Пример #1
def menu(main_surface):
    maintheme = pygame.mixer.Sound('Pics/sound/maintheme2.wav')
    muziek = 0
    while True:
        if muziek == 0:
            pygame.mixer.Sound.play(maintheme, -1)
            muziek = 1
        startgamebuttonpng = pygame.image.load('Pics/startgame_button.png').convert_alpha()         #laad de plaatjes voor het menu
        manualgamebuttonpng = pygame.image.load('Pics/manual_button.png').convert_alpha()
        quitgamebuttonpng = pygame.image.load('Pics/exitgame_button.png').convert_alpha()
        background = pygame.image.load('Pics/Background.jpg').convert_alpha()

        startgamebutton = pygame.Rect(150, 100, 265, 125)
        instructionbutton = pygame.Rect(150, 250, 265, 125)
        quitgamebutton = pygame.Rect(150, 550, 265, 125)

        event = pygame.event.get()            #kan alle events zijn zoals mouse_click
        mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()  #krijgt de positie van de cursor
        for ev in event:
            if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and startgamebutton.collidepoint(mouse_pos):   #als je op de start game knop drukt
                pygame.mixer.Sound.fadeout(maintheme, 2500)
                Spelbord.draw_board()               #hier moet play game komen!
                muziek = 0
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and quitgamebutton.collidepoint(mouse_pos) or ev.type == pygame.QUIT:    #als je op de quit game knop drukt
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and instructionbutton.collidepoint(mouse_pos):   #als je op de instructies knop drukt

        main_surface.blit(background, (0, 0))
        #Draw other Things After

        main_surface.blit(startgamebuttonpng, (100, 100))   #laat de plaatjes zien
        main_surface.blit(manualgamebuttonpng, (100, 250))
        main_surface.blit(quitgamebuttonpng, (100, 550))

Пример #2
def draw_board():
    main_surface.blit(background, (0, 0))
    main_surface.blit(quit_in_gamebuttonpng, (950, 0))
    main_surface.blit(manualbuttongame, (950, 100 + (50 / 3) + (50 / 3)))
    main_surface.blit(bordload, (0, 0))
    main_surface.blit(shopmenubutton, (950, 200))

    klik = 0
    shopmenu = 0
    soldier = 0
    tank = 0
    robot = 0
    boot = 0
    barak = 0
    shopmenuimage = pygame.image.load('Pics/units/Shop_menu_unf.png')

    coordinates1 = None
    font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 25)
    turnfont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)

    Map = Tile.create_Tilelist()
    players = [(Base(1)), (Base(2)), (Base(3)), (Base(4))]
    currentplayer = players[0]
    moneycheck = False
    player = 0
    zetten = 0

    battletheme = pygame.mixer.Sound('Pics/sound/battle.wav')
    pygame.mixer.Sound.play(battletheme, -1)

    while True:
        mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()  # krijgt de positie van de cursor
        event = pygame.event.get()  # kan alle events zijn zoals mouse_click
        coordinates = getTile(event, mouse_pos, Map)

        for ev in event:
            if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and quitingamebutton.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                klik = 1
            elif ev.type == pygame.QUIT:  # Window close button clicked?
            elif ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:  # back to main menu
                klik = 1
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and shop.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                shopmenu = 1
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and manualbuttonrect.collidepoint(mouse_pos):

        if coordinates is not None:
            # Unit Count TEXT
            soldierCounttext = font.render(str(countUnits(positionchecker(coordinates, Map), 1, "Soldiers")), 1, (255, 255, 0))
            main_surface.fill((0, 0, 0), (ViewSoldierButton))
            main_surface.blit(soldierCounttext, (900, 700))
            tankCounttext = font.render(str(countUnits(positionchecker(coordinates, Map), 3, "Tanks")), 1, (255, 0, 0))
            main_surface.fill((0, 0, 0), (ViewTankButton))
            main_surface.blit(tankCounttext, (900, 720))
            robotCounttext = font.render(str(countUnits(positionchecker(coordinates, Map), 2, "Robots")), 1, (255, 50, 0))
            main_surface.fill((0, 0, 0), (ViewRobotButton))
            main_surface.blit(robotCounttext, (900, 740))
            boatCounttext = font.render(str(countUnits(positionchecker(coordinates, Map), 4, "Boats")), 1, (255, 100, 0))
            main_surface.fill((0, 0, 0), (ViewBoatButton))
            main_surface.blit(boatCounttext, (900, 760))

