def select_marked_region(self, attr = "unused"): select = [] if len(self.marked) != 1: raise Beep("Must be exactly one marked node!") if len(self.current_nodes) != 1: raise Beep("Must be exactly one selected node!") import Path a = Path.path_to(self.get_current()) b = Path.path_to(self.marked.keys()[0]) while a and b and a[0] == b[0]: del a[0] del b[0] if a and b: select = [] s = 0 a = a[0] b = b[0] for x in a.parentNode.childNodes: if x == a: s = not s elif x == b: s = not s if s: select.append(x) self.move_to(select) else: raise Beep("One node is a parent of the other!")
def dict2dir(dir, dic, mode="w"): dir = Path(dir) if not dir.exists(): dir.mkdir() for filename, content in dic.items(): p = Path(dir, filename) if isinstance(content, dict): dict2dir(p, content) continue f = open(p, mode) f.write(content) f.close()
def lbl_path_clicked(self, lbl): btns = (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK) dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Choose a folder", self.win_main, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER, btns) startingPath = Path.full(self.prefs.get("last-opened-folder")) dialog.set_current_folder(startingPath) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: pathStr = dialog.get_filename() self.prefs.set("last-opened-folder", pathStr) self.cbox_path.get_child().set_text(Path.pretty(pathStr)) dialog.destroy() return True
def rf2(): """ Submission: rf2_0704_04.csv 3000 trees E_val: 0.871431 E_in: 0.999998 E_out: 30000 trees E_val: E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30000, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='auto', max_features='log2'), y) logger.debug('Eval(oob): %f', rf.oob_score_) logger.debug('Ein: %f', Util.auc_score(rf, X_scaled, y)) IO.cache(rf, Path.of_cache('rf.RandomForestClassifier.log2.pkl')) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('rf', rf)]), 'rf2_0704_04')
def btn_search_clicked(self, data): tab = self.getActiveTab() if tab.isSearching:"There is already a search happening in this tab.") return self.clear_results() string = self.cbox_search.get_active_text() path = Path.pretty(self.cbox_path.get_active_text()) self.cbox_path.get_child().set_text(path) if not string.strip(): tab.getTextBuffer().set_text("You forgot to provide a search string") self.cbox_search.get_child().grab_focus() return True if not path.strip(): tab.getTextBuffer().set_text("You forgot to provide a search folder") self.cbox_path.get_child().grab_focus() return True self.add_path_history(path) self.add_search_history(string) # Pass parameters to tab's grep engine = self.prefs.get("exclude-dirs") = self.prefs.get("exclude-files") ="match-limit") = self.chk_case.get_active() # Update Tab label widgets tab.setTitleText(string + " : " + path) tab.setSpinner(True) tab.startSearch(string, path, self.set_result_status)
def svc(): """ Submission: svc_0703_04.csv E_val: E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.grid_search import RandomizedSearchCV from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV from scipy.stats import expon X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) svc = SVC(kernel='linear', class_weight='auto') rs = RandomizedSearchCV(svc, n_iter=50, scoring='roc_auc', n_jobs=-1, cv=StratifiedKFold(y, 5), param_distributions={'C': expon()}), y) logger.debug('Got best SVC.') logger.debug('Grid scores: %s', rs.grid_scores_) logger.debug('Best score (E_val): %s', rs.best_score_) logger.debug('Best params: %s', rs.best_params_) IO.cache(rs, Path.of_cache('svc.RandomizedSearchCV.SVC.pkl')) svc = rs.best_estimator_ IO.cache(rs, Path.of_cache('svc.SVC.pkl')) isotonic = CalibratedClassifierCV(svc, cv=StratifiedKFold(y, 5), method='isotonic'), y) IO.cache(rs, Path.of_cache('svc.CalibratedClassifierCV.isotonic.pkl')) logger.debug('Got best isotonic CalibratedClassifier.') logger.debug('E_in (isotonic): %f', Util.auc_score(isotonic, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('svc', isotonic)]), 'svc_0703_04')
def activate(self, searchPath=None): self.reload_search_box() self.reload_path_box() if searchPath: self.cbox_path.get_child().set_text(Path.pretty(searchPath)) self.chk_case.set_active(self.prefs.get("case-sensitive")) self.cbox_search.get_child().grab_focus() self.gtk_window.show_all()
def execute(helix, argv): path = "" inp = " " utili={"Author","About"} utile={"Modules","Base","Lib","AppData","Manp"} while inp != "": inp = input("Insert the path of the file: ") if inp == "": break elif os.path.isfile(inp): path += inp + "," else: perror("File " + inp + " not found.") names = extractFileName(path) f = open(Path.path_tinst() + "manifest.ifest", "w") f.write("Name:" + names.replace(".py", "").lower() + "\n") temp = "" while not 0 < len(temp)<=32 : temp = input("Write you sign key: ") f.write("Signed:" + temp + "\n") for temp in utili: inp=input(temp+": ") if inp != "": f.write(temp+": "+inp+"\n") temp = "" while temp == "": temp = input("Write the tag of the module: ") f.write("Tag:" + temp.replace(" ", "") + "\n") for temp in utile: inp=" " while inp != "": inp=input("What do you want to put in "+temp+"? (Separate them with \",\"): ").replace(" ","") if inp!="" and names.__contains__(inp): f.write(temp+":" + inp + "\n") names.replace(inp+",","") break f.close() zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(Path.path_tinst() + "", "w") for fila in path.split(",")[:-1]: zipf.write(fila, fila.split(os.sep)[-1]) zipf.write(Path.path_tinst() + "manifest.ifest", "manifest.ifest") zipf.close() os.remove(Path.path_tinst() + "manifest.ifest") psuccess("File ready at: " + Path.path_tinst())
def _buildPathArea(self, obj, baseobject, isHole, start, getsim): '''_buildPathArea(obj, baseobject, isHole, start, getsim) ... internal function.''' PathLog.track() area = Path.Area() area.setPlane(PathUtils.makeWorkplane(baseobject)) area.add(baseobject) areaParams = self.areaOpAreaParams(obj, isHole) heights = [i for i in self.depthparams] PathLog.debug('depths: {}'.format(heights)) area.setParams(**areaParams) obj.AreaParams = str(area.getParams()) PathLog.debug("Area with params: {}".format(area.getParams())) sections = area.makeSections(mode=0, project=self.areaOpUseProjection(obj), heights=heights) PathLog.debug("sections = %s" % sections) shapelist = [sec.getShape() for sec in sections] PathLog.debug("shapelist = %s" % shapelist) pathParams = self.areaOpPathParams(obj, isHole) pathParams['shapes'] = shapelist pathParams['feedrate'] = self.horizFeed pathParams['feedrate_v'] = self.vertFeed pathParams['verbose'] = True pathParams['resume_height'] = obj.SafeHeight.Value pathParams['retraction'] = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value pathParams['return_end'] = True # Note that emitting preambles between moves breaks some dressups and prevents path optimization on some controllers pathParams['preamble'] = False if not self.areaOpRetractTool(obj): pathParams['threshold'] = 2.001 * self.radius if self.endVector is not None: pathParams['start'] = self.endVector elif PathOp.FeatureStartPoint & self.opFeatures(obj) and obj.UseStartPoint: pathParams['start'] = obj.StartPoint obj.PathParams = str({key: value for key, value in pathParams.items() if key != 'shapes'}) PathLog.debug("Path with params: {}".format(obj.PathParams)) (pp, end_vector) = Path.fromShapes(**pathParams) PathLog.debug('pp: {}, end vector: {}'.format(pp, end_vector)) self.endVector = end_vector simobj = None if getsim: areaParams['Thicken'] = True areaParams['ToolRadius'] = self.radius - self.radius * .005 area.setParams(**areaParams) sec = area.makeSections(mode=0, project=False, heights=heights)[-1].getShape() simobj = sec.extrude(FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, baseobject.BoundBox.ZMax)) return pp, simobj
def rf(): """ Submission: rf_0708_01.csv 3000 trees E_val: 0.871837 E_in: 0.999998 E_out: 0.882316801296279 15000 trees E_val: 0.872011 E_in: 0.999998 E_out: 0.8824869811781106 30000 trees E_val: 0.871928 E_in: E_out: depth=4; 12000 trees E_val: 0.969158 E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier import numpy as np X, y = dataset.load_train(depth=1) raw_scaler = StandardScaler()[X, dataset.load_test()]) X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) del X import gc gc.collect() rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=12000, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='auto'), y) logger.debug('RandomForestClassifier fitted') logger.debug('E_val(oob): %f', rf.oob_score_) logger.debug('E_in(full): %f', Util.auc_score(rf, X_scaled, y)) X, y = dataset.load_train() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) logger.debug('E_in (depth=0): %f', Util.auc_score(rf, X_scaled, y)) del X gc.collect() IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('rf', rf)]), 'rf_0708_01') logger.debug('caching fitted RandomForestClassifier') IO.cache(rf, Path.of_cache('rf.RandomForestClassifier.12000.pkl')) logger.debug('cached fitted RandomForestClassifier')
def __init__(self, reponame, append=True): self.reponame = reponame self.path = Path.path_evlog() + reponame = None if append: = open(self.path, "a") else: = open(self.path, "w")"[%s] %s:\n\n" % (EventCollector.__get_time(), reponame))
def cached_func(*args, **kwargs): pkl_path = Path.of_cache(file_path + '.pkl') data = fetch_cache(pkl_path) if data is None: data = func(*args, **kwargs) cache(data, pkl_path) return data
def lr_with_fs(): """ Submission: lr_with_fs_0703_01.csv E_val: E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV, LogisticRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV import pylab as pl X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) pkl_path = Path.of_cache('lr_with_fs.RFECV.pkl') rfe = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_path) if rfe is None: rfe = RFECV(estimator=LogisticRegression(class_weight='auto'), cv=StratifiedKFold(y, 5), scoring='roc_auc'), y) IO.cache(rfe, pkl_path) print("Optimal number of features : %d" % rfe.n_features_) # Plot number of features VS. cross-validation scores pl.figure() pl.xlabel("Number of features selected") pl.ylabel("Cross validation score (AUC)") pl.plot(range(1, len(rfe.grid_scores_) + 1), rfe.grid_scores_) pl.savefig('lr_with_fs.refcv') X_pruned = rfe.transform(X_scaled) new_scaler = StandardScaler() X_new = new_scaler.transform(X_pruned) clf = LogisticRegressionCV(cv=10, scoring='roc_auc', n_jobs=-1), y) print('CV scores: %s' % clf.scores_) print('Ein: %f' % Util.auc_score(clf, X_new, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('rfe', rfe), ('scale_new', new_scaler), ('lr', clf)]), 'lr_with_fs_0703_01')
def gbdt_search(): """ Grid search for best n_estimators. Best params: {'loss': 'deviance', 'n_estimators': 100} Submission: gbdt_search_0707_01.csv E_val: 0.883786743214 E_in: 0.887785 E_out: 0.8848760405053878 """ from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline import numpy as np X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.fit_transform(X) param_grid = { 'loss': ['deviance', 'exponential'], 'n_estimators': np.arange(100, 1001, 100) } params = {'learning_rate': 0.1, 'subsample': 0.5} gb = GradientBoostingClassifier(**params) grid = GridSearchCV(gb, param_grid, scoring='roc_auc', n_jobs=-1, cv=StratifiedKFold(y, 5), refit=True, verbose=1), y) logger.debug('Got best GBDT.') logger.debug('Grid scores: ') for i, grid_score in enumerate(grid.grid_scores_): print('\t%d00: %s' % (i + 1, grid_score)) logger.debug('Best score (E_val): %s', grid.best_score_) logger.debug('Best params: %s', grid.best_params_) IO.cache(grid, Path.of_cache('gbdt_search.GridSearchCV.pkl')) X_test = dataset.load_test()[X, X_test]) X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) params.update(grid.best_params_) clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(**params), y) logger.debug('E_in: %f', Util.auc_score(grid, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scaler', raw_scaler), ('gbdt', grid)]), 'gbdt_search_0707_01')
def gbdt_grid(): """ Grid search for best params. Best params: {'learning_rate': 0.05, 'subsample': 0.3} Submission: gbdt_grid_0706_03.csv E_val: 0.860118290628 E_in: 0.882949 E_out: 0.8809314555068068 """ from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline import numpy as np X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.fit_transform(X) param_grid = { 'learning_rate': [0.05, 0.1], 'subsample': [0.3, 0.5, 0.7] } grid = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=3000), param_grid, scoring='roc_auc', n_jobs=-1, cv=StratifiedKFold(y, 5), refit=False, verbose=1), y) logger.debug('Got best GBDT.') logger.debug('Grid scores: %s', grid.grid_scores_) logger.debug('Best score (E_val): %s', grid.best_score_) logger.debug('Best params: %s', grid.best_params_) X_test = dataset.load_test() raw_scaler.fit_transform(np.r_[X, X_test]) X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(**grid.best_params_), y) IO.cache(grid, Path.of_cache('gbdt_grid.GridSearchCV.pkl')) logger.debug('E_in: %f', Util.auc_score(clf, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scaler', raw_scaler), ('gbdt', clf)]), 'gbdt_grid_0706_03')
def gbdt(): """ Submission: gbdt_0708_02.csv n_estimators: 1000, learning_rate: 0.1, subsample: 0.5 E_val: 0.858235 E_in: 0.908622 E_out: 0.8873906795559863 n_estimators: 500, learning_rate: 0.1, subsample: 0.5 E_val: 0.870976 E_in: 0.899593 E_out: 0.88711101837711 n_estimators: 3000, learning_rate: 0.1, subsample: 0.5 E_val: 0.836049 E_in: 0.936056 E_out: 0.8833930861722906 depth=4; n_estimators: 1000, learning_rate: 0.1, subsample: 0.5 E_val: 0.947301 E_in: 0.983812 (on depth=4) // 0.85089646325496504 (on depth=0) E_out: 0.8855316272153549 """ from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline import numpy as np gb = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=1000, learning_rate=0.1, subsample=0.5) d = 0 X, y = dataset.load_train(depth=d) raw_scaler = StandardScaler()[X, dataset.load_test()]) X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X), y) IO.cache(gb, Path.of_cache('gbdt.GradientBoostingClassifier.d%d.pkl' % d)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scaler', raw_scaler), ('gbdt', gb)]), 'gbdt_0708_02.1000.d%d' % d) logger.debug('E_in(full): %f', Util.auc_score(gb, X_scaled, y)) X, y = dataset.load_train() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) logger.debug('E_in(depth=0): %f', Util.auc_score(gb, X_scaled, y))
