Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, *args, **KWs):
   localKWs = self.extractLocalKWs(['staticNoise'], KWs)
   VectorElement.__init__(self, *args, **KWs)
   self.static = localKWs['staticNoise']
   args = []
   if not self.static:
     args.append(('real', '_step'))
     self.isComputed = True
   evaluateFunctionName = ''.join(['_', self.id, '_evaluate'])
   evaluateFunction = Function(
     name = evaluateFunctionName,
     args = args,
     implementation = self.evaluateFunctionContents
   self.functions['evaluate'] = evaluateFunction
   if not self.static:
     splitFunctionName = ''.join(['_', self.id, '_split'])
     splitFunction = Function(
       name = splitFunctionName,
       args = [('real', '_new_step'), ('real', '_old_step'), (self.type + '*', '_old_array')],
       implementation = self.splitFunctionContents
     self.functions['split'] = splitFunction
   self.needsInitialisation = False
 def reducedDimensionVectorForVector(self, fullVector):
   if fullVector in self.reducedVectorMap:
     return self.reducedVectorMap[fullVector]
   # If the vector belongs to a field that lacks the cross-propagation field
   # then we can just use the original field and we don't need a reduced dimension
   # version of this vector.
   if not fullVector.field.hasDimensionName(self.propagationDimension):
     return fullVector
   # We have to create the vector element
   reducedField = self.reducedDimensionFieldForField(fullVector.field)
   vectorsWithSameName = filter(lambda v: v.name == fullVector.name, reducedField.vectors)
   if vectorsWithSameName:
     reducedVector = vectorsWithSameName[0]
     reducedVector = VectorElement(
       name = fullVector.name, field = reducedField,
       type = fullVector.type,
     reducedVector.type = fullVector.type
     reducedVector.components = fullVector.components
     reducedVector.needsInitialisation = False
   self.reducedVectorMap[fullVector] = reducedVector
   self.fullVectorMap[reducedVector] = fullVector
   return reducedVector
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, *args, **KWs):
        VectorElement.__init__(self, *args, **KWs)

        # Set default variables

        # Computed vectors don't need explicit initialisation.  If we're integrating over components, VectorElement will automatically set the vector to zero.
        self._integratingComponents = False
        self.initialiser = None

        evaluateFunctionName = "".join(["_", self.id, "_evaluate"])
        evaluateFunction = Function(name=evaluateFunctionName, args=[], implementation=self.evaluateFunctionContents)
        self.functions["evaluate"] = evaluateFunction
Exemplo n.º 4
 def preflight(self):
   super(_DeltaAOperator, self).preflight()
   # Construct the operator components dictionary
   for integrationVector in self.integrationVectors:
     for componentName in integrationVector.components:
       derivativeString = "d%s_d%s" % (componentName, self.propagationDimension)
       # Map of operator names to vector -> component list dictionary
       self.operatorComponents[derivativeString] = {integrationVector: [componentName]}
       # Check that the user code block contains derivatives for every vector.
       # If not, throw an exception.
       if not derivativeString in self.primaryCodeBlock.codeString:
         raise ParserException(
           "Missing derivative for integration variable '%s' in vector '%s'." % (componentName, integrationVector.name)
