Exemplo n.º 1
vp.show([a1, pts1], at=0)

a2 = a1.subdivide(method=0)  # Increasing the number of points of the mesh
coords2 = a2.coordinates()
pts2 = vp.points(coords2, r=1, legend='#points = ' + str(len(coords2)))
vp.show([a2, pts2], at=1, interactive=True)

# Draw a bunch of simple objects on separate parts of the rendering window:
# split window to best accomodate 9 renderers
vp = Plotter(N=9, title='basic shapes')
vp.sharecam = False  # each object can be moved independently
vp.show(at=0, actors=vp.arrow([0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]), legend='arrow')
vp.show(at=1, actors=vp.line([0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]), legend='line')
vp.show(at=2, actors=vp.points([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]), legend='points')
vp.show(at=3, actors=vp.text('Hello!'))
vp.show(at=4, actors=vp.sphere())
vp.show(at=5, actors=vp.cube(), legend='cube')
vp.show(at=6, actors=vp.ring(), legend='ring')
vp.show(at=7, actors=vp.helix(), legend='helix')
vp.show(at=8, actors=vp.cylinder(), legend='cylinder', interactive=1)

# Draw a bunch of objects from various mesh formats. Loading is automatic.
vp = Plotter(shape=(3, 3),
             title='mesh formats')  # split window in 3 rows and 3 columns
vp.sharecam = False  # each object can be moved independently
vp.show('data/beethoven.ply', at=0, c=0, axes=0,
        ruler=1)  # dont show axes, add a ruler
vp.show('data/cow.g', at=1, c=1, zoom=1.15)  # make it 15% bigger
vp.show('data/limb.pcd', at=2, c=2)
Exemplo n.º 2
man1.addPointScalars(scals, 'mypointscalars')  # add a vtkArray to actor
#print(man1.scalars('mypointscalars')) # info can be retrieved this way
vp.show(man1, at=0, elevation=-60)
vp.addScalarBar()  # add a scalarbar to last drawn actor

##################################### pointColors
man2 = vp.load('data/shapes/man.vtk')
scals = man2.coordinates()[:, 1] + 37  # pick y coordinates of vertices

man2.pointColors(scals, cmap='bone', vmin=36.2, vmax=36.7)  # right dark arm
vp.show(man2, at=1, axes=0, legend='pointColors')

##################################### cellColors
man3 = vp.load('data/shapes/man.vtk')
scals = man3.cellCenters()[:, 2] + 37  # pick z coordinates of cells
man3.cellColors(scals, cmap='afmhot')
#print(man3.scalars('cellColors_afmhot')) # info can be retrieved this way

# add some oriented 3D text
txt = vp.text('Floor temperature is 35C', s=.1).rotateZ(90).pos([1, -.9, -1.7])
vp.show([man3, txt], at=2, legend='cellColors')

# add a fancier 3D scalar bar embedded in the scene
vp.addScalarBar3D(man3, at=2, pos=(-1, 0, -1.7))


# N.B. in the above example one can also do:
# import matplotlib.cm as cm
# man2.pointColors(scals, cmap=cm.bone)
Exemplo n.º 3
screen = vp.add(grid(pos=[0, 0, -D], sx=0.1, sy=0.1, resx=200, resy=50))
screen.wire(False)  # show it as a solid plane (not as wireframe)

k = 0.0 + 1j * 2 * pi / lambda1  # complex wave number
norm = len(slits) * 5e+5
amplitudes = []

for i, x in enumerate(screen.coordinates()):
    psi = 0
    for s in slits:
        r = mag(x - s)
        psi += exp(k * r) / r
    psi2 = real(psi * conj(psi))  # psi squared
    screen.point(i, x + [0, 0, psi2 / norm])  # elevate grid in z

screen.pointColors(amplitudes, cmap='hot')

vp.points(array(slits) * 200, c='w')  # slits scale magnified by factor 200

vp.add(grid(sx=0.1, sy=0.1, resx=6, resy=6,
            c='white/.1'))  # add some annotation
vp.add(line([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -D], c='white/.1'))
vp.text("source plane", pos=[-.05, -.053, 0], s=.002, c='gray')
vp.text('detector plane D = ' + str(D) + ' m',
        pos=[-.05, -.053, -D],

Exemplo n.º 4
# this is one instance of the class Plotter with 5 raws and 5 columns
vp1 = Plotter(shape=(5,5), title='many windows', axes=0)
# having set shape=(n,m), script execution after the show() is not held

# set a different background color for a specific subwindow (the last one)
vp1.renderers[24].SetBackground(.8,.9,.9) # use vtk method SetBackground()

