def test_good_visit_count(self): """Extract visit counts from good data. It has some nasty non-ASCII chars in it. """ d = document(slug="hellỗ") d2 = document(slug="there") # We get a str, not a unicode obj, out of the urllib call. eq_( { 1037639, 213817}, WikiDocumentVisits._visit_counts( '{"data": {"12/01/2010-12/07/2010": {"SubRows":{' '"ỗ":{"Attributes":{"Title":' '"Firefox Support Home Page | Firefox Support","UrlLink":' '""},"measures":' '{"Visits":1037639.0,"Views":3357731.0,"Average Time Viewed":23.0' '},"SubRows":null},"":' '{"Attributes":{"Title":"Startseite der Firefox-Hilfe | Firefox' 'Support","UrlLink":""},' '"measures":{"Visits":213817.0,"Views":595329.0,"Average Time ' 'Viewed":25.0},"SubRows":null}}}}}' % ((settings.LANGUAGE_CODE,) * 2) ), )
def test_deferred_translation(self): """Verify a translation with only a deferred revision appears.""" d = document(title='Foo', save=True) untranslated = revision(is_approved=True, is_ready_for_localization=True, document=d, save=True) # There should be 1. eq_(1, len(self.titles(locale='es'))) translation = document( parent=untranslated.document, locale='es', save=True) deferred = revision(is_approved=False,, document=translation, save=True) # There should still be 1. eq_(1, len(self.titles(locale='es'))) # Mark that rev as approved and there should then be 0. deferred.is_approved = True eq_(0, len(self.titles(locale='es')))
def test_old_revisions(self): """Bug 862436. Updating old revisions could cause bad WLH data.""" d1 = document(title='D1', save=True) revision(document=d1, content='', is_approved=True, save=True) d2 = document(title='D2', save=True) revision(document=d2, content='', is_approved=True, save=True) # Make D3, then make a revision that links to D1, then a # revision that links to D2. Only the link to D2 should count. d3 = document(title='D3', save=True) r3_old = revision(document=d3, content='[[D1]]', is_approved=True, save=True) r3_new = revision(document=d3, content='[[D2]]', is_approved=True, save=True) # This could cause stale data r3_old.content_parsed # D1 is not linked to in any current revisions. eq_(len(d1.links_to()), 0) eq_(len(d1.links_from()), 0) eq_(len(d2.links_to()), 1) eq_(len(d2.links_from()), 0) eq_(len(d3.links_to()), 0) eq_(len(d3.links_from()), 1)
def test_category_inheritance(self): """A document's categories must always be those of its parent.""" some_category = CATEGORIES[1][0] other_category = CATEGORIES[0][0] # Notice if somebody ever changes the default on the category field, # which would invalidate our test: assert some_category != document().category parent = document(category=some_category) child = document(parent=parent, locale='de') # Make sure child sees stuff set on parent: eq_(some_category, child.category) # Child'd category should revert to parent's on save: child.category = other_category eq_(some_category, child.category) # Changing the parent category should change the child's: parent.category = other_category eq_(other_category, parent.translations.get(locale=child.locale).category)
def test_wiki_topics(self): """Search wiki for topics, includes multiple.""" t1 = topic(slug='doesnotexist', save=True) t2 = topic(slug='extant', save=True) t3 = topic(slug='tagged', save=True) doc = document(locale=u'en-US', category=10, save=True) doc.topics.add(t2) revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) doc = document(locale=u'en-US', category=10, save=True) doc.topics.add(t2) doc.topics.add(t3) revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) self.refresh() topic_vals = ( (t1.slug, 0), (t2.slug, 2), (t3.slug, 1), ([t2.slug, t3.slug], 1), ) qs = {'a': 1, 'w': 1, 'format': 'json'} for topics, number in topic_vals: qs.update({'topics': topics}) response = self.client.get(reverse('search'), qs) eq_(number, json.loads(response.content)['total'])
