def CreateRoundStrutwithCone(name, diameter, start, height, coneHeight, topDiameter, frameHeight): #print(name) vector = XYZ(0, 0, height*-1) coneVector = XYZ(0, 0, (coneHeight-frameHeight)*-1) frameVector = XYZ(0, 0, frameHeight * -1) pp = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(vector, start + coneVector + frameVector*2) ppCone = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(vector, start + frameVector) ppFrame = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(vector, start) frameProfile = CurveLoop().Create([Arc.Create(ppFrame, topDiameter/2, 0, math.pi), Arc.Create(ppFrame, topDiameter/2, math.pi, math.pi*2)]) coneProfile = CurveLoop().Create([Arc.Create(ppCone, topDiameter/2 + frameHeight + 1/12, 0, math.pi), Arc.Create(ppCone, topDiameter/2 + frameHeight + 1/12, math.pi, math.pi*2)]) profile = CurveLoop().Create([Arc.Create(pp, diameter/2, 0, math.pi), Arc.Create(pp, diameter/2, math.pi, math.pi*2)]) frame = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry([frameProfile], frameVector, frameHeight) geo = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry([profile], vector, height - coneHeight-frameHeight) try: cone = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateLoftGeometry([coneProfile, profile], SolidOptions(ElementId.InvalidElementId, ElementId.InvalidElementId)) # Create Element ele = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(-2000151)) ele.SetShape([geo, cone, frame]) ele.SetName(name) return ele.Id except: ele = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(-2000151)) ele.SetShape([geo, frame]) ele.SetName(name) return ele.Id
def create_widnow_for_panel(self, panel_dict, panel_params, panel=None): """ Создать окна в панели. """ for i in panel_dict['components']['componentRefs']: window_type = self.all_windows[i["id"]] symb = self.window_family[window_type[0]] add_point = XYZ(i['point']['x'], i['point']['y'], i['point']['z']) / 304.8 c_window = self.doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance( add_point, symb, self.default_level, StructuralType.Column) c_window = Precast_window(c_window, doc=self.doc, panel=panel) c_window["Рзм.Ширина"] = i["length"] / 304.8 new_point = c_window.element.Location.Point new_point = new_point + XYZ(i["length"] / 304.8 / 2, 0, 0) # new_point = new_point + XYZ(i["length"] / 304.8 / 2, 0, 0) c_window.element.Location.Point = new_point axis = Line.CreateBound(c_window.element.Location.Point, c_window.element.Location.Point + XYZ(0,0,10)) c_window.element.Location.Rotate(axis, math.pi) if window_type[1] == "left": plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(XYZ(1,0,0), c_window.element.Location.Point) new_win = ElementTransformUtils.MirrorElement(self.doc, c_window.element.Id, plane) self.doc.Delete(c_window.element.Id)
def CreateCurvePipe(name, diameter, thickness, startO, endO, middleO): #print(name) # print("Diameter" + str(diameter)) #correction = XYZ(0, 0, diameter / 2) correction = XYZ(0, 0, 0) start = startO + correction end = endO + correction middle = middleO + correction #print(name) #print(start) #print(end) #print(middle) path = Arc.Create(start, end, middle) pathCurve = CurveLoop().Create([path]) pp = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin( path.ComputeDerivatives(0, True).BasisX, start) profile = CurveLoop().Create([ Arc.Create(pp, diameter / 2 + thickness, 0, math.pi), Arc.Create(pp, diameter / 2 + thickness, math.pi, math.pi * 2) ]) geo = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateSweptGeometry( pathCurve, 0, path.GetEndParameter(0), [profile]) ele = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(-2000151)) ele.SetShape([geo]) ele.SetName(name) return ele.Id
def CreateStraightPipe(name, diameter, thickness, startO, endO, length): #correction = XYZ(0, 0, diameter/2) #print("Diameter" + str(diameter)) #print(name) correction = XYZ(0, 0, 0) start = startO + correction end = endO + correction #print(name) #print(length) if (end - start).GetLength() > 0.1: pp = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(end - start, start) profile = CurveLoop().Create([ Arc.Create(pp, diameter / 2 + thickness, 0, math.pi), Arc.Create(pp, diameter / 2 + thickness, math.pi, math.pi * 2) ]) geo = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry([profile], end - start, length) ele = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(-2000151)) ele.SetShape([geo]) ele.SetName(name) return ele.Id else: print("Duct too small") return None
