Пример #1
        # print trans
        # if str(trans) == str(TolC):
        #     print 'congrats, you reinvented the wheel'
        # else:
        #     print 'you still suck'

    def reverse_translate_amino_acid(self, amino_acid):
        codon_options = self.amino_acid_to_codon_map[amino_acid]

        # Somehow make a choice.  For now, just first one.
        codon = codon_options[0]

        # Return the one we chose.
        return codon

if __name__ == '__main__':
    my_codon_table = CodonTable('standard_usage.txt')
    print my_codon_table.translate_codon('AAA')
    print my_codon_table.translate_sequence('ATGAAGAAATTGCTCCCCATT')
    #print len(my_codon_table.codon_to_amino_acid_map)
    #print my_codon_table.amino_acid_to_codon_map
    #print len(my_codon_table.amino_acid_to_codon_map)
    #print my_codon_table.amino_acid_to_codon_map['A']
    #print my_codon_table.amino_acid_to_weight_map
    #print my_codon_table.translate_codon('AAA')
    #print my_codon_table.reverse_translate_amino_acid('F')

    #my_second_codon_table = CodonTable('weird_usage.txt')

Пример #2
def run_script(args):
    #open the input file, which should be args.scriptinput
    #send to the correct function based on the choice
    # print args.scriptinput
    scriptinput = open(args.scriptinput[0])
    outputfh = open(args.output[0],'w')
    output = csv.writer(outputfh)#output.txt','w')
    my_codon_table = CodonTable('rEcoli-codon-usage.txt')
    my_rare_codon_table = CodonTable('rEcoli-codon-usage-1st20.txt')
    scriptinputreader = csv.reader(scriptinput)
    if args.mode[0] == 'translate':
        for row in scriptinputreader:
            line = row[1]
            # print line
            codonseq = ''
            ti = 0
            line = line.replace('T','U')
            while ti + 2 < len(line):
                codon = line[ti] + line[ti+1] + line[ti+2]
                codonseq += my_codon_table.translate_codon(codon)
                ti += 3
            output.writerow([row[0]] + [codonseq]) 
    elif args.mode[0] == 'revtranslate':
        for row in scriptinputreader:
            line = row[1]
            # print line
            codonseq = ''
            ti = 0
            for character in line:
                if ti < 20:
                    table = my_rare_codon_table
                    table = my_codon_table
                codonseq += table.reverse_translate_codon(character)
                ti += 1
                #print ti
            codonseq = codonseq.replace('U','T')
            output.writerow([row[0]] + [codonseq])
    elif args.mode[0] == 'transcribe':
        for row in scriptinputreader:
            line = row[1]
            # print line
            codonseq = ''
            codonseq = line.replace('T','U')
            output.writerow([row[0]] + [codonseq])
            # else:
            #     print args.mode
    elif args.mode[0] == 'calCUT':
        calCUT = {}
        for row in scriptinputreader:
            line = row[1]
            ti = 0
            while ti + 2 < len(line):
                codon = line[ti] + line[ti+1] + line[ti+2]
                #print codon
                if not codon in calCUT:
                    calCUT[codon] = 0
                calCUT[codon] += 1
                ti += 3
                #print ti
        for codon in calCUT:
            count = calCUT[codon]
            cudun = codon.replace('T','U')
            AA = my_codon_table.translate_codon(cudun)
            output.writerow([codon] + [AA] + [count])
    # print codonseq
    # if str(codonseq) == str(TolC):
    #     print "nice"
    # else:
    #     print "you suck"