def DefSettings(stuff): """fucntion interacts with the user and defines all settings based on the dictionary we built""" for key,value in sorted(stuff.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][3]):##sort the dictionary OF lists based on 3rd entry gui.reset_scrn(stuff) gui.cur_pos(1,27,stuff[key][0],"4;32;40")## print out info ## if stuff[key][1] is 0: ## this is a user input feild stuff = settings.set_option(key,raw_input(key+"[\x1b[1;31;40m"+stuff[key][2]+"\x1b[0m]: "),stuff[key][2],stuff)## get input from user and place back into our settings else: ## this is just information so give the user some time to read it gui.cur_pos(1,27,stuff[key][0]+": \x1b[1;31;40m"+stuff[key][2],"1;32;40")## GREEN with RED option raw_input("Press Enter to continue installation....")
def DefSettings(stuff): """fucntion interacts with the user and defines all settings based on the dictionary we built""" for key, value in sorted(stuff.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][ 3]): ##sort the dictionary OF lists based on 3rd entry gui.reset_scrn(stuff) gui.cur_pos(1, 27, stuff[key][0], "4;32;40") ## print out info ## if stuff[key][1] is 0: ## this is a user input feild stuff = settings.set_option( key, raw_input(key + "[\x1b[1;31;40m" + stuff[key][2] + "\x1b[0m]: "), stuff[key][2], stuff) ## get input from user and place back into our settings else: ## this is just information so give the user some time to read it gui.cur_pos(1, 27, stuff[key][0] + ": \x1b[1;31;40m" + stuff[key][2], "1;32;40") ## GREEN with RED option raw_input("Press Enter to continue installation....")
def main(): ## TODO rebuild Q + A section with a loop to dynamicly load values from the settings dictionary ## ## dynamic Q + A section finished DefSettings(STUFF) gui.reset_scrn(INSTALLER_SETTINGS) gui.cur_pos(1,27,"Welcome to the MaNGOS installer.\nDurring this script we will figure out how you want your MaNGOS server set up","0;0;0") raw_input("Press Enter to initilize installer....") ## BUILD OPTIONS WITH USER INPUT ## DefSettings(INSTALLER_SETTINGS) ## Interact with user to define MaNGOS Environment Settings ## ## BUILD PATH ## gui.cur_pos(1,27,"Elivating Permissions to clean out old directory and install new user (this is completly safe as we are only erasing the mangos home folder)","0;0;0")'sudo rm -Rf '+settings.SERV_HOME))'sudo rm -Rf '+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["INSTALL_DIR"][2])) ## We end up recompiling the server and reconfiguring it during an install ##'sudo groupadd --system '+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_SYS_GROUP"][2])) ## it is ideal to run bolth services on there own group'sudo groupadd --system '+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["REALMD_SYS_GROUP"][2])) ## this is to stick with the *IX standard way of things'sudo mkdir -p '+settings.CODE_BASE))'sudo mkdir -p '+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["INSTALL_DIR"][2])) ## build the install directory and get it ready to go'sudo chown -R '+env.UserName()+':'+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_SYS_GROUP"][2]+' '+settings.CODE_BASE)) ## set perms for user to clone ##'sudo mkdir -p '+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_WEB"][2])) ## we need to add the web directory before configurin it'sudo chown -R '+env.UserName()+':'+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_SYS_GROUP"][2]+' '+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_WEB"][2])) ## change owner of the web directory ready for installing the webpage ## Initilize Repository ## gui.reset_scrn(INSTALLER_SETTINGS) gui.cur_pos(1,28,"CLONING REPOSITORY TO "+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_SERVER"][2],"1;31;40") git_server_handle = Repo.clone_from("",INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_SERVER"][2]) #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos(1,29,"CLONING REPOSITORY TO "+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_DBS"][2],"1;31;40") git_database_handle = Repo.clone_from("",INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_DBS"][2]) #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos(1,30,"CLONING REPOSITORY TO "+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_SD2"][2],"1;31;40") git_scriptdev2_handle = Repo.clone_from("",INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_SD2"][2]) #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos(1,32,"CLONING REPOSITORY TO "+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_TOOLS"][2],"1;31;40") git_tools_handle = Repo.clone_from("",INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_TOOLS"][2]) ## check and see if we are making a dry run on the compile ## if COMPILE_ONLY == False: #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos(1,31,"CLONING REPOSITORY TO "+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_WEB"][2],"1;31;40") git_web_handle = Repo.clone_from("",INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_WEB"][2]) #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos(1,32,"CLONING REPOSITORY TO "+settings.INSTALL_DIR+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_DATA_DIR"][2],"1;31;40") git_tools_handle = Repo.clone_from("",settings.INSTALL_DIR+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_DATA_DIR"][2]) ## change owner of directories ## gui.cur_pos(1,32,"Changing directory permissions on: "+settings.CODE_BASE,"1;31;40")'sudo chown -R '+env.UserName()+':'+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_SYS_GROUP"][2]+' '+settings.CODE_BASE))## set the owner of the directory so we can leave ROOT ## start the MySQL Install ## gui.reset_scrn(INSTALLER_SETTINGS) _realm_db_ = MySQLdb.connect(host=INSTALLER_SETTINGS["REALM_DB_HOST"][2], user=INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MYSQL_REALMD_ADMIN_USR"][2], passwd=INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MYSQL_REALMD_ADMIN_PASS"][2])## pull the connection settings out and pass to the MySQL Connection _realm_db_cur_ = _realm_db_.cursor() ## set up our cursor so we can comunicate with the database _realm_db_cur_.execute("CREATE USER "+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MYSQL_REALMD_USR"][2]+"@"+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["REALM_DB_HOST"][2]+" IDENTIFIED BY \'"+INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MYSQL_REALMD_PASS"][2]+"\';")## NO TRAILING ';'