            # Unit Health TEXT
            TotalHealth = str((HealthCount(positionchecker(coordinates, Map),1))\
                          + (HealthCount(positionchecker(coordinates, Map),2))\
                          + (HealthCount(positionchecker(coordinates, Map),3))\
                          + (HealthCount(positionchecker(coordinates, Map),4)))
            Healthtext = font.render(("Total Health Units: " + TotalHealth), 1, (255,255,255))
            main_surface.blit(Healthtext, (900, 780))

            # Base/Barack Health TEXT
            Healthbuildings = str(HealthBarack(positionchecker(coordinates, Map))+ HealthBase((positionchecker(coordinates, Map)), players))
            Healthtext2 = font.render(("Health Base/Barack: " + Healthbuildings), 1, (255,255,255))
            main_surface.blit(Healthtext2, (900, 820))

            # Unit DMG TEXT
            TotalDMG = str(DMGSoldier(positionchecker(coordinates, Map)) + DMGTank(positionchecker(coordinates, Map)) + DMGRobot(positionchecker(coordinates, Map)))
            DMGtext = font.render(("Total DMG Units: " + TotalDMG), 1, (255,255,255))
            main_surface.blit(DMGtext, (900, 800))

        if shopmenu == 1:
            UnitS = pygame.Rect(900, 300, 142, 68)
            UnitT = pygame.Rect(1060, 300, 142, 68)
            UnitR = pygame.Rect(900, 392, 140, 68)
            UnitB = pygame.Rect(1060, 392, 142, 68)
            UnitBr = pygame.Rect(900, 480, 142, 68)
            Back = pygame.Rect(1059, 480, 142, 68)

            main_surface.blit(shopmenuimage, (900, 300))

            if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and UnitS.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                soldier = 1
                shopmenu = 0
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and UnitT.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                tank = 1
                shopmenu = 0
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and UnitR.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                robot = 1
                shopmenu = 0
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and UnitB.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                boot = 1
                shopmenu = 0
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and UnitBr.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                barak = 1
                shopmenu = 0
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and Back.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                shopmenu = 0

        if barak == 1:
            if coordinates is not None:
                for i in Map:
                    if coordinates.Position.x == i.Position.x and coordinates.Position.y == i.Position.y and i.Traversable is True:
                        if len(i.Soldier) >= 1 or len(i.Tank) >= 1 or len(i.Robot) >= 1:
                            if len(coordinates.BarackObama) < 1 and i.Base == False:
                                for x in i.Soldier:
                                    if x.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                                        spawnbarak(currentplayer, coordinates, i)
                                        zetten += 1
                                        barak = 0
                                        print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                                        barak = 0
                                for x in i.Tank:
                                    if x.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                                        spawnbarak(currentplayer, coordinates, i)
                                        zetten += 1
                                        barak = 0
                                        print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                                        barak = 0
                                for x in i.Robot:
                                    if x.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                                        spawnbarak(currentplayer, coordinates, i)
                                        zetten += 1
                                        barak = 0
                                        print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                                        barak = 0
                                barak = 0

        if soldier == 1:
            if coordinates is not None:
                for i in Map:
                    if coordinates.Position.x == i.Position.x and coordinates.Position.y == i.Position.y and i.Traversable is True:
                        if i.Barack == True or i.Base == True:
                            for x in i.BarackObama:
                                if x.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                                    spawnSoldier(currentplayer, i)
                                    zetten += 1
                                    soldier = 0
                                    print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                                    soldier = 0
                            for x in i.Bases:
                                if x.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                                    spawnSoldier(currentplayer, i)
                                    zetten += 1
                                    soldier = 0
                                    print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                                    soldier = 0
                            soldier = 0

        if tank == 1:
            if coordinates is not None:
                for i in Map:
                    if coordinates.Position.x == i.Position.x and coordinates.Position.y == i.Position.y and i.Traversable is True:
                        if i.Barack == True or i.Base == True:
                            for x in i.BarackObama:
                                if x.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                                    spawnTank(currentplayer, i)
                                    zetten += 1
                                    tank = 0
                                    print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                                    tank = 0
                            for x in i.Bases:
                                if x.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                                    spawnTank(currentplayer, i)
                                    zetten += 1
                                    tank = 0
                                    print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                                    tank = 0
                            tank = 0

