class Asteroids(Game): def __init__(self, name, screen_x, screen_y, frames_per_second): Game.__init__(self, name, screen_x, screen_y) ship_position = Point(config.SCREEN_X/2, config.SCREEN_Y/2) self.ship = Ship(ship_position, config.SHIP_INITIAL_DIRECTION, config.SHIP_COLOR) self.bullet = Bullet(Point(0,0), config.BULLET_RADIUS, 0, config.BULLET_COLOR) self.stars = [] for i in range(config.STAR_COUNT): s = Star() self.stars.append(s) = [] for i in range(config.ROCK_COUNT): (x,y) = random.randint(0, config.SCREEN_X), random.randint(0, config.SCREEN_Y) p = Point(x,y) r = Rock(p, random.uniform(0, 360.0), config.ROCK_COLOR, (random.uniform(0.0, config.ROCK_MAX_ROTATION_SPEED) * random.uniform(-1.0,1.0)), random.randint(0, config.ROCK_MAX_SPEED)) def game_logic(self, keys, newkeys): for s in self.stars: s.game_logic(keys, newkeys) self.ship.game_logic(keys, newkeys) for rock in rock.game_logic(keys, newkeys) if rock.isActive() == True: if self.ship.intersect(rock) == True: self.ship.set_inactive() if self.bullet.intersect(rock) == True: rock.set_inactive() self.bullet.set_inactive() if pygame.K_SPACE in newkeys: if self.ship.isActive() == True: points = self.ship.getPoints()[0], self.ship.rotation) self.bullet.game_logic(keys,newkeys) def paint(self, surface): self.screen.fill(config.BACKGROUND_COLOR) for s in self.stars: s.paint(surface) self.ship.paint(surface) self.bullet.paint(surface) for rock in rock.paint(surface)
class Game: running = True screen = None background = None player = None bullet = None enemies = None explosion = None caption = None game_text = None score = None stage = None def start(self): pygame.init() self.stage = Stage(self, 1) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) self.background = Background(self) self.background.load() self.player = Player(self) self.player.load() self.bullet = Bullet(self) self.bullet.load() self.enemies = Enemies(self) self.enemies.load() self.game_text = GameText(self) self.game_text.load() self.explosion = Explosion(self) self.explosion.load() self.caption = Caption(self) self.caption.load() self.score = Score(self) self.score.load() while self.running: self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.handle_event() def handle_event(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.player.move_left() if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.player.move_right() if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:, self.player.y) if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.player.stop_move() self.player.move() self.bullet.move() self.enemies.move() pygame.display.update() def win(self): if self.enemies.finished(): self.game_text.show_win() def loose(self): self.game_text.show_loose() def pause(self): pass def show_help(self): pass
screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: conn = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: player_valx = -0.4 if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: player_valx = 0.4 if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: if bullet.bullet_state == False: bulletX = playerX, x=bulletX, y=bulletY) else: pass playerX += player_valx enemyX += enemy_valx # playerY += player_valy if playerX <= 0: playerX = 0 elif playerX >= 964: playerX = 964 if enemyX <= 0: enemyX = 0 enemy_valx = 0.3
