Exemplo n.º 1
    def setupMeasure(self, prefixList, x):
        """sets up the measure joint portion of the the limb rig"""
        #set values for this chain, side
        thisChain = self.measureChains[x]
        side = self.prefixList[x]

        self.measureUp = "%s_%s_upDistance"%(side, self.limbName)
        self.measureLow = "%s_%s_lowDistance"%(side, self.limbName)
        self.totalDistAdd = "%s_%s_lengthADL"%(side, self.limbName)
        #measure top two joints
        rig.measureDistance(self.measureUp, thisChain[0], thisChain[1])
#----------add these to a list of lists of arm measures
        #measure low two joints
        rig.measureDistance(self.measureLow, thisChain[1], thisChain[2])

        #add the results
        thisTotal = rig.createAdd(self.totalDistAdd, "%s.distance"%self.measureUp, "%s.distance"%self.measureLow)


        #call to start the IK setup part of the rig
Exemplo n.º 2
    def  setupIK(self, x):
        """sets up the IK portion of the limb rig"""

        #set values for this chain, side
        thisChain = self.IKChains[x]
        side = self.prefixList[x]
        thisBind = self.bindChains[x]

        #create ik control from joint 0 to 2
        mainIK = "%s_%s_IK"%(side, self.limbName)
        IKHandle = cmds.ikHandle(n=mainIK, sj=thisChain[0], ee=thisChain[2], sol="ikRPsolver")[0]

        #create a control for the ik
        IKCtrl = self.setupIKCtrl(x, IKHandle)

        #call pole vector method? - pass IK name, normal or no flip
#-----------------get argument from UI about what kind of handles
        thisPv = self.setupPV(IKHandle, "normal", x)

        #create stretchy bits
        cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="__EXTRA__", nn="__EXTRA__", at="short", k=True)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.__EXTRA__"%IKCtrl, l=True)
        cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="autoStretch", at="float", min=0, max=1, k=True)
        cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="scaleMin", at="float", min=0.5, max=3, k=True, dv=1)
        #add "upScale" and "lowScale" (.5-3)
        cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="upScale", at="float", min=0.3, max=3, k=True, dv=1.0)
        cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="lowScale", at="float", min=0.3, max=3, k=True, dv=1.0)

        #from measure, get final add node
        add = self.measureAdds[x]

        #orient the IK wrist to the control? do it here or elsewhere (for inheritance?)
        cmds.orientConstraint(IKCtrl, thisChain[2])

        #create distance node from thigh to ctrl
        distance = rig.measureDistance("%s_%s_ikCtrlDistance"%(side, self.limbName), self.measureChains[x][0], IKCtrl)

        ratioMult, defaultMult, defaultBlend, conditional, upScaleMult, loScaleMult = rig.scaleStretchIK(("%s_%s"%(side, self.limbName)), thisChain[0], thisChain[1], thisChain[2], "%s.output"%add, "%s.distance"%distance, IKCtrl, self.jAxis1)

        #create the ik switch (call as "diamond")
        ikSwitchName = "%s_%s_FKIKSwitch"%(side, self.limbName)
        if x == 0:
            thisIKSwitch = rig.createControl(ikSwitchName, "diamond", self.jAxis1, "lightBlue")
        if x == 1:
            thisIKSwitch = rig.createControl(ikSwitchName, "diamond", self.jAxis1, "pink")
        cmds.addAttr(thisIKSwitch, ln="FKIK", k=True, at="float", min=0, max=1, dv=0)
        #create reverse
        thisIKSwitchRev = cmds.shadingNode("reverse", asUtility=True, n="%s_%s_IKSwtchReverse"%(side, self.limbName))
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.FKIK"%thisIKSwitch, "%s.inputX"%thisIKSwitchRev)
        rig.groupOrient(thisBind[2], thisIKSwitch, self.groupSuffix)
        IKSwitchGrp = cmds.listRelatives(thisIKSwitch, p=True)

        #do stuff here to push the IKFK switch in the right direction
        if x== 0:
            offset = -3
        if x==1:
            offset = 3
        cmds.xform(IKSwitchGrp, os=True, r=True, t=(0, 0, offset))