def extract(base_date): pkl_path = Path.of_cache('sessions.%s.pkl' % base_date) X = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_path) if X is not None: logger.debug('cache hit') return X logger.debug('cache missed') logger.debug('prepare datasets ...') enroll_all = IO.load_enrollments() log_all = IO.load_logs() log_all = log_all[log_all['time'] <= base_date] logger.debug('datasets prepared') check_dataframe = Util.dataframe_checker(logger) n_proc = par.cpu_count() params = [(log_all, dt) for dt in [timedelta(hours=3), timedelta(hours=1), timedelta(hours=12), timedelta(days=1), timedelta(days=7)]] log_problem = log_all[log_all['event'] == 'problem'] params += [(log_problem, dt) for dt in [timedelta(hours=3), timedelta(hours=1)]] pool = par.Pool(processes=min(n_proc, len(params))) X = enroll_all for dt, X_ in, params): check_dataframe(X_, str(dt)) X = pd.merge(X, X_, how='left', on='enrollment_id') pool.close() pool.join() del X['username'] del X['course_id'] X.fillna(0, inplace=True) check_dataframe(X, 'X') IO.cache(X, pkl_path) return X
def erf(): """ Submission: erf_0705_01.csv 3000 trees E_val: 0.870800 E_in: 0.999998 E_out: 15000 trees E_val: E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) del X rf = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=3000, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='auto', bootstrap=True), y) logger.debug('ExtraTreesClassifier fitted') import gc gc.collect() logger.debug('Eval(oob): %f', rf.oob_score_) logger.debug('Ein: %f', Util.auc_score(rf, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('erf', rf)]), 'erf_0705_01') logger.debug('caching fitted ExtraTreesClassifier') IO.cache(rf, Path.of_cache('')) logger.debug('cached fitted ExtraTreesClassifier')
def lr_with_fs1(): """ Submission: lr_with_fs1_0703_03.csv E_val: E_in: 0.876954 E_out: """ from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV, LogisticRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) pkl_path = Path.of_cache('lr_with_fs1.LR.FS.pkl') lr = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_path) if lr is None: lr = LogisticRegression(class_weight='auto'), y) IO.cache(lr, pkl_path) X_pruned = lr.transform(X_scaled) new_scaler = StandardScaler() X_new = new_scaler.transform(X_pruned) clf = LogisticRegressionCV(cv=10, scoring='roc_auc', n_jobs=-1), y) print('CV scores: %s' % clf.scores_) print('Ein: %f' % Util.auc_score(clf, X_new, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('fs', lr), ('scale_new', new_scaler), ('lr', clf)]), 'lr_with_fs1_0703_03')
def load_test(): """ Load dataset for testing. Returns ------- X: numpy ndarray, shape: (num_of_enrollments, num_of_features) Rows of features. """ logger.debug('loading test set') pkl_path = Path.of_cache('test_X.pkl') X = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_path) if X is None: base_date = datetime(2014, 8, 1, 22, 0, 47) X = IO.load_enrollment_test() for f in features.METHODS: X_ = f.extract(base_date) if X_ is None: print('%s returns None' % repr(f.__name__)) continue if np.any(pd.isnull(X_)): raise RuntimeError('%s can generate NA(s)' % repr(f.__name__)) X = pd.merge(X, X_, how='left', on='enrollment_id') if np.any(pd.isnull(X)): raise RuntimeError('%s does not generate features of all ' 'enrollments' % repr(f.__name__)) del X['enrollment_id'] del X['username'] del X['course_id'] X = X.as_matrix() IO.cache(X, pkl_path) logger.debug('test set loaded') return X
def erf2(): """ Submission: erf2_0705_02.csv 3000 trees E_val: [0.83766072, 0.89704662, 0.85299486, 0.8639041, 0.82955865] E_in: 1.000000 E_out: """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) del X import gc gc.collect() erf = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=3000, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='auto') scores = cross_val_score(erf, X_scaled, y, cv=5, n_jobs=-1) logger.debug('CV: %s', scores) logger.debug('Eval: %f', sum(scores) / len(scores)), y) logger.debug('ExtraTreesClassifier fitted') logger.debug('Ein: %f', Util.auc_score(erf, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('erf', erf)]), 'erf2_0705_02') logger.debug('caching fitted ExtraTreesClassifier') IO.cache(erf, Path.of_cache('')) logger.debug('cached fitted ExtraTreesClassifier')
def grep(self, string, searchPath): # Figure out if we're executig a local grep, or remote grep via ssh #(user, host, searchPath) = self.remote_params(searchPath) #self.is_remote = (user != None) self.cancelled = False self.check_regex(string) searchPath = Path.full(searchPath) # Construct args for grep command execution argList = self.build_grep_args(string, searchPath) #if self.is_remote: # argList = self.build_ssh_args(user, host) + argList # Run command stdErrFile = tempfile.TemporaryFile() stdOutFile = tempfile.TemporaryFile() self.grepProc = subprocess.Popen(argList, stdout=stdOutFile, stderr=stdErrFile) self.grepProc.wait() # Handle case where operation was cancelled if self.grepProc.returncode < 0: return # Read data from stdout/stderror output ='utf-8', 'replace') stdOutFile.close() errMsg = stdErrFile.close() if self.grepProc.returncode == 1: raise NoResultsException() if self.grepProc.returncode > 1: raise GrepException(errMsg) return self.parse_output(output, searchPath, string, self.is_remote)
def knn(): """ Submission: knn_0704_01.csv E_val: E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier import numpy as np X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) knn = KNeighborsClassifier() params = { 'n_neighbors': np.arange(5, 51, 5), 'weights': ['uniform', 'distance'], 'leaf_size': np.arange(30, 201, 10) } grid = GridSearchCV(knn, params, scoring='roc_auc', n_jobs=-1, cv=StratifiedKFold(y, 5)), y) logger.debug('Got best kNN.') logger.debug('Grid scores: %s', grid.grid_scores_) logger.debug('Best score (E_val): %s', grid.best_score_) logger.debug('Best params: %s', grid.best_params_) IO.cache(grid, Path.of_cache('knn.GridSearchCV.KNeighborsClassifier.pkl')) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('knn', grid)]), 'knn_0704_01')
def activate_result(self, itr): if not self.results or self.results.is_remote: return True if len(self.results) <= itr.get_line(): return True result = self.results[itr.get_line()] for tag in itr.get_tags(): # FIXME: Create a findTagByType function? if tag.get_property('name') == 'link': (itr, itr_end) = self.get_tag_pos(itr, tag) filename = self.getTextBuffer().get_text(itr, itr_end, False) filename = os.path.join(self.results.search_path, filename) filename = Path.full(filename) cmdList = [] for itm in'editor').split(' '): if '$1' in itm: itm = itm.replace('$1', filename) if '$n' in itm: itm = itm.replace('$n', result.linenum) cmdList.append(itm) subprocess.Popen(cmdList) return True return False
def parse_output(self, output, searchPath, searchString, is_remote): results = GrepResults() results.search_path = searchPath results.search_string = searchString results.is_remote = is_remote for line in output.splitlines(): (filename, sep, rest) = line.partition(':') (linenum, sep, text) = rest.partition(':') if (not filename) or (not text) or (not linenum): continue if (self.max_matches > 0) and len(results) == self.max_matches: break # Ignore case where we have malformed data in output try: int(linenum) except: continue results.append(GrepResult(Path.relativeTo(filename, searchPath), text, linenum)) return results
def cmd(g, end, off): return Path.Command(g, {'X': end.x, 'Y': end.y, 'Z': end.z, 'I': off.x, 'J': off.y, 'K': off.z})
def testLinuxCNC(self): # first create something to generate a path for box = self.doc.addObject("Part::Box", "Box") # Create job and setup tool library + default tool job = self.doc.addObject("Path::FeatureCompoundPython", "Job") PathScripts.PathJob.ObjectPathJob(job, box, None) PathScripts.PathToolController.CommandPathToolController.Create( job.Name, False) tool1 = Path.Tool() tool1.Diameter = 5.0 tool1.Name = "Default Tool" tool1.CuttingEdgeHeight = 15.0 tool1.ToolType = "EndMill" tool1.Material = "HighSpeedSteel" tc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Path::FeaturePython", 'TC') PathScripts.PathToolController.ToolController(tc) PathScripts.PathUtils.addToJob(tc, "Job") tc.Tool = tool1 tc.ToolNumber = 2 self.failUnless(True) self.doc.getObject("TC").ToolNumber = 2 self.doc.recompute() contour = self.doc.addObject("Path::FeaturePython", "Contour") PathScripts.PathContour.ObjectContour(contour) contour.Active = True contour.ClearanceHeight = 20.0 contour.StepDown = 1.0 contour.StartDepth = 10.0 contour.FinalDepth = 0.0 contour.SafeHeight = 12.0 contour.OffsetExtra = 0.0 contour.Direction = 'CW' contour.ToolController = tc contour.UseComp = False PathScripts.PathUtils.addToJob(contour) PathScripts.PathContour.ObjectContour.setDepths(contour.Proxy, contour) self.doc.recompute() job.PostProcessor = 'linuxcnc' job.PostProcessorArgs = '--no-header --no-line-numbers --no-comments --no-show-editor --output-precision=2' post = PathScripts.PathPost.CommandPathPost() (fail, gcode) = post.exportObjectsWith([job], job, False) self.assertFalse(fail) referenceFile = FreeCAD.getHomePath( ) + 'Mod/Path/PathTests/test_linuxcnc_00.ngc' with open(referenceFile, 'r') as fp: refGCode = # Use if this test fails in order to have a real good look at the changes if False: with open('tab.tmp', 'w') as fp: fp.write(gcode) if gcode != refGCode: msg = ''.join( difflib.ndiff(gcode.splitlines(True), refGCode.splitlines(True)))"linuxcnc output doesn't match: " + msg)
def PerformCutBoolean(self): if self.resetSimulation: self.resetSimulation = False self.SetupSimulation() if self.busy: return self.busy = True cmd = self.operation.Path.Commands[self.icmd] pathSolid = None if cmd.Name in ["G0"]: self.firstDrill = True self.curpos = self.RapidMove(cmd, self.curpos) if cmd.Name in ["G1", "G2", "G3"]: self.firstDrill = True if self.skipStep: self.curpos = self.RapidMove(cmd, self.curpos) else: (pathSolid, self.curpos) = self.GetPathSolid(self.tool, cmd, self.curpos) if cmd.Name in ["G80"]: self.firstDrill = True if cmd.Name in ["G73", "G81", "G82", "G83"]: if self.firstDrill: extendcommand = Path.Command("G0", {"Z": cmd.r}) self.curpos = self.RapidMove(extendcommand, self.curpos) self.firstDrill = False extendcommand = Path.Command("G0", { "X": cmd.x, "Y": cmd.y, "Z": cmd.r }) self.curpos = self.RapidMove(extendcommand, self.curpos) extendcommand = Path.Command("G1", { "X": cmd.x, "Y": cmd.y, "Z": cmd.z }) self.curpos = self.RapidMove(extendcommand, self.curpos) extendcommand = Path.Command("G1", { "X": cmd.x, "Y": cmd.y, "Z": cmd.r }) self.curpos = self.RapidMove(extendcommand, self.curpos) self.skipStep = False if pathSolid is not None: if self.debug: self.cutSolid.Shape = pathSolid newStock = self.stock.cut([pathSolid], 1e-3) try: if newStock.isValid(): self.stock = newStock.removeSplitter() except Exception: if self.debug: print("invalid cut at cmd #{}".format(self.icmd)) if not self.disableAnim: self.cutTool.Placement = FreeCAD.Placement(self.curpos, self.stdrot) self.icmd += 1 self.iprogress += 1 self.UpdateProgress() if self.icmd >= len(self.operation.Path.Commands): self.ioperation += 1 if self.ioperation >= len(self.activeOps): self.EndSimulation() return else: self.SetupOperation(self.ioperation) if not self.disableAnim: self.cutMaterial.Shape = self.stock self.busy = False
def opExecute(self, obj): '''opExecute(obj) ... process engraving operation''' PathLog.track() jobshapes = [] if len(obj.Base) >= 1: # user has selected specific subelements PathLog.track(len(obj.Base)) wires = [] for base, subs in obj.Base: edges = [] basewires = [] for feature in subs: sub = base.Shape.getElement(feature) if type(sub) == Part.Edge: edges.append(sub) elif sub.Wires: basewires.extend(sub.Wires) else: basewires.append(Part.Wire(sub.Edges)) for edgelist in Part.sortEdges(edges): basewires.append(Part.Wire(edgelist)) wires.extend(basewires) jobshapes.append(Part.makeCompound(wires)) elif len(obj.BaseShapes) > 0: # user added specific shapes jobshapes.extend([base.Shape for base in obj.BaseShapes]) else: PathLog.track(self.model) for base in self.model: PathLog.track(base.Label) if base.isDerivedFrom('Part::Part2DObject'): jobshapes.append(base.Shape) elif base.isDerivedFrom('Sketcher::SketchObject'): jobshapes.append(base.Shape) elif hasattr(base, 'ArrayType'): jobshapes.append(base.Shape) elif isinstance(base.Proxy, ArchPanel.PanelSheet): for tag in self.model[0].Proxy.getTags(self.model[0], transform=True): tagWires = [] for w in tag.Wires: tagWires.append(Part.Wire(w.Edges)) jobshapes.append(Part.makeCompound(tagWires)) if len(jobshapes) > 0: PathLog.debug('processing {} jobshapes'.format(len(jobshapes))) wires = [] for shape in jobshapes: shapeWires = shape.Wires PathLog.debug('jobshape has {} edges'.format(len(shape.Edges))) self.commandlist.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'Z': obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid })) self.buildpathocc(obj, shapeWires, self.getZValues(obj)) wires.extend(shapeWires) self.wires = wires PathLog.debug('processing {} jobshapes -> {} wires'.format( len(jobshapes), len(wires))) # the last command is a move to clearance, which is automatically added by PathOp if self.commandlist: self.commandlist.pop()