def shoot(self, bullets, baddies, fps): # fyi... # Assuming fps=60 for comments mentioning # how long the alarm is set for. #shooter if self.selected == 0: #locked if self.unlocked[0] == 0: print("Warning: shooter is not unlocked yet") return -1 #lvl 1 elif self.unlocked[0] == 1: #allow a shot every 1/4 sec self.alarm = int(fps/4) #shoot a bullet if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 bullet = Bullet(DGREY, 4, 8) bullet.convertToPic(BULLET_LGREY, 1) bullet.load(self, bullets) bullet.aim(90, 5) #lvl 2 elif self.unlocked[0] == 2: #allow a shot every 1/fps sec self.alarm = 1 #shoot a bullet if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 bullet = Bullet(DDGREY, 4, 8) bullet.convertToPic(BULLET_GREY, 1) bullet.load(self, bullets) bullet.aim(90, 10) #lvl 3 elif self.unlocked[0] == 3: #update bullet group for self self.bullets = bullets #allow a shot every 1/30 sec self.alarm = int(fps/30) #allow holding down to keep shooting self.event2 = True else: print("Error: player is trying to shoot with an incorrect upgrade selection") return -2 #missile elif self.selected == 1: #locked if self.unlocked[1] == 0: print("Warning: missile is not unlocked yet") return -1 #lvl 1 elif self.unlocked[1] == 1: #allow a shot every 1 sec self.alarm = int(fps) #shoot a missile if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 missile = MissileV3(windowSurface, MISSLE_BASIC, -90) missile.setUpdateGroup( bullets ) bullets.add( missile ) missile.setCenter( missile.setDir( random.randint(87,93) ) missile.setSpeed( random.randint(300,500)/100 ) missile.setTrailStrength(1) #lvl 2 elif self.unlocked[1] == 2: #update bullet group for self self.bullets = bullets #allow a shot every 1/2 sec self.alarm = int(fps/2) #allow holding down to keep launching self.event4 = True #lvl 3 elif self.unlocked[1] == 3: #allow a small missile every 1 sec self.alarm = int(fps*1) #25% chance for a large missile # ... #shoot 3 missiles if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 #seeking bounds bounds = [0,WINDOWWIDTH,self.rect.y,0] special = random.randint(1,4) if special == 1: # 1 big seek missile missile = MissileV3(windowSurface, MISSLE_HEAVY, -90) missile.setUpdateGroup( bullets ) bullets.add( missile ) missile.setCenter( missile.setDir( 90 ) missile.setSpeed( random.randint(200,400)/100 ), 2, bounds) missile.setTrailStrength(2) # 2 small seek missiles missile = MissileV3(windowSurface, MISSLE_BASIC, -90) missile.setUpdateGroup( bullets ) bullets.add( missile ) missile.setCenter( missile.setDir( random.randint(82,88) ) missile.setSpeed( random.randint(400,600)/100 ), 5, bounds) missile.setTrailStrength(0) missile = MissileV3(windowSurface, MISSLE_BASIC, -90) missile.setUpdateGroup( bullets ) bullets.add( missile ) missile.setCenter( missile.setDir( random.randint(92,98) ) missile.setSpeed( random.randint(400,600)/100 ), 5, bounds) missile.setTrailStrength(0) else: print("Error: player is trying to shoot with an incorrect upgrade selection") return -2 #sprayer elif self.selected == 2: #locked if self.unlocked[2] == 0: print("Warning: sprayer is not unlocked yet") return -1 #lvl 1 elif self.unlocked[2] == 1: #allow a shot every 1 sec self.alarm = int(fps) #shoot 3 bullets, 4 fragments if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 bullet = Bullet(DDGREY, 7, 7) bullet.load(self, bullets) bullet.aim(90, 4) #--1 bullet = Bullet(DDGREY, 7, 7) bullet.load(self, bullets) bullet.aim(95, 6) #--2 bullet = Bullet(DDGREY, 7, 7) bullet.load(self, bullets) bullet.aim(85, 6) #--3 #lvl 2 elif self.unlocked[2] == 2: #update bullet group for self self.bullets = bullets #allow a shot every 1/10 sec self.alarm = int(fps/10) #allow holding down to keep shooting self.event5 = True #lvl 3 elif self.unlocked[2] == 3: #update bullet group for self self.bullets = bullets #allow a shot every 1/15 sec self.alarm = int(fps/15) #allow holding down to keep shooting self.event3 = True else: print("Error: player is trying to shoot with an incorrect upgrade selection") return -2 #minions elif self.selected == 3: #locked if self.unlocked[3] == 0: print("Warning: minions are not unlocked yet") return -1 #lvl 1 elif