Exemplo n.º 1
	def render(self):
		""" """


		# Create camera and plotter
		if brainrender.WHOLE_SCREEN: 
			sz = "full"
			sz = "auto"
		if brainrender.SHOW_AXES:
			axes = 4
			axes = 0

		mv = Plotter(N=2, axes=axes, size=sz, pos=brainrender.WINDOW_POS, bg=brainrender.BACKGROUND_COLOR, sharecam=True)

		actors = []
		for scene in self.scenes:
			scene_actors = scene.get_actors()

		mv.show(actors[0], at=0, zoom=1.15, axes=axes, roll=180,  interactive=False)    
		mv.show(actors[1], at=1,  interactive=False)
Exemplo n.º 2
	def render(self, _interactive=True,  **kwargs):

		:param _interactive:  (Default value = True)
		:param **kwargs:

		camera = kwargs.pop("camera", None)

		for scene in self.scenes:
			if camera is None: 
				if scene.atlas.default_camera is None:
					scene_camera = brainrender.CAMERA
					scene_camera = scene.atlas.default_camera
				if camera:
					scene_camera = camera
					scene_camera = None
			if scene_camera is not None:
				set_camera(scene, scene_camera)

		if self.N > 4:
			print("Rendering {} scenes. Might take a few minutes.".format(self.N))
		mv = Plotter(N=self.N, axes=4, size="auto", sharecam=True, bg=brainrender.BACKGROUND_COLOR)

		actors = []
		for i, scene in enumerate(self.scenes):
			scene_actors = scene.get_actors()

		for i, scene_actors in enumerate(actors):
			mv.show(scene_actors, at=i,  interactive=False)

		print("Rendering complete")
		if _interactive:
Exemplo n.º 3
	def export_for_web(self, filepath='brexport.html'):
			This function is used to export a brainrender scene
			for hosting it online. It saves an html file that can
			be opened in a web browser to show an interactive brainrender scene
		if not filepath.endswith('.html'):
			raise ValueError("Filepath should point to a .html file")

		# prepare settings
		settings.notebookBackend = 'k3d'

		# Create new plotter and save to file
		plt = Plotter()
		plt = plt.show(interactive=False)

		plt.camera[-2] = -1

		print('Ready for exporting. Exporting scenes with many actors might require a few minutes')
			with open(filepath,'w') as fp:
			raise ValueError("Failed to export scene for web.\n"+
						"Try updating k3d and msgpack: \ "+
						"pip install -U k3d\n"+
						"pip install -U msgpack")

		print(f"The brainrender scene has been exported for web. The results are saved at {filepath}")
		# Reset settings
		settings.notebookBackend = None
		self.jupyter = False
Exemplo n.º 4
nc, n = conc.shape  # nc= nr. of time points, n= nr. of vertices

# Create the Plotter instance and position the camera.
# (values can be copied in the code by pressing C in the rendering window)
vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0, interactive=0, size=(700, 700))
vp.camera.SetPosition(962, -239, 1034)
vp.camera.SetFocalPoint(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)
vp.camera.SetViewUp(-0.693, -0.479, 0.539)

pb = ProgressBar(0, nc, c='g')  # a green progress bar
for t1 in pb.range():  # for each time point
    t2 = t1 + 1
    if t1 == nc - 1: t2 = t1  # avoid index overflow with last time point

    vp.actors = []  # clean up the list of actors at each iteration
    vp.add(cylinder([0, 0, -15], r=260, height=10, texture='marble', res=60))
    vp.add(cylinder([0, 0, 10], r=260, height=50, wire=1, c='gray', res=60))

    pts, cols = [], []
    for i, p in enumerate(mesh):  # for each vertex in the mesh
        c1, c2 = conc[t1, i], conc[t2, i]
        cgrad = abs(c2 - c1) * cgradfac  # intensity of variation
        gx, gy, gz = np.random.randn(3)  # make points wiggle a bit
        pts.append(p + vector(gx / 4, gy / 4, gz + c1 * 20))
        cols.append([0., c1, cgrad])  # RGB color

    vp.points(pts, c=cols, alpha=1.0, r=6)  # points actor
    vp.points(pts, c=cols, alpha=0.1, r=30)  # halos actor
    vp.camera.Azimuth(60 / nc)  # rotate camera by a fraction
    vp.show()  # show the four new actors at each iteration
Exemplo n.º 5
Make a textured floor, a lamp post, and load a mesh of a car
make copies of the car, rotate and move them in a loop.
rate=10 limits the speed of the loop to maximum 10 fps
from __future__ import division, print_function
from vtkplotter import Plotter, Plane, Text, datadir

vp = Plotter(interactive=0, axes=0)

vp.add(Plane(pos=(4, 0, -0.45), sx=12, texture="metalfloor1"))