# update base_date and enroll_ids base_date -= Dw enroll_ids = __enroll_ids_with_log__(log_all, enroll_ids, base_date) logger.debug('train set loaded') if np.any(np.isinf(X)): logger.debug('train set has INF') return X, y if __name__ == '__main__': import glob if sys.argv[1] == 'clean': cached_files = glob.glob(Path.of_cache('train_X*.pkl')) cached_files += glob.glob(Path.of_cache('train_y*.pkl')) cached_files += glob.glob(Path.of_cache('test_X.pkl')) for f in cached_files: print('Removing %s ...' % f) os.remove(f) elif sys.argv[1] == 'gen': d = 1 if len(sys.argv) > 2: d = int(sys.argv[2]) print('depth: %d' % d) X, y = load_train(depth=d) print('X.shape: %d x %d' % X.shape) print('y.shape: %d' % y.shape) X_test = load_test()
def execute(self, obj): PathLog.track() output = "" if obj.Comment != "": output += '(' + str(obj.Comment)+')\n' toolLoad = obj.ToolController if toolLoad is None or toolLoad.ToolNumber == 0: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No Tool Controller is selected. We need a tool to build a Path.") return else: self.vertFeed = toolLoad.VertFeed.Value self.horizFeed = toolLoad.HorizFeed.Value self.vertRapid = toolLoad.VertRapid.Value self.horizRapid = toolLoad.HorizRapid.Value tool = toolLoad.Proxy.getTool(toolLoad) if not tool or tool.Diameter == 0: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No Tool found or diameter is zero. We need a tool to build a Path.") return else: self.radius = tool.Diameter/2 if len(obj.Names) == 0: parentJob = PathUtils.findParentJob(obj) if parentJob is None: return baseobject = parentJob.Base if baseobject is None: return # Arch PanelSheet if hasattr(baseobject, "Proxy"): holes = [] if isinstance(baseobject.Proxy, ArchPanel.PanelSheet): baseobject.Proxy.execute(baseobject) i = 0 holeshapes = baseobject.Proxy.getHoles(baseobject, transform=True) tooldiameter = obj.ToolController.Proxy.getTool(obj.ToolController).Diameter for holeshape in holeshapes: PathLog.debug('Entering new HoleShape') for wire in holeshape.Wires: PathLog.debug('Entering new Wire') for edge in wire.Edges: if PathUtils.isDrillable(baseobject, edge, tooldiameter): PathLog.debug('Found drillable hole edges: {}'.format(edge)) x = edge.Curve.Center.x y = edge.Curve.Center.y diameter = edge.BoundBox.XLength holes.append({'x': x, 'y': y, 'featureName': baseobject.Name+'.'+'Drill'+str(i), 'd': diameter}) i = i + 1 else: holes = self.findHoles(obj, baseobject.Shape) for i in range(len(holes)): holes[i]['featureName'] = baseobject.Name + '.' + holes[i]['featureName'] names = [] positions = [] enabled = [] diameters = [] for h in holes: if len(names) == 0: self.findHeights(obj, baseobject, h) names.append(h['featureName']) positions.append(FreeCAD.Vector(h['x'], h['y'], 0)) enabled.append(1) diameters.append(h['d']) obj.Names = names obj.Positions = positions obj.Enabled = enabled obj.Diameters = diameters locations = [] output = "(Begin Drilling)\n" for i in range(len(obj.Names)): if obj.Enabled[i] > 0: locations.append({'x': obj.Positions[i].x, 'y': obj.Positions[i].y}) if len(locations) > 0: locations = PathUtils.sort_jobs(locations, ['x', 'y']) output += "G90 G98\n" # rapid to clearance height output += "G0 Z" + str(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n" # rapid to first hole location, with spindle still retracted: p0 = locations[0] output += "G0 X" + fmt(p0['x']) + " Y" + fmt(p0['y']) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.horizRapid) + "\n" # move tool to clearance plane output += "G0 Z" + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n" pword = "" qword = "" if obj.PeckDepth.Value > 0 and obj.PeckEnabled: cmd = "G83" qword = " Q" + fmt(obj.PeckDepth.Value) elif obj.DwellTime > 0 and obj.DwellEnabled: cmd = "G82" pword = " P" + fmt(obj.DwellTime) else: cmd = "G81" for p in locations: output += cmd + \ " X" + fmt(p['x']) + \ " Y" + fmt(p['y']) + \ " Z" + fmt(obj.FinalDepth.Value) + qword + pword + \ " R" + str(obj.RetractHeight.Value) + \ " F" + str(self.vertFeed) + "\n" \ output += "G80\n" if obj.Active: path = Path.Path(output) obj.Path = path obj.ViewObject.Visibility = True else: path = Path.Path("(inactive operation)") obj.Path = path obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
def Execute(op, obj): global sceneGraph global topZ sceneGraph = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSceneGraph() Console.PrintMessage("*** Adaptive toolpath processing started...\n") #hide old toolpaths during recalculation obj.Path = Path.Path("(Calculating...)") #store old visibility state job = op.getJob(obj) oldObjVisibility = obj.ViewObject.Visibility oldJobVisibility = job.ViewObject.Visibility obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False job.ViewObject.Visibility = False FreeCADGui.updateGui() try: helixDiameter = obj.HelixDiameterLimit.Value topZ = op.stock.Shape.BoundBox.ZMax obj.Stopped = False obj.StopProcessing = False if obj.Tolerance < 0.001: obj.Tolerance = 0.001 pathArray = [] for base, subs in obj.Base: for sub in subs: shape = base.Shape.getElement(sub) for edge in shape.Edges: pathArray.append([discretize(edge)]) #pathArray=connectEdges(edges) path2d = convertTo2d(pathArray) stockPaths = [] if op.stock.StockType == "CreateCylinder": stockPaths.append([discretize(op.stock.Shape.Edges[0])]) else: stockBB = op.stock.Shape.BoundBox v = [] v.append(FreeCAD.Vector(stockBB.XMin, stockBB.YMin, 0)) v.append(FreeCAD.Vector(stockBB.XMax, stockBB.YMin, 0)) v.append(FreeCAD.Vector(stockBB.XMax, stockBB.YMax, 0)) v.append(FreeCAD.Vector(stockBB.XMin, stockBB.YMax, 0)) v.append(FreeCAD.Vector(stockBB.XMin, stockBB.YMin, 0)) stockPaths.append([v]) stockPath2d = convertTo2d(stockPaths) opType = area.AdaptiveOperationType.ClearingInside if obj.OperationType == "Clearing": if obj.Side == "Outside": opType = area.AdaptiveOperationType.ClearingOutside else: opType = area.AdaptiveOperationType.ClearingInside else: # profiling if obj.Side == "Outside": opType = area.AdaptiveOperationType.ProfilingOutside else: opType = area.AdaptiveOperationType.ProfilingInside keepToolDownRatio = 3.0 if hasattr(obj, 'KeepToolDownRatio'): keepToolDownRatio = float(obj.KeepToolDownRatio) # put here all properties that influence calculation of adaptive base paths, inputStateObject = { "tool": float(op.tool.Diameter), "tolerance": float(obj.Tolerance), "geometry": path2d, "stockGeometry": stockPath2d, "stepover": float(obj.StepOver), "effectiveHelixDiameter": float(helixDiameter), "operationType": obj.OperationType, "side": obj.Side, "forceInsideOut": obj.ForceInsideOut, "keepToolDownRatio": keepToolDownRatio, "stockToLeave": float(obj.StockToLeave) } inputStateChanged = False adaptiveResults = None if obj.AdaptiveOutputState != None and obj.AdaptiveOutputState != "": adaptiveResults = obj.AdaptiveOutputState if json.dumps(obj.AdaptiveInputState) != json.dumps(inputStateObject): inputStateChanged = True adaptiveResults = None # progress callback fn, if return true it will stop processing def progressFn(tpaths): for path in tpaths: #path[0] contains the MotionType, #path[1] contains list of points if path[0] == area.AdaptiveMotionType.Cutting: sceneDrawPath(path[1], (0, 0, 1)) else: sceneDrawPath(path[1], (1, 0, 1)) FreeCADGui.updateGui() return obj.StopProcessing start = time.time() if inputStateChanged or adaptiveResults == None: a2d = area.Adaptive2d() a2d.stepOverFactor = 0.01 * obj.StepOver a2d.toolDiameter = float(op.tool.Diameter) a2d.helixRampDiameter = helixDiameter a2d.keepToolDownDistRatio = keepToolDownRatio a2d.stockToLeave = float(obj.StockToLeave) a2d.tolerance = float(obj.Tolerance) a2d.forceInsideOut = obj.ForceInsideOut a2d.opType = opType # EXECUTE results = a2d.Execute(stockPath2d, path2d, progressFn) # need to convert results to python object to be JSON serializable adaptiveResults = [] for result in results: adaptiveResults.append({ "HelixCenterPoint": result.HelixCenterPoint, "StartPoint": result.StartPoint, "AdaptivePaths": result.AdaptivePaths, "ReturnMotionType": result.ReturnMotionType }) # GENERATE GenerateGCode(op, obj, adaptiveResults, helixDiameter) if not obj.StopProcessing: Console.PrintMessage("*** Done. Elapsed time: %f sec\n\n" % (time.time() - start)) obj.AdaptiveOutputState = adaptiveResults obj.AdaptiveInputState = inputStateObject else: Console.PrintMessage( "*** Processing cancelled (after: %f sec).\n\n" % (time.time() - start)) finally: obj.ViewObject.Visibility = oldObjVisibility job.ViewObject.Visibility = oldJobVisibility sceneClean()
def opExecute(self, obj, getsim=False): '''opExecute(obj, getsim=False) ... implementation of Path.Area ops. determines the parameters for _buildPathArea(). Do not overwrite, implement areaOpAreaParams(obj, isHole) ... op specific area param dictionary areaOpPathParams(obj, isHole) ... op specific path param dictionary areaOpShapes(obj) ... the shape for path area to process areaOpUseProjection(obj) ... return true if operation can use projection instead.''' PathLog.track() self.endVector = None PathLog.debug("opExecute() in") # Instantiate class variables for operation reference self.rotateFlag = False self.modelName = None self.leadIn = 2.0 # safOfset / 2.0 # Initialize depthparams finish_step = obj.FinishDepth.Value if hasattr(obj, "FinishDepth") else 0.0 self.depthparams = PathUtils.depth_params( clearance_height=obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, safe_height=obj.SafeHeight.Value, start_depth=obj.StartDepth.Value, step_down=obj.StepDown.Value, z_finish_step=finish_step, final_depth=obj.FinalDepth.Value, user_depths=None) # Recalculate operation heights for rotational operation if obj.UseRotation != 'Off': # Calculate operation heights based upon rotation radii opHeights = self.opDetermineRotationRadii( obj ) # return is [(xRotRad, yRotRad, zRotRad), (clrOfst, safOfst)] (xRotRad, yRotRad, zRotRad) = opHeights[0] (clrOfst, safOfset) = opHeights[1] # self.leadIn = 0.0 #safOfset / 2.0 # Set clearnance and safe heights based upon rotation radii obj.ClearanceHeight.Value = xRotRad + clrOfst obj.SafeHeight.Value = xRotRad + safOfset if yRotRad > xRotRad: obj.ClearanceHeight.Value = yRotRad + clrOfst obj.SafeHeight.Value = yRotRad + safOfset # Set axial feed rates based upon horizontal feed rates safeCircum = 2 * math.pi * obj.SafeHeight.Value self.axialFeed = 360 / safeCircum * self.horizFeed self.axialRapid = 360 / safeCircum * self.horizRapid # Set start point if PathOp.FeatureStartPoint & self.opFeatures( obj) and obj.UseStartPoint: start = obj.StartPoint else: start = None aOS = self.areaOpShapes( obj) # list of tuples (shape, isHole, sub, angle, axis, tag) # Adjust tuples length received from other PathWB tools/operations beside PathPocketShape shapes = [] for shp in aOS: if len(shp) == 2: (fc, iH) = shp tup = fc, iH, 'notPocket', 0.0, 'X' shapes.append(tup) else: shapes.append(shp) if len(shapes) > 1: jobs = [{ 'x': s[0].BoundBox.XMax, 'y': s[0].BoundBox.YMax, 'shape': s } for s in shapes] jobs = PathUtils.sort_jobs(jobs, ['x', 'y']) shapes = [j['shape'] for j in jobs] sims = [] for (shape, isHole, sub, angle, axis) in shapes: startDep = obj.StartDepth.Value # + safOfset safeDep = obj.SafeHeight.Value clearDep = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value finalDep = obj.FinalDepth.Value # finDep finish_step = obj.FinishDepth.Value if hasattr( obj, "FinishDepth") else 0.0 self.depthparams = PathUtils.depth_params( clearance_height=clearDep, # obj.ClearanceHeight.Value safe_height=safeDep, # obj.SafeHeight.Value start_depth=startDep, step_down=obj.StepDown.Value, z_finish_step=finish_step, # obj.FinalDepth.Value final_depth=finalDep, user_depths=None) try: (pp, sim) = self._buildPathArea(obj, shape, isHole, start, getsim) ppCmds = pp.Commands if obj.UseRotation != 'Off' and self.rotateFlag is True: # Rotate model to index for cut axisOfRot = 'A' if axis == 'Y': axisOfRot = 'B' # Reverse angle temporarily to match model. Error in FreeCAD render of B axis rotations if obj.B_AxisErrorOverride is True: angle = -1 * angle # Rotate Model to correct angle ppCmds.insert( 0, Path.Command('G0', { axisOfRot: angle, 'F': self.axialFeed })) # Raise cutter to safe depth and return index to starting position ppCmds.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'Z': safeDep, 'F': self.vertRapid })) ppCmds.append( Path.Command('G0', { axisOfRot: 0.0, 'F': self.axialFeed })) # Save gcode commands to object command list self.commandlist.extend(ppCmds) sims.append(sim) except Exception as e: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(e) FreeCAD.Console.PrintError( "Something unexpected happened. Check project and tool config." ) if self.areaOpRetractTool(obj): self.endVector = None # Raise cutter to safe height and rotate back to original orientation if self.rotateFlag is True: self.commandlist.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'Z': obj.SafeHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid })) self.commandlist.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'A': 0.0, 'F': self.axialFeed })) self.commandlist.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'B': 0.0, 'F': self.axialFeed })) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(self.modelName).purgeTouched() PathLog.debug("obj.Name: " + str(obj.Name)) return sims
def execute(self, obj): PathLog.track() output = "" if obj.Comment != "": output += '(' + str(obj.Comment) + ')\n' toolLoad = obj.ToolController if toolLoad is None or toolLoad.ToolNumber == 0: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError( "No Tool Controller is selected. We need a tool to build a Path." ) return else: self.vertFeed = toolLoad.VertFeed.Value self.horizFeed = toolLoad.HorizFeed.Value self.vertRapid = toolLoad.VertRapid.Value self.horizRapid = toolLoad.HorizRapid.Value tool = toolLoad.Proxy.getTool( toolLoad) # PathUtils.getTool(obj, toolLoad.ToolNumber) if not tool or tool.Diameter == 0: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError( "No Tool found or diameter is zero. We need a tool to build a Path." ) return else: self.radius = tool.Diameter / 2 wires = [] parentJob = PathUtils.findParentJob(obj) if parentJob is None: return baseobject = parentJob.Base if baseobject is None: return try: if baseobject.isDerivedFrom('Sketcher::SketchObject') or \ baseobject.isDerivedFrom('Part::Part2DObject') or \ hasattr(baseobject, 'ArrayType'): output += "G0 Z" + PathUtils.fmt( obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt( self.vertRapid) + "\n" # we only consider the outer wire if this is a Face for w in baseobject.Shape.Wires: tempedges = PathUtils.cleanedges(w.Edges, 0.5) wires.append(Part.Wire(tempedges)) if obj.Algorithm == "OCC Native": output += self.buildpathocc(obj, wires) elif isinstance(baseobject.Proxy, ArchPanel.PanelSheet): # process the sheet shapes = baseobject.Proxy.getTags(baseobject, transform=True) for shape in shapes: output += "G0 Z" + PathUtils.fmt( obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt( self.vertRapid) + "\n" for w in shape.Wires: tempedges = PathUtils.cleanedges(w.Edges, 0.5) wires.append(Part.Wire(tempedges)) if obj.Algorithm == "OCC Native": output += self.buildpathocc(obj, wires) else: raise ValueError('Unknown baseobject type for engraving') output += "G0 Z" + PathUtils.fmt( obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt( self.vertRapid) + "\n" except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError( "The Job Base Object has no engraveable element. Engraving operation will produce no output." ) # print output if output == "": output += "(No commands processed)" if obj.Active: path = Path.Path(output) obj.Path = path obj.ViewObject.Visibility = True else: path = Path.Path("(inactive operation)") obj.Path = path obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