        if robot == 1:
            if coordinates is not None:
                for i in Map:
                    if coordinates.Position.x == i.Position.x and coordinates.Position.y == i.Position.y and i.Traversable is True:
                        if i.Barack == True or i.Base == True:
                            for x in i.BarackObama:
                                if x.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                                    spawnRobot(currentplayer, i)
                                    zetten += 1
                                    robot = 0
                                    print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                                    robot = 0
                            for x in i.Bases:
                                if x.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                                    spawnRobot(currentplayer, i)
                                    zetten += 1
                                    robot = 0
                                    print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                                    robot = 0
                            robot = 0

        if boot == 1:
            if coordinates is not None:
                for i in Map:
                    if coordinates.Position.x == i.Position.x and coordinates.Position.y == i.Position.y and i.Traversable is False:
                        for i in Map:
                            if ((
                                            coordinates.Position.x + 1 == i.Position.x and coordinates.Position.y == i.Position.y and (
                                    i.Robot or i.Soldier or i.Tank)) \
                                    or (
                                                    coordinates.Position.x - 1 == i.Position.x and coordinates.Position.y == i.Position.y and (
                                            i.Robot or i.Soldier or i.Tank)) \
                                    or (
                                                coordinates.Position.x == i.Position.x and coordinates.Position.y + 1 == i.Position.y and (
                                            i.Robot or i.Soldier or i.Tank)) \
                                    or (
                                                coordinates.Position.x == i.Position.x and coordinates.Position.y - 1 == i.Position.y and (
                                            i.Robot or i.Soldier or i.Tank))) \
                                            and (currentplayer.Money >= 1000 or (
                                                    currentplayer.Player == 3 and currentplayer.Money >= 800)):
                                unit = UnitClasses.Boat(currentplayer.Player)
                                boot = 0
                                zetten += 1
                                if currentplayer.Player == 3:
                                    currentplayer.Money -= 800
                                    currentplayer.Money -= 1000
                                randint = random.randint(0, 4)
                                if randint == 0:
                                    boat1 = pygame.mixer.Sound('Pics/sound/boat1.wav')
                                if randint == 1:
                                    boat2 = pygame.mixer.Sound('Pics/sound/boat2.wav')
                                if randint == 2:
                                    boat3 = pygame.mixer.Sound('Pics/sound/boat3.wav')
                                if randint == 3:
                                    boat4 = pygame.mixer.Sound('Pics/sound/boat4.wav')
                                if randint == 4:
                                    boat5 = pygame.mixer.Sound('Pics/sound/boat5.wav')

        Base.Moneycount(currentplayer, moneycheck, Map)
        moneycheck = True

        if coordinates is not None and coordinates1 is None:
            if (
                            coordinates.Soldier != [] or coordinates.Tank != [] or coordinates.Robot != [] or coordinates.Boat != []):
                if len(coordinates.Soldier) > 0:
                    soldiercheck = 0
                    for i in coordinates.Soldier:
                        if i.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                            soldiercheck += 1
                            if soldiercheck == len(coordinates.Soldier):
                                coordinates1 = getTile(event, mouse_pos, Map)
                if len(coordinates.Robot) > 0:
                    robotcheck = 0
                    for i in coordinates.Robot:
                        if i.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                            robotcheck += 1
                            if robotcheck == len(coordinates.Robot):
                                coordinates1 = getTile(event, mouse_pos, Map)
                if len(coordinates.Tank) > 0:
                    tankcheck = 0
                    for i in coordinates.Tank:
                        if i.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                            tankcheck += 1
                            if tankcheck == len(coordinates.Tank):
                                coordinates1 = getTile(event, mouse_pos, Map)
                if len(coordinates.Boat) > 0:
                    boatcheck = 0
                    for i in coordinates.Boat:
                        if i.Player == currentplayer.Player:
                            boatcheck += 1
                            if boatcheck == len(coordinates.Boat):
                                coordinates1 = getTile(event, mouse_pos, Map)

        if coordinates1 != coordinates and coordinates is not None and coordinates1 is not None:
            if (
                            coordinates1.Soldier != [] or coordinates1.Tank != [] or coordinates1.Robot != [] or coordinates1.Boat != []):
                # print("Deze unit behoort tot player: " + str(coordinates1.Soldier[0].Player))
                coordinates2 = getTile(event, mouse_pos, Map)
                players = Tile.selectUnit(coordinates1, coordinates2, Map, currentplayer, players)
                zetten += 1
                print("Het aantal zetten = " + str(zetten))
                coordinates1 = None
                coordinates2 = None
                coordinates = None