# load and set its position (methods can be concatenated)
vp.load(datadir + "lamp.vtk").pos([1.7, -0.4, 2])

a = vp.load(datadir + "porsche.ply", c="r").rotateX(90)
a.normalize()  # set actor at origin and scale size to 1

for i in range(1, 10):
    b = a.clone().color("aqua").alpha(0.04 * i)
    b.rotateX(-20 * i).rotateY(-10 * i).pos([i, i / 2, i / 2])
    vp.add(b)  # add actor b
    vp.show(rate=10)  # maximum frame rate in hertz
    print(i, "time:", vp.clock, "s")


Exemplo n.º 6
 to add a sphere and some info is printed.
from vtkplotter import Plotter, printc, Sphere, Text, datadir

def myfnc(key):
    if not vp.clickedActor or key != "c":
        printc("click an actor and press c.", c="r")
    printc("clicked actor   :", vp.clickedActor.legend(), c=4)
    printc("clicked 3D point:", vp.picked3d, c=4)
    printc("clicked renderer:", [vp.renderer], c=2)

    vp.add(Sphere(pos=vp.picked3d, r=0.005, c="v"))


vp = Plotter(verbose=0)

vp.keyPressFunction = myfnc  # make it known to Plotter class

vp.load(datadir + "bunny.obj")


printc("\nPress c to execute myfnc()", c=1)
Exemplo n.º 7
Green histogram is the distribution of residuals from the fitting.
Red histogram is the distribution of the curvatures (1/r**2).
Fitted radius can be accessed from actor.info['radius'].
from __future__ import division, print_function
from vtkplotter import Plotter, fitSphere, histogram, Points, Line, Text

vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0)

# load mesh and increase by a lot (N=2) the nr of surface vertices
s = vp.load('data/shapes/cow.vtk').alpha(0.3).subdivide(N=2)

reds, invr = [], []
for i, p in enumerate(s.coordinates()):
    if i%1000: continue           # skip most points
    pts = s.closestPoint(p, N=16) # find the N closest points to p
    sph = fitSphere(pts).alpha(0.05) # find the fitting sphere
    if sph is None: 
    	continue # may fail if all points sit on a plane
    vp.add(Line(sph.info['center'], p, lw=2))

vp.add(histogram(reds, title='residue', bins=12, c='g', corner=3))
vp.add(histogram(invr, title='1/r**2',  bins=12, c='r', corner=4))

Exemplo n.º 8
Draw the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) ellipsoid that contains  
50% of a cloud of Points, then check if points are inside the surface.
Extra info is stored in actor.info['sphericity'], 'va', 'vb', 'vc'.
from vtkplotter import Plotter, pcaEllipsoid, Points, Text
import numpy as np

vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=4)

pts = np.random.randn(500, 3)  # random gaussian point cloud

act = pcaEllipsoid(pts, pvalue=0.5, pcaAxes=1)

ipts = act.getActor(0).insidePoints(pts)  # act is a vtkAssembly
opts = act.getActor(0).insidePoints(pts, invert=True)
vp.add(Points(ipts, c='g'))
vp.add(Points(opts, c='r'))

print('inside  points #', len(ipts))
print('outside points #', len(opts))
print('sphericity :', act.info['sphericity'])

vp.add([act, Text(__doc__)])

Exemplo n.º 9
Normal jpg/png images can be loaded and rendered as any vtkImageActor
from vtkplotter import Plotter, Text

vp = Plotter(axes=3, verbose=0)

for i in range(5):
    a = vp.load('data/images/dog.jpg')
    a.scale(1 - i / 10.).alpha(0.8)  # image can be scaled in size
    a.rotateX(20 * i).pos([0, 0, 30 * i])  # (can concatenate methods)

vp.add(Text(__doc__, pos=2))

Exemplo n.º 10
    y_eu, v_eu = euler(y_eu, v_eu, t, dt)
    y_rk, v_rk = rk4(y_rk, v_rk, t, dt)
    t += dt
    positions_eu.append(y_eu)  # store result of integration
    pb.print("Integrate: RK-4 and Euler")

# Visualize the result
vp = Plotter(interactive=0, axes=2, bg="w")  # choose axes type nr.2
vp.ytitle = "u(x,t)"
vp.ztitle = ""  # will not draw z axis

for i in x:
    vp.add(Point([i, 0, 0], c="green", r=6))
pts_actors_eu = vp.actors  # save a copy of the actors list
pts_actors_eu[0].legend = "Euler method"

vp.actors = []  # clean up the list

for i in x:
    vp.add(Point([i, 0, 0], c="red", r=6))
pts_actors_rk = vp.actors  # save a copy of the actors list
pts_actors_rk[0].legend = "Runge-Kutta4"