def parse(pathobj): # pylint: disable=global-statement global PRECISION global MODAL global OUTPUT_DOUBLES global UNIT_FORMAT global UNIT_SPEED_FORMAT out = "" lastcommand = None precision_string = '.' + str(PRECISION) + 'f' currLocation = {} # keep track for no doubles # the order of parameters # linuxcnc doesn't want K properties on XY plane Arcs need work. params = [ 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'I', 'J', 'F', 'S', 'T', 'Q', 'R', 'L', 'H', 'D', 'P' ] firstmove = Path.Command("G0", {"X": -1, "Y": -1, "Z": -1, "F": 0.0}) currLocation.update(firstmove.Parameters) # set First location Parameters if hasattr(pathobj, "Group"): # We have a compound or project. # if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: # out += linenumber() + "(compound: " + pathobj.Label + ")\n" for p in pathobj.Group: out += parse(p) return out else: # parsing simple path # groups might contain non-path things like stock. if not hasattr(pathobj, "Path"): return out # if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: # out += linenumber() + "(" + pathobj.Label + ")\n" for c in pathobj.Path.Commands: outstring = [] command = c.Name outstring.append(command) # if modal: suppress the command if it is the same as the last one if MODAL is True: if command == lastcommand: outstring.pop(0) if c.Name[0] == '(' and not OUTPUT_COMMENTS: # command is a comment continue # Now add the remaining parameters in order for param in params: if param in c.Parameters: if param == 'F' and ( currLocation[param] != c.Parameters[param] or OUTPUT_DOUBLES): if c.Name not in [ "G0", "G00" ]: # linuxcnc doesn't use rapid speeds speed = Units.Quantity(c.Parameters['F'], FreeCAD.Units.Velocity) if speed.getValueAs(UNIT_SPEED_FORMAT) > 0.0: outstring.append(param + format( float(speed.getValueAs(UNIT_SPEED_FORMAT)), precision_string)) else: continue elif param == 'T': outstring.append(param + str(int(c.Parameters['T']))) elif param == 'H': outstring.append(param + str(int(c.Parameters['H']))) elif param == 'D': outstring.append(param + str(int(c.Parameters['D']))) elif param == 'S': outstring.append(param + str(int(c.Parameters['S']))) else: if (not OUTPUT_DOUBLES) and ( param in currLocation) and (currLocation[param] == c.Parameters[param]): continue else: pos = Units.Quantity(c.Parameters[param], FreeCAD.Units.Length) outstring.append( param + format(float(pos.getValueAs(UNIT_FORMAT)), precision_string)) # store the latest command lastcommand = command currLocation.update(c.Parameters) # Check for Tool Change: if command == 'M6': # stop the spindle out += linenumber() + "M5\n" for line in TOOL_CHANGE.splitlines(True): out += linenumber() + line # add height offset if USE_TLO: tool_height = '\nG43 H' + str(int(c.Parameters['T'])) outstring.append(tool_height) if command == "message": if OUTPUT_COMMENTS is False: out = [] else: outstring.pop(0) # remove the command # prepend a line number and append a newline if len(outstring) >= 1: if OUTPUT_LINE_NUMBERS: outstring.insert(0, (linenumber())) # append the line to the final output for w in outstring: out += w + COMMAND_SPACE # Note: Do *not* strip `out`, since that forces the allocation # of a contiguous string & thus quadratic complexity. out += "\n" return out
def extract(base_date): pkl_path = Path.of_cache('events.%s.pkl' % base_date) X = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_path) if X is not None: logger.debug('cache hit') return X logger.debug('cache missed') logger.debug('prepare datasets ...') enroll_all = IO.load_enrollments() log_all = IO.load_logs() log_all = log_all[log_all['time'] <= base_date] log_all['source_event'] = log_all['source'] + '-' + log_all['event'] log_all = pd.merge(log_all, enroll_duration(log_all), how='left', on='enrollment_id') log_all['day_diff'] = (log_all['time'] - log_all['st']).dt.days log_all['week_diff'] = log_all['day_diff'] // 7 log_all['count'] = 1 logger.debug('datasets prepared') log_last_week = log_all[ log_all['time'] > log_all['et'] - timedelta(days=7)].copy() log_2nd_last_week = log_all[ (log_all['time'] > log_all['et'] - timedelta(days=14)) & (log_all['time'] <= log_all['et'] - timedelta(days=7))].copy() log_first_week = log_all[ log_all['time'] < log_all['st'] + timedelta(days=7)].copy() # 0~107: 用户在该课程的操作数量(按event_source序对统计),enrollment最后一周、 # 倒数第二周、第一周、总体,占该用户在所有课程的比例,占该课程所有用户的比例 # 114~125: numbers of events in the last week, the first week, and the week # before the last week of the enrollment; ratio on all courses by user; # ratio on all users by course EUC_last_week = count_source_event_features(log_last_week, enroll_all) EUC_2nd_last_week = count_source_event_features(log_2nd_last_week, enroll_all) EUC_first_week = count_source_event_features(log_first_week, enroll_all) EUC_all = count_source_event_features(log_all, enroll_all) logger.debug('0~107, 114~125') # 108~111: 用户有行为的课程数量,用户行为的最后一周、倒数第二周、第一周、总体 C_last_week = count_courses_by_user(log_last_week, enroll_all) C_2nd_last_week = count_courses_by_user(log_2nd_last_week, enroll_all) C_first_week = count_courses_by_user(log_first_week, enroll_all) C_all = count_courses_by_user(log_all, enroll_all) logger.debug('108~111') # 112: 课程的选课人数 U_count = pd.merge( log_all, enroll_all, how='left', on='enrollment_id')\ .groupby('course_id').agg({'username': lambda us: len(np.unique(us))})\ .reset_index().rename(columns={'username': '******'}) logger.debug('112') def f(group): from scipy.stats import linregress x = group['week_diff'] c = group['count'] if len(c) < 3: p = [0, 0] else: p = np.polyfit(x, c, 2) import warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning) return pd.Series( [linregress(x, c)[0], np.mean(c), np.std(c), np.max(c), np.min(c), p[1], p[0]], index=['slope', 'mean', 'std', 'max', 'min', 'b', 'c']) # 113: trending slope of the weekly number of events within the enrollment # 126~129: average, standard deviation, maximal, minimal weekly numbers of # events in the enrollment period # 130~131: coefficients b and c in the polynomial model y = a + bx + cx**2, # where x is week number (all start from 0), and y is the weekly number of # events W_stats = log_all.groupby(['enrollment_id', 'week_diff'])\ .agg({'count': np.sum}).reset_index().groupby('enrollment_id')\ .apply(f).reset_index() W_stats.fillna(0, inplace=True) W_stats.ix[np.isinf(W_stats['c']), 'c'] = np.nanmax( W_stats[~np.isinf(W_stats['c'])]) logger.debug('113, 126~129, 130~131') log_all['week_day'] = log_all['time'].dt.dayofweek log_all['hour'] = log_all['time'].dt.hour # 132~138: 7 counts of events in Monday to Sunday _E_TOTAL, _, _ = count_source_event(log_all, enroll_all) _E_TOTAL.rename( columns=lambda c: c + '_total' if c != 'enrollment_id' else c, inplace=True) WD = enroll_all for w in range(7): _E, _, _ = count_source_event(log_all[log_all['week_day'] == w], enroll_all) _E_W = pd.merge(_E, _E_TOTAL, how='left', on='enrollment_id') for se in SE_PAIRS: _E_W[se + '_ratio_se'] = _E_W[se] / _E_W[se + '_total'] _E_W[se + '_ratio_day'] = _E_W[se] / _E_W['count'] for c in _E_W.columns.values: if c.endswith('_total'): del _E_W[c] WD = pd.merge(WD, _E_W, how='left', on='enrollment_id') del WD['username'] del WD['course_id'] logger.debug('132~138') # 139~162: 24 counts of events in hour 0-23 H = enroll_all for h in range(24): _E, _, _ = count_source_event(log_all[log_all['hour'] == h], enroll_all) _E_H = pd.merge(_E, _E_TOTAL, how='left', on='enrollment_id') for se in SE_PAIRS: _E_H[se + '_ratio_se'] = _E_H[se] / _E_H[se + '_total'] _E_H[se + '_ratio_hour'] = _E_H[se] / _E_H['count'] for c in _E_H.columns.values: if c.endswith('_total'): del _E_H[c] H = pd.merge(H, _E_H, how='left', on='enrollment_id') del H['username'] del H['course_id'] logger.debug('139~162') _EVENT_TOTAL = log_all.groupby('enrollment_id').agg({'count': np.sum}) _EVENT_TOTAL.columns = ['total_events_count'] _EVENT_TOTAL.reset_index(inplace=True) event_counts = log_all.groupby(['enrollment_id', 'event'])\ .agg({'count': np.sum}).reset_index() event_types = ['access', 'page_close', 'problem', 'video', 'discussion', 'navigate', 'wiki'] for e in event_types: event_counts[e] = 0 event_counts.loc[event_counts['event'] == e, e] += \ event_counts[event_counts['event'] == e]['count'] del event_counts['event'] del event_counts['count'] # 163~169: 7 counts of event types E = event_counts.groupby('enrollment_id').agg(np.sum).reset_index() E = pd.merge(E, _EVENT_TOTAL, how='left', on='enrollment_id') for e in event_types: E[e + '_ratio'] = E[e] / E['total_events_count'] del E['total_events_count'] logger.debug('163~169') source_counts = log_all.groupby(['enrollment_id', 'source'])\ .agg({'count': np.sum}).reset_index() for s in ['server', 'browser']: source_counts[s] = 0 source_counts.loc[source_counts['source'] == s, s] += \ source_counts[source_counts['source'] == s]['count'] del source_counts['source'] del source_counts['count'] # 170~171: 2 counts of source types S = source_counts.groupby('enrollment_id').agg(np.sum).reset_index() S = pd.merge(S, _EVENT_TOTAL, how='left', on='enrollment_id') for s in ['server', 'browser']: S[s + '_ratio'] = S[s] / S['total_events_count'] del S['total_events_count'] logger.debug('170~171') logger.debug('composing to features') check_dataframe = Util.dataframe_checker(logger) check_dataframe(EUC_last_week, 'EUC_last_week') X = pd.merge(enroll_all, EUC_last_week, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(EUC_2nd_last_week, 'EUC_2nd_last_week') X = pd.merge(X, EUC_2nd_last_week, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(EUC_first_week, 'EUC_first_week') X = pd.merge(X, EUC_first_week, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(EUC_all, 'EUC_all') X = pd.merge(X, EUC_all, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(C_last_week, 'C_last_week') X = pd.merge(X, C_last_week, how='left', on='username') check_dataframe(C_2nd_last_week, 'C_2nd_last_week') X = pd.merge(X, C_2nd_last_week, how='left', on='username') check_dataframe(C_first_week, 'C_first_week') X = pd.merge(X, C_first_week, how='left', on='username') check_dataframe(C_all, 'C_all') X = pd.merge(X, C_all, how='left', on='username') check_dataframe(U_count, 'U_count') X = pd.merge(X, U_count, how='left', on='course_id') check_dataframe(W_stats, 'W_stats') X = pd.merge(X, W_stats, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(WD, 'WD') X = pd.merge(X, WD, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(H, 'H') X = pd.merge(X, H, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(E, 'E') X = pd.merge(X, E, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(S, 'S') X = pd.merge(X, S, how='left', on='enrollment_id') del X['username'] del X['course_id'] X.fillna(0, inplace=True) check_dataframe(X, 'X') IO.cache(X, pkl_path) return X
def _buildPathArea(self, obj, baseobject, isHole, start, getsim): '''_buildPathArea(obj, baseobject, isHole, start, getsim) ... internal function.''' # pylint: disable=unused-argument PathLog.track() area = Path.Area() area.setPlane(PathUtils.makeWorkplane(baseobject)) area.add(baseobject) areaParams = self.areaOpAreaParams(obj, isHole) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return heights = [i for i in self.depthparams] PathLog.debug('depths: {}'.format(heights)) area.setParams(**areaParams) obj.AreaParams = str(area.getParams()) PathLog.debug("Area with params: {}".format(area.getParams())) sections = area.makeSections(mode=0, project=self.areaOpUseProjection(obj), heights=heights) PathLog.debug("sections = %s" % sections) shapelist = [sec.getShape() for sec in sections] PathLog.debug("shapelist = %s" % shapelist) pathParams = self.areaOpPathParams(obj, isHole) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return pathParams['shapes'] = shapelist pathParams['feedrate'] = self.horizFeed pathParams['feedrate_v'] = self.vertFeed pathParams['verbose'] = True pathParams['resume_height'] = obj.SafeHeight.Value pathParams['retraction'] = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value pathParams['return_end'] = True # Note that emitting preambles between moves breaks some dressups and prevents path optimization on some controllers pathParams['preamble'] = False if not self.areaOpRetractTool(obj): pathParams['threshold'] = 2.001 * self.radius if self.endVector is not None: pathParams['start'] = self.endVector elif PathOp.FeatureStartPoint & self.opFeatures( obj) and obj.UseStartPoint: pathParams['start'] = obj.StartPoint obj.PathParams = str({ key: value for key, value in pathParams.items() if key != 'shapes' }) PathLog.debug("Path with params: {}".format(obj.PathParams)) (pp, end_vector) = Path.fromShapes(**pathParams) PathLog.debug('pp: {}, end vector: {}'.format(pp, end_vector)) self.endVector = end_vector # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init simobj = None if getsim: areaParams['Thicken'] = True areaParams['ToolRadius'] = self.radius - self.radius * .005 area.setParams(**areaParams) sec = area.makeSections(mode=0, project=False, heights=heights)[-1].getShape() simobj = sec.extrude(FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, baseobject.BoundBox.ZMax)) return pp, simobj