# load the actors and give them a name
a = vp1.load('data/shapes/airboat.vtk', legend='some legend')
b = vp1.load('data/shapes/cessna.vtk', c='red')
c = vp1.load('data/shapes/atc.ply')

# show a text in each renderer
for i in range(22):
    txt = vp1.text('renderer\nnr.'+str(i), c=i, s=0.5, justify='centered')
    vp1.show(txt, at=i)

vp1.show(a, at=22)
vp1.show(b, at=23)
vp1.show(c, at=24)

# declare a second independent instance of the class Plotter
vp2 = Plotter(pos=(500,250), bg=(0.9,0.9,1)) # blue-ish background

vp2.load('data/shapes/porsche.ply', legend='an other window')

vp2.show() # show and interact with mouse and keyboard 
Exemplo n.º 5
# Show a cube for each available texture name
# any jpg file can be used as texture.
from vtkplotter import Plotter
from vtkplotter.utils import textures, textures_path


vp = Plotter(N=len(textures), axes=0)

for i, txt in enumerate(textures):
    cube = vp.cube(texture=txt)
    tname = vp.text(txt, pos=3)
    vp.show([cube, tname], at=i)

Exemplo n.º 6
class VirtualKeyboard:

    def __init__(self, songname=''):
        self.KB = dict()
        self.vp = None
        self.rightHand = None
        self.leftHand  = None
        self.vpRH = None
        self.vpLH = None
        self.playsounds = True
        self.verbose = True
        self.songname = songname
        self.t0 = 0 # keep track of how many seconds to play
        self.dt = 0.1
        self.speedfactor = 1
        self.engagedfingersR = [False]*6 # element 0 is dummy
        self.engagedfingersL = [False]*6 
        self.engagedkeysR    = []
        self.engagedkeysL    = []


    def makeHandActor(self, f=1):
        a1, a2, a3, c = (10*f,0,0), (0,7*f,0), (0,0,3*f), (.7,0.3,0.3)
        palm = ellipsoid(pos=(0,-3,0), axis1=a1, axis2=a2, axis3=a3, alpha=0.6, c=c)
        wrist= box(pos=(0,-9,0), length=6*f, width=5, height=2, alpha=0.4, c=c)
        arm  = makeAssembly([palm,wrist])
        self.vp.actors.append(arm) # add actor to internal list
        f1 = self.vp.cylinder((-2, 1.5,0), axis=(0,1,0), height=5, r=.8*f, c=c)
        f2 = self.vp.cylinder((-1, 3  ,0), axis=(0,1,0), height=6, r=.7*f, c=c)
        f3 = self.vp.cylinder(( 0, 4  ,0), axis=(0,1,0), height=6.2, r=.75*f, c=c)
        f4 = self.vp.cylinder(( 1, 3.5,0), axis=(0,1,0), height=6.1, r=.7*f, c=c)
        f5 = self.vp.cylinder(( 2, 2  ,0), axis=(0,1,0), height=5, r=.6*f, c=c)
        return [arm, f1,f2,f3,f4,f5]

    def build_RH(self, hand):    
        if self.verbose: print('Building Right Hand..')
        self.rightHand = hand
        f = utils.handSizeFactor(hand.size)
        self.vpRH = self.makeHandActor(f)
        for limb in self.vpRH: # initial x positions are superseded later
            limb.x( limb.x()* 2.5 )
            limb.addpos([16.5*5+1, -7.5, 3] )

    def build_LH(self, hand): #########################
        if self.verbose: print('Building Left Hand..')
        self.leftHand = hand
        f = utils.handSizeFactor(hand.size)
        self.vpLH = self.makeHandActor(f)
        for limb in self.vpLH: 
            limb.x( limb.x()* -2.5 ) #flip
            limb.addpos([16.5*3+1, -7.5, 3] )

    def build_keyboard(self):
        if self.verbose: print('Building Keyboard..')
        nts = ("C","D","E","F","G","A","B")
        tol = 0.12
        keybsize = 16.5 # in cm, span of one octave
        wb = keybsize/7
        nr_octaves = 7
        span = nr_octaves*wb*7
        self.vp = Plotter(title='PianoPlayer '+__version__, axes=0, size=(1400,700), bg='lb', verbose=0)