# merge the two lists and set it as the current vtkPlotter actors
vp.actors = pts_actors_eu + pts_actors_rk

# let's also add a fancy background image from wikipedia
vp.load(datadir + "images/wave_wiki.png",
Exemplo n.º 11
vp = Plotter(axes=8, bg="w")

ambient, diffuse, specular = 0.1, 0., 0.
specularPower, specularColor = 20, 'white'

for i in range(8):
    s = vp.load(datadir + 'pumpkin.vtk')  #.color(i)
    s.normalize().pos((i % 4) * 2.2, int(i < 4) * 3, 0)


    # modify the default with specific values
    s.lighting('default', ambient, diffuse, specular, specularPower,
    #ambient += 0.125
    diffuse += 0.125
    specular += 0.125


print('Adding a light source..')
p = (3, 1.5, 3)
f = (3, 1.5, 0)
vp.addLight(pos=p, focalPoint=f)
vp.add(Arrow(p, f, s=0.01, c='gray', alpha=0.2))
Exemplo n.º 12
class VirtualKeyboard:
    def __init__(self, songname=''):

        self.KB = dict()
        self.vp = None
        self.rightHand = None
        self.leftHand = None
        self.vpRH = None
        self.vpLH = None
        self.playsounds = True
        self.verbose = True
        self.songname = songname
        self.t0 = 0  # keep track of how many seconds to play
        self.dt = 0.1
        self.speedfactor = 1
        self.engagedfingersR = [False] * 6  # element 0 is dummy
        self.engagedfingersL = [False] * 6
        self.engagedkeysR = []
        self.engagedkeysL = []


    def makeHandActor(self, f=1):
        a1, a2, a3, c = (10 * f, 0, 0), (0, 7 * f, 0), (0, 0, 3 * f), (.7, 0.3,
        palm = Ellipsoid(pos=(0, -3, 0),
        wrist = Box(pos=(0, -9, 0),
                    length=6 * f,
        arm = Assembly([palm, wrist])
        self.vp.actors.append(arm)  # add actor to internal list
        f1 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((-2, 1.5, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=5, r=.8 * f, c=c))
        f2 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((-1, 3, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=6, r=.7 * f, c=c))
        f3 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((0, 4, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=6.2, r=.75 * f, c=c))
        f4 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((1, 3.5, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=6.1, r=.7 * f, c=c))
        f5 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((2, 2, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=5, r=.6 * f, c=c))
        return [arm, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5]

    def build_RH(self, hand):
        if self.verbose: print('Building Right Hand..')
        self.rightHand = hand
        f = utils.handSizeFactor(hand.size)
        self.vpRH = self.makeHandActor(f)
        for limb in self.vpRH:  # initial x positions are superseded later
            limb.x(limb.x() * 2.5)
            limb.addPos([16.5 * 5 + 1, -7.5,
                         3])  # vtkplotter < 8.7.1 was addpos()

    def build_LH(self, hand):  #########################
        if self.verbose: print('Building Left Hand..')
        self.leftHand = hand
        f = utils.handSizeFactor(hand.size)
        self.vpLH = self.makeHandActor(f)
        for limb in self.vpLH:
            limb.x(limb.x() * 2.5)
            limb.addPos([16.5 * 3 + 1, -7.5,
                         3])  # vtkplotter < 8.7.1 was addpos()

    def build_keyboard(self):

        if self.verbose: print('Building Keyboard..')
        nts = ("C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "A", "B")
        tol = 0.12
        keybsize = 16.5  # in cm, span of one octave
        wb = keybsize / 7
        nr_octaves = 7
        span = nr_octaves * wb * 7

        self.vp = Plotter(title='PianoPlayer ' + __version__,
                          size=(700, 1400),