self.unlocked[3] == 1: #allow a shot every 0.5 sec self.alarm = int(fps/2) #create a random suicide minion if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 suiciders = [MINION_1,MINION_2,MINION_3] minion = Minion(windowSurface, random.choice(suiciders), -90) minion.init() #place minion randomly in front of self # N,E,S,W bounds = [self.rect.centery-80,self.rect.centerx+50,self.rect.y-10,self.rect.centerx-50] cx = random.randint(bounds[3],bounds[1]) cy = random.randint(bounds[0],bounds[2]) minion.setCenter( (cx,cy) ) #set type, update group, target group minion.type = 1 minion.setUpdateGroup(bullets) minion.setTargetGroup(baddies) #load minion into update group bullets.add(minion) #set current minion self.currMinion = minion #lvl 2 elif self.unlocked[3] == 2: #allow a shot every 1/6 sec self.alarm = int(fps/6) #create a shooter minion if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 #only if fewer than 2 shooter-minions are alive if len(self.pop2) < 2: # bounds: N,E,S,W bounds = [self.rect.centery-35,self.rect.centerx+50,self.rect.y+15,self.rect.centerx-50] cx = random.randint(bounds[3],bounds[1]) cy = random.randint(bounds[0],bounds[2]) #pick a side this minion will be on (right/left) if cx >= WINDOWWIDTH/2: pic = MINION_4 #right side = 1 else: pic = MINION_5 #left side = 2 #create a shooter minion minion = Minion(windowSurface, pic, -90) minion.init() minion.side = side #place minion randomly in front of self minion.setCenter( (cx,cy) ) #set type, alarm, update group, target group minion.type = 2 minion.alarm = 60*2 minion.setUpdateGroup(bullets) minion.setTargetGroup(baddies) #load minion into update group, pop2 bullets.add(minion) self.pop2.append(minion) #set current minion self.currMinion = minion #lvl 3 elif self.unlocked[3] == 3: #allow a shot every 0.25 sec self.alarm = int(fps/4) #create an army minion if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 #only if fewer than 8 army-minions are alive if len(self.pop3) < 8: #create a random army minion armies = { 1 : ARMY_1, #flames 2 : ARMY_2, #missiles 3 : ARMY_3 } #lasers choice = random.randint(1,3) minion = Minion(windowSurface, armies[choice], -90) minion.init() # bounds: N,E,S,W bounds = [self.rect.centery-35,self.rect.centerx+50,self.rect.y+15,self.rect.centerx-50] cx = random.randint(bounds[3],bounds[1]) cy = random.randint(bounds[0],bounds[2]) #place minion randomly in front of self minion.setCenter( (cx,cy) ) #set type, health, subtype, alarm, update group, target group, dir minion.type = 3 = 40 if choice == 1: minion.alarm = 60/6 minion.subtype = "red" elif choice == 2: minion.alarm = 60*2 minion.subtype = "blue" elif choice == 3: minion.alarm = 60/3 minion.subtype = "green" minion.setUpdateGroup(bullets) minion.setTargetGroup(baddies) minion.setDir(90) #load minion into update group, pop3 bullets.add(minion) self.pop3.append(minion) #set current minion self.currMinion = minion else: print("Error: player is trying to shoot with an incorrect upgrade selection") return -2 #bombs (NOTE*** attractor and reflector do not attract/reflect enemies) elif self.selected == 4: #locked if self.unlocked[4] == 0: print("Warning: bombs are not unlocked yet") return -1 #lvl 1 elif self.unlocked[4] == 1: #allow a shot every 1/2 sec self.alarm = int(fps/2) #throws 1 bomb if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 bomb = Bomb(windowSurface, BOMB_SMALL) bomb.initVars() bomb.setCenter( bomb.setUpdateGroup(bullets) bomb.setDensity(15) bomb.setSmoke(5) bomb.setAmt(10) bullets.add(bomb) bomb.dir = random.randint(60, 120) bomb.speed = random.randint(115,190)/10 bomb.accel = -random.randint(5,7)/10 #lvl 2 elif self.unlocked[4] == 2: #allow a shot every 2 sec self.alarm = int(fps*2) #throws 1 reflector