        #wooden top and base
        self.vp.box(pos=(span/2+keybsize, 6,  1), length=span+1, height=3, width= 5, texture='wood5') #top
        self.vp.box(pos=(span/2+keybsize, 0, -1), length=span+1, height=1, width=17, texture='wood5')
        self.vp.text('PianoPlayer '+__version__, pos=(18, 5.5, 2), depth=.7)
        self.vp.text('https://github.com/marcomusy/pianoplayer', pos=(105,4.8,2), depth=.7, s=.8)
        leggio = self.vp.box(pos=(span/1.55,8,10), length=span/2, height=span/8, width=0.08, c=(1,1,0.9))
        self.vp.text('Playing\n\n'+self.songname, s=1.2).rotateX(70).pos([49,11,9])

        for ioct in range(nr_octaves):
            for ik in range(7):              #white keys
                x  = ik * wb + (ioct+1)*keybsize +wb/2
                tb = self.vp.box(pos=(x,-2,0), length=wb-tol, height=1, width=12, c='white')
                self.KB.update({nts[ik]+str(ioct+1) : tb})
                if not nts[ik] in ("E","B"): #black keys
                    tn=self.vp.box(pos=(x+wb/2,0,1), length=wb*.6, height=1, width=8, c='black')
                    self.KB.update({nts[ik]+"#"+str(ioct+1) : tn})

    def play(self):
        printc('Press [0-9] to proceed by one note or for more seconds',1)
        printc('Press Esc to exit.',1)
        self.vp.keyPressFunction = runTime    # enable observer

        if self.rightHand:
            self.engagedkeysR    = [False]*len(self.rightHand.noteseq)
            self.engagedfingersR = [False]*6  # element 0 is dummy
        if self.leftHand:           
            self.engagedkeysL    = [False]*len(self.leftHand.noteseq)
            self.engagedfingersL = [False]*6        

        while True:
            if self.rightHand: self._moveHand( 1, t)
            if self.leftHand:  self._moveHand(-1, t)
            if t > 1000: break                                         
            t += self.dt                      # absolute time flows
        if self.verbose: printc('End of note sequence reached.')
        self.vp.keyPressFunction = None       # disable observer

    def _moveHand(self, side, t):############# runs inside play() loop
        if side == 1: 
            c1,c2 = 'tomato', 'orange'
            engagedkeys    = self.engagedkeysR
            engagedfingers = self.engagedfingersR
            H              = self.rightHand
            vpH            = self.vpRH
            c1,c2 = 'purple', 'mediumpurple'
            engagedkeys    = self.engagedkeysL
            engagedfingers = self.engagedfingersL
            H              = self.leftHand
            vpH            = self.vpLH

        for i, n in enumerate(H.noteseq):##################### 
            start, stop, f = n.time, n.time+n.duration, n.fingering
            if isinstance(f, str): continue
            if f and stop <= t <= stop+self.dt and engagedkeys[i]: #release key
                engagedkeys[i]    = False
                engagedfingers[f] = False
                name = nameof(n)

        for i, n in enumerate(H.noteseq):##################### 
            start, stop, f = n.time, n.time+n.duration, n.fingering   
            if isinstance(f, str):
                print('Warning: cannot understand lyrics:',f, 'skip note',i)
            if f and start <= t < stop and not engagedkeys[i] and not engagedfingers[f]: #press key
                if i >= len(H.fingerseq): return                    
                engagedkeys[i]    = True
                engagedfingers[f] = True
                name = nameof(n)
                if t> self.t0 + self.vp.clock: 
                    self.t0 = t
                    self.vp.show(zoom=2, interactive=True)

                for g in [1,2,3,4,5]: 
                    vpH[g].x( side * H.fingerseq[i][g] ) 
                vpH[0].x(vpH[3].x()) # index 0 is arm, put it where middle finger is
                fpress(vpH[f],  c1)
                kpress(self.KB[name], c2)
                self.vp.show(zoom=2, interactive=False)

                if self.verbose:
                    msg = 'meas.'+str(n.measure)+' t='+str(round(t,2))
                    if side==1: printc((msg,'\t\t\t\tRH.finger', f, 'hit', name), 'b')
                    else:       printc((msg,      '\tLH.finger', f, 'hit', name), 'm')

                if self.playsounds: 
                    playSound(n, self.speedfactor)
Exemplo n.º 7
# Show a cube for each available color name
from vtkplotter import Plotter
from vtkplotter.colors import colors, getColor
from operator import itemgetter

# sorting by hex color code:
sorted_colors = sorted(colors.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
# or by name:
# sorted_colors = sorted(colors.items(), key=itemgetter(0))

vp = Plotter(N=len(sorted_colors), axes=0, size='fullscreen')

for i, sc in enumerate(sorted_colors):
    cname = sc[0]
    rgb = getColor(cname)
    cube = vp.cube(c=rgb)
    tname = vp.text(cname, pos=3)
    vp.show([cube, tname], at=i)

print('click on any cube and press i')
vp.show(zoom=1.1, interactive=1)