        #wooden top and base
            Box(pos=(span / 2 + keybsize, 6, 1),
                length=span + 1,
                width=5).texture('wood5'))  #top
            Box(pos=(span / 2 + keybsize, 0, -1),
                length=span + 1,
            Text('PianoPlayer ' + __version__,
                 pos=(18, 5.5, 2),
                 pos=(105, 4.8, 2),
        leggio = self.vp.add(
            Box(pos=(span / 1.55, 8, 10),
                length=span / 2,
                height=span / 8,
                c=(1, 1, 0.9)))
            Text('Playing\n\n' + self.songname, pos=[0, 0, 0], s=1.2,
                 c='k').rotateX(70).pos([49, 7, 9]))

        for ioct in range(nr_octaves):
            for ik in range(7):  #white keys
                x = ik * wb + (ioct + 1) * keybsize + wb / 2
                tb = self.vp.add(
                    Box(pos=(x, -2, 0),
                        length=wb - tol,
                self.KB.update({nts[ik] + str(ioct + 1): tb})
                if not nts[ik] in ("E", "B"):  #black keys
                    tn = self.vp.add(
                        Box(pos=(x + wb / 2, 0, 1),
                            length=wb * .6,
                    self.KB.update({nts[ik] + "#" + str(ioct + 1): tn})

    def play(self):
        printc('Press [0-9] to proceed by one note or for more seconds', c=1)
        printc('Press Esc to exit.', c=1)
        self.vp.keyPressFunction = self.runTime  # enable observer

        if self.rightHand:
            self.engagedkeysR = [False] * len(self.rightHand.noteseq)
            self.engagedfingersR = [False] * 6  # element 0 is dummy
        if self.leftHand:
            self.engagedkeysL = [False] * len(self.leftHand.noteseq)
            self.engagedfingersL = [False] * 6

        t = 0.0
        while True:
            if self.rightHand: self._moveHand(1, t)
            if self.leftHand: self._moveHand(-1, t)
            if t > 1000: break
            t += self.dt  # absolute time flows

        if self.verbose: printc('End of note sequence reached.')
        self.vp.keyPressFunction = None  # disable observer

    def _moveHand(self, side, t):  ############# runs inside play() loop
        if side == 1:
            c1, c2 = 'tomato', 'orange'
            engagedkeys = self.engagedkeysR
            engagedfingers = self.engagedfingersR
            H = self.rightHand
            vpH = self.vpRH
            c1, c2 = 'purple', 'mediumpurple'
            engagedkeys = self.engagedkeysL
            engagedfingers = self.engagedfingersL
            H = self.leftHand
            vpH = self.vpLH

        for i, n in enumerate(H.noteseq):  #####################
            start, stop, f = n.time, n.time + n.duration, n.fingering
            if isinstance(f, str): continue
            if f and stop <= t <= stop + self.dt and engagedkeys[
                    i]:  #release key
                engagedkeys[i] = False
                engagedfingers[f] = False
                name = nameof(n)

        for i, n in enumerate(H.noteseq):  #####################
            start, stop, f = n.time, n.time + n.duration, n.fingering
            if isinstance(f, str):
                print('Warning: cannot understand lyrics:', f, 'skip note', i)
            if f and start <= t < stop and not engagedkeys[
                    i] and not engagedfingers[f]:  #press key
                if i >= len(H.fingerseq): return
                engagedkeys[i] = True
                engagedfingers[f] = True
                name = nameof(n)

                if t > self.t0 + self.vp.clock:
                    self.t0 = t
                    self.vp.show(zoom=2, interactive=True)

                for g in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
                    vpH[g].x(side * H.fingerseq[i][g])
                         )  # index 0 is arm, put it where middle finger is

                fpress(vpH[f], c1)
                kpress(self.KB[name], c2)
                self.vp.show(zoom=2, interactive=False)

                if self.verbose:
                    msg = 'meas.' + str(n.measure) + ' t=' + str(round(t, 2))
                    if side == 1:
                        printc(msg, '\t\t\t\tRH.finger', f, 'hit', name, c='b')
                        printc(msg, '\tLH.finger', f, 'hit', name, c='m')

                if self.playsounds:
                    playSound(n, self.speedfactor)
                    time.sleep(n.duration * self.speedfactor)

    def runTime(self, key):
        secs = [str(i) for i in range(10)]
        if key not in secs: return
        printc('Will execute score for ' + key + ' seconds')
        self.vp.interactive = False
        self.vp.clock = int(key)
Exemplo n.º 13
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf, NearestNDInterpolator as Near
import numpy as np
# np.random.seed(0)

# a small set of points for which the scalar is given
x, y, z = np.random.rand(3, 20)

scals = z                            # scalar value is just z component

# build the interpolator
itr = Rbf(x, y, z, scals)              # Radial Basis Function interpolator
# itr = Near(list(zip(x,y,z)), scals) # Nearest-neighbour interpolator

# generate a new set of points
t = np.linspace(0, 7, 100)
xi, yi, zi = [np.sin(t)/10+.5, np.cos(t)/5+.5, (t-1)/5]  # an helix

