Пример #1
 def update(self, dt):
     direction = 0
     if InputWatcher.isDown(pygame.K_LEFT) or InputWatcher.isDown(pygame.K_a):
         direction -= 1
     if InputWatcher.isDown(pygame.K_RIGHT) or InputWatcher.isDown(pygame.K_d):
         direction += 1
     # Apply player or friction force
     if direction == -1:
         self.velocity[0] -= PLAYER_FORCE
     elif direction == 1:
         self.velocity[0] += PLAYER_FORCE
         self.velocity[0] *= FRICTION_FORCE
     # Clamp velocity
     if (self.velocity[0] > MAX_SPEED):
         self.velocity[0] = MAX_SPEED
     if (self.velocity[0] < -MAX_SPEED):
         self.velocity[0] = -MAX_SPEED
     # Set position from velocity
     self.position = [self.position[0] + self.velocity[0] * dt, self.position[1] + self.velocity[1] * dt]
     # Clamp position in scene
     if (self.position[0] > SHIP_SCREEN_RIGHT):
         self.position[0] = SHIP_SCREEN_RIGHT
         self.velocity = [0,0]                  
     if (self.position[0] < 0):
         self.position[0] = 0
         self.velocity = [0,0]
Пример #2
def gameLoop():

    # Game loop
    currentTime = pygame.time.get_ticks()
    IS_PLAYING = True
    while IS_PLAYING:
        previousTime = currentTime
        currentTime = pygame.time.get_ticks()
        deltaTime = currentTime - previousTime
        # Reset the screen
        # HACK: If you drag screen in Windows, it locks main thread
        # This averts the bug, but may introduce new bugs. Look into this - CP
        if (deltaTime > 100):
            deltaTime = 0
        # Step the world - times by 0.001 to convert to seconds
        CoreApp.world.Step((deltaTime) * 0.001, CoreApp.VELOCITY_ITERATION, CoreApp.POSITION_ITERATION)

        # Swap to other screen buffer
        # One second / Target FPS is ideal frame time lapse
        timeLapse = pygame.time.get_ticks() - currentTime   
        if (timeLapse < 1000 / CoreApp.FPS):
            pygame.time.wait(1000 / CoreApp.FPS - timeLapse) 
        # Must empty event or game stalls
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:
                IS_PLAYING = False
        # TEMP: Leave scene if press ESC - CP
        IS_PLAYING = not InputWatcher.isDown(pygame.K_ESCAPE)