [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3]
# [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2]
# [4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1]
# [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2]
# [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3]

expansion_grid = [[-1 for row in range(len(map[0]))]
                  for col in range(len(map))]
expansion_grid[goal[1]][goal[0]] = '*'

#Define blocked
#blocked corresponds to the limits of the map and the walls
def is_blocked(map, node):
def a_star(graph, start_id, end_id):

    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    expanded = 0
    branching_factor = []

    start_node = [
        node for node in list(graph.graph.keys()) if node.vertex_id == start_id
    end_node = [
        node for node in list(graph.graph.keys()) if node.vertex_id == end_id

    openList = {}
    closedList = {}

    # A lista contém respectivamente: g(custo acumulado), funcao h da heuristica e funcao f(g + h)
    openList[start_node] = [
        utils.heuristic(start_node, end_node),
        0 + utils.heuristic(start_node, end_node)

    success = False
    solution = []
    parentMap = {}

    while openList:
        current = utils.find_smaller(openList, 'a_star')
        closedList[current] = openList[current]
        del openList[current]
        if current == end_node:
            success = True
            expanded += 1
            n = 0
            for child in graph[current]:
                if child in closedList:
                if child in openList:
                    new_g = closedList[current][0] + graph[current][
                    if openList[child][0] > new_g:
                        openList[child][0] = new_g
                        openList[child][2] = new_g + openList[child][1]
                        parentMap[child] = current
                        n += 1
                    child_g = closedList[current][0] + graph[current][
                    child_h = utils.heuristic(child, end_node)
                    openList[child] = [child_g, child_h, child_g + child_h]
                    parentMap[child] = current
                    n += 1

    cost = 0
    if success:
        while current != start_node:
            cost += graph[current][parentMap[current]].weight
            current = parentMap[current]

        end_time = timeit.default_timer()
        depth = len(solution) - 1
        exec_time = end_time - start_time
        average = sum(branching_factor) / len(branching_factor)

        return solution, depth, cost, expanded, len(openList) + len(
            closedList), average, exec_time, 'success'
        end_time = timeit.default_timer()
        exec_time = end_time - start_time
        return solution, -1, cost, expanded, len(
            visited), -1, exec_time, 'failure'
 def h(self, position):
     rp = tuple(position)
     if rp not in self.h_table:
         self.h_table[rp] = heuristic(position, self.goal)
     return self.h_table[rp]