Пример #1
def getManagerCorbaloc(new_corbaloc=None):
    Get (or set) managers corbaloc.
    Params: If the developer specifies a value other than None for
    new_corbaloc, it is assumed this is managers corbaloc and sets it
    Returns: the stringified corbaloc of manager.
    Raises: Nothing.
    global MGR_CORBALOC

    if new_corbaloc != None:
        #Developer is trying to manually set the singled reference.
        MGR_CORBALOC = str(new_corbaloc)

    elif MGR_CORBALOC == None:
        #If this function has never been called before...
        #Check command-line args for the corbaloc
        for i in range(0, len(argv) - 1):
            if argv[i] == '-managerReference':
                #Found it!  OK to set now.
                MGR_CORBALOC = argv[i + 1]

        if MGR_CORBALOC == None:
            #Not in the command-line so check an environment variable reference
            if environ.has_key('MANAGER_REFERENCE'):
                #Found it!  OK to set now.
                MGR_CORBALOC = environ['MANAGER_REFERENCE']
                #Assume manager is running under the local machine
                MGR_CORBALOC = 'corbaloc::' + str(
                    getIP()) + ':' + getManagerPort() + '/Manager'

    return MGR_CORBALOC
Пример #2
def getManagerCorbaloc(new_corbaloc=None):
    Get (or set) managers corbaloc.
    Params: If the developer specifies a value other than None for
    new_corbaloc, it is assumed this is managers corbaloc and sets it
    Returns: the stringified corbaloc of manager.
    Raises: Nothing.
    global MGR_CORBALOC

    if new_corbaloc != None:
        # Developer is trying to manually set the singled reference.
        MGR_CORBALOC = str(new_corbaloc)

    elif MGR_CORBALOC == None:
        # If this function has never been called before...
        # Check command-line args for the corbaloc
        for i in range(0, len(argv) - 1):
            if argv[i] == "-managerReference" or argv[i] == "-m":
                # Found it!  OK to set now.
                MGR_CORBALOC = argv[i + 1]

        if MGR_CORBALOC == None:
            # Not in the command-line so check an environment variable reference
            if environ.has_key("MANAGER_REFERENCE"):
                # Found it!  OK to set now.
                MGR_CORBALOC = environ["MANAGER_REFERENCE"]
                # Assume manager is running under the local machine
                MGR_CORBALOC = "corbaloc::" + str(getIP()) + ":" + getManagerPort() + "/Manager"

    return MGR_CORBALOC
Пример #3
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getBasePort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getManagerPort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getNamingServicePort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getNotifyServicePort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getLoggingServicePort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getIRPort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getLogPort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getCDBPort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getContainerDaemonPort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getServicesDaemonPort
from AcsutilPy.ACSPorts import getIP

# Test code

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # basically just make sure none of these throw exceptions because multiple values
    # are actually correct here!
    print type(getBasePort())
    print type(getManagerPort())
    print type(getNamingServicePort())
    print type(getNotifyServicePort())
    print type(getLoggingServicePort())
    print type(getIRPort())
    print type(getLogPort())
    print type(getCDBPort())
    print type(getContainerDaemonPort())
    print type(getServicesDaemonPort())
    print type(getIP())