def CreateCubeStrut(csdname, csdwidth, csdlength, csdheight, csdstart, csdrotation, scdthickness): #print(csdname) vector = XYZ(0, 0, csdheight * -1) pp = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(vector, csdstart) trans = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(vector, csdrotation, csdstart) point1 = csdstart + XYZ(csdwidth / 2, csdlength / 2, 0) point2 = csdstart + XYZ(csdwidth / 2 * -1, csdlength / 2, 0) point3 = csdstart + XYZ(csdwidth / 2 * -1, csdlength / 2 * -1, 0) point4 = csdstart + XYZ(csdwidth / 2, csdlength / 2 * -1, 0) profileorigion = CurveLoop().Create([ Line.CreateBound(point1, point2), Line.CreateBound(point2, point3), Line.CreateBound(point3, point4), Line.CreateBound(point4, point1) ]) finalProfile = CurveLoop.CreateViaTransform(profileorigion, trans) geo = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry([finalProfile], vector, csdheight) ele = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(-2000151)) ele.SetShape([geo]) ele.SetName(csdname) return ele.Id
def print_arc(cls, point, plane=None, radius=0.3): doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document active_view = doc.ActiveView creDoc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document.Create if not plane: plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(active_view.ViewDirection, point) sketchPlane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane) new_arc = Arc.Create(point, radius, 0, pi * 2, plane.XVec, plane.YVec) m_line = creDoc.NewModelCurve(new_arc, sketchPlane) return m_line
def print_line(cls, p1, p2, plane=None, radius=0.3, color='еленая'): doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document active_view = doc.ActiveView creDoc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document.Create if not plane: vect = p2 - p1 p3 = p1 + XYZ_multiply(active_view.ViewDirection, vect).Normalize() plane = Plane.CreateByThreePoints(p1, p2, p3) sketchPlane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane) new_line = Line.CreateBound(p1, p2) m_line = creDoc.NewModelCurve(new_line, sketchPlane) m_line.LineStyle = cls.get_line_style(color=color) return m_line
def CreateRoundStrut(name, diameter, start, height): vector = XYZ(0, 0, height * -1) print(name) print(height) pp = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(vector, start) profile = CurveLoop().Create([ Arc.Create(pp, diameter / 2, 0, math.pi), Arc.Create(pp, diameter / 2, math.pi, math.pi * 2) ]) geo = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry([profile], vector, height) ele = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(-2000151)) ele.SetShape([geo]) ele.SetName(name) return ele.Id
def CreateStraightPipe(name, diameter, thickness, startO, endO, length): correction = XYZ(0, 0, diameter / 2) start = startO + correction end = endO + correction print(name) print(length) pp = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(end - start, start) profile = CurveLoop().Create([ Arc.Create(pp, diameter / 2 + thickness, 0, math.pi), Arc.Create(pp, diameter / 2 + thickness, math.pi, math.pi * 2) ]) geo = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry([profile], end - start, length) ele = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(-2000151)) ele.SetShape([geo]) ele.SetName(name) return ele.Id
See this link for a copy of the GNU General Public License protecting this package. """ __doc__ = 'Reorients the current 3D view camera, perpendicular to the selected face. ' \ 'This tool will set a sketch plane over the selected face for 3d drawing.' __window__.Close() from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Transaction, View3D, SketchPlane, Plane from Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection import ObjectType uidoc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document selection = [doc.GetElement(elId) for elId in __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Selection.GetElementIds()] curview = uidoc.ActiveView try: ref = uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Face) el = doc.GetElement(ref.ElementId) face = el.GetGeometryObjectFromReference(ref) if isinstance(curview, View3D): t = Transaction(doc, 'Orient to Selected Face') t.Start() sp = SketchPlane.Create(doc, Plane(face.Normal, face.Origin)) curview.OrientTo(face.Normal.Negate()) uidoc.ActiveView.SketchPlane = sp uidoc.RefreshActiveView() t.Commit() except: pass
for path, c in zip(points, count): # if c > 1: # Лучевая схема if 2 > 1: # Ортогональная схема sublist = [] for i, p in enumerate(path): try: start, end = path[i], path[i + 1] line = Line.CreateBound( start, end ) # direction = line.Direction x, y, z = direction.X, direction.Y, direction.Z normal = XYZ(z - y, x - z, y - x) # normal = XYZ.BasisZ.CrossProduct(line.Direction) plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(normal, start) sketchPlane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane) modelCurve = doc.Create.NewModelCurve(line, sketchPlane) # sublist.append(Line().ByStartPointEndPoint(path[i], path[i + 1])) sublist.append(modelCurve) except IndexError: continue lines.append(sublist) else: sublist = [] sublist.append(Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(path[0], path[-1])) lines.append(sublist) OUT = cirs, panels, elements, dividedWires, lengthsWithReserve, discreteLengths, naimenovanie, marka2, sposobRaschyota, kolichestvo, edinitcyIzmereniia,