# interpolate scalar values on the new set
scalsi = itr(xi, yi, zi)

from vtkplotter import Plotter, Points, Text
vp = Plotter(verbose=0, bg='w')
vp.add(Points([x, y, z], r=10, alpha=0.5)).pointColors(scals)
vp.add(Points([xi, yi, zi])).pointColors(scalsi)

vp.add(Text(__doc__, pos=1, c='dr'))
Exemplo n.º 14
# In this example we fit a plane to regions of a surface defined by
# N points that are closest to a given point of the surface.
# For some of these point we show the fitting plane.
# Blue points are the N points used for fitting.
# Green histogram is the distribution of residuals from the fitting.
# Both plane center and normal can be accessed from the
# attribute plane.info['center'] and plane.info['normal'].
from vtkplotter import Plotter, fitPlane, histogram, arrow

vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0)

s = vp.load('data/shapes/cow.vtk').alpha(0.3).subdivide()  # remesh

variances = []
for i, p in enumerate(s.coordinates()):
    if i % 100: continue  # skip most points
    pts = s.closestPoint(p, N=12)  # find the N closest points to p
    plane = fitPlane(pts, bc='r', alpha=0.3)  # find the fitting plane
    vp.points(pts)  # blue points
    vp.point(p, c='red 0.2')  # mark in red the current point
    cn, v = plane.info['center'], plane.info['normal']
    vp.add(arrow(cn, cn + v / 15., c='g'))

vp.add(histogram(variances, title='variance', c='g'))
Exemplo n.º 15
    del PossiblePos[n] 
Pos = np.array(ListPos)

# Create an array with all the radius and a list with all the masses
Radius = np.concatenate( (np.array([Rb]), np.array([Rs]*(Nsp-1))) )

# Create the initial array of velocities at random with big sphere at rest
for s in range(1,Nsp):
    ListVel.append( (Rb*random.uniform(-1,1), Rb*random.uniform(-1,1)) )
Vel = np.array(ListVel)

# Create the spheres 
Spheres = [vp.add(Sphere(pos=(Pos[0][0],Pos[0][1],0), r=Radius[0], c='red'))]
for s in range(1,Nsp):
    a = vp.add(Sphere(pos=(Pos[s][0],Pos[s][1],0), r=Radius[s], c='blue'))
vp.add(Grid(sx=screen_w, sy=screen_w))

# Auxiliary variables
Id = np.identity(Nsp)
Dij =  (Radius+Radius[:, np.newaxis])**2 # Matrix Dij=(Ri+Rj)**2

# The main loop
pb = ProgressBar(0,2000, c='r')
for i in pb.range():
    # Update all positions
    np.add(Pos,Vel*Dt, Pos) # Fast version of Pos = Pos + Vel*Dt
Exemplo n.º 16
# Draw the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) ellipsoid that contains 50% of
# a cloud of points, then check if points are inside the surface.
# Extra info is stored in actor.info['sphericity'], 'va', 'vb', 'vc'.
from vtkplotter import Plotter
from vtkplotter.analysis import pcaEllipsoid
import numpy as np

vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=4)

pts = np.random.randn(500, 3)  # random gaussian point cloud

act = vp.add(pcaEllipsoid(pts, pvalue=0.5, pcaAxes=1, legend='PCA ellipsoid'))

ipts = act.getActor(0).insidePoints(pts)  # act is a vtkAssembly
opts = act.getActor(0).insidePoints(pts, invert=True)
vp.points(ipts, c='g')
vp.points(opts, c='r')

print('inside  points #', len(ipts))
print('outside points #', len(opts))
print('sphericity :', act.info['sphericity'])

Exemplo n.º 17

# create the slits as a set of individual coherent point-like sources
n = 10  # nr of elementary sources in slit (to control precision).
slit1 = list(zip([0] * n,
                 arange(0, n) * width / n,
                 [0] * n))  # source points inside slit 1
slit2 = list(slit1 + array([1e-5, 0, 0]))  # a shifted copy of slit 1
slits = slit1 + slit2
#slits += list(slit1 + array([-2e-5, 1e-5, 0]))      # add an other copy of slit 1
#slits = [(cos(x)*4e-5, sin(x)*4e-5, 0) for x in arange(0,2*pi, .1)] # Arago spot
#slits = grid(sx=1e-4, sy=1e-4, resx=9, resy=9).coordinates() # a square lattice

vp = Plotter(title='The Double Slit Experiment', axes=0, verbose=0, bg='black')

screen = vp.add(grid(pos=[0, 0, -D], sx=0.1, sy=0.1, resx=200, resy=50))
screen.wire(False)  # show it as a solid plane (not as wireframe)

k = 0.0 + 1j * 2 * pi / lambda1  # complex wave number
norm = len(slits) * 5e+5
amplitudes = []

for i, x in enumerate(screen.coordinates()):
    psi = 0
    for s in slits:
        r = mag(x - s)
        psi += exp(k * r) / r
    psi2 = real(psi * conj(psi))  # psi squared
    screen.point(i, x + [0, 0, psi2 / norm])  # elevate grid in z
Exemplo n.º 18
# generate two random sets of points as 2 actors
# and align them using the Iterative Closest Point algorithm.
from __future__ import division
from random import uniform as u
from vtkplotter import Plotter, align, arrow

vp = Plotter(shape=[1, 2], verbose=0, axes=2)