def test_search_suggestions_archived_articles(self): """Verifies that archived articles aren't shown.""" topic(title='Fix problems', slug='fix-problems', save=True) p = product(slug=u'firefox', save=True) d1 = document(title=u'document donut', category=10, save=True) d1.products.add(p) revision(document=d1, is_approved=True, save=True) d2 = document(title=u'document cupcake', category=10, is_archived=True, save=True) d2.products.add(p) revision(document=d1, is_approved=True, save=True) self.refresh() url = urlparams( reverse('questions.aaq_step4', args=['desktop', 'fix-problems']), search='document') response = self.client.get(url, follow=True) eq_(200, response.status_code) doc = pq(response.content) eq_(len(doc('.result.document')), 1) assert 'donut' in doc('.result.document h3 a').text() assert 'cupcake' not in doc('.result.document h3 a').text()
def _create_en_and_de_docs(self): en = settings.WIKI_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE en_doc = document(locale=en, slug='english-slug') de_doc = document(locale='de', parent=en_doc) de_rev = revision(document=de_doc, is_approved=True) return en_doc, de_doc
def test_update_l10n_metric_cron(self): """Verify the cron job creates the correct metric.""" l10n_kind = metric_kind(code=L10N_METRIC_CODE, save=True) # Create the en-US document with an approved revision. doc = document(save=True) rev = revision( document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) time.sleep(1) # Create an es translation es_doc = document(parent=doc, locale='es', save=True) revision( document=es_doc, is_approved=True, based_on=rev, save=True) # Run it and verify results. # Value should be 100% update_l10n_metric() metrics = Metric.objects.filter(kind=l10n_kind) eq_(1, len(metrics)) eq_(100, metrics[0].value) # Update the en-US document rev2 = revision( document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) # Run it and verify results. # Value should be 0% update_l10n_metric() metrics = Metric.objects.filter(kind=l10n_kind) eq_(1, len(metrics)) eq_(0, metrics[0].value) time.sleep(1) # Create a pt-BR translation ptBR_doc = document(parent=doc, locale='pt-BR', save=True) revision( document=ptBR_doc, is_approved=True, based_on=rev, save=True) # Run it and verify results. # Value should be 50% update_l10n_metric() metrics = Metric.objects.filter(kind=l10n_kind) eq_(1, len(metrics)) eq_(50, metrics[0].value)
def test_only_localizable_allowed_children(self): """You can't have children for a non-localizable document.""" # Make English rev: en_doc = document(is_localizable=False) # Make Deutsch translation: de_doc = document(parent=en_doc, locale='de') self.assertRaises(ValidationError,
def test_what_links_here(self): d1 = document(title='D1', save=True) revision(document=d1, content='', is_approved=True, save=True) d2 = document(title='D2', save=True) revision(document=d2, content='[[D1]]', is_approved=True, save=True) url = reverse('wiki.what_links_here', args=[d1.slug]) resp = self.client.get(url, follow=True) eq_(200, resp.status_code) assert 'D2' in resp.content
def test_indirect_recursion(self): """Make sure indirect recursion is caught.""" boo = document(title="Template:Boo") yah = document(title="Template:Yah") revision(document=boo, content="Paper [[Template:Yah]] Cups", is_approved=True).save() revision(document=yah, content="Wooden [[Template:Boo]] Bats", is_approved=True).save() recursion_message = RECURSION_MESSAGE % "Template:Boo" eq_("<p>Paper Wooden %s Bats\n Cups\n</p>" % recursion_message, boo.content_parsed)
def test_what_links_here_locale_filtering(self): d1 = document(title='D1', save=True, locale='de') revision(document=d1, content='', is_approved=True, save=True) d2 = document(title='D2', save=True, locale='fr') revision(document=d2, content='[[D1]]', is_approved=True, save=True) url = reverse('wiki.what_links_here', args=[d1.slug], locale='de') resp = self.client.get(url, follow=True) eq_(200, resp.status_code) assert 'No other documents link to D1.' in resp.content
def test_cannot_make_non_localizable_if_children(self): """You can't make a document non-localizable if it has children.""" # Make English rev: en_doc = document(is_localizable=True) # Make Deutsch translation: de_doc = document(parent=en_doc, locale='de') en_doc.is_localizable = False self.assertRaises(ValidationError,
def test_new_doc_does_not_update_categories(self): """Make sure that creating a new document doesn't change the category of all the other documents.""" d1 = document(category=10) assert d2 = document(category=00) assert not d2._clean_category() d1prime = Document.objects.get( eq_(10, d1prime.category)