        #set up visibility switching from this for IK and PV controls
        #get pv parent group
        pvGroup = cmds.listRelatives(thisPv, p=True)[0]
        ikCtrlGroup = cmds.listRelatives(IKCtrl, p=True)[0]
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.FKIK"%thisIKSwitch, "%s.v"%pvGroup)
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.FKIK"%thisIKSwitch, "%s.v"%ikCtrlGroup)

        #pass onto the FK part of the rig
Exemplo n.º 3
	def  setupIK(self, x):
		"""sets up the IK portion of the limb rig"""

		#set values for this chain, side
		thisChain = self.IKChains[x]
		side = self.prefixList[x]
		thisBind = self.bindChains[x]

		#create ik control from joint 0 to 2
		mainIK = "%s_%s_IK"%(side, self.limbName)
		IKHandle = cmds.ikHandle(n=mainIK, sj=thisChain[0], ee=thisChain[2], sol="ikRPsolver")[0]

		#create a control for the ik
		IKCtrl = self.setupIKCtrl(x, IKHandle)

		#call pole vector method? - pass IK name, normal or no flip
#-----------------get argument from UI about what kind of handles
		thisPv = self.setupPV(IKHandle, "normal", x)

		#create stretchy bits
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="__EXTRA__", nn="__EXTRA__", at="short", k=True)
		cmds.setAttr("%s.__EXTRA__"%IKCtrl, l=True)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="autoStretch", at="float", min=0, max=1, k=True)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="scaleMin", at="float", min=0.5, max=3, k=True, dv=1)
		#add "upScale" and "lowScale" (.5-3)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="upScale", at="float", min=0.3, max=3, k=True, dv=1.0)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="lowScale", at="float", min=0.3, max=3, k=True, dv=1.0)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="__IKFOOT__", nn="__EXTRA__", at="short", k=True)
		cmds.setAttr("%s.__IKFOOT__"%IKCtrl, l=True)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="ballRoll", at="float", k=True, dv=0)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="toeRoll", at="float", k=True, dv=0)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="heelRoll", at="float", k=True, dv=0)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="toePivot", at="float", k=True, dv=0)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="heelPivot", at="float", k=True, dv=0)
		cmds.addAttr(IKCtrl, ln="toeFlap", at="float", k=True, dv=0)

		#from measure, get final add node
		add = self.measureAdds[x]

		#orient the IK wrist to the control? do it here or elsewhere (for inheritance?)
		cmds.orientConstraint(IKCtrl, thisChain[2], mo=True)

		#create distance node from thigh to ctrl
		distance = rig.measureDistance("%s_%s_ikCtrlDistance"%(side, self.limbName), self.measureChains[x][0], IKCtrl)

		ratioMult, defaultMult, defaultBlend, conditional, upScaleMult, loScaleMult = rig.scaleStretchIK(("%s_%s"%(side, self.limbName)), thisChain[0], thisChain[1], thisChain[2], "%s.output"%add, "%s.distance"%distance, IKCtrl, self.jAxis1)

		#create the ik switch (call as "diamond")
		ikSwitchName = "%s_%s_FKIKSwitch"%(side, self.limbName)
		if x == 0:
			thisIKSwitch = rig.createControl(ikSwitchName, "diamond", self.jAxis1, "lightBlue")
		if x == 1:
			thisIKSwitch = rig.createControl(ikSwitchName, "diamond", self.jAxis1, "pink")
		cmds.addAttr(thisIKSwitch, ln="FKIK", k=True, at="float", min=0, max=1, dv=0)
		#create reverse
		thisIKSwitchRev = cmds.shadingNode("reverse", asUtility=True, n="%s_%s_IKSwtchReverse"%(side, self.limbName))
		cmds.connectAttr("%s.FKIK"%thisIKSwitch, "%s.inputX"%thisIKSwitchRev)
		rig.groupOrient(thisBind[2], thisIKSwitch, self.groupSuffix)
		IKSwitchGrp = cmds.listRelatives(thisIKSwitch, p=True)

		#do stuff here to push the IKFK switch in the right direction
		if x== 0:
			offset = -3
		if x==1:
			offset = 3
		cmds.xform(IKSwitchGrp, os=True, r=True, t=(0, 0, offset))