N1 = 15  # number of points of first set
N2 = 15  # number of points of second set
x = 1.  # add some randomness

pts1 = [(u(0, x), u(0, x), u(0, x) + i) for i in range(N1)]
pts2 = [(u(0, x) + 3, u(0, x) + i / 2 + 2, u(0, x) + i + 1) for i in range(N2)]

act1 = vp.points(pts1, r=8, c='b', legend='source')
act2 = vp.points(pts2, r=8, c='r', legend='target')


# find best alignment between the 2 sets of points, e.i. find
# how to move act1 to best match act2
alpts1 = align(act1, act2).coordinates()
vp.points(alpts1, r=8, c='b')

for i in range(N1):  #draw arrows to see where points end up
    vp.add(arrow(pts1[i], alpts1[i], c='k', s=0.007, alpha=.1))

vp.show(at=1, interactive=1)
Exemplo n.º 19
# Create the initial positions and velocitites (0,0) of the bobs
bob_x = [0]
bob_y = [0]
x_dot = [0] * (N + 1)  # velocities
y_dot = [0] * (N + 1)

for k in range(1, N + 1):
    alpha = np.pi / 5 * k / 10
    bob_x.append(bob_x[k - 1] + np.cos(alpha) + np.random.normal(0, 0.1))
    bob_y.append(bob_y[k - 1] + np.sin(alpha) + np.random.normal(0, 0.1))

# Create the bobs
vp = Plotter(title="Multiple Pendulum", axes=0, interactive=0)
vp += Box(pos=(0, -5, 0), length=12, width=12, height=0.7, c="k").wireframe(1)
bob = [vp.add(Sphere(pos=(bob_x[0], bob_y[0], 0), r=R / 2, c="gray"))]
for k in range(1, N + 1):
        vp.add(Cylinder(pos=(bob_x[k], bob_y[k], 0), r=R, height=0.3, c=k)))

# Create the springs out of N links
link = [0] * N
for k in range(N):
    p0 = bob[k].pos()
    p1 = bob[k + 1].pos()
    link[k] = vp.add(Spring(p0, p1, thickness=0.015, r=R / 3, c="gray"))

# Create some auxiliary variables
x_dot_m = [0] * (N + 1)
y_dot_m = [0] * (N + 1)
dij = [0] * (N + 1)  # array with distances to previous bob
Exemplo n.º 20
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from vtkplotter import Plotter, fitLine, fitPlane

# declare the class instance
vp = Plotter(verbose=0, title='linear fitting')

# draw 500 fit lines superimposed and very transparent
for i in range(500): 
    x = np.linspace(-2, 5, 20) # generate each time 20 points
    y = np.linspace( 1, 9, 20)
    z = np.linspace(-5, 3, 20)
    data = np.array(list(zip(x,y,z)))
    data+= np.random.normal(size=data.shape)*0.8 # add gauss noise
    vp.add( fitLine(data, lw=4, alpha=0.03) ) # fit a line

# 'data' still contains the last iteration points
vp.points(data, r=10, c='red', legend='random points')

# the first fitted slope direction is stored 
# in actor.info['slope] and actor.info['normal]
print('Line Fit slope = ', vp.actors[0].info['slope']) 

plane = vp.add( fitPlane(data, legend='fitting plane') ) # fit a plane
print('Plan Fit normal=', plane.info['normal']) 

Exemplo n.º 21
vp.ztitle = ""

bck = vp.load(datadir+"images/schrod.png", alpha=0.3).scale(0.0255).pos([0, -5, -0.1])
barrier = Line(list(zip(x, V * 15, [0] * len(x))), c="black", lw=2)

lines = []
for i in range(0, Nsteps):
    for j in range(500):
        Psi += d_dt(Psi) * dt  # integrate for a while before showing things
    A = np.real(Psi * np.conj(Psi)) * 1.5  # psi squared, probability(x)
    coords = list(zip(x, A, [0] * len(x)))
    Aline = Line(coords, c="db", lw=3)
    vp.show([Aline, barrier, bck])
    lines.append([Aline, A])  # store objects