def test_get_products(self): """Test the get_products() method.""" en_us = document(save=True) en_us.products.add(product(save=True)) en_us.products.add(product(save=True)) eq_(2, len(en_us.get_products())) # Localized document inherits parent's topics. l10n = document(parent=en_us, save=True) eq_(2, len(en_us.get_products()))
def test_template_locale(self): """Localized template is returned.""" py_doc, p = doc_parse_markup('English content', '[[Template:test]]') parent = document() d = document(parent=parent, title='Template:test', locale='fr') r = revision(content='French content', document=d, is_approved=True) eq_('English content', py_doc.text()) py_doc = pq(p.parse('[[T:test]]', locale='fr')) eq_('French content', py_doc.text())
def test_template_locale(self): """Localized template is returned.""" py_doc, p = doc_parse_markup("English content", "[[Template:test]]") parent = document() d = document(parent=parent, title="Template:test", locale="fr") r = revision(content="French content", document=d, is_approved=True) eq_("English content", py_doc.text()) py_doc = pq(p.parse("[[T:test]]", locale="fr")) eq_("French content", py_doc.text())
def test_redirect_to_translated_document(self): from_url = Document.from_url d_en = document(locale="en-US", title=u"How to delete Google Chrome?", save=True) d_tr = document(locale="tr", title=u"Google Chrome'u nasıl silerim?", parent=d_en, save=True) # The /tr/kb/how-to-delete-google-chrome URL for Turkish locale # should be redirected to /tr/kb/google-chromeu-nasl-silerim # if there is a Turkish translation of the document. tr_translate_url = reverse("wiki.document", locale="tr", args=[d_en.slug]) self.assertEqual(d_en.translated_to("tr"), from_url(tr_translate_url)) self.assertEqual(d_tr, from_url(tr_translate_url)) self.assertEqual(d_en, from_url(d_en.get_absolute_url()))
def test_topical_parents(self): d1 = document(title='HTML7') d2 = document(title='Smellovision') d2.parent_topic = d1 ok_(d2.parents == [d1]) d3 = document(title='Smell accessibility') d3.parent_topic = d2 ok_(d3.parents == [d1, d2])
def test_kb_vote(self): """Test vote API call.""" r1 = revision(document=document(locale='en-US', save=True), save=True) r2 = revision(document=document(locale='es', save=True), save=True) for r in [r1, r2]: helpful_vote(revision=r, save=True) helpful_vote(revision=r, save=True) helpful_vote(revision=r, helpful=True, save=True) # Only the votes for r1 (locale=en-US) should be counted. r = self._get_api_result('kpi_kb_vote') eq_(r['objects'][0]['kb_helpful'], 1) eq_(r['objects'][0]['kb_votes'], 3)
def test_redirect_nondefault_locales(self): title1 = "title1" title2 = "title2" redirect_to = revision(document=document(title=title1, locale="es", save=True), is_approved=True, save=True) redirector = revision( document=document(title=title2, locale="es", save=True), content=u"REDIRECT [[%s]]" % redirect_to.document.title, is_approved=True, save=True, ) eq_(redirect_to.document.get_absolute_url(), redirector.document.redirect_url())
def test_wiki_topics_inherit(self): """Translations inherit topics from their parents.""" doc = document(locale=u"en-US", category=10, save=True) doc.topics.add(topic(slug="extant", save=True)) revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) translated = document(locale=u"es", parent=doc, category=10, save=True) revision(document=translated, is_approved=True, save=True) self.refresh() qs = {"a": 1, "w": 1, "format": "json", "topics": "extant"} response = self.client.get(reverse("search", locale="es"), qs) eq_(1, json.loads(response.content)["total"])
def _test_collision_avoidance(self, attr, other_attr, template): """When creating redirects, dodge existing docs' titles and slugs.""" # Create a doc called something like Whatever Redirect 1: document( locale=self.d.locale, **{other_attr: template % dict(old=getattr(self.d, other_attr), number=1)} ).save() # Trigger creation of a redirect of a new title or slug: setattr(self.d, attr, "new") # It should be called something like Whatever Redirect 2: redirect = Document.uncached.get(**{attr: getattr(self, "old_" + attr)}) eq_(template % dict(old=getattr(self.d, other_attr), number=2), getattr(redirect, other_attr))