def main(): ## TODO rebuild Q + A section with a loop to dynamicly load values from the settings dictionary ## ## dynamic Q + A section finished DefSettings(STUFF) gui.reset_scrn(INSTALLER_SETTINGS) gui.cur_pos( 1, 27, "Welcome to the MaNGOS installer.\nDurring this script we will figure out how you want your MaNGOS server set up", "0;0;0") raw_input("Press Enter to initilize installer....") ## BUILD OPTIONS WITH USER INPUT ## DefSettings( INSTALLER_SETTINGS ) ## Interact with user to define MaNGOS Environment Settings ## ## BUILD PATH ## gui.cur_pos( 1, 27, "Elivating Permissions to clean out old directory and install new user (this is completly safe as we are only erasing the mangos home folder)", "0;0;0")'sudo rm -Rf ' + settings.SERV_HOME)) shlex.split('sudo rm -Rf ' + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["INSTALL_DIR"][2]) ) ## We end up recompiling the server and reconfiguring it during an install ## shlex.split('sudo groupadd --system ' + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_SYS_GROUP"][2]) ) ## it is ideal to run bolth services on there own group shlex.split('sudo groupadd --system ' + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["REALMD_SYS_GROUP"][2]) ) ## this is to stick with the *IX standard way of things'sudo mkdir -p ' + settings.CODE_BASE)) shlex.split('sudo mkdir -p ' + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["INSTALL_DIR"][2]) ) ## build the install directory and get it ready to go shlex.split('sudo chown -R ' + env.UserName() + ':' + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_SYS_GROUP"][2] + ' ' + settings.CODE_BASE)) ## set perms for user to clone ## shlex.split('sudo mkdir -p ' + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_WEB"][2]) ) ## we need to add the web directory before configurin it shlex.split('sudo chown -R ' + env.UserName() + ':' + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_SYS_GROUP"][2] + ' ' + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_WEB"][2]) ) ## change owner of the web directory ready for installing the webpage ## Initilize Repository ## gui.reset_scrn(INSTALLER_SETTINGS) gui.cur_pos( 1, 28, "CLONING REPOSITORY TO " + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_SERVER"][2], "1;31;40") git_server_handle = Repo.clone_from( "", INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_SERVER"][2]) #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos( 1, 29, "CLONING REPOSITORY TO " + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_DBS"][2], "1;31;40") git_database_handle = Repo.clone_from( "", INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_DBS"][2]) #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos( 1, 30, "CLONING REPOSITORY TO " + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_SD2"][2], "1;31;40") git_scriptdev2_handle = Repo.clone_from( "", INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_SD2"][2]) #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos( 1, 32, "CLONING REPOSITORY TO " + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_TOOLS"][2], "1;31;40") git_tools_handle = Repo.clone_from( "", INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_TOOLS"][2]) ## check and see if we are making a dry run on the compile ## if COMPILE_ONLY == False: #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos( 1, 31, "CLONING REPOSITORY TO " + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_WEB"][2], "1;31;40") git_web_handle = Repo.clone_from( "", INSTALLER_SETTINGS["GIT_REPO_CI_WEB"][2]) #reset_scrn() gui.cur_pos( 1, 32, "CLONING REPOSITORY TO " + settings.INSTALL_DIR + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_DATA_DIR"][2], "1;31;40") git_tools_handle = Repo.clone_from( "", settings.INSTALL_DIR + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_DATA_DIR"][2]) ## change owner of directories ## gui.cur_pos(1, 32, "Changing directory permissions on: " + settings.CODE_BASE, "1;31;40") shlex.split('sudo chown -R ' + env.UserName() + ':' + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MANGOS_SYS_GROUP"][2] + ' ' + settings.CODE_BASE) ) ## set the owner of the directory so we can leave ROOT ## start the MySQL Install ## gui.reset_scrn(INSTALLER_SETTINGS) _realm_db_ = MySQLdb.connect( host=INSTALLER_SETTINGS["REALM_DB_HOST"][2], user=INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MYSQL_REALMD_ADMIN_USR"][2], passwd=INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MYSQL_REALMD_ADMIN_PASS"][2] ) ## pull the connection settings out and pass to the MySQL Connection _realm_db_cur_ = _realm_db_.cursor( ) ## set up our cursor so we can comunicate with the database _realm_db_cur_.execute( "CREATE USER " + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MYSQL_REALMD_USR"][2] + "@" + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["REALM_DB_HOST"][2] + " IDENTIFIED BY \'" + INSTALLER_SETTINGS["MYSQL_REALMD_PASS"][2] + "\';") ## NO TRAILING ';'