except Exception as ex:
		print 'Unable to login and get spreadsheet.  Check OAuth credentials, spreadsheet name, and make sure spreadsheet is shared to the client_email address in the OAuth .json file!'
		print 'Google sheet login failed with error:', ex

print 'Logging sensor measurements to {0} every {1} seconds.'.format(GDOCS_SPREADSHEET_NAME, FREQUENCY_SECONDS)
print 'Press Ctrl-C to quit.'
worksheet = None
while True:
	# Login if necessary.
	if worksheet is None:
		worksheet = login_open_sheet(GDOCS_OAUTH_JSON, GDOCS_SPREADSHEET_NAME)

	# Attempt to get sensor reading.
	humidity, temp = Hema_DHT.read(DHT_TYPE, DHT_PIN)

	# Skip to the next reading if a valid measurement couldn't be taken.
	# This might happen if the CPU is under a lot of load and the sensor
	# can't be reliably read (timing is critical to read the sensor).
	if humidity is None or temp is None:

	print 'Temperature: {0:0.1f} C'.format(temp)
	print 'Humidity:    {0:0.1f} %'.format(humidity)
	# Append the data in the spreadsheet, including a timestamp
		worksheet.append_row((datetime.datetime.now(), temp, humidity))