   # Our job here is to consider the case where the user's integration code
   # depends on a component of an integration vector which might get overwritten
   # in the process of looping over the integration code. For example, if the
   # user has code like:
   # dx_dt[j] = x[j-1]
   # then on the previous loop, x[j-1] will have been overwritten with
   # dx_dt[j-1]*_step (due to the way the delta a operator works). Consequently,
   # x[j-1] won't mean what the user think it means. This would be OK if the code
   # was
   # dx_dt[j] = x[j + 1]
   # however we cannot safely know in all cases if j + 1 is greater than j or not.
   # The solution will be to create an array to save all of the results for dx_dt
   # and then copy the results back in to the x array.
   # As an optimisation, we don't want to do this if all of the accesses for an
   # integer valued dimension is with just the value of the dimension index.
   # Additionally, if we have an integer-valued dimension at the start that we
   # need to fix this problem for, the array would need to be large enough to
   # hold all of the dimensions after that dimension as well. To reduce the
   # memory requirement for this, we will re-order the looping of the dimensions
   # to put any integer-valued dimensions that need this special treatment as the
   # innermost loops.
   dimRepNamesNeedingReordering = set()
   # Not all integration vectors may be forcing this reordering. For any that aren't,
   # we can just do the normal behaviour. This saves memory.
   self.vectorsForcingReordering = set()
   components = set()
   derivativeMap = {}
   propagationDimension = self.propagationDimension
   basis = self.primaryCodeBlock.basis
   dimRepNameMap = dict([(dimRep.name, dimRep) for dimRep in self.field.inBasis(basis)])
   for vector in self.integrationVectors:
     for componentName in vector.components:
       derivativeString = ''.join(['d', componentName, '_d', propagationDimension])
       derivativeMap[derivativeString] = vector
   indexAccessedVariables = CodeParser.nonlocalDimensionAccessForComponents(components, self.primaryCodeBlock)
   simulationDriver = self.getVar('features')['Driver']
   for componentName, resultDict, codeSlice in indexAccessedVariables:
     vectors = [v for v in self.integrationVectors if componentName in v.components]
     if len(vectors) == 1:
       # Either our component belongs to one of the integration vectors
       vector = vectors[0]
       # Or it is a derivative, and so the vector we should use is the one for the original component
       vector = derivativeMap[componentName]
     # Add the dimension names that aren't being accessed with the dimension variable
     # to the set of dimensions needing reordering.
     dimRepNamesForThisVectorNeedingReordering = [dimRepName for dimRepName, (indexString, accessLoc) in resultDict.iteritems() if indexString != dimRepName]
     if vector.field.isDistributed:
       distributedDimRepsNeedingReordering = set(
         [dimRep.name for dimRep in self.field.inBasis(basis)
                 if dimRep.hasLocalOffset]
       if distributedDimRepsNeedingReordering:
         # This vector is being accessed nonlocally on a dimension that is distributed. This isn't legal.
         dimRepName = list(distributedDimRepsNeedingReordering)[0]
         raise ParserException(self.xmlElement, 
                                 "The dimension '%(dimRepName)s' cannot be accessed nonlocally because it is being distributed with MPI. "
                                 "Try turning off MPI or re-ordering the dimensions in the <geometry> element." % locals())
     if dimRepNamesForThisVectorNeedingReordering:
       # If we have any dimensions that need reordering for this vector, add them to the complete set
       # ... and add the vector itself to the set of vectors forcing this reordering.
   # We now have all of the dimension names that need re-ordering to the end of the array.
   # We only need to do our magic if this set is non-empty
   if dimRepNamesNeedingReordering:
     # Now we need to construct a new field which has the same dimensions as self.field,
     # but has the dimensions that need reordering at the end.
     newFieldDimensions = self.field.dimensions[:]
     dimensionsNeedingReordering = []
     # Remove the dimensions needing reordering and replace them at the end
     for dim in newFieldDimensions[:]:
       if dim.inBasis(basis).name in dimRepNamesNeedingReordering:
     loopingFieldName = ''.join([self.integrator.name, '_', self.name, '_looping_field'])
     loopingField = FieldElement(name = loopingFieldName,
     loopingField.dimensions = [dim.copy(parent=loopingField) for dim in newFieldDimensions]
     self.primaryCodeBlock.field = loopingField
     # Now construct a second field for the vector which will hold our delta a operators
     deltaAFieldName = ''.join([self.integrator.name, '_', self.name, '_delta_a_field'])
     self.deltaAField = FieldElement(name = deltaAFieldName,
     self.deltaAField.dimensions = [dim.copy(parent = self.deltaAField) for dim in dimensionsNeedingReordering]
     propagationDimension = self.propagationDimension
     # For each integration vector forcing the reordering, we need to construct
     # a corresponding vector in the new field.
     for integrationVector in self.vectorsForcingReordering:
       deltaAVector = VectorElement(
         name = integrationVector.name, field = self.deltaAField,
         parent = self, initialBasis = self.operatorBasis,
         type = integrationVector.type,
       # The vector will only need initialisation if the derivatives are accessed out
       # of order, i.e. dphi_dt[j+1] for example. We can detect this later and change this
       # if that is the case.
       deltaAVector.needsInitialisation = False
       # Construct dx_dt variables for the delta a vector.
       deltaAVector.components = [''.join(['d', componentName, '_d', propagationDimension]) for componentName in integrationVector.components]