        if zetten >= 4:
            player += 1
            if player > len(players) - 1:
                player = 0
            currentplayer = players[player]
            zetten = 0
            moneycheck = False
            TurnText = turnfont.render("Player " + str(currentplayer.Player) + "'s turn!", 1, (0, 0, 0))
            TurnPNG = pygame.image.load('Pics/units/playerturn_button.png')
            main_surface.blit(TurnPNG, (300, 200))
            main_surface.blit(TurnText, (325, 235))

        if klik == 1:
            main_surface.blit(areyousurepng, (300, 200))
            yesbutton = pygame.Rect(410, 415, 190, 100)  # position yes button
            nobutton = pygame.Rect(630, 415, 190, 100)  # position no button
            if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and yesbutton.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and nobutton.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                klik = 2
        elif klik == 2:
            main_surface.blit(bordload, (0, 0))
            klik = 0

        if currentplayer.Money >= 50000:
            main_surface.blit(pygame.image.load('Pics/winner.png'), (0, 0))
            playertext = font.render(("Player " + str(currentplayer.Player) + " is the winner"), 1, (255, 255, 255))
            main_surface.blit(playertext, (500, 670))
            escapetext = font.render(("Press esc to go back to main menu"), 1, (255, 255, 255))
            main_surface.blit(escapetext, (450, 700))
            if ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:  # back to main menu

Пример #3

    timeout = [60, 90, 150, 150]
    opt_dict = {
        'CARLA': None,
        'HOST': host,
        'PORT': port,
        'TIMEOUT': timeout,
        'OUTPUT_SUMMARY': summary_file,
        'RUNNABLE': runnable,
        'CAMERAS': cameras,
        'WIDTH': width,
        'HEIGHT': height,
        'WEATHERS': weathers,
        'REPETITIONS': repetitions_per_experiment,
        'START_GOAL_POSES': start_goal_poses,
        'PEDESTRIANS': pedestrians,
        'VEHICLES': vehicles,
        'EXPERIMENTS_TO_RUN': experiments_to_run

    # run experiments

if (__name__ == '__main__'):

    # instance your controller here
    runnable = Manual()
Пример #4
                if controller.name == 'Logitech Gamepad F710':  # Is the controller the right one?
                    controller_connected = True
                    print('Connected to controller')
                print(event, "failed.... trying again")


run = True

while run:
    if mode == 1:
    elif mode == 2:
    try:  # If controller disconnects catch error
        for event in controller.read_loop():  # For each button/joystick event
            if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY:  # If event was button
                if event.value == 1:  # If button was pressed(not released)
                    button(event)  # Handle button press
            if event.type == 3 and mode == 0:  # If event was joystick
                print("event joy")
                Manual.joystick(event)  # Handle joystick input
    except OSError:  # If controller disconnected
        print("Controller disconnected")
        connect_controller()  # Reconnect to controller
Пример #5
from random import randint
import serial               # used for serial communications. came from <pip3.6 install pyserial>
import RR_CommandGenerator     # class developed to generate a limited number of TT robot commands
import time
import pickle

root = tk.Tk()
state = RuntimeState.RuntimeState()

# Setup main window
main_image = Image.open("C:\\Users\\Finlay\\Documents\\Images\\MAIN.jpg")
main_image_tk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(main_image)
background = tk.Toplevel(root, background='black', width=640, height=480)
background.title("PxlRT Studio")

# Create 4 windows that can be displayed in the info panel
initialise_panel = Initialise.Initialise(background, state)
manual_panel = Manual.Manual(background, state)
settings_panel = Settings.Settings(background, state)
tileprint_panel = TilePrint.TilePrint(background, state)

# Create main controls
controls = Controls.Controls(background, initialise_panel, manual_panel, settings_panel, tileprint_panel, state)

Пример #6
              scrollregion=(0, 0, 1000, 1000))
c.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.N + tk.S + tk.E + tk.W)

param_pal = tk.Frame(c, bg="grey10")
param_pal.place(x=0, y=0)
# tk.Label(param_pal, text="oops").pack()
for i in range(30):
    tk.Label(param_pal, text=i, fg="yellow", bg="black").grid(row=i)
    tk.Entry(param_pal, fg="black").grid(row=i, column=1)

id = c.create_window(10, 0, anchor=tk.NW, window=param_pal)



iw = Initialise.Initialise(info_initialise)

mw = Manual.Manual(info_manual)

sw = Settings.Settings(background)