def opExecute(self, obj, getsim=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ '''opExecute(obj, getsim=False) ... implementation of Path.Area ops. determines the parameters for _buildPathArea(). Do not overwrite, implement areaOpAreaParams(obj, isHole) ... op specific area param dictionary areaOpPathParams(obj, isHole) ... op specific path param dictionary areaOpShapes(obj) ... the shape for path area to process areaOpUseProjection(obj) ... return true if operation can use projection instead.''' PathLog.track() # Instantiate class variables for operation reference self.endVector = None # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.rotateFlag = False # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.leadIn = 2.0 # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.cloneNames = [] # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.guiMsgs = [] # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.tempObjectNames = [] # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.stockBB = PathUtils.findParentJob(obj).Stock.Shape.BoundBox # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.useTempJobClones( 'Delete') # Clear temporary group and recreate for temp job clones self.profileEdgesIsOpen = False if obj.EnableRotation != 'Off': # Calculate operation heights based upon rotation radii opHeights = self.opDetermineRotationRadii(obj) (self.xRotRad, self.yRotRad, self.zRotRad) = opHeights[0] # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init (self.clrOfset, self.safOfst) = opHeights[1] # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init # Set clearance and safe heights based upon rotation radii if obj.EnableRotation == 'A(x)': strDep = self.xRotRad elif obj.EnableRotation == 'B(y)': strDep = self.yRotRad else: strDep = max(self.xRotRad, self.yRotRad) finDep = -1 * strDep obj.ClearanceHeight.Value = strDep + self.clrOfset obj.SafeHeight.Value = strDep + self.safOfst # Create visual axes when debugging. if PathLog.getLevel(PathLog.thisModule()) == 4: self.visualAxis() else: strDep = obj.StartDepth.Value finDep = obj.FinalDepth.Value # Set axial feed rates based upon horizontal feed rates safeCircum = 2 * math.pi * obj.SafeHeight.Value self.axialFeed = 360 / safeCircum * self.horizFeed # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.axialRapid = 360 / safeCircum * self.horizRapid # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init # Initiate depthparams and calculate operation heights for rotational operation self.depthparams = self._customDepthParams(obj, obj.StartDepth.Value, obj.FinalDepth.Value) # Set start point if PathOp.FeatureStartPoint & self.opFeatures( obj) and obj.UseStartPoint: start = obj.StartPoint else: start = None aOS = self.areaOpShapes(obj) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return # Adjust tuples length received from other PathWB tools/operations beside PathPocketShape shapes = [] for shp in aOS: if len(shp) == 2: (fc, iH) = shp # fc, iH, sub, angle, axis, strtDep, finDep tup = fc, iH, 'otherOp', 0.0, 'S', obj.StartDepth.Value, obj.FinalDepth.Value shapes.append(tup) else: shapes.append(shp) if len(shapes) > 1: jobs = [{ 'x': s[0].BoundBox.XMax, 'y': s[0].BoundBox.YMax, 'shape': s } for s in shapes] jobs = PathUtils.sort_jobs(jobs, ['x', 'y']) shapes = [j['shape'] for j in jobs] if self.profileEdgesIsOpen is True: if PathOp.FeatureStartPoint & self.opFeatures( obj) and obj.UseStartPoint: osp = obj.StartPoint self.commandlist.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'X': osp.x, 'Y': osp.y, 'F': self.horizRapid })) sims = [] numShapes = len(shapes) for ns in range(0, numShapes): (shape, isHole, sub, angle, axis, strDep, finDep) = shapes[ns] # pylint: disable=unused-variable if ns < numShapes - 1: nextAxis = shapes[ns + 1][4] else: nextAxis = 'L' self.depthparams = self._customDepthParams(obj, strDep, finDep) try: if self.profileEdgesIsOpen is True: (pp, sim) = self._buildProfileOpenEdges( obj, shape, isHole, start, getsim) else: (pp, sim) = self._buildPathArea(obj, shape, isHole, start, getsim) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(e) FreeCAD.Console.PrintError( "Something unexpected happened. Check project and tool config." ) else: if self.profileEdgesIsOpen is True: ppCmds = pp else: ppCmds = pp.Commands if obj.EnableRotation != 'Off' and self.rotateFlag is True: # Rotate model to index for cut if axis == 'X': axisOfRot = 'A' elif axis == 'Y': axisOfRot = 'B' elif axis == 'Z': axisOfRot = 'C' else: axisOfRot = 'A' # Rotate Model to correct angle ppCmds.insert( 0, Path.Command('G0', { axisOfRot: angle, 'F': self.axialRapid })) # Raise cutter to safe height ppCmds.insert( 0, Path.Command('G0', { 'Z': obj.SafeHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid })) # Return index to starting position if axis of rotation changes. if numShapes > 1: if ns != numShapes - 1: if axis != nextAxis: ppCmds.append( Path.Command('G0', { axisOfRot: 0.0, 'F': self.axialRapid })) # Eif # Save gcode commands to object command list self.commandlist.extend(ppCmds) sims.append(sim) # Eif if self.areaOpRetractTool(obj): self.endVector = None # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init # Raise cutter to safe height and rotate back to original orientation if self.rotateFlag is True: resetAxis = False lastJobOp = None nextJobOp = None opIdx = 0 JOB = PathUtils.findParentJob(obj) jobOps = JOB.Operations.Group numJobOps = len(jobOps) for joi in range(0, numJobOps): jo = jobOps[joi] if jo.Name == obj.Name: opIdx = joi lastOpIdx = opIdx - 1 nextOpIdx = opIdx + 1 if lastOpIdx > -1: lastJobOp = jobOps[lastOpIdx] if nextOpIdx < numJobOps: nextJobOp = jobOps[nextOpIdx] if lastJobOp is not None: if hasattr(lastJobOp, 'EnableRotation'): PathLog.debug( 'Last Op, {}, has `EnableRotation` set to {}'.format( lastJobOp.Label, lastJobOp.EnableRotation)) if lastJobOp.EnableRotation != obj.EnableRotation: resetAxis = True if ns == numShapes - 1: # If last shape, check next op EnableRotation setting if nextJobOp is not None: if hasattr(nextJobOp, 'EnableRotation'): PathLog.debug( 'Next Op, {}, has `EnableRotation` set to {}'. format(nextJobOp.Label, nextJobOp.EnableRotation)) if nextJobOp.EnableRotation != obj.EnableRotation: resetAxis = True # Raise to safe height if rotation activated self.commandlist.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'Z': obj.SafeHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid })) # reset rotational axes if necessary if resetAxis is True: self.commandlist.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'A': 0.0, 'F': self.axialRapid })) self.commandlist.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'B': 0.0, 'F': self.axialRapid })) self.useTempJobClones( 'Delete') # Delete temp job clone group and contents self.guiMessage('title', None, show=True) # Process GUI messages to user for ton in self.tempObjectNames: # remove temporary objects by name FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.removeObject(ton) PathLog.debug("obj.Name: " + str(obj.Name) + "\n\n") return sims
def test10(self): """Verify proper geometry objects for G1 and G01 commands are created.""" spt = Vector(1,2,3) self.assertLine(PathGeom.edgeForCmd(Path.Command('G1', {'X': 7, 'Y': 2, 'Z': 3}), spt), spt, Vector(7, 2, 3)) self.assertLine(PathGeom.edgeForCmd(Path.Command('G01', {'X': 1, 'Y': 3, 'Z': 5}), spt), spt, Vector(1, 3, 5))
def createPath(self, obj, pathData, tags): PathLog.track() commands = [] lastEdge = 0 lastTag = 0 sameTag = None t = 0 inters = None edge = None segm = 50 if hasattr(obj, 'SegmentationFactor'): segm = obj.SegmentationFactor if segm <= 0: segm = 50 obj.SegmentationFactor = 50 self.mappers = [] mapper = None while edge or lastEdge < len(pathData.edges): PathLog.debug("------- lastEdge = %d/%d.%d/%d" % (lastEdge, lastTag, t, len(tags))) if not edge: edge = pathData.edges[lastEdge] debugEdge( edge, "======= new edge: %d/%d" % (lastEdge, len(pathData.edges))) lastEdge += 1 sameTag = None if mapper: mapper.add(edge) if mapper.mappingComplete(): commands.extend(mapper.commands) edge = mapper.tail mapper = None else: edge = None if edge: tIndex = (t + lastTag) % len(tags) t += 1 i = tags[tIndex].intersects(edge, edge.FirstParameter) if i and self.isValidTagStartIntersection(edge, i): mapper = MapWireToTag(edge, tags[tIndex], i, segm, pathData.maxZ) self.mappers.append(mapper) edge = mapper.tail if not mapper and t >= len(tags): # gone through all tags, consume edge and move on if edge: debugEdge(edge, '++++++++') if pathData.rapid.isRapid(edge): v = edge.Vertexes[1] commands.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'X': v.X, 'Y': v.Y, 'Z': v.Z })) else: commands.extend(PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge, segm=segm)) edge = None t = 0 lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', { 'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0 }) outCommands = [] horizFeed = obj.Base.ToolController.HorizFeed.Value vertFeed = obj.Base.ToolController.VertFeed.Value horizRapid = obj.Base.ToolController.HorizRapid.Value vertRapid = obj.Base.ToolController.VertRapid.Value for cmd in commands: params = cmd.Parameters zVal = params.get('Z', None) zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None) zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8) zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8) if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']: if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal: params['F'] = vertFeed else: params['F'] = horizFeed lastCmd = cmd elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']: if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal: params['F'] = vertRapid else: params['F'] = horizRapid lastCmd = cmd outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params)) return Path.Path(outCommands)
def GenerateGCode(op, obj, adaptiveResults, helixDiameter): if len(adaptiveResults) == 0 or len( adaptiveResults[0]["AdaptivePaths"]) == 0: return minLiftDistance = op.tool.Diameter helixRadius = 0 for region in adaptiveResults: p1 = region["HelixCenterPoint"] p2 = region["StartPoint"] r = math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1])) if r > helixRadius: helixRadius = r stepDown = obj.StepDown.Value passStartDepth = obj.StartDepth.Value if stepDown < 0.1: stepDown = 0.1 length = 2 * math.pi * helixRadius if float(obj.HelixAngle) < 1: obj.HelixAngle = 1 helixAngleRad = math.pi * float(obj.HelixAngle) / 180.0 depthPerOneCircle = length * math.tan(helixAngleRad) #print("Helix circle depth: {}".format(depthPerOneCircle)) stepUp = obj.LiftDistance.Value if stepUp < 0: stepUp = 0 finish_step = obj.FinishDepth.Value if hasattr(obj, "FinishDepth") else 0.0 if finish_step > stepDown: finish_step = stepDown depth_params = PathUtils.depth_params( clearance_height=obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, safe_height=obj.SafeHeight.Value, start_depth=obj.StartDepth.Value, step_down=stepDown, z_finish_step=finish_step, final_depth=obj.FinalDepth.Value, user_depths=None) lx = adaptiveResults[0]["HelixCenterPoint"][0] ly = adaptiveResults[0]["HelixCenterPoint"][1] lz = passStartDepth step = 0 for passEndDepth in step = step + 1 for region in adaptiveResults: startAngle = math.atan2( region["StartPoint"][1] - region["HelixCenterPoint"][1], region["StartPoint"][0] - region["HelixCenterPoint"][0]) lx = region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] ly = region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] passDepth = (passStartDepth - passEndDepth) p1 = region["HelixCenterPoint"] p2 = region["StartPoint"] helixRadius = math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1])) # helix ramp if helixRadius > 0.001: r = helixRadius - 0.01 maxfi = passDepth / depthPerOneCircle * 2 * math.pi fi = 0 offsetFi = -maxfi + startAngle - math.pi / 16 helixStart = [ region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r * math.cos(offsetFi), region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] + r * math.sin(offsetFi) ] op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("(Helix to depth: %f)" % passEndDepth)) if obj.UseHelixArcs == False: # rapid move to start point op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": obj.ClearanceHeight.Value })) # rapid move to safe height op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": obj.SafeHeight.Value })) # move to start depth op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G1", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": passStartDepth, "F": op.vertFeed })) while fi < maxfi: x = region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r * math.cos( fi + offsetFi) y = region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] + r * math.sin( fi + offsetFi) z = passStartDepth - fi / maxfi * (passStartDepth - passEndDepth) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G1", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": z, "F": op.vertFeed })) lx = x ly = y fi = fi + math.pi / 16 # one more circle at target depth to make sure center is cleared maxfi = maxfi + 2 * math.pi while fi < maxfi: x = region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r * math.cos( fi + offsetFi) y = region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] + r * math.sin( fi + offsetFi) z = passEndDepth op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G1", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": z, "F": op.horizFeed })) lx = x ly = y fi = fi + math.pi / 16 else: helixStart = [ region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r, region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] ] # rapid move to start point op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": obj.ClearanceHeight.Value })) # rapid move to safe height op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": obj.SafeHeight.Value })) # move to start depth op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G1", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": passStartDepth, "F": op.vertFeed })) x = region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r y = region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] curDep = passStartDepth while curDep > (passEndDepth + depthPerOneCircle): op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x - (2 * r), "Y": y, "Z": curDep - (depthPerOneCircle / 2), "I": -r, "F": op.horizFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": curDep - depthPerOneCircle, "I": r, "F": op.horizFeed })) curDep = curDep - depthPerOneCircle lastStep = curDep - passEndDepth if lastStep > (depthPerOneCircle / 2): op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x - (2 * r), "Y": y, "Z": curDep - (lastStep / 2), "I": -r, "F": op.horizFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "I": r, "F": op.horizFeed })) else: op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x - (2 * r), "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "I": -r, "F": op.horizFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G1", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "F": op.vertFeed })) # one more circle at target depth to make sure center is cleared op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x - (2 * r), "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "I": -r, "F": op.horizFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "I": r, "F": op.horizFeed })) lx = x ly = y else: # no helix entry # rapid move to clearance height op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": region["StartPoint"][0], "Y": region["StartPoint"][1], "Z": obj.ClearanceHeight.Value })) # straight plunge to target depth op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G1", { "X": region["StartPoint"][0], "Y": region["StartPoint"][1], "Z": passEndDepth, "F": op.vertFeed })) lz = passEndDepth z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("(Adaptive - depth: %f)" % passEndDepth)) # add adaptive paths for pth in region["AdaptivePaths"]: motionType = pth[0] #[0] contains motion type for pt in pth[1]: #[1] contains list of points x = pt[0] y = pt[1] dist = math.sqrt((x - lx) * (x - lx) + (y - ly) * (y - ly)) if motionType == area.AdaptiveMotionType.Cutting: z = passEndDepth if z != lz: op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G1", { "Z": z, "F": op.vertFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G1", { "X": x, "Y": y, "F": op.horizFeed })) elif motionType == area.AdaptiveMotionType.LinkClear: z = passEndDepth + stepUp if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G0", { "X": x, "Y": y })) elif motionType == area.AdaptiveMotionType.LinkNotClear: z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G0", { "X": x, "Y": y })) # elif motionType == area.AdaptiveMotionType.LinkClearAtPrevPass: # if lx!=x or ly!=y: # op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", { "X": lx, "Y":ly, "Z":passStartDepth+stepUp})) # op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", { "X": x, "Y":y, "Z":passStartDepth+stepUp})) lx = x ly = y lz = z # return to safe height in this Z pass z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) lz = z passStartDepth = passEndDepth # return to safe height in this Z pass z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) lz = z z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) lz = z