if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 bomb = Bomb(windowSurface, BOMB_REFLECT) bomb.initVars() bomb.setCenter( bomb.setUpdateGroup(bullets) bullets.add(bomb) bomb.dir = 90 bomb.speed = 2 bomb.setReflect(0.8) #lvl 3 elif self.unlocked[4] == 3: #allow a shot every 4 sec self.alarm = int(fps*4) #throws 1 attractor if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 #seeking bounds bounds = [0,WINDOWWIDTH,self.rect.y,0] #attractor (also launches missiles) bomb = Bomb(windowSurface, BOMB_ATTRACT) bomb.initVars() bomb.setCenter( bomb.setUpdateGroup(bullets) bullets.add(bomb) bomb.dir = 90 bomb.speed = 2 bomb.setAttract(0.7, baddies, bounds) else: print("Error: player is trying to shoot with an incorrect upgrade selection") return -2 #error else: print("Error: player is trying to shoot with an incorrect weapon selection") return -2 #if all goes well, return 0 return 0
def updateEvents(self): #movement if self.event1 == True: #stop from leaving window #left edge if self.rect.left > 0: self.rect.x += self.xspeed elif self.xspeed < 0: self.stopX() self.rect.left = 0 #right edge if self.rect.right < WINDOWWIDTH: self.rect.x += self.xspeed elif self.xspeed > 0: self.stopX() self.rect.right = WINDOWWIDTH #top edge if > 0: self.rect.y += self.yspeed elif self.yspeed < 0: self.stopY() = 0 #bottom edge if self.rect.bottom < WINDOWHEIGHT: self.rect.y += self.yspeed elif self.yspeed > 0: self.stopY() self.rect.bottom = WINDOWHEIGHT #shooting (lvl 3) if self.event2 == True: #shoot a bullet if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 bullet = Bullet(BLACK, 4, 8) bullet.convertToPic(BULLET_DGREY, 1) bullet.load(self, self.bullets) bullet.aim(90, 1) #sprayer (lvl 2) if self.event3 == True: if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 flame = FlameV2(YELLOW, 6, 6, 24, 24) flame.load(self, self.bullets, 'N') flame.aim(90, 30) flame.wiggle = True #--1 flame = FlameV2(YELLOW, 6, 6, 24, 24) flame.load(self, self.bullets, 'N') flame.aim(100, 30) #--2 flame = FlameV2(YELLOW, 6, 6, 24, 24) flame.load(self, self.bullets, 'N') flame.aim(80, 30) #--3 flame = FlameV2(YELLOW, 6, 6, 24, 24) flame.load(self, self.bullets, 'N') flame.aim(95, 15) flame.wiggle = True #--4 flame = FlameV2(YELLOW, 6, 6, 24, 24) flame.load(self, self.bullets, 'N') flame.aim(85, 15) flame.wiggle = True #--5 #missile (lvl 2) if self.event4 == True: if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 missile = MissileV3(windowSurface, MISSLE_BASIC, -90) missile.setUpdateGroup( self.bullets ) self.bullets.add( missile ) missile.setCenter( missile.setDir( random.randint(87,93) ) missile.setSpeed( random.randint(300,500)/100 ) missile.setTrailStrength(1) #sprayer (lvl 3) if self.event5 == True: if self.timer == 0: self.timer += 1 #shoot 5 different bullets side = random.randint(8,10) bullet = Bullet(DDBLUE, side,side) bullet.load(self, self.bullets) bullet.aim(90, 5) bullet.yaccel = 0.35 bullet.special_01(),14)) #--1 side = random.randint(8,10) bullet = Bullet(DDBLUE, side,side) bullet.load(self, self.bullets) bullet.aim(87, 4) bullet.yaccel = 0.35 bullet.special_01(),14)) #--2 side = random.randint(8,10) bullet = Bullet(DDBLUE, side,side) bullet.load(self, self.bullets) bullet.aim(83, 3) bullet.yaccel = 0.35 bullet.special_01(),14)) #--3 side = random.randint(8,10) bullet = Bullet(DDBLUE, side,side) bullet.load(self, self.bullets) bullet.aim(93, 4) bullet.yaccel = 0.35 bullet.special_01(),14)) #--4 side = random.randint(8,10) bullet = Bullet(DDBLUE, side,side) bullet.load(self, self.bullets) bullet.aim(97, 3) bullet.yaccel = 0.35 bullet.special_01(),14)) #--5 #update target group for current minion if self.currMinion == None and self.baddies != None: self.currMinion.setTargetGroup(self.baddies)