def test_wiki_products_inherit(self): """Translations inherit products from their parents.""" doc = document(locale=u"en-US", category=10, save=True) p = product(title=u"Firefox", slug=u"desktop", save=True) doc.products.add(p) revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) translated = document(locale=u"fr", parent=doc, category=10, save=True) revision(document=translated, is_approved=True, save=True) self.refresh() qs = {"a": 1, "w": 1, "format": "json", "product": p.slug} response = self.client.get(reverse("search", locale="fr"), qs) eq_(1, json.loads(response.content)["total"])
def test_products_inherit(self): """Translations inherit products from their parents.""" doc = document(locale=u'en-US', category=10, save=True) doc.tags.add(u'desktop') revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) translated = document(locale=u'fr', parent=doc, category=10, save=True) revision(document=translated, is_approved=True, save=True) self.refresh() qs = {'a': 1, 'w': 1, 'format': 'json', 'product': 'desktop'} response = self.client.get(reverse('search', locale='fr'), qs) eq_(1, json.loads(response.content)['total'])
def test_inheritance(self): """Make sure parent/child equality of is_archived is maintained.""" # Set up a child and a parent and an orphan (all false) and something # true. translated_revision(save=True) translated_revision(save=True) document(save=True) document(is_archived=True, save=True) # Batch-clear the archival bits: DocumentAdmin._set_archival(Document.objects.all(), True) # Assert the child of the parent and the parent of the child (along # with everything else) became (or stayed) true: eq_(Document.objects.filter(is_archived=True).count(), 6)
def test_wiki_topics_inherit(self): """Translations inherit topics from their parents.""" doc = document(locale=u'en-US', category=10, save=True) doc.topics.add(topic(slug='extant', save=True)) revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) translated = document(locale=u'es', parent=doc, category=10, save=True) revision(document=translated, is_approved=True, save=True) self.refresh() qs = {'a': 1, 'w': 1, 'format': 'json', 'topics': 'extant'} response = self.client.get(reverse('search', locale='es'), qs) eq_(1, json.loads(response.content)['total'])
def test_advanced_search_for_wiki_no_query(self): """Tests advanced search with no query""" doc = document( title=u'How to fix your audio', locale=u'en-US', category=10) doc.tags.add(u'desktop') rev = revision( document=doc, summary=u'Volume.', content=u'Turn up the volume.', is_approved=True) self.refresh() # This is the search that you get when you start on the sumo # homepage and do a search from the box with two differences: # first, we do it in json since it's easier to deal with # testing-wise and second, we search for 'audio' since we have # data for that. response = self.localizing_client.get(reverse('search'), { 'q': '', 'tags': 'desktop', 'w': '1', 'a': '1', 'format': 'json' }) eq_(200, response.status_code) content = json.loads(response.content) eq_(content['total'], 1)
def test_majorly_outdated_with_unapproved_parents(self): """Migrations might introduce translated revisions without based_on set. Tolerate these. If based_on of a translation's current_revision is None, the translation should be considered out of date iff any major-significance, approved revision to the English article exists. """ # Create a parent doc with only an unapproved revision... parent_rev = revision() # ...and a translation with a revision based on nothing. trans = document(parent=parent_rev.document, locale='de') trans_rev = revision(document=trans, is_approved=True) assert trans_rev.based_on is None, \ ('based_on defaulted to something non-None, which this test ' "wasn't expecting.") assert not trans.is_majorly_outdated(), \ ('A translation was considered majorly out of date even though ' 'the English document has never had an approved revision of ' 'major significance.') major_parent_rev = revision(document=parent_rev.document, significance=MAJOR_SIGNIFICANCE, is_approved=True) assert trans.is_majorly_outdated(), \ ('A translation was not considered majorly outdated when its ' "current revision's based_on value was None.")