# offsets = [None] + path[:-1], path, path[1:] + [None] # offsets = path, path[1:] + [None] # for point, next_point in list(zip(*offsets)): if next_point: try: line = Line.CreateBound(point, next_point) # except Exception: print('{} не удалось создать линии'.format( continue direction = line.Direction x, y, z = direction.X, direction.Y, direction.Z normal = XYZ(z - y, x - z, y - x) # normal = XYZ.BasisZ.CrossProduct(line.Direction) # if not normal.GetLength(): # normal = XYZ(1, 0, 0) plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(normal, point) sketchPlane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane) model_line = doc.Create.NewModelCurve(line, sketchPlane) name = get_wire_name(cir) if '!мвс ' + name not in [i.Name for i in lineStyles]: # print(name) # print(cir.els[0].Id) lineStyles.append(cats.NewSubcategory(cats.get_Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_Lines), '!мвс ' + name)) # model_line.LineStyle = [i for i in lineStyles if i.Name == '!мвс ' + name][0] for i in lineStyles: if i.Name == '!мвс ' + name: try: # Срабатывает только со второго запуска скрипта. Не критично (Вероятно, можно исправить перезапуском подтранзакции) model_line.LineStyle = i except: errors.add(name) break
def project_on_plane(point, origin=None, normal=None, plane=None): "Проекция точки на плоскость." if plane is None: plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(normal, origin) normal = plane.Normal * plane.Project(point)[1] return point - normal
def CreateStraightDuct(csdname, csdwidth, csdheight, thickness, csdstartO, csdendO, csdlength): #print(csdname) #correction = XYZ(0, 0, csdheight / 2) correction = XYZ(0, 0, 0) csdstart = csdstartO + correction csdend = csdendO + correction if (csdend - csdstart).GetLength() > 0.1: pp = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(csdend - csdstart, csdstart) profile1 = Arc.Create(pp, csdwidth / 2 + thickness, 0, math.pi) interVector = XYZ((csdend - csdstart).Y * -1, (csdend - csdstart).X, 0) a = profile1.GetEndPoint(0) b = profile1.GetEndPoint(1) profile2 = Arc.Create(pp, csdheight / 2 + thickness, math.pi / 2, math.pi * 3 / 2) c = profile2.GetEndPoint(0) d = profile2.GetEndPoint(1) point1 = a + c - csdstart point2 = b + c - csdstart point3 = b + d - csdstart point4 = a + d - csdstart l1 = Line.CreateBound(point1, point2) vector1 = point1 - point2 vector2 = XYZ((point1 - point2).X, (point1 - point2).Y, 0) #print(vector1) #print(vector2) angle = vector1.AngleOnPlaneTo(interVector, (csdend - csdstart).Normalize()) #angle = vector2.AngleTo(vector1) #print(angle) #print(point1) #print(point2) trans1 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(csdend - csdstart, angle, csdstart) trans2 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(csdend - csdstart, angle * (-1), csdstart) trans3 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(csdend - csdstart, angle * (-1) + math.pi / 2, csdstart) trans4 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(csdend - csdstart, angle + math.pi / 2, csdstart) #print(angle) #print(angle*(-1)) #print(angle * (-1) + math.pi/2) #print(angle + math.pi / 2) #print(point4) profileorigion = CurveLoop().Create([ Line.CreateBound(point1, point2), Line.CreateBound(point2, point3), Line.CreateBound(point3, point4), Line.CreateBound(point4, point1) ]) #print(l1.GetEndPoint(0)) #print(l1.GetEndPoint(1)) numbers = {} list = [] l1Test1 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans1) l1Test2 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans2) l1Test3 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans3) l1Test4 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans4) numbers[abs(l1Test1.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test1.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans1 numbers[abs(l1Test2.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test2.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans2 numbers[abs(l1Test3.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test3.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans3 numbers[abs(l1Test4.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test4.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans4 list.append(abs(l1Test1.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test1.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.append(abs(l1Test2.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test2.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.append(abs(l1Test3.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test3.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.append(abs(l1Test4.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test4.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.sort() finalProfile = CurveLoop.CreateViaTransform(profileorigion, numbers[list[0]]) geo = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry( [finalProfile], csdend - csdstart, csdlength) ele = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(-2000151)) ele.SetShape([geo]) ele.SetName(csdname) return ele.Id else: print("Duct too small") return None