def PerformCutVoxel(self): if self.resetSimulation: self.resetSimulation = False self.SetupSimulation() if self.busy: return self.busy = True cmd = self.opCommands[self.icmd] # for cmd in job.Path.Commands: if cmd.Name in ["G0", "G1", "G2", "G3"]: self.firstDrill = True if cmd.Name in ["G2", "G3"] and (cmd.k or 0) == 0: cx = self.curpos.Base.x + (cmd.i or 0) cy = self.curpos.Base.y + (cmd.j or 0) a0 = math.atan2(self.curpos.Base.y - cy, self.curpos.Base.x - cx) a1 = math.atan2(cmd.y - cy, cmd.x - cx) da = a1 - a0 if cmd.Name == "G3": da = da % (2 * math.pi) else: da = -((-da) % (2 * math.pi)) r = math.sqrt((cmd.i or 0)**2 + (cmd.j or 0)**2) n = math.ceil(math.sqrt(r / self.resolution * da * da)) da = da / n dz = (cmd.z - self.curpos.Base.z) / n cmd.Name = "G1" for i in range(n): a0 += da cmd.x = cx + r * math.cos(a0) cmd.y = cy + r * math.sin(a0) cmd.z = self.curpos.Base.z + dz self.curpos = self.voxSim.ApplyCommand(self.curpos, cmd) else: self.curpos = self.voxSim.ApplyCommand(self.curpos, cmd) if not self.disableAnim: self.cutTool.Placement = self.curpos ( self.cutMaterial.Mesh, self.cutMaterialIn.Mesh, ) = self.voxSim.GetResultMesh() if cmd.Name in ["G80"]: self.firstDrill = True if cmd.Name in ["G73", "G81", "G82", "G83"]: extendcommands = [] if self.firstDrill: extendcommands.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": cmd.r})) self.firstDrill = False extendcommands.append( Path.Command("G0", { "X": cmd.x, "Y": cmd.y, "Z": cmd.r })) extendcommands.append( Path.Command("G1", { "X": cmd.x, "Y": cmd.y, "Z": cmd.z })) extendcommands.append( Path.Command("G1", { "X": cmd.x, "Y": cmd.y, "Z": cmd.r })) for ecmd in extendcommands: self.curpos = self.voxSim.ApplyCommand(self.curpos, ecmd) if not self.disableAnim: self.cutTool.Placement = self.curpos ( self.cutMaterial.Mesh, self.cutMaterialIn.Mesh, ) = self.voxSim.GetResultMesh() self.icmd += 1 self.iprogress += 1 self.UpdateProgress() if self.icmd >= len(self.opCommands): self.ioperation += 1 if self.ioperation >= len(self.activeOps): self.EndSimulation() return else: self.SetupOperation(self.ioperation) self.busy = False
def execute(self, obj): output = "" output += '(' + str(obj.Comment) + ')\n' path = Path.Path(output) obj.Path = path
def buildPathMedial(self, obj, faces): '''constructs a medial axis path using openvoronoi''' def insert_many_wires(vd, wires): for wire in wires: PathLog.debug('discretize value: {}'.format(obj.Discretize)) pts = wire.discretize(QuasiDeflection=obj.Discretize) ptv = [FreeCAD.Vector(p.x, p.y) for p in pts] ptv.append(ptv[0]) for i in range(len(pts)): vd.addSegment(ptv[i], ptv[i+1]) def cutWire(edges): path = [] path.append(Path.Command("G0 Z{}".format(obj.SafeHeight.Value))) e = edges[0] p = e.valueAt(e.FirstParameter) path.append(Path.Command("G0 X{} Y{} Z{}".format(p.x, p.y, obj.SafeHeight.Value))) hSpeed = obj.ToolController.HorizFeed.Value vSpeed = obj.ToolController.VertFeed.Value path.append(Path.Command("G1 X{} Y{} Z{} F{}".format(p.x, p.y, p.z, vSpeed))) for e in edges: path.extend(PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(e, hSpeed=hSpeed, vSpeed=vSpeed)) return path VD.clear() voronoiWires = [] for f in faces: vd = Path.Voronoi() insert_many_wires(vd, f.Wires) vd.construct() for e in vd.Edges: e.Color = PRIMARY if e.isPrimary() else SECONDARY vd.colorExterior(EXTERIOR1) vd.colorExterior(EXTERIOR2, lambda v: not f.isInside(v.toPoint(f.BoundBox.ZMin), obj.Tolerance, True)) vd.colorColinear(COLINEAR, obj.Colinear) vd.colorTwins(TWIN) wires = _collectVoronoiWires(vd) if _sorting != 'global': wires = _sortVoronoiWires(wires) voronoiWires.extend(wires) VD.append((f, vd, wires)) if _sorting == 'global': voronoiWires = _sortVoronoiWires(voronoiWires) geom = _Geometry.FromObj(obj, self.model[0]) pathlist = [] pathlist.append(Path.Command("(starting)")) for w in voronoiWires: pWire = self._getPartEdges(obj, w, geom) if pWire: wires.append(pWire) pathlist.extend(cutWire(pWire)) self.commandlist = pathlist
def extract(base_date): pkl_path = Path.of_cache('time_related.%s.pkl' % base_date) X = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_path) if X is not None: logger.debug('cache hit') return X logger.debug('cache missed') logger.debug('prepare datasets ...') enroll_all = IO.load_enrollments() log_all = IO.load_logs() obj_all = IO.load_object() log_all = log_all[log_all['time'] <= base_date] obj_all = obj_all[obj_all['start'] <= base_date] logger.debug('datasets prepared') CT = course_duration(log_all, obj_all, enroll_all) # 0~1: 课程材料首次发布、最近发布距今几天 XC = CT.copy() XC['st'] = (base_date - XC['st']).dt.days XC['et'] = (base_date - XC['et']).dt.days logger.debug('0~1') ET = log_all.groupby('enrollment_id').agg({'time': [np.min, np.max]}) ET.columns = ['st_e', 'et_e'] ET.reset_index(inplace=True) ET['duration'] = (ET['et_e'] - ET['st_e']).dt.days ET = pd.merge(ET, enroll_all, how='left', on='enrollment_id') ET = pd.merge(ET, CT, how='left', on='course_id') ET['duration_ratio'] = (ET['et'] - ET['st']).dt.days ET['duration_ratio'] = ET['duration'] / ET['duration_ratio'] ET['first_op'] = (ET['st_e'] - ET['st']).dt.days ET['first_month'] = ET['st_e'].dt.month ET['last_month'] = ET['et_e'].dt.month UT = ET.copy() del ET['st'] del ET['et'] del ET['username'] del ET['course_id'] # 2~6: 用户初次、上次操作此课程据今几天,持续几天,与课程持续时间的比例, # 初次访问课程材料距离开课时间几天 # 15~16: month (1-12) of the first, last event in the enrollment XE = ET.copy() XE['st_e'] = (base_date - XE['st_e']).dt.days XE['et_e'] = (base_date - XE['et_e']).dt.days logger.debug('2~6, 15~16') # 7~14: 课程的所有用户操作课程持续时间的:平均值、标准差、最大值、最小值, # 以及与课程持续时间的比例 XU = UT.groupby('course_id').agg({ 'duration': [np.average, np.std, np.max, np.min], 'duration_ratio': [np.average, np.std, np.max, np.min] }).reset_index() XU.columns = [' '.join(c).strip() for c in XU.columns.values] logger.debug('7~14') op_time = log_all.groupby(['enrollment_id', 'object'])\ .agg({'time': np.min}).reset_index() op_time = pd.merge(op_time, enroll_all, how='left', on='enrollment_id') op_time = pd.merge(op_time, obj_all.rename(columns={'module_id': 'object'}), how='left', on=['course_id', 'object']) first_op_time = pd.merge(log_all, enroll_all, how='left', on='enrollment_id')\ .groupby(['course_id', 'object']).agg({'time': np.min}).reset_index() first_op_time.rename(columns={'time': 'first_op_time'}, inplace=True) op_time = pd.merge(op_time, first_op_time, how='left', on=['course_id', 'object']) op_time.ix[pd.isnull(op_time['start']), 'start'] = \ op_time.ix[pd.isnull(op_time['start']), 'first_op_time'] op_time['delay'] = (op_time['time'] - op_time['start']).dt.days import events op_time = pd.merge(op_time, events.enroll_duration(log_all), how='left', on='enrollment_id') op_last_week = op_time[ op_time['time'] > op_time['et'] - timedelta(days=7)].copy() op_2nd_last_week = op_time[ (op_time['time'] > op_time['et'] - timedelta(days=14)) & (op_time['time'] <= op_time['et'] - timedelta(days=7))].copy() op_first_week = op_time[ op_time['time'] < op_time['st'] + timedelta(days=7)].copy() # 17~32: 用户对课程材料的首次操作时间与课程材料发布时间的日期差的: # 平均值、标准差、最大值、最小值,enrollment最后一周、倒数第二周、第一周、总体 XO_last_week = op_last_week.groupby('enrollment_id')\ .agg({'delay': [np.average, np.std, np.max, np.min]})\ .reset_index() XO_last_week.columns = [' '.join(c).strip() for c in XO_last_week.columns.values] XO_2nd_last_week = op_2nd_last_week.groupby('enrollment_id')\ .agg({'delay': [np.average, np.std, np.max, np.min]})\ .reset_index() XO_2nd_last_week.columns = [' '.join(c).strip() for c in XO_2nd_last_week.columns.values] XO_first_week = op_first_week.groupby('enrollment_id')\ .agg({'delay': [np.average, np.std, np.max, np.min]})\ .reset_index() XO_first_week.columns = [' '.join(c).strip() for c in XO_first_week.columns.values] XO_all = op_time.groupby('enrollment_id')\ .agg({'delay': [np.average, np.std, np.max, np.min]})\ .reset_index() XO_all.columns = [' '.join(c).strip() for c in XO_all.columns.values] logger.debug('17~32') check_dataframe = Util.dataframe_checker(logger) check_dataframe(XC, 'XC') X = pd.merge(enroll_all, XC, how='left', on='course_id') check_dataframe(XE, 'XE') X = pd.merge(X, XE, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(XU, 'XU') X = pd.merge(X, XU, how='left', on='course_id') check_dataframe(XO_last_week, 'XO_last_week') X = pd.merge(X, XO_last_week, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(XO_2nd_last_week, 'XO_2nd_last_week') X = pd.merge(X, XO_2nd_last_week, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(XO_first_week, 'XO_first_week') X = pd.merge(X, XO_first_week, how='left', on='enrollment_id') check_dataframe(XO_all, 'XO_all') X = pd.merge(X, XO_all, how='left', on='enrollment_id') del X['username'] del X['course_id'] X.fillna(0, inplace=True) check_dataframe(X, 'X') IO.cache(X, pkl_path) return X
def buildPostList(job): """Takes the job and determines the specific objects and order to postprocess Returns a list of objects which can be passed to exportObjectsWith() for final posting""" wcslist = job.Fixtures orderby = job.OrderOutputBy postlist = [] if orderby == "Fixture": PathLog.debug("Ordering by Fixture") # Order by fixture means all operations and tool changes will be completed in one # fixture before moving to the next. currTool = None for index, f in enumerate(wcslist): # create an object to serve as the fixture path fobj = _TempObject() c1 = Path.Command(f) fobj.Path = Path.Path([c1]) if index != 0: c2 = Path.Command( "G0 Z" + str( job.Stock.Shape.BoundBox.ZMax + job.SetupSheet.ClearanceHeightOffset.Value ) ) fobj.Path.addCommands(c2) fobj.InList.append(job) sublist = [fobj] # Now generate the gcode for obj in job.Operations.Group: tc = PathUtil.toolControllerForOp(obj) if tc is not None and PathUtil.opProperty(obj, "Active"): if tc.ToolNumber != currTool: sublist.append(tc) PathLog.debug("Appending TC: {}".format(tc.Name)) currTool = tc.ToolNumber sublist.append(obj) postlist.append((f, sublist)) elif orderby == "Tool": PathLog.debug("Ordering by Tool") # Order by tool means tool changes are minimized. # all operations with the current tool are processed in the current # fixture before moving to the next fixture. toolstring = "None" currTool = None # Build the fixture list fixturelist = [] for f in wcslist: # create an object to serve as the fixture path fobj = _TempObject() c1 = Path.Command(f) c2 = Path.Command( "G0 Z" + str( job.Stock.Shape.BoundBox.ZMax + job.SetupSheet.ClearanceHeightOffset.Value ) ) fobj.Path = Path.Path([c1, c2]) fobj.InList.append(job) fixturelist.append(fobj) # Now generate the gcode curlist = [] # list of ops for tool, will repeat for each fixture sublist = [] # list of ops for output splitting PathLog.track(job.PostProcessorOutputFile) for idx, obj in enumerate(job.Operations.Group): PathLog.track(obj.Label) # check if the operation is active if not getattr(obj, "Active", True): PathLog.track() continue # Determine the proper string for the Op's TC tc = PathUtil.toolControllerForOp(obj) if tc is None: tcstring = "None" elif "%T" in job.PostProcessorOutputFile: tcstring = f"{tc.ToolNumber}" else: tcstring = re.sub(r"[^\w\d-]", "_", tc.Label) PathLog.track(toolstring) if tc is None or tc.ToolNumber == currTool: curlist.append(obj) elif tc.ToolNumber != currTool and currTool is None: # first TC sublist.append(tc) curlist.append(obj) currTool = tc.ToolNumber toolstring = tcstring elif tc.ToolNumber != currTool and currTool is not None: # TC for fixture in fixturelist: sublist.append(fixture) sublist.extend(curlist) postlist.append((toolstring, sublist)) sublist = [tc] curlist = [obj] currTool = tc.ToolNumber toolstring = tcstring if idx == len(job.Operations.Group) - 1: # Last operation. for fixture in fixturelist: sublist.append(fixture) sublist.extend(curlist) postlist.append((toolstring, sublist)) elif orderby == "Operation": PathLog.debug("Ordering by Operation") # Order by operation means ops are done in each fixture in # sequence. currTool = None firstFixture = True # Now generate the gcode for obj in job.Operations.Group: # check if the operation is active if not getattr(obj, "Active", True): continue sublist = [] PathLog.debug("obj: {}".format(obj.Name)) for f in wcslist: fobj = _TempObject() c1 = Path.Command(f) fobj.Path = Path.Path([c1]) if not firstFixture: c2 = Path.Command( "G0 Z" + str( job.Stock.Shape.BoundBox.ZMax + job.SetupSheet.ClearanceHeightOffset.Value ) ) fobj.Path.addCommands(c2) fobj.InList.append(job) sublist.append(fobj) firstFixture = False tc = PathUtil.toolControllerForOp(obj) if tc is not None: if job.SplitOutput or (tc.ToolNumber != currTool): sublist.append(tc) currTool = tc.ToolNumber sublist.append(obj) postlist.append((obj.Label, sublist)) if job.SplitOutput: PathLog.track() return postlist else: PathLog.track() finalpostlist = [ ("allitems", [item for slist in postlist for item in slist[1]]) ] return finalpostlist