def test_unlocalizable(self): """Unlocalizable docs shouldn't show up in the list.""" revision( document=document(is_localizable=False, save=True), is_approved=True, save=True) self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.row)
def test_link_with_localization(self): """A link to an English doc with a local translation.""" en_d = document(title='A doc') en_r = revision(document=en_d, is_approved=True) fr_d = document(parent=en_d, title='Une doc', locale='fr') # Without an approved revision, link should go to en-US doc. # The site should stay in fr locale (/<locale>/<en-US slug>). link = pq(self.p.parse('[[A doc]]', locale='fr')) eq_('/fr/kb/a-doc', link.find('a').attr('href')) eq_('A doc', link.find('a').text()) # Approve a revision. Now link should go to fr doc. fr_r = revision(document=fr_d, is_approved=True) link = pq(self.p.parse('[[A doc]]', locale='fr')) eq_('/fr/kb/une-doc', link.find('a').attr('href')) eq_('Une doc', link.find('a').text())
def test_by_product(self): """Test the product filtering of the readout.""" locale = settings.WIKI_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE p = product(title='Firefox', slug='firefox', save=True) d = document(save=True) r = revision(document=d, is_approved=True, save=True) # There shouldn't be any rows yet. eq_(0, len(self.rows(locale=locale, product=p))) # Add the product to the document, and verify it shows up. d.products.add(p) eq_(self.row(locale=locale, product=p)['title'], d.title)
def test_direct_recursion(self): """Make sure direct recursion is caught on the very first nesting.""" d = document(title='Boo') # Twice so the second revision sees content identical to itself: for i in range(2): revision(document=d, content='Fine [[Include:Boo]] Fellows', is_approved=True).save() eq_('<p>Fine %s Fellows\n</p>' % (RECURSION_MESSAGE % 'Boo'), d.content_parsed)
def _test_int_sets_and_descriptors(self, enum_class, attr): """Test our lightweight int sets & descriptors' getting and setting.""" d = document() _objects_eq(getattr(d, attr), []) i1 = enum_class(item_id=1) getattr(d, attr).add(i1) _objects_eq(getattr(d, attr), [i1]) i2 = enum_class(item_id=2) getattr(d, attr).add(i2) _objects_eq(getattr(d, attr), [i1, i2])
def test_for_in_template(self): """Verify that {for}'s render correctly in template.""" d = document(title='Template:for') r = revision(document=d, content='{for win}windows{/for}{for mac}mac{/for}') r.is_approved = True p = WikiParser() content = p.parse('[[Template:for]]') eq_( '<p><span class="for" data-for="win">windows</span>' '<span class="for" data-for="mac">mac</span>\n\n</p>', content)
def test_translations_get_parent_tags(self): doc1 = document(title=u'Audio too loud') revision(document=doc1, is_approved=True, save=True) doc1.topics.add(topic(slug='cookies', save=True)) doc1.topics.add(topic(slug='general', save=True)) doc1.products.add(product(slug='desktop', save=True)) doc2 = document(title=u'Audio too loud bork bork', parent=doc1) revision(document=doc2, is_approved=True, save=True) doc2.tags.add(u'badtag') # Verify the parent has the right tags. doc_dict = Document.extract_document( eq_(doc_dict['document_topic'], [u'cookies', u'general']) eq_(doc_dict['document_product'], [u'desktop']) # Verify the translation has the parent's tags. doc_dict = Document.extract_document( eq_(doc_dict['document_topic'], [u'cookies', u'general']) eq_(doc_dict['document_product'], [u'desktop'])
def test_revisions_feed(self): d = document(title='HTML9') now = for i in xrange(1, 6): created = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5 * i) revision(save=True, document=d, title='HTML9', comment='Revision %s' % i, content="Some Content %s" % i, is_approved=True, created=created) resp = self.client.get( reverse('wiki.feeds.recent_revisions', args=(), kwargs={'format': 'rss'})) eq_(200, resp.status_code) feed = pq(resp.content) eq_(5, len(feed.find('item'))) for i, item in enumerate(feed.find('item')): desc_text = pq(item).find('description').text() ok_('by:</h3><p>testuser</p>' in desc_text) ok_('<h3>Comment:</h3><p>Revision' in desc_text) if "Edited" in desc_text: ok_('$compare?to' in desc_text) ok_('diff_chg' in desc_text) ok_('$edit' in desc_text) ok_('$history' in desc_text) resp = self.client.get( reverse('wiki.feeds.recent_revisions', args=(), kwargs={'format': 'rss'}) + '?limit=2') feed = pq(resp.content) eq_(2, len(feed.find('item'))) resp = self.client.get( reverse('wiki.feeds.recent_revisions', args=(), kwargs={'format': 'rss'}) + '?limit=2&page=1') ok_('Revision 5' in resp.content) ok_('Revision 4' in resp.content) resp = self.client.get( reverse('wiki.feeds.recent_revisions', args=(), kwargs={'format': 'rss'}) + '?limit=2&page=2') ok_('Revision 3' in resp.content) ok_('Revision 2' in resp.content)