       # Make sure the vector gets allocated etc.
       # Make the vector available when looping
       # Remove the components of the vector from our operatorComponents so that we won't get doubly-defined variables
       for componentName in deltaAVector.components:
         del self.operatorComponents[componentName]
       # Add the new delta a vector to the integration vector --> delta a vector map
       self.deltaAVectorMap[integrationVector] = deltaAVector
   # We need to rewrite all the derivatives to only use dimensions in the delta a field (if we have one)
   # This needs to be done even if we don't have a delta-a field as otherwise writing dx_dt(j: j) wouldn't
   # get transformed as dx_dt won't be vector.
   indexAccessedDerivatives = CodeParser.nonlocalDimensionAccessForComponents(derivativeMap.keys(), self.primaryCodeBlock)
   for componentName, resultDict, codeSlice in reversed(indexAccessedDerivatives):
     componentAccessString = componentName
     componentAccesses = []
     for dimRepName, (accessString, accessCodeLoc) in resultDict.iteritems():
       if not dimRepName in dimRepNamesNeedingReordering:
       componentAccesses.append('%(dimRepName)s => %(accessString)s' % locals())
     if componentAccesses:
       componentAccessString += '(' + ','.join(componentAccesses) + ')'
     # If we have at least one dimension that is not being accessed with the correct index,
     # we must initialise the delta a vector just in case. (See gravity.xmds for an example)
     if any([resultDict[dimRepName][0] != dimRepName for dimRepName in resultDict if dimRepName in dimRepNamesNeedingReordering]):
       # The integrationVector must be in the deltaAVectorMap because we would have had to allocate
       # a delta-a vector for this integration vector.
       deltaAVector = self.deltaAVectorMap[integrationVector]
       if not deltaAVector.needsInitialisation:
         deltaAVector.needsInitialisation = True
         deltaAVector.initialiser = VectorInitialisation(parent = deltaAVector, **self.argumentsToTemplateConstructors)
         deltaAVector.initialiser.vector = deltaAVector
     self.primaryCodeBlock.codeString = self.primaryCodeBlock.codeString[:codeSlice.start] + componentAccessString \
                                       + self.primaryCodeBlock.codeString[codeSlice.stop:]
   if self.deltaAField:
     copyDeltaAFunctionName = ''.join(['_', self.id, '_copy_delta_a'])
     loopingField = self.primaryCodeBlock.field
     arguments = [('real', '_step')]
     deltaAFieldReps = self.deltaAField.inBasis(self.operatorBasis)
     arguments.extend([('long', '_' + dimRep.name + '_index') \
                           for dimRep in loopingField.inBasis(self.operatorBasis) if not dimRep in deltaAFieldReps])
     copyDeltaAFunction = Function(name = copyDeltaAFunctionName,
                                   args = arguments,
                                   implementation = self.copyDeltaAFunctionContents,
                                   returnType = 'inline void')
     self.functions['copyDeltaA'] = copyDeltaAFunction
     # Create arguments dictionary for a call to the copyDeltaA function
     arguments = dict([('_' + dimRep.name + '_index', dimRep.loopIndex) \
                         for dimRep in loopingField.inBasis(self.operatorBasis) if not dimRep in deltaAFieldReps])
     functionCall = self.functions['copyDeltaA'].call(parentFunction = self.functions['evaluate'], arguments = arguments) + '\n'
     self.primaryCodeBlock.loopArguments['postDimensionLoopClosingCode'] = {
       self.deltaAField.dimensions[0].inBasis(self.operatorBasis).name: functionCall