def AngleAdjustment(csdend, csdstart, csdwidth, csdheight, thickness): pp = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(csdend - csdstart, csdstart) interVector = XYZ((csdend - csdstart).Y * -1, (csdend - csdstart).X, 0) profile1 = Arc.Create(pp, csdwidth / 2 + thickness, 0, math.pi) #print(pp.XVec) #print(pp.YVec) a = profile1.GetEndPoint(0) b = profile1.GetEndPoint(1) profile2 = Arc.Create(pp, csdheight / 2 + thickness, math.pi / 2, math.pi * 3 / 2) c = profile2.GetEndPoint(0) d = profile2.GetEndPoint(1) point1 = a + c - csdstart point2 = b + c - csdstart point3 = b + d - csdstart point4 = a + d - csdstart l1 = Line.CreateBound(point1, point2) vector1 = point1 - point2 vector2 = XYZ((point1 - point2).X, (point1 - point2).Y, 0) vector3 = point1 - point4 #print(vector1) #print(vector2) angle = vector1.AngleOnPlaneTo(interVector, (csdend - csdstart).Normalize()) #print(angle) #print(point1) #print(point2) trans1 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(csdend - csdstart, angle, point2) trans2 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(csdend - csdstart, angle * (-1), point2) trans3 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(csdend - csdstart, angle * (-1) + math.pi / 2, point2) trans4 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(csdend - csdstart, angle + math.pi / 2, point2) #print(angle) #print(angle*(-1)) #print(angle * (-1) + math.pi/2) #print(angle + math.pi / 2) #print(point4) profileorigion = CurveLoop().Create([ Line.CreateBound(point1, point2), Line.CreateBound(point2, point3), Line.CreateBound(point3, point4), Line.CreateBound(point4, point1) ]) #print(l1.GetEndPoint(0)) #print(l1.GetEndPoint(1)) numbers = {} list = [] l1Test1 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans1) l1Test2 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans2) l1Test3 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans3) l1Test4 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans4) #print(l1Test1.GetEndPoint(0)) #print(l1Test1.GetEndPoint(1)) #print(l1Test2.GetEndPoint(0)) #print(l1Test2.GetEndPoint(1)) #print(l1Test3.GetEndPoint(0)) #print(l1Test3.GetEndPoint(1)) #print(l1Test4.GetEndPoint(0)) #print(l1Test4.GetEndPoint(1)) numbers[abs(l1Test1.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test1.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans1 numbers[abs(l1Test2.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test2.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans2 numbers[abs(l1Test3.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test3.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans3 numbers[abs(l1Test4.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test4.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans4 list.append(abs(l1Test1.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test1.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.append(abs(l1Test2.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test2.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.append(abs(l1Test3.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test3.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.append(abs(l1Test4.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test4.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.sort()
break return uiview def SignedDistanceTo(plane, p): v = p - plane.Origin return plane.Normal.DotProduct(v) def project_onto(plane, p): d = SignedDistanceTo(plane, p) q = p - d * plane.Normal return q general_mark = RB_selections.pick_element_by_class(IndependentTag) taggets = RB_selections.pick_elements_by_class(IndependentTag) if taggets and general_mark: plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(active_view.ViewDirection, active_view.Origin) middle = project_onto(plane, general_mark.LeaderElbow) head = project_onto(plane, general_mark.TagHeadPosition) point = project_onto(plane, general_mark.LeaderEnd) vect = (point - middle).Normalize() l1 = Line.CreateUnbound(head, (middle - head).Normalize()) with Transaction(doc, "Выровнять марки") as t: t.Start() for i in taggets: tag_point = project_onto(plane, i.LeaderEnd) l2 = Line.CreateUnbound(tag_point, vect) inter = StrongBox[IntersectionResultArray]() l1.Intersect(l2, inter) new_middle = list(inter.Value)[0].XYZPoint