def test_visit_count_from_analytics(self, _build_request): """Verify stored visit counts from mocked analytics data. It has some nasty non-ASCII chars in it. """ execute = _build_request.return_value.get.return_value.execute execute.return_value = PAGEVIEWS_BY_DOCUMENT_RESPONSE d1 = revision(document=document(slug='hellỗ', save=True), is_approved=True, save=True).document d2 = revision(document=document(slug='there', save=True), is_approved=True, save=True).document WikiDocumentVisits.reload_period_from_analytics(LAST_7_DAYS) eq_(2, WikiDocumentVisits.objects.count()) wdv1 = WikiDocumentVisits.objects.get(document=d1) eq_(27, wdv1.visits) eq_(LAST_7_DAYS, wdv1.period) wdv2 = WikiDocumentVisits.objects.get(document=d2) eq_(LAST_7_DAYS, wdv2.period)
def test_preview_async(self): """Preview a reply.""" u = user(save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') d = document(save=True) content = 'Full of awesome.' response = post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.post_preview_async', {'content': content}, args=[d.slug]) eq_(200, response.status_code) doc = pq(response.content) eq_(content, doc('div.content').text())
def test_search(self, _out): """Test that es_search command doesn't fail""" call_command('essearch', 'cupcakes') doc = document(title=u'cupcakes rock', locale=u'en-US', category=10, save=True) doc.products.add(product(title=u'firefox', slug=u'desktop', save=True)) revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) self.refresh() call_command('essearch', 'cupcakes')
def test_edit_post(self): """Changing post content works.""" u = user(save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') d = document(save=True) t = thread(document=d, save=True) p = t.new_post(creator=u, content='foo') post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.edit_post', {'content': 'Some new content'}, args=[d.slug,,]) edited_p = t.post_set.get( eq_('Some new content', edited_p.content)
def test_preview(self): """Preview the thread post.""" u = user(save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') d = document(save=True) num_threads = d.thread_set.count() content = 'Full of awesome.' response = post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.new_thread', {'title': 'Topic', 'content': content, 'preview': 'any string'}, args=[d.slug]) eq_(200, response.status_code) doc = pq(response.content) eq_(content, doc('#post-preview div.content').text()) eq_(num_threads, d.thread_set.count())
def test_disallowed_404(self): """If document.allow_discussion is false, should return 404.""" u = user(username='******', save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') doc = document(allow_discussion=False, save=True) def check(url): response = get(self.client, url, args=[doc.slug]) st = response.status_code eq_(404, st, '%s was %s, not 404' % (url, st)) check('wiki.discuss.threads') check('wiki.discuss.new_thread') check('wiki.discuss.threads.feed')
def test_edit_thread(self): """Changing thread title works.""" u = user(save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') d = document(save=True) t = thread(title='Sticky Thread', document=d, creator=u, save=True) post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.edit_thread', {'title': 'A new title'}, args=[d.slug,]) edited_t = d.thread_set.get( eq_('Sticky Thread', t.title) eq_('A new title', edited_t.title)