# now show the same lines along z representing time

for i in range(Nsteps):
    p = [0, 0, size * i / Nsteps]  # shift along z
    l, a = lines[i]
    # l.pointColors(a, cmap='rainbow')
    l.pointColors(-a, cmap="gist_earth")  # inverted gist_earth
    vp.add([l.pos(p), barrier.clone().alpha(0.3).pos(p)])

Exemplo n.º 22
# Shrink the triangulation of a mesh to make the inside visible
from vtkplotter import Plotter, sphere

vp = Plotter()




Exemplo n.º 23
RingThickness = 0.3  # thickness of the toroid
RingRadius = 1
k = 1.4E-23  # Boltzmann constant
T = 300  # room temperature
dt = 1.5E-5

def reflection(p, pos):
    n = norm(pos)
    return np.dot(np.identity(3) - 2 * n * n[:, np.newaxis], p)

vp = Plotter(title='gas in toroid', interactive=0, axes=0, bg='w')


vp.add(Torus(c='g', r=RingRadius, thickness=RingThickness,
             alpha=.1).wire(1))  ### <--

Atoms = []
poslist = []
plist, mlist, rlist = [], [], []
mass = Matom * Ratom**3 / Ratom**3
pavg = np.sqrt(2. * mass * 1.5 * k *
               T)  # average kinetic energy p**2/(2mass) = (3/2)kT

for i in range(Natoms):
    alpha = 2 * np.pi * random()
    x = RingRadius * np.cos(alpha) * .9
    y = RingRadius * np.sin(alpha) * .9
Exemplo n.º 24
width   = 10e-6    # slit width in m
D       = 0.1      # screen distance in m

# create the slits as a set of individual coherent point-like sources
n = 10 # nr of elementary sources in slit (to control precision).
slit1 = list(zip([0]*n, arange(0,n)*width/n, [0]*n)) # source points inside slit 1
slit2 = list(slit1 + array([1e-5, 0,0]))             # a shifted copy of slit 1
slits = slit1 + slit2  
#slits += list(slit1 + array([-2e-5, 1e-5, 0]))      # add an other copy of slit 1
#slits = [(cos(x)*4e-5, sin(x)*4e-5, 0) for x in arange(0,2*pi, .1)] # Arago spot
#slits = Grid(sx=1e-4, sy=1e-4, resx=9, resy=9).coordinates() # a square lattice

vp = Plotter(title='The Double Slit Experiment', axes=0, verbose=0, bg='black')

screen = vp.add(Grid(pos=[0,0,-D], sx=0.1, sy=0.1, resx=200, resy=50))
screen.wire(False) # show it as a solid plane (not as wireframe)

k  = 0.0 + 1j * 2*pi/lambda1 # complex wave number
norm = len(slits)*5e+5
amplitudes = []

for i, x in enumerate(screen.coordinates()):
    psi = 0
    for s in slits:
        r = mag(x-s)
        psi += exp( k * r )/r
    psi2 = real( psi * conj(psi) ) # psi squared
    screen.setPoint(i, x+[0,0, psi2/norm]) # elevate grid in z
Exemplo n.º 25
 and align them using the Iterative Closest Point algorithm.
from __future__ import division
from random import uniform as u
from vtkplotter import Plotter, align, Arrow, Text, Points

vp = Plotter(shape=[1, 2], verbose=0, axes=2, bg='w')

N1 = 15  # number of points of first set
N2 = 15  # number of points of second set
x = 1.  # add some randomness

pts1 = [(u(0, x), u(0, x), u(0, x) + i) for i in range(N1)]
pts2 = [(u(0, x) + 3, u(0, x) + i / 2 + 2, u(0, x) + i + 1) for i in range(N2)]

act1 = Points(pts1, r=8, c='b').legend('source')
act2 = Points(pts2, r=8, c='r').legend('target')

vp.show([act1, act2], at=0)

# find best alignment between the 2 sets of Points, e.i. find
# how to move act1 to best match act2
alpts1 = align(act1, act2).coordinates()
vp.add(Points(alpts1, r=8, c='b'))

for i in range(N1):  # draw arrows to see where points end up
    vp.add(Arrow(pts1[i], alpts1[i], c='k', s=0.007, alpha=.1))

vp.add(Text(__doc__, c='k'))
vp.show(at=1, interactive=1)
Exemplo n.º 26
    del PossiblePos[n]
Pos = np.array(ListPos)

# Create an array with all the radius and a list with all the masses
Radius = np.concatenate((np.array([Rb]), np.array([Rs] * (Nsp - 1))))
Mass = [1.0] + [Ms] * (Nsp - 1)