__doc__ = 'Rotate Pipe Fittings connected to pipe'\ 'Click the tool, select the pipe and then the fitting ' \ 'Type in a number you want to rotate and you are good to go,'\ 'Can Take negative Values' pipFilter = PipeSelectionFilter() fittingFilter = PipeFittingSelectionFilter() choices = uidoc.Selection pipeRef = choices.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, pipFilter, "Pick Pipe") pointRef = choices.PickPoint(ObjectSnapTypes.Endpoints, "Pick End Point") # extendRef = choices.PickObjects(ObjectType.Element, fittingFilter, "Pick Pipe Fitting") pipe = doc.GetElement(pipeRef.ElementId) # extend = doc.GetElement(extendRef.ElementId) pointOne = pipe.Location.Curve.GetEndPoint(0) pointTwo = pipe.Location.Curve.GetEndPoint(1) line1 = pointRef.DistanceTo(pointOne) line2 = pointRef.DistanceTo(pointTwo) if line1 >= line2: pointEnd = pointTwo normal = pointTwo.Subtract(pointOne) else: pointEnd = pointOne normal = pointTwo.Subtract(pointTwo) plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigion(normal, pointEnd) t = Transaction(doc, 'Extend Pipes') t.Start() t.Commit()
def CreateCurveDuct(name, width, height, thickness, startO, endO, middleO): #correction = XYZ(0, 0, height / 2) correction = XYZ(0, 0, 0) #print(name) start = startO + correction end = endO + correction middle = middleO + correction ele = () if start.X == end.X and start.Y == end.Y and start.Z == end.Z: print("Curve error, start is the same as end") return None else: path = Arc.Create(start, end, middle) #print(name) #print(start) #print(end) #print(middle) #print(path.Center) pathCurve = CurveLoop().Create([path]) pp = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin( path.ComputeDerivatives(0, True).BasisX, start) profile1 = Arc.Create(pp, width / 2 + thickness, 0, math.pi) normalVec = path.ComputeDerivatives(0, True).BasisX interVector = XYZ((normalVec).Y * -1, (normalVec).X, 0) a = profile1.GetEndPoint(0) vector1 = a - start vector2 = XYZ((a - start).X, (a - start).Y, 0) # angle = vector2.AngleTo(vector1) angle = vector1.AngleOnPlaneTo(interVector, (end - start).Normalize()) #print(angle) trans1 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint( path.ComputeDerivatives(0, True).BasisX, angle, start) trans2 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint( path.ComputeDerivatives(0, True).BasisX, angle * (-1), start) trans3 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint( path.ComputeDerivatives(0, True).BasisX, angle * (-1) + math.pi / 2, start) trans4 = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint( path.ComputeDerivatives(0, True).BasisX, angle + math.pi / 2, start) b = profile1.GetEndPoint(1) profile2 = Arc.Create(pp, height / 2 + thickness, math.pi / 2, math.pi * 3 / 2) c = profile2.GetEndPoint(0) d = profile2.GetEndPoint(1) point1 = a + c - start point2 = b + c - start point3 = b + d - start point4 = a + d - start numbers = {} list = [] l1 = Line.CreateBound(point1, point2) l1Test1 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans1) l1Test2 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans2) l1Test3 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans3) l1Test4 = l1.CreateTransformed(trans4) numbers[abs(l1Test1.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test1.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans1 numbers[abs(l1Test2.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test2.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans2 numbers[abs(l1Test3.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test3.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans3 numbers[abs(l1Test4.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test4.GetEndPoint(1).Z)] = trans4 list.append(abs(l1Test1.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test1.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.append(abs(l1Test2.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test2.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.append(abs(l1Test3.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test3.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.append(abs(l1Test4.GetEndPoint(0).Z - l1Test4.GetEndPoint(1).Z)) list.sort() profileorigion = CurveLoop().Create([ Line.CreateBound(point1, point2), Line.CreateBound(point2, point3), Line.CreateBound(point3, point4), Line.CreateBound(point4, point1) ]) profile = CurveLoop.CreateViaTransform(profileorigion, numbers[list[0]]) geo = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateSweptGeometry( pathCurve, 0, path.GetEndParameter(0), [profile]) ele = DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, ElementId(-2000151)) ele.SetShape([geo]) ele.SetName(name) return ele.Id