def test_good_visit_count(self): """Extract visit counts from good data. It has some nasty non-ASCII chars in it. """ d = revision(document=document(slug='hellỗ', save=True), is_approved=True, save=True).document d2 = revision(document=document(slug='there', save=True), is_approved=True, save=True).document # We get a str, not a unicode obj, out of the urllib call. eq_({ 1037639, 213817}, WikiDocumentVisits._visit_counts( '{"data": {"12/01/2010-12/07/2010": {"SubRows":{' '"ỗ":{"Attributes":{"Title":' '"Firefox Support Home Page | Firefox Support","UrlLink":' '""},"measures":' '{"Visits":1037639.0,"Views":3357731.0,"Average Time Viewed":23.0' '},"SubRows":null},"":' '{"Attributes":{"Title":"Startseite der Firefox-Hilfe | Firefox' 'Support","UrlLink":""},' '"measures":{"Visits":213817.0,"Views":595329.0,"Average Time ' 'Viewed":25.0},"SubRows":null}}}}}' % ((settings.LANGUAGE_CODE,) * 2)))
def test_other_translations(self): """ parent doc should list all docs for which it is parent A child doc should list all its parent's docs, excluding itself, and including its parent """ parent = document(locale='en-US', title='test', save=True) enfant = document(locale='fr', title='le test', parent=parent, save=True) bambino = document(locale='es', title='el test', parent=parent, save=True) children = Document.objects.filter(parent=parent) eq_(list(children), parent.other_translations) ok_(parent in enfant.other_translations) ok_(bambino in enfant.other_translations) eq_(False, enfant in enfant.other_translations)
def test_empty_reply_errors(self): """Posting an empty reply shows errors.""" u = user(save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') d = document(save=True) t = thread(document=d, save=True) response = post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.reply', {'content': ''}, args=[d.slug,]) doc = pq(response.content) error_msg = doc('ul.errorlist li a')[0] eq_(error_msg.text, 'Please provide a message.')
def test_update_l10n_metric_cron(self, visits_by_locale, _get_top_docs): """Verify the cron job creates the correct metric.""" l10n_kind = metric_kind(code=L10N_METRIC_CODE, save=True) # Create the en-US document with an approved revision. doc = document(save=True) rev = revision( document=doc, is_approved=True, is_ready_for_localization=True, save=True) # Create an es translation that is up to date. es_doc = document(parent=doc, locale='es', save=True) revision( document=es_doc, is_approved=True, based_on=rev, save=True) # Create a de translation without revisions. document(parent=doc, locale='de', save=True) # Mock some calls. visits_by_locale.return_value = { 'en-US': 100, 'de': 20, 'es': 10, 'fr': 10, } _get_top_docs.return_value = [doc] # Run it and verify results. Values sould be 25% (1/1 * 10/40). update_l10n_metric() metrics = Metric.objects.filter(kind=l10n_kind) eq_(1, len(metrics)) eq_(25, metrics[0].value)
def test_watch_locale(self): """Watch and unwatch a locale.""" u = user(save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') d = document(save=True) next_url = reverse('wiki.discuss.threads', args=[d.slug]) response = post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.watch_locale', {'watch': 'yes', 'next': next_url}) self.assertContains(response, 'Turn off emails') response = post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.watch_locale', {'watch': 'no', 'next': next_url}) self.assertContains(response, 'Get emailed when there is new discussion')
def test_reindex(self, _out): doc = document(title=u'cupcakes rock', locale=u'en-US', category=10, save=True) doc.products.add(product(title=u'firefox', slug=u'desktop', save=True)) revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) self.refresh() call_command('esreindex') call_command('esreindex', '--percent=50') call_command('esreindex', '--criticalmass') call_command('esreindex', '--mapping_types=wiki_documents') call_command('esreindex', '--delete')
def test_unready_for_l10n(self): """Test status for article that is not ready for l10n""" locale = settings.WIKI_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE d = document(title='Template:test', save=True) revision(document=d, is_ready_for_localization=True, save=True) revision(document=d, is_ready_for_localization=False, is_approved=True, significance=MAJOR_SIGNIFICANCE, save=True) row = self.row(locale=locale) eq_(row['title'], d.title) eq_(unicode(row['status']), u'Changes Not Ready For Localization')
def test_watch_forum(self): """Watch and unwatch a forum.""" u = user(save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') d = document(save=True) response = post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.watch_forum', {'watch': 'yes'}, args=[d.slug]) self.assertContains(response, 'Stop') response = post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.watch_forum', {'watch': 'no'}, args=[d.slug]) self.assertNotContains(response, 'Stop')