def execute(self, obj): newpath = [] global currLocation if not obj.Base: return if not obj.Base.isDerivedFrom("Path::Feature"): return if obj.Base.Path.Commands: firstmove = Path.Command("G0", {"X": 0, "Y": 0, "Z": 0}) currLocation.update(firstmove.Parameters) queue = [] for curCommand in obj.Base.Path.Commands: replace = None # don't worry about non-move commands, just add to output if curCommand.Name not in movecommands + rapidcommands: newpath.append(curCommand) continue # rapid retract triggers exit move, else just add to output if curCommand.Name in rapidcommands: if (curCommand.z > obj.pivotheight) and (len(queue) == 3): # Process the exit move tempqueue = queue tempqueue.insert(0, curCommand) if queue[1].Name in ['G01', 'G1']: temp = self.lineExtension(obj, tempqueue) newpath.extend(temp[0]) lastxy = temp[0][-1].Placement.Base elif queue[1].Name in arccommands: temp = self.arcExtension(obj, tempqueue) newpath.extend(temp[0]) lastxy = temp[0][-1].Placement.Base newpath.append(curCommand) currLocation.update(curCommand.Parameters) queue = [] continue # keep a queue of feed moves and check for needed corners if curCommand.Name in movecommands: changedXYFlag = False if queue: if (curCommand.x != queue[0].x) or (curCommand.y != queue[0].y): queue.insert(0, curCommand) if len(queue) > 3: queue.pop() changedXYFlag = True else: queue = [curCommand] # vertical feeding to depth if curCommand.z != currLocation["Z"]: newpath.append(curCommand) currLocation.update(curCommand.Parameters) continue # Corner possibly needed if changedXYFlag and (len(queue) == 3): # check if the inciden angle incident exceeds the filter incident_angle = self.getIncidentAngle(queue) if abs(incident_angle) >= obj.filterangle: if self.shortcut(queue) == "CW": #if incident_angle >= 0: twistCW = True else: twistCW = False # # DO THE EXTENSION # if queue[1].Name in ['G01', 'G1']: temp = self.lineExtension(obj, queue) newpath.extend(temp[0]) replace = temp[1] lastxy = temp[0][-1].Placement.Base elif queue[1].Name in arccommands: temp = self.arcExtension(obj, queue) newpath.extend(temp[0]) replace = temp[1] lastxy = temp[0][-1].Placement.Base else: FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning( "I don't know what's up") # # DO THE TWIST # if queue[0].Name in ['G01', 'G1']: temp = self.lineTwist(obj, queue, lastxy, twistCW) replace = temp[1] newpath.extend(temp[0]) elif queue[0].Name in arccommands: temp = self.arcTwist(obj, queue, lastxy, twistCW) replace = temp[1] newpath.extend(temp[0]) else: FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning( "I don't know what's up") if replace is None: newpath.append(curCommand) else: newpath.append(replace) currLocation.update(curCommand.Parameters) continue commands = newpath path = Path.Path(commands) obj.Path = path
def parse(pathobj): out = "" lastcommand = None precision_string = "." + str(PRECISION) + "f" currLocation = {} # keep track for no doubles # The params list control the order of parameters params = [ "X", "Y", "Z", "A", "B", "C", "I", "J", "K", "R", "F", "S", "T", "H", "L", "Q", ] firstmove = Path.Command("G0", {"X": -1, "Y": -1, "Z": -1, "F": 0.0}) currLocation.update(firstmove.Parameters) # set First location Parameters if hasattr(pathobj, "Group"): # We have a compound or project. # if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: # out += linenumber() + "(compound: " + pathobj.Label + ")\n" for p in pathobj.Group: out += parse(p) return out else: # parsing simple path # groups might contain non-path things like stock. if not hasattr(pathobj, "Path"): return out # if OUTPUT_COMMENTS: # out += linenumber() + "(" + pathobj.Label + ")\n" for c in pathobj.Path.Commands: commandlist = [ ] # list of elements in the command, code and params. command = c.Name.strip() # command M or G code or comment string commandlist.append(command) # if modal: only print the command if it is not the same as the last one if MODAL is True: if command == lastcommand: commandlist.pop(0) if c.Name[0] == "(" and not OUTPUT_COMMENTS: # command is a comment continue # Now add the remaining parameters in order for param in params: if param in c.Parameters: if param == "F" and ( currLocation[param] != c.Parameters[param] or REPEAT_ARGUMENTS): if c.Name not in ["G0", "G00"]: # No F in G0 speed = Units.Quantity(c.Parameters["F"], FreeCAD.Units.Velocity) if speed.getValueAs(UNIT_SPEED_FORMAT) > 0.0: commandlist.append(param + format( float(speed.getValueAs(UNIT_SPEED_FORMAT)), precision_string, )) else: continue elif param == "T": commandlist.append(param + str(int(c.Parameters["T"]))) elif param == "H": commandlist.append(param + str(int(c.Parameters["H"]))) elif param == "D": commandlist.append(param + str(int(c.Parameters["D"]))) elif param == "S": commandlist.append(param + str(int(c.Parameters["S"]))) else: if ((not REPEAT_ARGUMENTS) and (param in currLocation) and (currLocation[param] == c.Parameters[param])): continue else: pos = Units.Quantity(c.Parameters[param], FreeCAD.Units.Length) commandlist.append( param + format(float(pos.getValueAs(UNIT_FORMAT)), precision_string)) # store the latest command lastcommand = command currLocation.update(c.Parameters) # Check for Tool Change: if command == "M6": for line in TOOL_CHANGE.splitlines(True): out += linenumber() + line # add height offset if USE_TLO: tool_height = "\nG43 H" + str(int(c.Parameters["T"])) commandlist.append(tool_height) if command == "message": if OUTPUT_COMMENTS is False: out = [] else: commandlist.pop(0) # remove the command # prepend a line number and append a newline if len(commandlist) >= 1: if OUTPUT_LINE_NUMBERS: commandlist.insert(0, (linenumber())) # append the line to the final output for w in commandlist: out += w.strip() + COMMAND_SPACE if trace_gcode: print("parse : >>{}".format(out)) out = out.strip() + "\n" return out
def execute(self, obj): output = "" toolLoad = PathUtils.getLastToolLoad(obj) if toolLoad is None or toolLoad.ToolNumber == 0: self.vertFeed = 100 self.horizFeed = 100 self.radius = 0.25 obj.ToolNumber = 0 obj.ToolDescription = "UNDEFINED" else: self.vertFeed = toolLoad.VertFeed.Value self.horizFeed = toolLoad.HorizFeed.Value tool = PathUtils.getTool(obj, toolLoad.ToolNumber) self.radius = tool.Diameter/2 obj.ToolNumber = toolLoad.ToolNumber obj.ToolDescription = toolLoad.Name if obj.UserLabel == "": obj.Label = obj.Name + " (" + obj.ToolDescription + ")" else: obj.Label = obj.UserLabel + " (" + obj.ToolDescription + ")" locations = [] output = "(Begin Drilling)\n" if obj.Base: for loc in obj.Base: for sub in loc[1]: if "Face" in sub or "Edge" in sub: s = getattr(loc[0].Shape, sub) else: s = loc[0].Shape if s.ShapeType in ['Wire', 'Edge']: X = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.x Y = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.y Z = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.z elif s.ShapeType in ['Vertex']: X = s.Point.x Y = s.Point.y Z = s.Point.z elif s.ShapeType in ['Face']: #if abs(s.normalAt(0, 0).z) == 1: # horizontal face X = s.CenterOfMass.x Y = s.CenterOfMass.y Z = s.CenterOfMass.z locations.append(FreeCAD.Vector(X, Y, Z)) output += "G90 G98\n" # rapid to clearance height output += "G0 Z" + str(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) # rapid to first hole location, with spindle still retracted: p0 = locations[0] output += "G0 X" + fmt(p0.x) + " Y" + fmt(p0.y) + "\n" # move tool to clearance plane output += "G0 Z" + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "\n" if obj.PeckDepth.Value > 0: cmd = "G83" qword = " Q" + fmt(obj.PeckDepth.Value) else: cmd = "G81" qword = "" for p in locations: output += cmd + \ " X" + fmt(p.x) + \ " Y" + fmt(p.y) + \ " Z" + fmt(obj.FinalDepth.Value) + qword + \ " R" + str(obj.RetractHeight.Value) + \ " F" + str(self.vertFeed) + "\n" \ output += "G80\n" path = Path.Path(output) obj.Path = path
def GenerateGCode(op, obj, adaptiveResults, helixDiameter): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if len(adaptiveResults) == 0 or len( adaptiveResults[0]["AdaptivePaths"]) == 0: return # minLiftDistance = op.tool.Diameter helixRadius = 0 for region in adaptiveResults: p1 = region["HelixCenterPoint"] p2 = region["StartPoint"] r = math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1])) if r > helixRadius: helixRadius = r stepDown = obj.StepDown.Value passStartDepth = obj.StartDepth.Value if stepDown < 0.1: stepDown = 0.1 length = 2 * math.pi * helixRadius if float(obj.HelixAngle) < 1: obj.HelixAngle = 1 if float(obj.HelixAngle) > 89: obj.HelixAngle = 89 if float(obj.HelixConeAngle) < 0: obj.HelixConeAngle = 0 helixAngleRad = math.pi * float(obj.HelixAngle) / 180.0 depthPerOneCircle = length * math.tan(helixAngleRad) # print("Helix circle depth: {}".format(depthPerOneCircle)) stepUp = obj.LiftDistance.Value if stepUp < 0: stepUp = 0 finish_step = obj.FinishDepth.Value if hasattr(obj, "FinishDepth") else 0.0 if finish_step > stepDown: finish_step = stepDown depth_params = PathUtils.depth_params( clearance_height=obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, safe_height=obj.SafeHeight.Value, start_depth=obj.StartDepth.Value, step_down=stepDown, z_finish_step=finish_step, final_depth=obj.FinalDepth.Value, user_depths=None) # ml: this is dangerous because it'll hide all unused variables hence forward # however, I don't know what lx and ly signify so I'll leave them for now # pylint: disable=unused-variable # lx = adaptiveResults[0]["HelixCenterPoint"][0] # ly = adaptiveResults[0]["HelixCenterPoint"][1] lz = passStartDepth step = 0 for passEndDepth in step = step + 1 for region in adaptiveResults: startAngle = math.atan2( region["StartPoint"][1] - region["HelixCenterPoint"][1], region["StartPoint"][0] - region["HelixCenterPoint"][0]) # lx = region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] # ly = region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] passDepth = (passStartDepth - passEndDepth) p1 = region["HelixCenterPoint"] p2 = region["StartPoint"] helixRadius = math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1])) # Helix ramp if helixRadius > 0.01: r = helixRadius - 0.01 maxfi = passDepth / depthPerOneCircle * 2 * math.pi fi = 0 offsetFi = -maxfi + startAngle - math.pi / 16 helixStart = [ region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r * math.cos(offsetFi), region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] + r * math.sin(offsetFi) ] op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("(Helix to depth: %f)" % passEndDepth)) if obj.UseHelixArcs is False: # rapid move to start point op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G0", {"Z": obj.ClearanceHeight.Value})) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": obj.ClearanceHeight.Value })) # rapid move to safe height op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": obj.SafeHeight.Value })) # move to start depth op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G1", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": passStartDepth, "F": op.vertFeed })) if obj.HelixConeAngle == 0: while fi < maxfi: x = region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r * math.cos( fi + offsetFi) y = region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] + r * math.sin( fi + offsetFi) z = passStartDepth - fi / maxfi * (passStartDepth - passEndDepth) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G1", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": z, "F": op.vertFeed })) # lx = x # ly = y fi = fi + math.pi / 16 # one more circle at target depth to make sure center is cleared maxfi = maxfi + 2 * math.pi while fi < maxfi: x = region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r * math.cos( fi + offsetFi) y = region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] + r * math.sin( fi + offsetFi) z = passEndDepth op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G1", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": z, "F": op.horizFeed })) # lx = x # ly = y fi = fi + math.pi / 16 else: # Cone _HelixAngle = 360 - (float(obj.HelixAngle) * 4) if obj.HelixConeAngle > 6: obj.HelixConeAngle = 6 helixRadius *= 0.9 # Calculate everything helix_height = passStartDepth - passEndDepth r_extra = helix_height * math.tan( math.radians(obj.HelixConeAngle)) HelixTopRadius = helixRadius + r_extra helix_full_height = HelixTopRadius * ( math.cos(math.radians(obj.HelixConeAngle)) / math.sin(math.radians(obj.HelixConeAngle))) # Start height z = passStartDepth i = 0 # Default step down z_step = 0.05 # Bigger angle, smaller step down if _HelixAngle > 120: z_step = 0.025 if _HelixAngle > 240: z_step = 0.015 p = None # Calculate conical helix while (z >= passEndDepth): if z < passEndDepth: z = passEndDepth p = CalcHelixConePoint(helix_full_height, i, HelixTopRadius, _HelixAngle) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G1", { "X": p['X'] + region["HelixCenterPoint"][0], "Y": p['Y'] + region["HelixCenterPoint"][1], "Z": z, "F": op.vertFeed })) z = z - z_step i = i + z_step # Calculate some stuff for arcs at bottom p['X'] = p['X'] + region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] p['Y'] = p['Y'] + region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] x_m = region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] - p['X'] + region[ "HelixCenterPoint"][0] y_m = region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] - p['Y'] + region[ "HelixCenterPoint"][1] i_off = (x_m - p['X']) / 2 j_off = (y_m - p['Y']) / 2 # One more circle at target depth to make sure center is cleared op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G3", { "X": x_m, "Y": y_m, "Z": passEndDepth, "I": i_off, "J": j_off, "F": op.horizFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G3", { "X": p['X'], "Y": p['Y'], "Z": passEndDepth, "I": -i_off, "J": -j_off, "F": op.horizFeed })) else: # Use arcs for helix - no conical shape support helixStart = [ region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r, region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] ] # rapid move to start point op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G0", {"Z": obj.ClearanceHeight.Value})) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": obj.ClearanceHeight.Value })) # rapid move to safe height op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": obj.SafeHeight.Value })) # move to start depth op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G1", { "X": helixStart[0], "Y": helixStart[1], "Z": passStartDepth, "F": op.vertFeed })) x = region["HelixCenterPoint"][0] + r y = region["HelixCenterPoint"][1] curDep = passStartDepth while curDep > (passEndDepth + depthPerOneCircle): op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x - (2 * r), "Y": y, "Z": curDep - (depthPerOneCircle / 2), "I": -r, "F": op.vertFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": curDep - depthPerOneCircle, "I": r, "F": op.vertFeed })) curDep = curDep - depthPerOneCircle lastStep = curDep - passEndDepth if lastStep > (depthPerOneCircle / 2): op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x - (2 * r), "Y": y, "Z": curDep - (lastStep / 2), "I": -r, "F": op.vertFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "I": r, "F": op.vertFeed })) else: op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x - (2 * r), "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "I": -r, "F": op.vertFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G1", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "F": op.vertFeed })) # one more circle at target depth to make sure center is cleared op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x - (2 * r), "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "I": -r, "F": op.horizFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G2", { "X": x, "Y": y, "Z": passEndDepth, "I": r, "F": op.horizFeed })) # lx = x # ly = y else: # no helix entry # rapid move to clearance height op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G0", {"Z": obj.ClearanceHeight.Value})) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G0", { "X": region["StartPoint"][0], "Y": region["StartPoint"][1], "Z": obj.ClearanceHeight.Value })) # straight plunge to target depth op.commandlist.append( Path.Command( "G1", { "X": region["StartPoint"][0], "Y": region["StartPoint"][1], "Z": passEndDepth, "F": op.vertFeed })) lz = passEndDepth z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("(Adaptive - depth: %f)" % passEndDepth)) # add adaptive paths for pth in region["AdaptivePaths"]: motionType = pth[0] # [0] contains motion type for pt in pth[1]: # [1] contains list of points x = pt[0] y = pt[1] # dist = math.sqrt((x-lx)*(x-lx) + (y-ly)*(y-ly)) if motionType == area.AdaptiveMotionType.Cutting: z = passEndDepth if z != lz: op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G1", { "Z": z, "F": op.vertFeed })) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G1", { "X": x, "Y": y, "F": op.horizFeed })) elif motionType == area.AdaptiveMotionType.LinkClear: z = passEndDepth + stepUp if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G0", { "X": x, "Y": y })) elif motionType == area.AdaptiveMotionType.LinkNotClear: z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) op.commandlist.append( Path.Command("G0", { "X": x, "Y": y })) # elif motionType == area.AdaptiveMotionType.LinkClearAtPrevPass: # if lx!