		#set up visibility switching from this for IK and PV controls
		#get pv parent group
		pvGroup = cmds.listRelatives(thisPv, p=True)[0]
		ikCtrlGroup = cmds.listRelatives(IKCtrl, p=True)[0]
		cmds.connectAttr("%s.FKIK"%thisIKSwitch, "%s.v"%pvGroup)
		cmds.connectAttr("%s.FKIK"%thisIKSwitch, "%s.v"%ikCtrlGroup)

		#pass onto the FK part of the rig
Exemplo n.º 4
def smallIKStretch(*args):
	create the 2 joint chain at the start and end of the shock/spring/whatever. select the base joint and run this.Then you'll hook up the top/bottom locators to whatever they're connected to (parentConstraint, etc) and hook the geo onto the original joints (parentConstraint, etc)

	#select the joint, give as arg the name(?) of the setup
	sel =  cmds.ls(sl=True)
	origJnt = sel[0]
	#get child joint of this joint
	origChild = cmds.listRelatives(origJnt, c=True)[0]

	#create locators at joint start and end positions
	orig1Pos = cmds.xform(origJnt, ws=True, q=True, rp=True)
	orig2Pos = cmds.xform(origChild, ws=True, q=True, rp=True)
	orig1Loc = cmds.spaceLocator(n="%s_LOC"%origJnt)[0]
	orig2Loc = cmds.spaceLocator(n="%s_LOC"%origChild)[0]
	cmds.xform(orig1Loc, ws=True, t=orig1Pos)
	cmds.xform(orig2Loc, ws=True, t=orig2Pos)

	#dupe the joint, rename it, measure it
	dupeJnts = cmds.duplicate(origJnt)
	mJnt1Orig = dupeJnts[0]
	mJnt1 = cmds.rename(mJnt1Orig, "measure_%s"%origJnt)

	mJnt2orig = cmds.listRelatives(mJnt1, c=True, f=True)[0]
	mJnt2 = cmds.rename(mJnt2orig, "measure_%s"%origChild)

	#create IK handles on orig joints, parent handle to second loc
	ik = cmds.ikHandle( n="%s_IK"%origJnt, sj=origJnt, ee=origChild)[0]
	cmds.parent(ik, orig2Loc)

	print orig2Loc
	#measure from the base measure joint to the ik handle
	origM = rig.measureDistance((origJnt+"orig_dist"), mJnt1, mJnt2)
	activeM = rig.measureDistance((origJnt+"active_dist"), mJnt1, orig2Loc)
	#create mult node to compare the two measures
	mult = cmds.shadingNode("multiplyDivide", asUtility=True, n="%s_mult"%origJnt)
	cmds.setAttr("%s.operation"%mult, 2)
	cmds.connectAttr("%s.distance"%activeM, "%s.input1X"%mult)
	cmds.connectAttr("%s.distance"%origM, "%s.input2X"%mult)

	#---use this code if you want to set up a non-scaling piston geo
	# #create a condition node to tell when to use what value
	# cond = cmds.shadingNode("condition", asUtility=True, n="%s_cond"%origJnt)
	# cmds.setAttr("%s.secondTerm"%cond, 1)
	# cmds.setAttr("%s.operation"%cond, 2)
	# cmds.connectAttr("%s.outputX"%mult, "%s.firstTerm"%cond)
	# cmds.connectAttr("%s.outputX"%mult, "%s.colorIfTrueR"%cond)
	# cmds.setAttr("%s.colorIfFalseR"%cond, 1)

	# #hook the condition node into the scale of the ik joint (in x for now)
	# cmds.connectAttr("%s.outColorR"%cond, "%s.sx"%origJnt)

	#hook the mult into the scale of the joint (comment this line out if you use the commented code above)
	cmds.connectAttr("%s.outputX"%mult, "%s.sx"%origJnt)

	#connect the orig joint to the base of the setup (loc)
	cmds.parentConstraint(orig1Loc, origJnt, mo=True)

	#hide measure joints
	cmds.setAttr("%s.visibility"%mJnt1, 0)

	#package up objects in group
	group = cmds.group(empty=True, n="%s_GRP"%origJnt)
	cmds.parent(mJnt1, origJnt, orig1Loc)
	cmds.parent(orig1Loc, orig2Loc, group)