def test_by_product(self): """Test the product filtering of the readout.""" p = product(title='Firefox', slug='firefox', save=True) d = document(title='Foo', save=True) untranslated = revision(is_approved=True, is_ready_for_localization=True, document=d, save=True) # There shouldn't be any rows yet. eq_(0, len(self.rows(product=p))) # Add the product to the document, and verify it shows up. d.products.add(p) eq_(self.row(product=p)['title'], d.title)
def test_wiki_keywords(self): """Make sure updating keywords updates the index.""" # Create a document with a revision with no keywords. It # shouldn't show up with a document_keywords term query for # 'wool' since it has no keywords. doc = document(title=u'wool hats') revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, save=True) self.refresh() eq_('wool').count(), 0) revision(document=doc, is_approved=True, keywords='wool', save=True) self.refresh() eq_('wool').count(), 1)
def test_edit_thread_errors(self): """Editing thread with too short of a title shows errors.""" u = user(save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') d = document(save=True) t = thread(document=d, creator=u, save=True) response = post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.edit_thread', {'title': 'wha?'}, args=[d.slug,]) doc = pq(response.content) errors = doc('ul.errorlist li a') eq_(errors[0].text, 'Your title is too short (4 characters). ' + 'It must be at least 5 characters.')
def test_kb_vote(self): """Test vote API call.""" r1 = revision(document=document(locale='en-US', save=True), save=True) r2 = revision(document=document(locale='es', save=True), save=True) r3 = revision(document=document(locale='es', save=True), save=True) for r in [r1, r2, r3]: helpful_vote(revision=r, save=True) helpful_vote(revision=r, save=True) helpful_vote(revision=r, helpful=True, save=True) # All votes should be counted if we don't specify a locale r = self._get_api_result('kpi_kb_vote') eq_(r['objects'][0]['kb_helpful'], 3) eq_(r['objects'][0]['kb_votes'], 9) # Only en-US votes: r = self._get_api_result('kpi_kb_vote', locale='en-US') eq_(r['objects'][0]['kb_helpful'], 1) eq_(r['objects'][0]['kb_votes'], 3) # Only es votes: r = self._get_api_result('kpi_kb_vote', locale='es') eq_(r['objects'][0]['kb_helpful'], 2) eq_(r['objects'][0]['kb_votes'], 6)
def test_preview_reply(self): """Preview a reply.""" u = user(save=True) self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******') d = document(save=True) t = thread(document=d, save=True) num_posts = t.post_set.count() content = 'Full of awesome.' response = post(self.client, 'wiki.discuss.reply', {'content': content, 'preview': 'any string'}, args=[d.slug,]) eq_(200, response.status_code) doc = pq(response.content) eq_(content, doc('#post-preview div.content').text()) eq_(num_posts, t.post_set.count())
def test_document_is_template(self): """is_template stays in sync with the title""" d = document(title='test') assert not d.is_template d.slug = 'Template:test' assert d.is_template d.slug = 'Back-to-document' assert not d.is_template
def test_counting_unready_docs(self): """Docs without a ready-for-l10n rev shouldn't count in total.""" # Make a doc with an approved but not-ready-for-l10n rev: r = revision(document=document(title='smoo', is_localizable=True, save=True), is_ready_for_localization=False, is_approved=True, save=True) # It shouldn't show up in the total: eq_(0, overview_rows('de')['all']['denominator']) r.is_ready_for_localization = True eq_(1, overview_rows('de')['all']['denominator'])
def test_correct_based_on_to_current_revision(self): """Assure Revision.clean() defaults based_on value to the English doc's current_revision when there is one.""" # Make English rev: en_rev = revision(is_approved=True) # Make Deutsch translation: de_doc = document(parent=en_rev.document, locale='de') de_rev = revision(document=de_doc) # Set based_on to a de rev to simulate fixing broken translation source de_rev.based_on = de_rev de_rev.clean() eq_(en_rev.document.current_revision, de_rev.based_on)