=x or ly!=y: # op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", { "X": lx, "Y":ly, "Z":passStartDepth+stepUp})) # op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", { "X": x, "Y":y, "Z":passStartDepth+stepUp})) # lx = x # ly = y lz = z # return to safe height in this Z pass z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) lz = z passStartDepth = passEndDepth # return to safe height in this Z pass z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) lz = z z = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value if z != lz: op.commandlist.append(Path.Command("G0", {"Z": z})) lz = z
def load_train(depth=0): """ Load dataset for training and validating. *NOTE* If you need a validating set, you SHOULD split from training set by yourself. Args ---- depth: int, 0 by default Maximum moves of time window. 0 means no need to move time window. Returns ------- X: numpy ndarray, shape: (num_of_enrollments, num_of_features) Rows of features. It is the features of all time if cache_only is True. y: numpy ndarray, shape: (num_of_enrollments,) Vector of labels. It is the labels of all time if cache_only is True. """ logger.debug('loading train set of depth %d', depth) enroll_set = IO.load_enrollment_train() log_all = IO.load_logs() base_date = datetime(2014, 8, 1, 22, 0, 47) logger.debug('loading features before %s', base_date) enroll_ids = __enroll_ids_with_log__(log_all, enroll_set['enrollment_id'], base_date) pkl_X_path = Path.of_cache('train_X.%s.pkl' % base_date) pkl_y_path = Path.of_cache('train_y.%s.pkl' % base_date) X = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_X_path) y = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_y_path) if X is None or y is None: logger.debug('cache missed, calculating ...') X, _ = __load_dataset__(log_all, enroll_ids, base_date) y_with_id = IO.load_train_y() y = np.array(pd.merge(enroll_set, y_with_id, how='left', on='enrollment_id')['y']) if np.any(np.isnan(y)): logger.fatal('something wrong with y') raise RuntimeError('something wrong with y') IO.cache(X, pkl_X_path) IO.cache(y, pkl_y_path) base_date = datetime(2014, 7, 22, 22, 0, 47) Dw = timedelta(days=7) enroll_ids = __enroll_ids_with_log__(log_all, enroll_ids, base_date) for _ in range(depth): if enroll_ids.size <= 0: break logger.debug('loading features before %s', base_date) # get instances and labels pkl_X_path = Path.of_cache('train_X.%s.pkl' % base_date) pkl_y_path = Path.of_cache('train_y.%s.pkl' % base_date) X_temp = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_X_path) y_temp = IO.fetch_cache(pkl_y_path) if X_temp is None or y_temp is None: logger.debug('cache missed, calculating ...') X_temp, y_temp = __load_dataset__(log_all, enroll_ids, base_date) IO.cache(X_temp, pkl_X_path) IO.cache(y_temp, pkl_y_path) # update instances and labels X = np.r_[X, X_temp] y = np.append(y, y_temp) # update base_date and enroll_ids base_date -= Dw enroll_ids = __enroll_ids_with_log__(log_all, enroll_ids, base_date) logger.debug('train set loaded') if np.any(np.isinf(X)): logger.debug('train set has INF') return X, y
def circularHoleExecute(self, obj, holes): '''circularHoleExecute(obj, holes) ... generate drill operation for each hole in holes.''' PathLog.track() PathLog.debug("\ncircularHoleExecute() in") lastAxis = None lastAngle = 0.0 self.commandlist.append(Path.Command("(Begin Drilling)")) # rapid to clearance height self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid})) tiplength = 0.0 if obj.AddTipLength: tiplength = PathUtils.drillTipLength(self.tool) holes = PathUtils.sort_jobs(holes, ['x', 'y']) self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G90')) self.commandlist.append(Path.Command(obj.ReturnLevel)) # ml: I'm not sure whey these were here, they seem redundant # # rapid to first hole location, with spindle still retracted: # p0 = holes[0] # self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': p0['x'], 'Y': p0['y'], 'F': self.horizRapid})) # # move tool to clearance plane # self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid})) for p in holes: cmd = "G81" cmdParams = {} cmdParams['Z'] = p['trgtDep'] - tiplength cmdParams['F'] = self.vertFeed cmdParams['R'] = obj.RetractHeight.Value if obj.PeckEnabled and obj.PeckDepth.Value > 0: cmd = "G83" cmdParams['Q'] = obj.PeckDepth.Value elif obj.DwellEnabled and obj.DwellTime > 0: cmd = "G82" cmdParams['P'] = obj.DwellTime params = {} params['X'] = p['x'] params['Y'] = p['y'] params.update(cmdParams) if obj.EnableRotation != 'Off': angle = p['angle'] axis = p['axis'] # Rotate model to index for hole if axis == 'X': axisOfRot = 'A' elif axis == 'Y': axisOfRot = 'B' # Reverse angle temporarily to match model. Error in FreeCAD render of B axis rotations if obj.B_AxisErrorOverride is True: angle = -1 * angle elif axis == 'Z': axisOfRot = 'C' else: axisOfRot = 'A' # Set initial values for last axis and angle if lastAxis is None: lastAxis = axisOfRot lastAngle = angle # Handle axial and angular transitions if axisOfRot != lastAxis: self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': obj.SafeHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid})) self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {lastAxis: 0.0, 'F': self.axialRapid})) elif angle != lastAngle: self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': obj.SafeHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid})) # Prepare for drilling cycle self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {axisOfRot: angle, 'F': self.axialRapid})) self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': p['x'], 'Y': p['y'], 'F': self.horizRapid})) self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G1', {'Z': p['stkTop'], 'F': self.vertFeed})) # Perform and cancel canned drilling cycle self.commandlist.append(Path.Command(cmd, params)) self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G80')) # shift axis and angle values if obj.EnableRotation != 'Off': lastAxis = axisOfRot lastAngle = angle if obj.EnableRotation != 'Off': self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': obj.SafeHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid})) self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {lastAxis: 0.0, 'F': self.axialRapid}))
时间:2014年12月16日 创建人:李胤龙 """ import interface_token import urllib import urllib2 import json import unittest import time import HTMLTestRunner import Path # 定义要创建的目录 Testjresult="E:\\Test jresult\\interface\\" # 调用函数 Path.mkdir(Testjresult) # 获取fctoken fctoken = interface_token.fctoken() class interface(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass #获取某个当前账户的详细信息/GET方式 def info_account(self): url = "" req = url+'/fctoken/'+fctoken +'/fcname/fastweb/user_id/142' res_data = urllib2.urlopen(req) res =
def internalThreadCommands(loc, cmd, zStart, zFinal, pitch, radius, leadInOut): '''internalThreadCommands(loc, cmd, zStart, zFinal, pitch, radius) ... returns the g-code to mill the given internal thread''' thread = _InternalThread(cmd, zStart, zFinal, pitch) yMin = loc.y - radius yMax = loc.y + radius path = [] # at this point the tool is at a safe height (depending on the previous thread), so we can move # into position first, and then drop to the start height. If there is any material in the way this # op hasn't been setup properly. path.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': loc.x, 'Y': loc.y})) path.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': thread.zStart})) if leadInOut: path.append( Path.Command(thread.cmd, { 'Y': yMax, 'J': (yMax - loc.y) / 2 })) else: path.append(Path.Command('G1', {'Y': yMax})) z = thread.zStart r = -radius i = 0 while True: z = thread.zStart + i * thread.hPitch if thread.overshoots(z): break if 0 == (i & 0x01): y = yMin else: y = yMax path.append( Path.Command(thread.cmd, { 'Y': y, 'Z': z + thread.hPitch, 'J': r })) r = -r i = i + 1 z = thread.zStart + i * thread.hPitch if PathGeom.isRoughly(z, thread.zFinal): x = loc.x else: n = math.fabs(thread.zFinal - thread.zStart) / thread.hPitch k = n - int(n) dy = math.cos(k * math.pi) dx = math.sin(k * math.pi) y = thread.adjustY(loc.y, r * dy) x = thread.adjustX(loc.x, r * dx) path.append( Path.Command(thread.cmd, { 'X': x, 'Y': y, 'Z': thread.zFinal, 'J': r })) if leadInOut: path.append( Path.Command(thread.cmd, { 'X': loc.x, 'Y': loc.y, 'I': (loc.x - x) / 2, 'J': (loc.y - y) / 2 })) else: path.append(Path.Command('G1', {'X': loc.x, 'Y': loc.y})) return path
def createPath(self, obj, pathData, tags): PathLog.track() commands = [] lastEdge = 0 lastTag = 0 # sameTag = None t = 0 # inters = None edge = None segm = 50 if hasattr(obj, 'SegmentationFactor'): segm = obj.SegmentationFactor if segm <= 0: segm = 50 obj.SegmentationFactor = 50 self.mappers = [] mapper = None tc = PathDressup.toolController(obj.Base) horizFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value vertFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value horizRapid = tc.HorizRapid.Value vertRapid = tc.VertRapid.Value while edge or lastEdge < len(pathData.edges): PathLog.debug("------- lastEdge = %d/%d.%d/%d" % (lastEdge, lastTag, t, len(tags))) if not edge: edge = pathData.edges[lastEdge] debugEdge( edge, "======= new edge: %d/%d" % (lastEdge, len(pathData.edges))) lastEdge += 1 # sameTag = None if mapper: mapper.add(edge) if mapper.mappingComplete(): commands.extend(mapper.commands) edge = mapper.tail mapper = None else: edge = None if edge: tIndex = (t + lastTag) % len(tags) t += 1 i = tags[tIndex].intersects(edge, edge.FirstParameter) if i and self.isValidTagStartIntersection(edge, i): mapper = MapWireToTag(edge, tags[tIndex], i, segm, pathData.maxZ, hSpeed=horizFeed, vSpeed=vertFeed) self.mappers.append(mapper) edge = mapper.tail if not mapper and t >= len(tags): # gone through all tags, consume edge and move on if edge: debugEdge(edge, '++++++++') if pathData.rapid.isRapid(edge): v = edge.Vertexes[1] if not commands and PathGeom.isRoughly( 0, v.X) and PathGeom.isRoughly( 0, v.Y) and not PathGeom.isRoughly(0, v.Z): # The very first move is just to move to ClearanceHeight commands.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'Z': v.Z, 'F': horizRapid })) else: commands.append( Path.Command('G0', { 'X': v.X, 'Y': v.Y, 'Z': v.Z, 'F': vertRapid })) else: commands.extend( PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge, segm=segm, hSpeed=horizFeed, vSpeed=vertFeed)) edge = None t = 0 return Path.Path(commands)
def arcTwist(self, obj, queue, lastXY, twistCW=False): '''returns gcode to do an arc move toward an arc to perform a corner action twist. Inclues lifting and plungeing the knife''' global currLocation pivotheight = obj.pivotheight offset = obj.offset results = [] # set the correct twist command if twistCW is False: arcdir = "G3" else: arcdir = "G2" # move to the pivot heigth zdepth = currLocation["Z"] retract = Path.Command("G0", {"Z": pivotheight}) results.append(retract) currLocation.update(retract.Parameters) # get the center of the destination arc arccenter = FreeCAD.Base.Vector(queue[1].x + queue[0].I, queue[1].y + queue[0].J, currLocation["Z"]) # The center of the twist arc is the old line end point. C = queue[1].Placement.Base # Find radius of old arc R = math.hypot(queue[0].I, queue[0].J) # find angle of original center to startpoint v1 = queue[1].Placement.Base.sub(arccenter) segAngle = D.angle(v1, FreeCAD.Base.Vector(1, 0, 0), FreeCAD.Base.Vector(0, 0, -1)) # Find angle subtended by the offset theta = offset / R # add or subtract theta depending on direction if queue[1].Name in ["G2", "G02"]: newangle = segAngle + theta else: newangle = segAngle - theta # calculate endpoints Bx = arccenter.x + R * math.cos(newangle) By = arccenter.y + R * math.sin(newangle) endpointvector = FreeCAD.Base.Vector(Bx, By, currLocation['Z']) # calculate IJ offsets of twist arc from current position. offsetvector = C.sub(lastXY) # add G2/G3 move arcmove = Path.Command( arcdir, { "X": endpointvector.x, "Y": endpointvector.y, "I": offsetvector.x, "J": offsetvector.y }) results.append(arcmove) currLocation.update(arcmove.Parameters) # plunge back to depth plunge = Path.Command("G1", {"Z": zdepth}) results.append(plunge) currLocation.update(plunge.Parameters) # The old arc move won't work so calculate a replacement command offsetv = arccenter.sub(endpointvector) replace = Path.Command(queue[0].Name, { "X": queue[0].X, "Y": queue[0].Y, "I": offsetv.x, "J": offsetv.y }) return (results, replace)