# Create the initial array of velocities at random with big sphere at rest
ListVel = [(0., 0.)]
for s in range(1, Nsp):
    ListVel.append((Rb * random.uniform(-1, 1), Rb * random.uniform(-1, 1)))
Vel = np.array(ListVel)

# Create the spheres
Spheres = [vp.add(sphere(pos=(Pos[0][0], Pos[0][1], 0), r=Radius[0], c='red'))]
for s in range(1, Nsp):
    a = vp.add(sphere(pos=(Pos[s][0], Pos[s][1], 0), r=Radius[s], c='blue'))
vp.add(grid(sx=screen_w, sy=screen_w))

# Auxiliary variables
Id = np.identity(Nsp)
Dij = (Radius + Radius[:, np.newaxis])**2  # Matrix Dij=(Ri+Rj)**2

# The main loop
pb = ProgressBar(0, 2000, c='r')
for i in pb.range():
    # Update all positions
    np.add(Pos, Vel * Dt, Pos)  # Fast version of Pos = Pos + Vel*Dt
Exemplo n.º 27

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # An example simulation of N particles scattering on a charged target.
    # See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rutherford_scattering

    vp = Plotter(title="Particle Simulator",
    vp.camera.Elevation(20)  # Initial camera position

    vp.add(Cube(c="white").wire(1))  # a wireframe cube

    sim = ParticleSim(dt=5e-6, iterations=200)
    sim.add_particle((-0.4, 0, 0),
                     fixed=True)  # the target

    positions = np.random.randn(500,
                                3) / 60  # generate a beam of 500 particles
    for p in positions:
        p[0] = -0.5  # Fix x position. Their charge are small/negligible compared to target:
Exemplo n.º 28
# Blue points are the N points used for fitting.
# Green histogram is the distribution of residuals from the fitting.
# Red histogram is the distribution of the curvatures (1/r**2).
# Fitted radius can be accessed from attribute actor.radius

from __future__ import division, print_function
from vtkplotter import Plotter, fitSphere, histogram, line

vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0)

# load mesh and increase by a lot (N=2) the nr of surface vertices
s = vp.load('data/shapes/cow.vtk').alpha(0.3).subdivide(N=2)

reds, invr = [], []
for i, p in enumerate(s.coordinates()):
    if i%1000: continue           # skip most points
    pts = s.closestPoint(p, N=16) # find the N closest points to p
    sph = fitSphere(pts, alpha=0.05) # find the fitting sphere
    if sph is None: 
    	continue # may fail if all points sit on a plane
    vp.add(line(sph.info['center'], p, lw=2))

vp.add(histogram(reds, title='residue', bins=12, c='g', corner=3))
vp.add(histogram(invr, title='1/r**2',  bins=12, c='r', corner=4))

Exemplo n.º 29
Matom = 4E-3/6E23   # helium mass
Ratom = 0.025       # wildly exaggerated size of helium atom
RingThickness=0.3   # thickness of the toroid
k = 1.4E-23         # Boltzmann constant
T = 300             # room temperature
dt = 1E-5

def reflection(p, pos):
    n = norm(pos)
    return np.dot(np.identity(3)-2*n*n[:,np.newaxis], p)

vp = Plotter(title='gas in toroid', verbose=0, axes=0)

vp.add(torus(c='g', r=RingRadius, thickness=RingThickness, alpha=.1, wire=1)) ### <--

Atoms = []
poslist = []
plist, mlist, rlist = [],[],[]
mass = Matom*Ratom**3/Ratom**3
pavg = np.sqrt(2.*mass*1.5*k*T) # average kinetic energy p**2/(2mass) = (3/2)kT

for i in range(Natoms):
    alpha = 2*np.pi*random()
    x = RingRadius*np.cos(alpha)*.9
    y = RingRadius*np.sin(alpha)*.9
    z = 0
    Atoms = Atoms + [vp.add(sphere(pos=(x,y,z), r=Ratom, c=i))]              ### <--
    theta = np.pi*random()
    phi   = 2*np.pi*random()
Exemplo n.º 30
from vtkplotter import Plotter, load, Plane, datadir

vp = Plotter()

cow = vp.load(datadir + "cow.byu", c="grey", alpha=0.7)

vp.add(Plane(pos=[0, -3.6, 0], normal=[0, 1, 0], sx=20, texture="grass"))

# vp.light() returns a vtkLight object with focal Point, fp, to actor cow
# fp can also be explicitly set as fp=[x,y,z]
l = vp.light(pos=[-6, 6, 6], fp=cow, deg=12, showsource=1)

# can be switched on/off this way
# l.SwitchOff()
